Пример #1
function listFlights($res, $legend, $queryExtraArray = array(), $sortOrder = "DATE")
    global $db, $Theme;
    global $takeoffRadious;
    global $userID, $serverID;
    global $NACclubID;
    global $clubID, $clubFlights, $clubsList, $add_remove_mode;
    global $moduleRelPath;
    global $PREFS, $CONF;
    global $page_num, $pagesNum, $startNum, $itemsNum;
    global $currentlang, $nativeLanguage, $opMode;
    global $CONF_photosPerFlight, $CONF_use_validation, $CONF_airspaceChecks;
    global $CONF_new_flights_days_threshold;
    global $gliderCatList;
    $clubIcon = "<img src='" . $moduleRelPath . "/img/icon_club_small.gif' width=12 height=12 border=0 align='absmiddle' >";
    $removeFromClubIcon = "<img src='" . $moduleRelPath . "/img/icon_club_remove.gif' width=22 height=12 border=0 align='absmiddle' title='Remove flight from this league'>";
    $addToClubIcon = "<img src='" . $moduleRelPath . "/img/icon_club_add.gif' width=12 height=12 border=0 align='absmiddle' title='Add flight to this league'>";
    if ($clubID && (L_auth::isClubAdmin($userID, $clubID) || L_auth::isAdmin($userID))) {

<script language="javascript">

function addClubFlight(clubID,flightID) {
        echo $moduleRelPath;
	$('#fl_'+flightID).html("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"removeClubFlight("+clubID+","+flightID+");return false;\"><?php 
        echo $removeFromClubIcon;

function removeClubFlight(clubID,flightID) {
        echo $moduleRelPath;
	$('#fl_'+flightID).html("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"addClubFlight("+clubID+","+flightID+");return false;\"><?php 
        echo $addToClubIcon;

        echo "<div class='tableInfo shadowBox'>You can administer this club ";
        if ($clubsList[$clubID]['addManual']) {
            if ($add_remove_mode) {
                $queryExtraArray['admClub'] = '0';
                echo "<a href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'list_flights', 'sortOrder' => $sortOrder) + $queryExtraArray) . "'>Return to normal view</a>";
            } else {
                $queryExtraArray['admClub'] = '1';
                echo "<a href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'list_flights', 'sortOrder' => $sortOrder) + $queryExtraArray) . "'>Add / remove flights</a>";
        echo "<div id='updateDiv' style='display:block'></div>";
        echo "</div>";
  	<table class='listTable' style='clear:both' width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
	  <td class='SortHeader indexCell' width="25"><?php 
    echo _NUM;
    printHeader(60, $sortOrder, "DATE", _DATE_SORT, $queryExtraArray);
    printHeader(160, $sortOrder, "pilotName", _PILOT, $queryExtraArray);
    printHeader(0, $sortOrder, "takeoffID", _TAKEOFF, $queryExtraArray);
    printHeader(40, $sortOrder, "DURATION", _DURATION_HOURS_MIN, $queryExtraArray);
    if ($CONF['list_flights']['fields']['scoring'][0] == 'LINEAR_DISTANCE') {
        printHeader(60, $sortOrder, "LINEAR_DISTANCE", _LINEAR_DISTANCE, $queryExtraArray);
    } else {
        printHeader(60, $sortOrder, "SCORE_SPEED", _MEAN_SPEED1, $queryExtraArray);
    printHeader(60, $sortOrder, "FLIGHT_KM", _OLC_KM, $queryExtraArray);
    printHeader(65, $sortOrder, "FLIGHT_POINTS", _OLC_SCORE, $queryExtraArray);
	  <td width="18" class='SortHeader'>&nbsp;</td>
  	  <td width="50" class='SortHeader'>&nbsp;</td>
	  <td width="70" class='SortHeader displayCell alLeft'><?php 
    echo _SHOW;
    $i = 1;
    $currDate = "";
    while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($res)) {
        $is_private = $row["private"];
        $flightID = $row['ID'];
        if ($pilotNames[$row["userServerID"] . '_' . $row["userID"]]) {
            $name = $pilotNames[$row["userServerID"] . '_' . $row["userID"]];
        } else {
