Пример #1
 function Stroke($aFileName = '')
     // Find out the necessary size for the container image
     $w = 0;
     $h = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->iCnt; ++$i) {
         $maxw = $this->iGraphs[$i][1] + $this->iGraphs[$i][5];
         $maxh = $this->iGraphs[$i][2] + $this->iGraphs[$i][6];
         $w = max($w, $maxw);
         $h = max($h, $maxh);
     $w += $this->lm + $this->rm;
     $h += $this->tm + $this->bm;
     // User specified width,height overrides
     if ($this->iWidth !== NULL && $this->iWidth !== 0) {
         $w = $this->iWidth;
     if ($this->iHeight !== NULL && $this->iHeight !== 0) {
         $h = $this->iHeight;
     if ($this->doshadow) {
         $w += $this->shadow_width;
         $h += $this->shadow_width;
     $image = new Image($w, $h);
     $image->SetImgFormat($this->image_format, $this->image_quality);
     if ($this->doshadow) {
         $image->ShadowRectangle(0, 0, $w - 1, $h - 1, $this->iFillColor, $this->shadow_width, $this->shadow_color);
         $w -= $this->shadow_width;
         $h -= $this->shadow_width;
     } else {
         $image->FilledRectangle(0, 0, $w - 1, $h - 1);
     $this->img = $image->img;
     if ($this->iDoFrame && !$this->doshadow) {
         $image->Rectangle(0, 0, $w - 1, $h - 1);
     // Copy all sub graphs to the container
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->iCnt; ++$i) {
         $image->CopyMerge($this->iGraphs[$i][0], $this->iGraphs[$i][1] + $this->lm, $this->iGraphs[$i][2] + $this->tm, $this->iGraphs[$i][3], $this->iGraphs[$i][4], $this->iGraphs[$i][5], $this->iGraphs[$i][6], -1, -1, $this->iGraphs[$i][7]);
     $this->StrokeTitle($image, $w, $h);
     // Output image
     if ($aFileName == _IMG_HANDLER) {
         return $image->img;
     } else {
         //Finally stream the generated picture
         $this->cache = new ImgStreamCache();
         $this->cache->PutAndStream($image, $this->cache_name, $this->inline, $aFileName);
Пример #2
 function Rectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)
     // Rectangle uses Line() so it will be rotated through that call
     parent::Rectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
Пример #3
 function Stroke($aFileName = '')
     // Find out the necessary size for the container image
     $w = 0;
     $h = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->iCnt; ++$i) {
         $maxw = $this->iGraphs[$i][1] + $this->iGraphs[$i][5];
         $maxh = $this->iGraphs[$i][2] + $this->iGraphs[$i][6];
         $w = max($w, $maxw);
         $h = max($h, $maxh);
     $w += $this->lm + $this->rm;
     $h += $this->tm + $this->bm;
     // User specified width,height overrides
     if ($this->iWidth !== NULL && $this->iWidth !== 0) {
         $w = $this->iWidth;
     if ($this->iHeight !== NULL && $this->iHeight !== 0) {
         $h = $this->iHeight;
     $image = new Image($w, $h);
     $image->SetImgFormat($this->image_format, $this->image_quality);
     $image->FilledRectangle(0, 0, $w - 1, $h - 1);
     $this->img = $image->img;
     if ($this->iDoFrame) {
         $image->Rectangle(0, 0, $w - 1, $h - 1);
     // Copy all sub graphs to the container
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->iCnt; ++$i) {
         $image->CopyMerge($this->iGraphs[$i][0], $this->iGraphs[$i][1] + $this->lm, $this->iGraphs[$i][2] + $this->tm, $this->iGraphs[$i][3], $this->iGraphs[$i][4], $this->iGraphs[$i][5], $this->iGraphs[$i][6], -1, -1, $this->iGraphs[$i][7]);
     // Stroke title
     if ($this->title->t !== '') {
         $margin = 3;
         $y = $this->title->margin;
         if ($this->title->halign == 'center') {
