Пример #1
  * Renders the source code around the error line.
  * @param string $file source file path
  * @param integer $errorLine the error line number
  * @param integer $maxLines maximum number of lines to display
  * @return string the rendering result
 public static function renderSourceCode($file, $errorLine, $maxLines)
     // adjust line number to 0-based from 1-based
     if ($errorLine < 0 || ($lines = @file($file)) === false || ($lineCount = count($lines)) <= $errorLine) {
         return '';
     $halfLines = (int) ($maxLines / 2);
     $beginLine = $errorLine - $halfLines > 0 ? $errorLine - $halfLines : 0;
     $endLine = $errorLine + $halfLines < $lineCount ? $errorLine + $halfLines : $lineCount - 1;
     $lineNumberWidth = strlen($endLine + 1);
     $output = '';
     for ($i = $beginLine; $i <= $endLine; ++$i) {
         $isErrorLine = $i === $errorLine;
         $code = sprintf("<span class=\"ln" . ($isErrorLine ? ' error-ln' : '') . "\">%0{$lineNumberWidth}d</span> %s", $i + 1, HtmlHelper::encode(str_replace("\t", '    ', $lines[$i])));
         if (!$isErrorLine) {
             $output .= $code;
         } else {
             $output .= '<span class="error">' . $code . '</span>';
     return '<div class="code"><pre>' . $output . '</pre></div>';
Пример #2
  * Returns an <img> tag based on this asset.
  * @return \Twig_Markup|null
 public function getImg()
     if ($this->kind == 'image') {
         $img = '<img src="' . $this->url . '" width="' . $this->getWidth() . '" height="' . $this->getHeight() . '" alt="' . HtmlHelper::encode($this->title) . '" />';
         return TemplateHelper::getRaw($img);
Пример #3
  * Validates a Matrix field's settings.
  * If the settings don’t validate, any validation errors will be stored on the settings model.
  * @param MatrixSettingsModel $settings The settings model.
  * @return bool Whether the settings validated.
 public function validateFieldSettings(MatrixSettingsModel $settings)
     $validates = true;
     $this->_uniqueBlockTypeAndFieldHandles = array();
     $uniqueAttributes = array('name', 'handle');
     $uniqueAttributeValues = array();
     foreach ($settings->getBlockTypes() as $blockType) {
         if (!$this->validateBlockType($blockType, false)) {
             // Don't break out of the loop because we still want to get validation errors for the remaining block
             // types.
             $validates = false;
         // Do our own unique name/handle validation, since the DB-based validation can't be trusted when saving
         // multiple records at once
         foreach ($uniqueAttributes as $attribute) {
             $value = $blockType->{$attribute};
             if ($value && (!isset($uniqueAttributeValues[$attribute]) || !in_array($value, $uniqueAttributeValues[$attribute]))) {
                 $uniqueAttributeValues[$attribute][] = $value;
             } else {
                 $blockType->addError($attribute, Craft::t('{attribute} "{value}" has already been taken.', array('attribute' => $blockType->getAttributeLabel($attribute), 'value' => HtmlHelper::encode($value))));
                 $validates = false;
     return $validates;
  * Get available Transforms.
  * @return array
 private function _getTransforms()
     $transforms = craft()->assetTransforms->getAllTransforms('id');
     $settings = $this->getSettings();
     $transformIds = array_flip(!empty($settings->availableTransforms) && is_array($settings->availableTransforms) ? $settings->availableTransforms : array());
     if (!empty($transformIds)) {
         $transforms = array_intersect_key($transforms, $transformIds);
     $transformList = array();
     foreach ($transforms as $transform) {
         $transformList[] = (object) array('handle' => HtmlHelper::encode($transform->handle), 'name' => HtmlHelper::encode($transform->name));
     return $transformList;
  * Returns an anchor pre-filled with this element's URL and title.
  * @return \Twig_Markup
 public function getLink()
     $link = '<a href="' . $this->getUrl() . '">' . HtmlHelper::encode($this->__toString()) . '</a>';
     return TemplateHelper::getRaw($link);
Пример #6
  * Returns the HTML for an element in the CP.
