Пример #1
  * Add sql params for shops fields - specific to StockAvailable
  * @param array $params Reference to the params array
  * @param int $id_shop Optional : The shop ID
 public static function addSqlShopParams(&$params, $id_shop = null)
     $context = Context::getContext();
     $group_ok = false;
     // if there is no $id_shop, gets the context one
     // get shop group too
     if ($id_shop === null) {
         if (Shop::getContext() == Shop::CONTEXT_GROUP) {
             $shop_group = Shop::getContextShopGroup();
         } else {
             $shop_group = $context->shop->getGroup();
             $id_shop = $context->shop->id;
     } else {
         $shop = new Shop($id_shop);
         $shop_group = $shop->getGroup();
     // if quantities are shared between shops of the group
     if ($shop_group->share_stock) {
         $params['id_shop_group'] = (int) $shop_group->id;
         $params['id_shop'] = 0;
         $group_ok = true;
     } else {
         $params['id_shop_group'] = 0;
     // if no group specific restriction, set simple shop restriction
     if (!$group_ok) {
         $params['id_shop'] = (int) $id_shop;
 public function customerImport()
     $customer_exist = false;
     $handle = $this->openCsvFile();
     $default_language_id = (int) Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT');
     $id_lang = Language::getIdByIso(Tools::getValue('iso_lang'));
     if (!Validate::isUnsignedId($id_lang)) {
         $id_lang = $default_language_id;
     for ($current_line = 0; $line = fgetcsv($handle, MAX_LINE_SIZE, $this->separator); $current_line++) {
         if (Tools::getValue('convert')) {
             $line = $this->utf8EncodeArray($line);
         $info = AdminImportController::getMaskedRow($line);
         if (Tools::getValue('forceIDs') && isset($info['id']) && (int) $info['id']) {
             $customer = new Customer((int) $info['id']);
         } else {
             if (array_key_exists('id', $info) && (int) $info['id'] && Customer::customerIdExistsStatic((int) $info['id'])) {
                 $customer = new Customer((int) $info['id']);
             } else {
                 $customer = new Customer();
         if (array_key_exists('id', $info) && (int) $info['id'] && Customer::customerIdExistsStatic((int) $info['id'])) {
             $current_id_customer = $customer->id;
             $current_id_shop = $customer->id_shop;
             $current_id_shop_group = $customer->id_shop_group;
             $customer_exist = true;
             $customer_groups = $customer->getGroups();
             $addresses = $customer->getAddresses((int) Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'));
         // Group Importation
         if (isset($info['group']) && !empty($info['group'])) {
             foreach (explode($this->multiple_value_separator, $info['group']) as $key => $group) {
                 $group = trim($group);
                 if (empty($group)) {
                 $id_group = false;
                 if (is_numeric($group) && $group) {
                     $my_group = new Group((int) $group);
                     if (Validate::isLoadedObject($my_group)) {
                         $customer_groups[] = (int) $group;
                 $my_group = Group::searchByName($group);
                 if (isset($my_group['id_group']) && $my_group['id_group']) {
                     $id_group = (int) $my_group['id_group'];
                 if (!$id_group) {
                     $my_group = new Group();
                     $my_group->name = array($id_lang => $group);
                     if ($id_lang != $default_language_id) {
                         $my_group->name = $my_group->name + array($default_language_id => $group);
                     $my_group->price_display_method = 1;
                     if (Validate::isLoadedObject($my_group)) {
                         $id_group = (int) $my_group->id;
                 if ($id_group) {
                     $customer_groups[] = (int) $id_group;
         } elseif (empty($info['group']) && isset($customer->id) && $customer->id) {
             $customer_groups = array(0 => Configuration::get('PS_CUSTOMER_GROUP'));
         AdminImportController::arrayWalk($info, array('AdminImportController', 'fillInfo'), $customer);
         if ($customer->passwd) {
             $customer->passwd = Tools::encrypt($customer->passwd);
         $id_shop_list = explode($this->multiple_value_separator, $customer->id_shop);
         $customers_shop = array();
         $customers_shop['shared'] = array();
         $default_shop = new Shop((int) Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT'));
         if (Shop::isFeatureActive() && $id_shop_list) {
             foreach ($id_shop_list as $id_shop) {
                 if (empty($id_shop)) {
                 $shop = new Shop((int) $id_shop);
                 $group_shop = $shop->getGroup();
                 if ($group_shop->share_customer) {
                     if (!in_array($group_shop->id, $customers_shop['shared'])) {
                         $customers_shop['shared'][(int) $id_shop] = $group_shop->id;
                 } else {
                     $customers_shop[(int) $id_shop] = $group_shop->id;
         } else {
             $default_shop = new Shop((int) Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT'));
             $customers_shop[$default_shop->id] = $default_shop->getGroup()->id;
         //set temporally for validate field
         $customer->id_shop = $default_shop->id;
         $customer->id_shop_group = $default_shop->getGroup()->id;