             $this->title->Center(0, $w, $y);
         } elseif ($this->title->halign == 'left') {
             $this->title->SetPos($this->title->margin + 2, $y);
         } elseif ($this->title->halign == 'right') {
             $indent = 0;
             if ($this->doshadow) {
                 $indent = $this->shadow_width + 2;
             $this->title->SetPos($w - $this->title->margin - $indent, $y, 'right');
         // ... and subtitle
         $y += $this->title->GetTextHeight($image) + $margin + $this->subtitle->margin;
         if ($this->subtitle->halign == 'center') {
             $this->subtitle->Center(0, $w, $y);
         } elseif ($this->subtitle->halign == 'left') {
             $this->subtitle->SetPos($this->subtitle->margin + 2, $y);
         } elseif ($this->subtitle->halign == 'right') {
             $indent = 0;
             if ($this->doshadow) {
                 $indent = $this->shadow_width + 2;
             $this->subtitle->SetPos($this->img->width - $this->subtitle->margin - $indent, $y, 'right');
         // ... and subsubtitle
         $y += $this->subtitle->GetTextHeight($image) + $margin + $this->subsubtitle->margin;
         if ($this->subsubtitle->halign == 'center') {
             $this->subsubtitle->Center(0, $w, $y);
         } elseif ($this->subsubtitle->halign == 'left') {
             $this->subsubtitle->SetPos($this->subsubtitle->margin + 2, $y);
         } elseif ($this->subsubtitle->halign == 'right') {
             $indent = 0;
             if ($this->doshadow) {
                 $indent = $this->shadow_width + 2;
             $this->subsubtitle->SetPos($w - $this->subsubtitle->margin - $indent, $y, 'right');
     // Output image
     if ($aFileName == _IMG_HANDLER) {
         return $image->img;
     } else {
         //Finally stream the generated picture
         $this->cache = new ImgStreamCache();
         $this->cache->PutAndStream($image, $this->cache_name, $this->inline, $aFileName);
Пример #4
 function Raise($aMsg, $aHalt = true)
     $img_iconerror = 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACgAAAAoCAMAAAC7IEhfAAAAaV' . 'BMVEX//////2Xy8mLl5V/Z2VvMzFi/v1WyslKlpU+ZmUyMjEh/' . 'f0VyckJlZT9YWDxMTDjAwMDy8sLl5bnY2K/MzKW/v5yyspKlpY' . 'iYmH+MjHY/PzV/f2xycmJlZVlZWU9MTEXY2Ms/PzwyMjLFTjea' . 'AAAAAXRSTlMAQObYZgAAAAFiS0dEAIgFHUgAAAAJcEhZcwAACx' . 'IAAAsSAdLdfvwAAAAHdElNRQfTBgISOCqusfs5AAABLUlEQVR4' . '2tWV3XKCMBBGWfkranCIVClKLd/7P2Q3QsgCxjDTq+6FE2cPH+' . 'xJ0Ogn2lQbsT+Wrs+buAZAV4W5T6Bs0YXBBwpKgEuIu+JERAX6' . 'wM2rHjmDdEITmsQEEmWADgZm6rAjhXsoMGY9B/NZBwJzBvn+e3' . 'wHntCAJdGu9SviwIwoZVDxPB9+Rc0TSEbQr0j3SA1gwdSn6Db0' . '6Tm1KfV6yzWGQO7zdpvyKLKBDmRFjzeB3LYgK7r6A/noDAfjtS' . 'IXaIzbJSv6WgUebTMV4EoRB8a2mQiQjgtF91HdKDKZ1gtFtQjk' . 'YcWaR5OKOhkYt+ZsTFdJRfPAApOpQYJTNHvCRSJR6SJngQadfc' . 'vd69OLMddVOPCGVnmrFD8bVYd3JXfxXPtLR/+mtv59/ALWiiMx' . 'qL72fwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==';
     if (function_exists('imagetypes')) {
         $supported = imagetypes();
     } else {
         $supported = 0;
     if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromstring')) {
         $supported = 0;
     if (ob_get_length() || headers_sent() || !($supported & IMG_PNG)) {
         // Special case for headers already sent or that the installation doesn't support
         // the PNG format (which the error icon is encoded in).
         // Dont return an image since it can't be displayed
         echo $this->iTitle . ' ' . $aMsg . '\\n';
     $aMsg = wordwrap($aMsg, 55);
     $lines = substr_count($aMsg, '\\n');
     // Create the error icon GD
     $erricon = imagecreatefromstring(base64_decode($img_iconerror));
     // Create an image that contains the error text.
