  * Reload the REST information.
  * This is only a empty placeholder. The child class can override it.
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 0.0.0
  * @since 0.0.1 Use HTTPRequestMethod enum.
  * @since 0.1.0 Use a default Locale.
  * @since 0.1.1 Unstatic every attributes.
 private function load()
     // if the REST path empty -> this is the not the implementation or can't get something else
     if (InputValidator::isEmpty(self::RESTPATH) || !RESTClient::setRequestMethod(HTTPRequestMethod::GET)) {
     $content = RESTClient::sendWithLocalization(self::RESTPATH, Locales::getLocale());
     // if respond is empty
     if (InputValidator::isEmpty($content)) {
     // reset values
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "name")) {
         $this->NAME = $content["name"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "navigationCaption")) {
         $this->NAVIGATIONCAPTION = $content["navigationCaption"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "description")) {
         $this->DESCRIPTION = $content["description"];
     // update timestamp when make the next request
     $timestamp = (int) (microtime(true) * 1000);
  * Returns the quantity unit.
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 0.1.0
  * @api
  * @param String $locale The localization.
  * @return String Gets the quantity unit.
 public function getQuantityUnit($locale)
     if (!InputValidator::isLocale($locale)) {
     return !InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($this->quantityUnit, $locale) ? $this->quantityUnit[$locale] : null;
Пример #3
  * Gets the default and possible currencies of the shop.
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 0.0.0
  * @since 0.1.0 Use HTTPRequestMethod enum
  * @since 0.1.0 Save timestamp of the last request.
  * @since 0.1.0 Add configured used Currency.
  * @api
 private static function load()
     // if request method is blocked
     if (!RESTClient::setRequestMethod(HTTPRequestMethod::GET)) {
     $content = RESTClient::send(self::RESTPATH);
     // if respond is empty or there are no default AND items element
     if (InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "default") || InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "items")) {
         Logger::error("Respond for " . self::RESTPATH . " can not be interpreted.");
     // reset values
     // save the default currency
     self::$DEFAULT = $content["default"];
     // parse the possible currencies
     self::$ITEMS = $content["items"];
     // set the configured shop Locale if it is empty.
     if (InputValidator::isEmpty(self::$USED)) {
         self::$USED = $content["default"];
     // update timestamp when make the next request
     $timestamp = (int) (microtime(true) * 1000);
  * Sets an occured error.
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @param String $errorNumber The error number to set.
  * @return True if the error number is valid, false if not.
  * @since 0.1.2
 private static function errorSet($errorNumber)
     // if the parameter is empty or not a defined error number.
     if (InputValidator::isEmpty($errorNumber) || InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey(self::$ERRORMESSAGES, $errorNumber)) {
         return false;
     self::$ERROR = $errorNumber;
     return true;
Пример #5
  * This is the constructor of the Quantity object.
  * @api
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @param mixed[] $quantityParameter The quantity parameter.
  * @since 0.2.0
 public function __construct($quantityParameter)
     if (InputValidator::isArray($quantityParameter)) {
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($quantityParameter, "amount")) {
             $this->quantityAmount = $quantityParameter['amount'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($quantityParameter, "unit")) {
             $this->quantityUnit = $quantityParameter['unit'];
  * @group utility
 function testIsEmptyArrayKey()
     $this->assertTrue(InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey(array(), "Key"));
     $this->assertTrue(InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey(array("String" => "Value"), "Key"));
     $this->assertTrue(InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey(array("String" => 123), "Key"));
     $this->assertTrue(InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey(array(123), "Key"));
     $this->assertTrue(InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey(array("String"), "Key"));
     $this->assertTrue(InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey(array("String", 123), "Key"));
     $this->assertFalse(InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey(array("Key" => "Value"), "Key"));
     $this->assertFalse(InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey(array("Key" => 123), "Key"));
     $this->assertTrue(InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey(array("Key" => null), "Key"));
     $this->assertFalse(InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey(array("Key" => ""), "Key"));
Пример #7
  * This is the constructor of the price object.
