Пример #1
 public function getHTML($id, $page)
     $this->loadMultiPageMode($id, $page, 0);
     $gui = new HTMLGUIX($this);
     $gui->options(true, true, false);
     $B = $gui->addSideButton("Neue\nEinstellung", "new");
     $B->popup("", "Neue Einstellung", "mSystem", "-1", "addSettingPopup");
     $B = $gui->addSideButton("System\nneu starten", "./ubiquitous/System/cog.png");
     $B->doBefore("if(confirm('Das System neu starten?')) %AFTER");
     $B->rmePCR("mSystem", "-1", "reboot");
     return $gui->getBrowserHTML($id);
Пример #2
 function getHTML($id, $page, $frame = null)
     $this->loadMultiPageMode($id, $page);
     $gui = new HTMLGUIX($this);
     $tab = "";
     if (Session::isPluginLoaded("mAdressBuch") and $id == -1) {
         $tab = mAdressBuchGUI::getSelectionMenu($this, $frame, false, true);
     $gui->displayGroup("KategorieID", "AdressenGUI::DGParser");
     $gui->options(true, true, true, true);
     $gui->parser("firma", "mAdresseGUI::parserFirma");
     if ($frame != null) {
     return $tab . $gui->getBrowserHTML($id);
Пример #3
 public function getHTML($id, $page)
     $this->loadMultiPageMode($id, $page, 0);
     $gui = new HTMLGUIX($this);
     $gui->options(true, true, true, true);
     $gui->attributes(array("name", "sprache"));
     $gui->parser("name", "mSerieGUI::nameParser");
     $Tab = new HTMLSideTable("left");
     $B = new Button("check for\nupdates", "./trinityDB/Serien/Updates.png");
     $B->rmePCR("mSerie", "", "checkUpdates", "", "Popup.display('Updates', transport);");
     try {
         return ($id == -1 ? $Tab : "") . $gui->getBrowserHTML($id);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
Пример #4
 function getHTML($id)
     $this->addOrderV3("sort", "ASC");
     if ($this->A == null) {
     $gui = new HTMLGUIX($this);
     $gui->options(true, true, false, false);
     $a = array("sort", "text");
     if (Session::isPluginLoaded("mSprache")) {
         $a[] = "SpracheIdentifier";
         $gui->colWidth("SpracheIdentifier", "50");
     $gui->parser("text", "mContentGUI::textParser");
     $gui->colWidth("sort", "30");
     $gui->colStyle("sort", "text-align:right;");
     $gui->addToEvent("onDelete", "contentManager.reloadFrame('contentLeft');");
     return $gui->getBrowserHTML($id);
Пример #5
 public function getPopupManager($rootDir = null, $class = null, $classID = null, $usePool = false, $fieldDefaultFile = "", $uploadTargetFilename = null)
     if ($rootDir != null) {
         $T = new HTMLTable(1);
         #$rel = "$rootDir";
         $root = FileStorage::getFilesDir() . $rootDir;
         $_SESSION["BPS"]->setProperty("mFileGUI", "path", $root);
         $_SESSION["BPS"]->setProperty("mFileGUI", "root", $root);
         $F = new File($root);
         if ($F->getA() == null) {
             if (is_writable(FileStorage::getFilesDir())) {
                 mkdir($root, 0777, true);
             } else {
                 $B = new Button("", "stop");
                 $T->addRow($B . "Das Verzeichnis <code>{$rootDir}</code> existiert nicht und kann nicht automatisch angelegt werden, da keine Schreibberechtigung für <code>specifics</code> vorliegt.");
     $bps = $this->getMyBPSData();
     if (strpos($bps["path"], $bps["root"]) === false) {
         $bps["path"] = $bps["root"];
     if ($bps != -1 and isset($bps["path"])) {
     $gui = new HTMLGUIX();
     $cols = array();
     if ($fieldDefaultFile != "") {
         $C = new $class($classID);
         self::$fieldDefaultFile = array($C, $C->A($fieldDefaultFile), $fieldDefaultFile);
         $cols[] = "isDefault";
         $gui->colWidth("isDefault", 20);
         $gui->parser("isDefault", "mFileGUI::parserDefault");
     $cols[] = "FileName";
     $gui->parser("FileName", "mFileGUI::nameParser2");
     $gui->options(true, false, false);
     $gui->addToEvent("onDelete", OnEvent::reloadPopup("mFile"));
     $oldFiles = "";
     if ($class != null and $classID != null) {
         $AC = anyC::get("Datei", "DateiClassID", $classID);
         $AC->addAssocV3("DateiClass", "=", $class);
