protected function renderContents($html, $css = '')
     $emogrifier = new \Pelago\Emogrifier();
     return $emogrifier->emogrify(true);
Пример #2
  * @param string $html
  * @return mixed
 public static function inlineCss($html)
     if (class_exists('\\Pelago\\Emogrifier')) {
         $emogrifier = new \Pelago\Emogrifier($html);
         return $emogrifier->emogrify();
     } else {
         return $html;
 function sendHTML($to, $from, $subject, $htmlContent, $attachedFiles = false, $customheaders = false, $plainContent = false)
     $cssFileLocation = Director::baseFolder() . Config::inst()->get("EmogrifierMailer", "css_file");
     $cssFileHandler = fopen($cssFileLocation, 'r');
     $css = fread($cssFileHandler, filesize($cssFileLocation));
     $emog = new \Pelago\Emogrifier($htmlContent, $css);
     $htmlContent = $emog->emogrify();
     return parent::sendHTML($to, $from, $subject, $htmlContent, $attachedFiles, $customheaders, $plainContent);
Пример #4
 protected function sendEmail($to, $subj, $text, $html = null)
     $email = new \SendGrid\Email();
     $email->setFromName('Edge conf');
     if ($html) {
         $emogrifier = new \Pelago\Emogrifier($html, file_get_contents(realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/css/email.css')));
     $sendgrid = new \SendGrid($this->app->config->sendgrid->username, $this->app->config->sendgrid->password);
     $resp = $sendgrid->send($email);
  * turns an html document into a formatted html document
  * using the emogrify method.
  * @param $html
  * @return String HTML
 public static function emogrify_html($html)
     //get required files
     $baseFolder = Director::baseFolder();
     if (!class_exists('\\Pelago\\Emogrifier')) {
         require_once $baseFolder . '/ecommerce/thirdparty/Emogrifier.php';
     $cssFileLocation = Director::baseFolder() . "/" . EcommerceConfig::get("Order_Email", "css_file_location");
     $cssFileHandler = fopen($cssFileLocation, 'r');
     $css = fread($cssFileHandler, filesize($cssFileLocation));
     $emogrifier = new \Pelago\Emogrifier($html, $css);
     $html = $emogrifier->emogrify();
     //make links absolute!
     $html = HTTP::absoluteURLs($html);
     return $html;
 public function inlineCss($source)
     try {
         $e = new \Pelago\Emogrifier($source);
         $html = $e->emogrify();
     } catch (\Exception $exception) {
         $html = $source;
         echo $exception->getMessage();
         if ($exception->getMessage() == 'DOMXPath::query(): Invalid expression') {
             $trace = $exception->getTrace();
             if (isset($trace[1]['args'][0])) {
                 echo ' ', $trace[1]['args'][0];
     return $html;
Пример #7
  * Outputs the template to the browser.
  * [!] Overloaded to remove portion that sets headers.
  * @param   boolean  $caching  If true, cache the output
  * @param   array    $params   Associative array of attributes
  * @return  The rendered data
 public function render($caching = false, $params = array())
     if (!isset($params['template'])) {
         if (App::isAdmin()) {
             $db = App::get('db');
             $db->setQuery("SELECT s.`template`, e.protected FROM `#__template_styles` AS s INNER JOIN `#__extensions` AS e ON e.`element`=s.`template` WHERE s.`client_id`=0 AND s.`home`=1");
             $result = $db->loadObject();
         } else {
             $result = App::get('template');
         $params['template'] = $result->template;
         $params['directory'] = ($result->protected ? PATH_CORE : PATH_APP) . DS . 'templates';
     if (!isset($params['file'])) {
         $params['file'] = 'email.php';
     if (!file_exists($params['directory'] . DS . $params['template'] . DS . $params['file'])) {
         $params['template'] = 'system';
         $params['directory'] = PATH_CORE . DS . 'templates';
     $this->_caching = $caching;
     if (!empty($this->_template)) {
         $data = $this->_renderTemplate();
     } else {
         $data = $this->_renderTemplate();
     if (class_exists('\\Pelago\\Emogrifier') && $data) {
         $data = str_replace('&#', '{_ANDNUM_}', $data);
         $emogrifier = new \Pelago\Emogrifier();
         $emogrifier->preserveEncoding = true;
         $data = $emogrifier->emogrify();
         $data = str_replace('{_ANDNUM_}', '&#', $data);
     return $data;
Пример #8
 * This function converts CSS to inline style, the CSS needs to be found in a <style> element
 * @param string $html_text the html text to be converted
 * @return false|string
function html_email_handler_css_inliner($html_text)
    $result = false;
    if (!empty($html_text) && defined("XML_DOCUMENT_NODE")) {
        $css = "";
        // set custom error handling
        $dom = new DOMDocument();
        $styles = $dom->getElementsByTagName("style");
        if (!empty($styles)) {
            $style_count = $styles->length;
            for ($i = 0; $i < $style_count; $i++) {
                $css .= $styles->item($i)->nodeValue;
        // clear error log
        $emo = new Pelago\Emogrifier($html_text, $css);
        $result = $emo->emogrify();
    return $result;
  * Inline styles using Pelago Emogrifier
  * @param string $html
  * @return string
 protected function inlineStyles($html)
     if (!class_exists("\\Pelago\\Emogrifier")) {
         throw new Exception("You must run composer require pelago/emogrifier");
     $emogrifier = new \Pelago\Emogrifier();
     $html = $emogrifier->emogrify();
     // Ugly hack to avoid gmail reordering your padding
     //        $html = str_replace('padding: 0;',
     //            'padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; padding-right: 0; padding-left: 0;',
     //            $html);
     return $html;
Пример #10
 static function compile($template_id, $arguments = array())
     $template = false;
     $subject = false;
     $html_template = false;
     $template_dir = \Openclerk\Config::get('emails_templates', __DIR__ . '/../../../../emails');
     if (file_exists($template_dir . "/" . $template_id . ".txt")) {
         $template = file_get_contents($template_dir . "/" . $template_id . ".txt");
         // strip out the subject from the text
         $template = explode("\n", $template, 2);
         $subject = $template[0];
         $template = $template[1];
     if (file_exists($template_dir . "/" . $template_id . ".html")) {
         $html_template = file_get_contents($template_dir . "/" . $template_id . ".html");
         if (file_exists($template_dir . "/" . "layout.html")) {
             $html_layout_template = file_get_contents($template_dir . "/" . "layout.html");
             $html_template = \Openclerk\Templates::replace($html_layout_template, array('content' => $html_template));
         // strip out the title from the html
         $matches = false;
         if (preg_match("#<title>(.+)</title>#im", $html_template, $matches)) {
             $subject = $matches[1];
         $html_template = preg_replace("#<title>.+</title>#im", "", $html_template);
     if (!$template) {
         if ($html_template) {
             // use html2text to generate the text body automatically
             $template = \Html2Text\Html2Text::convert($html_template);
         } else {
             throw new MailerException("Email template '{$template_id}' did not exist within '{$template_dir}'");
     // replace variables
     $template = \Openclerk\Templates::replace($template, $arguments);
     $subject = \Openclerk\Templates::replace($subject, $arguments);
     if ($html_template) {
         $html_template = \Openclerk\Templates::replace($html_template, $arguments);
     // inline CSS?
