  * @param Gdn_Controller $Sender
  * @param array $Args
 public function Base_ConnectData_Handler($Sender, $Args)
     if (GetValue(0, $Args) != 'sinaconnect') {
     $RequestToken = GetValue('oauth_token', $_GET);
     // Get the access token.
     if ($RequestToken || !($AccessToken = $this->AccessToken())) {
         // Get the request secret.
         $RequestToken = $this->GetOAuthToken($RequestToken);
         $Consumer = new OAuthConsumer(C('Plugins.SinaConnect.ConsumerKey'), C('Plugins.SinaConnect.Secret'));
         $Url = 'http://api.t.sina.com.cn/oauth/access_token';
         $Params = array('oauth_verifier' => GetValue('oauth_verifier', $_GET));
         $Request = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token($Consumer, $RequestToken, 'POST', $Url, $Params);
         $SignatureMethod = new OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1();
         $Request->sign_request($SignatureMethod, $Consumer, $RequestToken);
         $Post = $Request->to_postdata();
         $Curl = $this->_Curl($Request);
         $Response = curl_exec($Curl);
         if ($Response === FALSE) {
             $Response = curl_error($Curl);
         $HttpCode = curl_getinfo($Curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
         if ($HttpCode == '200') {
             $Data = OAuthUtil::parse_parameters($Response);
             $AccessToken = $this->AccessToken(GetValue('oauth_token', $Data), GetValue('oauth_token_secret', $Data));
             // Save the access token to the database.
             // Delete the request token.
         } else {
             // There was some sort of error.
         $NewToken = TRUE;
     // Get the profile.
     try {
         $Profile = $this->GetProfile($AccessToken);
     } catch (Exception $Ex) {
         if (!isset($NewToken)) {
             // There was an error getting the profile, which probably means the saved access token is no longer valid. Try and reauthorize.
             if ($Sender->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
             } else {
                 $Sender->SetHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
                 $Sender->RedirectUrl = $this->_AuthorizeHref();
         } else {
     $Form = $Sender->Form;
     //new Gdn_Form();
     $ID = GetValue('id', $Profile);
     $Form->SetFormValue('UniqueID', $ID);
     $Form->SetFormValue('Provider', self::$ProviderKey);
     $Form->SetFormValue('ProviderName', 'Sina');
     $Form->SetFormValue('Name', GetValue('screen_name', $Profile));
     $Form->SetFormValue('FullName', GetValue('name', $Profile));
     $Form->SetFormValue('Email', GetValue('id', $Profile) . '@weibo.com');
     $Form->SetFormValue('Photo', GetValue('profile_image_url', $Profile));
     $Sender->SetData('Verified', TRUE);
Пример #2
  * @param Gdn_Controller $Sender
  * @param type $Args 
 public function UtilityController_SiteMapIndex_Create($Sender)
     // Clear the session to mimic a crawler.
     Gdn::Session()->Start(0, FALSE, FALSE);
     $Sender->SetHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml');
     $SiteMaps = array();
     if (class_exists('CategoryModel')) {
         $Categories = CategoryModel::Categories();
         foreach ($Categories as $Category) {
             if (!$Category['PermsDiscussionsView'] || $Category['CategoryID'] < 0 || $Category['CountDiscussions'] == 0) {
             $SiteMap = array('Loc' => Url('/sitemap-category-' . rawurlencode($Category['UrlCode'] ? $Category['UrlCode'] : $Category['CategoryID']) . '.xml', TRUE), 'LastMod' => $Category['DateLastComment'], 'ChangeFreq' => '', 'Priority' => '');
             $SiteMaps[] = $SiteMap;
     $Sender->SetData('SiteMaps', $SiteMaps);
     $Sender->Render('SiteMapIndex', '', 'plugins/Sitemaps');
Пример #3
  * @param Gdn_Controller $Sender
 public function SettingsController_AnalyticsTick_Create($Sender)
     $Sender->Render('tick', 'statistics', 'dashboard');
Пример #4
  * @param Gdn_Controller $Sender
  * @param array $Args
 public function Base_ConnectData_Handler($Sender, $Args)
     if (GetValue(0, $Args) != 'twitter') {
     $Form = $Sender->Form;
     //new Gdn_Form();
     $RequestToken = GetValue('oauth_token', $_GET);
     $AccessToken = $Form->GetFormValue('AccessToken');
     if ($AccessToken) {
         $AccessToken = $this->GetOAuthToken($AccessToken);
     // Get the access token.
     if ($RequestToken && !$AccessToken) {
         // Get the request secret.
