  * Record a pending referral when a payment is authorized
  * @access  public
  * @since   1.6
 public function add_pending_referral(SI_Payment $payment)
     if ($this->was_referred()) {
         $payment_id = $payment->get_id();
         $referral_total = $this->calculate_referral_amount($payment->get_amount(), $payment_id);
         $this->insert_pending_referral($referral_total, $payment_id, $payment->get_title());
Пример #2
 public static function maybe_remove_deposit(SI_Payment $payment, SI_Checkouts $checkout)
     $invoice_id = $payment->get_invoice_id();
     $invoice = SI_Invoice::get_instance($invoice_id);
     $payment_amount = $payment->get_amount();
     $invoice_deposit = $invoice->get_deposit();
     if ($payment_amount >= $invoice_deposit) {
         // Reset the deposit since the payment made covers it.
 public static function payment_data(SI_Payment $payment)
     $payment_data = array('title' => $payment->get_title(), 'id' => $payment->get_id(), 'status' => $payment->get_status(), 'payment_method' => $payment->get_payment_method(), 'amount' => $payment->get_amount(), 'invoice_id' => $payment->get_invoice_id(), 'data' => $payment->get_data());
     $invoice = SI_Invoice::get_instance($payment->get_invoice_id());
     if (is_a($invoice, 'SI_Invoice')) {
         $payment_data['invoice_data'] = self::invoice_data($invoice);
     return $payment_data;
 public function capture_payment(SI_Payment $payment)
     // is this the right payment processor? does the payment still need processing?
     if ($payment->get_payment_method() == $this->get_payment_method() && $payment->get_status() != SI_Payment::STATUS_COMPLETE) {
         $data = $payment->get_data();
         // Do we have a transaction ID to use for the capture?
         if (isset($data['api_response']['TRANSACTIONID']) && $data['api_response']['TRANSACTIONID']) {
             $transaction_id = $data['api_response']['TRANSACTIONID'];
             $post_data = $this->capture_nvp_data($transaction_id, $payment->get_amount(), $payment->get_invoice_id());
             do_action('si_log', __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . ' - PayPal EC DoCapture Request', $post_data);
             $response = wp_safe_remote_post($this->get_api_url(), array('httpversion' => '1.1', 'body' => $post_data, 'timeout' => apply_filters('http_request_timeout', 15), 'sslverify' => false));
             if (!is_wp_error($response) && $response['response']['code'] == '200') {
                 $response = wp_parse_args(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response));
                 do_action('si_log', __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . ' - PayPal WPP DoCapture Response', $response);
                 if (strpos($response['ACK'], 'Success') === 0) {
                     do_action('payment_complete', $payment);
                 } else {
                     $error = array('payment_id' => $payment->get_id(), 'response' => $response);
                     do_action('si_error', __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . ' - capture response error', $error);
                     if ($response['L_ERRORCODE0'] == 10601 || 10602) {
                         // authorization expired or authorization complete