     if (file_exists($template_dir . "/layout.css")) {
         $css = file_get_contents($template_dir . "/layout.css");
         // custom CSS?
         if (\Openclerk\Config::get("emails_additional_css", false)) {
             $css .= file_get_contents(\Openclerk\Config::get("emails_additional_css", false));
         $emogrifier = new \Pelago\Emogrifier();
         $html_template = $emogrifier->emogrify();
     return array('subject' => $subject, 'html' => $html_template, 'text' => $template);
/***** Security *****/
$securityFirewalls = array();
/*** Members Area ***/
$securityFirewalls['members-area'] = array('pattern' => '^/', 'anonymous' => true, 'form' => array('login_path' => '/members-area/login', 'check_path' => '/members-area/login/check', 'failure_path' => '/members-area/login', 'default_target_path' => '/members-area', 'use_referer' => true, 'username_parameter' => 'username', 'password_parameter' => 'password', 'csrf_protection' => true, 'csrf_parameter' => 'csrf_token', 'with_csrf' => true, 'use_referer' => true), 'logout' => array('logout_path' => '/members-area/logout', 'target' => '/members-area', 'invalidate_session' => true, 'csrf_parameter' => 'csrf_token'), 'remember_me' => $app['rememberMeOptions'], 'switch_user' => array('parameter' => 'switch_user', 'role' => 'ROLE_ALLOWED_TO_SWITCH'), 'users' => $app['user.provider']);
$app->register(new Silex\Provider\SecurityServiceProvider(), array('security.firewalls' => $securityFirewalls));
$app['security.access_rules'] = array(array('^/members-area/login', 'IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY'), array('^/members-area/register', 'IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY'), array('^/members-area/reset-password', 'IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY'), array('^/members-area', 'ROLE_USER'), array('^/members-area/oauth', 'ROLE_USER'));
$app['security.role_hierarchy'] = array('ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN' => array('ROLE_ADMIN', 'ROLE_ALLOWED_TO_SWITCH'), 'ROLE_ADMIN' => array('ROLE_USER', 'ROLE_ALLOWED_TO_SWITCH'));
/* Voters */
$app['security.voters'] = $app->extend('security.voters', function ($voters) use($app) {
    // Add your own voters here!
    return $voters;
/***** Remember Me *****/
$app->register(new Silex\Provider\RememberMeServiceProvider());
/***** Swiftmailer / Mailer *****/
$app->register(new Silex\Provider\SwiftmailerServiceProvider());
$app['swiftmailer.options'] = $app['swiftmailerOptions'];
/* Emogrifier */
$app['mailer.css_to_inline_styles_converter'] = $app->protect(function ($twigTemplatePathOrContent, $twigTemplateData = array(), $isTwigTemplate = true) use($app) {
    $emogrifier = new Pelago\Emogrifier();
    $emogrifier->setHtml($isTwigTemplate ? $app['twig']->render($twigTemplatePathOrContent, $twigTemplateData) : $app['twig']->render('emails/blank.html.twig', array_merge($twigTemplateData, array('content' => $twigTemplatePathOrContent))));
    return $emogrifier->emogrify();
/*** Listeners ***/
$app['dispatcher']->addListener(AuthenticationEvents::AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS, function ($event) use($app) {
    $user = $event->getAuthenticationToken()->getUser();
    $user->setTimeLastActive(new \DateTime());
Пример #12
  * Sets the HTML message of the e-mail.
  * @param string $message the HTML message of the e-mail, must not be empty
  * @return void
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function setHTMLMessage($message)
     if ($message === '') {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('$message must not be empty.', 1331488845);
     if ($this->hasCssFile()) {
         $emogrifier = new \Pelago\Emogrifier($message, $this->getCssFile());
         $messageToStore = $emogrifier->emogrify();
     } else {
         $messageToStore = $message;
     $this->setAsString('html_message', $messageToStore);
 public static function send_mail($mail)
     $mail_stgs = WPEM()->modules['settings']->settings;
     $mail['recepients'] = self::get_recepients($mail);
     $mail = self::validate_mail($mail);
     $errors = $mail['errors'];
     if ($errors->get_error_code()) {
         return $mail;
     $omit_name = $mail_stgs['mail']['omit_display_names'];
     //  Default the To: and Cc: values to the send email address
     $to = $omit_name ? $mail['from_email'] : sprintf('%s <%s>', $mail['from_name'], $mail['from_email']);
     $cc = sprintf('Cc: %s', $to);
     $headers = array();
     //  Cc: Sender?