     $w = 400;
     $h = 100 + 15 * max(0, $lines - 3);
     $img = new Image($w, $h);
     // Drop shadow
     $img->FilledRectangle(5, 5, $w - 1, $h - 1, 10);
     $img->FilledRectangle(5, 5, $w - 3, $h - 3, 10);
     // Window background
     $img->SetColor(array(188, 209, 193));
     $img->FilledRectangle(1, 1, $w - 5, $h - 5);
     $img->CopyCanvasH($img->img, $erricon, 5, 30, 0, 0, 40, 40);
     // Window border
     $img->Rectangle(1, 1, $w - 5, $h - 5);
     $img->Rectangle(0, 0, $w - 4, $h - 4);
     // Window top row
     for ($y = 3; $y < 18; $y += 2) {
         $img->Line(1, $y, $w - 6, $y);
     // 'White shadow'
     // Left window edge
     $img->Line(2, 2, 2, $h - 5);
     $img->Line(2, 2, $w - 6, 2);
     // 'Gray button shadow'
     // Gray window shadow
     $img->Line(2, $h - 6, $w - 5, $h - 6);
     $img->Line(3, $h - 7, $w - 5, $h - 7);
     // Window title
     $m = floor($w / 2 - 5);
     $l = 100;
     $img->FilledRectangle($m - $l, 2, $m + $l, 16);
     // Stroke text
     $img->SetFont(FF_FONT2, FS_BOLD);
     $img->StrokeText($m - 70, 15, $this->iTitle);
     $img->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_NORMAL);
     $txt = new Text($aMsg, 52, 25);
     $txt->Align('left', 'top');
     if ($this->iDest) {
     } else {
Пример #5
 function StrokeTitles()
     $margin = 3;
     if ($this->titlebackground) {
         // Find out height
         $this->title->margin += 2;
         $h = $this->title->GetTextHeight($this->img) + $this->title->margin + $margin;
         if ($this->subtitle->t != '' && !$this->subtitle->hide) {
             $h += $this->subtitle->GetTextHeight($this->img) + $margin + $this->subtitle->margin;
             $h += 2;
         if ($this->subsubtitle->t != '' && !$this->subsubtitle->hide) {
             $h += $this->subsubtitle->GetTextHeight($this->img) + $margin + $this->subsubtitle->margin;
             $h += 2;
         if ($this->titlebackground_style === TITLEBKG_STYLE1) {
             // Inside the frame
             if ($this->framebevel) {
                 $x1 = $y1 = $this->framebeveldepth + 1;
                 $x2 = $this->img->width - $this->framebeveldepth - 2;
                 $this->title->margin += $this->framebeveldepth + 1;
                 $h += $y1;
                 $h += 2;
             } else {
                 $x1 = $y1 = $this->frame_weight;
                 $x2 = $this->img->width - $this->frame_weight - 1;
         } elseif ($this->titlebackground_style === TITLEBKG_STYLE2) {
             // Cover the frame as well
             $x1 = $y1 = 0;
             $x2 = $this->img->width - 1;
         } elseif ($this->titlebackground_style === TITLEBKG_STYLE3) {
             // Cover the frame as well (the difference is that
             // for style==3 a bevel frame border is on top
             // of the title background)
             $x1 = $y1 = 0;
             $x2 = $this->img->width - 1;
             $h += $this->framebeveldepth;
             $this->title->margin += $this->framebeveldepth;
         } else {
             //('Unknown title background style.');
         if ($this->titlebackground_framestyle === 3) {
             $h += $this->titlebackground_bevelheight * 2 + 1;
             $this->title->margin += $this->titlebackground_bevelheight;
         if ($this->doshadow) {
             $x2 -= $this->shadow_width;
         $indent = 0;
         if ($this->titlebackground_framestyle == TITLEBKG_FRAME_BEVEL) {
             $indent = $this->titlebackground_bevelheight;
         if ($this->titlebkg_fillstyle == TITLEBKG_FILLSTYLE_HSTRIPED) {
