Пример #1
 public function createPlot()
     $size = '0.25';
     $plot = new \PiePlot($this->data);
     $plot->SetCenter(0.25, 0.32);
Пример #2
 public function addSinglePlot($data, $x = 0.5, $y = 0.5, $title = null)
     $plot = new PiePlot(array_values($data));
     $plot->SetCenter($x, $y);
     if ($title != null) {
 function graficarPDF()
     $solo_registrados = contar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pasantia INNER JOIN periodo ON periodo.id = pasantia.periodo_id WHERE pasantia.m01_registrada IS NOT NULL AND pasantia.m02_aceptada IS NULL AND periodo.activo = TRUE");
     $solo_aceptadas = contar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pasantia INNER JOIN periodo ON periodo.id = pasantia.periodo_id WHERE pasantia.m02_aceptada IS NOT NULL AND pasantia.m03_numero_asignado IS NULL AND periodo.activo = TRUE");
     $solo_numero_asignado = contar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pasantia INNER JOIN periodo ON periodo.id = pasantia.periodo_id WHERE pasantia.m03_numero_asignado IS NOT NULL AND pasantia.m04_sellada IS NULL AND periodo.activo = TRUE");
     $solo_sellada = contar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pasantia INNER JOIN periodo ON periodo.id = pasantia.periodo_id WHERE pasantia.m04_sellada IS NOT NULL AND pasantia.m05_entrego_copia IS NULL AND periodo.activo = TRUE");
     $solo_entrego_copia = contar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pasantia INNER JOIN periodo ON periodo.id = pasantia.periodo_id WHERE pasantia.m05_entrego_copia IS NOT NULL AND pasantia.m06_entrego_borrador IS NULL AND periodo.activo = TRUE");
     $solo_entrego_borrador = contar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pasantia INNER JOIN periodo ON periodo.id = pasantia.periodo_id WHERE pasantia.m06_entrego_borrador IS NOT NULL AND pasantia.m07_retiro_borrador IS NULL AND periodo.activo = TRUE");
     $solo_retiro_borrador = contar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pasantia INNER JOIN periodo ON periodo.id = pasantia.periodo_id WHERE pasantia.m07_retiro_borrador IS NOT NULL AND pasantia.m08_entrega_final IS NULL AND periodo.activo = TRUE");
     $finalizaron = contar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pasantia INNER JOIN periodo ON periodo.id = pasantia.periodo_id WHERE pasantia.m08_entrega_final IS NOT NULL AND periodo.activo = TRUE");
     $this->MultiCell(200, 5, utf8_decode("\nRepública Bolivariana de Venezuela\nUniversidad del Zulia\nFacultad Experimental de Ciencias\nDivisión de Programas Especiales\nSistema de Pasantías\n\n\n\nEstadísticas de Hitos"), 0, "C", 0);
     $this->SetXY(5, 65);
     $this->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 12);
     $this->SetWidths(array(27, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25));
     $this->SetAligns(array('C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C'));
     $this->Row(array("Registradas", "Aceptadas", "Numero Asignado", "Selladas", "Entrega Copia", "Entrega Borrador", "Retiro Borrador", "Finalizaron"));
     $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 12);
     $this->SetWidths(array(27, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25));
     $this->SetAligns(array('C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C'));
     $this->Row(array("{$solo_registrados}", "{$solo_aceptadas}", "{$solo_numero_asignado}", "{$solo_sellada}", "{$solo_entrego_copia}", "{$solo_entrego_borrador}", "{$solo_retiro_borrador}", "{$finalizaron}"));
     $data = array($solo_registrados, $solo_aceptadas, $solo_numero_asignado, $solo_sellada, $solo_entrego_copia, $solo_entrego_borrador, $solo_retiro_borrador, $finalizaron);
     //aqui va la cantidad que llevará cada parte del grafico
     $graph = new PieGraph(640, 480);
     //tamaño de la letra del titulo y la leyenda
     $db = new PgDB();
     $queryPer = "SELECT tipo, anio FROM periodo WHERE activo = TRUE";
     $recoPer = pg_query($queryPer);
     $rowPer = pg_fetch_array($recoPer);
     $graph->title->Set(utf8_decode("REPORTE TOTAL\n{$rowPer['tipo']} - {$rowPer['anio']}"));
     $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT2, FS_BOLD);
     $p1 = new PiePlot($data);
     $p1->SetLegends(array("Registradas", "Aceptadas", "Numeros Asignados", "Selladas", "Entrega de Copias", "Entrega de Borrador", "Retiro de Borrador", "Finalizaron"));
     //la leyenda del gráfico
     //el radio del gráfico
     //$p1->SetAngle(45); //setear el angulo
     $this->Image("asd.png", -15, 85, 240, 180);
     // x, y, ancho, altura.
     $this->Image("logotipo.jpg", 20, 12, -280);
Пример #4
 function plot()
     // Create the Pie Graph.
