function getIcalByIcsid($icsid)
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $user =& JFactory::getUser();
     $query = "SELECT *" . "\n FROM #__jevents_icsfile as ical" . "\n WHERE ical.ics_id = {$icsid}" . "\n AND ical.access  " . (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '>=') ? ' IN (' . JEVHelper::getAid($user) . ')' : ' <=  ' . JEVHelper::getAid($user));
     $row = $db->loadObject();
     return $row;
Пример #2
 function monthEvents()
     $modid = intval(JRequest::getVar('modid', 0));
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $query = "SELECT id, params" . "\n FROM #__modules AS m" . "\n WHERE m.published = 1" . "\n AND = " . $modid . "\n AND m.access IN (" . JEVHelper::getAid($user, 'string') . ")" . "\n AND m.client_id != 1";
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $modules = $db->loadObjectList();
     if (count($modules) <= 0) {
         if (!$modid <= 0) {
             return new JResponseJson(array());
     $params = new JRegistry(isset($modules[0]->params) ? $modules[0]->params : null);
     $reg = JFactory::getConfig();
     $reg->set("jev.modparams", $params);
     $this->datamodel = new JEventsDataModel();
     $myItemid = $this->datamodel->setupModuleCatids($params);
     $year = JRequest::getVar('jev_current_year', 0);
     $month = JRequest::getVar('jev_current_month', 0);
     if ($year == 0) {
         $year = date("Y");
     if ($month == 0) {
         $month = date("m");
     $data = $this->datamodel->getCalendarData($year, $month, 1, false, 0);
     $events = array();
     foreach ($data['dates'] as $day_index) {
         foreach ($day_index['events'] as $event) {
             $eventArray['date'] = $day_index['year'] . "-" . $day_index['month'] . "-" . $day_index['d0'] . " " . date("H:i", $event->getUnixStartTime());
             $eventArray['title'] = $event->title();
             $link = $event->viewDetailLink($day_index['year'], $day_index['month'], $day_index['d0'], false, $myItemid);
             $eventArray['link'] = JRoute::_($link . $this->datamodel->getCatidsOutLink());
             $events[] = $eventArray;
     $result = new JResponseJson($events);
     echo $result;
Пример #3
 function select()
     JRequest::checkToken('default') or jexit('Invalid Token');
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $publishedOnly = true;
     $id = JRequest::getInt('evid', 0);
     $limit = intval(JFactory::getApplication()->getUserStateFromRequest("viewlistlimit", 'limit', 10));
     $limitstart = intval(JFactory::getApplication()->getUserStateFromRequest("view{" . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . "}limitstart", 'limitstart', 0));
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $where[] = "\n ev.access " . (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '>=') ? ' IN (' . JEVHelper::getAid($user) . ')' : ' <=  ' . JEVHelper::getAid($user));
     $where[] = "\n icsf.state=1 AND icsf.access " . (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '>=') ? ' IN (' . JEVHelper::getAid($user) . ')' : ' <=  ' . JEVHelper::getAid($user));
     $query = "SELECT count( DISTINCT rpt.rp_id)" . "\n FROM #__jevents_vevent as ev" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_icsfile as icsf ON icsf.ics_id=ev.icsid" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_repetition as rpt ON rpt.eventid = ev.ev_id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_vevdetail as det ON det.evdet_id = rpt.eventdetail_id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_rrule as rr ON rr.eventid = ev.ev_id" . "\n WHERE ev.ev_id=" . $id . "\n AND icsf.state=1" . (count($where) ? "\n AND " . implode(' AND ', $where) : '') . ($publishedOnly ? "\n AND ev.state=1" : "");
     $total = $db->loadResult();
     if ($limit > $total) {
         $limitstart = 0;
     $query = "SELECT ev.*, rpt.*, rr.*, det.*" . "\n , YEAR(rpt.startrepeat) as yup, MONTH(rpt.startrepeat ) as mup, DAYOFMONTH(rpt.startrepeat ) as dup" . "\n , YEAR(rpt.endrepeat  ) as ydn, MONTH(rpt.endrepeat   ) as mdn, DAYOFMONTH(rpt.endrepeat   ) as ddn" . "\n , HOUR(rpt.startrepeat) as hup, MINUTE(rpt.startrepeat ) as minup, SECOND(rpt.startrepeat ) as sup" . "\n , HOUR(rpt.endrepeat  ) as hdn, MINUTE(rpt.endrepeat   ) as mindn, SECOND(rpt.endrepeat   ) as sdn" . "\n FROM #__jevents_vevent as ev" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_icsfile as icsf ON icsf.ics_id=ev.icsid" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_repetition as rpt ON rpt.eventid = ev.ev_id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_vevdetail as det ON det.evdet_id = rpt.eventdetail_id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_rrule as rr ON rr.eventid = ev.ev_id" . "\n WHERE ev.ev_id=" . $id . "\n AND icsf.state=1" . ($publishedOnly ? "\n AND ev.state=1" : "") . (count($where) ? "\n AND " . implode(' AND ', $where) : '') . "\n GROUP BY rpt.rp_id" . "\n ORDER BY rpt.startrepeat";
     if ($limit > 0) {
         $query .= "\n LIMIT {$limitstart}, {$limit}";
     $icalrows = $db->loadObjectList();
     $icalcount = count($icalrows);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $icalcount; $i++) {
         // convert rows to jIcalEvents
         $icalrows[$i] = new jIcalEventRepeat($icalrows[$i]);
     $menulist = $this->targetMenu(JRequest::getInt("Itemid"), "Itemid");
     $pageNav = new JPagination($total, $limitstart, $limit);
     // get the view
     $this->view = $this->getView("icalrepeat", "html");
     // Set the layout
     $this->view->assign('menulist', $menulist);
     $this->view->assign('icalrows', $icalrows);
     $this->view->assign('pageNav', $pageNav);
     $this->view->assign('evid', $id);
Пример #4
 function export()
     $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
     $years = JRequest::getVar('years', 'NONE');
     $cats = JRequest::getVar('catids', 'NONE');
     // validate the key
     $icalkey = $params->get("icalkey", "secret phrase");
     $outlook2003icalexport = JRequest::getInt("outlook2003", 0) && $params->get("outlook2003icalexport", 0);
     if ($outlook2003icalexport) {
         JRequest::setVar("icf", 1);
     $privatecalendar = false;
     $k = JRequest::getString("k", "NONE");
     $pk = JRequest::getString("pk", "NONE");
     $userid = JRequest::getInt("i", 0);
     if ($pk != "NONE") {
         if (!$userid) {
             throw new Exception(JText::_('JEV_ERROR'), 403);
             return false;
         $privatecalendar = true;
         $puser = JUser::getInstance($userid);
         $key = md5($icalkey . $cats . $years . $puser->password . $puser->username . $puser->id);
         if ($key != $pk) {
             throw new Exception(JText::_('JEV_ERROR'), 403);
             return false;
         // ensure "user" can access non-public categories etc.
         $this->dataModel->aid = JEVHelper::getAid($puser);
         $this->dataModel->accessuser = $puser->get('id');
         $registry = JRegistry::getInstance("jevents");
         $registry->set("jevents.icaluser", $puser);
     } else {
         if ($k != "NONE") {
             if ($params->get("disableicalexport", 0)) {
                 throw new Exception(JText::_('ALERTNOTAUTH'), 403);
                 return false;
             $key = md5($icalkey . $cats . $years);
             if ($key != $k) {
                 throw new Exception(JText::_('JEV_ERROR'), 403);
                 return false;
         } else {
             throw new Exception(JText::_('JEV_ERROR'), 403);
             return false;
     // Fix the cats
     $cats = explode(',', $cats);
     // hardening!