         $RequestToken = $this->GetOAuthToken($RequestToken);
         $Consumer = new OAuthConsumer(C('Plugins.Twitter.ConsumerKey'), C('Plugins.Twitter.Secret'));
         $Url = 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token';
         $Params = array('oauth_verifier' => GetValue('oauth_verifier', $_GET));
         $Request = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token($Consumer, $RequestToken, 'POST', $Url, $Params);
         $SignatureMethod = new OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1();
         $Request->sign_request($SignatureMethod, $Consumer, $RequestToken);
         $Post = $Request->to_postdata();
         $Curl = $this->_Curl($Request);
         $Response = curl_exec($Curl);
         if ($Response === FALSE) {
             $Response = curl_error($Curl);
         $HttpCode = curl_getinfo($Curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
         if ($HttpCode == '200') {
             $Data = OAuthUtil::parse_parameters($Response);
             $AccessToken = new OAuthToken(GetValue('oauth_token', $Data), GetValue('oauth_token_secret', $Data));
             // Save the access token to the database.
             $this->SetOAuthToken($AccessToken->key, $AccessToken->secret, 'access');
             $this->AccessToken($AccessToken->key, $AccessToken->secret);
             // Delete the request token.
         } else {
             // There was some sort of error.
             throw new Exception('There was an error authenticating with twitter.', 400);
         $NewToken = TRUE;
     // Get the profile.
     try {
         $Profile = $this->GetProfile($AccessToken);
     } catch (Exception $Ex) {
         if (!isset($NewToken)) {
             // There was an error getting the profile, which probably means the saved access token is no longer valid. Try and reauthorize.
             if ($Sender->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
             } else {
                 $Sender->SetHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
                 $Sender->RedirectUrl = $this->_AuthorizeHref();
         } else {
             throw $Ex;
     $ID = GetValue('id', $Profile);
     $Form->SetFormValue('UniqueID', $ID);
     $Form->SetFormValue('Provider', self::ProviderKey);
     $Form->SetFormValue('ProviderName', 'Twitter');
     $Form->SetValue('ConnectName', GetValue('screen_name', $Profile));
     $Form->SetFormValue('Name', GetValue('screen_name', $Profile));
     $Form->SetFormValue('FullName', GetValue('name', $Profile));
     $Form->SetFormValue('Photo', GetValue('profile_image_url', $Profile));
     $Form->AddHidden('AccessToken', $AccessToken->key);
     // Save some original data in the attributes of the connection for later API calls.
     $Attributes = array(self::ProviderKey => array('AccessToken' => array($AccessToken->key, $AccessToken->secret), 'Profile' => $Profile));
     $Form->SetFormValue('Attributes', $Attributes);
     $Sender->SetData('Verified', TRUE);
Пример #5
  * @param Gdn_Controller $Sender
  * @param array $Args
 public function Base_ConnectData_Handler($Sender, $Args)
     if (GetValue(0, $Args) != 'facebook') {
     if (isset($_GET['error'])) {
         throw new Gdn_UserException(GetValue('error_description', $_GET, T('There was an error connecting to Facebook')));
     $AppID = C('Plugins.Facebook.ApplicationID');
     $Secret = C('Plugins.Facebook.Secret');
     $Code = GetValue('code', $_GET);
     $Query = '';
     if ($Sender->Request->Get('display')) {
         $Query = 'display=' . urlencode($Sender->Request->Get('display'));
     $RedirectUri = ConcatSep('&', $this->RedirectUri(), $Query);
     $RedirectUri = urlencode($RedirectUri);
     // Get the access token.
     if ($Code || !($AccessToken = $this->AccessToken())) {
         // Exchange the token for an access token.