  * @param array &$context
  * @return string
 private function _getCpElementHtml(&$context)
     if (!isset($context['element'])) {
     if (!isset($context['context'])) {
         $context['context'] = 'index';
     if (isset($context['elementType'])) {
         $elementType = $context['elementType'];
     } else {
         $elementType = craft()->elements->getElementType($context['element']->getElementType());
     // How big is the element going to be?
     if (isset($context['size']) && ($context['size'] == 'small' || $context['size'] == 'large')) {
         $elementSize = $context['size'];
     } else {
         if (isset($context['viewMode']) && $context['viewMode'] == 'thumbs') {
             $elementSize = 'large';
         } else {
             $elementSize = 'small';
     // Create the thumb/icon image, if there is one
     // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     $thumbUrl = $context['element']->getThumbUrl(self::$_elementThumbSizes[0]);
     if ($thumbUrl) {
         $srcsets = array();
         foreach (self::$_elementThumbSizes as $i => $size) {
             if ($i == 0) {
                 $srcset = $thumbUrl;
             } else {
                 $srcset = $context['element']->getThumbUrl($size);
             $srcsets[] = $srcset . ' ' . $size . 'w';
         $imgHtml = '<div class="elementthumb">' . '<img ' . 'sizes="' . ($elementSize == 'small' ? self::$_elementThumbSizes[0] : self::$_elementThumbSizes[2]) . 'px" ' . 'srcset="' . implode(', ', $srcsets) . '" ' . 'alt="">' . '</div> ';
     } else {
         $imgHtml = '';
     $html = '<div class="element ' . $elementSize;
     if ($context['context'] == 'field') {
         $html .= ' removable';
     if ($elementType->hasStatuses()) {
         $html .= ' hasstatus';
     if ($thumbUrl) {
         $html .= ' hasthumb';
     $label = HtmlHelper::encode($context['element']);
     $html .= '" data-id="' . $context['element']->id . '" data-locale="' . $context['element']->locale . '" data-status="' . $context['element']->getStatus() . '" data-label="' . $label . '" data-url="' . $context['element']->getUrl() . '"';
     if ($context['element']->level) {
         $html .= ' data-level="' . $context['element']->level . '"';
     $isEditable = ElementHelper::isElementEditable($context['element']);
     if ($isEditable) {
         $html .= ' data-editable';
     $html .= '>';
     if ($context['context'] == 'field' && isset($context['name'])) {
         $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $context['name'] . '[]" value="' . $context['element']->id . '">';
         $html .= '<a class="delete icon" title="' . Craft::t('Remove') . '"></a> ';
     if ($elementType->hasStatuses()) {
         $html .= '<span class="status ' . $context['element']->getStatus() . '"></span>';
     $html .= $imgHtml;
     $html .= '<div class="label">';
     $html .= '<span class="title">';
     if ($context['context'] == 'index' && ($cpEditUrl = $context['element']->getCpEditUrl())) {
         $cpEditUrl = HtmlHelper::encode($cpEditUrl);
         $html .= "<a href=\"{$cpEditUrl}\">{$label}</a>";
     } else {
         $html .= $label;
     $html .= '</span></div></div>';
     return $html;
Пример #7
  * Called when a user beings up an entry for editing before being displayed.
