Пример #1
  * Request a request token from the site belonging to consumer_key
  * @param string consumer_key
  * @param int usr_id
  * @exception OAuthException when no key could be fetched
  * @exception OAuthException when no server with consumer_key registered
  * @return array (authorize_uri, token)
 static function requestRequestToken($consumer_key, $usr_id)
     $store = OAuthStore::instance();
     $r = $store->getServer($consumer_key);
     $uri = $r['request_token_uri'];
     $oauth = new OAuthRequester($uri, 'POST');
     $oauth->sign($usr_id, $r);
     $text = $oauth->curl_raw();
     if (empty($text)) {
         throw new OAuthException('No answer from the server "' . $uri . '" while requesting a request token');
     $data = $oauth->curl_parse($text);
     if ($data['code'] != 200) {
         throw new OAuthException('Unexpected result from the server "' . $uri . '" (' . $data['code'] . ') while requesting a request token');
     $token = array();
     $params = explode('&', $data['body']);
     foreach ($params as $p) {
         @(list($name, $value) = explode('=', $p, 2));
         $token[$name] = $oauth->urldecode($value);
     if (!empty($token['oauth_token']) && !empty($token['oauth_token_secret'])) {
         $store->addServerToken($consumer_key, 'request', $token['oauth_token'], $token['oauth_token_secret'], $usr_id);
     } else {
         throw new OAuthException('The server "' . $uri . '" did not return the oauth_token or the oauth_token_secret');
     // Now we can direct a browser to the authorize_uri
     return array('authorize_uri' => $r['authorize_uri'], 'token' => $token['oauth_token']);
Пример #2
  * Given a URL return an OAuth signed URL.  This will handle creating a timestamp and nonce
  * @param string $url the unsigned url
  * @param string $method request method GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
  * @param string $key oauth key
  * @param string $secret oauth secret
  * @param array $params querystring or post parameters
  * @param string $body the body contents of the request
  * @param string $signature_method method used for signature (default = 'HMAC_SHA1')
 public static function SignUrl($url, $method, $key, $secret, $params = null, $body = null, $signature_method = 'HMAC_SHA1')
     $options = array('consumer_key' => $key, 'consumer_secret' => $secret);
     $params = $params ? $params : array();
     OAuthStore::instance("2Leg", $options);
     // Obtain a request object for the request we want to make
     $request = new OAuthRequester($url, $method, $params, $body);
     $sig = $request->sign($key, null, '');
     $data = $request->signatureBaseString();
     $url = substr(urldecode($data . '&oauth_signature=' . $request->calculateDataSignature($data, $secret, '', $signature_method)), strlen($method) + 1);
     $url = VerySimpleStringUtil::ReplaceFirst('&', '?', $url);
     return $url;
Пример #3
  * Request an access token from the site belonging to consumer_key.
  * Before this we got an request token, now we want to exchange it for
  * an access token.
  * @param string consumer_key
  * @param string token
  * @param int usr_id		user requesting the access token
  * @param string method (optional) change the method of the request, defaults to POST (as it should be)
  * @exception OAuthException when no key could be fetched
  * @exception OAuthException when no server with consumer_key registered
 static function requestAccessToken($consumer_key, $token, $usr_id, $method = 'POST')
     $store = OAuthStore::instance('Google');
     $r = $store->getServerTokenSecrets($consumer_key, $token, 'request', $usr_id);
     $uri = $r['access_token_uri'];
     // Delete the server request token, this one was for one use only
     $store->deleteServerToken($consumer_key, $r['token'], 0, true);
     // Try to exchange our request token for an access token
     $oauth = new OAuthRequester($uri, $method);
     $oauth->sign($usr_id, $r);
     $text = $oauth->curl_raw();
     if (empty($text)) {
         throw new OAuthException('No answer from the server "' . $uri . '" while requesting a request token');
     $data = $oauth->curl_parse($text);
     if ($data['code'] != 200) {
         throw new OAuthException('Unexpected result from the server "' . $uri . '" (' . $data['code'] . ') while requesting a request token');
     $token = array();
     $params = explode('&', $data['body']);
     foreach ($params as $p) {
         @(list($name, $value) = explode('=', $p, 2));
         $token[$oauth->urldecode($name)] = $oauth->urldecode($value);
     if (!empty($token['oauth_token']) && !empty($token['oauth_token_secret'])) {
         $store->addServerToken($consumer_key, 'access', $token['oauth_token'], $token['oauth_token_secret'], $usr_id);
     } else {