     JEVHelper::forceIntegerArray($cats, false);
     if ($cats != array(0)) {
         JRequest::setVar("catids", implode("|", $cats));
     } else {
         JRequest::setVar("catids", '');
     //Parsing variables from URL
     // All years
     if ($years == 0) {
         $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
         $years = array();
         for ($y = JEVHelper::getMinYear(); $y <= JEVHelper::getMaxYear(); $y++) {
             if (!in_array($y, $years)) {
                 $years[] = $y;
     } else {
         if ($years != "NONE") {
             $years = explode(",", JRequest::getVar('years'));
             if (!is_array($years) || count($years) == 0) {
                 list($y, $m, $d) = JEVHelper::getYMD();
                 $years = array($y);
         } else {
             list($y, $m, $d) = JEVHelper::getYMD();
             $years = array($y);
     // Lockin hte categories from the URL
     $Itemid = JRequest::getInt("Itemid", 0);
     if (!$Itemid) {
         JRequest::setVar("Itemid", 1);
     $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
     // just incase we don't have jevents plugins registered yet
     //And then the real work
     // Force all only the one repeat
     $cfg = JEVConfig::getInstance();
     $cfg->set('com_showrepeats', 0);
     $icalEvents = array();
     foreach ($years as $year) {
         $startdate = $year . "-01-01";
         $enddate = $year . "-12-31";
         $rows = $this->dataModel->getRangeData($startdate, $enddate, 0, 0);
         if (!isset($rows["rows"])) {
         foreach ($rows["rows"] as $row) {
             if (!array_key_exists($row->ev_id(), $icalEvents)) {
                 $dispatcher->trigger('onExportRow', array(&$row));
                 $icalEvents[$row->ev_id()] = $row;
     if ($userid) {
         $user = JUser::getInstance($userid);
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     // get the view
     $this->view = $this->getView("icals", "html");
     $this->view->assign("dataModel", $this->dataModel);
     $this->view->assign("outlook2003icalexport", $outlook2003icalexport);
     $this->view->assign("icalEvents", $icalEvents);
     $this->view->assign("withrepeats", true);
Пример #5
  * Returns contact details or user details as fall back
  * @param int id		key of user
  * @param string attrib	Requested attribute of the user object
  * @return mixed row	Attribute or row object
 public static function getContact($id, $attrib = 'Object')
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     static $rows = array();
     if ($id <= 0) {
         return null;
     if (!isset($rows[$id])) {
         $user = JFactory::getUser();
         $rows[$id] = null;
         $query = "SELECT,, ju.username, ju.sendEmail,, as contactname, " . ' CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(cd.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(\':\',, cd.alias) ELSE END as slug, ' . ' CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(cat.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(\':\',, cat.alias) ELSE END AS catslug ' . " \n FROM #__users AS ju" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__contact_details AS cd ON cd.user_id = " . "\n LEFT JOIN #__categories AS cat ON = cd.catid " . "\n WHERE block ='0'" . "\n AND cd.published =1 " . "\n AND cd.access  " . (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '>=') ? ' IN (' . JEVHelper::getAid($user) . ')' : ' <=  ' . JEVHelper::getAid($user)) . "\n AND cat.access  " . (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '>=') ? ' IN (' . JEVHelper::getAid($user) . ')' : ' <=  ' . JEVHelper::getAid($user)) . "\n AND = " . $id;
         $rows[$id] = $db->loadObject();
         if (is_null($rows[$id])) {
             // if the user has been deleted then try to suppress the warning
             // this causes a problem in Joomla 2.5.1 on some servers
             if (version_compare(JVERSION, '2.5', '>=')) {
                 $rows[$id] = JEVHelper::getUser($id);
             } else {
                 $handlers = JError::getErrorHandling(2);
                 JError::setErrorHandling(2, "ignore");
                 $rows[$id] = JEVHelper::getUser($id);
                 foreach ($handlers as $handler) {
                     if (!is_array($handler)) {
                         JError::setErrorHandling(2, $handler);
                 if ($rows[$id]) {
                     $error = JError::getError(true);
     if ($attrib == 'Object') {
         return $rows[$id];
     } elseif (isset($rows[$id]->{$attrib})) {
         return $rows[$id]->{$attrib};
     } else {
         return null;
Пример #6
 function getCatData($catids, $showRepeats = true, $limit = 0, $limitstart = 0, $order = "rpt.startrepeat asc, rpt.endrepeat ASC, det.summary ASC")
     $data = array();
     $Itemid = JEVHelper::getItemid();
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     include_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . "/components/" . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . "/libraries/colorMap.php";
     $cfg =& JEVConfig::getInstance();
     $counter = $this->queryModel->countEventsByCat($catids);
     $total = $this->queryModel->countIcalEventsByCat($catids, $showRepeats);
     $counter += $total;
     $data['total'] = $counter;
     //$limit = $limit ? $limit : $cfg->get('com_calEventListRowsPpg');
     if ($data['total'] <= $limit || $limitstart > $data['total']) {
         $limitstart = 0;
     $data['limit'] = $limit;
     $data['limitstart'] = $limitstart;
     $rows = $this->queryModel->listEventsByCat($catids, $limitstart, $limit);
     $icalrows = $this->queryModel->listIcalEventsByCat($catids, $showRepeats, $total, $limitstart, $limit, $order);
     $rows = array_merge($icalrows, $rows);
     $num_events = count($rows);
     if (count($catids) == 0 || count($catids) == 1 && $catids[0] == "") {
         // We are using the filter instead
         $tempcat = JRequest::getVar("category_fv", 0);
         $catids = array();
         $catids[] = $tempcat;
     } else {
         // Override multiple categories using the filter instead
         $tempcat = JFactory::getApplication()->getUserStateFromRequest('category_fv_ses', 'category_fv', 0);
         if ($tempcat > 0) {
             $catids = array();
             $catids[] = $tempcat;
     $catdesc = "";
     $catname = "";
     if (count($catids) > 1) {
         $catname = JText::_('JEV_EVENT_CHOOSE_CATEG');
     if ($num_events > 0) {
         if (count($catids) == 1 && $catids[0] != 0) {
             $catname = $rows[0]->getCategoryName();
             $catdesc = $rows[0]->getCategoryDescription();
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 if ($row->getCategoryName() != $catname) {
                     $catname = JText::_('JEV_EVENT_CHOOSE_CATEG');
         } else {
             $catname = "";
             $catdesc = "";
     } else {
         if (count($catids) == 0) {
             $catname = JText::_('JEV_EVENT_CHOOSE_CATEG');
         } else {
             if (count($catids) == 1 && $catids[0] != 0) {
                 // get the cat name from the database
                 $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
                 $user =& JFactory::getUser();
                 $catsql = 'SELECT c.title, c.description FROM #__categories AS c' . ' WHERE c.access  ' . (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '>=') ? ' IN (' . JEVHelper::getAid($user) . ')' : ' <=  ' . JEVHelper::getAid($user)) . ' AND c.' . (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0") ? 'extension' : 'section') . ' = ' . $db->Quote(JEV_COM_COMPONENT) . ' AND = ' . $db->Quote($catids[0]);
                 $catdata = $db->loadObject();
                 if ($catdata) {
                     $catname = $catdata->title;
                     $catdesc = $catdata->description;
                 } else {
                     $catname = JText::_('JEV_EVENT_ALLCAT');
     $data['catname'] = $catname;
     $data['catdesc'] = $catdesc;
     $data['catids'] = $catids;
     if ($num_events > 0) {
         for ($r = 0; $r < $num_events; $r++) {
             $row =& $rows[$r];
             if ($row->catname() == "") {
                 // for completeness of dataset
     $data['rows'] = $rows;
     return $data;
Пример #7
  * Pseudo Constructor
 function setup(&$params, $modid)
     $this->modid = $modid;
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $cfg = JEVConfig::getInstance();
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $this->datamodel = new JEventsDataModel();
     // component config object
     $jevents_config = JEVConfig::getInstance();
     $this->modparams =& $params;
     $this->aid = JEVHelper::getAid($user, 'string');
     // RSH modified getAid to handle different return types 10/26/10
