public function getCategoriesByResto()
     if (Efiwebsetting::getData('checkOAuth') == 'yes') {
     $idRestaurant = Generic::mustCheck($_GET['id_restaurant'], Keys::$ERR_NOT_FOUND_ID_RESTAURANT);
     $objResto = new MasterRestaurantModel();
     if (!Generic::IsNullOrEmptyString($objResto->id_categories)) {
         $arrCategories = explode(",", $objResto->id_categories);
     } else {
         $arrCategories = array();
     $categories = array();
     foreach ($arrCategories as $idCat) {
         $c = new MasterCategoryModel();
         if ($c->id_category) {
             $categories[] = $c->name;
     //        pr($arrCategories);
     //        pr($categories);
     $results['categories'] = $categories;
     $rawTags = array();
     $id_dish = isset($_GET['id_dish']) ? addslashes($_GET['id_dish']) : "";
     if ($id_dish) {
         $dish = new MasterDishModel();
         $tagsIds = explode(",", $dish->dish_tags);
         if (count($tagsIds) != 0) {
             foreach ($tagsIds as $tagsId) {
                 if ($tagsId == null || $tagsId == "") {
                 $dishTag = new MasterDishTagModel();
                 $b["id_tag"] = $dishTag->id_tag;
                 $b["name"] = $dishTag->name;
                 $rawTags[] = $b;
     $results['raw_tags'] = $rawTags;
 public static function isDishValidAndAvailable($idDish)
     $dish = new MasterDishModel();
     if (Generic::IsNullOrEmptyString($dish->id_dish)) {
         return false;
     if ($dish->status == Keys::$YES) {
         return $dish->availability == Keys::$YES;
     } else {
         return false;
 public static function checkDish($id_dish)
     $objDish = new MasterDishModel();
     $arrDish = $objDish->getWhere("id_dish='{$id_dish}'");
     if (count($arrDish) > 0) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
 public function addDishToMyFavorite()
     if (Efiwebsetting::getData('checkOAuth') == 'yes') {
     $idUser = Generic::mustCheck($_GET['id_user'], "User ID not Found");
     $idDish = Generic::mustCheck($_GET['id_dish'], "Dish ID not Found");
     $user = new UserModel();
     $arrFavDishIds = explode(',', $user->fav_dishes_ids);
     $alreadyInFavorite = count($arrFavDishIds) <= 0 ? false : in_array($idDish, $arrFavDishIds);
     if ($alreadyInFavorite) {
         Generic::errorMsg("Already Favorited");
     if (count($arrFavDishIds) <= 0) {
         $user->fav_dishes_ids = $idDish;
     } else {
         $arrFavDishIds[] = $idDish;
         $arrFavDishIds = array_unique($arrFavDishIds);
         $user->fav_dishes_ids = implode(',', $arrFavDishIds);
     $dish = new MasterDishModel();
     $dish->fav = $dish->fav + 1;
     $resto = new MasterRestaurantModel();
     $resto->fav = $resto->fav + 1;
 public function loadDish()
     if (Efiwebsetting::getData('checkOAuth') == 'yes') {
     $cmd = isset($_GET['cmd']) ? addslashes($_GET['cmd']) : "";
     $json = array();
     $json['status_code'] = 1;
     if (!$cmd) {
         $json['status_code'] = 0;
         $json['status_message'] = "No ID Found";
         echo json_encode($json);
     $id_user = isset($_GET['id']) ? addslashes($_GET['id']) : "";
     if (!$id_user) {
         $json['status_code'] = 0;
         $json['status_message'] = "No ID Found";
         echo json_encode($json);
     $user = new UserModel();
     $arrUser = $user->getWhere("id_user={$id_user}");
     if ($cmd == "fav") {
         foreach ($arrUser as $o) {
             $dishSearch['fav_dishes_ids'] = $o->fav_dishes_ids;
         $objectDish = new MasterDishModel();
         $objResto = new MasterRestaurantModel();
         $arrdishSearch = explode(",", $dishSearch[fav_dishes_ids]);
         foreach ($arrdishSearch as $val) {
             if ($where == "") {
                 $where = "{$objectDish->table_name}.id_dish={$val}";
             } else {
                 $where = $where . " or {$objectDish->table_name}.id_dish={$val}";
         $where = $where . " ORDER BY {$objectDish->table_name}.fav DESC";
         $where = $where;
         global $db;
         $arrDish = $objectDish->getWhere($where);
         foreach ($arrDish as $key => $dish) {
             $arrFavbyResto[] = $dish->id_restaurant;
             $arrGesDish[$dish->id_restaurant][] = MasterDish::getDish($dish->id_dish);
         $arrFavbyResto = array_unique($arrFavbyResto);
         $sem = array();
         foreach ($arrFavbyResto as $resto) {
             $restoHelp = self::getRestaurant($resto);