     $graph = new PieGraph(500, 300);
     // Create
     $p1 = new PiePlot($this->_data);
     // Set A title for the plot
     $p1->SetCenter(0.28, 0.5);
     $txt = new Text("Most Visited Titles", 0.15, 0.05);
Пример #5
 public function executePieGraph()
     //Set the response header to a image JPEG datastream
     $util = new util();
     //echo $duales;
     $data1 = $util->getDualMedia('movies');
     $data2 = $util->getTotalMedia('movies') - $data1;
     $data = array($data2, $data1);
     $graph = new PieGraph(199, 120);
     $graph->SetFrame(true, '#393939');
     $graph->legend->SetPos(0.8, 0.9, 'center', 'bottom');
     $p1 = new PiePlot($data);
     $p1->SetSliceColors(array('white', 'red'));
     $p1->SetLegends(array("Spa", "Dual"));
     return sfView::NONE;
Пример #6
            if (strlen($lastTLD)) {
                getColors($colors, $count, $index);
            // reset the counter
            $count = 0;
            $lastTLD = $tld;
    if (strlen($lastTLD)) {
        getColors($colors, $count, $index);
    $graph = new PieGraph($width, $height);
    $pie = new PiePlot($values);
    // set  the actual labels for the wedges
    $pie->SetLabels($labels, 1.1);
    if (count($colors)) {
    // set other options
    $pie->SetGuideLines(true, true, true);
    $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT2, FS_BOLD);
    $pie->ShowBorder(true, true);
Пример #7
function print_graph($g, $pgwidth)
    $splines = false;
    $bandw = false;
    $percent = false;
    $show_percent = false;
    $stacked = false;
    $h = false;
    $show_values = false;
    $hide_grid = false;
    $hide_y_axis = false;
    if (isset($g['attr']['TYPE']) && $g['attr']['TYPE']) {
        $type = strtolower($g['attr']['TYPE']);
    if (!in_array($type, array('bar', 'horiz_bar', 'line', 'radar', 'pie', 'pie3d', 'xy', 'scatter'))) {
        $type = 'bar';
    // Default=bar
    if (isset($g['attr']['STACKED']) && $g['attr']['STACKED']) {
        $stacked = true;
    // stacked for bar or horiz_bar
    if (isset($g['attr']['SPLINES']) && $g['attr']['SPLINES'] && $type == 'xy') {
        $splines = true;
    // splines for XY line graphs
    if (isset($g['attr']['BANDW']) && $g['attr']['BANDW']) {
        $bandw = true;
    // black and white
    if (isset($g['attr']['LEGEND-OVERLAP']) && $g['attr']['LEGEND-OVERLAP']) {
        $overlap = true;
    // avoid overlap of Legends over graph (line, bar, horiz_bar only)
    if (isset($g['attr']['PERCENT']) && $g['attr']['PERCENT'] && $type != 'xy' && $type != 'scatter') {
        $percent = true;
    // Show data series as percent of total in series
    if (isset($g['attr']['SHOW-VALUES']) && $g['attr']['SHOW-VALUES']) {
        $show_values = true;
    // Show the individual data values
    if (isset($g['attr']['HIDE-GRID']) && $g['attr']['HIDE-GRID']) {
        $hide_grid = true;
    // Hide the y-axis gridlines
    if (isset($g['attr']['HIDE-Y-AXIS']) && $g['attr']['HIDE-Y-AXIS']) {
        $hide_y_axis = true;
    // Hide the y-axis
    // Antialias: If true - better quality curves, but graph line will only be 1px even in PDF 300dpi
    // default=true for most except line and radar
    if (isset($g['attr']['ANTIALIAS']) && ($g['attr']['ANTIALIAS'] == '' || $g['attr']['ANTIALIAS'] == 0)) {
        $antialias = false;
    } else {
        if (isset($g['attr']['ANTIALIAS']) && $g['attr']['ANTIALIAS'] > 0) {
            $antialias = true;
        } else {
            if ($type == 'line' || $type == 'radar') {
                $antialias = false;
            } else {
                $antialias = true;
    if ($g['attr']['DPI']) {
        $dpi = intval($g['attr']['DPI']);
    if (!$dpi || $dpi < 50 || $dpi > 2400) {
        $dpi = 150;
    // Default dpi 150
    $k = 0.2645 / 25.4 * $dpi;
    // mPDF 4.5.009
    global $JpgUseSVGFormat;
    if (isset($JpgUseSVGFormat) && $JpgUseSVGFormat) {
        $img_type = 'svg';
        $k = 1;
        // Overrides as Vector scale does not need DPI
    } else {
        $img_type = 'png';
    if (isset($g['attr']['TITLE']) && $g['attr']['TITLE']) {
        $title = $g['attr']['TITLE'];
    if (isset($g['attr']['LABEL-X']) && $g['attr']['LABEL-X']) {
        $xlabel = $g['attr']['LABEL-X'];
    // NOT IMPLEMENTED??????
    if (isset($g['attr']['LABEL-Y']) && $g['attr']['LABEL-Y']) {
        $ylabel = $g['attr']['LABEL-Y'];
    if (isset($g['attr']['AXIS-X']) && $g['attr']['AXIS-X']) {
        $xaxis = strtolower($g['attr']['AXIS-X']);
    if (!in_array($xaxis, array('text', 'lin', 'linear', 'log'))) {
        $xaxis = 'text';
    // Default=text
    if ($xaxis == 'linear') {
        $xaxis = 'lin';
    if (isset($g['attr']['AXIS-Y']) && $g['attr']['AXIS-Y']) {
        $yaxis = strtolower($g['attr']['AXIS-Y']);
    if (!in_array($yaxis, array('lin', 'linear', 'log', 'percent'))) {
        $yaxis = 'lin';
    // Default=lin
    if ($yaxis == 'percent') {
        $show_percent = true;
        $yaxis = 'lin';
    // Show percent sign on scales
    if ($yaxis == 'linear') {
        $yaxis = 'lin';
    if ($splines) {
        $xaxis = 'lin';
    $axes = $xaxis . $yaxis;
    // e.g.textlin, textlog, loglog, loglin, linlog (XY)
    // mPDF 4.0
    if (isset($g['attr']['cWIDTH']) && $g['attr']['cWIDTH']) {
        $w = $g['attr']['cWIDTH'] / 0.2645;
    // pixels
    if (isset($g['attr']['cHEIGHT']) && $g['attr']['cHEIGHT']) {
        $h = $g['attr']['cHEIGHT'] / 0.2645;
    if (isset($g['attr']['SERIES']) && strtolower($g['attr']['SERIES']) == 'rows') {
        $dataseries = 'rows';
    } else {
        $dataseries = 'cols';
    // Defaults - define data
    $rowbegin = 2;
    $colbegin = 2;
    if ($type == 'scatter' || $type == 'xy') {
        if ($dataseries == 'rows') {
            $rowbegin = 1;
        } else {
            $colbegin = 1;
    $rowend = 0;
    $colend = 0;
    if (isset($g['attr']['DATA-ROW-BEGIN']) && ($g['attr']['DATA-ROW-BEGIN'] === '0' || $g['attr']['DATA-ROW-BEGIN'] > 0)) {
        $rowbegin = $g['attr']['DATA-ROW-BEGIN'];
    if (isset($g['attr']['DATA-COL-BEGIN']) && ($g['attr']['DATA-COL-BEGIN'] === '0' || $g['attr']['DATA-COL-BEGIN'] > 0)) {
        $colbegin = $g['attr']['DATA-COL-BEGIN'];
    if (isset($g['attr']['DATA-ROW-END']) && ($g['attr']['DATA-ROW-END'] === '0' || $g['attr']['DATA-ROW-END'] != 0)) {
        $rowend = $g['attr']['DATA-ROW-END'];