         throw new OAuthException('The server "' . $uri . '" did not return the oauth_token or the oauth_token_secret');
  * Request a request token from the site belonging to consumer_key
  * @param string consumer_key
  * @param int usr_id
  * @param array params (optional) extra arguments for when requesting the request token
  * @param string method (optional) change the method of the request, defaults to POST (as it should be)
  * @param array options (optional) options like name and token_ttl
  * @param array curl_options	optional extra options for curl request
  * @exception OAuthException2 when no key could be fetched
  * @exception OAuthException2 when no server with consumer_key registered
  * @return array (authorize_uri, token)
 static function requestRequestToken($consumer_key, $usr_id, $params = null, $method = 'POST', $options = array(), $curl_options = array(), $oauth_as_header = true)
     if (isset($options['token_ttl']) && is_numeric($options['token_ttl'])) {
         $params['xoauth_token_ttl'] = intval($options['token_ttl']);
     $store = OAuthStore::instance();
     $r = $store->getServer($consumer_key, $usr_id);
     $uri = $r['request_token_uri'];
     $oauth = new OAuthRequester($uri, $method, $params);
     $oauth->sign($usr_id, $r, '', 'requestToken');
     $text = $oauth->curl_raw($curl_options);
     if (empty($text)) {
         throw new OAuthException2('No answer from the server "' . $uri . '" while requesting a request token');
     $data = $oauth->curl_parse($text);
     if ($data['code'] != 200 && $data['code'] != 201) {
         throw new OAuthException2('Unexpected result from the server "' . $uri . '" (' . $data['code'] . ') while requesting a request token');
     $token = array();
     $params = explode('&', $data['body']);
     foreach ($params as $p) {
         @(list($name, $value) = explode('=', $p, 2));
         $token[$name] = $oauth->urldecode($value);
     if (!empty($token['oauth_token']) && !empty($token['oauth_token_secret'])) {
         $opts = array();
         if (isset($options['name'])) {
             $opts['name'] = $options['name'];
         if (isset($token['xoauth_token_ttl'])) {
             $opts['token_ttl'] = $token['xoauth_token_ttl'];
         $store->addServerToken($consumer_key, 'request', $token['oauth_token'], $token['oauth_token_secret'], $usr_id, $opts);
     } else {
         throw new OAuthException2('The server "' . $uri . '" did not return the oauth_token or the oauth_token_secret');
     // Now we can direct a browser to the authorize_uri
     return array('authorize_uri' => $r['authorize_uri'], 'token' => $token['oauth_token']);
Пример #5
 function request_and_verify_request_token()
     // If there exists any active session, destroy it for simplicity's sake.
     // create a temp user and make a cookie for his record
     $this->user_id = create_temp_user();
     setcookie(COOKIE_NAME, get_session_id_from_user_id($this->user_id));
     // At this point, we shouldn't have anything in the DB with a record of this transaction.
     // Set up the required parameters to recognize an OAuth provider -- known in this OAuthPHP lib as
     // a record in the oauth_consumer_registry table.
     $server = array('consumer_key' => CONSUMER_KEY, 'consumer_secret' => CONSUMER_SECRET, 'server_uri' => ROOT_TYPEPAD_API_URL, 'signature_methods' => array('PLAINTEXT'), 'request_token_uri' => $this->get_api_endpoint(TP_OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN_URL), 'authorize_uri' => $this->get_api_endpoint(TP_OAUTH_AUTH_URL), 'access_token_uri' => $this->get_api_endpoint(TP_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL));
     // See which known services exist for this user
     $servers = $this->store->listServers('', $this->user_id);
     // Refresh the known OAuth providers for this user by deleting them if they already exist...
     foreach ($servers as $server_item) {
         if ($server_item['consumer_key'] == CONSUMER_KEY && $server_item['user_id'] == $this->user_id) {
             //            debug ("User_id = " . $this->user_id);
             $this->store->deleteServer(CONSUMER_KEY, $this->user_id);
     // otherwise, create a new record of this OAuth provider.
     $consumer_key = $this->store->updateServer($server, $this->user_id);
        * These methods from this OAuth PHP lib don't create the right type of GET request...
           $options = array();
           $options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = $server;
           $token = OAuthRequester::requestRequestToken(CONSUMER_KEY, $user_id); //, '', 'GET', $options);
           $token = OAuthRequester::requestRequestToken(CONSUMER_KEY, $user_id, '', 'GET');
     $r = $this->store->getServer(CONSUMER_KEY, $this->user_id);
     // This creates a generic Request object, so we'll have to fill in the rest...