            $name = getPilotRealName($row["userID"], $row["userServerID"], 1);
            $pilotNames[$row["userServerID"] . '_' . $row["userID"]] = $name;
        $name = prepare_for_js($name);
        if ($takeoffNames[$row["flight_takeoffID"]]) {
            $takeoffName = $takeoffNames[$row["flight_takeoffID"]];
        } else {
            $takeoffName = prepare_for_js(getWaypointName($row["flight_takeoffID"], -1, 0, 20));
            $takeoffNames[$row["flight_takeoffID"]] = $takeoffName;
        $takeoffVinicity = $row["takeoffVinicity"];
        $takeoffNameFrm = formatLocation($takeoffName, $takeoffVinicity, $takeoffRadious);
        $sortRowClass = $i % 2 ? "l_row1" : "l_row2";
        $days_from_submission = floor((mktime() - datetime2UnixTimestamp($row["dateAdded"])) / 86400);
        // 60*60*24 sec per day
        if (!$is_private) {
            $privateIcon = '&nbsp;';
        } else {
            $privateIcon = '';
            if ($is_private & 0x1) {
                $privateIcon .= "<img src='" . $moduleRelPath . "/img/icon_private.gif' align='absmiddle' width='13' height='13'>";
            if ($is_private & 0x2) {
                $privateIcon .= "<img src='" . $moduleRelPath . "/img/icon_disabled.gif' align='absmiddle' width='13' height='13'>";
            if ($is_private & 0x4) {
                $privateIcon .= "<img src='" . $moduleRelPath . "/img/locked.gif' align='absmiddle' width='13' height='13'>";
        if ($row["DATE"] != $currDate || $sortOrder != 'DATE') {
            $currDate = $row["DATE"];
            $dateStr = formatDate($row["DATE"]);
            $rowStr = " newDate ";
        } else {
            $dateStr = "<span class='dateHidden'>" . formatDate($row["DATE"]) . "</span>";
            $rowStr = "";
        $date2row = "";
        if ($days_from_submission <= $CONF_new_flights_days_threshold) {
            $newSubmissionStr = _SUBMIT_FLIGHT . ': ' . $row["dateAdded"] . ' GMT';
            $date2row .= leoHtml::img("icon_new.png", 25, 12, 'absmiddle', $newSubmissionStr, 'icons1');
        if ($row['excludeFrom'] & 0x1) {
            $date2row .= "*";
        //if ($extLinkImgStr) $extLinkImgStr="<a href='".$row["originalURL"]."' target='_blank'>$extLinkImgStr</a>";
        $date2row .= $extLinkImgStr;
        if ($date2row == '') {
            $date2row .= '&nbsp;';
        echo "\n\n<tr class='{$sortRowClass} {$rowStr}' id='row_{$flightID}'>\n";
        $duration = sec2Time($row['DURATION'], 1);
        $linearDistance = formatDistanceOpen($row["LINEAR_DISTANCE"]);
        $olcDistance = formatDistanceOpen($row["FLIGHT_KM"]);
        $olcScore = formatOLCScore($row["FLIGHT_POINTS"]);
        $gliderType = $row["cat"];
        // 1=pg 2=hg flex 4=hg rigid 8=glider
        # Martin Jursa 20.05.2007
        $scoreSpeed = formatSpeed($row["SCORE_SPEED"]);
        // get the OLC score type
        $olcScoreType = $row['BEST_FLIGHT_TYPE'];
        if ($olcScoreType == "FREE_FLIGHT") {
            $olcScoreTypeImg = "icon_turnpoints.gif";
        } else {
            if ($olcScoreType == "FREE_TRIANGLE") {
                $olcScoreTypeImg = "icon_triangle_free.gif";
            } else {
                if ($olcScoreType == "FAI_TRIANGLE") {
                    $olcScoreTypeImg = "icon_triangle_fai.gif";
                } else {
                    $olcScoreTypeImg = "photo_icon_blank.gif";
        $gliderBrandImg = brands::getBrandImg($row["gliderBrandID"], $row['flight_glider'], $gliderType);
        echo "\n<TD {$first_col_back_color} class='indexCell'><div>" . ($i - 1 + $startNum) . "</div>{$privateIcon}</TD>";
        echo "<TD class='dateString' valign='top'><div>{$dateStr}</div>{$date2row}";
        if ((L_auth::isClubAdmin($userID, $clubID) || L_auth::isAdmin($userID)) && $add_remove_mode) {
            // echo "<BR>";
            if (in_array($flightID, $clubFlights)) {
