public function buildCss() { App::import('Vendor', 'AssetMinify.JSMinPlus'); // Ouverture des fichiers de config $dir = new Folder(Configure::read('App.www_root') . 'css' . DS . 'minified'); if ($dir->path !== null) { foreach ($dir->find('config_.*.ini') as $file) { preg_match('`^config_(.*)\\.ini$`', $file, $grep); $file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . $file); $ini = parse_ini_file($file->path, true); $fileFull = new File($dir->path . DS . 'full_' . $grep[1] . '.css', true, 0644); $fileGz = new File($dir->path . DS . 'gz_' . $grep[1] . '.css', true, 0644); $contentFull = ''; foreach ($ini as $data) { // On a pas de version minifié if (!($fileMin = $dir->find('file_' . md5($data['url'] . $data['md5']) . '.css'))) { $fileMin = new File($dir->path . DS . 'file_' . md5($data['url'] . $data['md5']) . '.css', true, 0644); $this->out("Compression de " . $data['file'] . ' ... ', 0); $fileMin->write(MinifyUtils::compressCss(MinifyUtils::cssAbsoluteUrl($data['url'], file_get_contents($data['file'])))); $this->out('OK'); } else { $fileMin = new File($dir->path . DS . 'file_' . md5($data['url'] . $data['md5']) . '.css'); } $contentFull .= $fileMin->read() . PHP_EOL; } // version full $fileFull->write($contentFull); $fileFull->close(); // compression $fileGz->write(gzencode($contentFull, 6)); } } }
private function getVideoFile($id) { if (empty($id)) { return false; } $dir = new Folder('files/Video/' . $id); if (isset($dir->find()[0])) { return $dir->find()[0]; } else { return false; } }
function read($dir = null, $recursive = false) { $notes = array(); $path = CORE_PATH . APP_PATH . $dir; $folder = new Folder(APP_PATH . $dir); $fold = $recursive ? $folder->findRecursive('.*\\.php') : $folder->find('.*\\.php'); foreach ($fold as $file) { $file = $recursive ? $file : $path . $file; $file_path = r(CORE_PATH . APP_PATH, '', $file); $handle = new File($file_path); $content = $handle->read(); $lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $content); //$lines = file($file); $ln = 1; if (!empty($lines)) { foreach ($lines as $line) { if ((is_null($this->type) || $this->type == 'TODO') && preg_match("/[#\\*\\/\\/]\\s*TODO\\s*(.*)/", $line, $match)) { $this->notes[$file_path]['TODO'][$ln] = $match[1]; } if ((is_null($this->type) || $this->type == 'OPTIMIZE') && preg_match("/[#\\*\\/\\/]\\s*OPTIMIZE|OPTIMISE\\s*(.*)/", $line, $match)) { $this->notes[$file_path]['OPTIMIZE'][$ln] = $match[1]; } if ((is_null($this->type) || $this->type == 'FIXME') && preg_match("/[#\\*\\/\\/]\\s*FIXME|BUG\\s*(.*)/", $line, $match)) { $this->notes[$file_path]['FIXME'][$ln] = $match[1]; } $ln++; } } } return $this->notes; }
/** * Overwrite shell initialize to dynamically load all queue related tasks. * * @return void */ public function initialize() { // Check for tasks inside plugins and application $paths = App::path('Console/Command/Task'); foreach ($paths as $path) { $Folder = new Folder($path); $res = array_merge($this->tasks, $Folder->find('Queue.*\\.php')); foreach ($res as &$r) { $r = basename($r, 'Task.php'); } $this->tasks = $res; } $plugins = App::objects('plugin'); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { $pluginPaths = App::path('Console/Command/Task', $plugin); foreach ($pluginPaths as $pluginPath) { $Folder = new Folder($pluginPath); $res = $Folder->find('Queue.*Task\\.php'); foreach ($res as &$r) { $r = $plugin . '.' . basename($r, 'Task.php'); } $this->tasks = array_merge($this->tasks, $res); } } $conf = Configure::read('Queue'); if (!is_array($conf)) { $conf = []; } // Merge with default configuration vars. Configure::write('Queue', array_merge(['workers' => 3, 'sleepTime' => 10, 'gcprop' => 10, 'defaultWorkerTimeout' => 2 * MINUTE, 'defaultWorkerRetries' => 4, 'workerMaxRuntime' => 0, 'cleanupTimeout' => DAY, 'exitWhenNothingToDo' => false], $conf)); parent::initialize(); }
