Пример #1
 public function btnAddInventory_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter)
     // Clearing warning on previous attempt
     $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Warning = '';
     $this->txtQuantity->Warning = '';
     $blnError = false;
     // Assign the values from the user submitted form input
     $strInventoryModelCode = $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Text;
     $intTransactionQuantity = $this->txtQuantity->Text;
     // Check that the quantity is valid
     if (!$intTransactionQuantity || !ctype_digit($intTransactionQuantity) || $intTransactionQuantity <= 0) {
         $this->txtQuantity->Warning = "That is not a valid quantity.";
         $blnError = true;
     } elseif ($strInventoryModelCode) {
         $objNewInventoryModel = InventoryModel::LoadByInventoryModelCode($strInventoryModelCode);
         if ($objNewInventoryModel) {
             if ($this->objInventoryTransactionArray) {
                 foreach ($this->objInventoryTransactionArray as $objInventoryTransaction) {
                     if ($objInventoryTransaction && $objInventoryTransaction->InventoryLocation->InventoryModelId == $objNewInventoryModel->InventoryModelId) {
                         $blnError = true;
                         $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Warning = "That inventory has already been added.";
             if (!$blnError && !QApplication::AuthorizeEntityBoolean($objNewInventoryModel, 2)) {
                 $blnError = true;
                 $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Warning = "You do not have authorization to perform a transaction on this inventory model.";
             if (!$blnError) {
                 $objNewInventoryLocation = InventoryLocation::LoadByLocationIdInventoryModelId(5, $objNewInventoryModel->InventoryModelId);
                 // If the 'To Be Received' inventory location for this InventoryModelId does not exist
                 // Create a new InventoryLocation with a quantity of 0. The quantity will be added to this location when the receipt is saved
                 if (!$objNewInventoryLocation) {
                     $objNewInventoryLocation = new InventoryLocation();
                     $objNewInventoryLocation->InventoryModelId = $objNewInventoryModel->InventoryModelId;
                     $objNewInventoryLocation->LocationId = 5;
                     $objNewInventoryLocation->Quantity = 0;
                 // Create the new Inventory Transaction
                 $objNewInventoryTransaction = new InventoryTransaction();
                 $objNewInventoryTransaction->InventoryLocationId = $objNewInventoryLocation->InventoryLocationId;
                 $objNewInventoryTransaction->Quantity = $intTransactionQuantity;
                 $objNewInventoryTransaction->SourceLocationId = 5;
                 $this->objInventoryTransactionArray[] = $objNewInventoryTransaction;
                 // Reset the input values
                 $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Text = null;
                 $this->txtQuantity->Text = null;
                 // This is so the datagrid knows to reload
                 $this->blnModifyInventory = true;
         } else {
             $blnError = true;
             $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Warning = "That is not a valid inventory code.";
     } else {
         $blnError = true;
         $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Warning = "Please enter an inventory code.";
 public function btnSave_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter)
     $blnError = false;
     // Make sure at least one checkbox is checked
     if (!$this->chkCategory->Checked && !$this->chkManufacturer->Checked && !$this->chkLongDescription->Checked) {
         $blnChecked = false;
         foreach ($this->arrCheckboxes as $objCheckBox) {
             if ($objCheckBox->Checked) {
                 $blnChecked = true;
         if (!$blnChecked) {
             $blnError = true;
             $this->btnCancel->Warning = 'You must select at least one field to edit.';
     // Get an instance of the database
     $objDatabase = QApplication::$Database[1];
     // Begin a MySQL Transaction to be either committed or rolled back
     if (count($this->arrCustomFields) > 0) {
         $customFieldIdArray = array();
         foreach ($this->arrCustomFields as $field) {
             if ($this->arrCheckboxes[$field['input']->strControlId]->Checked) {
                 if ($field['input'] instanceof QTextBox && $field['input']->Required && $field['input']->Text == null || $field['input'] instanceof QListBox && $field['input']->Required && $field['input']->SelectedValue == null) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $field['input']->Warning = "Required.";
                 } else {
                     $this->arrCustomFieldsToEdit[] = $field;
                     $customFieldIdArray[] = (int) str_replace('cf', '', $field['input']->strControlId);
     $set = array(sprintf('`modified_by`= %s', QApplication::$objUserAccount->UserAccountId));
     // Force modified_date timestamp update
     $set[] = '`modified_date` = NOW()';