                echo "<div id='fl_{$flightID}' style='display:inline;margin:0px;padding:0px'><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"removeClubFlight({$clubID},{$flightID});return false;\">{$removeFromClubIcon}</a></div>";
            } else {
                echo "<div id='fl_{$flightID}' style='display:inline'><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"addClubFlight({$clubID},{$flightID});return false;\">{$addToClubIcon}</a></div>";
        echo "</TD>";
        echo "<TD  class='pilotTakeoffCell' colspan=2 " . $sortArrayStr["pilotName"] . $sortArrayStr["takeoffID"] . ">" . "<div id='p_{$i}' class='pilotLink'>";
        //echo "<span class='fl sprite-gr'></span>";
        //echo  getNationalityDescription($row["pilotCountryCode"],1,0);
        $thisPilot = new pilot($row["userServerID"], $row["userID"]);
        if ($thisPilot->isPilotLocal() || L_auth::isAdmin($userID)) {
            echo " <a href=\"javascript:pilotTip.newTip('inline', 0, 13, 'p_{$i}', 250, '" . $row["userServerID"] . "_" . $row["userID"] . "','" . addslashes($name) . "' )\"  onmouseout=\"pilotTip.hide()\">{$name}</a>\n";
        } else {
            echo " <a href=\"javascript:pilotTipExt.newTip('inline', 0, 13, 'p_{$i}', 200, '" . $row["userServerID"] . "_" . $row["userID"] . "','" . addslashes($name) . "' )\"  onmouseout=\"pilotTip.hide()\">{$name}</a>\n";
        echo "</div>";
        echo "<div id='at_{$i}' class='takeoffLink'>";
        echo "<a id='t_{$i}' href=\"javascript:takeoffTip.newTip('inline',-25, 13,'t_{$i}', 250, '" . $row["takeoffID"] . "','" . addslashes($takeoffName) . "')\"  onmouseout=\"takeoffTip.hide()\">{$takeoffNameFrm}</a>\n";
        echo "</div></TD>" . "<TD>{$duration}</TD>";
        if ($CONF['list_flights']['fields']['scoring'][0] == 'LINEAR_DISTANCE') {
            echo "<TD class='distance'>{$linearDistance}</TD>";
        } else {
            echo "<TD class='speed'>{$scoreSpeed}</TD>";
        echo "<TD class='distance'>{$olcDistance}</TD>";
        //P. Wild 22.03.2011 - Deutschland Flüge Fett hervorheben, Admin Farbkennzeichnung Luftraum
        $tmpairspaceName = $row['airspaceCheckMsg'];
        if (strrchr($tmpairspaceName, "Punkte")) {
            echo "<TD nowrap class='OLCScore'><b>{$olcScore}</b>&nbsp;" . leoHtml::img($olcScoreTypeImg, 16, 16, 'top', formatOLCScoreType($olcScoreType, 0), 'icons1');
        } else {
            echo "<TD nowrap class='OLCScore'>{$olcScore}&nbsp;" . leoHtml::img($olcScoreTypeImg, 16, 16, 'top', formatOLCScoreType($olcScoreType, 0), 'icons1');
        if ($CONF_use_validation) {
            $isValidated = $row['validated'];
            if ($isValidated == -1) {
                $vImg = "icon_valid_nok.gif";
            } else {
                if ($isValidated == 0) {
                    $vImg = "icon_valid_unknown.gif";
                } else {
                    if ($isValidated == 1) {
                        $vImg = "icon_valid_ok.gif";
            $valStr = leoHtml::img($vImg, 12, 12, '', '', 'icons1 listIcons');
            echo $valStr;
        echo "</TD>";
        echo "<TD><div class='catInfo'>";
        $gliderTypeDesc = $gliderCatList[$row["cat"]];
        if ($row["category"]) {
            $gliderTypeDesc .= " - " . $CONF['gliderClasses'][$row["cat"]]['classes'][$row["category"]];
            $categoryImg = "<div class='categoryListIconDiv'>" . leoHtml::img("icon_class_" . $row["category"] . ".png", 0, 0, 'top', $gliderTypeDesc, 'icons1', '') . "</div>";
        } else {
            $categoryImg = '';
        echo leoHtml::img("icon_cat_" . $row["cat"] . ".png", 0, 0, 'top', $gliderTypeDesc, 'icons1 catListIcon') . $categoryImg;
        echo "</div></td>\n\t<TD><div align='center'>{$gliderBrandImg}</div></td>";
        if (L_auth::airspaceVisible($userID, $row["userID"], $row["userServerID"])) {