    if (isset($g['attr']['DATA-COL-END']) && ($g['attr']['DATA-COL-END'] === '0' || $g['attr']['DATA-COL-END'] != 0)) {
        $colend = $g['attr']['DATA-COL-END'];
    $nr = count($g['data']);
    $nc = 0;
    foreach ($g['data'] as $r) {
        $cc = 0;
        foreach ($r as $c) {
        $nc = max($nc, $cc);
    if ($colend == 0) {
        $colend = $nc;
    } else {
        if ($colend < 0) {
            $colend = $nc + $colend;
    if ($rowend == 0) {
        $rowend = $nr;
    } else {
        if ($rowend < 0) {
            $rowend = $nr + $rowend;
    if ($colend < $colbegin) {
        $colend = $colbegin;
    if ($rowend < $rowbegin) {
        $rowend = $rowbegin;
    //	if ($type == 'xy' || $type=='scatter') { $colstart=0; }
    // Get Data + Totals
    $data = array();
    $totals = array();
    for ($r = $rowbegin - 1; $r < $rowend; $r++) {
        for ($c = $colbegin - 1; $c < $colend; $c++) {
            if (isset($g['data'][$r][$c])) {
                $g['data'][$r][$c] = floatval($g['data'][$r][$c]);
            } else {
                $g['data'][$r][$c] = 0;
            if ($dataseries == 'rows') {
                $data[$r + 1 - $rowbegin][$c + 1 - $colbegin] = $g['data'][$r][$c];
                $totals[$r + 1 - $rowbegin] += $g['data'][$r][$c];
            } else {
                $data[$c + 1 - $colbegin][$r + 1 - $rowbegin] = $g['data'][$r][$c];
                if (isset($totals[$c + 1 - $colbegin])) {
                    $totals[$c + 1 - $colbegin] += $g['data'][$r][$c];
                } else {
                    $totals[$c + 1 - $colbegin] = $g['data'][$r][$c];
    // PERCENT
    if ($percent && $type != 'pie' && $type != 'pie3d') {
        for ($r = 0; $r < count($data); $r++) {
            for ($c = 0; $c < count($data[$r]); $c++) {
                $data[$r][$c] = $data[$r][$c] / $totals[$r] * 100;
    // Get Legends and labels
    $legends = array();
    $labels = array();
    $longestlegend = 0;
    $longestlabel = 0;
    if ($dataseries == 'cols') {
        if ($colbegin > 1) {
            for ($r = $rowbegin - 1; $r < $rowend; $r++) {
                $legends[$r + 1 - $rowbegin] = $g['data'][$r][0];
                $longestlegend = max($longestlegend, strlen($g['data'][$r][0]));
        if ($rowbegin > 1) {
            for ($c = $colbegin - 1; $c < $colend; $c++) {
                $labels[$c + 1 - $colbegin] = $g['data'][0][$c];
                $longestlabel = max($longestlabel, strlen($g['data'][0][$c]));
    } else {
        if ($dataseries == 'rows') {
            if ($colbegin > 1) {
                for ($r = $rowbegin - 1; $r < $rowend; $r++) {
                    $labels[$r + 1 - $rowbegin] = $g['data'][$r][0];
                    $longestlabel = max($longestlabel, strlen($g['data'][$r][0]));
            if ($rowbegin > 1) {
                for ($c = $colbegin - 1; $c < $colend; $c++) {
                    $legends[$c + 1 - $colbegin] = $g['data'][0][$c];
                    $longestlegend = max($longestlegend, strlen($g['data'][0][$c]));
    // Default sizes
    $defsize = array();
    $defsize['pie'] = array('w' => 600, 'h' => 300);
    $defsize['pie3d'] = array('w' => 600, 'h' => 300);
    $defsize['radar'] = array('w' => 600, 'h' => 300);
    $defsize['line'] = array('w' => 600, 'h' => 400);
    $defsize['xy'] = array('w' => 600, 'h' => 400);
    $defsize['scatter'] = array('w' => 600, 'h' => 400);
    $defsize['bar'] = array('w' => 600, 'h' => 400);
    $defsize['horiz_bar'] = array('w' => 600, 'h' => 500);
    // Use default ratios
    if ($w && !$h) {
        $h = $w * $defsize[$type]['h'] / $defsize[$type]['w'];
    if ($h && !$w) {
        $w = $h * $defsize[$type]['w'] / $defsize[$type]['h'];
    if (!$h && !$w) {
        $w = $defsize[$type]['w'];
        $h = $defsize[$type]['h'];
    if (count($data) > 0 && $type) {
        $figure_file = "graph_cache/" . rand(11111, 999999999) . "." . $img_type;
        if ($bandw) {
            $colours = array('snow1', 'black', 'snow4', 'snow3', 'snow2', 'cadetblue4', 'cadetblue3', 'cadetblue1', 'bisque4', 'bisque2', 'beige');
        } else {
            $colours = array('cyan', 'darkorchid4', 'cadetblue3', 'khaki1', 'darkolivegreen2', 'cadetblue4', 'coral', 'cyan4', 'rosybrown3', 'wheat1');
        $fills = array('navy', 'orange', 'red', 'yellow', 'purple', 'navy', 'orange', 'red', 'yellow', 'purple');
        // LEGENDS
        if ($type == 'pie' || $type == 'pie3d') {
            $graph = new PieGraph($w * $k, $h * $k);
        } else {
            if ($type == 'radar') {
                $graph = new RadarGraph($w * $k, $h * $k);
            } else {
                $graph = new Graph($w * $k, $h * $k);
        // mPDF 4.5.009
        //	$graph->img->SetImgFormat($img_type) ;
        //	if (strtoupper($img_type)=='JPEG') { $graph->img->SetQuality(90); }
        if ($antialias) {
        $graph->SetShadow(true, 2 * $k);
        // TITLE
        $graph->title->SetMargin(10 * $k);
        $graph->title->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_BOLD, 11 * $k);
        $graph->legend->SetLineSpacing(3 * $k);
        $graph->legend->SetMarkAbsSize(6 * $k);
        $graph->legend->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
        if ($type == 'pie' || $type == 'pie3d') {
            $psize = 0.3;
            $pposxabs = $w / 2;
            $pposy = 0.55;
            if ($longestlegend) {
                // if legend showing
                $pposxabs -= ($longestlegend * 5 + 20) / 2;
            $pposx = $pposxabs / $w;
            $graph->legend->Pos(0.02, 0.5, 'right', 'center');
        } else {
            if ($type == 'radar') {
                $psize = 0.5;
                $pposxabs = $w / 2;
                $pposy = 0.55;
                if ($longestlabel) {
                    // if legend showing
                    $pposxabs -= ($longestlabel * 5 + 20) / 2;
                $pposx = $pposxabs / $w;
                $graph->legend->Pos(0.02, 0.5, 'right', 'center');
            } else {
                if ($type == 'xy' || $type == 'scatter') {
                    $pml = 50;
                    $pmr = 20;
                    $pmt = 60;
                    $pmb = 50;
                    $xaxislblmargin = $pmb - 30;
                    $yaxislblmargin = $pml - 15;
                    $graph->legend->Pos(0.02, 0.1, 'right', 'top');
                } else {
                    if ($type == 'line' || $type == 'bar') {