     if ($this->chkLongDescription->Checked) {
         $set[] = sprintf('`long_description`="%s"', $this->txtLongDescription->Text);
     if ($this->chkManufacturer->Checked) {
         if ($this->lstManufacturer->SelectedValue !== null) {
             $set[] = sprintf('`manufacturer_id`=%s', $this->lstManufacturer->SelectedValue);
         } else {
             $blnError = true;
             $this->lstManufacturer->Warning = 'Manufacturer is required.';
     if ($this->chkCategory->Checked) {
         if ($this->lstCategory->SelectedValue !== null) {
             $set[] = sprintf('`category_id`= %s', $this->lstCategory->SelectedValue);
         } else {
             $blnError = true;
             $this->lstCategory->Warning = 'Category is required.';
     // First check that the user is authorized to edit these models
     foreach ($this->arrModelsToEdit as $intModelId) {
         $objAssetModel = AssetModel::Load($intModelId);
         if (!QApplication::AuthorizeEntityBoolean($objAssetModel, 2)) {
             $blnError = true;
             $this->btnCancel->Warning = 'You are not authorized to edit one or more of the selected models.';
     if (!$blnError) {
         try {
             if (count($this->arrCustomFieldsToEdit) > 0) {
                 // preparing data to edit
                 // Save the values from all of the custom field controls to save the asset
                 foreach ($this->arrModelsToEdit as $intModelId) {
                     $objCustomFieldsArray = CustomField::LoadObjCustomFieldArray(EntityQtype::AssetModel, false);
                     $selectedCustomFieldsArray = array();
                     foreach ($objCustomFieldsArray as $objCustomField) {
                         if (in_array($objCustomField->CustomFieldId, $customFieldIdArray)) {
                             $selectedCustomFieldsArray[] = $objCustomField;
                     CustomField::SaveControls($selectedCustomFieldsArray, true, $this->arrCustomFieldsToEdit, $intModelId, EntityQtype::AssetModel);
             $strQuery = sprintf("UPDATE `asset_model`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t SET " . implode(",", $set) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE `asset_model_id` IN (%s)", implode(",", $this->arrModelsToEdit));
             // print $strQuery; exit;
         } catch (QMySqliDatabaseException $objExc) {
             throw new QDatabaseException();
     } else {
         $this->arrCustomFieldsToEdit = array();
 public function btnAdd_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter)
     // Clear warnings from previous attempt
     $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Warning = '';
     $blnError = false;
     // Assign the values from the user submitted form input
     $intNewInventoryLocationId = $this->lstSourceLocation->SelectedValue;
     $intTransactionQuantity = $this->txtQuantity->Text;
     // Create array of TransactionType (key) and AuthorizationLevel (value) by RoleId
     $objRoleTransactionTypeAuthorizationArray = RoleTransactionTypeAuthorization::LoadArrayByRoleId(QApplication::$objUserAccount->RoleId);
     $intAuthorizationLevelIdArray = array();
     if ($objRoleTransactionTypeAuthorizationArray) {
         foreach ($objRoleTransactionTypeAuthorizationArray as $objRoleTransactionTypeAuthorization) {
             $intAuthorizationLevelIdArray[$objRoleTransactionTypeAuthorization->TransactionTypeId] = $objRoleTransactionTypeAuthorization->AuthorizationLevelId;
     // If transaction is a move or take out
     if ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 1 || $this->intTransactionTypeId == 5) {
         if ($intNewInventoryLocationId) {
             // Begin error checking
             if ($this->objInventoryLocationArray) {
                 foreach ($this->objInventoryLocationArray as $objInventoryLocation) {
                     if ($objInventoryLocation && $objInventoryLocation->InventoryLocationId == $intNewInventoryLocationId) {
                         $blnError = true;
                         $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Warning = "That Inventory has already been added.";
             if (!$blnError) {
                 $objNewInventoryLocation = InventoryLocation::LoadLocations($intNewInventoryLocationId);
                 // This should not be possible because the list is populated with existing InventoryLocations
                 if (!$objNewInventoryLocation instanceof InventoryLocation) {
                     $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Warning = "That Inventory location does not exist.";
                     $blnError = true;
                 } elseif (!ctype_digit($intTransactionQuantity) || $intTransactionQuantity <= 0) {
                     $this->txtQuantity->Warning = "That is not a valid quantity.";
                     $blnError = true;
                 // Move
                 if ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 1) {
                     if ($objNewInventoryLocation->Quantity < $intTransactionQuantity) {
                         $this->txtQuantity->Warning = "Quantity moved cannot exceed quantity available.";
                         $blnError = true;