         $Code = urlencode($Code);
         $Url = "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id={$AppID}&client_secret={$Secret}&code={$Code}&redirect_uri={$RedirectUri}";
         // Get the redirect URI.
         $C = curl_init();
         curl_setopt($C, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
         curl_setopt($C, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
         curl_setopt($C, CURLOPT_URL, $Url);
         $Contents = curl_exec($C);
         //         $Contents = ProxyRequest($Url);
         $Info = curl_getinfo($C);
         if (strpos(GetValue('content_type', $Info, ''), '/javascript') !== FALSE) {
             $Tokens = json_decode($Contents, TRUE);
         } else {
             parse_str($Contents, $Tokens);
         if (GetValue('error', $Tokens)) {
             throw new Gdn_UserException('Facebook returned the following error: ' . GetValueR('error.message', $Tokens, 'Unknown error.'), 400);
         $AccessToken = GetValue('access_token', $Tokens);
         $Expires = GetValue('expires', $Tokens, NULL);
         setcookie('fb_access_token', $AccessToken, time() + $Expires, C('Garden.Cookie.Path', '/'), C('Garden.Cookie.Domain', ''), NULL, TRUE);
         $NewToken = TRUE;
     // Get the profile.
     try {
         $Profile = $this->GetProfile($AccessToken);
     } catch (Exception $Ex) {
         if (!isset($NewToken)) {
             // There was an error getting the profile, which probably means the saved access token is no longer valid. Try and reauthorize.
             if ($Sender->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
             } else {
                 $Sender->SetHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
                 $Sender->RedirectUrl = $this->AuthorizeUri();
         } else {
             $Sender->Form->AddError('There was an error with the Facebook connection.');
     $Form = $Sender->Form;
     //new Gdn_Form();
     $ID = GetValue('id', $Profile);
     $Form->SetFormValue('UniqueID', $ID);
     $Form->SetFormValue('Provider', 'facebook');
     $Form->SetFormValue('ProviderName', 'Facebook');
     $Form->SetFormValue('FullName', GetValue('name', $Profile));
     $Form->SetFormValue('Email', GetValue('email', $Profile));
     $Form->SetFormValue('Photo', "http://graph.facebook.com/{$ID}/picture");
     if (C('Plugins.Facebook.UseFacebookNames')) {
         $Form->SetFormValue('Name', GetValue('name', $Profile));
         SaveToConfig(array('Garden.User.ValidationRegex' => UserModel::USERNAME_REGEX_MIN, 'Garden.User.ValidationLength' => '{3,50}', 'Garden.Registration.NameUnique' => FALSE), '', FALSE);
     // Save some original data in the attributes of the connection for later API calls.
     $Attributes = array('Facebook.Profile' => $Profile);
     $Form->SetFormValue('Attributes', $Attributes);
     $Sender->SetData('Verified', TRUE);
Пример #6
  * @param Gdn_Controller $Sender
  * @param array $Args
 public function Base_ConnectData_Handler($Sender, $Args)
     if (GetValue(0, $Args) != 'facebook') {
     if (isset($_GET['error'])) {
         throw new Gdn_UserException(GetValue('error_description', $_GET, T('There was an error connecting to Facebook')));
     $AppID = C('Plugins.Facebook.ApplicationID');
     $Secret = C('Plugins.Facebook.Secret');
     $Code = GetValue('code', $_GET);
     $Query = '';
     if ($Sender->Request->Get('display')) {
         $Query = 'display=' . urlencode($Sender->Request->Get('display'));
     $RedirectUri = ConcatSep('&', $this->RedirectUri(), $Query);
     //      $RedirectUri = urlencode($RedirectUri);
     // Get the access token.
     if ($Code) {
         // Exchange the token for an access token.