     $ccsender = $mail_stgs['mail']['copy_sender'];
     if ($ccsender) {
         $cc = sprintf('Cc: %s', $to);
         $headers[] = $cc;
     $num_sent = 0;
     // return value
     if (empty($mail['recepients'])) {
         return $num_sent;
     //  Return path defaults to sender email if not specified
     $return_path = $mail_stgs['mail']['bounces_address'];
     if ($return_path == '') {
         $return_path = $mail['from_email'];
     //  Build headers
     $headers[] = $omit_name ? 'From: ' . $mail['from_email'] : sprintf('From: "%s" <%s>', $mail['from_name'], $mail['from_email']);
     $headers[] = sprintf('Return-Path: <%s>', $return_path);
     $headers[] = $omit_name ? 'Reply-To: ' . $mail['from_email'] : sprintf('Reply-To: "%s" <%s>', $mail['from_name'], $mail['from_email']);
     if ($mail_stgs['headers']['x_mailer']) {
         $headers[] = sprintf('X-Mailer: PHP %s', phpversion());
     $subject = apply_filters('wpem_mail_title', stripslashes($mail['title']));
     $message = apply_filters('wpem_mail_body', do_shortcode(stripslashes($mail['body'])));
     $attachments = array();
     if (isset($mail['attachments']) && !empty($mail['attachments'])) {
         foreach ($mail['attachments'] as $files) {
             $attachments[] = $files['attachment'];
     if ('html' == $mail['mail_format']) {
         if ($mail_stgs['headers']['mime']) {
             //add mime version_header
             $headers[] = 'MIME-Version: 1.0';
         $headers[] = sprintf('Content-Type: %s; charset="%s"', get_bloginfo('html_type'), get_bloginfo('charset'));
         $style = '';
         if (isset($mail['template']) && absint($mail['template']) && intval($mail['template']) != -1) {
             $css = get_post_meta(intval($mail['template']), 'wpem_css-box-field', true);
             if (!empty($css)) {
                 $style = '<style>' . $css . '</style>';
         if (isset($css) && !empty($css) && $mail_stgs['mail']['inline_style']) {
             require_once WPEM_PLUGIN_PATH . '/classes/Emogrifier.php';
             $html = '<html><head><title>' . $subject . '</title></head><body>' . $message . '</body></html>';
             $emogrifier = new \Pelago\Emogrifier($html, $css);
             $mailtext = $emogrifier->emogrify();
         } else {
             $mailtext = '<html><head><title>' . $subject . '</title>' . $style . '</head><body>' . $message . '</body></html>';
     } else {
         if ($mail_stgs['headers']['mime']) {
             $headers[] = 'MIME-Version: 1.0';
         $headers[] = sprintf('Content-Type: text/plain; charset="%s"', get_bloginfo('charset'));
         $message = preg_replace('|&[^a][^m][^p].{0,3};|', '', $message);
         $message = preg_replace('|&amp;|', '&', $message);
         $mailtext = wordwrap(strip_tags($message . "\n" . $footer), 80, "\n");
     $recepients = self::format_recepients($mail['recepients'], $mail_stgs['mail']['max_bcc_recipients'], $omit_name);
     /* if (WPEM_DEBUG) {
        wpem_preprint(array_merge($headers, $bcc));
        wpem_debug_wp_mail($to, $subject, $mailtext, array_merge($headers, $bcc));
        } */
     remove_filter('wp_mail', __CLASS__ . '::add_default_template');
     if ($mail_stgs['mail']['max_bcc_recipients'] == -1) {
         $to = array_unique($to);
         $num_sent = count($recepients['to']);
         foreach ($recepients['to'] as $to) {
             @wp_mail($to, $subject, $mailtext, $headers, $attachments);
     } else {
         foreach ($recepients['bcc'] as $bcc) {
             $bcc = array_unique($bcc);
             $num_sent = $num_sent + count($bcc);
             $to = ltrim(array_shift($bcc), "Bcc: ");
             @wp_mail($to, $subject, $mailtext, array_merge($headers, $bcc), $attachments);
     add_filter('wp_mail', __CLASS__ . '::add_default_template');
     return $num_sent;
     * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
    public function run($request)
        $email = $request->getVar('email');
        $locale = $request->getVar('locale');
        $template = $request->getVar('template');
        $inline = $request->getVar('inline');
        $to = $request->getVar('to');
        if (!$email) {
            $emailClasses = ClassInfo::subclassesFor('Email');
            DB::alteration_message("Please select an email to test or preview");
            foreach ($emailClasses as $class) {
                $link = '/dev/tasks/EmailViewerTask?email=' . $class;
                DB::alteration_message("<a href='{$link}'>{$class}</a>");
                if ($class == 'Email') {
                    DB::alteration_message("<a href='{$link}&template=GenericEmail_ceej'>{$class} (ceej styles)</a>");
                    DB::alteration_message("<a href='{$link}&template=GenericEmail_vision'>{$class} (vision styles)</a>");
        if ($locale) {
        if ($locale) {
            DB::alteration_message("Locale is set to " . $locale, "created");
        } else {
            DB::alteration_message("You can set the locale by passing ?locale=fr_FR. Current locale is " . i18n::get_locale());
        if ($inline) {
            DB::alteration_message("Css are inlined", "created");
        } else {
            DB::alteration_message("You can inline css styles by passing ?inline=1");
        $member = null;
        if ($to) {
            $member = Member::get()->filter('Email', $to)->first();
            if ($member && $member->ID) {
                DB::alteration_message("Email sent to " . $member->Email, 'created');
            } else {
                $member = new Member();
                $member->Email = $to;
                $member->FirstName = 'John';
                $member->Surname = 'Smith';
                DB::alteration_message("A temporary member has been created with email " . $member->Email, "changed");
        } else {
            DB::alteration_message("You can send this email by passing ?");
        $refl = new ReflectionClass($email);
        $constructorOpts = $refl->getConstructor()->getParameters();
        $args = [];
        if (!empty($constructorOpts)) {
            /* @var $opt ReflectionParameter  */
            foreach ($constructorOpts as $opt) {
                $cl = $opt->getClass();
                if (!$cl) {
                $type = $opt->getClass()->getName();
                if (class_exists($type) && in_array($type, ClassInfo::subclassesFor('DataObject'))) {
                    // We can get record based on an ID passed in the URL
                    $recordID = $request->getVar($type . 'ID');
                    if ($recordID) {
                        $record = $type::get()->byID($recordID);
                    } else {
                        $record = $type::get()->sort('RAND()')->first();
                    if (!$record) {
                        $record = new $type();
                    $args[] = $record;
        /* @var $e Email */
        $e = $refl->newInstanceArgs($args);
        if ($template) {
        // For a generic email, we should set some content...