             $this->img->FilledRectangle2($x1 + $indent, $y1 + $indent, $x2 - $indent, $h - $indent, $this->titlebkg_scolor1, $this->titlebkg_scolor2);
         } elseif ($this->titlebkg_fillstyle == TITLEBKG_FILLSTYLE_VSTRIPED) {
             $this->img->FilledRectangle2($x1 + $indent, $y1 + $indent, $x2 - $indent, $h - $indent, $this->titlebkg_scolor1, $this->titlebkg_scolor2, 2);
         } else {
             // Solid fill
             $this->img->FilledRectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $h);
         if ($this->titlebackground_framestyle == TITLEBKG_FRAME_FULL) {
             // Frame background
             $this->img->Rectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $h);
         } elseif ($this->titlebackground_framestyle == TITLEBKG_FRAME_BOTTOM) {
             // Bottom line only
             $this->img->Line($x1, $h, $x2, $h);
         } elseif ($this->titlebackground_framestyle == TITLEBKG_FRAME_BEVEL) {
             $this->img->Bevel($x1, $y1, $x2, $h, $this->titlebackground_bevelheight);
         // This is clumsy. But we neeed to stroke the whole graph frame if it is
         // set to bevel to get the bevel shading on top of the text background
         if ($this->framebevel && $this->doframe && $this->titlebackground_style === 3) {
             $this->img->Bevel(1, 1, $this->img->width - 2, $this->img->height - 2, $this->framebeveldepth, $this->framebevelcolor1, $this->framebevelcolor2);
             if ($this->framebevelborder) {
                 $this->img->Rectangle(0, 0, $this->img->width - 1, $this->img->height - 1);
     // Stroke title
     $y = $this->title->margin;
     if ($this->title->halign == 'center') {
         $this->title->Center(0, $this->img->width, $y);
     } elseif ($this->title->halign == 'left') {
         $this->title->SetPos($this->title->margin + 2, $y);
     } elseif ($this->title->halign == 'right') {
         $indent = 0;
         if ($this->doshadow) {
             $indent = $this->shadow_width + 2;
         $this->title->SetPos($this->img->width - $this->title->margin - $indent, $y, 'right');
     // ... and subtitle
     $y += $this->title->GetTextHeight($this->img) + $margin + $this->subtitle->margin;
     if ($this->subtitle->halign == 'center') {
         $this->subtitle->Center(0, $this->img->width, $y);
     } elseif ($this->subtitle->halign == 'left') {
         $this->subtitle->SetPos($this->subtitle->margin + 2, $y);
     } elseif ($this->subtitle->halign == 'right') {
         $indent = 0;
         if ($this->doshadow) {
             $indent = $this->shadow_width + 2;
         $this->subtitle->SetPos($this->img->width - $this->subtitle->margin - $indent, $y, 'right');
     // ... and subsubtitle
     $y += $this->subtitle->GetTextHeight($this->img) + $margin + $this->subsubtitle->margin;
     if ($this->subsubtitle->halign == 'center') {
         $this->subsubtitle->Center(0, $this->img->width, $y);
     } elseif ($this->subsubtitle->halign == 'left') {
         $this->subsubtitle->SetPos($this->subsubtitle->margin + 2, $y);
     } elseif ($this->subsubtitle->halign == 'right') {
         $indent = 0;
         if ($this->doshadow) {
             $indent = $this->shadow_width + 2;
         $this->subsubtitle->SetPos($this->img->width - $this->subsubtitle->margin - $indent, $y, 'right');
     // ... and fancy title
Пример #6
 function Stroke(&$aImg)
     $scaling = $this->iAntiAlias ? 2 : 1;
     $value = new Text();
     $value->SetFont($this->iFontFamily, $this->iFontStyle, $this->iFontSize * $scaling);
     $n = count($this->iLabels);
     if ($n > 0) {
         $maxh = 0;