                 } elseif ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 5) {
                     if ($objNewInventoryLocation->Quantity < $intTransactionQuantity) {
                         $this->txtQuantity->Warning = "Quantity taken out cannot exceed quantity available.";
                         $blnError = true;
         } elseif ($this->intTransactionTypeId != 4) {
             $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Warning = "Please select a source location.";
             $blnError = true;
     } elseif ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 4) {
         // Check for duplicate inventory code
         $strNewInventoryModelCode = $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Text;
         if (!($objNewInventoryModel = InventoryModel::LoadByInventoryModelCode($strNewInventoryModelCode))) {
             $blnError = true;
             $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Warning = "That is an invalid Inventory Code.";
         } elseif ($this->objInventoryLocationArray) {
             foreach ($this->objInventoryLocationArray as $objInventoryLocation) {
                 if ($objInventoryLocation && $objInventoryLocation->InventoryModel->InventoryModelCode == $strNewInventoryModelCode) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Warning = "That Inventory has already been added.";
         if (!$blnError) {
             $objRoleTransactionTypeAuthorization = RoleTransactionTypeAuthorization::LoadByRoleIdTransactionTypeId(QApplication::$objUserAccount->RoleId, 4);
             if ($objRoleTransactionTypeAuthorization) {
                 // If the user has 'None' privileges for this transaction
                 if ($objRoleTransactionTypeAuthorization->AuthorizationLevelId == 3) {
                     $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Warning = "You do not have privileges for this transaction.";
                     $blnError = true;
                 } elseif ($objRoleTransactionTypeAuthorization->AuthorizationLevelId == 2 && $objNewInventoryModel->CreatedBy != QApplication::$objUserAccount->UserAccountId) {
                     $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Warning = "You are not the owner of this inventory.";
                     $blnError = true;
         if (!$blnError) {
             // Create a new InventoryLocation for the time being
             // Before saving we will check to see if it already exists
             $objNewInventoryLocation = new InventoryLocation();
             $objNewInventoryLocation->InventoryModelId = $objNewInventoryModel->InventoryModelId;
             $objNewInventoryLocation->Quantity = 0;
             // LocationID = 4 is 'New Inventory' Location
             $objNewInventoryLocation->LocationId = 4;
     if (!$blnError && isset($objNewInventoryModel) && !QApplication::AuthorizeEntityBoolean($objNewInventoryModel, 2)) {
         $blnError = true;
         $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Warning = "You do not have authorization to perform a transaction on this inventory model.";
     if (!$blnError && $objNewInventoryLocation instanceof InventoryLocation) {
         $objNewInventoryLocation->intTransactionQuantity = $intTransactionQuantity;
         $this->objInventoryLocationArray[] = $objNewInventoryLocation;
         $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Text = null;
         $this->lstSourceLocation->SelectedIndex = 0;
         $this->txtQuantity->Text = null;
         if ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 1 || $this->intTransactionTypeId == 5) {
             $this->lstSourceLocation->Enabled = false;
             $this->txtQuantity->Enabled = false;
 public function btnAdd_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter)
     $strAssetCode = $this->txtNewAssetCode->Text;
     $blnDuplicate = false;
     $blnError = false;
     if ($strAssetCode) {
         // Begin error checking
         if ($this->objAssetArray) {
             foreach ($this->objAssetArray as $asset) {
                 if ($asset && $asset->AssetCode == $strAssetCode) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset has already been added.";
         if (!$blnError) {
             $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = '';
             $objNewAsset = Asset::LoadByAssetCodeWithCustomFields($this->txtNewAssetCode->Text);
             if (!$objNewAsset instanceof Asset) {
                 $blnError = true;
                 $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset code does not exist.";
             } elseif ($objNewAsset->LinkedFlag) {
                 $blnError = true;
                 $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is locked to a parent asset.";
             } elseif ($objNewAsset->LocationId == 6 && $this->intTransactionTypeId != 11) {
                 $blnError = true;
                 $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset has already been archived.";
             } elseif ($objNewAsset->LocationId == 2) {
                 $blnError = true;
                 $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset has already been shipped.";
             } elseif ($objNewAsset->LocationId == 5) {