public function render($view = null, $layout = null) { // set vars $name = $download = $extension = $id = $modified = $path = $cache = $mimeType = $compress = null; extract($this->viewVars, EXTR_OVERWRITE); $this->viewVars['thumbName'] = $thumbName = md5(json_encode($this->viewVars['params'])); $dir = new Folder(CACHE . 'thumbs', true, 0755); $files = $dir->find($this->viewVars['thumbName']); if (empty($files)) { $pos = strpos($this->viewVars['params']['image'], 'http://'); if ($pos !== FALSE) { $this->_loadExternalFile(); $this->_resizeFile(); unlink($this->viewVars['params']['image']); } else { $this->viewVars['params']['image'] = WWW_ROOT . $this->viewVars['params']['image']; $this->_resizeFile(); } } $modified = @filemtime(CACHE . 'thumbs/' . $thumbName); $pos1 = strrpos($params['image'], '.'); $id = substr($params['image'], $pos1 + 1, 8); $this->response->type($id); $this->viewVars['path'] = CACHE . 'thumbs' . DS . $thumbName; $this->viewVars['download'] = false; $this->viewVars['cache'] = '+1 day'; $this->viewVars['modified'] = '@' . $modified; // Must be a string to work. See MediaView->render() parent::render(); }
/** * Overwrite shell initialize to dynamically load all Queue Related Tasks. * * @return void */ public function initialize() { $paths = App::path('Console/Command/Task'); foreach ($paths as $path) { $Folder = new Folder($path); $res = array_merge($this->tasks, $Folder->find('Queue.*\\.php')); foreach ($res as &$r) { $r = basename($r, 'Task.php'); } $this->tasks = $res; } $plugins = CakePlugin::loaded(); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { $pluginPaths = App::path('Console/Command/Task', $plugin); foreach ($pluginPaths as $pluginPath) { $Folder = new Folder($pluginPath); $res = $Folder->find('Queue.*Task\\.php'); foreach ($res as &$r) { $r = $plugin . '.' . basename($r, 'Task.php'); } $this->tasks = array_merge($this->tasks, $res); } } parent::initialize(); $this->QueuedTask->initConfig(); }
public function view($id = null) { $this->layout = 'index'; $this->Anotacion->id = $id; $user = $this->User->findByUsername('transparenciapasiva'); if (!$this->Anotacion->exists() || $this->Anotacion->field('user_id') != $user['User']['id']) { $this->Session->setFlash('<h2 class="alert alert-error">La Anotacion no Existe</h2>', 'default', array(), 'buscar'); $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'home', 'action' => 'index/tab:3')); } $this->set('anotacion', $this->Anotacion->read(null, $id)); $folder_anot = new Folder(WWW_ROOT . 'files' . DS . 'Anotaciones' . DS . 'anot_' . $this->Anotacion->id); $files_url = array(); foreach ($folder_anot->find('.*') as $file) { $files_url[] = basename($folder_anot->pwd()) . DS . $file; } $this->set('files', $files_url); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $folder_anot = new Folder(WWW_ROOT . 'files' . DS . 'Anotaciones' . DS . 'anot_' . $this->Anotacion->id . DS . 'Respuestas'); $files_url = array(); $dir = $folder_anot->read(true, false, true); foreach ($dir[0] as $key => $value) { $folder = new Folder($value); foreach ($folder->find('.*') as $file) { $files_url[basename($folder->pwd())][] = $file; } } $this->set('files_res', $files_url); }