            		$CONF_airspaceChecks && 
            			( L_auth::isAdmin($userID) || $CONF['airspace']['view']=='public' ||   
            			( $CONF['airspace']['view']=='registered' && $userID >0 ) || 
            			( $CONF['airspace']['view']=='own' && $userID == $row["userID"] && $row["userServerID"]==$serverID )   
            		) {*/
            if ($row['airspaceCheckFinal'] == -1) {
                //original: $airspaceProblem=' bgcolor=#F7E5C9 ';
                # peter Wild hack taking into account the deutschlandpokal-hack
                $tmpairspaceName = $row['airspaceCheckMsg'];
                if (strrchr($tmpairspaceName, "Punkte")) {
                    $airspaceProblem = ' bgcolor=#009cff ';
                    if (strpos($tmpairspaceName, "HorDist")) {
                        $airspaceProblem = ' bgcolor=#FFFF00 ';
                    //mod.31.12.08 different colours for bad infringements. P. Wild
                    if (strpos($tmpairspaceName, 'CLASSC') !== false) {
                        $airspaceProblem = ' bgcolor=#FF0008 ';
                    if (strpos($tmpairspaceName, 'CLASSD') !== false) {
                        $airspaceProblem = ' bgcolor=#FF0008 ';
                } else {
                    $airspaceColor = '';
                    foreach ($CONF['aispace']['list']['colors'] as $className => $classColor) {
                        if (strpos($tmpairspaceName, $className) !== false) {
                            $airspaceColor = $classColor;
                    if (!$airspaceColor) {
                        $airspaceColor = $CONF['aispace']['list']['colors']['ALLOTHER'];
                    $airspaceProblem = " bgcolor=#{$airspaceColor} ";
                # end hack
            } else {
                $airspaceProblem = '';
        $isExternalFlight = $row['externalFlightType'];
        echo "<TD {$airspaceProblem} align=left valign='top'>";
        echo "<div class='smallInfo'>";
        if ($isExternalFlight == 0 || $isExternalFlight == 2 || $CONF['servers']['list'][$row['serverID']]['treat_flights_as_local']) {
            // add class='betterTip' for tooltip
            $flightLinkUrl = getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $row["ID"]));
            global $deletedFlights;
            if ($deletedFlights) {
                $flightLinkUrl .= "&deleted=1";
            echo "<a class='flightLink' id='tpa3_{$flightID}' href='" . $flightLinkUrl . "'>" . leoHtml::img("icon_look.gif", 0, 0, 'top', _SHOW, 'icons1 flightIcon', '', 1) . "</a>";
            echo "<a href='javascript:nop()' onclick=\"geTip.newTip('inline', -315, -5, 'ge_{$i}', 300, '" . $row["ID"] . "' , '{$currentlang}')\"  onmouseout=\"geTip.hide()\">" . leoHtml::img("geicon.gif", 0, 0, 'top', _Navigate_with_Google_Earth, 'icons1 geIcon', 'ge_' . $i) . "</a>";
        } else {
            echo "<a class='flightLink' href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $row["ID"])) . "'>" . leoHtml::img("icon_look.gif", 0, 0, 'top', _SHOW, 'icons1 flightIcon') . "</a>";
            $originalKML = $row["originalKML"];
            global $CONF;
            if ($CONF['servers']['list'][$row["serverID"]]['isLeo'] == 1) {
                if ($row["original_ID"]) {
                    $originalKML = 'http://' . $CONF['servers']['list'][$row["serverID"]]['url_base'] . '/download.php?type=kml_trk&flightID=' . $row["original_ID"];
            if ($originalKML) {
                echo "<a  href='" . $originalKML . "'>" . leoHtml::img("geicon.gif", 0, 0, 'top', _Navigate_with_Google_Earth, 'icons1 geIcon') . "</a>";
            } else {
                echo leoHtml::img("photo_icon_blank.gif", 16, 16, '', '', 'icons1 geIcon');
        $photosNum = $row["hasPhotos"];
        if ($photosNum) {