                 $blnError = true;
                 $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is currently scheduled to be received.";
             } elseif ($objPendingShipment = AssetTransaction::PendingShipment($objNewAsset->AssetId)) {
                 $blnError = true;
                 $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is already in a pending shipment.";
             } elseif (!QApplication::AuthorizeEntityBoolean($objNewAsset, 2)) {
                 $blnError = true;
                 $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "You do not have authorization to perform a transaction on this asset.";
             } elseif ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 1) {
                 if ($objNewAsset->CheckedOutFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is checked out.";
                 } elseif ($objNewAsset->ReservedFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is reserved.";
             } elseif ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 2) {
                 if (!$objNewAsset->CheckedOutFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is not checked out.";
                 } elseif ($objNewAsset->ReservedFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is reserved.";
                 } elseif ($objNewAsset->CheckedOutFlag) {
                     $objUserAccount = $objNewAsset->GetLastTransactionUser();
                     if (QApplication::$TracmorSettings->StrictCheckinPolicy == '1' && $objUserAccount->UserAccountId != QApplication::$objUserAccount->UserAccountId) {
                         $blnError = true;
                         $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset was not checked out by the current user.";
             } elseif ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 3) {
                 if ($objNewAsset->CheckedOutFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is already checked out.";
                 } elseif ($objNewAsset->ReservedFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is reserved.";
             } elseif ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 8) {
                 if ($objNewAsset->ReservedFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is already reserved.";
                 } elseif ($objNewAsset->CheckedOutFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is checked out.";
             } elseif ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 9) {
                 if (!$objNewAsset->ReservedFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is not reserved";
                 } elseif ($objNewAsset->CheckedOutFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is checked out.";
                 } elseif ($objNewAsset->ReservedFlag) {
                     $objUserAccount = $objNewAsset->GetLastTransactionUser();
                     if ($objUserAccount->UserAccountId != QApplication::$objUserAccount->UserAccountId) {
                         $blnError = true;
                         $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset was not reserved by the current user.";
             } elseif ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 10) {
                 if ($objNewAsset->ArchivedFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is already archived.";
                 } elseif ($objNewAsset->CheckedOutFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is checked out.";
                 } elseif ($objNewAsset->ReservedFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is reserved.";
             } elseif ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 11) {
                 if (!$objNewAsset->ArchivedFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is not archived.";
             if (!$blnError && ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 1 || $this->intTransactionTypeId == 2 || $this->intTransactionTypeId == 3 || $this->intTransactionTypeId == 8 || $this->intTransactionTypeId == 9 || $this->intTransactionTypeId == 10 || $this->intTransactionTypeId == 11)) {
                 $objRoleTransactionTypeAuthorization = RoleTransactionTypeAuthorization::LoadByRoleIdTransactionTypeId(QApplication::$objUserAccount->RoleId, $this->intTransactionTypeId);
                 if ($objRoleTransactionTypeAuthorization) {
                     // If the user has 'None' privileges for this transaction
                     if ($objRoleTransactionTypeAuthorization->AuthorizationLevelId == 3) {
                         $blnError = true;
                         $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "You do not have privileges for this transaction.";
                     } elseif ($objRoleTransactionTypeAuthorization->AuthorizationLevelId == 2 && $objNewAsset->CreatedBy != QApplication::$objUserAccount->UserAccountId) {
                         $blnError = true;
                         $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "You are not the owner of this asset.";
             if (!$blnError && $objNewAsset instanceof Asset) {
                 $this->objAssetArray[] = $objNewAsset;
                 $this->txtNewAssetCode->Text = null;
                 // Load all linked assets