  * @api
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 0.0.0
  * @since 0.1.0 Add functionality to construct.
  * @param mixed[] $priceParamter The price parameter.
 public function __construct($priceParameter)
     if (InputValidator::isArray($priceParameter)) {
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($priceParameter, "amount")) {
             $this->amount = $priceParameter['amount'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($priceParameter, "taxType")) {
             $this->taxType = $priceParameter['taxType'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($priceParameter, "currency")) {
             $this->currency = $priceParameter['currency'];
  * This is the constructor.
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @param String[] $paymentMethodParameter The payment method in an array to construct.
  * @since 0.1.3
 public function __construct($paymentMethodParameter)
     // if parameter is no string
     if (!InputValidator::isArray($paymentMethodParameter)) {
         Logger::error("ep6\\PaymentMethod\nThe parameter payment method paramater " . $paymentMethodParameter . " is no array.");
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($paymentMethodParameter, "id")) {
         $this->paymentMethodId = $paymentMethodParameter["id"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($paymentMethodParameter, "name")) {
         $this->name = $paymentMethodParameter["name"];
  * This is the constructor.
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @param String[] $shippingMethodParameter The shipping method in an array to construct.
  * @since 0.1.3
 public function __construct($shippingMethodParameter)
     // if parameter is no string
     if (!InputValidator::isArray($shippingMethodParameter)) {
         Logger::error("ep6\\ShippingMethod\nThe shipping method parameter " . $shippingMethodParameter . " is no array.");
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($shippingMethodParameter, "id")) {
         $this->shippingMethodId = $shippingMethodParameter["id"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($shippingMethodParameter, "name")) {
         $this->name = $shippingMethodParameter["name"];
Пример #10
  * This is the constructor of the Price object.
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @param mixed[] $priceParamter The price parameter to create the Price object.
  * @since 0.0.0
  * @since 0.1.0 Add functionality to construct.
  * @since 0.1.1 Parse formatted attribute.
 public function __construct($priceParameter)
     if (InputValidator::isArray($priceParameter)) {
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($priceParameter, "amount")) {
             $this->amount = $priceParameter['amount'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($priceParameter, "taxType") && ($priceParameter['taxType'] == PriceTaxModel::GROSS || $priceParameter['taxType'] == PriceTaxModel::NET)) {
             $this->taxType = $priceParameter['taxType'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($priceParameter, "currency")) {
             $this->currency = $priceParameter['currency'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($priceParameter, "formatted")) {
             $this->formatted = $priceParameter['formatted'];
  * This function gets the product attributes.
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 0.1.0
  * @api
  * @param mixed[] $attribute The attribute in an array.
 public function __construct($attribute)
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($attribute, "key")) {
         $this->internName = $attribute["key"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($attribute, "displayKey")) {
         $this->name = $attribute["displayKey"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($attribute, "singleValue")) {
         $this->oneValue = $attribute["singleValue"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($attribute, "type")) {
         $this->type = $attribute["type"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($attribute, "type") && !InputValidator::isArray($attribute["values"])) {
         foreach ($attribute["values"] as $key => $value) {
             if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($value, "value") && !InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($value, "displayValue")) {
                 $this->values[$value["value"]] = $value["displayValue"];
  * Reload the REST information.
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 0.0.0
  * @since 0.0.1 Use HTTPRequestMethod enum.