         $oldFiles = new HTMLTable(2, "Verknüpfte Dateien");
         while ($F = $AC->getNextEntry()) {
             $BDL = new Button("Datei herunterladen", "./plugins/Files/download.png", "icon");
             $BDL->onclick("windowWithRme('File','" . $F->A("DateiPath") . "','download','');");
             $oldFiles->addRow(array($BDL . $F->A("DateiName")));
     $BPool = new Button("Pool\nanzeigen", "./lightCRM/Mail/images/attach.png");
     $BPool->onclick(OnEvent::popupSidePanel("mFile", -1, "sidePanelPool", array("'{$class}Pool'", "'{$rootDir}'")));
     if ($usePool and $rootDir) {
         echo $BPool . "<div style=\"clear:both;\"></div>";
         if (file_exists(FileStorage::getFilesDir() . "{$class}Pool")) {
             echo OnEvent::script("window.setTimeout(function(){ if(\$j('#editDetailsmFileSidePanel').length > 0) return; " . OnEvent::popupSidePanel("mFile", -1, "sidePanelPool", array("'{$class}Pool'", "'{$rootDir}'")) . "}, 100);");
     $F = new HTMLForm("fileUpload", array("datei"));
     $s = array("path" => $bps["path"], "class" => "File");
     if ($uploadTargetFilename != null) {
         $s["targetFilename"] = $uploadTargetFilename;
     $F->setType("datei", "file", null, $s);
     $F->addJSEvent("datei", "onChange", OnEvent::reloadPopup("mFile"));
     $F->getTable()->setColWidth(1, 120);
     echo "<p class=\"prettyTitle\">/" . basename($bps["path"]) . "</p><p style=\"color:grey;margin-top:-15px;margin-bottom:10px;\"><small>" . dirname(realpath($bps["path"])) . "</small></p>" . $F . $gui->getBrowserHTML(-1) . $oldFiles;
Пример #6
 public function getHTML($id, $page)
     $bps = $this->getMyBPSData();
     $this->addAssocV3("SerieID", "=", $bps["SerieID"]);
     $this->loadMultiPageMode($id, $page, 0);
     $gui = new HTMLGUIX($this);
     $gui->replaceEvent("onEdit", "contentManager.editInPopup('Folge', %CLASSID, 'Display episode details')");
     #$gesamt = $this->loadMultiPageMode($id, $page, 0);
     #$gui->setMultiPageMode($gesamt, $page, 0, "contentLeft", str_replace("GUI","",get_class($this)));
     $numb3rs = array();
     while ($e = $this->getNextEntry()) {
         $episodeTag = "S" . ($e->A("season") < 10 ? "0" : "") . $e->A("season") . "E" . ($e->A("episode") < 10 ? "0" : "") . $e->A("episode");
         $episodeTag2 = $e->A("season") . "x" . ($e->A("episode") < 10 ? "0" : "") . $e->A("episode");
         $episodeTag3 = $e->A("season") . ($e->A("episode") < 10 ? "0" : "") . $e->A("episode");
         $numb3rs[] = $episodeTag;
         foreach (mFolgeGUI::$files as $k => $FN) {
             $posTag2 = strpos($FN, $episodeTag2);
             if (stripos($FN, $episodeTag) !== false) {
                 mFolgeGUI::$found[$e->getID()] = $FN;
             if (stripos($FN, $episodeTag2) !== false) {
                 mFolgeGUI::$found[$e->getID()] = $FN;
             if (stripos($FN, $episodeTag3) !== false) {
                 mFolgeGUI::$found[$e->getID()] = $FN;
             #elseif($posTag2 !== false AND $FN[$posTag2-1]*1 == 0) {
             #	mFolgeGUI::$found[$e->getID()] = $FN;
     mFolgeGUI::$numb3rs = $numb3rs;
     $gui->colWidth("FolgeID", "20px");
     $gui->attributes(array("season", "episode", "name", "FolgeID"));
     $gui->options(false, true, false, true);
     		$gui->activateFeature("displayMode", $this, false, false, false);
     $gui->parser("FolgeID", "mFolgeGUI::folgeParser");
     $gui->parser("name", "mFolgeGUI::nameParser");
     #,array("\$aid", "\$season", "\$episode")
     try {
         return $gui->getBrowserHTML($id);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
Пример #7
 public function getHTML($id, $page)
     $TID = BPS::getProperty("mphimGUI", "with", 0);
     if ($TID[0] != "g") {
         $this->addAssocV3("phimFromUserID", "=", Session::currentUser()->getID(), "AND", "1");
         $this->addAssocV3("phimToUserID", "=", $TID, "AND", "1");
         $this->addAssocV3("phimphimGruppeID", "=", "0", "AND", "1");
         $this->addAssocV3("phimFromUserID", "=", $TID, "OR", "2");