             foreach ($arrGesDish as $key => $valdish) {
                 $dishhelp = array();
                 if ($key == $resto) {
                     $dishhelp = $valdish;
             $restoHelp['dish'] = $dishhelp;
             $sem['restaurant'][] = $restoHelp;
         $json['results'] = $sem;
     } elseif ($cmd == "his") {
         foreach ($arrUser as $o) {
             $dishSearch['history_dishes_ids'] = $o->history_dishes_ids;
         $arrdishSearch = explode(",", $dishSearch[history_dishes_ids]);
         $objectDish = new MasterDishModel();
         $objectRestaurant = new MasterRestaurantModel();
         $exp = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $objectDish->crud_webservice_allowed));
         $arrPicsToAddPhotoUrl = $objectDish->crud_add_photourl;
         foreach ($arrdishSearch as $val) {
             $arr = $objectDish->getWhere("id_dish=" . $val, "*");
             if (count($arr) != 0) {
                 $json['status_code'] = 1;
             } else {
                 $json['status_code'] = 0;
                 $json['status_message'] = "No ID Found";
                 echo json_encode($json);
             $sem = array();
             foreach ($arr as $o) {
                 foreach ($exp as $attr) {
                     //                    echo $attr;
                     if (in_array($attr, $arrPicsToAddPhotoUrl)) {
                         $sem[$attr] = _BPATH . _PHOTOURL . $o->{$attr};
                     } elseif ($attr == "id_restaurant") {
                         //                        echo "masuk";
                         //                        echo $o->$attr;
                         $sem[$attr] = stripslashes($o->{$attr});
                         $sem['restaurant'] = $this->getRestaurant($o->{$attr});
                     } else {
                         $sem[$attr] = stripslashes($o->{$attr});
                 //$sem['restaurant'] = $objectRestaurant->getRestaurant($val);
                 $json["results"][] = $sem;
     } elseif ($cmd == "receipthis") {
     } else {
         $json['status_code'] = 0;
         $json['status_message'] = "No ID Found";
         echo json_encode($json);
     echo json_encode($json);
 public function setRestoCategories()
     if (Efiwebsetting::getData('checkOAuth') == 'yes') {
     $json = array();
     $json['status_code'] = 1;
     $id_restaurant = isset($_POST['id_restaurant']) ? addslashes($_POST['id_restaurant']) : "";
     if (!$id_restaurant) {
         Generic::errorMsg("Restaurant ID not Found");
     $category = isset($_POST['categories']) ? $_POST['categories'] : "";
     if (!$category) {
         Generic::errorMsg("Category ID not found!");
     $resto = new MasterRestaurantModel();
     $arrOldCategories = explode(",", $resto->id_categories);
     $jsonCategories = json_decode($category);
     $jsonCategorieshlp = array();
     foreach ($jsonCategories as $cat) {
         $jsonCategorieshlp[] = $cat->category_name;
     if (!in_array("OTHERS", $jsonCategorieshlp)) {
         $jsonCategorieshlp[] = "OTHERS";
     $jsonCategorieshlp = array_unique($jsonCategorieshlp);
     $objCategory = new MasterCategoryModel();
     $idCategories = array();
     foreach ($jsonCategorieshlp as $category) {
         $arrCategory = $objCategory->getWhere("name = '{$category}'");
         if (count($arrCategory) == 0 && !Generic::IsNullOrEmptyString($category)) {
             $oc = new MasterCategoryModel();
             $oc->name = strtoupper($category);
             $oc->status = "1";
             $oc->is_drink = "0";
     foreach ($jsonCategorieshlp as $category) {
         $arrCategory = $objCategory->getWhere("name = '{$category}'");
         foreach ($arrCategory as $val) {
             $idCategories[] = $val->id_category;
     //compare old categories to new categories
     //cari yang dulu ada sekarang ga ada
     //migrasi dish ke others
     $missingCategories = array_diff($arrOldCategories, $idCategories);
     foreach ($missingCategories as $category) {
         $d = new MasterDishModel();
         $arrDishes = $d->getWhere("id_category = '{$category}' AND id_restaurant = '{$id_restaurant}'");
         foreach ($arrDishes as $dish) {
             $dish->load = 1;
             $dish->id_category = "0";
     $objRestaurant = new MasterRestaurantModel();
     $arrResto = $objRestaurant->getWhere("id_restaurant = '{$id_restaurant}'");
     if (count($arrResto) == 0) {
