fill_parameters() публичный статический Метод

public static fill_parameters ( $required, $provided, $context, $source )
  * Parse this node.
  * Set passed arguments and any optional arguments not passed to their
  * defaults, then render the children of the mixin definition.
  * @param SassContext the context in which this node is parsed
  * @return array the parsed node
 public function parse($pcontext)
     $mixin = $pcontext->getMixin($this->name);
     $context = new SassContext($pcontext);
     $context->content = $this->children;
     $argc = count($this->args);
     $count = 0;
     list($arguments) = SassScriptFunction::fill_parameters($mixin->args, $this->args, $context, $this);
     $children = array();
     foreach ($mixin->children as $child) {
         $child->parent = $this;
         $children = array_merge($children, $child->parse($context));
     // $context->merge();
     return $children;
  * Evalutes the function in the given context, with the provided arguments
  * @param SassContext - the parent context
  * @param array - the list of provided variables
  * @throws SassReturn - if the @return is fired then this is thrown to break early
  * @return SassBoolean(false) - if no @return was fired, return false
 public function execute($pcontext, $provided)
     list($arguments, $context) = SassScriptFunction::fill_parameters($this->args, $provided, $pcontext, $this);
     $parser = $this->parent->parser;
     $children = array();
     try {
         foreach ($this->children as $child) {
             $child->parent = $this;
             $children = array_merge($children, $child->parse($context));
     } catch (SassReturn $e) {
         return $e->value;
     return new SassBoolean('false');