        if ($email == 'Email') {
            $e->setSubject("Generic email");
            $body = "<p class='lead'>Phasellus ultrices nulla quis nibh. Quisque a lectus.</p><p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.</p>";
            $body .= FoundationEmails::button('Click here', '#', 'brand');
            $image = Image::get()->sort('RAND()')->first();
            $data = ['PreHeader' => 'This text is only visible in your email client...', 'Callout' => '<h2>Quisque a lectus</h2>
   <li>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.</li>
   <li>Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus.</li>
   <li>Vestibulum auctor dapibus neque.</li>
<a href="#">Phasellus ultrices nulla</a>', 'SecondaryCallout' => '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit?</p>
<a href="#">Vestibulum auctor</a>', 'Sidebar' => '<nav>
		<li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
		<li><a href="#">About</a></li>
		<li><a href="#">Clients</a></li>
		<li><a href="#">Contact Us</a></li>
            if ($image) {
                $data['HeroImage'] = $image;
            // Let's add an email footer
            $sc = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
            if (!$sc->EmailFooter) {
                $sc->EmailFooter = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.';
            if (!$sc->EmailFooter2) {
                $sc->EmailFooter2 = '© ' . date('Y') . ' - ' . $sc->Title . ' - All Rights Reserved.';
            if (!$sc->EmailFooterLinks) {
                $sc->EmailFooterLinks = new ArrayList([['Class' => 'twitter', 'Link' => '#', 'Label' => 'Twitter', 'Icon' => 'foundation-emails/images/icon_twitter.png'], ['Class' => 'facebook', 'Link' => '#', 'Label' => 'Facebook', 'Icon' => 'foundation-emails/images/icon_facebook.png'], ['Class' => 'google', 'Link' => '#', 'Label' => 'Google', 'Icon' => 'foundation-emails/images/icon_google.png']]);
        if (!$member) {
            if (Member::currentUserID()) {
                $member = Member::currentUser();
            } else {
                $member = Member::get()->sort('RAND()')->first();
        if ($member) {
        // Call debug to trigger parseVariables
        if ($inline) {
            if (!class_exists("\\Pelago\\Emogrifier")) {
                throw new Exception("You must run composer require pelago/emogrifier");
            $emogrifier = new \Pelago\Emogrifier();
            $body = $emogrifier->emogrify();
        } else {
            $body = $e->body;
        if ($member && $to) {
            $result = $e->send();
            echo '<hr/>';
            if ($result) {
                echo '<span style="color:green">Email sent</span>';
            } else {
                echo '<span style="color:red">Failed to send email</span>';
        echo '<hr/><center>Subject : ' . $e->subject . '</center>';
        echo '<hr/>';
        echo $body;
        echo '<hr/><pre style="font-size:12px;line-height:12px;">';
        echo htmlentities($body);
        echo '</pre>';
Пример #15
  * @param mixed $mResponse
  * @param string $sParent
  * @param array $aParameters = array()
  * @return mixed
 protected function responseObject($mResponse, $sParent = '', $aParameters = array())
     $mResult = $mResponse;
     if (\is_object($mResponse)) {
         $bHook = true;
         $self = $this;
         $sClassName = \get_class($mResponse);
         $bHasSimpleJsonFunc = \method_exists($mResponse, 'ToSimpleJSON');
         $bThumb = $this->GetCapa(false, \RainLoop\Enumerations\Capa::ATTACHMENT_THUMBNAILS);
         $oAccountCache = null;
         $fGetAccount = function () use($self, &$oAccountCache) {
             if (null === $oAccountCache) {
                 $oAccount = $self->getAccountFromToken(false);
                 $oAccountCache = $oAccount;
             return $oAccountCache;
         $aCheckableFoldersCache = null;
         $fGetCheckableFolder = function () use($self, &$aCheckableFoldersCache) {
             if (null === $aCheckableFoldersCache) {
                 $oAccount = $self->getAccountFromToken(false);
                 $oSettingsLocal = $self->SettingsProvider(true)->Load($oAccount);
                 $sCheckable = $oSettingsLocal->GetConf('CheckableFolder', '[]');
                 $aCheckable = @\json_decode($sCheckable);
                 if (!\is_array($aCheckable)) {
                     $aCheckable = array();
                 $aCheckableFoldersCache = $aCheckable;
             return $aCheckableFoldersCache;
         if ($bHasSimpleJsonFunc) {
             $mResult = \array_merge($this->objectData($mResponse, $sParent, $aParameters), $mResponse->ToSimpleJSON(true));
         } else {
             if ('MailSo\\Mail\\Message' === $sClassName) {
                 $oAccount = \call_user_func($fGetAccount);
                 $iDateTimeStampInUTC = $mResponse->InternalTimeStampInUTC();
                 if (0 === $iDateTimeStampInUTC || !!$this->Config()->Get('labs', 'date_from_headers', false)) {
                     $iDateTimeStampInUTC = $mResponse->HeaderTimeStampInUTC();
                     if (0 === $iDateTimeStampInUTC) {
                         $iDateTimeStampInUTC = $mResponse->InternalTimeStampInUTC();