     $tmplang = JFactory::getLanguage();
     // get params exclusive to module
     $this->inc_ec_css = $this->modparams->get('inc_ec_css', 0);
     $this->minical_showlink = $this->modparams->get('minical_showlink', 1);
     $this->minical_prevyear = $this->modparams->get('minical_prevyear', 1);
     $this->minical_prevmonth = $this->modparams->get('minical_prevmonth', 1);
     $this->minical_actmonth = $this->modparams->get('minical_actmonth', 1);
     $this->minical_actmonth = $this->modparams->get('minical_actmonth', 1);
     $this->minical_actyear = $this->modparams->get('minical_actyear', 1);
     $this->minical_nextmonth = $this->modparams->get('minical_nextmonth', 1);
     $this->minical_nextyear = $this->modparams->get('minical_nextyear', 1);
     // get params exclusive to component
     $this->com_starday = intval($jevents_config->get('com_starday', 0));
     // make config object (module or component) current
     if (intval($this->modparams->get('modcal_useLocalParam', 0)) == 1) {
         $myparam =& $this->modparams;
     } else {
         $myparam =& $jevents_config;
     // get com_event config parameters for this module
     $this->displayLastMonth = $myparam->get('modcal_DispLastMonth', 'NO');
     $this->disp_lastMonthDays = $myparam->get('modcal_DispLastMonthDays', 0);
     $this->linkCloaking = $myparam->get('modcal_LinkCloaking', 0);
     $t_datenow = JEVHelper::getNow();
     $this->timeWithOffset = $t_datenow->toUnix(true);
     switch ($this->displayLastMonth) {
         case 'YES_stop':
             $this->disp_lastMonth = 1;
         case 'YES_stop_events':
             $this->disp_lastMonth = 2;
         case 'ALWAYS':
             $this->disp_lastMonthDays = 0;
             $this->disp_lastMonth = 1;
         case 'ALWAYS_events':
             $this->disp_lastMonthDays = 0;
             $this->disp_lastMonth = 2;
         case 'NO':
             $this->disp_lastMonthDays = 0;
             $this->disp_lastMonth = 0;
     $this->displayNextMonth = $myparam->get('modcal_DispNextMonth', 'NO');
     $this->disp_nextMonthDays = $myparam->get('modcal_DispNextMonthDays', 0);
     switch ($this->displayNextMonth) {
         case 'YES_stop':
             $this->disp_nextMonth = 1;
         case 'YES_stop_events':
             $this->disp_nextMonth = 2;
         case 'ALWAYS':
             $this->disp_nextMonthDays = 0;
             $this->disp_nextMonth = 1;
         case 'ALWAYS_events':
             $this->disp_nextMonthDays = 0;
             $this->disp_nextMonth = 2;
         case 'NO':
             $this->disp_nextMonthDays = 0;
             $this->disp_nextMonth = 0;
     // find appropriate Itemid and setup catids for datamodel
     $this->myItemid = $this->datamodel->setupModuleCatids($this->modparams);
     $this->cat = $this->datamodel->getCatidsOutLink(true);
     $this->linkpref = 'index.php?option=' . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . '&Itemid=' . $this->myItemid . $this->cat . '&task=';
Пример #8
 protected function getCategoryHierarchy($catidList, $catidsGPList)
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $aid = $this->datamodel->aid;
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     // Get all the categories
     $sql = "SELECT c.* FROM #__categories as c WHERE extension='" . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . "'" . " AND  c.access  " . (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '>=') ? ' IN (' . JEVHelper::getAid($user) . ')' : ' <=  ' . JEVHelper::getAid($user)) . "\n  AND c.language in (" . $db->quote(JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag()) . ',' . $db->quote('*') . ')' . " AND c.published = 1" . "\n ORDER BY c.lft";
     $catlist = $db->loadObjectList('id');
     foreach ($catlist as &$cat) {
         $cat->name = $cat->title;
         $params = new JRegistry($cat->params);
         $cat->color = $params->get("catcolour", "");
         $cat->overlaps = $params->get("overlaps", 0);
     // any plugin based resitrictions
     $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
     // remember NOT to reindex the list
     $dispatcher->trigger('onGetAccessibleCategories', array(&$catlist, false));
     // Copy the array
     $clonedCatList = unserialize(serialize($catlist));
     $validcats = array();
     if (JString::strlen($catidsGPList) > 0) {
         $validcats = array_merge($validcats, explode(",", $catidsGPList));
     // convert to a tree
     $cattree = $this->mapTree($catlist, $validcats);
     // constrain tree by component or module paramaters
     if (JString::strlen($catidList) > 0) {
         $validcats = array();
         $validcats = array_merge($validcats, explode(",", $catidList));
         if (count($validcats) > 0) {
             $cattree2 = $this->mapTree($clonedCatList, $validcats);
             $combinedCatTree = $this->constrainTree($cattree, $cattree2);
     return $cattree;
Пример #9
 function listEventsByKeyword($keyword, $order, &$limit, &$limitstart, &$total, $useRegX = false)
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $adminuser = JEVHelper::isAdminUser($user);
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $rows_per_page = $limit;
     if (empty($limitstart) || !$limitstart) {
         $limitstart = 0;
     $limitstring = "";
     if ($rows_per_page > 0) {
         $limitstring = "LIMIT {$limitstart}, {$rows_per_page}";
     $where = "";
     $having = "";
     if (!JRequest::getInt('showpast', 0)) {
         $datenow =& JevDate::getDate("-12 hours");
         $having = " AND rpt.endrepeat>'" . $datenow->toMysql() . "'";
     if (!$order) {
         $order = 'publish_up';
     $order = preg_replace("/[\t ]+/", '', $order);
     $orders = explode(",", $order);
     // this function adds #__events. to the beginning of each ordering field
     function app_db($strng)
         return '#__events.' . $strng;
     $order = implode(',', array_map('app_db', $orders));
     $total = 0;
     // process the new plugins
     // get extra data and conditionality from plugins
     $extrawhere = array();
     $extrajoin = array();
     $extrafields = "";
     // must have comma prefix
     $needsgroup = false;
     $filterarray = array("published");
     // If there are extra filters from the module then apply them now
     $reg =& JFactory::getConfig();
     $modparams = $reg->getValue("jev.modparams", false);
     if ($modparams && $modparams->getValue("extrafilters", false)) {
         $filterarray = array_merge($filterarray, explode(",", $modparams->getValue("extrafilters", false)));
     $filters = jevFilterProcessing::getInstance($filterarray);
     $filters->setWhereJoin($extrawhere, $extrajoin);
     $needsgroup = $filters->needsGroupBy();
     $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
     $dispatcher->trigger('onListIcalEvents', array(&$extrafields, &$extratables, &$extrawhere, &$extrajoin, &$needsgroup));
     $catwhere = "\n WHERE ev.catid IN(" . $this->accessibleCategoryList() . ")";
     $params = JComponentHelper::getParams("com_jevents");
     if ($params->get("multicategory", 0)) {
         $extrajoin[] = "\n #__jevents_catmap as catmap ON catmap.evid = rpt.eventid";
         $extrajoin[] = "\n #__categories AS catmapcat ON catmap.catid =";
         $extrafields .= ", GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT catmap.catid SEPARATOR ',') as catids";
         $extrawhere[] = " catmapcat.access " . (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '>=') ? ' IN (' . JEVHelper::getAid($user) . ')' : ' <=  ' . JEVHelper::getAid($user));
         $extrawhere[] = " catmap.catid IN(" . $this->accessibleCategoryList() . ")";
         $needsgroup = true;
         $catwhere = "\n WHERE 1 ";
     $extrajoin = count($extrajoin) ? " \n LEFT JOIN " . implode(" \n LEFT JOIN ", $extrajoin) : '';
     $extrawhere = count($extrawhere) ? ' AND ' . implode(' AND ', $extrawhere) : '';
     $extrasearchfields = array();
     $dispatcher->trigger('onSearchEvents', array(&$extrasearchfields, &$extrajoin, &$needsgroup));
     if (count($extrasearchfields) > 0) {
         $extraor = implode(" OR ", $extrasearchfields);
         $extraor = " OR " . $extraor;
         // replace the ### placeholder with the keyword
         $extraor = str_replace("###", $keyword, $extraor);
         $searchpart = $useRegX ? "(det.summary RLIKE '{$keyword}' OR det.description RLIKE '{$keyword}' OR det.extra_info RLIKE '{$keyword}' {$extraor})\n" : " (MATCH (det.summary, det.description, det.extra_info) AGAINST ('{$keyword}' IN BOOLEAN MODE) {$extraor})\n";
     } else {
         $searchpart = $useRegX ? "(det.summary RLIKE '{$keyword}' OR det.description RLIKE '{$keyword}'  OR det.extra_info RLIKE '{$keyword}')\n" : "MATCH (det.summary, det.description, det.extra_info) AGAINST ('{$keyword}' IN BOOLEAN MODE)\n";
