Пример #1
function _SOAP_SentRemoteCommand($SOAPUser, $SOAPPassword, $RealmID, $COMMAND)
    $SOAP = new SOAP(array("soap_user" => "" . $SOAPUser . "", "soap_pass" => "" . $SOAPPassword . "", "soap_port" => "" . _SOAPPSwitch($RealmID) . "", "addr" => "" . _SOAPHSwitch($RealmID) . "", "uri" => "" . _SOAPURISwitch($RealmID) . ""));
    //echo "<br/>". $SOAP->fetch("". $COMMAND ."") ."<br/>";
Пример #2
 public function getStudentById($id, $term)
     // Sanity checking on the Banner ID
     $id = trim($id);
     if (!isset($id) || empty($id) || $id == '') {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Missing Banner id. Please enter a valid Banner ID (nine digits).');
     if (strlen($id) > 9 || strlen($id) < 9 || !preg_match("/^[0-9]{9}\$/", $id)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('That was not a valid Banner ID. Please enter a valid Banner ID (nine digits).');
     $student = new Student();
     $soap = SOAP::getInstance(UserStatus::getUsername(), UserStatus::isAdmin() ? SOAP::ADMIN_USER : SOAP::STUDENT_USER);
     $soapData = $soap->getStudentProfile($id, $term);
     if ($soapData->error_num == 1101 && $soapData->error_desc == 'LookupStudentID') {
         PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'exception/StudentNotFoundException.php');
         throw new StudentNotFoundException('No matching student found.');
     } elseif (isset($soapData->error_num) && $soapData->error_num > 0) {
         throw new SOAPException("Error while accessing SOAP interface: {$soapData->error_desc} ({$soapData->error_num})", $soapData->error_num, 'getStudentProfile', array($id, $term));
     SOAPDataProvider::plugSOAPData($student, $soapData);
     $dataOverride = new SOAPDataOverride();
     return $student;
Пример #3
  * Get an instance of the singleton.
  * @param string $username User name of the currently logged in user
  * @param enum   $userType Type of user, as set in defines
  * @return SOAP - Instance of the SOAP class.
 public static function getInstance($username, $userType)
     if (!isset($username) || is_null($username)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Missing Username.');
     if (!isset($userType) || is_null($userType)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Missing user type.');
     if (empty(self::$instance)) {
         if (SOAP_INFO_TEST_FLAG) {
             PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', SOAP_OVERRIDE_FILE);
             self::$instance = new TestSOAP($username, $userType);
         } else {
             PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'PhpSOAP.php');
             self::$instance = new PhpSOAP($username, $userType);
     return self::$instance;
Пример #4
 public function execute(CommandContext $context)
     if (!Current_User::allow('hms', 'lottery_admin')) {
         PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'exception/PermissionException.php');
         throw new PermissionException('You do not have permission to administer re-application features.');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Eligibility_Waiver.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'SOAP.php');
     $usernames = explode("\n", $context->get('usernames'));
     $term = PHPWS_Settings::get('hms', 'lottery_term');
     $soap = SOAP::getInstance(UserStatus::getUsername(), UserStatus::isAdmin() ? SOAP::ADMIN_USER : SOAP::STUDENT_USER);
     $error = false;
     foreach ($usernames as $user) {
         $trimmed = trim($user);
         // Check for blank lines and skip them
         if ($trimmed == '') {
         // Remove everything after '@'.