  * @param array $variables
  * @throws HttpException
  * @return null
 public function actionEditEntry(array $variables = array())
     // Make sure they have permission to edit this entry
     $currentUser = craft()->userSession->getUser();
     $variables['permissionSuffix'] = ':' . $variables['entry']->sectionId;
     if (craft()->getEdition() >= Craft::Client && $variables['section']->type != SectionType::Single) {
         // Get all the possible authors
         if ($variables['entry']->authorId) {
             if ($variables['entry']->authorId == $currentUser->id) {
                 $excludeAuthorIds = 'not ' . $currentUser->id;
                 $excludeAuthorIds = array('and', $excludeAuthorIds, 'not ' . $variables['entry']->authorId);
             } else {
                 $excludeAuthorIds = array('not ' . $variables['entry']->authorId);
         $authorOptionCriteria = craft()->elements->getCriteria(ElementType::User);
         $authorOptionCriteria->can = 'editEntries' . $variables['permissionSuffix'];
         $authorOptionCriteria->limit = null;
         if ($variables['entry']->authorId) {
             $authorOptionCriteria->id = $excludeAuthorIds;
         $authorOptions = $authorOptionCriteria->find();
         // List the current author first
         if ($variables['entry']->authorId && $variables['entry']->authorId != $currentUser->id) {
             $currentAuthor = craft()->users->getUserById($variables['entry']->authorId);
             if ($currentAuthor) {
                 array_unshift($authorOptions, $currentAuthor);
         // Then the current user
         if (!$variables['entry']->authorId || $variables['entry']->authorId == $currentUser->id) {
             array_unshift($authorOptions, $currentUser);
         $variables['authorOptions'] = array();
         foreach ($authorOptions as $authorOption) {
             $authorLabel = $authorOption->username;
             $authorFullName = $authorOption->getFullName();
             if ($authorFullName) {
                 $authorLabel .= ' - ' . $authorFullName;
             $variables['authorOptions'][] = array('label' => $authorLabel, 'value' => $authorOption->id);
     if (craft()->getEdition() >= Craft::Client && $variables['section']->type == SectionType::Structure) {
         // Get all the possible parent options
         $parentOptionCriteria = craft()->elements->getCriteria(ElementType::Entry);
         $parentOptionCriteria->sectionId = $variables['section']->id;
         $parentOptionCriteria->status = null;
         $parentOptionCriteria->localeEnabled = null;
         $parentOptionCriteria->limit = null;
         if ($variables['section']->maxLevels) {
             $parentOptionCriteria->level = '< ' . $variables['section']->maxLevels;
         if ($variables['entry']->id) {
             $idParam = array('and', 'not ' . $variables['entry']->id);
             $descendantCriteria = craft()->elements->getCriteria(ElementType::Entry);
             $descendantCriteria->descendantOf = $variables['entry'];
             $descendantCriteria->status = null;
             $descendantCriteria->localeEnabled = null;
             $descendantIds = $descendantCriteria->ids();
             foreach ($descendantIds as $id) {
                 $idParam[] = 'not ' . $id;
             $parentOptionCriteria->id = $idParam;
         $parentOptions = $parentOptionCriteria->find();
         $variables['parentOptions'] = array(array('label' => '', 'value' => '0'));
         foreach ($parentOptions as $parentOption) {
             $label = '';
             for ($i = 1; $i < $parentOption->level; $i++) {
                 $label .= '    ';
             $label .= $parentOption->title;
             $variables['parentOptions'][] = array('label' => $label, 'value' => $parentOption->id);
         // Get the initially selected parent
         $variables['parentId'] = craft()->request->getParam('parentId');
         if ($variables['parentId'] === null && $variables['entry']->id) {
             $parentIdCriteria = craft()->elements->getCriteria(ElementType::Entry);
             $parentIdCriteria->ancestorOf = $variables['entry'];
             $parentIdCriteria->ancestorDist = 1;
             $parentIdCriteria->status = null;
             $parentIdCriteria->localeEnabled = null;
             $parentIds = $parentIdCriteria->ids();
             if ($parentIds) {
                 $variables['parentId'] = $parentIds[0];
     // Get the enabled locales
     if (craft()->isLocalized()) {
         if ($variables['entry']->id) {
             $variables['enabledLocales'] = craft()->elements->getEnabledLocalesForElement($variables['entry']->id);
         } else {
             $variables['enabledLocales'] = array();
             foreach ($variables['section']->getLocales() as $locale) {