     // Now Search Icals
     $query = "SELECT count( distinct det.evdet_id) FROM #__jevents_vevent as ev" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_icsfile as icsf ON icsf.ics_id=ev.icsid" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_repetition as rpt ON rpt.eventid = ev.ev_id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_vevdetail as det ON det.evdet_id = rpt.eventdetail_id" . $extrajoin . $catwhere . "\n AND icsf.state=1 AND icsf.access " . (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '>=') ? ' IN (' . JEVHelper::getAid($user) . ')' : ' <=  ' . JEVHelper::getAid($user)) . "\n AND ev.access " . (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '>=') ? ' IN (' . JEVHelper::getAid($user) . ')' : ' <=  ' . JEVHelper::getAid($user)) . "\n AND ";
     $query .= $searchpart;
     $query .= $extrawhere;
     $query .= $having;
     //echo $db->explain();
     $total += intval($db->loadResult());
     if ($total < $limitstart) {
         $limitstart = 0;
     $rows = array();
     if ($total == 0) {
         return $rows;
     // Now Search Icals
     // New version
     $query = "SELECT DISTINCT det.evdet_id FROM  #__jevents_vevdetail as det" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_repetition as rpt ON rpt.eventdetail_id = det.evdet_id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_vevent as ev ON ev.ev_id = rpt.eventid" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_icsfile as icsf ON icsf.ics_id=ev.icsid" . $extrajoin . $catwhere . "\n  AND icsf.state=1 AND icsf.access " . (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '>=') ? ' IN (' . JEVHelper::getAid($user) . ')' : ' <=  ' . JEVHelper::getAid($user)) . "\n AND ev.access " . (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '>=') ? ' IN (' . JEVHelper::getAid($user) . ')' : ' <=  ' . JEVHelper::getAid($user));
     $query .= " AND ";
     $query .= $searchpart;
     $query .= $extrawhere;
     $query .= $having;
     $query .= "\n ORDER BY rpt.startrepeat ASC ";
     $query .= "\n {$limitstring}";
     if ($adminuser) {
         //echo $db->_sql;
         //echo $db->explain();
     //echo $db->explain();
     $details = $db->loadResultArray();
     $icalrows = array();
     foreach ($details as $detid) {
         $query2 = "SELECT ev.*, rpt.*, det.* {$extrafields}" . "\n , YEAR(rpt.startrepeat) as yup, MONTH(rpt.startrepeat ) as mup, DAYOFMONTH(rpt.startrepeat ) as dup" . "\n , YEAR(rpt.endrepeat  ) as ydn, MONTH(rpt.endrepeat   ) as mdn, DAYOFMONTH(rpt.endrepeat   ) as ddn" . "\n , HOUR(rpt.startrepeat) as hup, MINUTE(rpt.startrepeat ) as minup, SECOND(rpt.startrepeat ) as sup" . "\n , HOUR(rpt.endrepeat  ) as hdn, MINUTE(rpt.endrepeat   ) as mindn, SECOND(rpt.endrepeat   ) as sdn" . "\n FROM #__jevents_vevent as ev" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_repetition as rpt ON rpt.eventid = ev.ev_id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_vevdetail as det ON det.evdet_id = rpt.eventdetail_id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_icsfile as icsf ON icsf.ics_id=ev.icsid" . $extrajoin . "\n WHERE rpt.eventdetail_id = {$detid}" . $extrawhere . $having . "\n ORDER BY rpt.startrepeat ASC limit 1";
         //echo $db->explain();
         $data = $db->loadObject();
         // belts and braces - some servers have a MYSQLK bug on the  user of DISTINCT!
         if (!$data->ev_id) {
         $icalrows[] = $data;
     $num_events = count($icalrows);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $num_events; $i++) {
         // convert rows to jevents
         $icalrows[$i] = new jIcalEventRepeat($icalrows[$i]);
     $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
     $dispatcher->trigger('onDisplayCustomFieldsMultiRow', array(&$icalrows));
     $dispatcher->trigger('onDisplayCustomFieldsMultiRowUncached', array(&$icalrows));
     return $icalrows;
Пример #10
 function export()
     $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
     if ($params->get("disableicalexport", 0)) {
         JError::raiseError(403, JText::_('ALERTNOTAUTH'));
     $years = JRequest::getVar('years', 'NONE');
     $cats = JRequest::getVar('catids', 'NONE');
     // validate the key
     $icalkey = $params->get("icalkey", "secret phrase");
     $outlook2003icalexport = JRequest::getInt("outlook2003", 0) && $params->get("outlook2003icalexport", 0);
     if ($outlook2003icalexport) {
         JRequest::setVar("icf", 1);
     $privatecalendar = false;
     $k = JRequest::getString("k", "NONE");
     $pk = JRequest::getString("pk", "NONE");
     $userid = JRequest::getInt("i", 0);
     if ($pk != "NONE") {
         if (!$userid) {
             JError::raiseError(403, "JEV_ERROR");
         $privatecalendar = true;
         $puser = JUser::getInstance($userid);
         $key = md5($icalkey . $cats . $years . $puser->password . $puser->username . $puser->id);
         if ($key != $pk) {
             JError::raiseError(403, "JEV_ERROR");
         if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) {
             // ensure "user" can access non-public categories etc.
             $this->dataModel->aid = JEVHelper::getAid($puser);
             $this->dataModel->accessuser = $puser->get('id');
         } else {
             // Get an ACL object
             $acl =& JFactory::getACL();
             // Get the user group from the ACL
             $grp = $acl->getAroGroup($puser->get('id'));
             //Mark the user as logged in
             $puser->set('guest', 0);
             $puser->set('aid', 1);
             // Fudge Authors, Editors, Publishers and Super Administrators into the special access group
             if ($acl->is_group_child_of($grp->name, 'Registered') || $acl->is_group_child_of($grp->name, 'Public Backend')) {
                 $puser->set('aid', 2);
             // ensure "user" can access non-public categories etc.
             $this->dataModel->aid = $puser->aid;
             $this->dataModel->accessuser = $puser->get('id');
         $registry =& JRegistry::getInstance("jevents");
         $registry->setValue("jevents.icaluser", $puser);
     } else {
         if ($k != "NONE") {
             $key = md5($icalkey . $cats . $years);
             if ($key != $k) {
                 JError::raiseError(403, "JEV_ERROR");
         } else {
             JError::raiseError(403, "JEV_ERROR");
     // Fix the cats
     $cats = explode(',', $cats);
     // hardening!
     JEVHelper::forceIntegerArray($cats, false);
     if ($cats != array(0)) {
         JRequest::setVar("catids", implode("|", $cats));
     } else {
         JRequest::setVar("catids", '');
     //Parsing variables from URL
     // All years
     if ($years == 0) {
         $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
         $years = array();
         for ($y = $params->get("com_earliestyear", date('Y')); $y <= $params->get("com_latestyear", date('Y')); $y++) {
             if (!in_array($y, $years)) {
                 $years[] = $y;
     } else {
         if ($years != "NONE") {
             $years = explode(",", JRequest::getVar('years'));
             if (!is_array($years) || count($years) == 0) {
                 list($y, $m, $d) = JEVHelper::getYMD();
                 $years = array($y);
         } else {
             list($y, $m, $d) = JEVHelper::getYMD();
             $years = array($y);
     // Lockin hte categories from the URL
     $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
     // just incase we don't have jevents plugins registered yet
     //And then the real work
     // Force all only the one repeat
     $cfg =& JEVConfig::getInstance();
     $cfg->set('com_showrepeats', 0);
     $icalEvents = array();
     foreach ($years as $year) {
         $startdate = $year . "-01-01";
         $enddate = $year . "-12-31";
         $rows = $this->dataModel->getRangeData($startdate, $enddate, 0, 0);
         if (!isset($rows["rows"])) {
         foreach ($rows["rows"] as $row) {
             if (!array_key_exists($row->ev_id(), $icalEvents)) {
                 $dispatcher->trigger('onExportRow', array(&$row));
                 $icalEvents[$row->ev_id()] = $row;
     if ($userid) {
         $user = JUser::getInstance($userid);
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     // get the view
     $this->view =& $this->getView("icals", "html");
     $this->view->assign("dataModel", $this->dataModel);
     $this->view->assign("outlook2003icalexport", $outlook2003icalexport);
     $this->view->assign("icalEvents", $icalEvents);
Пример #11
function findAppropriateMenuID(&$catidsOut, &$modcatids, &$catidList, $modparams, &$showall)
    // Itemid, search for menuid with lowest access rights
    $user = JFactory::getUser();
    $db = JFactory::getDBO();
    // Do we ignore category filters?