         $json['status_code'] = 0;
         $json['status_message'] = "No ID Found";
         echo json_encode($json);
     $idCategories = implode(",", $idCategories);
     $arrResto[0]->id_categories = $idCategories;
     $arrResto[0]->load = 1;
     $idSave = $arrResto[0]->save();
     if (!$idSave) {
         Generic::errorMsg(Lang::t('save failed'));
     } else {
         $json['status_code'] = 1;
         $json['results'] = "Success";
     echo json_encode($json);
    public function overwriteForm($return, $returnfull)
        $r = new MasterRestaurantModel();
        $arrR = $r->getWhere("aktiv='1'");
        $arrHelp = array("0" => "Nothing Selected");
        foreach ($arrR as $resto) {
            $arrHelp[$resto->id_restaurant] = $resto->name;
        $return['id_restaurant'] = new \Leap\View\InputSelect($arrHelp, "id_restaurant", "id_restaurant", $this->id_restaurant);
        if (!isset($this->id_restaurant)) {
            $this->id_restaurant = key($arrHelp);
        $d = new MasterDishModel();
        $arrD = $d->getWhere("id_restaurant='{$this->id_restaurant}' AND status='1'");
        $arrHelpDish = array("0" => "Nothing Selected");
        foreach ($arrD as $dish) {
            $arrHelpDish[$dish->id_dish] = $dish->name;
        $return['id_dish'] = new Leap\View\InputSelect($arrHelpDish, "id_dish", "id_dish", $this->id_dish);
            $("#id_restaurant").change(function () {
                var selVal = $("select#id_restaurant option:selected").val();
                if (selVal == 0 || selVal == "" || selVal == "0") {
                        .attr("value", 0)
                        .text("Nothing Selected"));
                    method: "GET",
                    url: _sppath + "RecommendationFood/getDishByRestoId",
                    data: {id_restaurant: selVal}
                }).done(function (msg) {
//                        console.log(msg);
                    var json_obj = $.parseJSON(msg);//parse JSON
                    for (var i in json_obj) {
                                .attr("value", json_obj[i].value)
        if (!isset($this->start)) {
            $dt = leap_mysqldate();
        } else {
            $dt = $this->start;
        $return['start'] = new \Leap\View\InputText("date", "start", "start", $dt);
        if (!isset($this->end)) {
            $dt = leap_mysqldate();
        } else {
            $dt = $this->end;
        $return['end'] = new \Leap\View\InputText("date", "end", "end", $dt);
        return $return;
 public function addOrderInPendingOrder()
     //TODO Sama seperti add order kemarin, tapi quantity cuma bisa set 1
     //TODO master apa bukan
     if (Efiwebsetting::getData('checkOAuth') == 'yes') {
     $id_user = isset($_GET['id_user']) ? addslashes($_GET['id_user']) : "";
     if (!$id_user) {
         Generic::errorMsg("Please login!");
     $id_order = isset($_GET['id_order']) ? addslashes($_GET['id_order']) : "";
     if (!$id_order) {
         Generic::errorMsg("ID Order not found!");
     $id_dish = isset($_GET['id_dish']) ? addslashes($_GET['id_dish']) : "";
     if (!$id_dish) {
         Generic::errorMsg("ID Dish not found!");
     $arah = addslashes($_GET['arah']);
     //plus //minus
     //ambil order saya, kalau blom ada, dan action plus, maka bikin baru
     //ambil order saya kalau blom ada dan action minus dan saya master..boleh kurangi, else meldung tidak bisa mengurangi order yang bukan milik anda
     //kalau master ambil order semua
     $ada_default_order = 0;
     $myOrder = "";
     $objOrderDetail = new OrderDetailModel();
     $arrObj = $objOrderDetail->getWhere("id_user = '******' AND id_order = '{$id_order}' AND id_dish ='{$id_dish}' AND order_now!=1 LIMIT 0,1");
     if (count($arrObj) > 0) {
         $ada_default_order = 1;
         $myOrder = $arrObj[0];
     $dish = new MasterDishModel();
     $isLeader = Util::isLeader($id_order, $id_user);
     if ($arah == "plus") {
         if (!$ada_default_order) {
             $price = $dish->price;
             //krn qty = 1
             $objOrderDetail = new OrderDetailModel();
             $objOrderDetail->id_user = $id_user;
             $objOrderDetail->id_order = $id_order;
             $objOrderDetail->id_dish = $id_dish;
             $objOrderDetail->quantity = 1;
             $objOrderDetail->price = $price;
             $objOrderDetail->datetime_order = $this->setCurrentDate();
             $objOrderDetail->status = "1";