  * @since 0.1.0 Use a default Locale.
 private static function load()
     // if request method is blocked
     if (!RESTClient::setRequestMethod(HTTPRequestMethod::GET)) {
     $content = RESTClient::sendWithLocalization(self::$RESTPATH, Locales::getLocale());
     // if respond is empty
     if (InputValidator::isEmpty($content)) {
     // reset values
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "name")) {
         self::$NAME = $content["name"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "title")) {
         self::$TITLE = $content["title"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "navigationCaption")) {
         self::$NAVIGATIONCAPTION = $content["navigationCaption"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "shortDescription")) {
         self::$SHORTDESCRIPTION = $content["shortDescription"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "description")) {
         self::$DESCRIPTION = $content["description"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "company")) {
         self::$COMPANY = $content["company"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "contactPerson")) {
         self::$CONTACTPERSON = $content["contactPerson"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "contactPersonJobTitle")) {
         self::$CONTACTPERSONJOBTITLE = $content["contactPersonJobTitle"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "address")) {
         self::$ADDRESS = $content["address"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "phone")) {
         self::$PHONE = $content["phone"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "email")) {
         self::$EMAIL = $content["email"];
     // update timestamp when make the next request
     $timestamp = (int) (microtime(true) * 1000);
  * Returns a large image.
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 0.1.0
  * @since 0.1.1 Fix bug with returning image.
  * @api
  * @param int $image The image number to get
  * @return Image|null The large image.
 public function getLargeImage($image)
     if ($this->getCountImages() == 0 || !InputValidator::isRangedInt($image, 0, $this->getCountImages() - 1) || InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($this->images[$image], "Large")) {
         return null;
     return $this->images[$image]["Large"];
  * This function gets the product images.
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @param String $productID The product ID to get images.
  * @since 0.1.0
  * @since 0.1.1 Fix bug with nonsetted product URL and delete reload functionality.
  * @since 0.1.1 Use unstatic variables.
  * @since 0.1.2 Add error reporting.
  * @since 0.2.1 Implement REST client fixes.
 private function load($productID)
     // if parameter is wrong
     if (!InputValidator::isProductId($productID)) {
         Logger::warning("ep6\\ProductSlideshow\nInvalid product ID " . $productId . " to load slideshow.");
     // if GET is blocked
     if (!RESTClient::setRequestMethod(HTTPRequestMethod::GET)) {
     RESTClient::send("products/" . $productID . "/" . self::RESTPATH);
     $content = RESTClient::getJSONContent();
     // if respond is empty
     if (InputValidator::isEmpty($content)) {
         Logger::warning("ep6\\ProductSlideshow\nEmpty response while getting product slideshow.");
     // if there is items
     if (InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "items")) {
         Logger::error("Respond for product slidehows can not be interpreted.");
     // is there any images found: load the images.
     foreach ($content['items'] as $number => $image) {
         // parse every image size
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($image, "sizes")) {
             $object = null;
             foreach ($image["sizes"] as $size) {
                 // if there is "url" and "classifier" set in the image
                 if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($size, "url") && !InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($size, "classifier")) {
                     $object[$size["classifier"]] = $size["url"];
             // if all needed sizes are available, save it
             if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($object, "Thumbnail") && !InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($object, "Small") && !InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($object, "HotDeal") && !InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($object, "MediumSmall") && !InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($object, "Medium") && !InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($object, "MediumLarge") && !InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($object, "Large")) {
                 array_push($this->images, $object);
Пример #15
  * This function returns the products by using the product filter.
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 0.0.0
  * @since 0.1.0 Use a default Locale.
  * @since 0.1.1 Unstatic every attributes.
  * @api
  * @return Products[] Returns an array of products.
 public function getProducts()
     $parameter = $this->getParameter();
     // if request method is blocked
     if (!RESTClient::setRequestMethod(HTTPRequestMethod::GET)) {
     $content = RESTClient::send(self::RESTPATH . "?" . $parameter);
     // if respond is empty
     if (InputValidator::isEmpty($content)) {
     // if there is no results, page AND resultsPerPage element
     if (InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "results") || InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "page") || InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "resultsPerPage")) {
         Logger::error("Respond for " . self::RESTPATH . " can not be interpreted.");
     $products = array();
     // is there any product found: load the products.
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "items") && sizeof($content['items']) != 0) {
         foreach ($content['items'] as $item) {
             $product = new Product($item);
             array_push($products, $product);
     return $products;
Пример #16
  * Parses the REST response data and save it.
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @param Array $orderParameter The order in an array.