                 $objLinkedAssetArray = Asset::LoadChildLinkedArrayByParentAssetIdWithNoCustomFields($objNewAsset->AssetId);
                 if ($objLinkedAssetArray) {
                     $strAssetCodeArray = array();
                     foreach ($objLinkedAssetArray as $objLinkedAsset) {
                         $strAssetCodeArray[] = $objLinkedAsset->AssetCode;
                         $this->objAssetArray[] = $objLinkedAsset;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = sprintf("The following asset(s) have been added to the transaction because they are locked to asset (%s):<br />%s", $objNewAsset->AssetCode, implode('<br />', $strAssetCodeArray));
         if (!$blnError) {
             $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = '';
     } else {
         $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "Please enter an asset code.";
Пример #5
 protected function btnMassDeleteConfirm_Click()
     $items = $this->dtgAssetModel->getSelected('AssetModelId');
     $this->lblWarning->Text = "";
     $arrToSkip = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         // First check that the user is authorized to edit this model
         $objAssetModel = AssetModel::Load($item);
         if (!QApplication::AuthorizeEntityBoolean($objAssetModel, 3)) {
             $this->lblWarning->Text = 'You are not authorized to delete one or more of the selected models.';
     // Separating items able to be deleted
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $arrAssetAssigned = Asset::LoadArrayByAssetModelId($item);
         if (!$arrAssetAssigned || count($arrAssetAssigned) <= 0) {
             $this->arrToDelete[] = $item;
         } else {
             $arrToSkip[] = $item;
     if (count($arrToSkip) > 0) {
         if (count($arrToSkip) == 1) {
             $toBe = 'is';
             $ending = '';
             $skipping = 'this';
         } else {
             $toBe = 'are';
             $ending = 's';
             $skipping = 'these';
         if (count($arrToSkip) == count($items)) {
             $this->lblWarning->Text = 'Models with assigned assets cannot be deleted.';
         $intToDelete = count($items) - count($arrToSkip);
         $this->dlgMassDelete->Text = sprintf('<div class="title"> Model Mass Delete - %s records</div><hr/>', $intToDelete);
         $this->dlgMassDelete->Text .= sprintf("%s of the selected Models %s assigned to an asset and cannot be deleted.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   Would you like to continue the deletion process,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   skipping %s Model%s?<br /><br />", count($arrToSkip), $toBe, count($arrToSkip) > 1 ? $skipping . ' ' . count($arrToSkip) : $skipping, $ending);
         $this->btnMassDeleteConfirm->Display = false;
         $this->btnMassDeleteConfirmSkip->Display = true;
     } else {
         if (count($this->arrToDelete) > 0) {
             $this->arrToDelete = array();
Пример #6
 public function btnAddInventory_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter)
     $blnError = false;
     $this->txtQuantity->Warning = '';
     $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Warning = '';
     // Assign the values from the user submitted form input
     $intNewInventoryLocationId = $this->lstSourceLocation->SelectedValue;
     $intTransactionQuantity = $this->txtQuantity->Text;
     if ($intNewInventoryLocationId) {
         // Begin error checking
         if ($this->objInventoryTransactionArray) {
             foreach ($this->objInventoryTransactionArray as $objInventoryTransaction) {
                 if ($objInventoryTransaction && $objInventoryTransaction->InventoryLocation->InventoryLocationId == $intNewInventoryLocationId) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Warning = "That Inventory has already been added.";
         if (!$blnError) {
             $objNewInventoryLocation = InventoryLocation::LoadLocations($intNewInventoryLocationId);
             // This should not be possible because the list is populated with existing InventoryLocations
             if (!$objNewInventoryLocation instanceof InventoryLocation) {
                 $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Warning = "That Inventory location does not exist.";
                 $blnError = true;
             } elseif (!$intTransactionQuantity || !ctype_digit($intTransactionQuantity) || $intTransactionQuantity <= 0) {
                 $this->txtQuantity->Warning = "That is not a valid quantity.";
                 $blnError = true;
             } elseif ($objNewInventoryLocation->Quantity < $intTransactionQuantity) {
                 $this->txtQuantity->Warning = "Quantity shipped cannot exceed quantity available.";
                 $blnError = true;
             } elseif (!QApplication::AuthorizeEntityBoolean($objNewInventoryLocation->InventoryModel, 2)) {
                 $blnError = true;
                 $this->txtQuantity->Warning = "You do not have authorization to perform a transaction on this inventory model.";
             // Check to see if that InventoryLocation has some quantity scheduled for shipment
             // If so, make sure that there is enough inventory available to add the new quantity.
