Пример #1
  * Save 'calculation' question type to QTI XML
  * @param ST_Question_Calculation $question Reference to the question object
  * @author Adam Clarke, Rob Ingram
 function SaveCalculation(&$question)
     if ($question->q_type == 'enhancedcalc') {
     $question->formula = trim($question->formula);
     if (substr($question->formula, 0, 1) == "=") {
         $question->formula = substr($question->formula, 1);
     $question->origleadin = $question->leadin;
     $q_text = $question->leadin;
     // format the text for the question
     // replace all variables in leadin with randomly generated values
     foreach ($question->variables as $var => $vairable) {
         ${$var} = MathsUtils::gen_random_no(checkVariables($vairable->min), checkVariables($vairable->max), $vairable->inc, $vairable->dec);
         $q_text = str_ireplace("\${$var}", ${$var}, $q_text);
     eval("\$answer = " . $question->formula . ";");
     //echo $q_text."<BR>";
     $question->leadin = $q_text;
     list($headertext, $title) = $this->MakeQuestionHeader($question);
     $type = "Calculation";
     $ob = new OB();
     include "qti12/tmpl/calculation.php";
     $this->output .= $ob->GetContent();
Пример #2
 function SaveCalculation(&$question)
     // TODO : NO template
     // format the text for the question
     foreach ($question->variables as $var => $vairable) {
         ${$var} = MathsUtils::gen_random_no(checkVariables($vairable->min), checkVariables($vairable->max), $vairable->inc, $vairable->dec);
     eval("\$answer = " . $question->formula . ";");
     $q_text = $question->leadin;
     $q_text = str_ireplace("\$A", $A, $q_text);
     $q_text = str_ireplace("\$B", $B, $q_text);
     $q_text = str_ireplace("\$C", $C, $q_text);
     $q_text = str_ireplace("\$D", $D, $q_text);
     $q_text = str_ireplace("\$E", $E, $q_text);
     $q_text = str_ireplace("\$F", $F, $q_text);
     $q_text = str_ireplace("\$G", $G, $q_text);
     $q_text = str_ireplace("\$H", $H, $q_text);
     //echo $q_text."<BR>";
     $question->leadin = $q_text;
     $headertext = $this->MakeQuestionHeader($question);
     $title = StripForTitle($question->leadin);
     $ob = new OB();
     include "qti20/tmpl/calculation.php";
     $this->output .= $ob->GetContent();
Пример #3
  * Render the question in the format required when taking the paper
  * @param  array  $extra [description]
 public function generate_variables()
     if (!isset($this->useranswer['vars']) or !is_array($this->useranswer['vars'])) {
         // Create an empty array to hold the generated variables
         $this->useranswer['vars'] = array();
     // Check to see if variables have been previously generated if not put them in an array to be generated
     foreach ($this->settings['vars'] as $key => $value) {
         if ((!isset($this->useranswer['vars'][$key]) or $this->useranswer['vars'][$key] === 'ERROR') and !$this->is_linked_ans($value['min'])) {
             $min = $this->variable_substitution($value['min'], $this->alluseranswers);
             if ($value['max'] == '') {
                 //value for max not set force it to min to generate a fixed value.
                 $value['max'] = $value['min'];
             $max = $this->variable_substitution($value['max'], $this->alluseranswers);
             // Temporary fix ROGO-1468 until we introduce proper localisation we need to be able to handle ',' decimal places.
             $inc = $this->variable_substitution(str_replace(',', '.', $value['inc']), $this->alluseranswers);
             $dec = (int) $value['dec'];
             $this->useranswer['vars'][$key] = MathsUtils::gen_random_no($min, $max, $inc, $dec);
         // Pull in the last userans every time
         if ($this->is_linked_ans($value['min'])) {
             $this->useranswer['vars'][$key] = $this->variable_substitution($value['min'], $this->alluseranswers);
     // Update the session
     $_SESSION['qid'][$this->id]['vars'] = $this->useranswer['vars'];