         $Code = urlencode($Code);
         $AccessToken = $this->GetAccessToken($Code, $RedirectUri);
         $NewToken = TRUE;
     // Get the profile.
     try {
         $Profile = $this->GetProfile($AccessToken);
     } catch (Exception $Ex) {
         if (!isset($NewToken)) {
             // There was an error getting the profile, which probably means the saved access token is no longer valid. Try and reauthorize.
             if ($Sender->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
             } else {
                 $Sender->SetHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
                 $Sender->RedirectUrl = $this->AuthorizeUri();
         } else {
             $Sender->Form->AddError('There was an error with the Facebook connection.');
     $Form = $Sender->Form;
     //new Gdn_Form();
     $ID = GetValue('id', $Profile);
     $Form->SetFormValue('UniqueID', $ID);
     $Form->SetFormValue('Provider', self::ProviderKey);
     $Form->SetFormValue('ProviderName', 'Facebook');
     $Form->SetFormValue('FullName', GetValue('name', $Profile));
     $Form->SetFormValue('Email', GetValue('email', $Profile));
     $Form->SetFormValue('Photo', "http://graph.facebook.com/{$ID}/picture");
     if (C('Plugins.Facebook.UseFacebookNames')) {
         $Form->SetFormValue('Name', GetValue('name', $Profile));
         SaveToConfig(array('Garden.User.ValidationRegex' => UserModel::USERNAME_REGEX_MIN, 'Garden.User.ValidationLength' => '{3,50}', 'Garden.Registration.NameUnique' => FALSE), '', FALSE);
     // Save some original data in the attributes of the connection for later API calls.
     $Attributes = array();
     $Attributes[self::ProviderKey] = array('AccessToken' => $AccessToken, 'Profile' => $Profile);
     $Form->SetFormValue('Attributes', $Attributes);
     $Sender->SetData('Verified', TRUE);
Пример #7
  * @param Gdn_Controller $Sender
 public function Base_Render_Before($Sender)
     $Session = Gdn::Session();
     // Enable theme previewing
     if ($Session->IsValid()) {
         $PreviewThemeName = $Session->GetPreference('PreviewThemeName', '');
         $PreviewThemeFolder = $Session->GetPreference('PreviewThemeFolder', '');
         if ($PreviewThemeName != '') {
             $Sender->Theme = $PreviewThemeName;
             $Sender->InformMessage(sprintf(T('You are previewing the %s theme.'), Wrap($PreviewThemeName, 'em')) . '<div class="PreviewThemeButtons">' . Anchor(T('Apply'), 'settings/themes/' . $PreviewThemeName . '/' . $Session->TransientKey(), 'PreviewThemeButton') . ' ' . Anchor(T('Cancel'), 'settings/cancelpreview/', 'PreviewThemeButton') . '</div>', 'DoNotDismiss');
     if ($Session->IsValid()) {
         $ConfirmEmail = C('Garden.Registration.ConfirmEmail', false);
         $Confirmed = GetValue('Confirmed', Gdn::Session()->User, true);
         if ($ConfirmEmail && !$Confirmed) {
             $Message = FormatString(T('You need to confirm your email address.', 'You need to confirm your email address. Click <a href="{/entry/emailconfirmrequest,url}">here</a> to resend the confirmation email.'));
             $Sender->InformMessage($Message, '');
     // Add Message Modules (if necessary)
     $MessageCache = Gdn::Config('Garden.Messages.Cache', array());
     $Location = $Sender->Application . '/' . substr($Sender->ControllerName, 0, -10) . '/' . $Sender->RequestMethod;
     $Exceptions = array('[Base]');
     // 2011-09-09 - mosullivan - No longer allowing messages in dashboard
     //		if ($Sender->MasterView == 'admin')
     //			$Exceptions[] = '[Admin]';
     //		else if (in_array($Sender->MasterView, array('', 'default')))
     if (in_array($Sender->MasterView, array('', 'default'))) {
         $Exceptions[] = '[NonAdmin]';
     // SignIn popup is a special case
     $SignInOnly = $Sender->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_VIEW && $Location == 'Dashboard/entry/signin';
     if ($SignInOnly) {
         $Exceptions = array();
     if ($Sender->MasterView != 'admin' && !$Sender->Data('_NoMessages') && (GetValue('MessagesLoaded', $Sender) != '1' && $Sender->MasterView != 'empty' && ArrayInArray($Exceptions, $MessageCache, FALSE) || InArrayI($Location, $MessageCache))) {
         $MessageModel = new MessageModel();
         $MessageData = $MessageModel->GetMessagesForLocation($Location, $Exceptions, $Sender->Data('Category.CategoryID'));
         foreach ($MessageData as $Message) {
             $MessageModule = new MessageModule($Sender, $Message);
             if ($SignInOnly) {
                 // Insert special messages even in SignIn popup
                 echo $MessageModule;
             } elseif ($Sender->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
         $Sender->MessagesLoaded = '1';
         // Fixes a bug where render gets called more than once and messages are loaded/displayed redundantly.