  * @since 0.1.3
 private function parseData($orderParameter)
     // if the product comes from the shop API
     if (InputValidator::isArray($orderParameter) && !InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "orderId")) {
         $this->orderId = $orderParameter['orderId'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "orderNumber")) {
             $this->orderNumber = $orderParameter['orderNumber'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "creationDate")) {
             $this->creationDate = new Date($orderParameter['creationDate']);
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "billingAddress") && InputValidator::isArray($orderParameter["billingAddress"])) {
             $this->billingAddress = new Address($orderParameter['billingAddress']);
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "shippingAddress") && InputValidator::isArray($orderParameter["shippingAddress"])) {
             $this->shippingAddress = new Address($orderParameter['shippingAddress']);
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "invoicedOn")) {
             $this->invoiceDate = new Date($orderParameter['invoicedOn']);
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "deliveredOn")) {
             $this->deliveryDate = new Date($orderParameter['deliveredOn']);
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "pendingOn")) {
             $this->pendingDate = new Date($orderParameter['pendingOn']);
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "archivedOn")) {
             $this->archiveDate = new Date($orderParameter['archivedOn']);
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "dispatchedOn")) {
             $this->dispatchDate = new Date($orderParameter['dispatchedOn']);
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "viewedOn")) {
             $this->viewDate = new Date($orderParameter['viewedOn']);
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "rejectedOn")) {
             $this->rejectionDate = new Date($orderParameter["rejectedOn"]);
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "closedOn")) {
             $this->closeDate = new Date($orderParameter["closedOn"]);
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "paidOn")) {
             $this->payDate = new Date($orderParameter["paidOn"]);
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "returnedOn")) {
             $this->returnDate = new Date($orderParameter["returnedOn"]);
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "currencyId") && !InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "taxModel")) {
             $priceParameter = array("taxType" => $orderParameter["taxModel"], "currency" => $orderParameter["currencyId"]);
             if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "grandTotal")) {
                 $priceParameter["amount"] = $orderParameter["grandTotal"];
                 $this->totalPrice = new Price($priceParameter);
             if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "totalBeforeTax")) {
                 $priceParameter["amount"] = $orderParameter["totalBeforeTax"];
                 $this->totalWithoutTaxPrice = new Price($priceParameter);
             if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "totalTax")) {
                 $priceParameter["amount"] = $orderParameter["totalTax"];
                 $this->taxPrice = new Price($priceParameter);
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "customerComment")) {
             $this->customerComment = $orderParameter["customerComment"];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "internalNote")) {
             $this->internalNote = $orderParameter["internalNote"];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "shippingData")) {
             $shippingData = $orderParameter["shippingData"];
             if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($shippingData, "shippingMethod")) {
                 $this->shippingMethod = new ShippingMethod($shippingData["shippingMethod"]);
             if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($shippingData, "price")) {
                 $this->shippingPrice = new Price($shippingData["price"]);
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($orderParameter, "paymentData")) {
             $paymentData = $orderParameter["paymentData"];
             if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($paymentData, "paymentMethod")) {
                 $this->paymentMethod = new ShippingMethod($paymentData["paymentMethod"]);
             if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($paymentData, "price")) {
                 $this->paymentPrice = new Price($paymentData["price"]);
     // update timestamp when make the next request
     $timestamp = (int) (microtime(true) * 1000);
Пример #17
  * Gets a specific Header value from response.
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @param String headerKey The key of requested cookie.
  * @return String|null The value of the cookie or null of cookie is not set.
  * @since 0.2.1
 public static function getHeader($headerKey)
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey(self::$HEADERS, $headerKey)) {
         return self::$HEADERS[$headerKey];
     Logger::notify("pogo\\RESTClient:\nRequested header is not set.");
Пример #18
  * Unsets the amount of a product price.