             // This can be made faster by making a more targeted SQL query
             /*else {
             						$objExpansionMap[InventoryTransaction::ExpandTransaction] = true;
             						$objInventoryTransactionArray = InventoryTransaction::LoadArrayByInventoryLocationId($objNewInventoryLocation->InventoryLocationId, null, null, $objExpansionMap);
             						if ($objInventoryTransactionArray) {
             							$intQuantityScheduled = 0;
             							foreach ($objInventoryTransactionArray as $objInventoryTransaction) {
             								// If there is a pending shipment
             								if ($objInventoryTransaction->Transaction->TransactionTypeId == 6) {
             									$objShipment = Shipment::LoadByTransactionId($objInventoryTransaction->TransactionId);
             									if ($objShipment && !$objShipment->ShippedFlag) {
             										$intQuantityScheduled += $objInventoryTransaction->Quantity;
             							if ($intTransactionQuantity > ($objNewInventoryLocation->Quantity - $intQuantityScheduled)) {
             								$blnError = true;
             								$this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Warning = sprintf("That inventory has %s units already scheduled for shipment. Not enough available inventory.", $intQuantityScheduled);
     } else {
         $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Warning = "Please select a source location.";
         $blnError = true;
     if (!$blnError && $objNewInventoryLocation instanceof InventoryLocation) {
         $objInventoryTransaction = new InventoryTransaction();
         $objInventoryTransaction->InventoryLocationId = $objNewInventoryLocation->InventoryLocationId;
         // $objInventoryTransaction->InventoryLocation = $objNewInventoryLocation;
         $objInventoryTransaction->Quantity = $intTransactionQuantity;
         $objInventoryTransaction->SourceLocationId = $objNewInventoryLocation->LocationId;
         $this->objInventoryTransactionArray[] = $objInventoryTransaction;
         $this->txtNewInventoryModelCode->Text = null;
         $this->lstSourceLocation->SelectedIndex = 0;
         $this->txtQuantity->Text = null;
         $this->lstSourceLocation->Enabled = false;
         $this->txtQuantity->Enabled = false;
         $this->blnModifyInventory = true;
Пример #7
 protected function btnMassDeleteConfirm_Click()
     $items = $this->ctlSearchMenu->dtgAsset->getSelected('AssetId');
     $this->lblWarning->Text = "";
     // TODO perform validate
     // Get an instance of the database
     $objDatabase = QApplication::$Database[1];
     $blnError = false;
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         // First check that the user is authorized to delete this asset
         $objAsset = Asset::LoadByAssetId($item);
         if (!QApplication::AuthorizeEntityBoolean($objAsset, 3)) {
             $blnError = true;
             $this->lblWarning->Text = 'You are not authorized to delete one or more of the selected assets.';
     if (!$blnError) {
         try {
             // Begin a MySQL Transaction to be either committed or rolled back
             foreach ($items as $item) {
                 // ParentAssetId Field must be manually deleted because MySQL ON DELETE will not cascade to them
                 // Delete any audit scans of this asset
                 // Delete the asset
             // Hide the dialog
         } catch (QMySqliDatabaseException $objExc) {
             // Rollback the transaction
             throw new QDatabaseException();
 public function btnApply_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter)
     $blnError = false;
     // Make sure at least one checkbox is checked
     if (!$this->chkModel->Checked && !$this->chkParentAssetCode->Checked && !$this->chkChkLockToParent->Checked) {
         $blnChecked = false;
         foreach ($this->arrCheckboxes as $objCheckBox) {
             if ($objCheckBox->Checked) {
                 $blnChecked = true;
         if (!$blnChecked) {
             $blnError = true;
             $this->btnCancel->Warning = 'You must select at least one field to edit.';
     // If Model is checked, make sure a model is selected
     if ($this->chkModel->Checked && $this->lstModel->SelectedValue == null) {
         $blnError = true;
         $this->lstModel->Warning = 'You must select a Model.';
     // Get an instance of the database
     $objDatabase = QApplication::$Database[1];
     // Begin a MySQL Transaction to be either committed or rolled back
     $set = array(sprintf('`modified_by`= %s', QApplication::$objUserAccount->UserAccountId));
     if (count($this->arrCustomFields) > 0) {
         $customFieldIdArray = array();
         foreach ($this->arrCustomFields as $field) {
             if ($this->arrCheckboxes[$field['input']->strControlId]->Checked) {
                 if ($field['input'] instanceof QTextBox && $field['input']->Required && $field['input']->Text == null || $field['input'] instanceof QListBox && $field['input']->Required && $field['input']->SelectedValue == null) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $field['input']->Warning = "Required.";
                 } else {
                     $this->arrCustomFieldsToEdit[] = $field;
                     $customFieldIdArray[] = (int) str_replace('cf', '', $field['input']->strControlId);
     foreach ($this->arrAssetToEdit as $intAssetToEditId) {
         $objAsset = Asset::Load($intAssetToEditId);
         // First check that the user is authorized to edit this asset
         if (!QApplication::AuthorizeEntityBoolean($objAsset, 2)) {
             $blnError = true;
             $this->btnCancel->Warning = 'You are not authorized to edit one or more of the selected assets.';