     if ($Sender->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
         $Gdn_Statistics = Gdn::Factory('Statistics');
     // Allow forum embedding
     if ($Embed = C('Garden.Embed.Allow')) {
         // Record the remote url where the forum is being embedded.
         $RemoteUrl = C('Garden.Embed.RemoteUrl');
         if (!$RemoteUrl) {
             $RemoteUrl = GetIncomingValue('remote');
             if ($RemoteUrl) {
                 SaveToConfig('Garden.Embed.RemoteUrl', $RemoteUrl);
         if ($RemoteUrl) {
             $Sender->AddDefinition('RemoteUrl', $RemoteUrl);
         // Force embedding?
         if (!IsSearchEngine() && !IsMobile() && strtolower($Sender->ControllerName) != 'entry') {
             $Sender->AddDefinition('ForceEmbedForum', C('Garden.Embed.ForceForum') ? '1' : '0');
             $Sender->AddDefinition('ForceEmbedDashboard', C('Garden.Embed.ForceDashboard') ? '1' : '0');
         $Sender->AddDefinition('Path', Gdn::Request()->Path());
         // $Sender->AddDefinition('MasterView', $Sender->MasterView);
         $Sender->AddDefinition('InDashboard', $Sender->MasterView == 'admin' ? '1' : '0');
         if ($Embed === 2) {
         } else {
     } else {
         $Sender->SetHeader('X-Frame-Options', 'SAMEORIGIN');
     // Allow return to mobile site
     $ForceNoMobile = Gdn_CookieIdentity::GetCookiePayload('VanillaNoMobile');
     if ($ForceNoMobile !== FALSE && is_array($ForceNoMobile) && in_array('force', $ForceNoMobile)) {
         $Sender->AddAsset('Foot', Wrap(Anchor(T('Back to Mobile Site'), '/profile/nomobile/1'), 'div'), 'MobileLink');
Пример #8
  * @param Gdn_Controller $Sender
 public function Base_Render_Before($Sender)
     $Session = Gdn::Session();
     // Enable theme previewing
     if ($Session->IsValid()) {
         $PreviewThemeName = $Session->GetPreference('PreviewThemeName', '');
         $PreviewThemeFolder = $Session->GetPreference('PreviewThemeFolder', '');
         if ($PreviewThemeName != '') {
             $Sender->Theme = $PreviewThemeName;
             $Sender->InformMessage(sprintf(T('You are previewing the %s theme.'), Wrap($PreviewThemeName, 'em')) . '<div class="PreviewThemeButtons">' . Anchor(T('Apply'), 'settings/themes/' . $PreviewThemeName . '/' . $Session->TransientKey(), 'PreviewThemeButton') . ' ' . Anchor(T('Cancel'), 'settings/cancelpreview/', 'PreviewThemeButton') . '</div>', 'DoNotDismiss');
     if ($Session->IsValid() && ($EmailKey = Gdn::Session()->GetAttribute('EmailKey'))) {
         $NotifyEmailConfirm = TRUE;
         // If this user was manually moved out of the confirmation role, get rid of their 'awaiting confirmation' flag
         $ConfirmEmailRole = C('Garden.Registration.ConfirmEmailRole', FALSE);
         $UserRoles = array();
         $RoleData = Gdn::UserModel()->GetRoles($Session->UserID);
         if ($RoleData !== FALSE && $RoleData->NumRows() > 0) {
             $UserRoles = ConsolidateArrayValuesByKey($RoleData->Result(DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY), 'RoleID', 'Name');
         if ($ConfirmEmailRole !== FALSE && !array_key_exists($ConfirmEmailRole, $UserRoles)) {
             Gdn::UserModel()->SaveAttribute($Session->UserID, "EmailKey", NULL);