public function admin_reset($user_id) { if ($this->Auth->user('role') > 1) { $dir = new Folder('../webroot/img/avatars/'); if ($dir->path != null) { // On supprime le fichier $files = $dir->find($user_id . '.jpg'); foreach ($files as $file) { $file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . $file); $file->delete(); $file->close(); } // On sauvegarde $user = $this->User->find('first', ['conditions' => ['' => $user_id]]); $username = $user['User']['username']; $avatar = '' . $username; $this->User->id = $user_id; $this->User->saveField('avatar', $avatar); // Redirection $this->Session->setFlash('L\'avatar de ' . $username . ' a été réinitialisé', 'toastr_success'); return $this->redirect(['controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'edit', $user_id]); } } else { throw new NotFoundException(); } }
function get() { $result = array(); $controllers_folder = new Folder(APP . 'controllers'); $controllers = $controllers_folder->find('.*_controller\\.php'); $appmet = get_class_methods("AppController"); foreach ($controllers as $controller) { $views = array(); $controller_name = substr($controller, 0, strpos($controller, '_controller')); if ($controller_name !== 'app') { // consulta los metodos de la clase require_once APP . 'controllers' . DS . $controller; if (strpos($controller_name, '_')) { $arr = split('_', $controller_name); $controller_name = ''; foreach ($arr as $i => $a) { if ($i > 0) { $controller_name .= ucfirst($a); } else { $controller_name .= $a; } } } $methods = get_class_methods(ucfirst($controller_name) . "Controller"); $x = array(); foreach ($methods as $m) { if (!in_array($m, $appmet)) { $x[] = $m; } } $result[$controller_name] = $x; } } return $result; }
/** * Overwrite shell initialize to dynamically load all Queue Related Tasks. * * @return void */ public function initialize() { $this->_loadModels(); $x = App::objects('Queue.Task'); //'Console/Command/Task' //$x = App::path('Task', 'Queue'); $paths = App::path('Console/Command/Task'); foreach ($paths as $path) { $Folder = new Folder($path); $this->tasks = array_merge($this->tasks, $Folder->find('Queue.*\\.php')); } $plugins = App::objects('plugin'); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { $pluginPaths = App::path('Console/Command/Task', $plugin); foreach ($pluginPaths as $pluginPath) { $Folder = new Folder($pluginPath); $res = $Folder->find('Queue.*Task\\.php'); foreach ($res as &$r) { $r = $plugin . '.' . basename($r, 'Task.php'); } $this->tasks = array_merge($this->tasks, $res); } } //Config can be overwritten via local app config. Configure::load('Queue.queue'); $conf = (array) Configure::read('Queue'); //merge with default configuration vars. Configure::write('Queue', array_merge(['maxruntime' => DAY, 'cleanuptimeout' => MONTH], $conf)); }
/** * Constructor. Binds the model's database table to the object. * * @param bool|int|string|array $id Set this ID for this model on startup, * can also be an array of options, see above. * @param string $table Name of database table to use. * @param string $ds DataSource connection name. * @see Model::__construct() * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.BooleanArgumentFlag) */ public function __construct($id = false, $table = null, $ds = null) { parent::__construct($id, $table, $ds); $pluginDir = APP . 'Plugin' . DS . $this->plugin . DS . WEBROOT_DIR . DS . 'img' . DS; //カテゴリ間の区切り線 $dir = new Folder($pluginDir . 'line'); $files = $dir->find('.*\\..*'); $files = Hash::sort($files, '{n}', 'asc'); self::$categorySeparators = array(array('key' => null, 'name' => __d('links', '(no line)'), 'style' => null), array('key' => self::CATEGORY_SEPARATOR_DEFAULT, 'name' => '', 'style' => '')); foreach ($files as $file) { $info = getimagesize($dir->pwd() . DS . $file); $img = '/' . Inflector::underscore($this->plugin) . DS . 