         $maxw = 0;
         foreach ($this->iLabels as $key => $lbl) {
             $maxh = max($maxh, $value->GetHeight($aImg));
             $maxw = max($maxw, $value->GetWidth($aImg) / 2);
     } else {
         $maxh = $value->GetHeight($aImg);
         $maxw = $value->GetWidth($aImg);
     $maxh += round($this->iFontSize * $scaling * 0.5);
     $maxw += round($this->iFontSize * $scaling * 0.5);
     $valxmarg = 2 * $maxw + 2 * $this->iLabelMargin * $scaling;
     $valymarg = 2 * $maxh + 2 * $this->iLabelMargin * $scaling;
     $w = round($this->iSize * $scaling + $valxmarg);
     $legendwidth = $this->_StrokeLegend($aImg, 0, 0, $scaling, true) + 10 * $scaling;
     $w = max($w, $legendwidth);
     $legendheight = round($this->legend->iShow ? 1 : 0);
     $legendheight *= max($this->legend->iCircleRadius * 2, $this->legend->iTxtFontSize * 2) + $this->legend->iMargin + $this->legend->iBottomMargin + 2;
     $legendheight *= $scaling;
     $h = round($this->iSize * $scaling + $valymarg) + $legendheight;
     if ($this->iAntiAlias) {
         $dblImg = new Image($w, $h);
         $dblImg->FilledRectangle(0, 0, $w, $h);
     } else {
         $dblImg =& $aImg;
         $dblImg->SetTranslation($this->iX - $w / 2, $this->iY - $h / 2);
     if (__DEBUG) {
         $dblImg->Rectangle(0, 0, $w - 1, $h - 1);
     if ($this->iShowBox) {
         $dblImg->Rectangle(0, 0, $w - 1, $h - 1);
     $xc = round($w / 2);
     $yc = round(($h - $legendheight) / 2);
     $this->iSize *= $scaling;
     $ri = $this->iCenterSize / 2;
     $r = round($this->iSize / 2);
     $n = $this->scale->GetNumCirc();
     $ri *= $scaling;
     $rr = round(($r - $ri) / $n);
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $n; ++$i) {
         $this->_ThickCircle($dblImg, $xc, $yc, $rr * $i + $ri, $this->iCircGridWeight, $this->iGridColor1);
     $num = 0;
     if ($this->iType == WINDROSE_TYPEFREE) {
         $this->_StrokeFreeRose($dblImg, $value, $scaling, $xc, $yc, $r, $ri);
     } else {
         if ($this->iOrdinalEncoding == KEYENCODING_CLOCKWISE) {
             if ($this->iType == WINDROSE_TYPE16) {
                 $const1 = 19;
                 $const2 = 16;
             } elseif ($this->iType == WINDROSE_TYPE8) {
                 $const1 = 9;
                 $const2 = 8;
             } else {
                 $const1 = 4;
                 $const2 = 4;
             $tmp = array();
             $n = count($this->iData);
             foreach ($this->iData as $key => $val) {
                 if (is_numeric($key)) {
                     $key = ($const1 - $key) % $const2;
                 $tmp[$key] = $val;
             $this->iData = $tmp;
         $this->_StrokeRegularRose($dblImg, $value, $scaling, $xc, $yc, $r, $ri);
     $this->scale->iFontSize *= $scaling;
     $this->scale->iZFontSize *= $scaling;
     $this->scale->StrokeLabels($dblImg, $xc, $yc, $ri, $rr);
     $this->_ThickCircle($dblImg, $xc, $yc, $ri, $this->iCircGridWeight, $this->iGridColor1);
     $ww = $w / $scaling;
     $hh = $h / $scaling;
     if ($ww > $aImg->width) {
     $x = $xc;
     $y = $h;
     $this->_StrokeLegend($dblImg, $x, $y, $scaling);
     if ($this->iAntiAlias) {
         $aImg->Copy($dblImg->img, $this->iX - $ww / 2, $this->iY - $hh / 2, 0, 0, $ww, $hh, $w, $h);
     $aImg->SetTranslation(0, 0);
Пример #7
 function Raise($aMsg, $aHalt = true)
     if (headers_sent()) {
         // Special case for headers already sent error. Dont
         // return an image since it can't be displayed
         //		adie("<b>JpGraph Error:</b> ".$aMsg);
         new Dialog($aMsg);
         return false;