         if ($this->chkParentAssetCode->Checked && $this->txtParentAssetCode->Text) {
             // Check if the parent asset tag is already a child asset of this asset
             $arrChildAsset = Asset::LoadArrayByParentAssetId($intAssetToEditId);
             foreach ($arrChildAsset as $objChildAsset) {
                 if ($objChildAsset->AssetCode == $this->txtParentAssetCode->Text) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtParentAssetCode->Warning = "Parent asset tag is already a child of this asset.";
                     break 2;
             if ($this->txtParentAssetCode->Text != $objAsset->AssetCode) {
                 $objParentAsset = Asset::LoadByAssetCode($this->txtParentAssetCode->Text);
                 if (!$objParentAsset) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtParentAssetCode->Warning = "That asset tag does not exist.";
                 } else {
                     if ($this->chkLockToParent->Checked && !($objAsset->ParentAssetId == $objParentAsset->AssetId && $objAsset->LinkedFlag == 1) && $objParentAsset->LocationId != $objAsset->LocationId) {
                         // If locking child to parent, make sure assets are at the same location
                         $blnError = true;
                         $this->chkLockToParent->Warning = 'Cannot lock to parent asset at another location.';
                     } else {
                         if ($this->chkLockToParent->Checked && !($objAsset->ParentAssetId == $objParentAsset->AssetId && $objAsset->LinkedFlag == 1) && ($objParentAsset->CheckedOutFlag || $objParentAsset->ReservedFlag || $objParentAsset->ArchivedFlag || $objParentAsset->LocationId == 2 || $objParentAsset->LocationId == 5 || AssetTransaction::PendingTransaction($objParentAsset->AssetId))) {
                             $blnError = true;
                             $this->chkLockToParent->Warning = "Parent asset tag (" . $objParentAsset->AssetCode . ") must not be currently Archived, Checked Out, Pending Shipment, Shipped/TBR, or Reserved.";
                         } else {
                             if ($this->chkLockToParent->Checked && !($objAsset->ParentAssetId == $objParentAsset->AssetId && $objAsset->LinkedFlag == 1) && ($objAsset->CheckedOutFlag || $objAsset->ReservedFlag || $objAsset->ArchivedFlag || $objAsset->LocationId == 2 || $objAsset->LocationId == 5 || AssetTransaction::PendingTransaction($objAsset->AssetId))) {
                                 $blnError = true;
                                 $this->chkLockToParent->Warning .= "Child asset must not be currently Archived, Checked Out, Pending Shipment, Shipped/TBR, or Reserved.";
                             } else {
                                 $objAsset->ParentAssetId = $objParentAsset->AssetId;
                                 if ($this->chkLockToParent->Checked) {
                                     $objAsset->LinkedFlag = 1;
                                 } else {
                                     $objAsset->LinkedFlag = 0;
             } else {
                 $blnError = true;
                 $this->txtParentAssetCode->Warning = "Asset cannot be assigned as its own parent.";
         } else {
             if ($this->chkChkLockToParent->Checked && $this->chkLockToParent->Checked) {
                 // Make sure assets have a parent to lock to if lock is checked and no parent being assigned
                 $objAsset = Asset::Load($intAssetToEditId);
                 if (!$objAsset->ParentAssetId) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->chkLockToParent->Warning = 'Asset cannot be locked without a parent assigned.';
     // Apply checked main_table fields
     if ($this->chkModel->Checked) {
         $set[] = sprintf('`asset_model_id`="%s"', $this->lstModel->SelectedValue);
     if ($this->chkChkLockToParent->Checked) {
         $set[] = sprintf('`linked_flag`=%s', $this->chkLockToParent->Checked ? 1 : "NULL");
     if ($this->chkParentAssetCode->Checked) {
         $parent_asset = Asset::LoadByAssetCode($this->txtParentAssetCode->Text);
         if ($parent_asset instanceof Asset) {
             $parent_asset_id = $parent_asset->AssetId;
         } else {
             $parent_asset_id = "NULL";
             $set[] = sprintf('`linked_flag`=%s', "NULL");
         $set[] = sprintf('`parent_asset_id`=%s', $parent_asset_id);
     // Force modified_date timestamp update
     $set[] = '`modified_date` = NOW()';
     if (!$blnError) {
         try {
             if (count($this->arrCustomFieldsToEdit) > 0) {
                 // preparing data to edit
                 // Save the values from all of the custom field controls to save the asset
                 foreach ($this->arrAssetToEdit as $intAssetId) {
                     $objCustomFieldsArray = CustomField::LoadObjCustomFieldArray(EntityQtype::Asset, false, null, false, 'all');
                     $selectedCustomFieldsArray = array();
                     foreach ($objCustomFieldsArray as $objCustomField) {
                         if (in_array($objCustomField->CustomFieldId, $customFieldIdArray)) {
                             $selectedCustomFieldsArray[] = $objCustomField;
                     CustomField::SaveControls($selectedCustomFieldsArray, true, $this->arrCustomFieldsToEdit, $intAssetId, EntityQtype::Asset);
             // Edit TransAction
             // Update main table
             $strQuery = sprintf("UPDATE `asset`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSET " . implode(",", $set) . " WHERE `asset_id` IN (%s)", implode(",", $this->arrAssetToEdit));
             //print $strQuery; exit;
         } catch (QMySqliDatabaseException $objExc) {
             throw new QDatabaseException();
     } else {
 public function btnAdd_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter)
