  * @param string $html_
  * @param \Components\Io_Charset $charset_
  * @return \Components\Text_Html_Tidy
 public static function tidy($html_, Io_Charset $charset_ = null)
     if (null === $charset_) {
         $charset_ = Io_Charset::UTF_8();
     return new Text_Html_Tidy($html_, $charset_);
 public function __construct($value_, Io_Charset $charset_ = null)
     if (null === $charset_) {
         $charset_ = Io_Charset::UTF_8();
     $this->m_value = $value_;
     $this->m_charset = $charset_;
  * @return \Components\Io_Mimetype
 public function getMimetype()
     if (null === $this->m_mimeType) {
         if (!($this->m_mimeType = Io_Mimetype::forFileName($this->m_uri->getPath()))) {
             $this->m_mimeType = Io_Mimetype::TEXT_HTML(Io_Charset::UTF_8());
     return $this->m_mimeType;
  * @return \Components\Mail_Part_Text
 public static function utf8($content_)
     return new self($content_, Io_Charset::UTF_8());
  * @return \Components\Io_Charset
 public function charset()
     if (null === $this->m_charset) {
         $this->m_charset = Io_Charset::forName(self::$m_charsets[$this->m_name]);
     return $this->m_charset;
Пример #6
  * @param string $filename_
  * @return \Components\Io_Charset
 public static function charset($filename_)
     return Io_Charset::forFilePath($filename_);
  * @see \xml\escape() escape
 public static function escapeXml($string_, Io_Charset $charset_ = null, $flags_ = ENT_QUOTES)
     if (null === $charset_) {
         return \xml\escape($string_, null, ENT_XML1, $flags_);
     return \xml\escape($string_, $charset_->name(), ENT_XML1, $flags_);
 public function setBarcode($text_, $alternativeText_ = null, Io_Charset $charset_ = null, $type_ = self::TYPE_BARCODE_2DMATRIX_QR)
     if (null === $charset_) {
         $charset_ = Io_Charset::ISO_8859_1();
     $barcode = array('format' => $type_, 'message' => $text_, 'messageEncoding' => strtolower($charset_->name()));
     if (null !== $alternativeText_) {
         $barcode['altText'] = $alternativeText_;
     $this->properties->barcode = $barcode;
  * @param string $unicode_
  * @param \Components\Io_Charset $charset_
  * @return string
 public function unicodeDecode($unicode_, Io_Charset $charset_ = null)
     if (null === $charset_) {
         $charset_ = Io_Charset::UTF_16_BE();
     self::$m_convertImplTo = $this;
     self::$m_convertImplFrom = $charset_;
     return preg_replace_callback('/(?:\\\\u[0-9a-fA-Z]{4})+/', function ($string_) {
         return Io_Charset::__unicodeDecodeConvertEncodingImpl(pack('H*', strtr($string_[0], ['\\u' => ''])));
     }, $unicode_);
  * @param string $file_
  * @return \Components\Io_Mimetype
 public static function forFilePath($file_, Io_Charset $charset_ = null)
     $info = null;
     if ($finfo = @finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME)) {
         $info = @finfo_file($finfo, $file_);
     if (false === $info) {
         return self::forFileName($file_);
     $mimetype = trim(substr($info, 0, strpos($info, ';')));
      * finfo seems to return text/plain for most text files..
      * I think we can achive more accurate information by relying on the
      * file extension, since there should be no real danger as soon as we
      * are sure its really a text file.
     if (0 === strpos($mimetype, 'text')) {
         return static::forFileName($file_);
     if (isset(self::$m_mapMimetypes[$mimetype])) {
         $name = self::$m_mapMimetypes[$mimetype];
     } else {
         $name = self::$m_mapMimetypes[self::APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM];
     if (null === $charset_) {
         $charset = trim(substr($info, strpos($info, ';') + 1));
         return static::$name(Io_Charset::forName($charset));
     return static::$name($charset_);
  * @return \Components\Mail
 public static function utf8()
     return new self(Io_Charset::UTF_8());
  * @return \Components\Io_Charset
 public function getCharset()
     if ($mimeType = $this->getMimetype()) {
         return $mimeType->charset();
     return Io_Charset::defaultCharset();