    $ignorecatfilter = 0;
    if (isset($modparams->ignorecatfilter) && $modparams->ignorecatfilter) {
        $ignorecatfilter = $modparams->ignorecatfilter;
        JRequest::setVar("category_fv", 0);
    $menu = JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu();
    $menuitems = $menu->getItems("component", JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
    // restrict this list to those accessible by the user
    if (!is_null($menuitems)) {
        foreach ($menuitems as $index => $menuitem) {
            if (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '>=') ? !in_array($menuitem->access, JEVHelper::getAid($user, 'array')) : JEVHelper::getAid($user) < $menuitem->access) {
            } else {
                if (array_key_exists("task", $menuitem->query) && strpos($menuitem->query['task'], 'admin') === 0) {
    } else {
        $menuitems = array();
    $activeMenu = $menu->getActive();
    if (isset($modparams->target_itemid) && $modparams->target_itemid != '' && intval($modparams->target_itemid) > 0) {
        $targetid = intval($modparams->target_itemid);
        $myItemid = 0;
        foreach ($menuitems as $item) {
            if ($targetid == $item->id) {
                $myItemid = $targetid;
    } else {
        if ($activeMenu && $activeMenu->component == JEV_COM_COMPONENT) {
            // use result by reference
            $myItemid = $activeMenu->id;
        } else {
            if (count($menuitems) > 0) {
                $myItemid = current($menuitems);
                $myItemid = $myItemid->id;
            } else {
                // if no menu pointing the JEvents use itemid of home page and set empty menu array
                $myItemid = 1;
                $menuitems = array();
    // put the best guess first for checking category selections
    if ($myItemid > 0) {
        $newmenuitems = array();
        foreach ($menuitems as $item) {
            if ($myItemid == $item->id) {
                array_unshift($newmenuitems, $item);
            } else {
                array_push($newmenuitems, $item);
        $menuitems = $newmenuitems;
    //Finds the first enclosing setof catids from menu item if it exists !
    // First of all get the module paramaters
    $c = 0;
    $modcatids = array();
    $catidList = "";
    // New system
    $newcats = isset($modparams->catidnew) ? $modparams->catidnew : false;
    if ($newcats && is_array($newcats)) {
        foreach ($newcats as $newcat) {
            if (!in_array($newcat, $modcatids)) {
                $modcatids[] = $newcat;
                $catidList .= (JString::strlen($catidList) > 0 ? "," : "") . $newcat;
    } else {
        for ($c = 0; $c < 999; $c++) {
            $nextCID = "catid{$c}";
            //  stop looking for more catids when you reach the last one!
            if (!isset($modparams->{$nextCID})) {
            if ($modparams->{$nextCID} > 0 && !in_array($modparams->{$nextCID}, $modcatids)) {
                $modcatids[] = $modparams->{$nextCID};
                $catidList .= (JString::strlen($catidList) > 0 ? "," : "") . $modparams->{$nextCID};
    if (count($modcatids) == 0) {
        $showall = true;
    $catidsOut = str_replace(",", "|", $catidList);
    $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
    $separator = $params->get("catseparator", "|");
    $catidsOut = str_replace("|", $separator, $catidsOut);
    // Now check the catids from the URL
    $catidsin = JRequest::getString("catids", "");
    // if ignoring catid filter then force to blank
    if ($ignorecatfilter) {
        $catidsin = "";
    if (JString::strlen($catidsin) > 0) {
        $catidsin = explode("|", $catidsin);
    } else {
        // if no catids from the URL then stick to the module catids
        $catidsin = $modcatids;
    // if  we have no modcatids then the enclosing set MUST be all categories and catids must therefore also be empty!
    if (count($modcatids) == 0) {
        if (count($catidsin) > 0) {
            $modcatids = $catidsin;
        //return $myItemid;
    } else {
        foreach ($modcatids as $key => $modcatid) {
            if (!in_array($modcatid, $catidsin)) {
        // if we have no categories left then we have to force the result set to be empty so add a -1 category
        // since accessibleCategoryList uses a count of zero catids to allow them all!
        if (count($modcatids) == 0) {
            $modcatids[] = -1;
    $catidsOut = implode("|", $modcatids);
    $catidList = implode(",", $modcatids);
    $catidsOut = str_replace("|", $separator, $catidsOut);
    if ($myItemid == 0) {
        // User has specified a non JEvents menu so catid filters won't work
        $myItemid = intval($modparams->target_itemid);
        return $myItemid;
    // if we are not inside a real module i.e. in the legend beneath the calendar we just use the Itemid we are currently on
    if ((!isset($modparams->target_itemid) || $modparams->target_itemid == "") && $activeMenu && $activeMenu->component == JEV_COM_COMPONENT) {
        return $activeMenu->id;
    // now find an appropriate enclosing set and associated menu item
    $possibleset = array();
    foreach ($menuitems as $testparms) {
        $test = new JRegistry($testparms->params);
        $c = 0;
        $catids = array();
        // New system
        $newcats = $test->get("catidnew", false);
        if ($newcats && is_array($newcats)) {
            foreach ($newcats as $newcat) {
                if (!in_array($newcat, $catids)) {
                    $catids[] = $newcat;
        } else {
            while ($nextCatId = $test->get("catid{$c}", null)) {
                if (!in_array($nextCatId, $catids)) {
                    $catids[] = $nextCatId;
        // Now check if its an enclosing set of catids so we use this one if the targetid has not been explicitly set
        if (count($catids) == 0 && !isset($targetid) && !($activeMenu && $activeMenu->component == JEV_COM_COMPONENT)) {
            $Itemid = JEVHelper::getItemid();
            $myItemid = intval($testparms->id);
            return $myItemid;
        } else {
            // if  we have no modcatids then the enclosing set MUST be all categories and catids must therefore also be empty!
            if (count($modcatids) > 0) {
                $enclosed = true;
                foreach ($modcatids as $cid) {
                    if (!in_array($cid, $catids)) {
                        $enclosed = false;
                // if enclosed or menu item is not constrained
                if ($enclosed) {
                    $possibleset[] = intval($testparms->id);
                } else {
                    if (count($catids) == 0) {
                        $possibleset[] = intval($testparms->id);
    if (in_array($myItemid, $possibleset)) {
        return $myItemid;
    } else {
        if (count($possibleset) > 0) {
            return $possibleset[0];
    return $myItemid;
Пример #12
 function rss($tpl = null)
     $modid = intval(JRequest::getVar('modid', 0));
     if ($modid < 0) {
         $modid = 0;
     $cfg =& JEVConfig::getInstance();
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     // setup for all required function and classes
     $file = JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_jevents/mod.defines.php';
     include_once $file;
     // load language constants
     // Check document type
     $doc =& JFactory::getDocument();
     if ($doc->getType() != 'feed') {
         JError::raiseError('E999', 'Fatal error, document type: "' . $doc->getType() . '" not supported.');
     if ($modid > 0) {
         $user = JFactory::getUser();
         $query = "SELECT id, params" . "\n FROM #__modules AS m" . "\n WHERE m.published = 1" . "\n AND = " . $modid . "\n AND m.access  " . (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '>=') ? ' IN (' . JEVHelper::getAid($user, 'string') . ')' : ' <=  ' . JEVHelper::getAid($user)) . "\n AND m.client_id != 1";
         $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
         $modules = $db->loadObjectList();
         if (count($modules) <= 0) {
             // fake module parameter
             $params = new JParameter('');
         } else {
             $params = new JParameter($modules[0]->params);
     } else {
         $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
     // parameter intialization
     $info['link'] = str_replace('&', '&amp;', JURI::root(true));
     $info['imagelink'] = str_replace('&', '&amp;', JURI::root());
     $info['base'] = str_replace('&', '&amp;', JURI::root());
     $info['cache'] = $cfg->get('com_rss_cache', 1);
     $info['cache_time'] = $cfg->get('com_rss_cache_time', 3600);
     $info['count'] = $cfg->get('com_rss_count', 5);
     $info['title'] = $cfg->get('com_rss_title', 'Powered by JEvents!');
     $info['description'] = $cfg->get('com_rss_description', 'JEvents Syndication for Joomla');
     // get rss title from module param if requested and defined
     $t_title = $params->get('modlatest_rss_title', null);
     if ($params->get('modlatest_useLocalParam', 0) == 1 && !empty($t_title)) {
         $info['title'] = $t_title;
     // get rss description from module param if requested and defined
     $t_description = $params->get('modlatest_rss_description', null);
     if ($params->get('modlatest_useLocalParam', 0) == 1 && !empty($t_description)) {
         $info['description'] = $t_description;
     $info['image_url'] = htmlspecialchars($cfg->get('com_rss_logo', JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/' . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . '/assets/images/logo.gif'));
     if ($info['image_url'] == "") {
         $info['image_url'] = htmlspecialchars(JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/' . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . '/assets/images/logo.gif');
     $info['image_alt'] = $info['title'];
     $info['limit_text'] = $cfg->get('com_rss_limit_text', 1);
     $info['text_length'] = $cfg->get('com_rss_text_length', 20);
     // include the appropraite VIEW - this should be based on config and/or URL?