         $this->addAssocV3("phimToUserID", "=", Session::currentUser()->getID(), "AND", "2");
         $this->addAssocV3("phimphimGruppeID", "=", "0", "AND", "2");
     } else {
         $this->addAssocV3("phimphimGruppeID", "=", str_replace("g", "", $TID));
     #$this->addJoinV3("User", $field1)
     #$this->addOrderV3("phimToUserID", "DESC");
     $this->addOrderV3("phimTime", "DESC");
     $this->addOrderV3("phimID", "DESC");
     $this->setFieldsV3(array("phimRead", "phimFromUserID", "phimMessage", "DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(phimTime), '%Y-%m-%d') AS grouper"));
     $this->loadMultiPageMode($id, $page, 0);
     $gui = new HTMLGUIX($this);
     $gui->colWidth("phimRead", 20);
     $gui->displayGroup("grouper", "mphimGUI::parserDG");
     $gui->options(true, true, false);
     $gui->parser("phimRead", "parserRead");
     $gui->parser("phimFromUserID", "parserFrom");
     $gui->attributes(array("phimRead", "phimFromUserID", "phimMessage"));
     $B = $gui->addSideButton("Gruppen", "./ubiquitous/phim/group.png");
     $B->loadPlugin("contentRight", "mphimGruppe");
     $B = $gui->addSideButton("System-\nBenutzer", "./ubiquitous/phim/phimUser.png");
     $B->loadPlugin("contentRight", "mphimUser");
     $B = $gui->addSideButton("Benutzer\nausblenden", "./ubiquitous/phim/hidden.png");
     $B->loadPlugin("contentRight", "mphimUserHidden");
     $B = $gui->addSideButton("phim\nanzeigen", "new");
     $B->onclick("windowWithRme('mphim', -1, 'chatPopup', [], '', 'window', {height: 300, width:550, left: \$j.jStorage.get('phimX', 20), top: \$j.jStorage.get('phimY', 20), name: 'phim', scroll: false});");
     $B = $gui->addSideButton("Config-Datei", "new");
     $B->windowRme("mphim", "-1", "getConfigFile");
     $users = self::$users = Users::getUsersArray("Alle", true);
     $T = new HTMLTable(1, "Konversation mit");
     foreach ($users as $ID => $U) {
         $T->addRowEvent("click", OnEvent::frame("contentRight", "mphim", "-1", 0, "", "mphimGUI;with:{$ID}"));
         if ($ID . "" === $TID . "") {
     $AC = anyC::get("phimGruppe");
     $AC->addAssocV3("INSTR(phimGruppeMembers, ';" . Session::currentUser()->getID() . ";')", ">", "0");
     $TG = new HTMLTable(1, "Gruppen");
     while ($G = $AC->n()) {
         $TG->addRowEvent("click", OnEvent::frame("contentRight", "mphim", "-1", 0, "", "mphimGUI;with:g" . $G->getID()));
         if ("g" . $G->getID() === $TID . "") {
     return $gui->getBrowserHTML($id);
Пример #8
 public function getHTML($id, $page)
     #$bps = $this->getMyBPSData();
     Aspect::registerOnetimePointCut("aboveList", "GUIFactory::getContainer", "FileManagerGUI::adviceAboveList");
     /*$rootDir = null;
     		if($bps != -1 AND isset($bps["root"])) $rootDir = $bps["root"];
     		if($rootDir != null){
     			$T = new HTMLTable(1);
     			$rel = "specifics/$rootDir";
     			$root = Util::getRootPath().$rel;
     			$_SESSION["BPS"]->setProperty("FileManagerGUI", "path", $root);
     			$_SESSION["BPS"]->setProperty("FileManagerGUI", "root", $root);
     			$F = new File($root);
     			if($F->getA() == null){
     					$B = new Button("", "stop");
     					$T->addRow($B."Das Verzeichnis <code>$rel</code> existiert nicht und kann nicht automatisch angelegt werden, da keine Schreibberechtigung für <code>specifics</code> vorliegt.");
     					return $T;
     		$bps = $this->getMyBPSData(); //go again
     		if(isset($bps["path"]) AND strpos($bps["path"], $bps["root"]) === false)
     			$bps["path"] = $bps["root"];
     		if($bps != -1 AND isset($bps["path"]))
     $pathing = $this->setPath();
     if ($pathing !== true) {
         return $pathing;
     $gui = new HTMLGUIX();
     #$gui->colWidth("FileIsDir", 20);
     $gui->parser("FileName", "mFileGUI::nameParser2");
     $gui->addToEvent("onDelete", BPS::getProperty("FileManagerGUI", "reloadFunction", "contentManager.reloadFrame('contentLeft');"));
     $gui->options(true, false, false);
     $gui->displayMode(BPS::getProperty("FileManagerGUI", "displayMode", "CRMSubframeContainer"));
     return $gui->getBrowserHTML(-1);