                 if ($locale->enabledByDefault) {
                     $variables['enabledLocales'][] = $locale->locale;
     // Page title w/ revision label
     if (craft()->getEdition() >= Craft::Client) {
         switch ($variables['entry']->getClassHandle()) {
             case 'EntryDraft':
                 $variables['revisionLabel'] = $variables['entry']->name;
             case 'EntryVersion':
                 $variables['revisionLabel'] = Craft::t('Version {num}', array('num' => $variables['entry']->num));
                 $variables['revisionLabel'] = Craft::t('Current');
     if (!$variables['entry']->id) {
         $variables['title'] = Craft::t('Create a new entry');
     } else {
         $variables['docTitle'] = Craft::t($variables['entry']->title);
         $variables['title'] = HtmlHelper::encode(Craft::t($variables['entry']->title));
         if (craft()->getEdition() >= Craft::Client && $variables['entry']->getClassHandle() != 'Entry') {
             $variables['title'] .= ' <span class="hidden">(' . $variables['revisionLabel'] . ')</span>';
     // Breadcrumbs
     $variables['crumbs'] = array(array('label' => Craft::t('Entries'), 'url' => UrlHelper::getUrl('entries')));
     if ($variables['section']->type == SectionType::Single) {
         $variables['crumbs'][] = array('label' => Craft::t('Singles'), 'url' => UrlHelper::getUrl('entries/singles'));
     } else {
         $variables['crumbs'][] = array('label' => Craft::t($variables['section']->name), 'url' => UrlHelper::getUrl('entries/' . $variables['section']->handle));
         if ($variables['section']->type == SectionType::Structure) {
             foreach ($variables['entry']->getAncestors() as $ancestor) {
                 $variables['crumbs'][] = array('label' => $ancestor->title, 'url' => $ancestor->getCpEditUrl());
     // Multiple entry types?
     $entryTypes = $variables['section']->getEntryTypes();
     if (count($entryTypes) > 1) {
         $variables['showEntryTypes'] = true;
         foreach ($entryTypes as $entryType) {
             $variables['entryTypeOptions'][] = array('label' => Craft::t($entryType->name), 'value' => $entryType->id);
         craft()->templates->includeJs('new Craft.EntryTypeSwitcher();');
     } else {
         $variables['showEntryTypes'] = false;
     // Enable preview mode?
     if (!craft()->request->isMobileBrowser(true) && craft()->sections->isSectionTemplateValid($variables['section'])) {
         craft()->templates->includeJs('Craft.livePreview = new Craft.LivePreview(' . JsonHelper::encode($variables['entry']->getUrl()) . ', "' . $variables['entry']->locale . '");');
         $variables['showPreviewBtn'] = true;
         // Should we show the Share button too?
         if ($variables['entry']->id) {
             $classHandle = $variables['entry']->getClassHandle();
             // If we're looking at the live version of an entry, just use
             // the entry's main URL as its share URL
             if ($classHandle == 'Entry' && $variables['entry']->getStatus() == EntryModel::LIVE) {
                 $variables['shareUrl'] = $variables['entry']->getUrl();
             } else {
                 switch ($classHandle) {
                     case 'EntryDraft':
                         $shareParams = array('draftId' => $variables['entry']->draftId);
                     case 'EntryVersion':
                         $shareParams = array('versionId' => $variables['entry']->versionId);
                         $shareParams = array('entryId' => $variables['entry']->id, 'locale' => $variables['entry']->locale);
                 $variables['shareUrl'] = UrlHelper::getActionUrl('entries/shareEntry', $shareParams);
     } else {
         $variables['showPreviewBtn'] = false;
     // Set the base CP edit URL
     // Can't just use the entry's getCpEditUrl() because that might include the locale ID when we don't want it
     $variables['baseCpEditUrl'] = 'entries/' . $variables['section']->handle . '/{id}-{slug}';
     // Set the "Continue Editing" URL
     $variables['continueEditingUrl'] = $variables['baseCpEditUrl'] . (isset($variables['draftId']) ? '/drafts/' . $variables['draftId'] : '') . (craft()->isLocalized() && craft()->getLanguage() != $variables['localeId'] ? '/' . $variables['localeId'] : '');
     // Can the user delete the entry?
     $variables['canDeleteEntry'] = $variables['entry']->id && ($variables['entry']->authorId == $currentUser->id && $currentUser->can('deleteEntries' . $variables['permissionSuffix']) || $variables['entry']->authorId != $currentUser->id && $currentUser->can('deletePeerEntries' . $variables['permissionSuffix']));
     // Include translations
     craft()->templates->includeTranslations('Live Preview');
     // Render the template!