     $cfg =& JEVConfig::getInstance();
     $theme = JEV_CommonFunctions::getJEventsViewName();
     $viewclass = ucfirst($theme) . "ModLatestView";
     require_once JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_jevents_latest', $theme . DS . "latest");
     $jeventCalObject = new $viewclass($params, $modid);
     $this->set("eventsByRelDay", $jeventCalObject->eventsByRelDay);
     $this->set("info", $info);
     $this->set("modparams", $params);
     $this->set("jeventCalObject", $jeventCalObject);
Пример #13
 function select()
     JRequest::checkToken('default') or jexit('Invalid Token');
     // get the view
     $this->view =& $this->getView("icalevent", "html");
     $showUnpublishedICS = false;
     $showUnpublishedCategories = false;
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $icsFile = intval(JFactory::getApplication()->getUserStateFromRequest("icsFile", "icsFile", 0));
     $catid = intval(JFactory::getApplication()->getUserStateFromRequest("catidIcalEvents", 'catid', 0));
     $catidtop = $catid;
     $state = 1;
     $limit = intval(JFactory::getApplication()->getUserStateFromRequest("viewlistlimit", 'limit', 10));
     $limitstart = intval(JFactory::getApplication()->getUserStateFromRequest("view{" . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . "}limitstart", 'limitstart', 0));
     $search = JFactory::getApplication()->getUserStateFromRequest("search{" . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . "}", 'search', '');
     $search = $db->getEscaped(trim(strtolower($search)));
     $created_by = JFactory::getApplication()->getUserStateFromRequest("createdbyIcalEvents", 'created_by', 0);
     // Is this a large dataset ?
     $query = "SELECT count(rpt.rp_id) from #__jevents_repetition as rpt ";
     $totalrepeats = $db->loadResult();
     $this->_largeDataSet = 0;
     $cfg =& JEVConfig::getInstance();
     if ($totalrepeats > $cfg->get('largeDataSetLimit', 100000)) {
         $this->_largeDataSet = 1;
     $cfg =& JEVConfig::getInstance();
     $cfg->set('largeDataSet', $this->_largeDataSet);
     $where = array();
     $join = array();
     if ($search) {
         $where[] = "LOWER(detail.summary) LIKE '%{$search}%'";
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     // keep this incase we use filters in category lists
     $catwhere = "\n ev.catid IN(" . $this->queryModel->accessibleCategoryList() . ")";
     $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JRequest::getCmd("option"));
     if ($params->get("multicategory", 0)) {
         $join[] = "\n #__jevents_catmap as catmap ON catmap.evid = rpt.eventid";
         $join[] = "\n #__categories AS catmapcat ON catmap.catid =";
         $where[] = " catmapcat.access " . (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '>=') ? ' IN (' . JEVHelper::getAid($user) . ')' : ' <=  ' . JEVHelper::getAid($user));
         $where[] = " catmap.catid IN(" . $this->queryModel->accessibleCategoryList() . ")";
         $needsgroup = true;
         $catwhere = " 1";
     $where[] = $catwhere;
     if ($catid > 0) {
         if ($params->get("multicategory", 0)) {
             $where[] = "catmap.catid='{$catid}'";
         } else {
             $where[] = "ev.catid='{$catid}'";
     if ($created_by === "") {
         $where[] = "ev.created_by=0";
     } else {
         $created_by = intval($created_by);
         if ($created_by > 0) {
             $where[] = "ev.created_by=" . $db->Quote($created_by);
     if ($icsFile > 0) {
         $join[] = " #__jevents_icsfile as icsf ON icsf.ics_id = ev.icsid";
         $where[] = "\n icsf.ics_id = {$icsFile}";
         if (!$showUnpublishedICS) {
             $where[] = "\n icsf.state=1";
     } else {
         if (!$showUnpublishedICS) {
             $join[] = " #__jevents_icsfile as icsf ON icsf.ics_id = ev.icsid";
             $where[] = "\n icsf.state=1";
         } else {
             $icsFrom = "";
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $where[] = "\n ev.access " . (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '>=') ? ' IN (' . JEVHelper::getAid($user) . ')' : ' <=  ' . JEVHelper::getAid($user));
     $where[] = "\n icsf.access " . (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '>=') ? ' IN (' . JEVHelper::getAid($user) . ')' : ' <=  ' . JEVHelper::getAid($user));
     $hidepast = intval(JFactory::getApplication()->getUserStateFromRequest("hidepast", "hidepast", 1));
     if ($hidepast) {
         $datenow =& JevDate::getDate("-1 day");
         if (!$this->_largeDataSet) {
             $where[] = "\n rpt.endrepeat>'" . $datenow->toMysql() . "'";
     if ($state == 1) {
         $where[] = "\n ev.state=1";
     } else {
         if ($state == 2) {
             $where[] = "\n ev.state=0";
     // get the total number of records
     $query = "SELECT count(distinct rpt.eventid)" . "\n FROM #__jevents_vevent AS ev " . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_vevdetail as detail ON ev.detail_id=detail.evdet_id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_rrule as rr ON rr.eventid = ev.ev_id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_repetition as rpt ON rpt.eventid = ev.ev_id" . (count($join) ? "\n LEFT JOIN  " . implode(' LEFT JOIN ', $join) : '') . (count($where) ? "\n WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $where) : '');
     //echo $db->_sql;
     $total = $db->loadResult();
     echo $db->getErrorMsg();
     if ($limit > $total) {
         $limitstart = 0;
     // if anon user plugin enabled then include this information
     $anonfields = "";
     $anonjoin = "";
     if (JPluginHelper::importPlugin("jevents", "jevanonuser")) {
         $anonfields = ", as anonname, as anonemail";
         $anonjoin = "\n LEFT JOIN #__jev_anoncreator as ac on ac.ev_id = ev.ev_id";
     $orderdir = JRequest::getCmd("filter_order_Dir", 'asc');
     $order = JRequest::getCmd("filter_order", 'start');
     $dir = $orderdir == "asc" ? "asc" : "desc";
     if ($order == 'start' || $order == 'starttime') {
         $order = $this->_largeDataSet ? "\n ORDER BY detail.dtstart {$dir}" : "\n GROUP BY  ev.ev_id ORDER BY rpt.startrepeat {$dir}";
     } else {
         if ($order == 'created') {
             $order = $this->_largeDataSet ? "\n ORDER BY ev.created {$dir}" : "\n GROUP BY  ev.ev_id ORDER BY ev.created {$dir}";
         } else {
             $order = $this->_largeDataSet ? "\n ORDER BY detail.summary {$dir}" : "\n GROUP BY  ev.ev_id ORDER BY detail.summary {$dir}";
     if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) {
         $query = "SELECT ev.*, ev.state as evstate, detail.*, ev.created as created, a.title as _groupname " . $anonfields . "\n , rr.rr_id, rr.freq,rr.rinterval" . ($this->_largeDataSet ? "" : "\n ,MAX(rpt.endrepeat) as endrepeat ,MIN(rpt.startrepeat) as startrepeat" . "\n , YEAR(rpt.startrepeat) as yup, MONTH(rpt.startrepeat ) as mup, DAYOFMONTH(rpt.startrepeat ) as dup" . "\n , YEAR(rpt.endrepeat  ) as ydn, MONTH(rpt.endrepeat   ) as mdn, DAYOFMONTH(rpt.endrepeat   ) as ddn" . "\n , HOUR(rpt.startrepeat) as hup, MINUTE(rpt.startrepeat ) as minup, SECOND(rpt.startrepeat ) as sup" . "\n , HOUR(rpt.endrepeat  ) as hdn, MINUTE(rpt.endrepeat   ) as mindn, SECOND(rpt.endrepeat   ) as sdn") . "\n FROM #__jevents_vevent as ev " . ($this->_largeDataSet ? "" : "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_repetition as rpt ON rpt.eventid = ev.ev_id") . $anonjoin . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_vevdetail as detail ON ev.detail_id=detail.evdet_id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_rrule as rr ON rr.eventid = ev.ev_id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__viewlevels AS a ON = ev.access" . (count($join) ? "\n LEFT JOIN  " . implode(' LEFT JOIN ', $join) : '') . (count($where) ? "\n WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $where) : '') . $order;
     } else {
         $query = "SELECT ev.*, ev.state as evstate, detail.*, ev.created as created, AS _groupname " . $anonfields . "\n , rr.rr_id, rr.freq,rr.rinterval" . ($this->_largeDataSet ? "" : "\n ,MAX(rpt.endrepeat) as endrepeat ,MIN(rpt.startrepeat) as startrepeat" . "\n , YEAR(rpt.startrepeat) as yup, MONTH(rpt.startrepeat ) as mup, DAYOFMONTH(rpt.startrepeat ) as dup" . "\n , YEAR(rpt.endrepeat  ) as ydn, MONTH(rpt.endrepeat   ) as mdn, DAYOFMONTH(rpt.endrepeat   ) as ddn" . "\n , HOUR(rpt.startrepeat) as hup, MINUTE(rpt.startrepeat ) as minup, SECOND(rpt.startrepeat ) as sup" . "\n , HOUR(rpt.endrepeat  ) as hdn, MINUTE(rpt.endrepeat   ) as mindn, SECOND(rpt.endrepeat   ) as sdn") . "\n FROM #__jevents_vevent as ev " . ($this->_largeDataSet ? "" : "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_repetition as rpt ON rpt.eventid = ev.ev_id") . $anonjoin . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_vevdetail as detail ON ev.detail_id=detail.evdet_id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_rrule as rr ON rr.eventid = ev.ev_id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__groups AS g ON = ev.access" . (count($join) ? "\n LEFT JOIN  " . implode(' LEFT JOIN ', $join) : '') . (count($where) ? "\n WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $where) : '') . $order;