                 $mResult = \array_merge($this->objectData($mResponse, $sParent, $aParameters), array('Folder' => $mResponse->Folder(), 'Uid' => (string) $mResponse->Uid(), 'Subject' => \trim(\MailSo\Base\Utils::Utf8Clear($mResponse->Subject())), 'MessageId' => $mResponse->MessageId(), 'Size' => $mResponse->Size(), 'DateTimeStampInUTC' => $iDateTimeStampInUTC, 'ReplyTo' => $this->responseObject($mResponse->ReplyTo(), $sParent, $aParameters), 'From' => $this->responseObject($mResponse->From(), $sParent, $aParameters), 'To' => $this->responseObject($mResponse->To(), $sParent, $aParameters), 'Cc' => $this->responseObject($mResponse->Cc(), $sParent, $aParameters), 'Bcc' => $this->responseObject($mResponse->Bcc(), $sParent, $aParameters), 'Sender' => $this->responseObject($mResponse->Sender(), $sParent, $aParameters), 'DeliveredTo' => $this->responseObject($mResponse->DeliveredTo(), $sParent, $aParameters), 'Priority' => $mResponse->Priority(), 'Threads' => $mResponse->Threads(), 'Sensitivity' => $mResponse->Sensitivity(), 'ExternalProxy' => false, 'ReadReceipt' => ''));
                 $mResult['SubjectParts'] = $this->explodeSubject($mResult['Subject']);
                 $oAttachments = $mResponse->Attachments();
                 $iAttachmentsCount = $oAttachments ? $oAttachments->Count() : 0;
                 $mResult['HasAttachments'] = 0 < $iAttachmentsCount;
                 $mResult['AttachmentsSpecData'] = $mResult['HasAttachments'] ? $oAttachments->SpecData() : array();
                 $sSubject = $mResult['Subject'];
                 $mResult['Hash'] = \md5($mResult['Folder'] . $mResult['Uid']);
                 $mResult['RequestHash'] = \RainLoop\Utils::EncodeKeyValuesQ(array('V' => APP_VERSION, 'Account' => $oAccount ? \md5($oAccount->Hash()) : '', 'Folder' => $mResult['Folder'], 'Uid' => $mResult['Uid'], 'MimeType' => 'message/rfc822', 'FileName' => (0 === \strlen($sSubject) ? 'message-' . $mResult['Uid'] : \MailSo\Base\Utils::ClearXss($sSubject)) . '.eml'));
                 // Flags
                 $aFlags = $mResponse->FlagsLowerCase();
                 $mResult['IsSeen'] = \in_array('\\seen', $aFlags);
                 $mResult['IsFlagged'] = \in_array('\\flagged', $aFlags);
                 $mResult['IsAnswered'] = \in_array('\\answered', $aFlags);
                 $mResult['IsDeleted'] = \in_array('\\deleted', $aFlags);
                 $sForwardedFlag = $this->Config()->Get('labs', 'imap_forwarded_flag', '');
                 $sReadReceiptFlag = $this->Config()->Get('labs', 'imap_read_receipt_flag', '');
                 $mResult['IsForwarded'] = 0 < \strlen($sForwardedFlag) && \in_array(\strtolower($sForwardedFlag), $aFlags);
                 $mResult['IsReadReceipt'] = 0 < \strlen($sReadReceiptFlag) && \in_array(\strtolower($sReadReceiptFlag), $aFlags);
                 if (!$this->GetCapa(false, \RainLoop\Enumerations\Capa::COMPOSER, $oAccount)) {
                     $mResult['IsReadReceipt'] = true;
                 $mResult['TextPartIsTrimmed'] = false;
                 if ('Message' === $sParent) {
                     $oAttachments = $mResponse->Attachments();
                     $bHasExternals = false;
                     $mFoundedCIDs = array();
                     $aContentLocationUrls = array();
                     $mFoundedContentLocationUrls = array();
                     if ($oAttachments && 0 < $oAttachments->Count()) {
                         $aList =& $oAttachments->GetAsArray();
                         foreach ($aList as $oAttachment) {
                             if ($oAttachment) {
                                 $sContentLocation = $oAttachment->ContentLocation();
                                 if ($sContentLocation && 0 < \strlen($sContentLocation)) {
                                     $aContentLocationUrls[] = $oAttachment->ContentLocation();
                     $sPlain = '';
                     $sHtml = \trim($mResponse->Html());
                     if (0 === \strlen($sHtml)) {
                         $sPlain = \trim($mResponse->Plain());
                     $mResult['DraftInfo'] = $mResponse->DraftInfo();
                     $mResult['InReplyTo'] = $mResponse->InReplyTo();
                     $mResult['References'] = $mResponse->References();
                     $fAdditionalDomReader = null;
                     if (0 < \strlen($sHtml) && $this->Config()->Get('labs', 'emogrifier', false)) {
                         if (!\class_exists('Pelago\\Emogrifier', false)) {
                             include_once APP_VERSION_ROOT_PATH . 'app/libraries/emogrifier/Emogrifier.php';
                         if (\class_exists('Pelago\\Emogrifier', false)) {
                             $fAdditionalDomReader = function ($oDom) {
                                 $oEmogrifier = new \Pelago\Emogrifier();
                                 $oEmogrifier->preserveEncoding = false;
                                 return $oEmogrifier->emogrify($oDom);
                     $fAdditionalExternalFilter = null;
                     if (!!$this->Config()->Get('labs', 'use_local_proxy_for_external_images', false)) {
                         $fAdditionalExternalFilter = function ($sUrl) {