     $this->renderTemplate('entries/_edit', $variables);
  * @inheritDoc IElementType::getTableAttributeHtml()
  * @param BaseElementModel $element
  * @param string           $attribute
  * @return mixed|string
 public function getTableAttributeHtml(BaseElementModel $element, $attribute)
     switch ($attribute) {
         case 'link':
             $url = $element->getUrl();
             if ($url) {
                 return '<a href="' . $url . '" target="_blank" data-icon="world" title="' . Craft::t('Visit webpage') . '"></a>';
             } else {
                 return '';
         case 'uri':
             $url = $element->getUrl();
             if ($url) {
                 $value = $element->uri;
                 if ($value == '__home__') {
                     $value = '<span data-icon="home" title="' . Craft::t('Homepage') . '"></span>';
                 } else {
                     // Add some <wbr> tags in there so it doesn't all have to be on one line
                     $find = array('/');
                     $replace = array('/<wbr>');
                     $wordSeparator = craft()->config->get('slugWordSeparator');
                     if ($wordSeparator) {
                         $find[] = $wordSeparator;
                         $replace[] = $wordSeparator . '<wbr>';
                     $value = str_replace($find, $replace, $value);
                 return '<a href="' . $url . '" target="_blank" class="go" title="' . Craft::t('Visit webpage') . '"><span dir="ltr">' . $value . '</span></a>';
             } else {
                 return '';
             // Is this a custom field?
             if (preg_match('/^field:(\\d+)$/', $attribute, $matches)) {
                 $fieldId = $matches[1];
                 $field = craft()->fields->getFieldById($fieldId);
                 if ($field) {
                     $fieldType = $field->getFieldType();
                     if ($fieldType && $fieldType instanceof IPreviewableFieldType) {
                         // Was this field value eager-loaded?
                         if ($fieldType instanceof IEagerLoadingFieldType && $element->hasEagerLoadedElements($field->handle)) {
                             $value = $element->getEagerLoadedElements($field->handle);
                         } else {
                             $value = $element->getFieldValue($field->handle);
                         return $fieldType->getTableAttributeHtml($value);
                 return '';
             $value = $element->{$attribute};
             if ($value instanceof DateTime) {
                 return '<span title="' . $value->localeDate() . ' ' . $value->localeTime() . '">' . $value->uiTimestamp() . '</span>';
             return HtmlHelper::encode($value);
  * Returns the HTML for an element in the CP.
  * @param array &$context
  * @return string
 private function _getCpElementHtml(&$context)
     if (!isset($context['element'])) {
     if (!isset($context['context'])) {
         $context['context'] = 'index';
     if (!isset($context['viewMode'])) {
         $context['viewMode'] = 'table';
     $thumbClass = 'elementthumb' . $context['element']->id;
     $iconClass = 'elementicon' . $context['element']->id;
     if ($context['viewMode'] == 'thumbs') {
         $thumbSize = 100;
         $iconSize = 90;
         $thumbSelectorPrefix = '.thumbsview ';
     } else {
         $thumbSize = 30;
         $iconSize = 20;
         $thumbSelectorPrefix = '';
     $thumbUrl = $context['element']->getThumbUrl($thumbSize);
     if ($thumbUrl) {
         $this->includeCss($thumbSelectorPrefix . '.' . $thumbClass . " { background-image: url('" . $thumbUrl . "'); }");
         $this->includeHiResCss($thumbSelectorPrefix . '.' . $thumbClass . " { background-image: url('" . $context['element']->getThumbUrl($thumbSize * 2) . "'); background-size: " . $thumbSize . 'px; }');
     } else {
         $iconUrl = $context['element']->getIconUrl($iconSize);
         if ($iconUrl) {
             $this->includeCss($thumbSelectorPrefix . '.' . $iconClass . " { background-image: url('" . $iconUrl . "'); }");
             $this->includeHiResCss($thumbSelectorPrefix . '.' . $iconClass . " { background-image: url('" . $context['element']->getIconUrl($iconSize * 2) . "); background-size: " . $iconSize . 'px; }');