         if (isset($info['id_default_group']) && !empty($info['id_default_group']) && !is_numeric($info['id_default_group'])) {
             $info['id_default_group'] = trim($info['id_default_group']);
             $my_group = Group::searchByName($info['id_default_group']);
             if (isset($my_group['id_group']) && $my_group['id_group']) {
                 $info['id_default_group'] = (int) $my_group['id_group'];
         $my_group = new Group($customer->id_default_group);
         if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($my_group)) {
             $customer->id_default_group = (int) Configuration::get('PS_CUSTOMER_GROUP');
         $customer_groups[] = (int) $customer->id_default_group;
         $customer_groups = array_flip(array_flip($customer_groups));
         $res = true;
         if (($field_error = $customer->validateFields(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true && ($lang_field_error = $customer->validateFieldsLang(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true) {
             foreach ($customers_shop as $id_shop => $id_group) {
                 $customer->force_id = (bool) Tools::getValue('forceIDs');
                 if ($id_shop == 'shared') {
                     foreach ($id_group as $key => $id) {
                         $customer->id_shop = (int) $key;
                         $customer->id_shop_group = (int) $id;
                         if ($customer_exist && ($current_id_shop_group == $id || in_array($current_id_shop, ShopGroup::getShopsFromGroup($id)))) {
                             $customer->id = $current_id_customer;
                             $res &= $customer->update();
                         } else {
                             $res &= $customer->add();
                             if (isset($addresses)) {
                                 foreach ($addresses as $address) {
                                     $address['id_customer'] = $customer->id;
                                     unset($address['country'], $address['state'], $address['state_iso'], $address['id_address']);
                                     Db::getInstance()->insert('address', $address);
                         if ($res && isset($customer_groups)) {
                 } else {
                     $customer->id_shop = $id_shop;
                     $customer->id_shop_group = $id_group;
                     if ($customer_exist && $id_shop == $current_id_shop) {
                         $customer->id = $current_id_customer;
                         $res &= $customer->update();
                     } else {
                         $res &= $customer->add();
                         if (isset($addresses)) {
                             foreach ($addresses as $address) {
                                 $address['id_customer'] = $customer->id;
                                 unset($address['country'], $address['state'], $address['state_iso'], $address['id_address']);
                                 Db::getInstance()->insert('address', $address);
                     if ($res && isset($customer_groups)) {
         $customer_exist = false;
         if (!$res) {
             $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('%1$s (ID: %2$s) cannot be saved'), $info['email'], isset($info['id']) && !empty($info['id']) ? $info['id'] : 'null');
             $this->errors[] = ($field_error !== true ? $field_error : '') . (isset($lang_field_error) && $lang_field_error !== true ? $lang_field_error : '') . Db::getInstance()->getMsgError();
Пример #3
 protected function customerImportOne($info, $default_language_id, $id_lang, $shop_is_feature_active, $force_ids, $validateOnly = false)
     if ($force_ids && isset($info['id']) && (int) $info['id']) {
         $customer = new Customer((int) $info['id']);
     } else {
         if (array_key_exists('id', $info) && (int) $info['id'] && Customer::customerIdExistsStatic((int) $info['id'])) {
             $customer = new Customer((int) $info['id']);
         } else {
             $customer = new Customer();
     $customer_exist = false;
     $autodate = true;
     if (array_key_exists('id', $info) && (int) $info['id'] && Customer::customerIdExistsStatic((int) $info['id']) && Validate::isLoadedObject($customer)) {
         $current_id_customer = (int) $customer->id;
         $current_id_shop = (int) $customer->id_shop;
         $current_id_shop_group = (int) $customer->id_shop_group;
         $customer_exist = true;
         $customer_groups = $customer->getGroups();
         $addresses = $customer->getAddresses((int) Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'));
     // Group Importation
     if (isset($info['group']) && !empty($info['group'])) {
         foreach (explode($this->multiple_value_separator, $info['group']) as $key => $group) {
             $group = trim($group);
             if (empty($group)) {
             $id_group = false;
             if (is_numeric($group) && $group) {
                 $my_group = new Group((int) $group);
                 if (Validate::isLoadedObject($my_group)) {
                     $customer_groups[] = (int) $group;
             $my_group = Group::searchByName($group);
             if (isset($my_group['id_group']) && $my_group['id_group']) {
                 $id_group = (int) $my_group['id_group'];
             if (!$id_group) {
                 $my_group = new Group();
                 $my_group->name = array($id_lang => $group);
                 if ($id_lang != $default_language_id) {