                        $pml = 50;
                        $pmr = 20;
                        $pmt = 60;
                        $pmb = 50;
                        $xlangle = 0;
                        $ll = $longestlegend * 5;
                        // 45 degrees 8pt fontsize
                        if ($ll > 5 || $ll > 3 && count($data) > 10) {
                            $pmb = max($pmb, $ll + 30);
                            $xlangle = 50;
                        $xaxislblmargin = $pmb - 30;
                        $yaxislblmargin = $pml - 15;
                        if ($longestlabel && !$overlap) {
                            // if legend showing
                            $pmr = $longestlabel * 5 + 40;
                        $graph->legend->Pos(0.02, 0.1, 'right', 'top');
                    } else {
                        if ($type == 'horiz_bar') {
                            $pml = 50;
                            $pmr = 20;
                            $pmt = 50;
                            $pmb = 45;
                            $ll = $longestlegend * 6.5;
                            // 8pt fontsize
                            $pml = max($pml, $ll + 20);
                            $xaxislblmargin = $pml - 20;
                            $yaxislblmargin = $pmb - 15;
                            if ($longestlabel && !$overlap) {
                                // if legend showing
                                $pmr = $longestlabel * 5 + 40;
                            $graph->legend->Pos(0.02, 0.1, 'right', 'top');
        // DRAW THE GRAPHS
        if ($type == 'pie') {
            $p1 = new PiePlot($data[0]);
            if ($show_values) {
                $p1->value->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                if ($percent) {
                } else {
                if ($percent || $show_percent) {
                } else {
                // Enable and set policy for guide-lines. Make labels line up vertically
            } else {
            $p1->SetCenter($pposx, $pposy);
            if ($labels[0]) {
                $graph->subtitle->SetMargin(10 * $k);
                $graph->subtitle->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_BOLD, 11 * $k);
        } else {
            if ($type == 'pie3d') {
                $p1 = new PiePlot3d($data[0]);
                if ($show_values) {
                    $p1->value->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                    if ($percent) {
                    } else {
                    if ($percent || $show_percent) {
                    } else {
                } else {
                $p1->SetCenter($pposx, $pposy);
                if ($labels[0]) {
                    $graph->subtitle->SetMargin(10 * $k);
                    $graph->subtitle->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_BOLD, 11 * $k);
            } else {
                if ($type == 'radar') {
                    $graph->SetPos($pposx, $pposy);
                    // labels each axis
                    $graph->axis->title->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                    $graph->axis->title->SetMargin(5 * $k);
                    $graph->axis->SetWeight(1 * $k);
                    $graph->axis->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 6 * $k);
                    $group = array();
                    foreach ($data as $series => $dat) {
                        $rdata = array();
                        foreach ($data[$series] as $row) {
                            $rdata[] = $row;
                        if (count($rdata) < 3) {
                            die("ERROR::Graph::Cannot create a Radar Plot with less than 3 data points.");
                        // Create the radar plot
                        $bplot = new RadarPlot($rdata);
                        $bplot->mark->SetWidth(3 * $k);
                        if ($series == 0) {
                        } else {
                        $bplot->SetLineWeight(1 * $k);
                        if ($bandw) {
                } else {
                    if ($type == 'line') {
                        // Setup the graph.
                        $graph->img->SetMargin($pml * $k, $pmr * $k, $pmt * $k, $pmb * $k);
                        // LRTB
                        $graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                        if ($ylabel) {
                            $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                            $graph->yaxis->SetTitle($ylabel, 'middle');
                            $graph->yaxis->SetTitleMargin($yaxislblmargin * $k);
                        $graph->yaxis->SetLabelMargin(4 * $k);
                        if ($percent || $show_percent) {
                        // Percent
                        // Show 0 label on Y-axis (default is not to show)
                        if ($hide_y_axis) {
                        if ($hide_grid) {
                        // Setup X-axis labels
                        $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                        $graph->xaxis->SetLabelMargin(4 * $k);
                        // X-axis title
                        if ($xlabel) {
                            $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                            $graph->xaxis->SetTitle($xlabel, 'middle');
                            $graph->xaxis->SetTitleMargin($xaxislblmargin * $k);
                        foreach ($data as $series => $rdata) {
                            $bplot = new LinePlot($rdata);
                            $bplot->mark->SetWidth(4 * $k);
                            if ($show_values) {
                                // Not if scatter
                                $bplot->value->SetMargin(6 * $k);
                                $bplot->value->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                if ($percent || $show_percent) {
                                } else {
                            // Set color for each line
                            $bplot->SetWeight(2 * $k);
                            if ($bandw) {
                            // Indent the X-scale so the first and last point doesn't fall on the edges
                    } else {
                        if ($type == 'xy' || $type == 'scatter') {
                            // Setup the graph.
