function test() { $this->result = SimplePie_Misc::parse_date($this->data); }
* @license BSD License * @todo phpDoc comments */ /** * SimplePie Name */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAME', 'SimplePie'); /** * SimplePie Version */ define('SIMPLEPIE_VERSION', '1.3-dev'); /** * SimplePie Build * @todo Hardcode for release (there's no need to have to call SimplePie_Misc::parse_date() only every load of */ define('SIMPLEPIE_BUILD', gmdate('YmdHis', SimplePie_Misc::parse_date(substr('$Date$', 7, 25)) ? SimplePie_Misc::parse_date(substr('$Date$', 7, 25)) : filemtime(__FILE__))); /** * SimplePie Website URL */ define('SIMPLEPIE_URL', ''); /** * SimplePie Useragent * @see SimplePie::set_useragent() */ define('SIMPLEPIE_USERAGENT', SIMPLEPIE_NAME . '/' . SIMPLEPIE_VERSION . ' (Feed Parser; ' . SIMPLEPIE_URL . '; Allow like Gecko) Build/' . SIMPLEPIE_BUILD); /** * SimplePie Linkback */ define('SIMPLEPIE_LINKBACK', '<a href="' . SIMPLEPIE_URL . '" title="' . SIMPLEPIE_NAME . ' ' . SIMPLEPIE_VERSION . '">' . SIMPLEPIE_NAME . '</a>'); /** * No Autodiscovery
/** * Load Events * * Load Google Calendar events from SimplePie object * * @access public * @param SimplePie object * @return void */ function _load_events($feed) { foreach ($feed->get_items() as $event) { // grab Google-namespaced tags (<gd:when>, <gd:where>, etc.) $when = $event->get_item_tags('', 'when'); $where = $event->get_item_tags('', 'where'); $location = $where[0]['attribs']['']['valueString']; $startTime = $when[0]['attribs']['']['startTime']; $startTime = SimplePie_Misc::parse_date($startTime); $endTime = $when[0]['attribs']['']['endTime']; $endTime = SimplePie_Misc::parse_date($endTime); // provide event only if there's actually a title here (private events don't have titles) if (strlen(trim($event->get_title())) > 1) { $this->events[] = array('title' => $event->get_title(), 'description' => $event->get_description(), 'link' => $event->get_link(), 'start_time' => $startTime, 'end_time' => $endTime, 'location' => $location); } } }
* @license BSD License * @todo phpDoc comments */ /** * SimplePie Name */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAME', 'SimplePie'); /** * SimplePie Version */ define('SIMPLEPIE_VERSION', 'Pecan'); /** * SimplePie Build * @todo Hardcode for release (there's no need to have to call SimplePie_Misc::parse_date() only every load of */ define('SIMPLEPIE_BUILD', gmdate('YmdHis', SimplePie_Misc::parse_date(substr('$Date: 2009-12-02 15:07:07 +0300 (Ср, 02 дек 2009) $', 7, 25)) ? SimplePie_Misc::parse_date(substr('$Date: 2009-12-02 15:07:07 +0300 (Ср, 02 дек 2009) $', 7, 25)) : filemtime(__FILE__))); /** * SimplePie Website URL */ define('SIMPLEPIE_URL', ''); /** * SimplePie Useragent * @see SimplePie::set_useragent() */ define('SIMPLEPIE_USERAGENT', SIMPLEPIE_NAME . '/' . SIMPLEPIE_VERSION . ' (Feed Parser; ' . SIMPLEPIE_URL . '; Allow like Gecko) Build/' . SIMPLEPIE_BUILD); /** * SimplePie Linkback */ define('SIMPLEPIE_LINKBACK', '<a href="' . SIMPLEPIE_URL . '" title="' . SIMPLEPIE_NAME . ' ' . SIMPLEPIE_VERSION . '">' . SIMPLEPIE_NAME . '</a>'); /** * No Autodiscovery
function get_date($date_format = 'j F Y, g:i a') { if (!isset($this->data['date'])) { if ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'published')) { $this->data['date']['raw'] = $return[0]['data']; } elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'updated')) { $this->data['date']['raw'] = $return[0]['data']; } elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'issued')) { $this->data['date']['raw'] = $return[0]['data']; } elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'created')) { $this->data['date']['raw'] = $return[0]['data']; } elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'modified')) { $this->data['date']['raw'] = $return[0]['data']; } elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags('', 'pubDate')) { $this->data['date']['raw'] = $return[0]['data']; } elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_11, 'date')) { $this->data['date']['raw'] = $return[0]['data']; } elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_10, 'date')) { $this->data['date']['raw'] = $return[0]['data']; } if (!empty($this->data['date']['raw'])) { $this->data['date']['parsed'] = SimplePie_Misc::parse_date($this->data['date']['raw']); } else { $this->data['date'] = null; } } if ($this->data['date']) { $date_format = (string) $date_format; switch ($date_format) { case '': return $this->sanitize($this->data['date']['raw'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); case 'U': return $this->data['date']['parsed']; default: return date($date_format, $this->data['date']['parsed']); } } else { return null; } }
$author = strtolower($dynamicMeta[$cType_value . '_author']); } for ($count = 0, $index = 0; $index < $feedItems; $index++) { // Exp 1) Start $count and $index at 0; Exp 2) If $index is less than the total number of feed items, continue; Exp 3) Increment $index at the end of each iteration $item = $feed->get_item($index); // Get each feed item starting with the first, if ($count < $limit) { // and continue as long as the number of items to display is less than the limit (or until Exp 2 in the For loop returns false). Here instead of the For loop because the result is only taken from the last part of Exp 2 // Individual event (feed item) author $postAuthor = strtolower($item->get_author()->get_name()); // Individual event time info $when = $item->get_item_tags('', 'when'); // Get the Google-namespaced <gd:when> tag $date = $when[0]['attribs']['']['startTime']; // Get the startTime attribute $sortDate = SimplePie_Misc::parse_date($date); // Convert to UNIX timestamp - this will be used for sorting $displayDate = date('M d, g:i a', $sortDate); // A more readable date for displaying // Individual location info $where = $item->get_item_tags('', 'where'); // Get the Google-namespaced <gd:where> tag $venueName = $where[0]['attribs']['']['valueString']; // Get the valueString attribute (the venue name) $venueLink = $where[0]['child']['']['entryLink'][0]['attribs']['']['href']; // Get the entryLink href value (the venue link) $venueAddress = $where[0]['child']['']['entryLink'][0]['child']['']['entry'][0]['child']['']['postalAddress'][0]['data']; // Get the... event address // Individual event cost info $extendedProperty = $item->get_item_tags('', 'extendedProperty'); // Get the Google-namespaced <gd:extendedProperty> tag