         $splode = explode('@', $trimmed);
         $user = trim($splode[0]);
         # Username is at [0]
         if ($user == '') {
         if (!$soap->isValidStudent($user, $term)) {
             NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::ERROR, "Invalid username: {$user}");
             $error = true;
         } else {
             $waiver = new HMS_Eligibility_Waiver($user, $term);
             $result = $waiver->save();
             if (!$result) {
                 NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::ERROR, 'Error creating waiver for: ' . $user);
                 $error = true;
     if (!$error) {
         NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::SUCCESS, 'Waivers created successfully.');
     $cmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowLotteryEligibilityWaiver');
Пример #5
 protected function processTransaction(SOAP $sSOAPClient, $szMessageXMLPath, $szGatewayOutputXMLPath, $szTransactionMessageXMLPath, SimpleXMLElement &$sxXmlDocument = null, GatewayOutput &$goGatewayOutput = null, GatewayEntryPointList &$lgepGatewayEntryPoints = null)
     $boTransactionSubmitted = false;
     $nOverallRetryCount = 0;
     $nOverallGatewayEntryPointCount = 0;
     $nGatewayEntryPointCount = 0;
     $nErrorMessageCount = 0;
     $szMessage = null;
     $nCount = 0;
     $nTempValue = 0;
     $gepGatewayEntryPoint = null;
     $boAuthorisationAttempted = null;
     $szPassOutData = null;
     //$szPreviousCrossReference = null;
     $nPreviousStatusCode = null;
     $szPreviousMessage = null;
     $ptdPreviousTransactionResult = null;
     $ResponseDocument = null;
     $ResponseMethod = null;
     $lgepGatewayEntryPoints = null;
     $goGatewayOutput = null;
     if ($sSOAPClient == null) {
         return false;
     // populate the merchant details
     if ($this->m_mdMerchantAuthentication != null) {
         if (!SharedFunctions::isStringNullOrEmpty($this->m_mdMerchantAuthentication->getMerchantID())) {
             $sSOAPClient->addParamAttribute($szMessageXMLPath . '.MerchantAuthentication', 'MerchantID', $this->m_mdMerchantAuthentication->getMerchantID());
         if (!SharedFunctions::isStringNullOrEmpty($this->m_mdMerchantAuthentication->getPassword())) {
             $sSOAPClient->addParamAttribute($szMessageXMLPath . '.MerchantAuthentication', 'Password', $this->m_mdMerchantAuthentication->getPassword());
     // populate the passout data
     if (!SharedFunctions::isStringNullOrEmpty($this->m_szPassOutData)) {
         $sSOAPClient->addParam($szMessageXMLPath . '.PassOutData', $this->m_szPassOutData, null);
     // first need to sort the gateway entry points into the correct usage order
     $number = $this->m_lrgepRequestGatewayEntryPoints->sort('GatewayTransaction', 'Compare');
     // loop over the overall number of transaction attempts
     while (!$boTransactionSubmitted && $nOverallRetryCount < $this->m_nRetryAttempts) {
         $nOverallGatewayEntryPointCount = 0;
         // loop over the number of gateway entry points in the list
         while (!$boTransactionSubmitted && $nOverallGatewayEntryPointCount < $this->m_lrgepRequestGatewayEntryPoints->getCount()) {
             $rgepCurrentGatewayEntryPoint = $this->m_lrgepRequestGatewayEntryPoints->getAt($nOverallGatewayEntryPointCount);
             // ignore if the metric is "-1" this indicates that the entry point is offline
             if ($rgepCurrentGatewayEntryPoint->getMetric() >= 0) {
                 $nGatewayEntryPointCount = 0;
                 // loop over the number of times to try this specific entry point
                 while (!$boTransactionSubmitted && $nGatewayEntryPointCount < $rgepCurrentGatewayEntryPoint->getRetryAttempts()) {
                     if ($sSOAPClient->sendRequest($ResponseDocument, $ResponseMethod)) {
                         //getting the valid transaction type document format
                         $sxXmlDocument = $ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod};
                         $lszErrorMessages = new StringList();
                         $nStatusCode = (int) current($ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szGatewayOutputXMLPath}->StatusCode[0]);
                         // a status code of 50 means that this entry point is not to be used
                         if ($nStatusCode != 50) {
                             // the transaction was submitted
                             $boTransactionSubmitted = true;
                             if ($ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szGatewayOutputXMLPath}->Message) {
                                 $szMessage = current($ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szGatewayOutputXMLPath}->Message[0]);
                             if ($ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szGatewayOutputXMLPath}->ErrorMessages) {
                                 foreach ($ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szGatewayOutputXMLPath}->ErrorMessages->MessageDetail as $key => $value) {
                             if ($ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szGatewayOutputXMLPath}->attributes()) {