                     $my_group->name = $my_group->name + array($default_language_id => $group);
                 $my_group->price_display_method = 1;
                 if (!$validateOnly) {
                     if (Validate::isLoadedObject($my_group)) {
                         $id_group = (int) $my_group->id;
             if ($id_group) {
                 $customer_groups[] = (int) $id_group;
     } elseif (empty($info['group']) && isset($customer->id) && $customer->id) {
         $customer_groups = array(0 => Configuration::get('PS_CUSTOMER_GROUP'));
     if (isset($info['date_add']) && !empty($info['date_add'])) {
         $autodate = false;
     AdminImportController::arrayWalk($info, array('AdminImportController', 'fillInfo'), $customer);
     if ($customer->passwd) {
         $customer->passwd = Tools::encrypt($customer->passwd);
     $id_shop_list = explode($this->multiple_value_separator, $customer->id_shop);
     $customers_shop = array();
     $customers_shop['shared'] = array();
     $default_shop = new Shop((int) Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT'));
     if ($shop_is_feature_active && $id_shop_list) {
         foreach ($id_shop_list as $id_shop) {
             if (empty($id_shop)) {
             $shop = new Shop((int) $id_shop);
             $group_shop = $shop->getGroup();
             if ($group_shop->share_customer) {
                 if (!in_array($group_shop->id, $customers_shop['shared'])) {
                     $customers_shop['shared'][(int) $id_shop] = $group_shop->id;
             } else {
                 $customers_shop[(int) $id_shop] = $group_shop->id;
     } else {
         $default_shop = new Shop((int) Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT'));
         $customers_shop[$default_shop->id] = $default_shop->getGroup()->id;
     //set temporary for validate field
     $customer->id_shop = $default_shop->id;
     $customer->id_shop_group = $default_shop->getGroup()->id;
     if (isset($info['id_default_group']) && !empty($info['id_default_group']) && !is_numeric($info['id_default_group'])) {
         $info['id_default_group'] = trim($info['id_default_group']);
         $my_group = Group::searchByName($info['id_default_group']);
         if (isset($my_group['id_group']) && $my_group['id_group']) {
             $info['id_default_group'] = (int) $my_group['id_group'];
     $my_group = new Group($customer->id_default_group);
     if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($my_group)) {
         $customer->id_default_group = (int) Configuration::get('PS_CUSTOMER_GROUP');
     $customer_groups[] = (int) $customer->id_default_group;
     $customer_groups = array_flip(array_flip($customer_groups));
     // Bug when updating existing user that were csv-imported before...
     if (isset($customer->date_upd) && $customer->date_upd == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
         $customer->date_upd = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $res = false;
     if (($field_error = $customer->validateFields(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true && ($lang_field_error = $customer->validateFieldsLang(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true) {
         $res = true;
         foreach ($customers_shop as $id_shop => $id_group) {
             $customer->force_id = (bool) $force_ids;
             if ($id_shop == 'shared') {
                 foreach ($id_group as $key => $id) {
                     $customer->id_shop = (int) $key;
                     $customer->id_shop_group = (int) $id;
                     if ($customer_exist && ((int) $current_id_shop_group == (int) $id || in_array($current_id_shop, ShopGroup::getShopsFromGroup($id)))) {
                         $customer->id = (int) $current_id_customer;
                         $res &= $validateOnly || $customer->update();
                     } else {
                         $res &= $validateOnly || $customer->add($autodate);
                         if (!$validateOnly && isset($addresses)) {
                             foreach ($addresses as $address) {
                                 $address['id_customer'] = $customer->id;
                                 unset($address['country'], $address['state'], $address['state_iso'], $address['id_address']);
                                 Db::getInstance()->insert('address', $address, false, false);
                     if ($res && !$validateOnly && isset($customer_groups)) {
             } else {
                 $customer->id_shop = $id_shop;
                 $customer->id_shop_group = $id_group;
                 if ($customer_exist && (int) $id_shop == (int) $current_id_shop) {
                     $customer->id = (int) $current_id_customer;
                     $res &= $validateOnly || $customer->update();
                 } else {
                     $res &= $validateOnly || $customer->add($autodate);
                     if (!$validateOnly && isset($addresses)) {
                         foreach ($addresses as $address) {
                             $address['id_customer'] = $customer->id;
                             unset($address['country'], $address['state'], $address['state_iso'], $address['id_address']);
                             Db::getInstance()->insert('address', $address, false, false);
                 if ($res && !$validateOnly && isset($customer_groups)) {
     if (isset($customer_groups)) {
     if (isset($current_id_customer)) {
     if (isset($current_id_shop)) {
     if (isset($current_id_shop_group)) {