     $strAssetCode = $this->txtNewAssetCode->Text;
     $blnDuplicate = false;
     $blnError = false;
     if ($strAssetCode) {
         // Begin error checking
         if ($this->objAssetArray) {
             foreach ($this->objAssetArray as $asset) {
                 if ($asset && $asset->AssetCode == $strAssetCode) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset has already been added.";
         if (!$blnError) {
             $objNewAsset = Asset::LoadByAssetCode($this->txtNewAssetCode->Text);
             if (!$objNewAsset instanceof Asset) {
                 $blnError = true;
                 $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset code does not exist.";
             } elseif ($objNewAsset->LocationId == 2) {
                 $blnError = true;
                 $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset has already been shipped.";
             } elseif ($objNewAsset->LocationId == 5) {
                 $blnError = true;
                 $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is currently scheduled to be received.";
             } elseif ($objPendingShipment = AssetTransaction::PendingShipment($objNewAsset->AssetId)) {
                 $blnError = true;
                 $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is already in a pending shipment.";
             } elseif (!QApplication::AuthorizeEntityBoolean($objNewAsset, 2)) {
                 $blnError = true;
                 $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "You do not have authorization to perform a transaction on this asset.";
             } elseif ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 1) {
                 if ($objNewAsset->CheckedOutFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is checked out.";
                 } elseif ($objNewAsset->ReservedFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is reserved.";
             } elseif ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 2) {
                 if (!$objNewAsset->CheckedOutFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is not checked out.";
                 } elseif ($objNewAsset->ReservedFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is reserved.";
                 } elseif ($objNewAsset->CheckedOutFlag) {
                     $objUserAccount = $objNewAsset->GetLastTransactionUser();
                     if ($objUserAccount->UserAccountId != QApplication::$objUserAccount->UserAccountId) {
                         $blnError = true;
                         $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset was not checked out by the current user.";
             } elseif ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 3) {
                 if ($objNewAsset->CheckedOutFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is already checked out.";
                 } elseif ($objNewAsset->ReservedFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is reserved.";
             } elseif ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 8) {
                 if ($objNewAsset->ReservedFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is already reserved.";
                 } elseif ($objNewAsset->CheckedOutFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is checked out.";
             } elseif ($this->intTransactionTypeId == 9) {
                 if (!$objNewAsset->ReservedFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is not reserved";
                 } elseif ($objNewAsset->CheckedOutFlag) {
                     $blnError = true;
                     $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is checked out.";
                 } elseif ($objNewAsset->ReservedFlag) {
                     $objUserAccount = $objNewAsset->GetLastTransactionUser();
                     if ($objUserAccount->UserAccountId != QApplication::$objUserAccount->UserAccountId) {
                         $blnError = true;
                         $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset was not reserved by the current user.";
             if (!$blnError && $objNewAsset instanceof Asset) {
                 $this->objAssetArray[] = $objNewAsset;
                 $this->txtNewAssetCode->Text = null;
     } else {
         $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "Please enter an asset code.";
Пример #10
 protected function btnMassDeleteConfirm_Click()
     $items = $this->ctlSearchMenu->dtgInventoryModel->getSelected('InventoryModelId');
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         // First check that the user is authorized to delete this inventory
         $objInventoryModel = InventoryModel::Load($item);
         if (!QApplication::AuthorizeEntityBoolean($objInventoryModel, 3)) {
             $blnError = true;
             $this->lblWarning->Text = 'You are not authorized to delete one or more of the selected inventory models.';
     if (count($items) > 0) {
         $this->lblWarning->Text = "";
         // TODO perform validate
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             try {
                 // Get an instance of the database
                 $objDatabase = QApplication::$Database[1];
                 // Begin a MySQL Transaction to be either committed or rolled back
                 // Hide the dialog
             } catch (QDatabaseExceptionBase $objExc) {
                 // Roll back the transaction from the database
                 if ($objExc->ErrorNumber == 1451) {
                     $this->lblWarning->Text .= 'Inventory model ' . $item . 'cannot be deleted because it is associated with one or more transactions.';
                 } else {
                     throw new QDatabaseExceptionBase();
     } else {
         $this->lblWarning->Text = "You haven't chosen any Inventory to Delete";