                                 foreach ($ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szGatewayOutputXMLPath}->attributes() as $key => $value) {
                                     $boAuthorisationAttempted = current($value);
                                     if (strtolower($boAuthorisationAttempted) == 'false') {
                                         $boAuthorisationAttempted = new NullableBool(false);
                                     } elseif (strtolower($boAuthorisationAttempted) == 'true') {
                                         $boAuthorisationAttempted = new NullableBool(true);
                                     } else {
                                         throw new Exception('Return value must be true or false');
                             if ($ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szGatewayOutputXMLPath}->PassOutData) {
                                 $szPassOutData = current($ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szGatewayOutputXMLPath}->PassOutData[0]);
                             } else {
                                 $szPassOutData = null;
                             //check to see if there is any previous transaction data
                             if ($ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szGatewayOutputXMLPath}->PreviousTransactionResult->StatusCode) {
                                 $nPreviousStatusCode = new NullableInt(current($ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szGatewayOutputXMLPath}->PreviousTransactionResult->StatusCode[0]));
                             } else {
                                 $nPreviousStatusCode = null;
                             if ($ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szGatewayOutputXMLPath}->PreviousTransactionResult->Message) {
                                 $szPreviousMessage = current($ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szGatewayOutputXMLPath}->PreviousTransactionResult->Message[0]);
                             if ($nPreviousStatusCode != null && !SharedFunctions::isStringNullOrEmpty($szPreviousMessage)) {
                                 $ptdPreviousTransactionResult = new PreviousTransactionResult($nPreviousStatusCode, $szPreviousMessage);
                             $goGatewayOutput = new GatewayOutput($nStatusCode, $szMessage, $szPassOutData, $boAuthorisationAttempted, $ptdPreviousTransactionResult, $lszErrorMessages);
                             // look to see if there are any gateway entry points
                             $nCount = 0;
                             //$szXMLFormatString = $ResponseDocument->$ResponseMethod->$szTransactionMessageXMLPath->GatewayEntryPoints->GatewayEntryPoint;
                             $nMetric = -1;
                             if ($ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szTransactionMessageXMLPath}->GatewayEntryPoints) {
                                 if ($ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szTransactionMessageXMLPath}->GatewayEntryPoints->GatewayEntryPoint) {
                                     $szXMLFormatString = $ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szTransactionMessageXMLPath}->GatewayEntryPoints->GatewayEntryPoint;
                                     foreach ($szXMLFormatString->attributes() as $key => $value) {
                                         if (is_numeric(current($value))) {
                                             $nMetric = current($value);
                                         } else {
                                             $szEntryPointURL = current($value);
                                     //$gepGatewayEntryPoint = new GatewayEntryPoint($szEntryPointURL, $nMetric);
                                     if ($lgepGatewayEntryPoints == null) {
                                         $lgepGatewayEntryPoints = new GatewayEntryPointList();
                                     $lgepGatewayEntryPoints->add($szEntryPointURL, $nMetric);
     $this->m_szLastRequest = $sSOAPClient->getSOAPPacket();
     $this->m_szLastResponse = $sSOAPClient->getLastResponse();
     $this->m_eLastException = $sSOAPClient->getLastException();
     return $boTransactionSubmitted;
Пример #6
  * @param array $options
 public function __construct(array $options)
     $this->soap = SOAP::Client(Service_Yandex_Direct::option('wsdl'), array_merge($options, array('features' => SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS, 'trace' => 1)));
     if (empty($options['local_cert']) && !empty($options['login']) && !empty($options['token']) && !empty($options['application_id'])) {
         $headers = array();
         $headers[] = new SoapHeader(Service_Yandex_Direct::option('wsdl'), 'login', $options['login']);
         $headers[] = new SoapHeader(Service_Yandex_Direct::option('wsdl'), 'token', $options['token']);
         $headers[] = new SoapHeader(Service_Yandex_Direct::option('wsdl'), 'application_id', $options['application_id']);
Пример #7
  * Processes a queued item.  This can be something actually queued,
  * or an immediate processing because the queue is disabled.