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 0.1.2
 public function unsetAmount()
     $allowedTypes = array(ProductPriceTypes::PRICE, ProductPriceTypes::MANUFACTURER, ProductPriceTypes::ECOPARTICIPATION, ProductPriceTypes::DEPOSIT);
     // if PATCH does not work
     if (!RESTClient::setRequestMethod("PATCH")) {
     // if this operation is not allowed for this price type
     if (InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($allowedTypes, $this->type)) {
         Logger::warning("ep6\\ProductPrice\nChanging product price is not allowed for this " . $this->type . " product price method.");
     $parameter = array("op" => "remove", "path" => "/priceInfo/" . $this->type . "/amount");
     RESTClient::send("product/" . $this->productID, $parameter);
Пример #19
  * This is the constructor.
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @param String[] $addressParameter The array with information of the adddress.
  * @since 0.1.3
 public function __construct($addressParameter)
     // if parameter is no array
     if (!InputValidator::isArray($addressParameter)) {
         Logger::error("ep6\\Address\nThe address parameter " . $addressParameter . " is no array.");
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($addressParameter, "birthday")) {
         $this->birthday = $addressParameter["birthday"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($addressParameter, "city")) {
         $this->city = $addressParameter["city"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($addressParameter, "company")) {
         $this->company = $addressParameter["company"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($addressParameter, "country")) {
         $this->country = $addressParameter["country"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($addressParameter, "emailAddress")) {
         $this->emailAddress = $addressParameter["emailAddress"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($addressParameter, "firstName")) {
         $this->firstName = $addressParameter["firstName"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($addressParameter, "lastName")) {
         $this->lastName = $addressParameter["lastName"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($addressParameter, "salutation")) {
         $this->salutation = $addressParameter["salutation"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($addressParameter, "state")) {
         $this->state = $addressParameter["state"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($addressParameter, "street")) {
         $this->street = $addressParameter["street"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($addressParameter, "streetDetails")) {
         $this->streetDetails = $addressParameter["streetDetails"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($addressParameter, "title")) {
         $this->title = $addressParameter["title"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($addressParameter, "vatId")) {
         $this->VATID = $addressParameter["vatId"];
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($addressParameter, "zipCode")) {
         $this->zipCode = $addressParameter["zipCode"];
Пример #20
  * This function returns the products by using the product filter.
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @return Product[] Returns an array of products.
  * @since 0.0.0
  * @since 0.1.0 Use a default Locale.
  * @since 0.1.1 Unstatic every attributes.
  * @since 0.1.2 Add error reporting.
  * @since 0.1.3 Get all results.
  * @since 0.2.0 Set error message for empty responses to notify.
  * @since 0.2.1 Implement REST client fixes.
 public function getProducts()
     $parameter = $this->getParameter();
     // if request method is blocked
     if (!RESTClient::setRequestMethod(HTTPRequestMethod::GET)) {
     RESTClient::send(self::RESTPATH . "?" . $parameter);
     $content = RESTClient::getJSONContent();
     // if respond is empty
     if (InputValidator::isEmpty($content)) {
         Logger::notify("ep6\\ProductFilter\nREST respomd for getting products is empty.");
     // if there is no results, page AND resultsPerPage element
     if (InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "results") || InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "page") || InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "resultsPerPage")) {
         Logger::error("ep6\\ProductFilter\nRespond for " . self::RESTPATH . " can not be interpreted.");
     $this->results = $content['results'];
     $products = array();
     // is there any product found: load the products.
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "items") && sizeof($content['items']) != 0) {
         foreach ($content['items'] as $item) {
             $product = new Product($item);
             // go to every filter
             foreach ($this->filters as $filter) {
                 switch ($filter->getAttribute()) {
                     case 'stocklevel':
                         $value = array();
                         $value["stocklevel"] = $product->getStocklevel();
                     case 'price':
                         $value = array();
                         $value["price"] = $product->getPrice()->getAmount();
                     case 'category':
                         $value = array();
                         $value["category"] = $product->getCategories();
                         $value = $item;
                 if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($value, $filter->getAttribute()) || $filter->getOperator() == FilterOperation::UNDEF) {
                     if (!InputValidator::isArray($value[$filter->getAttribute()])) {
                         if (!$filter->isElementInFilter($value)) {
                             continue 2;
                 } else {
                     continue 2;
             array_push($products, $product);
     return $products;
Пример #21
  * This function finally prints the message.
