Пример #1
  * @param string
 static function parse_string($src)
     // src must begin with an opening php tag to tokenize properly
     if (substr($src, 0, 2) !== '<?') {
         $src = "<?php\n" . $src;
     // use native tokenizer
     $tokens = token_get_all($src);
     // remove opening tag while also checking for tokenizer bug
     $opentag = array_shift($tokens);
     if ($opentag[0] !== T_OPEN_TAG) {
         trigger_error("Tokenizer error: T_OPEN_TAG expected, got " . print_r($opentag, 1), E_USER_ERROR);
     // construct and parse
     $Parser = new IncParser();
     return $Parser->parse($tokens);
Пример #2
  * @internal
  * @param array token for directive, e.g. [T_STRING,'import']
  * @param array all tokens with pointer at start of statement
  * @param bool
  * @return string source to substitute for statement
 private function handle_inc_statement(array $tok, array &$tokens, $path)
     $func = $tok[1];
     // gather entire statement up to next `;'
     // warning: if you do something like "import() or die();" parsing will fail.
     $src = $tok[1];
     $inctokens = array($tok);
     $pathargs = array();
     while ($inctok = next($tokens)) {
         $inctokens[] = $inctok;
         $src .= is_scalar($inctok) ? $inctok : $inctok[1];
         if ($inctok === ';') {
     // hand off to any special cases
     switch ($func) {
         case 'import_return_value':
             return $this->import_return_value($src);
     // The remaining directives require compilation of simple string arguments.
     // Attempt parse - will throw on error ...
     $Compiler = new IncParser();
     try {
         $Stat = $Compiler->parse($inctokens);
         // ensure current __FILE__ reference is correct as it may be referenced in include statement
         $consts = $this->conf_consts;
         $consts['__FILE__'] = $path;
         $pathargs = $Stat->get_args($consts, $this->conf_vars);
     } catch (Exception $Ex) {
         trigger_error("Failed to parse `{$func}' directive in `{$path}', line {$tok[2]}: " . $Ex->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
         // return empty statement with commented error in case of error
         return sprintf('/* Failed to parse %s directive */;', $func);
     // process all arguments according to directive type
     $src = '';
     foreach ($pathargs as $arg) {
         $arg = cleanpath($arg);
         switch ($func) {
             case 'import':
                 $s = $this->compile_import($arg);
             case 'include':
             case 'require':
             case 'include_once':
             case 'require_once':
                 $s = $this->compile_php($arg, $func);
             case 'virtual':
                 $s = $this->compile_virtual($arg);
         // handle error if no source returned
         if (is_null($s)) {
             $src .= "{$func} (" . var_export($arg, 1) . "); // <- failed \n";
         } else {
             $src .= $s;
     // handle php state, when we return to where this directive was found, we are expected to still be in php
     return $src;