 public function process()
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Activity_Log.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'SOAP.php');
     $soap = SOAP::getInstance(UserStatus::getUsername(), UserStatus::isAdmin() ? SOAP::ADMIN_USER : SOAP::STUDENT_USER);
     $result = null;
     switch ($this->type) {
             $result = $soap->reportRoomAssignment($this->asu_username, $this->term, $this->building_code, $this->bed_code, 'HOME', $this->meal_code);
             if ($result === TRUE) {
                 HMS_Activity_Log::log_activity($this->asu_username, ACTIVITY_ASSIGNMENT_REPORTED, Current_User::getUsername(), $this->term . ' ' . $this->building_code . ' ' . $this->bed_code . ' ' . 'HOME' . ' ' . $this->meal_code);
             // Get the Banner ID from the user name
             // TODO fix this to use BannerID directly
             $bannerId = $soap->getBannerId($this->asu_username);
             $result = $soap->removeRoomAssignment($bannerId, $this->term, $this->building_code, $this->bed_code, $this->percent_refund);
             if ($result === TRUE) {
                 HMS_Activity_Log::log_activity($this->asu_username, ACTIVITY_REMOVAL_REPORTED, Current_User::getUsername(), $this->term . ' ' . $this->building_code . ' ' . $this->bed_code . ' ');
     return $result;
Пример #8
 public function clearHousingWaiver($bannerId, $term)
     $params = array('User' => $this->currentUser, 'BannerID' => $bannerId, 'TermCode' => $term);
     try {
         $response = $this->client->ClearHousingWaiver($params);
     } catch (SoapFault $e) {
         throw new SOAPException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), 'clearHousingWaiver', $params);
     if ($response->ClearHousingWaiverResult != "0") {
         throw new BannerException('Error while clearing waiver flag in Banner.', $response->ClearHousingWaiverResult, 'clearHousingWaiver', $params);
     SOAP::logSoap('clearHousingWaiver', 'success', $params);
     return true;
Пример #9
  * Does all the checks necessary to assign a student and makes the assignment
  * The $room_id and $bed_id fields are optional, but one or the other must be specificed
  * @param Student $student
  * @param Integer $term
  * @param Integer $room_id
  * @param Integer $bed_id
  * @param Integer $meal_plan
  * @param String $notes
  * @param boolean $lottery
  * @param string $reason
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
  * @throws AssignmentException
  * @throws DatabaseException
  * @throws Exception
 public static function assignStudent(Student $student, $term, $room_id = NULL, $bed_id = NULL, $meal_plan, $notes = "", $lottery = FALSE, $reason)
      * Can't check permissions here because there are some student-facing commands that needs to make assignments (e.g.
      * the lottery/re-application code)
      * if(!UserStatus::isAdmin() || !Current_User::allow('hms', 'assignment_maintenance')) {
      * PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'exception/PermissionException.php');
      * throw new PermissionException('You are not allowed to edit student assignments.');
      * }
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Residence_Hall.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Floor.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Room.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Bed.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Activity_Log.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'BannerQueue.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'AssignmentHistory.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'exception/AssignmentException.php');
     $username = $student->getUsername();
     // Make sure a username was entered
     if (!isset($username) || $username == '') {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Bad username.');
     $username = strtolower($username);
     if ($student->getType() == TYPE_WITHDRAWN) {
         throw new AssignmentException('Invalid student type. Student is withdrawn.');
     if (HMS_Assignment::checkForAssignment($username, $term)) {
         throw new AssignmentException('The student is already assigned.');
     if (isset($bed_id)) {
         // A bed_id was given, so create that bed object
         $vacant_bed = new HMS_Bed($bed_id);
         if (!$vacant_bed) {
             throw new AssignmentException('Null bed object.');
         // Get the room that this bed is in
         $room = $vacant_bed->get_parent();
     } else {
         if (isset($room_id)) {
             // A room_id was given, so create that room object
             $room = new HMS_Room($room_id);
             // And find a vacant bed in that room
             $beds = $room->getBedsWithVacancies();
             $vacant_bed = $beds[0];
         } else {
             // Both the bed and room IDs were null, so return an error
             throw new AssignmentException('No room nor bed specified.');
     if (!$room) {
         throw new AssignmentException('Null room object.');
     // Make sure the room has a vacancy
     if (!$room->has_vacancy()) {
         throw new AssignmentException('The room is full.');
     // Make sure the room is not offline
     if ($room->offline) {
         throw new AssignmentException('The room is offline');
     // Double check that the bed is in the same term as we're being requested to assign for
     if ($vacant_bed->getTerm() != $term) {
         throw new AssignmentException('The bed\'s term and the assignment term do not match.');
     // Double check that the resulting bed is empty
     if ($vacant_bed->get_number_of_assignees() > 0) {
         throw new AssignmentException('The bed is not empty.');
     // Issue a warning if the bed was reserved for room change
     //TODO Move this to the room change view
     if ($vacant_bed->room_change_reserved != 0) {
         NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::WARNING, 'Room was reserved for room change');
     // Check that the room's gender and the student's gender match
     $student_gender = $student->getGender();
     if (is_null($student_gender)) {
         throw new AssignmentException('Student gender is null.');
     // Genders must match unless the room is COED
     if ($room->getGender() != $student_gender && $room->getGender() != COED) {
         throw new AssignmentException('Room gender does not match the student\'s gender.');
     // We probably shouldn't check permissions inside this method, since sometimes this can be
     // called from student-facing interfaces.. But, since I want to be really careful with co-ed rooms,
     // I'm going to take the extra step of making sure no students are putting themselves in co-ed rooms.