             $NotifyEmailConfirm = FALSE;
         if ($NotifyEmailConfirm) {
             $Message = FormatString(T('You need to confirm your email address.', 'You need to confirm your email address. Click <a href="{/entry/emailconfirmrequest,url}">here</a> to resend the confirmation email.'));
             $Sender->InformMessage($Message, '');
     // Add Message Modules (if necessary)
     $MessageCache = Gdn::Config('Garden.Messages.Cache', array());
     $Location = $Sender->Application . '/' . substr($Sender->ControllerName, 0, -10) . '/' . $Sender->RequestMethod;
     $Exceptions = array('[Base]');
     // 2011-09-09 - mosullivan - No longer allowing messages in dashboard
     //		if ($Sender->MasterView == 'admin')
     //			$Exceptions[] = '[Admin]';
     //		else if (in_array($Sender->MasterView, array('', 'default')))
     if (in_array($Sender->MasterView, array('', 'default'))) {
         $Exceptions[] = '[NonAdmin]';
     // SignIn popup is a special case
     $SignInOnly = $Sender->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_VIEW && $Location == 'Dashboard/entry/signin';
     if ($SignInOnly) {
         $Exceptions = array();
     if ($Sender->MasterView != 'admin' && (GetValue('MessagesLoaded', $Sender) != '1' && $Sender->MasterView != 'empty' && ArrayInArray($Exceptions, $MessageCache, FALSE) || InArrayI($Location, $MessageCache))) {
         $MessageModel = new MessageModel();
         $MessageData = $MessageModel->GetMessagesForLocation($Location, $Exceptions);
         foreach ($MessageData as $Message) {
             $MessageModule = new MessageModule($Sender, $Message);
             if ($SignInOnly) {
                 // Insert special messages even in SignIn popup
                 echo $MessageModule;
             } elseif ($Sender->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
         $Sender->MessagesLoaded = '1';
         // Fixes a bug where render gets called more than once and messages are loaded/displayed redundantly.
     // If there are applicants, alert admins by showing in the main menu
     if (in_array($Sender->MasterView, array('', 'default')) && $Sender->Menu && C('Garden.Registration.Method') == 'Approval') {
         // $CountApplicants = Gdn::UserModel()->GetApplicantCount();
         // if ($CountApplicants > 0)
         // $Sender->Menu->AddLink('Applicants', T('Applicants').' <span class="Alert">'.$CountApplicants.'</span>', '/dashboard/user/applicants', array('Garden.Applicants.Manage'));
         $Sender->Menu->AddLink('Applicants', T('Applicants'), '/dashboard/user/applicants', array('Garden.Applicants.Manage'));
     if ($Sender->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
         $Gdn_Statistics = Gdn::Factory('Statistics');
     // Allow forum embedding
     if (C('Garden.Embed.Allow')) {
         // Record the remote url where the forum is being embedded.
         $RemoteUrl = C('Garden.Embed.RemoteUrl');
         if (!$RemoteUrl) {
             $RemoteUrl = GetIncomingValue('remote');
             if ($RemoteUrl) {
                 SaveToConfig('Garden.Embed.RemoteUrl', $RemoteUrl);
         if ($RemoteUrl) {
             $Sender->AddDefinition('RemoteUrl', $RemoteUrl);
         // Force embedding?