     if ($limit > 0) {
         $query .= "\n LIMIT {$limitstart}, {$limit}";
     //echo $db->explain();
     $rows = $db->loadObjectList();
     foreach ($rows as $key => $val) {
         // set state variable to the event value not the event detail value
         $rows[$key]->state = $rows[$key]->evstate;
         if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) {
             $groupname = $rows[$key]->_groupname;
             $rows[$key] = new jIcalEventRepeat($rows[$key]);
             $rows[$key]->_groupname = $groupname;
         } else {
             $groupname = $rows[$key]->_groupname;
             $rows[$key] = new jIcalEventRepeat($rows[$key]);
             $rows[$key]->_groupname = $groupname;
     if ($this->_debug) {
         echo '[DEBUG]<br />';
         echo 'query:';
         echo '<pre>';
         echo $query;
         echo '-----------<br />';
         echo 'option "' . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . '"<br />';
         echo '</pre>';
         //die( 'userbreak - mic ' );
     if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
         echo $db->stderr();
         return false;
     // get list of categories
     $attribs = 'class="inputbox" size="1" onchange="document.adminForm.submit();"';
     $clist = JEventsHTML::buildCategorySelect($catid, $attribs, null, $showUnpublishedCategories, false, $catidtop, "catid");
     // get list of ics Files
     $icsfiles = array();
     //$icsfiles[] =  JHTML::_('select.option', '0', "Choose ICS FILE" );
     $icsfiles[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '-1', JText::_('ALL_ICS_FILES'));
     $query = "SELECT ics.ics_id as value, ics.label as text FROM #__jevents_icsfile as ics ";
     if (!$showUnpublishedICS) {
         $query .= " WHERE ics.state=1";
     $query .= " ORDER BY ics.isdefault DESC, ics.label ASC";
     $result = $db->loadObjectList();
     $icsfiles = array_merge($icsfiles, $result);
     $icslist = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $icsfiles, 'icsFile', 'class="inputbox" size="1" onchange="document.adminForm.submit();"', 'value', 'text', $icsFile);
     // get list of creators
     $sql = "SELECT distinct, u.* FROM #__jevents_vevent as jev LEFT JOIN #__users as u on order by ";
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $users = $db->loadObjectList();
     $userOptions = array();
     $userOptions[] = JHTML::_('select.option', 0, JText::_("JEV_EVENT_CREATOR"));
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $userOptions[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $user->id, $user->name . " ({$user->username})");
     $userlist = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $userOptions, 'created_by', 'class="inputbox" size="1"  onchange="document.adminForm.submit();"', 'value', 'text', $created_by);
     $options[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '0', JText::_('JEV_NO'));
     $options[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '1', JText::_('JEV_YES'));
     $plist = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $options, 'hidepast', 'class="inputbox" size="1" onchange="document.adminForm.submit();"', 'value', 'text', $hidepast);
     $menulist = $this->targetMenu(0, "Itemid");
     $catData = JEV_CommonFunctions::getCategoryData();
     $pageNav = new JPagination($total, $limitstart, $limit);
     // Set the layout
     $this->view->assign('rows', $rows);
     $this->view->assign('userlist', $userlist);
     $this->view->assign('menulist', $menulist);
     $this->view->assign('clist', $clist);
     $this->view->assign('plist', $plist);
     $this->view->assign('search', $search);
     $this->view->assign('icsList', $icslist);
     $this->view->assign('pageNav', $pageNav);
Пример #14
 function viewDetailLink($year, $month, $day, $sef = true, $Itemid = 0)
     $Itemid = $Itemid > 0 ? $Itemid : JEVHelper::getItemid($this);
     static $menuitems = false;
     if (!$menuitems) {
         $menu = JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu();
         $menuitems = $menu->getItems("component", JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
         $user = JFactory::getUser();
         // restrict this list to those accessible by the user
         if (!is_null($menuitems)) {
             $lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
             foreach ($menuitems as $index => $menuitem) {
                 if (!in_array($menuitem->access, JEVHelper::getAid($user, 'array'))) {
                 } else {
                     if (array_key_exists("task", $menuitem->query) && strpos($menuitem->query['task'], 'admin') === 0) {
                     } else {
                         if ($menuitem->language != "*" && $menuitem->language != $lang->getTag()) {
                         } else {
                             if (!(array_key_exists("layout", $menuitem->query) && array_key_exists("view", $menuitem->query) && $menuitem->query['view'] . "." . $menuitem->query['layout'] == 'icalrepeat.detail')) {
         } else {
             $menuitems = array();
     // Is there a specific menu item for this ONE event - this overrides everything (if in the same language!)
     foreach ($menuitems as $index => $menuitem) {
         if (array_key_exists("layout", $menuitem->query) && array_key_exists("view", $menuitem->query) && $menuitem->query['view'] . "." . $menuitem->query['layout'] == 'icalrepeat.detail') {
             if (isset($menuitem->query["evid"]) && $menuitem->query["evid"] == $this->ev_id()) {
                 $Itemid = $menuitem->id;
     // uid = event series unique id i.e. the actual event
     $title = JApplication::stringURLSafe($this->title());
     $link = "index.php?option=" . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . "&task=" . $this->detailTask() . "&evid=" . $this->rp_id() . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid . "&year={$year}&month={$month}&day={$day}&title=" . $title . "&uid=" . urlencode($this->uid());
     if (JRequest::getCmd("tmpl", "") == "component" && JRequest::getCmd('task', 'selectfunction') != '' && JRequest::getCmd("option", "") != "com_acymailing" && JRequest::getCmd("option", "") != "com_jnews" && JRequest::getCmd("option", "") != "com_search" && JRequest::getCmd("jevtask", "") != "crawler.listevents") {
         $link .= "&tmpl=component";
     // SEF is applied later
     $link = $sef ? JRoute::_($link, true) : $link;
     return $link;
Пример #15
 // New custom fields
 if (isset($this->location->customfields)) {
     $customfields = $this->location->customfields;
 } else {
     $customfields = array();
 $plugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('jevents', 'jevcustomfields');
 $pluginparams = new JRegistry($plugin->params);
 $templatetop = $pluginparams->get("templatetop", "<table border='0'>");
 $templaterow = $pluginparams->get("templatebody", "<tr><td class='label'>{LABEL}</td><td>{VALUE}</td>");
 $templatebottom = $pluginparams->get("templatebottom", "</table>");
 $html = $templatetop;
 $user = JFactory::getUser();
 foreach ($customfields as $customfield) {
     if (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '>=')) {
         if (!in_array(intval($customfield["access"]), JEVHelper::getAid($user, 'array'))) {
     } else {
         if ($user->aid < intval($customfield["access"])) {
     if (!is_null($customfield["hiddenvalue"]) && trim($customfield["value"]) == $customfield["hiddenvalue"]) {
     $outrow = str_replace("{LABEL}", $customfield["label"], $templaterow);
     $outrow = str_replace("{VALUE}", nl2br($customfield["value"]), $outrow);
     $html .= $outrow;
 $html .= $templatebottom;
Пример #16
     * Build HTML selection list of categories
     * @param int $catid				Selected catid
     * @param string $args				Additional HTML attributes for the <select> tag
     * @param string $catidList			Restriction list of categories
     * @param boolean $with_unpublished	Set true to build list with unpublished categories
     * @param boolean $require_sel		First entry: true = Choose one category, false = All categories
     * @param int $catidtop				Top level category ancestor
    function buildCategorySelect($catid, $args, $catidList = null, $with_unpublished = false, $require_sel = false, $catidtop = 0, $fieldname = "catid", $sectionname = JEV_COM_COMPONENT, $excludeid = false, $order = "ordering", $eventediting = false)
        if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) {
            // need to declare this because of bug in Joomla  JHtml::_('select.options', on content pages - it loade the WRONG CLASS!