                            $graph->img->SetMargin($pml * $k, $pmr * $k, $pmt * $k, $pmb * $k);
                            // LRTB
                            // Setup font for axis
                            $graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                            // Y-axis title
                            if ($labels[1]) {
                                $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                $graph->yaxis->SetTitleMargin($yaxislblmargin * $k);
                                $graph->yaxis->SetTitle($labels[1], 'middle');
                            $graph->yaxis->SetLabelMargin(4 * $k);
                            if ($percent || $show_percent) {
                            // Percent
                            // Show 0 label on Y-axis (default is not to show)
                            // Just let the maximum be autoscaled
                            if ($hide_y_axis) {
                            if ($hide_grid) {
                            // Setup X-axis labels
                            $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                            // mPDF 2.5 Corrects labelling of x-axis
                            //			$graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($legends);
                            $graph->xaxis->SetLabelMargin(4 * $k);
                            // X-axis title
                            if ($labels[0]) {
                                $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                $graph->xaxis->SetTitleMargin($xaxislblmargin * $k);
                                $graph->xaxis->SetTitle($labels[0], 'middle');
                            // Create the bar plot
                            // SPLINES
                            if ($splines && $type == 'xy') {
                                $spline = new Spline($data[0], $data[1]);
                                list($newx, $newy) = $spline->Get(100);
                            } else {
                                $newx = $data[0];
                                $newy = $data[1];
                            if ($type == 'xy') {
                                // LINE PLOT
                                $bplot = new LinePlot($newy, $newx);
                                // Set color for each line
                                $bplot->SetWeight(4 * $k);
                                if ($bandw) {
                            // SCATTER PLOT
                            $cplot = new ScatterPlot($data[1], $data[0]);
                            $cplot->mark->SetWidth(8 * $k);
                            if ($show_values) {
                                // mPDF 2.5
                                if ($type == 'xy') {
                                // Not if scatter
                                $cplot->value->SetMargin(8 * $k);
                                $cplot->value->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 6 * $k);
                                if ($percent || $show_percent) {
                                } else {
                            // Set color for each line
                            $cplot->SetWeight(4 * $k);
                            if ($bandw) {
                        } else {
                            if ($type == 'bar') {
                                // Setup the graph.
                                $graph->img->SetMargin($pml * $k, $pmr * $k, $pmt * $k, $pmb * $k);
                                // LRTB
                                // Setup y-axis
                                $graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                if ($hide_y_axis) {
                                if ($hide_grid) {
                                $graph->yaxis->SetLabelMargin(4 * $k);
                                if ($ylabel) {
                                    $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                    $graph->yaxis->SetTitle($ylabel, 'middle');
                                    $graph->yaxis->SetTitleMargin($yaxislblmargin * $k);
                                // Show 0 label on Y-axis (default is not to show)
                                // Setup X-axis labels
                                $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                $graph->xaxis->SetLabelMargin(4 * $k);
                                // X-axis title
                                if ($xlabel) {
                                    $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                    $graph->xaxis->SetTitle($xlabel, 'middle');
                                    $graph->xaxis->SetTitleMargin($xaxislblmargin * $k);
                                $group = array();
                                foreach ($data as $series => $dat) {
                                    $rdata = array();
                                    foreach ($data[$series] as $row) {
                                        $rdata[] = $row;
                                    // Create the bar plot
                                    $bplot = new BarPlot($rdata);
                                    // for SINGLE??
                                    // Setup color for gradient fill style
                                    if ($bandw) {
                                    } else {
                                        $bplot->SetFillGradient($fills[$series], "#EEEEEE", GRAD_LEFT_REFLECTION);
                                    // Set color for the frame of each bar
                                    if ($bandw) {
                                    if ($show_values) {
                                        $bplot->value->SetMargin(6 * $k);
                                        $bplot->value->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                        if ($percent || $show_percent) {
                                        } else {
                                    $group[] = $bplot;
                                if (count($data) == 1) {
                                } else {
                                    // Create the grouped bar plot
                                    if ($stacked) {
                                        $gbplot = new AccBarPlot($group);
                                    } else {
                                        $gbplot = new GroupBarPlot($group);
                            } else {
                                if ($type == 'horiz_bar') {
                                    $graph->Set90AndMargin($pml * $k, $pmr * $k, $pmt * $k, $pmb * $k);
                                    // LRTB
                                    // Setup y-axis
                                    $graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                    $graph->yaxis->SetLabelMargin(4 * $k);
                                    // Intersect at top of x-axis i.e. y axis is at bottom
                                    // First make the labels look right
                                    $graph->yaxis->SetLabelAlign('center', 'top');
                                    if ($percent || $show_percent) {
                                    // sets 10% headroom
                                    if ($hide_y_axis) {
                                    if ($hide_grid) {
                                    // The fix the tick marks
                                    if ($ylabel) {
                                        $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                        $graph->yaxis->SetTitle($ylabel, 'middle');
                                        $graph->yaxis->SetTitleMargin($yaxislblmargin * $k);
                                        // Finally setup the title
                                        // To align the title to the right use :
                                    // Show 0 label on Y-axis (default is not to show)
                                    // Setup X-axis labels
                                    $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                    $graph->xaxis->SetLabelMargin(4 * $k);
                                    // X-axis title
                                    if ($xlabel) {
                                        $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                        $graph->xaxis->SetTitleMargin($xaxislblmargin * $k);
                                        $graph->xaxis->SetTitle($xlabel, 'middle');
                                    $group = array();
                                    foreach ($data as $series => $dat) {
                                        $rdata = array();
                                        foreach ($data[$series] as $row) {
                                            $rdata[] = $row;
                                        // Create the bar pot
                                        $bplot = new BarPlot($rdata);
                                        // for SINGLE??
                                        // Setup color for gradient fill style
                                        if ($bandw) {
                                        } else {
                                            $bplot->SetFillGradient($fills[$series], "#EEEEEE", GRAD_LEFT_REFLECTION);
                                        // Set color for the frame of each bar
                                        if ($bandw) {
                                        if ($show_values) {
                                            $bplot->value->SetMargin(6 * $k);
                                            $bplot->value->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                            if ($percent || $show_percent) {
                                            } else {
                                        $group[] = $bplot;
                                    if (count($data) == 1) {
                                    } else {
                                        // Create the grouped bar plot
                                        if ($stacked) {
                                            $gbplot = new AccBarPlot($group);
                                        } else {
                                            $gbplot = new GroupBarPlot($group);
        if ($graph) {
            $graph->Stroke(_MPDF_PATH . $figure_file);
            $srcpath = str_replace("\\", "/", dirname(__FILE__)) . "/";
            $srcpath .= $figure_file;
            return array('file' => $srcpath, 'w' => $w, 'h' => $h);
    return false;
if (@$_REQUEST["type"] == "pie") {
    // A new graph
    $graph = new PieGraph(500, 300, "auto");
    // The pie plot
    $plot = new PiePlot($plots);
    // Move center of pie to the left to make better room
    // for the legend
    $plot->SetCenter(0.26, 0.55);
    // Label font and color setup
    $plot->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
    // Use percentages
    // Size of pie in fraction of the width of the graph
    // Legends
    $graph->legend->Pos(0.06, 0.27);
} else {
    // bar chart
    $plot = new BarPlot($plots);
    $plot->SetValueFont(FF_FONT2, FS_NORMAL, 9);
    // figure out the best size for this graph.