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @param String $message The message to print.
  * @param boolean $showStacktrace = 'false' True if a stacktrace show be shown, false if not.
  * @since 0.0.0
  * @since 0.0.1 Restructor the output message.
  * @since 0.1.2 Restructure log message and print to file.
 private static function printMessage($message, $showStacktrace = false)
     // build output
     $output = "";
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($_SERVER, 'REMOTE_ADDR')) {
         $output = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " - ";
     $output .= "[" . date("d/M/Y:H:i:s O") . "] ";
     // print message, if it is array or string
     if (is_array($message)) {
         $output .= print_r($message, true);
     } else {
         $output .= "\n" . $message;
     // print stacktrace if its needed
     if ($showStacktrace) {
         $output .= "\nStacktrace:\n" . self::getStacktrace();
     switch (self::$OUT) {
         case LogOutput::SCREEN:
             echo "<pre>";
             echo $output;
             echo "</pre>";
         case LogOutput::FILE:
             $handle = fopen(self::$OUTPUT_FILE, "a");
             fwrite($handle, $output);
             fwrite($handle, "\n===\n\n");
Пример #22
  * Parses the REST response data and save it.
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @param Array $productParameter The product in an array.
  * @since 0.1.3
 private function parseData($productParameter)
     // if the product comes from the shop API
     if (InputValidator::isArray($productParameter) && !InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($productParameter, "productId")) {
         $this->productID = $productParameter['productId'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($productParameter, "forSale")) {
             $this->forSale = $productParameter['forSale'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($productParameter, "specialOffer")) {
             $this->specialOffer = $productParameter['specialOffer'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($productParameter, "name")) {
             $this->name = $productParameter['name'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($productParameter, "shortDescription")) {
             $this->shortDescription = $productParameter['shortDescription'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($productParameter, "description")) {
             $this->description = $productParameter['description'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($productParameter, "availabilityText")) {
             $this->availabilityText = $productParameter['availabilityText'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($productParameter, "productNumber")) {
             $this->productNumber = $productParameter['productNumber'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($productParameter, "energyLabelsString")) {
             $this->energyLabelsString = $productParameter['energyLabelsString'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($productParameter, "manufacturer")) {
             $this->manufacturer = $productParameter['manufacturer'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($productParameter, "upc")) {
             $this->UPC = $productParameter['upc'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($productParameter, "ean")) {
             $this->EAN = $productParameter['ean'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($productParameter, "essentialFeatures")) {
             $this->essentialFeatures = $productParameter['essentialFeatures'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($productParameter, "searchKeywords")) {
             $this->searchKeywords = $productParameter['searchKeywords'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($productParameter, "visibility")) {
             $this->visibility = $productParameter['visibility'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($productParameter, "deliveryPeriod")) {
             $this->deliveryPeriod = $productParameter['deliveryPeriod'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($productParameter, "deliveryWeight")) {
             $this->deliveryWeight = new Quantity($productParameter['deliveryWeight']);
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($productParameter, "availibility") && ($productParameter['availibility'] == ProductAvailibility::ONSTOCK || $productParameter['availibility'] == ProductAvailibility::WARNSTOCK || $productParameter['availibility'] == ProductAvailibility::OUTSTOCK)) {
             $this->availibility = $productParameter['availibility'];
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($productParameter, "energyLabelSourceFile")) {
             $this->energyLabelSourceFile = $productParameter['energyLabelSourceFile'];
         // parse images
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($productParameter, "images")) {
             foreach ($productParameter['images'] as $image) {