     if (isset($addresses)) {
     if (!$res) {
         $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('%1$s (ID: %2$s) cannot be ' . ($validateOnly ? 'validated' : 'saved')), $info['email'], isset($info['id']) && !empty($info['id']) ? $info['id'] : 'null');
         $this->errors[] = ($field_error !== true ? $field_error : '') . (isset($lang_field_error) && $lang_field_error !== true ? $lang_field_error : '') . Db::getInstance()->getMsgError();
Пример #4
 public function customerImport()
     $customer_exist = false;
     $handle = $this->openCsvFile();
     for ($current_line = 0; $line = fgetcsv($handle, MAX_LINE_SIZE, $this->separator); $current_line++) {
         if (Tools::getValue('convert')) {
             $line = $this->utf8EncodeArray($line);
         $info = AdminImportController::getMaskedRow($line);
         if (array_key_exists('id', $info) && (int) $info['id'] && Customer::customerIdExistsStatic((int) $info['id'])) {
             $customer = new Customer((int) $info['id']);
             $current_id_customer = $customer->id;
             $current_id_shop = $customer->id_shop;
             $current_id_shop_group = $customer->id_shop_group;
             $customer_exist = true;
             $customer_groups = $customer->getGroups();
             $addresses = $customer->getAddresses((int) Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'));
             foreach ($customer_groups as $key => $group) {
                 if ($group == $customer->id_default_group) {
         } else {
             $customer = new Customer();
         AdminImportController::arrayWalk($info, array('AdminImportController', 'fillInfo'), $customer);
         if ($customer->passwd) {
             $customer->passwd = Tools::encrypt($customer->passwd);
         $id_shop_list = explode($this->multiple_value_separator, $customer->id_shop);
         $customers_shop = array();
         $customers_shop['shared'] = array();
         $default_shop = new Shop((int) Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT'));
         if (Shop::isFeatureActive() && $id_shop_list) {
             foreach ($id_shop_list as $id_shop) {
                 $shop = new Shop((int) $id_shop);
                 $group_shop = $shop->getGroup();
                 if ($group_shop->share_customer) {
                     if (!in_array($group_shop->id, $customers_shop['shared'])) {
                         $customers_shop['shared'][(int) $id_shop] = $group_shop->id;
                 } else {
                     $customers_shop[(int) $id_shop] = $group_shop->id;
         } else {
             $default_shop = new Shop((int) Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT'));
             $customers_shop[$default_shop->id] = $default_shop->getGroup()->id;
         //set temporally for validate field
         $customer->id_shop = $default_shop->id;
         $customer->id_shop_group = $default_shop->getGroup()->id;
         $res = true;
         if (($field_error = $customer->validateFields(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true && ($lang_field_error = $customer->validateFieldsLang(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true) {
             foreach ($customers_shop as $id_shop => $id_group) {
                 if ($id_shop == 'shared') {
                     foreach ($id_group as $key => $id) {
                         $customer->id_shop = (int) $key;
                         $customer->id_shop_group = (int) $id;
                         if ($customer_exist && ($current_id_shop_group == $id || in_array($current_id_shop, ShopGroup::getShopsFromGroup($id)))) {
                             $customer->id = $current_id_customer;
                             $res &= $customer->update();
                         } else {
                             $res &= $customer->add();
                             if (isset($customer_groups)) {
                             if (isset($addresses)) {
                                 foreach ($addresses as $address) {
                                     $address['id_customer'] = $customer->id;
                                     unset($address['country'], $address['state'], $address['state_iso'], $address['id_address']);
                                     Db::getInstance()->insert('address', $address);
                 } else {
                     $customer->id_shop = $id_shop;
                     $customer->id_shop_group = $id_group;
                     if ($customer_exist && $id_shop == $current_id_shop) {
                         $customer->id = $current_id_customer;
                         $res &= $customer->update();
                     } else {
                         $res &= $customer->add();
                         if (isset($customer_groups)) {
                         if (isset($addresses)) {
                             foreach ($addresses as $address) {
                                 $address['id_customer'] = $customer->id;
                                 unset($address['country'], $address['state'], $address['state_iso'], $address['id_address']);
                                 Db::getInstance()->insert('address', $address);
         $customer_exist = false;
         if (!$res) {
             $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('%1$s (ID: %2$s) cannot be saved'), $info['email'], isset($info['id']) ? $info['id'] : 'null');
             $this->errors[] = ($field_error !== true ? $field_error : '') . ($lang_field_error !== true ? $lang_field_error : '') . Db::getInstance()->getMsgError();