                             return './?/ProxyExternal/' . \RainLoop\Utils::EncodeKeyValuesQ(array('Rnd' => \md5(\microtime(true)), 'Token' => \RainLoop\Utils::GetConnectionToken(), 'Url' => $sUrl)) . '/';
                     $sHtml = \preg_replace_callback('/(<pre[^>]*>)([\\s\\S\\r\\n\\t]*?)(<\\/pre>)/mi', function ($aMatches) {
                         return \preg_replace('/[\\r\\n]+/', '<br />', $aMatches[1] . \trim($aMatches[2]) . $aMatches[3]);
                     }, $sHtml);
                     $mResult['Html'] = 0 === \strlen($sHtml) ? '' : \MailSo\Base\HtmlUtils::ClearHtml($sHtml, $bHasExternals, $mFoundedCIDs, $aContentLocationUrls, $mFoundedContentLocationUrls, false, false, $fAdditionalExternalFilter, $fAdditionalDomReader, !!$this->Config()->Get('labs', 'try_to_detect_hidden_images', false));
                     $mResult['ExternalProxy'] = null !== $fAdditionalExternalFilter;
                     $mResult['Plain'] = $sPlain;
                     //					$mResult['Plain'] = 0 === \strlen($sPlain) ? '' : \MailSo\Base\HtmlUtils::ConvertPlainToHtml($sPlain);
                     $mResult['TextHash'] = \md5($mResult['Html'] . $mResult['Plain']);
                     $mResult['TextPartIsTrimmed'] = $mResponse->TextPartIsTrimmed();
                     $mResult['PgpSigned'] = $mResponse->PgpSigned();
                     $mResult['PgpEncrypted'] = $mResponse->PgpEncrypted();
                     $mResult['PgpSignature'] = $mResponse->PgpSignature();
                     unset($sHtml, $sPlain);
                     $mResult['HasExternals'] = $bHasExternals;
                     $mResult['HasInternals'] = \is_array($mFoundedCIDs) && 0 < \count($mFoundedCIDs) || \is_array($mFoundedContentLocationUrls) && 0 < \count($mFoundedContentLocationUrls);
                     $mResult['FoundedCIDs'] = $mFoundedCIDs;
                     $mResult['Attachments'] = $this->responseObject($oAttachments, $sParent, \array_merge($aParameters, array('FoundedCIDs' => $mFoundedCIDs, 'FoundedContentLocationUrls' => $mFoundedContentLocationUrls)));
                     $mResult['ReadReceipt'] = $mResponse->ReadReceipt();
                     if (0 < \strlen($mResult['ReadReceipt']) && !$mResult['IsReadReceipt']) {
                         if (0 < \strlen($mResult['ReadReceipt'])) {
                             try {
                                 $oReadReceipt = \MailSo\Mime\Email::Parse($mResult['ReadReceipt']);
                                 if (!$oReadReceipt) {
                                     $mResult['ReadReceipt'] = '';
                             } catch (\Exception $oException) {
                         if (0 < \strlen($mResult['ReadReceipt']) && '1' === $this->Cacher($oAccount)->Get(\RainLoop\KeyPathHelper::ReadReceiptCache($oAccount->Email(), $mResult['Folder'], $mResult['Uid']), '0')) {
                             $mResult['ReadReceipt'] = '';
             } else {
                 if ('MailSo\\Mime\\Email' === $sClassName) {
                     $mResult = \array_merge($this->objectData($mResponse, $sParent, $aParameters), array('Name' => \MailSo\Base\Utils::Utf8Clear($mResponse->GetDisplayName()), 'Email' => \MailSo\Base\Utils::Utf8Clear($mResponse->GetEmail(true)), 'DkimStatus' => $mResponse->GetDkimStatus(), 'DkimValue' => $mResponse->GetDkimValue()));
                 } else {
                     if ('RainLoop\\Providers\\AddressBook\\Classes\\Contact' === $sClassName) {
                         $mResult = \array_merge($this->objectData($mResponse, $sParent, $aParameters), array('IdContact' => $mResponse->IdContact, 'Display' => \MailSo\Base\Utils::Utf8Clear($mResponse->Display), 'ReadOnly' => $mResponse->ReadOnly, 'IdPropertyFromSearch' => $mResponse->IdPropertyFromSearch, 'Properties' => $this->responseObject($mResponse->Properties, $sParent, $aParameters)));
                     } else {
                         if ('RainLoop\\Providers\\AddressBook\\Classes\\Tag' === $sClassName) {
                             $mResult = \array_merge($this->objectData($mResponse, $sParent, $aParameters), array('IdContactTag' => $mResponse->IdContactTag, 'Name' => \MailSo\Base\Utils::Utf8Clear($mResponse->Name), 'ReadOnly' => $mResponse->ReadOnly));
                         } else {
                             if ('RainLoop\\Providers\\AddressBook\\Classes\\Property' === $sClassName) {
                                 // Simple hack
                                 if ($mResponse && $mResponse->IsWeb()) {
                                     $mResponse->Value = \preg_replace('/(skype|ftp|http[s]?)\\\\:\\/\\//i', '$1://', $mResponse->Value);
                                 $mResult = \array_merge($this->objectData($mResponse, $sParent, $aParameters), array('IdProperty' => $mResponse->IdProperty, 'Type' => $mResponse->Type, 'TypeStr' => $mResponse->TypeStr, 'Value' => \MailSo\Base\Utils::Utf8Clear($mResponse->Value)));
                             } else {
                                 if ('MailSo\\Mail\\Attachment' === $sClassName) {
                                     $oAccount = $this->getAccountFromToken(false);
                                     $mFoundedCIDs = isset($aParameters['FoundedCIDs']) && \is_array($aParameters['FoundedCIDs']) && 0 < \count($aParameters['FoundedCIDs']) ? $aParameters['FoundedCIDs'] : null;