    $width = 75;
    if (count($labels) > 3) {
        foreach ($labels as $label) {
            $label_width = imagefontwidth(FF_FONT1) * strlen($label) + 15;
Пример #9
 private function _renderPieChart($groupCount, $dimensions = '2d', $doughnut = False, $multiplePlots = False)
     require_once 'jpgraph_pie.php';
     if ($dimensions == '3d') {
         require_once 'jpgraph_pie3d.php';
     $iLimit = $multiplePlots ? $groupCount : 1;
     for ($groupID = 0; $groupID < $iLimit; ++$groupID) {
         $grouping = $this->_chart->getPlotArea()->getPlotGroupByIndex($groupID)->getPlotGrouping();
         $exploded = $this->_chart->getPlotArea()->getPlotGroupByIndex($groupID)->getPlotStyle();
         if ($groupID == 0) {
             $labelCount = count($this->_chart->getPlotArea()->getPlotGroupByIndex($groupID)->getPlotValuesByIndex(0)->getPointCount());
             if ($labelCount > 0) {
                 $datasetLabels = $this->_chart->getPlotArea()->getPlotGroupByIndex($groupID)->getPlotCategoryByIndex(0)->getDataValues();
                 $datasetLabels = $this->_formatDataSetLabels($groupID, $datasetLabels, $labelCount);
         $seriesCount = $this->_chart->getPlotArea()->getPlotGroupByIndex($groupID)->getPlotSeriesCount();
         $seriesPlots = array();
         //	For pie charts, we only display the first series: doughnut charts generally display all series
         $jLimit = $multiplePlots ? $seriesCount : 1;
         //	Loop through each data series in turn
         for ($j = 0; $j < $jLimit; ++$j) {
             $dataValues = $this->_chart->getPlotArea()->getPlotGroupByIndex($groupID)->getPlotValuesByIndex($j)->getDataValues();
             //	Fill in any missing values in the $dataValues array
             $testCurrentIndex = 0;
             foreach ($dataValues as $k => $dataValue) {
                 while ($k != $testCurrentIndex) {
                     $dataValues[$testCurrentIndex] = null;
             if ($dimensions == '3d') {
                 $seriesPlot = new PiePlot3D($dataValues);
             } else {
                 if ($doughnut) {
                     $seriesPlot = new PiePlotC($dataValues);
                 } else {
                     $seriesPlot = new PiePlot($dataValues);
             if ($multiplePlots) {
                 $seriesPlot->SetSize(($jLimit - $j) / ($jLimit * 4));
             if ($doughnut) {
             if (count($datasetLabels) > 0) {
                 $seriesPlot->SetLabels(array_fill(0, count($datasetLabels), ''));
             if ($dimensions != '3d') {
             if ($j == 0) {
                 if ($exploded) {
Пример #10
 /// A new pie graph
 $graph = new PieGraph(400, 200, "auto");
 $logtype = tr("by_logtype");
 // Title setup
 $graph->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL);
 //$graph ->legend->Pos( 0.25,0.8,"right" ,"bottom");
 // Setup the pie plot
 $p1 = new PiePlot($y);
 $p1->SetSliceColors(array('chartreuse3', 'chocolate2', 'wheat1'));
 // Adjust size and position of plot
 $p1->SetCenter(0.25, 0.52);
 $f = tr("found");
 $dnf = tr("not_found");
 $com = tr("comment");
 // Setup slice labels and move them into the plot
 $xx = array($f, $dnf, $com);
 $p1->value->SetFont(FF_COURIER, FS_NORMAL);
 $graph->legend->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL);
 // Explode all slices
 // Finally add the plot
Пример #11
$p1 = new PiePlot($data);
$p1->SetLegends(array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May"));
$p1->SetCenter(0.25, 0.32);
$p2 = new PiePlot($data);
$p2->SetCenter(0.65, 0.32);
$p3 = new PiePlot($data);
$p3->SetCenter(0.25, 0.75);
$p4 = new PiePlot($data);
$p4->SetCenter(0.65, 0.75);

Пример #12
 public function generateLog($winner = false)
     $gameid = strtotime('now');
     $template = file_get_contents('data/log.html');
     $fp = fopen(sprintf('logs/log_%d.html', $gameid), 'a');
     $htplayers = array();
     foreach ($this->players as $pl) {
         $htplayers[] = sprintf('<li>%s</li>', htmlspecialchars(parent::playerName($pl)));
     $players = implode("\n", $htplayers);
     if ($winner) {
         $data = sprintf("After %d hands played, the player <strong>%s</strong> won the total pot of <strong>\$%0.2f</strong>", $this->game, parent::playerName($winner), $winner->money);
     } else {
         $htplayers = array();
         foreach ($this->players as $pl) {
             $htplayers[] = sprintf('<li>%s ($%0.2f)</li>', htmlspecialchars(parent::playerName($pl)), $pl->money);
         $htplayers = implode("\n", $htplayers);
         $data = sprintf("After %d hands no winner was determined a summary of each individual player's money follows:<ol>%s</ol>", $this->game, $htplayers);
     $template = str_replace("{players}", $players, $template);
     $template = str_replace("{gameid}", $gameid, $template);
     $template = str_replace("{winner}", $data, $template);
     $template = str_replace("{version}", parent::$version, $template);
     $template = str_replace("{date}", date('d-m-Y h:i', $gameid), $template);
     $template = str_replace("{startmoney}", sprintf('%0.2f', $this->playermoney), $template);
     $template = str_replace("{bigblind}", sprintf('%0.2f', $this->bigblind), $template);
     $template = str_replace("{smallblind}", sprintf('%0.2f', $this->smallblind), $template);
     $template = str_replace("{maxgames}", $this->totalgames, $template);
     $template = str_replace("{winner}", $data, $template, $template);
     fputs($fp, $template);
     require_once 'data/jpgraph.php';
     require_once 'data/jpgraph_line.php';
     $width = 900;
     $height = 300;
     $graph = new Graph($width, $height);
     $graph->img->SetMargin(40, 40, 40, 40);
     $graph->title->Set('Amount of money per player, per hand');
     foreach ($this->moneylog as $id => $data) {
         $p = $this->players[$id];
         $lineplot = new LinePlot($data);
     $graph->stroke(sprintf('logs/playermoney_%d.jpg', $gameid));
     // Pie graph, showing checks, folds, bets, wins, calls and raises
     require_once "data/jpgraph_pie.php";
     // Create the Pie Graph.