             //            $dishname = MasterDish::getDish($id_dish);
             //                $objOrderDetail->quantity = 1;
             $id = $objOrderDetail->save();
         } else {
             $price = $dish->price * ($myOrder->quantity + 1);
             $myOrder->price = $price;
             $myOrder->datetime_order = $this->setCurrentDate();
             $myOrder->status = "1";
             $myOrder->load = 1;
             $id = $myOrder->id_order_detail;
     if ($arah == "minus") {
         if ($ada_default_order) {
             //cek apa default ordernya masi plus
             if ($myOrder->quantity > 0) {
                 //minus biasa
                 $price = $dish->price * ($myOrder->quantity - 1);
                 $myOrder->price = $price;
                 $myOrder->datetime_order = $this->setCurrentDate();
                 $myOrder->status = "1";
                 $myOrder->load = 1;
                 $id = $myOrder->id_order_detail;
             } else {
                 if ($isLeader) {
                     //minus dari anggota yang lain
                     $objOrderDetail = new OrderDetailModel();
                     $arrObjLain = $objOrderDetail->getWhere("id_order = '{$id_order}' AND id_dish ='{$id_dish}'");
                     if (count($arrObjLain) > 0) {
                         //bisa dikurangin dari yang lain..lihat qty nya juga
                         $sum = 0;
                         foreach ($arrObjLain as $od) {
                             $sum += $od->quantity;
                         if ($sum > 0) {
                             foreach ($arrObjLain as $od) {
                                 if ($od->quantity > 0) {
                                     //minus biasa
                                     $price = $dish->price * ($od->quantity - 1);
                                     $od->price = $price;
                                     $od->datetime_order = $this->setCurrentDate();
                                     $od->status = "1";
                                     $od->load = 1;
                                     $id = $od->id_order_detail;
                         } else {
                             //habis ga bisa dikurangi
                             Generic::errorMsg("Not Enough Quantity");
                     } else {
                         Generic::errorMsg("Not Enough Quantity");
                 } else {
                     //Notify kl jumlah tidak cukup utk dikurangi
                     //habis ga bisa dikurangi
                     Generic::errorMsg("Not Enough Quantity");
         } else {
             //minus dr anggota yang lain
             if ($isLeader) {
                 //minus dari anggota yang lain
                 $objOrderDetail = new OrderDetailModel();
                 $arrObjLain = $objOrderDetail->getWhere("id_order = '{$id_order}' AND id_dish ='{$id_dish}'");
                 if (count($arrObjLain) > 0) {
                     //bisa dikurangin dari yang lain..lihat qty nya juga
                     $sum = 0;
                     foreach ($arrObjLain as $od) {
                         $sum += $od->quantity;
                     if ($sum > 0) {
                         foreach ($arrObjLain as $od) {
                             if ($od->quantity > 0) {
                                 //minus biasa
                                 $price = $dish->price * ($od->quantity - 1);
                                 $od->price = $price;
                                 $od->datetime_order = $this->setCurrentDate();
                                 $od->status = "1";
                                 $od->load = 1;
                                 $id = $od->id_order_detail;
                     } else {
                         //habis ga bisa dikurangi
                         Generic::errorMsg("Not Enough Quantity");
                 } else {
                     Generic::errorMsg("Not Enough Quantity");
             } else {
                 //Notify kl jumlah tidak cukup utk dikurangi
                 Generic::errorMsg("Not Enough Quantity");
     if ($arah == "") {
         Generic::errorMsg("Please insert arah");
     // getcurrent qty dr iddish
     //        $currQuantity = OrderDetail::getQuantityUserByID_dish($id_dish, $id_order, $id_user);
     //        $id = $this->addOrderDetails($id_order, $id_user, $id_dish, $currQuantity + 1);
     if (!$id) {
         Generic::errorMsg("Add order failed!");