     if ($room->getGender() == COED && !Current_User::allow('hms', 'coed_assignment')) {
         throw new AssignmentException('You do not have permission to make assignments for Co-ed rooms.');
     // Create the floor object
     $floor = $room->get_parent();
     if (!$floor) {
         throw new AssignmentException('Null floor object.');
     // Create the hall object
     $hall = $floor->get_parent();
     if (!$hall) {
         throw new AssignmentException('Null hall object.');
     if ($meal_plan == BANNER_MEAL_NONE) {
         $meal_plan = NULL;
     // Determine which meal plan to use
     // If this is a freshmen student and they've somehow selected none or low, give them standard
     if ($student->getType() == TYPE_FRESHMEN && ($meal_plan == BANNER_MEAL_NONE || $meal_plan == BANNER_MEAL_LOW)) {
         $meal_plan = BANNER_MEAL_STD;
         // If a student is living in a dorm which requires a meal plan and they've selected none, give them low
     } else {
         if ($hall->meal_plan_required == 1 && $meal_plan == BANNER_MEAL_NONE) {
             $meal_plan = BANNER_MEAL_LOW;
      * ***************************
      * Temporary Assignment HACK *
      * ***************************
     // Check for an assignment in the temp assignment table
     $db = new PHPWS_DB('hms_temp_assignment');
     $db->addWhere('banner_id', $student->getBannerId());
     $result = $db->select();
     if (PHPWS_Error::logIfError($result)) {
         throw new DatabaseException($result->toString());
     if (sizeof($result) > 0) {
         // Queue an unassign for this student
         $soap = SOAP::getInstance(UserStatus::getUsername(), UserStatus::isAdmin() ? SOAP::ADMIN_USER : SOAP::STUDENT_USER);
         try {
             $soap->removeRoomAssignment($student->getBannerId(), $term, 'TMPR', $result[0]['room_number'], 100);
             // Hard-code to 100% refund
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             throw $e;
         $db = new PHPWS_DB('hms_temp_assignment');
         $db->addValue('banner_id', null);
         $db->addWhere('room_number', $result[0]['room_number']);
         if (PHPWS_Error::logIfError($result)) {
             throw new DatabaseException($result->toString());
         NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::WARNING, 'Temporary assignment was removed.');
     // Send this off to the queue for assignment in banner
     $banner_success = BannerQueue::queueAssignment($student, $term, $hall, $vacant_bed, 'HOME', $meal_plan);
     if ($banner_success !== TRUE) {
         throw new AssignmentException('Error while adding the assignment to the Banner queue.');
     // Make the assignment in HMS
     $assignment = new HMS_Assignment();
     $assignment->asu_username = $username;
     $assignment->bed_id = $vacant_bed->id;
     $assignment->term = $term;
     $assignment->letter_printed = 0;
     $assignment->email_sent = 0;
     $assignment->meal_option = $meal_plan;
     $assignment->reason = $reason;
     $assignment->application_term = $student->getApplicationTerm();
     $assignment->class = $student->getComputedClass($term);
     // If this was a lottery assignment, flag it as such
     if ($lottery) {
         $assignment->lottery = 1;
         if (!isset($reason)) {
             // Automatically tag reason as lottery
             $assignment->reason = ASSIGN_LOTTERY;
     } else {
         $assignment->lottery = 0;
     $result = $assignment->save();
     if (!$result || PHPWS_Error::logIfError($result)) {
         throw new DatabaseException($result->toString());
     // Log the assignment
     HMS_Activity_Log::log_activity($username, ACTIVITY_ASSIGNED, UserStatus::getUsername(), $term . ' ' . $hall->hall_name . ' ' . $room->room_number . ' ' . $notes);
     // Insert assignment into History table
     // Look for roommates and flag their assignments as needing a new letter
     $room_id = $assignment->get_room_id();
     $room = new HMS_Room($room_id);
     // Go to the room level to get all the roommates
     $assignees = $room->get_assignees();
     // get an array of student objects for those assigned to this room
     if (sizeof($assignees) > 1) {
         foreach ($assignees as $roommate) {
             // Skip this student
             if ($roommate->getUsername() == $username) {