                 if (InputValidator::isArray($image) && !InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($image, "classifier") && !InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($image, "url")) {
                     $this->images[$image['classifier']] = new Image($image['url']);
         // parse price
         if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($productParameter, "priceInfo")) {
             $priceInformation = $productParameter['priceInfo'];
             if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($priceInformation, "price") && !InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($priceInformation, "quantity")) {
                 $this->price = new ProductPrice($this->productID, ProductPriceType::PRICE, $priceInformation['price'], $priceInformation['quantity']);
             if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($priceInformation, "depositPrice")) {
                 $this->depositPrice = new ProductPrice($this->productID, ProductPriceType::DEPOSIT, $priceInformation['depositPrice'], $priceInformation['quantity']);
             if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($priceInformation, "ecoParticipationPrice")) {
                 $this->ecoParticipationPrice = new ProductPrice($this->productID, ProductPriceType::ECOPARTICIPATION, $priceInformation['ecoParticipationPrice'], $priceInformation['quantity']);
             if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($priceInformation, "priceWithDeposits")) {
                 $this->withDepositPrice = new ProductPrice($this->productID, ProductPriceType::WITHDEPOSITS, $priceInformation['priceWithDeposits'], $priceInformation['quantity']);
             if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($priceInformation, "manufacturerPrice")) {
                 $this->manufacturerPrice = new ProductPrice($this->productID, ProductPriceType::MANUFACTURER, $priceInformation['manufacturerPrice'], $priceInformation['quantity']);
             if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($priceInformation, "basePrice")) {
                 $this->basePrice = new ProductPrice($this->productID, ProductPriceType::BASE, $priceInformation['basePrice'], $priceInformation['quantity']);
     // update timestamp when make the next request
     $timestamp = (int) (microtime(true) * 1000);
Пример #23
  * Loads the stock level.
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 0.1.0
  * @param float $step The step to change.
 private function changeStockLevel($step)
     // if parameter is wrong or GET is blocked
     if (!RESTClient::setRequestMethod(HTTPRequestMethod::PUT) || !InputValidator::isFloat($step)) {
     $postfields = array("changeStocklevel" => $step);
     $content = RESTClient::send(self::$RESTPATH . "/" . $this->productID . "/" . self::$RESTPATH_STOCKLEVEL, $postfields);
     // if respond is empty
     if (InputValidator::isEmpty($content) || InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "stocklevel")) {
     $this->stockLevel = (double) $content["stocklevel"];
     // update timestamp when make the next request
     $timestamp = (int) (microtime(true) * 1000);
Пример #24
  * This function returns the orders by using the order filter.
  * @author David Pauli <*****@*****.**>
  * @return Order[] Returns an array of orders.
  * @since 0.1.3
  * @since 0.2.0 Set error message for empty responses to notify.
  * @since 0.2.1 Implement REST client fixes.
 public function getOrders()
     $parameter = $this->getParameter();
     // if request method is blocked
     if (!RESTClient::setRequestMethod(HTTPRequestMethod::GET)) {
     RESTClient::send(self::RESTPATH . "?" . $parameter);
     $content = RESTClient::getJSONContent();
     // if respond is empty
     if (InputValidator::isEmpty($content)) {
         Logger::notify("ep6\\OrderFilter\nREST respond for getting orders is empty.");
     // if there is no results, page AND resultsPerPage element
     if (InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "results") || InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "page") || InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "resultsPerPage")) {
         Logger::error("ep6\\OrderFilter\nRespond for " . self::RESTPATH . " can not be interpreted.");
     $this->results = $content['results'];
     $orders = array();
     // is there any order found: load the products.
     if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($content, "items") && sizeof($content['items']) != 0) {
         foreach ($content['items'] as $item) {
             $order = new Order($item);
             // go to every filter
             foreach ($this->filters as $filter) {
                 if (!InputValidator::isEmptyArrayKey($item, $filter->getAttribute()) || $filter->getOperator() == FilterOperation::UNDEF) {
                     if (!InputValidator::isArray($item[$filter->getAttribute()])) {
                         if (!$filter->isElementInFilter($item)) {
                             continue 2;
                 } else {
                     continue 2;
             array_push($orders, $order);
     return $orders;