     $height = ceil(count($this->players) / 2) * 440;
     $graph = new PieGraph($width, $height);
     // Set A title for the plot
     $graph->title->Set("Moves per user");
     // Create plots
     $size = 0.2;
     $x = array(0.25, 0.75);
     $y = 220;
     $i = 1;
     $legend = array("Check", "Call", "Bet", "Raise", "Fold");
     foreach ($this->players as $id => $player) {
         $plot = new PiePlot(array($player->checks, $player->calls, $player->bets, $player->raises, $player->folds));
         if ($player->id == 1) {
         $plot->SetCenter($x[$i - 1], $y);
         if ($i == 2) {
             $i = 0;
             $y += 420;
     $graph->stroke(sprintf('logs/playermoves_%d.jpg', $gameid));
     // Bargraph containing each player's wins
     $height = 70 * count($this->players);
     require_once "data/jpgraph_bar.php";
     $graph = new Graph($width, $height);
     $lbl = array();
     $data = array();
     foreach ($this->players as $pl) {
         $lbl[] = parent::PlayerName($pl);
         $data[] = $pl->wins;
     $top = 60;
     $bottom = 30;
     $left = 80;
     $right = 30;
     $graph->Set90AndMargin($left, $right, $top, $bottom);
     $graph->xaxis->SetLabelAlign('right', 'center', 'right');
     $graph->yaxis->SetLabelAlign('center', 'bottom');
     $graph->title->Set('Amount of hands won by individual players');
     $bplot = new BarPlot($data);
     $bplot->SetFillGradient("navy", "lightsteelblue", GRAD_HOR);
     $graph->Stroke(sprintf('logs/playerwins_%d.jpg', $gameid));
     $this->newgame = false;
     // Remove the clients from the server
     $this->broadcast("[SERVER] Thank you for playing Texas Hold`em (LIMIT)\n[SERVER] If you want to play another game, just reconnect to the server!");
     $this->return = true;
     foreach ($this->players as $player) {
     $this->return = true;
$p2_data = eval("return Array(" . stripslashes($_GET['p2_data']) . ");");
# Create the Pie Graph.
$graph = new PieGraph(700, 250);
# Set A title for the plot
$graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT2, FS_BOLD);
# Create
$size = 0.25;
$p1 = new PiePlot($p1_data);
$p1->SetCenter(0.2, 0.6);
$p2 = new PiePlot($p2_data);
//Sets the colour scheme defined in jpgraph_pie.php
#$p2->SetTheme("pca"); //Sets the colour scheme defined in jpgraph_pie.php
$p2->SetCenter(0.6, 0.6);
$graph->legend->Pos(0.01, 0.25, "right", "center");
# ------------------------------------
# $Log: pie_chart_2_image.php,v $
# Revision  2005/11/30 23:01:26  gth2
# importing initial version - gth
# ------------------------------------
Пример #14
 public function create_graph($width = 600, $height = 200, $data, $title, $xaxis, $yaxis, $type = "bar")
     require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph.php';
     require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph_line.php';
     require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph_bar.php';
     require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph_pie.php';
     // Create a graph instance
     if ($type == "bar" || $type == "line") {
         $graph = new Graph($width, $height);
     } else {
         if ($type == "pie") {
             $graph = new PieGraph($width, $height);
     // Specify what scale we want to use,
     // int = integer scale for the X-axis
     // int = integer scale for the Y-axis
     $graph->SetMargin(60, 20, 10, 40);
     // Box around plotarea
     // No frame around the image
     // Setup a title for the graph
     // Setup the X and Y grid
     $graph->ygrid->SetFill(true, '#DDDDDD@0.5', '#BBBBBB@0.5');
     // Setup titles and X-axis labels, if it's array, first row is title
     if (is_array($xaxis)) {
         $xaxis = array_slice($xaxis, 1, count($xaxis) - 1);
     } else {
     // no array, just show name
     // Setup Y-axis title
     if ($type == "bar") {
         $plot = new BarPlot($data);
         $fcol = '#440000';
         $tcol = '#FF9090';
         $plot->SetFillGradient("navy:0.9", "navy:1.85", GRAD_LEFT_REFLECTION);
         // Set line weigth to 0 so that there are no border
         // around each bar
         // Add the plot to the graph
     } else {
         if ($type == "line") {
             $plot = new LinePlot($data);
             // Add the plot to the graph
         } else {
             if ($type == "pie") {
                 $plot = new PiePlot($data);
                 $plot->SetCenter(0.5, 0.55);
                 // Enable and set policy for guide-lines
                 // Setup the labels
                 // Add the plot to the graph
             } else {
                 die($type . " is not known graph type");
     // Display the graph
     $fn = strtolower($title);
     $fn = str_replace(" ", "", $fn);
     $filename_relative = "site/web_app/images/dynamic/{$fn}.jpg";
     $filename_full = __DIR__ . "/" . $filename_relative;
     $imglink = "<img src='{$filename_relative}' title='{$title}' />\n";
     return $imglink;
Пример #15
if (empty($limit)) {
    $limit = 10;
$hids = new Host_ids("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
$list = $hids->Events($limit);
$data = $legend = array();
foreach ($list as $l) {
    $legend[] = $l[0];
    $data[] = $l[1];
$conf = $GLOBALS["CONF"];
$jpgraph = $conf->get_conf("jpgraph_path");
include "{$jpgraph}/jpgraph.php";
include "{$jpgraph}/jpgraph_pie.php";
// Setup graph
$graph = new PieGraph(400, 240, "auto");
// Setup graph title
$graph->title->Set("HIDS Events");
$graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
// Create pie plot
$p1 = new PiePlot($data);
Пример #16
 public function executePieGraphSingers(sfWebRequest $request)
     $util = new util();
     $loko = $util->singersData();
     //Set the response header to a image JPEG datastream
     //echo $duales;
     $data1 = 300;
     $data2 = 200;
     //        $data_results = $util->singersData();
     $data = array($data2, $data1);