            include_once JPATH_SITE . "/libraries/joomla/html/html/category.php";
            $t_first_entry = $require_sel ? JText::_('JEV_EVENT_CHOOSE_CATEG') : JText::_('JEV_EVENT_ALLCAT');
            $options = JHtml::_('category.options', $sectionname);
            if ($catidList != null) {
                $cats = explode(',', $catidList);
                $count = count($options);
                for ($o = 0; $o < $count; $o++) {
                    if (!in_array($options[$o]->value, $cats)) {
                $options = array_values($options);
            // Thanks to ssobada
            // when editing events we restrict the available list!
            $jevtask = JRequest::getString("jevtask");
            if (strpos($jevtask, "icalevent.edit") !== false || strpos($jevtask, "icalrepeat.edit") !== false) {
                $user = JFactory::getUser();
                $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
                $authorisedonly = $params->get("authorisedonly", 0);
                if ($authorisedonly) {
                    $jevuser = JEVHelper::getAuthorisedUser();
                    if ($jevuser) {
                        if ($jevuser->categories == "all") {
                            $cats = array();
                            foreach ($options as $opt) {
                                $cats[] = $opt->value;
                        } else {
                            if ($jevuser->categories != "") {
                                $cats = explode("|", $jevuser->categories);
                            } else {
                                if (JRequest::getInt("evid", 0) > 0) {
                                    // TODO - this should check the creator of the event
                                    $action = 'core.edit';
                                    $cats = $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action);
                                    $action = 'core.edit.own';
                                    $cats = array_merge($cats, $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action));
                                } else {
                                    $action = 'core.create';
                                    $cats = $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action);
                    } else {
                        if (JRequest::getInt("evid", 0) > 0) {
                            // TODO - this should check the creator of the event
                            $action = 'core.edit';
                            $cats = $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action);
                            $action = 'core.edit.own';
                            $cats = array_merge($cats, $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action));
                        } else {
                            $action = 'core.create';
                            $cats = $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action);
                } else {
                    if (JRequest::getInt("evid", 0) > 0) {
                        // TODO - this should check the creator of the event
                        $action = 'core.edit';
                        $cats = $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action);
                        $action = 'core.edit.own';
                        $cats = array_merge($cats, $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action));
                    } else {
                        $action = 'core.create';
                        $cats = $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action);
                $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
                $dispatcher->trigger('onGetAccessibleCategoriesForEditing', array(&$cats));
                // allow anon-user event creation through
                if (isset($user->id)) {
                    $count = count($options);
                    for ($o = 0; $o < $count; $o++) {
                        if (!in_array($options[$o]->value, $cats)) {
                    $options = array_values($options);
            } else {
            // if only one category then preselect it
            if (count($options) == 1) {
                $catid = current($options)->value;
            // should we offer multi-choice categories?
            // do not use jev_com_component incase we call this from locations etc.
            $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JRequest::getCmd("option"));
            if ($eventediting && $params->get("multicategory", 0)) {
                $size = count($options) > 6 ? 6 : count($options) + 1;
			<select name="<?php 
                echo $fieldname;
[]" <?php 
                echo $args;
 multiple="multiple" size="<?php 
                echo $size;
            } else {
			<select name="<?php 
                echo $fieldname;
" <?php 
                echo $args;
				<option value="0"><?php 
                echo $t_first_entry;
            echo JHtml::_('select.options', $options, 'value', 'text', $catid);
            return ob_get_clean();
        $user = JFactory::getUser();
        $db = JFactory::getDBO();
        $catsql = 'SELECT, c.published, c.title as ctitle,p.title as ptitle, gp.title as gptitle, ggp.title as ggptitle ' . (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0") ? ", c.lft as ordering " : ", c.ordering as ordering") . ' , as pid, as gpid, as ggpid ' . ' FROM #__categories AS c' . ' LEFT JOIN #__categories AS p ON' . ' LEFT JOIN #__categories AS gp ON ' . ' LEFT JOIN #__categories AS ggp ON ' . "WHERE c.access  " . (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '>=') ? ' IN (' . JEVHelper::getAid($user) . ')' : ' <=  ' . JEVHelper::getAid($user));
        if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) {
            $catsql .= ' AND c.extension = ' . $db->Quote($sectionname);
        } else {
            $catsql .= ' AND c.section = ' . $db->Quote($sectionname);
        if ($with_unpublished) {
            $catsql .= ' AND c.published >= 0';
        } else {
            $catsql .= ' AND c.published = 1';
        if ($excludeid) {
            $catsql .= ' AND NOT IN (' . $excludeid . ')';
        if (is_string($catidList) && strlen(trim($catidList))) {
            $catsql .= ' AND IN (' . trim($catidList) . ')';
        if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) {
            $catsql .= " ORDER BY c.lft";
        } else {
            $catsql .= " ORDER BY c.ordering";
        //echo $db->_sql;
        $rows = $db->loadObjectList('id');
        $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
        $dispatcher->trigger('onGetCategoryData', array(&$rows));
        foreach ($rows as $key => $option) {
            if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0") && $option->pid == 1) {
                $option->pid = 0;
                $option->ptitle = null;
            $title = $option->ctitle;
            if (!is_null($option->ptitle)) {
                // this doesn't; work in Joomfish
                //$title = $option->ptitle."=>".$title;
                if (array_key_exists($option->pid, $rows)) {
                    $title = $rows[$option->pid]->ctitle . "=>" . $title;
                } else {
                    $title = $option->ptitle . "=>" . $title;
            if (!is_null($option->gptitle)) {
                // this doesn't; work in Joomfish
                //$title = $option->gptitle."=>".$title;
                if (array_key_exists($option->gpid, $rows)) {
                    $title = $rows[$option->gpid]->ctitle . "=>" . $title;
                } else {
                    $title = $option->gptitle . "=>" . $title;
            if (!is_null($option->ggptitle)) {
                // this doesn't; work in Joomfish
                //$title = $option->ggptitle."=>".$title;
                if (array_key_exists($option->ggpid, $rows)) {
                    $title = $rows[$option->ggpid]->ctitle . "=>" . $title;
                } else {
                    $title = $option->ggptitle . "=>" . $title;
             if (!is_null($option->gggptitle)){
             $title = $option->gggptitle."=>".$title;
            $rows[$key]->name = $title;
        JArrayHelper::sortObjects($rows, $order);
        $t_first_entry = $require_sel ? JText::_('JEV_EVENT_CHOOSE_CATEG') : JText::_('JEV_EVENT_ALLCAT');
        //$categories[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '0', JText::_('JEV_EVENT_CHOOSE_CATEG'), 'id', 'name' );
        $categories[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '0', $t_first_entry, 'id', 'name');
        if ($with_unpublished) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($rows); $i++) {
                if ($rows[$i]->published == 0) {
                    $rows[$i]->name = $rows[$i]->name . '(' . JText::_('JEV_NOT_PUBLISHED') . ')';
        $categories = array_merge($categories, $rows);
        // if only one category then preselect it
        if (count($categories) == 2) {
            $catid = $categories[1]->id;
        $clist = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $categories, $fieldname, $args, 'id', 'name', $catid);
        return $clist;