             $roommate_assign = HMS_Assignment::getAssignment($roommate->getUsername(), $term);
             $roommate_assign->letter_printed = 0;
             $roommate_assign->email_sent = 0;
     // Return Sucess
     return true;
Пример #10
 protected function processTransactionBase(SOAP $sSOAPClient, $szMessageXMLPath, $szGatewayOutputXMLPath, $szTransactionMessageXMLPath, SimpleXMLElement &$sxXmlDocument = null, GatewayOutput &$goGatewayOutput = null, GatewayEntryPointList &$lgepGatewayEntryPoints = null)
     $boTransactionSubmitted = false;
     $nOverallRetryCount = 0;
     $nOverallGatewayEntryPointCount = 0;
     $nGatewayEntryPointCount = 0;
     $nErrorMessageCount = 0;
     $szMessage = null;
     $nCount = 0;
     $gepGatewayEntryPoint = null;
     $ResponseDocument = null;
     $ResponseMethod = null;
     $lgepGatewayEntryPoints = null;
     $goGatewayOutput = null;
     $this->m_szEntryPointUsed = null;
     if ($sSOAPClient == null) {
         return false;
     // populate the merchant details
     if ($this->m_maMerchantAuthentication != null) {
         if (!SharedFunctions::isStringNullOrEmpty($this->m_maMerchantAuthentication->getMerchantID())) {
             $sSOAPClient->addParamAttribute($szMessageXMLPath . '.MerchantAuthentication', 'MerchantID', $this->m_maMerchantAuthentication->getMerchantID());
         if (!SharedFunctions::isStringNullOrEmpty($this->m_maMerchantAuthentication->getPassword())) {
             $sSOAPClient->addParamAttribute($szMessageXMLPath . '.MerchantAuthentication', 'Password', $this->m_maMerchantAuthentication->getPassword());
     // first need to sort the gateway entry points into the correct usage order
     $number = $this->m_lrgepRequestGatewayEntryPoints->sort('GatewayTransaction', 'Compare');
     // loop over the overall number of transaction attempts
     while (!$boTransactionSubmitted && $nOverallRetryCount < $this->m_nRetryAttempts) {
         $nOverallGatewayEntryPointCount = 0;
         // loop over the number of gateway entry points in the list
         while (!$boTransactionSubmitted && $nOverallGatewayEntryPointCount < $this->m_lrgepRequestGatewayEntryPoints->getCount()) {
             $rgepCurrentGatewayEntryPoint = $this->m_lrgepRequestGatewayEntryPoints->getAt($nOverallGatewayEntryPointCount);
             // ignore if the metric is "-1" this indicates that the entry point is offline
             if ($rgepCurrentGatewayEntryPoint->getMetric() >= 0) {
                 $nGatewayEntryPointCount = 0;
                 // loop over the number of times to try this specific entry point
                 while (!$boTransactionSubmitted && $nGatewayEntryPointCount < $rgepCurrentGatewayEntryPoint->getRetryAttempts()) {
                     if ($sSOAPClient->sendRequest($ResponseDocument, $ResponseMethod)) {
                         //getting the valid transaction type document format
                         $sxXmlDocument = $ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod};
                         $lszErrorMessages = new StringList();
                         $nStatusCode = (int) current($ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szGatewayOutputXMLPath}->StatusCode[0]);
                         // a status code of 50 means that this entry point is not to be used
                         if ($nStatusCode != 50) {
                             $this->m_szEntryPointUsed = $rgepCurrentGatewayEntryPoint->getEntryPointURL();
                             // the transaction was submitted
                             $boTransactionSubmitted = true;
                             if ($ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szGatewayOutputXMLPath}->Message) {
                                 $szMessage = current($ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szGatewayOutputXMLPath}->Message[0]);
                             if ($ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szGatewayOutputXMLPath}->ErrorMessages) {
                                 foreach ($ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szGatewayOutputXMLPath}->ErrorMessages->MessageDetail as $key => $value) {
                             $goGatewayOutput = new GatewayOutput($nStatusCode, $szMessage, $lszErrorMessages);
                             // look to see if there are any gateway entry points