     $graph = new PieGraph(200, 174);
     $graph->SetFrame(true, '#393939');
     $graph->legend->SetPos(0.8, 0.9, 'center', 'bottom');
     $p1 = new PiePlot($data);
     $p1->SetSliceColors(array('white', 'red'));
     $p1->SetLegends(array("Spa", "Dual"));
     return sfView::NONE;
Пример #17
function baw_render_jpgraph_img()
    include_once "../config.php";
    if (isset($_GET['type'])) {
        $type = $_GET['type'];
    } else {
    $d = $_GET['d'];
    $f = $_GET['f'];
    $count = count($d);
    $dir = $BAW_CONF['jpgraph_path'] . '/jpgraph.php';
    include_once $dir;
    switch ($type) {
        case 'bar':
            include_once $BAW_CONF['jpgraph_path'] . '/jpgraph_bar.php';
        case 'pie':
            include_once $BAW_CONF['jpgraph_path'] . "/jpgraph_pie.php";
            $size = 0.17;
            $graph = new PieGraph(600, 250, "auto");
            for ($i = 0; $i < 1; $i++) {
                $p1 = new PiePlot($d[$i]);
                if ($i == 0) {
                $vert = 0.15 + ($size + 0.1) * $i;
                $p1->SetCenter($vert, 0.3);
        case 'line':
            include_once $BAW_CONF['jpgraph_path'] . "/jpgraph_line.php";
    return $out;
Пример #18
        $legenda[] = $array[0];
        $tot_top10 = $tot_top10 + $array[1];
        $data[] = $array[1];
$legenda[] = "Other Titles";
$data[] = $total - $tot_top10;
// operação retirada em 02/2006
// Objetivo: aproveitar o arquivo já processada anteriormente, desde que no mesmo dia
// $OP="rm -f $db_tmp_issn.* ";
// $result=exec($OP);
// **************************************************************
// ********  Apresentação grafico                        ********
// **************************************************************
$graph = new PieGraph(690, 350);
//   $graph->SetShadow ();
// Create
$p1 = new PiePlot($data);
// Set A title for the plot
$p1->SetCenter(0.28, 0.5);
$txt = new Text("Most Visited Titles", 0.15, 0.0);

Пример #19
    if (strlen($severity) > $longest_size) {
        $longest_size = strlen($severity);
for ($i = 0; $i < $severity_count; $i++) {
    $percentage = number_format($data_count_arr[$i] / $total * 100, 1);
    $percentage_str = str_pad($percentage, 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT);
    $data_category_arr[$i] = str_pad($data_category_arr[$i], $longest_size);
    $data_category_arr[$i] = $data_category_arr[$i] . $percentage_str;
    if ($percentage < 1) {
        $data_count_arr[$i] = 0;
$proj_name = project_get_field($t_project_id, 'name');
# Setup Graph
# ---
$graph = new PieGraph(800, 600);
# Set A title for the plot
$graph->title->Set("SPR Severity Distribution Graph: {$proj_name}");
$graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
# Create graph
$p1 = new PiePlot($data_count_arr);
Пример #20

include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/cloud/controller/jpgraph/jpgraph.php';
include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/cloud/controller/jpgraph/jpgraph_pie.php';
$data = array();
if (isset($_GET['present']) && isset($_GET['absent'])) {
    $data[] = $_GET['present'];
    $data[] = $_GET['absent'];
$graph = new Piegraph(350, 350);
$theme_class = "DefaultTheme";
//$graph->SetTheme(new $theme_class());
// Set A title for the plot
$graph->title->Set("Attendance Report");
// Create
$p1 = new PiePlot($data);
$p1->SetCenter(0.25, 0.32);
$p1->SetLegends(array("Present", "Absent"));
$p1->ShowBorder(1, '#000000');
$p1->SetSliceColors(array('#2E2EFE', '#FFBF00'));
Пример #21
for ($i = 0; $i < $category_count; $i++) {
    #echo $data_count_arr[$i];
    $percentage = number_format($data_count_arr[$i] / $total * 100, 1);
    #echo $percentage;
    $percentage_str = str_pad($percentage, 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT);
    $data_category_arr[$i] = str_pad($data_category_arr[$i], $longest_size);
    $data_category_arr[$i] = $data_category_arr[$i] . $percentage_str;
    if ($percentage < 1) {
        $data_count_arr[$i] = 0;
$proj_name = project_get_field($t_project_id, 'name');
# Setup Graph
# ---
$graph = new PieGraph(800, 600);
# Set A title for the plot
$graph->title->Set("Category Distribution Graph: {$proj_name}");
$graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT2, FS_BOLD);
# Create graph
$p1 = new PiePlot($data_count_arr);
Пример #22
// content="text/plain; charset=utf-8"
require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph.php';
require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph_pie.php';
$data = array(19, 12, 4, 3, 3, 12, 3, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 1, 7, 2, 2, 4, 6, 8, 21, 23, 2, 2, 12);
// Create the Pie Graph.
$graph = new PieGraph(300, 350);
// Set A title for the plot
$graph->title->Set("Label guide lines");
$graph->title->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_BOLD, 12);
$graph->legend->Pos(0.1, 0.2);
// Create pie plot
$p1 = new PiePlot($data);
$p1->SetCenter(0.5, 0.55);
// Enable and set policy for guide-lines
// Setup the labels
$p1->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 9);
// Add and stroke

Пример #23
 include "../jpgraph/jpgraph_pie.php";
 // Some data and the labels
 $data = $datay;
 $labels = $name;
 // Create the Pie Graph.
 $graph = new PieGraph(650, 500);
 // Set A title for the plot
 $graph->title->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_BOLD, 10);
 $graph->subtitle->Set('Importe Total $ ' . $importe);
 // Create pie plot
 $p1 = new PiePlot($data);
 $p1->SetCenter(0.5, 0.5);
 $p1->SetGuideLines(true, false);
 // Setup the labels to be displayed
 $graph->legend->SetPos(0.23, 0.97, 'center', 'bottom');
 // This method adjust the position of the labels. This is given as fractions
 // of the radius of the Pie. A value < 1 will put the center of the label
 // inside the Pie and a value >= 1 will pout the center of the label outside the
 // Pie. By default the label is positioned at 0.5, in the middle of each slice.