     $objOrder = new MasterOrderModel();
     $invoice = $this->calcRechnung($objOrder->id_restaurant, $id_order);
     $inv = new Invoice($id_order, true);
     $this->setInvoiceInOrder($objOrder, $invoice);
     $objOrder->datetime_order = $this->setCurrentDate();
     //        $objOrder->total_cost = $invoice['Total'];
     $objOrder->load = 1;
     $id_updateOrder = $objOrder->save();
     if (!$id_updateOrder) {
         Generic::errorMsg("Update Order failed!");
     $json = array();
     $json['status_code'] = 1;
     $json['results']['messages'] = "Success";
     $orderDetails = Util::getAllOrderDetailsByIDOrder($id_order);
     $orderDetailByDishID = array();
     //        pr($orderDetails);
     $total = array();
     foreach ($orderDetails as $det) {
         if ($det['status_progress'] != 9) {
             //                echo "dis ID ".$det['id_dish']." | ".$total[$det['id_dish']]['quantity']." add ".$det['quantity']."<br>";
             $total[$det['id_dish']]['quantity'] += $det['quantity'];
         $string_name = rtrim(trim(preg_replace('/\\s\\s+/', ' ', $det['name'])));
         $dish = new MasterDishModel();
         $total[$det['id_dish']]['id_dish'] = $det['id_dish'];
         $total[$det['id_dish']]['name'] = $string_name;
         $total[$det['id_dish']]['single_price'] = (double) $dish->price;
         $orderDetailByDishID[$det['id_dish']][] = $det;
     $hasilnya = array();
     $all_total = 0;
     foreach ($total as $key => $val) {
         $sem = array();
         $val['price_subtotal'] = $val['quantity'] * $val['single_price'];
         $all_total += $val['price_subtotal'];
         $sem = $val;
         $sem["orders"] = array();
         //kelompokan menurut status progess
         foreach ($orderDetailByDishID[$key] as $orderDetail) {
             $userInstance = Util::createUserInstance($orderDetail["id_user"], $orderDetail["note"], $orderDetail["id_order_detail"]);
             $orderDetail['user'] = $userInstance;
             if ($orderDetail['order_now'] == 0) {
                 $sem['orders']['Pending'][] = $orderDetail;
             } else {
                 $sem['orders'][Helper::getStatusProgress()[$orderDetail['status_progress']]][] = $orderDetail;
         $hasilnya[] = $sem;
     $json['results']['hasil'] = $hasilnya;
     $json['results']['alltotal'] = $all_total;
     $json['results']['invoice'] = $inv->getInvoice();
     $ids = $this->getUserIdByIDOrder($id_order, $id_user);
     //        $json['results']['push'] = $this->notifyAddOrder($ids, $id_order);
     $json['results']['push'] = Util::pushNotifyAddOrder($id_order, $id_user, $id_dish);
     echo json_encode($json);
     //        $json['APA'] = "";
     //        $json2 =$this->notifyAddOrder($ids, $id_order);
     //        $json3 = array_merge($json, $json2);
     //        echo json_encode($json3) ;
 public function reinitiateCategories()
     $idRestaurant = Generic::mustCheck($_GET['id_restaurant'], "BOOO!");
     $catIdDefault = $this->createCategories("OTHERS");
     $md = new MasterDishModel();
     if ($idRestaurant == "all") {
         $arrDishes = $md->getAll();
     } else {
         $arrDishes = $md->getWhere("id_restaurant='{$idRestaurant}'");
     echo "<h1>Default cat id : {$catIdDefault}</h1>";
     foreach ($arrDishes as $d) {
         $dish = new MasterDishModel();
         echo "<h2>{$dish->id_dish} - {$dish->name}</h2>";
         echo "<h3>From {$dish->id_category}";
         if (Generic::IsNullOrEmptyString($dish->id_category)) {
             echo "changed to";
             $dish->id_category = $catIdDefault;
         } else {
             if (!$this->isCategoryIdValid($dish->id_category)) {
                 echo "changed to";
                 $dish->id_category = $catIdDefault;
             } else {
                 echo "stay at";
         echo " {$dish->id_category}</h3>";
         $resto = new MasterRestaurantModel();
         echo "<h2>{$resto->id_restaurant} - {$resto->name}</h2>";
         echo "<h3>From {$resto->id_categories}";
         if (Generic::IsNullOrEmptyString($resto->id_categories)) {
             $resto->id_categories = $catIdDefault;
         } else {
             $arrCats = explode(',', $resto->id_categories);
             $arrCats[] = $dish->id_category;
             $arrCats = array_unique($arrCats);
             $resto->id_categories = implode(',', $arrCats);
         echo " To {$resto->id_categories}</h3>";