     $html = '<div class="element';
     if ($context['context'] == 'field') {
         $html .= ' removable';
     if ($thumbUrl) {
         $html .= ' hasthumb';
     } else {
         if ($iconUrl) {
             $html .= ' hasicon';
     $label = HtmlHelper::encode($context['element']);
     $html .= '" data-id="' . $context['element']->id . '" data-locale="' . $context['element']->locale . '" data-status="' . $context['element']->getStatus() . '" data-label="' . $label . '" data-url="' . $context['element']->getUrl() . '"';
     if ($context['element']->level) {
         $html .= ' data-level="' . $context['element']->level . '"';
     $isEditable = ElementHelper::isElementEditable($context['element']);
     if ($isEditable) {
         $html .= ' data-editable';
     $html .= '>';
     if ($context['context'] == 'field' && isset($context['name'])) {
         $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $context['name'] . '[]" value="' . $context['element']->id . '">';
         $html .= '<a class="delete icon" title="' . Craft::t('Remove') . '"></a> ';
     if ($thumbUrl) {
         $html .= '<div class="elementthumb ' . $thumbClass . '"></div> ';
     } else {
         if ($iconUrl) {
             $html .= '<div class="elementicon ' . $iconClass . '"></div> ';
     $html .= '<div class="label">';
     if (isset($context['elementType'])) {
         $elementType = $context['elementType'];
     } else {
         $elementType = craft()->elements->getElementType($context['element']->getElementType());
     if ($elementType->hasStatuses()) {
         $html .= '<span class="status ' . $context['element']->getStatus() . '"></span>';
     $html .= '<span class="title">';
     if ($context['context'] == 'index' && ($cpEditUrl = $context['element']->getCpEditUrl())) {
         $html .= '<a href="' . $cpEditUrl . '">' . $label . '</a>';
     } else {
         $html .= $label;
     $html .= '</span></div></div>';
     return $html;
Пример #10
  * Get information about available transforms.
  * @return null
 public function actionGetTransformInfo()
     $transforms = craft()->assetTransforms->getAllTransforms();
     $output = array();
     foreach ($transforms as $transform) {
         $output[] = (object) array('id' => $transform->id, 'handle' => HtmlHelper::encode($transform->handle), 'name' => HtmlHelper::encode($transform->name));
Пример #11
  * @inheritDoc IElementType::getTableAttributeHtml()
  * @param BaseElementModel $element
  * @param string           $attribute
  * @return mixed|string
 public function getTableAttributeHtml(BaseElementModel $element, $attribute)
     switch ($attribute) {
         case 'uri':
             $url = $element->getUrl();
             if ($url) {
                 $value = $element->uri;
                 if ($value == '__home__') {
                     $value = '<span data-icon="home" title="' . Craft::t('Homepage') . '"></span>';
                 } else {
                     // Add some <wbr> tags in there so it doesn't all have to be on one line
                     $find = array('/');
                     $replace = array('/<wbr>');
                     $wordSeparator = craft()->config->get('slugWordSeparator');
                     if ($wordSeparator) {
                         $find[] = $wordSeparator;
                         $replace[] = $wordSeparator . '<wbr>';
                     $value = str_replace($find, $replace, $value);
                 return '<a href="' . $url . '" target="_blank" class="go"><span dir="ltr">' . $value . '</span></a>';
             } else {
                 return '';
             $value = $element->{$attribute};
             if ($value instanceof DateTime) {
                 return '<span title="' . $value->localeDate() . ' ' . $value->localeTime() . '">' . $value->uiTimestamp() . '</span>';
             return HtmlHelper::encode($value);
Пример #12
  * Returns a helper function formatting a value as time.
  * @return \Closure A function formatting a value as time.
 public function getTime() : \Closure
     return function ($value, \Mustache_LambdaHelper $helper) {
         $args = $this->parseArguments($helper->render($value), 'value', ['format' => null]);
         return HtmlHelper::encode(\Yii::$app->getFormatter()->asTime($args['value'], $args['format']));