            echo "<span><a class='betterTip2' id='tpa1_{$flightID}' href='javascript:nop();'>" . leoHtml::img("icon_camera.gif", 0, 0, '', $photosNum . ' ' . _PHOTOS, 'icons1 photoIcon2') . "</a></span>";
        if ($row["commentsNum"] > 0) {
            $hasComments = 1;
            if ($row["commentsNum"] > 1) {
                $commentsImgName = "icon_comments_many.gif";
            } else {
                $commentsImgName = "icon_comments.gif";
        } else {
            $hasComments = 0;
        if ($hasComments) {
            echo "<a class='betterTip' id='tpa2_{$flightID}' href='javascript:nop();'>" . leoHtml::img($commentsImgName, 0, 0, '', $row["commentsNum"] . ' ' . _COMMENTS, 'icons1 commentDiv', '', 1) . "</a>";
        if (1) {
            echo "<span class='preview'><a class='betterTip' id='tpa0_{$flightID}' href='javascript:nop()'>" . leoHtml::img("icon_info.gif", 0, 0, 'top', _SHOW, 'icons1 previewDiv', '', 1) . "</a></span>";
        if ($isExternalFlight && !$CONF['servers']['list'][$row['serverID']]['treat_flights_as_local']) {
            $extServerStr = $CONF['servers']['list'][$row['serverID']]['name'];
            $extServerStrShort = $CONF['servers']['list'][$row['serverID']]['short_name'];
            if ($isExternalFlight == 2) {
                echo leoHtml::img("icon_link_dark.gif", 0, 0, '', _External_Entry . ": {$extServerStr}", 'icons1 extLink');
                echo "<div class='extLinkName'>{$extServerStrShort}</div>";
            } else {
                if ($CONF['servers']['list'][$row['serverID']]['isLeo']) {
                    $url_flight = $CONF['servers']['list'][$row['serverID']]['url_flight'];
                    if ($url_flight) {
                        $extFlightLink = 'http://' . str_replace("%FLIGHT_ID%", $row['original_ID'], $url_flight) . "&lng={$currentlang}";
                    } else {
                        $extFlightLink = 'http://' . $CONF['servers']['list'][$row['serverID']]['url'] . '&op=show_flight&flightID=' . $row['original_ID'] . "&lng={$currentlang}";
                } else {
                    $extFlightLink = $row['originalURL'];
                echo "<a href='{$extFlightLink}' target='_blank' class='extLinkDiv' title='{$extServerStr}: " . _Ext_text2 . "' >";
                // also put the direct link in the place of the photo
                echo "<img class='extServerLogo' src='" . $moduleRelPath . "/img/servers/" . sprintf("%03d", $row['serverID']) . ".gif' width='16' height='16'  border='0'/>";
                echo leoHtml::img("icon_link_dark.gif", 0, 0, '', '', 'icons1 extLinkIcon');
                echo "<div class='extLinkDescr'>{$extServerStrShort}</div>";
                //echo "<span class='extLinkDescr'>$extServerStrShort</span>";
                echo "</a>";
        # P.Wild, martin jursa: considering $CONF_new_flights_days_threshold
        global $CONF_new_flights_submit_window;
        //P. Wild - edited to submit window (old version false)
        $inWindow = empty($CONF_new_flights_submit_window) ? true : $days_from_submission <= $CONF_new_flights_submit_window;
        if ($row["userID"] == $userID && $inWindow || L_auth::isAdmin($userID)) {
            echo "<div id='ac_{$i}' class='actionLink'>";
            echo "<a href=\"javascript:flightActionTip.newTip('inline', -100, 13, 'ac_{$i}', 120, " . $row["ID"] . " )\"  onmouseout=\"flightActionTip.hide()\">" . leoHtml::img("icon_action_select.gif", 0, 0, 'bottom', '', 'icons1') . "</a>";
            echo "</div>";
        $checkedByStr = '';
        if ($row['checkedBy'] && L_auth::isAdmin($userID)) {
            $checkedByArray = explode(" ", $row['checkedBy']);
            $checkedByStr = "<div class='checkedBy' align=right>" . $checkedByArray[0] . "</div>";
            echo $checkedByStr;
        echo "</div>";
        echo "</TD>\n";
        echo "</TR>";
    echo "</table>\n\n";