                                     $mFoundedContentLocationUrls = isset($aParameters['FoundedContentLocationUrls']) && \is_array($aParameters['FoundedContentLocationUrls']) && 0 < \count($aParameters['FoundedContentLocationUrls']) ? $aParameters['FoundedContentLocationUrls'] : null;
                                     if ($mFoundedCIDs || $mFoundedContentLocationUrls) {
                                         $mFoundedCIDs = \array_merge($mFoundedCIDs ? $mFoundedCIDs : array(), $mFoundedContentLocationUrls ? $mFoundedContentLocationUrls : array());
                                         $mFoundedCIDs = 0 < \count($mFoundedCIDs) ? $mFoundedCIDs : null;
                                     $mResult = \array_merge($this->objectData($mResponse, $sParent, $aParameters), array('Folder' => $mResponse->Folder(), 'Uid' => (string) $mResponse->Uid(), 'Framed' => false, 'MimeIndex' => (string) $mResponse->MimeIndex(), 'MimeType' => $mResponse->MimeType(), 'FileName' => \MailSo\Base\Utils::ClearFileName(\MailSo\Base\Utils::ClearXss($mResponse->FileName(true))), 'EstimatedSize' => $mResponse->EstimatedSize(), 'CID' => $mResponse->Cid(), 'ContentLocation' => $mResponse->ContentLocation(), 'IsInline' => $mResponse->IsInline(), 'IsThumbnail' => $bThumb, 'IsLinked' => $mFoundedCIDs && \in_array(\trim(\trim($mResponse->Cid()), '<>'), $mFoundedCIDs) || $mFoundedContentLocationUrls && \in_array(\trim($mResponse->ContentLocation()), $mFoundedContentLocationUrls)));
                                     $mResult['Framed'] = $this->isFileHasFramedPreview($mResult['FileName']);
                                     if ($mResult['IsThumbnail']) {
                                         $mResult['IsThumbnail'] = $this->isFileHasThumbnail($mResult['FileName']);
                                     $mResult['Download'] = \RainLoop\Utils::EncodeKeyValuesQ(array('V' => APP_VERSION, 'Account' => $oAccount ? \md5($oAccount->Hash()) : '', 'Folder' => $mResult['Folder'], 'Uid' => $mResult['Uid'], 'MimeIndex' => $mResult['MimeIndex'], 'MimeType' => $mResult['MimeType'], 'FileName' => $mResult['FileName'], 'Framed' => $mResult['Framed']));
                                 } else {
                                     if ('MailSo\\Mail\\Folder' === $sClassName) {
                                         $aExtended = null;
                                         //				$mStatus = $mResponse->Status();
                                         //				if (\is_array($mStatus) && isset($mStatus['MESSAGES'], $mStatus['UNSEEN'], $mStatus['UIDNEXT']))
                                         //				{
                                         //					$aExtended = array(
                                         //						'MessageCount' => (int) $mStatus['MESSAGES'],
                                         //						'MessageUnseenCount' => (int) $mStatus['UNSEEN'],
                                         //						'UidNext' => (string) $mStatus['UIDNEXT'],
                                         //						'Hash' => $this->MailClient()->GenerateFolderHash(
                                         //							$mResponse->FullNameRaw(), $mStatus['MESSAGES'], $mStatus['UNSEEN'], $mStatus['UIDNEXT'],
                                         //								empty($mStatus['HIGHESTMODSEQ']) ? '' : $mStatus['HIGHESTMODSEQ'])
                                         //					);
                                         //				}
                                         $aCheckableFolder = \call_user_func($fGetCheckableFolder);
                                         if (!\is_array($aCheckableFolder)) {
                                             $aCheckableFolder = array();
                                         $mResult = \array_merge($this->objectData($mResponse, $sParent, $aParameters), array('Name' => $mResponse->Name(), 'FullName' => $mResponse->FullName(), 'FullNameRaw' => $mResponse->FullNameRaw(), 'FullNameHash' => $this->hashFolderFullName($mResponse->FullNameRaw(), $mResponse->FullName()), 'Delimiter' => (string) $mResponse->Delimiter(), 'HasVisibleSubFolders' => $mResponse->HasVisibleSubFolders(), 'IsSubscribed' => $mResponse->IsSubscribed(), 'IsExists' => $mResponse->IsExists(), 'IsSelectable' => $mResponse->IsSelectable(), 'Flags' => $mResponse->FlagsLowerCase(), 'Checkable' => \in_array($mResponse->FullNameRaw(), $aCheckableFolder), 'Extended' => $aExtended, 'SubFolders' => $this->responseObject($mResponse->SubFolders(), $sParent, $aParameters)));
                                     } else {
                                         if ('MailSo\\Mail\\MessageCollection' === $sClassName) {
                                             $mResult = \array_merge($this->objectData($mResponse, $sParent, $aParameters), array('MessageCount' => $mResponse->MessageCount, 'MessageUnseenCount' => $mResponse->MessageUnseenCount, 'MessageResultCount' => $mResponse->MessageResultCount, 'Folder' => $mResponse->FolderName, 'FolderHash' => $mResponse->FolderHash, 'UidNext' => $mResponse->UidNext, 'ThreadUid' => $mResponse->ThreadUid, 'NewMessages' => $this->responseObject($mResponse->NewMessages), 'Filtered' => $mResponse->Filtered, 'Offset' => $mResponse->Offset, 'Limit' => $mResponse->Limit, 'Search' => $mResponse->Search));