     $w = 450;
     $h = 110;
     $img = new Image($w, $h);
     $img->Rectangle(0, 0, $w - 1, $h - 1);
     $img->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
     $img->StrokeText(10, 20, "JpGraph Error:");
     $img->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_NORMAL);
     $txt = new Text($this->InsertLineBreaks($aMsg), 10, 20);
     $txt->Align("left", "top");
 function Raise($aMsg, $aHalt = true)
     $img_iconerror = 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACgAAAAoCAMAAAC7IEhfAAAAaV' . 'BMVEX//////2Xy8mLl5V/Z2VvMzFi/v1WyslKlpU+ZmUyMjEh/' . 'f0VyckJlZT9YWDxMTDjAwMDy8sLl5bnY2K/MzKW/v5yyspKlpY' . 'iYmH+MjHY/PzV/f2xycmJlZVlZWU9MTEXY2Ms/PzwyMjLFTjea' . 'AAAAAXRSTlMAQObYZgAAAAFiS0dEAIgFHUgAAAAJcEhZcwAACx' . 'IAAAsSAdLdfvwAAAAHdElNRQfTBgISOCqusfs5AAABLUlEQVR4' . '2tWV3XKCMBBGWfkranCIVClKLd/7P2Q3QsgCxjDTq+6FE2cPH+' . 'xJ0Ogn2lQbsT+Wrs+buAZAV4W5T6Bs0YXBBwpKgEuIu+JERAX6' . 'wM2rHjmDdEITmsQEEmWADgZm6rAjhXsoMGY9B/NZBwJzBvn+e3' . 'wHntCAJdGu9SviwIwoZVDxPB9+Rc0TSEbQr0j3SA1gwdSn6Db0' . '6Tm1KfV6yzWGQO7zdpvyKLKBDmRFjzeB3LYgK7r6A/noDAfjtS' . 'IXaIzbJSv6WgUebTMV4EoRB8a2mQiQjgtF91HdKDKZ1gtFtQjk' . 'YcWaR5OKOhkYt+ZsTFdJRfPAApOpQYJTNHvCRSJR6SJngQadfc' . 'vd69OLMddVOPCGVnmrFD8bVYd3JXfxXPtLR/+mtv59/ALWiiMx' . 'qL72fwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==';
     if (function_exists("imagetypes")) {
         $supported = imagetypes();
     } else {
         $supported = 0;
     if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromstring')) {
         $supported = 0;
     if (ob_get_length() || headers_sent() || !($supported & IMG_PNG)) {
         die($this->iTitle . ' ' . $aMsg);
     $aMsg = wordwrap($aMsg, 55);
     $lines = substr_count($aMsg, "\n");
     $erricon = Image::CreateFromString(base64_decode($img_iconerror));
     $w = 400;
     $h = 100 + 15 * max(0, $lines - 3);
     $img = new Image($w, $h);
     $img->FilledRectangle(5, 5, $w - 1, $h - 1, 10);
     $img->FilledRectangle(5, 5, $w - 3, $h - 3, 10);
     $img->FilledRectangle(1, 1, $w - 5, $h - 5);
     $img->CopyCanvasH($img->img, $erricon, 5, 30, 0, 0, 40, 40);
     $img->Rectangle(1, 1, $w - 5, $h - 5);
     $img->Rectangle(0, 0, $w - 4, $h - 4);
     for ($y = 3; $y < 18; $y += 2) {
         $img->Line(1, $y, $w - 6, $y);
     $img->Line(2, 2, 2, $h - 5);
     $img->Line(2, 2, $w - 6, 2);
     $img->Line(2, $h - 6, $w - 5, $h - 6);
     $img->Line(3, $h - 7, $w - 5, $h - 7);
     $m = floor($w / 2 - 5);
     $l = 100;
     $img->FilledRectangle($m - $l, 2, $m + $l, 16);
     $img->SetFont(FF_FONT2, FS_BOLD);
     $img->StrokeText($m - 50, 15, $this->iTitle);
     $img->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_NORMAL);
     $txt = new Text($aMsg, 52, 25);
     $txt->Align("left", "top");
     if ($this->iDest) {
     } else {
     if ($aHalt) {
Пример #9
 function Rectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)
     // Rectangle uses Line() so it will be rotated through that call
     parent::Rectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
Пример #10
 function Rectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)
     parent::Rectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
Пример #11
 function Raise($aMsg, $aHalt = true)
     $w = 450;
     $h = 110;
     $img = new Image($w, $h);
     $img->Rectangle(0, 0, $w - 1, $h - 1);
     $img->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
     $img->StrokeText(10, 20, "JpGraph Error:");
     $img->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_NORMAL);
     $txt = new Text($this->InsertLineBreaks($aMsg), 10, 20);
     $txt->Align("left", "top");