                             $nCount = 0;
                             $nMetric = -1;
                             if ($ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szTransactionMessageXMLPath}->GatewayEntryPoints) {
                                 if ($ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szTransactionMessageXMLPath}->GatewayEntryPoints->GatewayEntryPoint) {
                                     $szXMLFormatString = $ResponseDocument->{$ResponseMethod}->{$szTransactionMessageXMLPath}->GatewayEntryPoints->GatewayEntryPoint;
                                     foreach ($szXMLFormatString->attributes() as $key => $value) {
                                         if (is_numeric(current($value))) {
                                             $nMetric = current($value);
                                         } else {
                                             $szEntryPointURL = current($value);
                                     //$gepGatewayEntryPoint = new GatewayEntryPoint($szEntryPointURL, $nMetric);
                                     if ($lgepGatewayEntryPoints == null) {
                                         $lgepGatewayEntryPoints = new GatewayEntryPointList();
                                     $lgepGatewayEntryPoints->add($szEntryPointURL, $nMetric);
                     } else {
                         error_log("send failed" . "\n", 3, SITE_PATH . "plugins/Payment_Sense/paymentSense.log");
     $this->m_szLastRequest = $sSOAPClient->getSOAPPacket();
     $this->m_szLastResponse = $sSOAPClient->getLastResponse();
     $this->m_eLastException = $sSOAPClient->getLastException();
     return $boTransactionSubmitted;
Пример #11
function RemoteCommandWithSOAP($SOAPUser, $SOAPPassword, $SOAPPort, $SOAPHost, $URI, $COMMAND)
    $SOAP = new SOAP(array("soap_user" => "" . $SOAPUser . "", "soap_pass" => "" . $SOAPPassword . "", "soap_port" => "" . $SOAPPort . "", "addr" => "" . $SOAPHost . "", "uri" => "" . $URI . ""));
    //echo "<br>". $SOAP->fetch("". $COMMAND ."") ."<br>";
Пример #12
    public function GetPortugalGoalkeepersName()
        $this->client['soccer'] = new \SoapClient(self::$URL_SOCCER);
        print_r($this->client['soccer']->AllGoalKeepers(array('sCountryName' => 'Portugal')));
    public function GetAllCountries()
        $this->client['countries'] = new \SoapClient(self::$URL_COUNTRIES);
        $result = $this->client['countries']->getIANAInfo();
        foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
            $this->countries[$value[0]] = $value[1];
    public function GetCountryInfo($ianaCode = null)
        if (!is_array($this->client['countries'])) {
        if (!is_null($ianaCode) && array_key_exists($ianaCode, $this->countries)) {
            return $this->client['countries']->countryInfoByIana($ianaCode);
        } else {
            print_r("This '" . $ianaCode . "' is not a valid ianacode.\n");
$client = new SOAP();
Пример #13

$config['no_session'] = true;
//force session "last active" update to be skipped
require_once 'config.php';
require_once 'class.SOAP.php';
$serv = new SOAP('process', xhtmlGetUrl('soap_server.php'));
$serv->message('fetchAndConvert', array('username' => 'string', 'password' => 'string', 'uri' => 'string', 'callback' => 'string', 'watermark' => 'string', 'response' => 'integer'));
Пример #14
  * Reports 'this' application to Banner
 public function reportToBanner()
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'SOAP.php');
     try {
         $soap = SOAP::getInstance(UserStatus::getUsername(), UserStatus::isAdmin() ? SOAP::ADMIN_USER : SOAP::STUDENT_USER);
         $soap->createHousingApp($this->getBannerId(), $this->getTerm());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Send an email notification
         $send_to = array();
         $send_to[] = '*****@*****.**';
         $mail = new PHPWS_Mail();
         $mail->setSubject('HMS Application Error!');
         $body = "Username: {$this->getUsername()}\n";
         throw $e;
         // rethrow the exception it
     // Log the fact that the application was sent to banner
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Activity_Log.php');
     HMS_Activity_Log::log_activity($this->getUsername(), ACTIVITY_APPLICATION_REPORTED, UserStatus::getUsername());