                                         } else {
                                             if ('MailSo\\Mail\\AttachmentCollection' === $sClassName) {
                                                 $mResult = \array_merge($this->objectData($mResponse, $sParent, $aParameters), array('InlineCount' => $mResponse->InlineCount()));
                                             } else {
                                                 if ('MailSo\\Mail\\FolderCollection' === $sClassName) {
                                                     $mResult = \array_merge($this->objectData($mResponse, $sParent, $aParameters), array('Namespace' => $mResponse->GetNamespace(), 'FoldersHash' => isset($mResponse->FoldersHash) ? $mResponse->FoldersHash : '', 'IsThreadsSupported' => $mResponse->IsThreadsSupported, 'Optimized' => $mResponse->Optimized, 'CountRec' => $mResponse->CountRec(), 'SystemFolders' => isset($mResponse->SystemFolders) && \is_array($mResponse->SystemFolders) ? $mResponse->SystemFolders : array()));
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($mResponse instanceof \MailSo\Base\Collection) {
                                                         $aList =& $mResponse->GetAsArray();
                                                         if (100 < \count($aList) && $mResponse instanceof \MailSo\Mime\EmailCollection) {
                                                             $aList = \array_slice($aList, 0, 100);
                                                         $mResult = $this->responseObject($aList, $sParent, $aParameters);
                                                         $bHook = false;
                                                     } else {
                                                         $mResult = '["' . \get_class($mResponse) . '"]';
                                                         $bHook = false;
         if ($bHook) {
             $this->Plugins()->RunHook('filter.response-object', array($sClassName, $mResult), false);
     } else {
         if (\is_array($mResponse)) {
             foreach ($mResponse as $iKey => $oItem) {
                 $mResponse[$iKey] = $this->responseObject($oItem, $sParent, $aParameters);
             $mResult = $mResponse;
     return $mResult;
 * Wraps HTML notification into a proper markup
 * @param string $hook         "format"
 * @param string $type         "notification"
 * @param string $notification Notificaiton
 * @param array  $params       Hook params
 * @return array
function notifications_html_handler_format($hook, $type, $notification, $params)
    if (!$notification instanceof \Elgg\Notifications\Notification) {
    $view = elgg_view('page/notification', array('notification' => $notification));
    $css = elgg_view('page/notification.css');
    $emogrifier = new \Pelago\Emogrifier($view, $css);
    $notification->body = $emogrifier->emogrify();
    return $notification;
Пример #17

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$templates = new League\Plates\Engine(__DIR__);
$html = $templates->render('content');
$css = file_get_contents('style.css');
$emogrifier = new \Pelago\Emogrifier($html, $css);
$mergedHtml = $emogrifier->emogrify();
echo $mergedHtml;
  * @param HTTPRequest
  * @return Array - just so the template is still displayed
 function sendreceipt(SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     if ($o = $this->currentOrder) {
         if ($m = $o->Member()) {
             if ($m->Email) {
                 $subject = _t("Account.COPYONLY", "--- COPY ONLY ---");
                 $message = _t("Account.COPYONLY", "--- COPY ONLY ---");
                 $o->sendReceipt($subject, $message, true);
                 $this->message = _t('OrderConfirmationPage.RECEIPTSENT', 'An order receipt has been sent to: ') . $m->Email . '.';
             } else {
                 $this->message = _t('OrderConfirmationPage.RECEIPTNOTSENTNOTSENDING', 'Email could NOT be sent.');
         } else {
             $this->message = _t('OrderConfirmationPage.RECEIPTNOTSENTNOEMAIL', 'No email could be found for sending this receipt.');
     } else {
         $this->message = _t('OrderConfirmationPage.RECEIPTNOTSENTNOORDER', 'Order could not be found.');
     $baseFolder = Director::baseFolder();
     if (!class_exists('\\Pelago\\Emogrifier')) {
         require_once Director::baseFolder() . '/ecommerce/thirdparty/Emogrifier.php';
     isset($project) ? $themeBaseFolder = $project : ($themeBaseFolder = "mysite");
     Requirements::themedCSS("typography", $themeBaseFolder);
     Requirements::themedCSS("OrderReport", "ecommerce");
     Requirements::themedCSS("Order_Invoice", "ecommerce", "print");
     Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'theme_enabled', true);
     $html = $this->renderWith("Order_ReceiptEmail");
     // if it's an html email, filter it through emogrifier
     $cssFileLocation = $baseFolder . "/" . EcommerceConfig::get("Order_Email", "css_file_location");
     $html .= "\r\n\r\n<!-- CSS can be found here: {$cssFileLocation} -->";
     $cssFileHandler = fopen($cssFileLocation, 'r');
     $css = fread($cssFileHandler, filesize($cssFileLocation));
     $emog = new \Pelago\Emogrifier($html, $css);
     $html = $emog->emogrify();
     return $html;