     $oauth = new OAuthRequester($this->get_api_endpoint(TP_OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN_URL), '', '');
     $oauth->setParam('oauth_callback', CALLBACK_URL);
     // ..and this adds more parameters, like the timestamp, nonce, version, signature method, etc
     $oauth->sign($this->user_id, $r);
     // Begin to build the URL string with the request token endpoint
     $final_url = $this->get_api_endpoint(TP_OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN_URL) . "?";
     $parameters = array('timestamp', 'callback', 'nonce', 'consumer_key', 'version', 'signature_method', 'signature');
     foreach ($parameters as $parm) {
         $final_url .= 'oauth_' . $parm . '=' . $oauth->getParam('oauth_' . $parm) . '&';
     /* Now execute the long query that may look something like this:
                 https://www.typepad.com/secure/services/oauth/request_token ?
                    oauth_signature=n3lQROBcPnBZvEgplUzHcgkUCrA%3D &
                    oauth_timestamp=1269811986 &
                    oauth_callback=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A5000%2Flogin-callback &
                    oauth_nonce=853433351 &
                    oauth_consumer_key=c5139cef2985b86d &
                    oauth_version=1.0 &
     //      debug ("Final Url = $final_url");
     // and go ahead and execute the request.
     $handle = fopen($final_url, "rb");
     $doc = stream_get_contents($handle);
     $response_array = explode("&", $doc);
     //      debug ("Response from request = ^" . var_dump($response_array));
     // TODO: Verbose error handling
     // Store the results!
     $response = array();
     foreach ($response_array as $response_str) {
         $pair = explode("=", $response_str);
         $response[$pair[0]] = $pair[1];
     // Instead of storing the Request token as a cookie, write it to the db.
     $this->store->addServerToken(CONSUMER_KEY, 'request', $response['oauth_token'], $response['oauth_token_secret'], $this->user_id, '');
     //      var_dump($oauth);
     //      debug ("After creating a simple request token, store obj = ^ ");
     $this->oauth_token = $response['oauth_token'];
Пример #6
if ($_GET['login']) {
     * Initial login handler (accessed by specifying login=1). Unlike most OAuth
     * APIs, the KA API skips the "authorize" step, and instead guides the user
     * through the login process directly from /api/auth/request_token . That
     * endpoint redirects to a login page, which redirects back to a
     * loginCallback of our choosing. Since this is a different flow from what
     * the OAuth library expects, we need to have oauth-php sign the request
     * without submitting it (since it's expecting to directly get a token
     * back), then redirect the user to the resulting URL.
    $requestTokenParams = array('oauth_callback' => $loginCallback);
    $userId = 0;
    $server = $store->getServer($consumerKey, $userId);
    $request = new OAuthRequester($requestTokenUrl, 'GET', $requestTokenParams);
    $request->sign($userId, $server, '', 'requestToken');
    $queryParams = $request->getQueryString(false);
    header('Location: ' . $requestTokenUrl . '?' . $queryParams);
} elseif ($_GET['oauth_token']) {
     * Login callback. After the user logs in, they are redirected back to this
     * page with the oauth_token field specified. We then can use that token (as
     * well as some other request params) to get an access token to use
     * Once the access token is obtained, we immediately redirect to the main
     * logged-in page to allow the user to make requests.
    $oauthToken = $_GET['oauth_token'];
    $oauthTokenSecret = $_GET['oauth_token_secret'];
    $store->addServerToken($consumerKey, 'request', $oauthToken, $oauthTokenSecret, 0);
    $accessTokenParams = array('oauth_verifier' => $_GET['oauth_verifier'], 'oauth_callback' => $loginCallback);
Пример #7
$consumer_key = $store->updateServer($server, $user_id);
   * These don't create the right type of GET request.

      $options = array();
      $options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = $server;
      $token = OAuthRequester::requestRequestToken(CONSUMER_KEY, $user_id); //, '', 'GET', $options);
      $token = OAuthRequester::requestRequestToken(CONSUMER_KEY, $user_id, '', 'GET');
$r = $store->getServer(CONSUMER_KEY, $user_id);
// This creates a generic Request object.
$oauth = new OAuthRequester($endpoint_strs['oauth-request-token-endpoint'], '', '');
//		$oauth->setParam('oauth_callback', '');
$oauth->setParam('oauth_callback', CALLBACK_URL);
// ..and this adds more parameters, like the timestamp, nonce, version, signature method, etc
$oauth->sign($user_id, $r);
//      $final_url = "https://www.typepad.com/secure/services/oauth/request_token?";
$final_url = $endpoint_strs['oauth-request-token-endpoint'] . "?";
$parameters = array('timestamp', 'callback', 'nonce', 'consumer_key', 'version', 'signature_method', 'signature');
foreach ($parameters as $parm) {
    $final_url .= 'oauth_' . $parm . '=' . $oauth->getParam('oauth_' . $parm) . '&';
/* Now execute the long query that may look something like this:
   https://www.typepad.com/secure/services/oauth/request_token ?
      oauth_signature=n3lQROBcPnBZvEgplUzHcgkUCrA%3D &
      oauth_timestamp=1269811986 &
      oauth_callback=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A5000%2Flogin-callback &
      oauth_nonce=853433351 &
      oauth_consumer_key=c5139cef2985b86d &
      oauth_version=1.0 &