         if (!IsSearchEngine() && !IsMobile()) {
             $Sender->AddDefinition('ForceEmbedForum', C('Garden.Embed.ForceForum') ? '1' : '0');
             $Sender->AddDefinition('ForceEmbedDashboard', C('Garden.Embed.ForceDashboard') ? '1' : '0');
         $Sender->AddDefinition('Path', Gdn::Request()->Path());
         // $Sender->AddDefinition('MasterView', $Sender->MasterView);
         $Sender->AddDefinition('InDashboard', $Sender->MasterView == 'admin' ? '1' : '0');
     // Allow return to mobile site
     $ForceNoMobile = Gdn_CookieIdentity::GetCookiePayload('VanillaNoMobile');
     if ($ForceNoMobile !== FALSE && is_array($ForceNoMobile) && in_array('force', $ForceNoMobile)) {
         $Sender->AddAsset('Foot', Wrap(Anchor(T('Back to Mobile Site'), '/profile/nomobile/1'), 'div'), 'MobileLink');
Пример #9
  * @param Gdn_Controller $Sender
  * @param array $Args
 public function Base_ConnectData_Handler($Sender, $Args)
     if (GetValue(0, $Args) != 'accounts9') {
     if (isset($_GET['error'])) {
         throw new Gdn_UserException(GetValue('error_description', $_GET, T('There was an error connecting to Accounts9')));
     $AppID = C('Plugins.Accounts9.ApplicationID');
     $Secret = C('Plugins.Accounts9.Secret');
     if (!$Code) {
         if (!isset($_GET['code'])) {
             throw new Gdn_UserException('could not retrieve code out of callback request and no code given');
         $Code = $_GET['code'];
     $Code = GetValue('code', $_GET);
     /*     $Query = '';
           if ($Sender->Request->Get('display'))
              $Query = 'display='.urlencode($Sender->Request->Get('display'));
     $RedirectUri = ConcatSep('&', $this->RedirectUri(), $Query);
     $RedirectUri = urlencode($RedirectUri);
     // Get the access token.
     if ($Code || !($AccessToken = $this->AccessToken())) {
         // Exchange the token for an access token.
         $Code = urlencode($Code);
         $Url = "https://accounts.net9.org/api/access_token?client_id={$AppID}&client_secret={$Secret}&code={$Code}&redirect_uri={$RedirectUri}";
         // Get the redirect URI.
         $C = curl_init();
         curl_setopt($C, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
         curl_setopt($C, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
         curl_setopt($C, CURLOPT_URL, $Url);
         $Contents = curl_exec($C);
         //         $Contents = ProxyRequest($Url);
         $Info = curl_getinfo($C);
         //        if (strpos(GetValue('content_type', $Info, ''), '/javascript') !== FALSE) {
         $Tokens = json_decode($Contents, TRUE);
         /* } else {
                     parse_str($Contents, $Tokens);
         if (GetValue('error', $Tokens)) {
             throw new Gdn_UserException('Accounts9 returned the following error: ' . GetValueR('error.message', $Tokens, 'Unknown error.'), 400);
         $AccessToken = GetValue('access_token', $Tokens);
         $Expires = GetValue('expires_in', $Tokens, NULL);
         setcookie('accounts9_access_token', $AccessToken, time() + $Expires, C('Garden.Cookie.Path', '/'), C('Garden.Cookie.Domain', ''));
         $NewToken = TRUE;
     // Get the profile.
     try {
         $Profile = $this->GetProfile($AccessToken);
     } catch (Exception $Ex) {
         if (!isset($NewToken)) {
             // There was an error getting the profile, which probably means the saved access token is no longer valid. Try and reauthorize.
             if ($Sender->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
             } else {
                 $Sender->SetHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
                 $Sender->RedirectUrl = $this->AuthorizeUri();
         } else {
             $Sender->Form->AddError('There was an error with the Accounts9 connection.');
     //throw new Gdn_UserException($Profile);
     $User = GetValue("user", $Profile);
     //      throw new Gdn_UserException($User['uid']);
     //      $User = json_decode($UContents,TRUE);
     $Form = $Sender->Form;
     //new Gdn_Form();
     $ID = GetValue('uid', $User);
     $Form->SetFormValue('UniqueID', $ID);
     $Form->SetFormValue('Provider', 'accounts9');
     $Form->SetFormValue('ProviderName', 'Accounts9');
     $Form->SetFormValue('Name', GetValue('name', $User));
     $Form->SetFormValue('NickName', GetValue('nickname', $User));
     $Form->SetFormValue('FullName', GetValue('username', $User));
     $Form->SetFormValue('Email', GetValue('email', $User));
     //      $Form->SetFormValue('Photo', "http://graph.facebook.com/$ID/picture");
     $Sender->SetData('Verified', TRUE);