'img' . DS . 'line' . DS . $file; self::$categorySeparators[] = array('key' => $file, 'name' => '', 'style' => 'background-image: url(' . $img . '); ' . 'border-image: url(' . $img . '); ' . 'height: ' . $info[1] . 'px;'); } unset($dir); //線スタイル $dir = new Folder($pluginDir . 'mark'); $files = $dir->find('.*\\..*'); $files = Hash::sort($files, '{n}', 'asc'); self::$listStyles = array(array('key' => null, 'name' => '', 'style' => 'list-style-type: ' . self::LINE_STYLE_NONE . ';'), array('key' => self::LINE_STYLE_DISC, 'name' => '', 'style' => 'list-style-type: ' . self::LINE_STYLE_DISC . ';'), array('key' => self::LINE_STYLE_CIRCLE, 'name' => '', 'style' => 'list-style-type: ' . self::LINE_STYLE_CIRCLE . ';'), array('key' => self::LINE_STYLE_LOWER_ALPHA, 'name' => '', 'style' => 'list-style-type: ' . self::LINE_STYLE_LOWER_ALPHA . ';'), array('key' => self::LINE_STYLE_UPPER_ALPHA, 'name' => '', 'style' => 'list-style-type: ' . self::LINE_STYLE_UPPER_ALPHA . ';')); foreach ($files as $file) { $info = getimagesize($dir->pwd() . DS . $file); $img = '/' . Inflector::underscore($this->plugin) . DS . 'img' . DS . 'mark' . DS . $file; self::$listStyles[] = array('key' => $file, 'name' => '', 'style' => 'list-style-type: none; ' . 'list-style-image: url(' . $img . '); '); } unset($dir); }
function upload() { $directory = $this->getNextParam(null, 'path'); $container = $this->getNextParam(null, 'container'); if (empty($directory) || empty($container)) { $this->errorAndExit('Directory and Container required'); } $Folder = new Folder($directory); if ($this->params['recursive']) { $files = $Folder->findRecursive(); } else { $single_files = $Folder->find(); $files = array(); foreach ($single_files as $file) { $files[] = $Folder->pwd() . DS . $file; } } $this->ProgressBar->start(count($files)); foreach ($files as $file) { CloudFiles::upload($file, $container); $this->ProgressBar->next(); } $this->out(); $this->out("Finished."); }
/** * Get list of processor names */ private function getProcessorNames($replaceString, $dirPath = 'controllers') { $path = APP . 'plugins' . DS . 'payment' . DS . $dirPath; $thtml = new Folder($path); $processors = $thtml->find('(.+)\\.php'); $processors = str_replace($replaceString, '', $processors); return $processors; }
public function admin_index() { App::uses('Folder', 'Utility'); App::uses('File', 'Utility'); $folder = new Folder(WWW_ROOT . 'backups/'); $files = $folder->find('.*\\.sql'); $this->set(compact('files')); }
public function ingest($type = "meta") { if ($type == "meta") { $meta = new Folder('/Users/n00002621/Dropbox/Research - Cheminfo/OSDB/IS-DB/metadata'); $files = $meta->find('.*\\.xml'); foreach ($files as $file) { $file = new File($meta->pwd() . DS . $file); $text = $file->read(); $xml = simplexml_load_string($text); $data = json_decode(json_encode($xml), true); $set = $data['data_set']; $sam = $data['sample']; $set['id'] = $set['DataSetId']; unset($set['DataSetId']); $set['author_id'] = $set['ContactAuthor']; unset($set['ContactAuthor']); $set['publication_id'] = $set['PublicationId']; unset($set['PublicationId']); $set['sample_id'] = $set['SampleId']; unset($set['SampleId']); $set['datatype'] = $set['DataType']; unset($set['DataType']); $set['dataformat'] = $set['DataFormat']; unset($set['DataFormat']); $set['description'] = $set['Description']; unset($set['Description']); if (isset($set['Instrument'])) { $set['instrument'] = $set['Instrument']; unset($set['Instrument']); } else { $set['instrument'] = ""; } if (isset($set['MeasurementTechnique'])) { $set['measurement'] = $set['MeasurementTechnique']; unset($set['MeasurementTechnique']); } else { $set['measurement'] = ""; } $set['oldfilename'] = $set['OldFileName']; unset($set['OldFileName']); $set['newfilename'] = $set['NewFileName']; unset($set['NewFileName']); $set['mimetype'] = $set['MimeType']; unset($set['MimeType']); $set['filesize'] = $set['FileSize']; unset($set['FileSize']); $set['submitted'] = $set['SubmissionDate']; unset($set['SubmissionDate']); $set['flags'] = $set['DataSetFlags']; unset($set['DataSetFlags']); debug($set); debug($sam); exit; } debug($files); exit; } }
public function displayPhoto($user) { $folder = new Folder('img/users'); $photo = $folder->find("\\b{$user}\\b.*"); if (empty($photo)) { return false; } return $photo[0]; }
public function questionnaire_setup() { $this->Session->delete('questionnaire'); App::uses('Folder', 'Utility'); $questionnaireViewFolder = new Folder(APP . 'View' . DS . 'Responses'); $pages = count($questionnaireViewFolder->find('questionnaire_page_.*\\.ctp')); $this->Session->write('questionnaire.params.pages', $pages); $this->Session->write('questionnaire.params.maxProgress', 0); $this->redirect(array('action' => 'questionnaire_page', 1)); }
public function folder() { $folder = Folder::find('_id', $this->getParam('id', '')); if ($folder != NULL) { $folder->downloadAsZip(); } else { throw new FolderNotFoundException(); exit; } }
public function index() { $folder_id = NULL; if (is_numeric($this->getParam('id', NULL))) { $folder_id = $this->getParam('id', NULL); } try { $folder = Folder::find('_id', $folder_id); } catch (FolderNotFoundException $e) { System::displayError(System::getLanguage()->_('ErrorFolderNotFound'), '404 Not Found'); } $folder->loadFiles(); $folder->loadFolders(); $files = $folder->files; $breadcrumb = array(); if (Utils::getPOST('submit', false) !== false) { $delete = Utils::getPOST('delete', array()); $count = count($delete); if ($count > 0 && count($files) > 0) { foreach ($files as $file) { for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) { if ($file->id == $delete[$i]) { $file->delete(); } } } } if ($folder->id == 0) { System::forwardToRoute(Router::getInstance()->build('BrowserController', 'index')); } else { System::forwardToRoute(Router::getInstance()->build('BrowserController', 'show', array('id' => $folder->id))); } exit; } // Breadcrumb $f = $folder; while ($f != NULL && $f->id != 0) { if ($f->name != '') { $breadcrumb[] = $f; } $f = Folder::find('_id', $f->pid); } $breadcrumb = array_reverse($breadcrumb); $smarty = new Template(); $smarty->assign('files', $folder->files); $smarty->assign('folders', $folder->folders); $smarty->assign('title', System::getLanguage()->_('Files')); $smarty->assign('currentFolder', $folder); $smarty->assign('breadcrumb', $breadcrumb); $smarty->assign('AvailableFolders', Folder::getAll()); $smarty->assign('fafileicons', BrowserController::$fontawesomeFileicons); $smarty->assign('remoteDownloadSetting', DOWNLOAD_VIA_SERVER); $smarty->requireResource('browser'); $smarty->display('files/index.tpl'); }
public function addCssFonts() { if (!is_object(IdmlAssembler::getInstance()->getProcessor())) { return; } $dir = new Folder(APP . "Data/Pxe/Fonts"); $files = $dir->find(); foreach ($files as $file) { IdmlAssembler::getInstance()->getProcessor()->addFontToBook($dir->pwd() . DS . $file); } }
function getFixtures() { $fixtures = array(); $folder = new Folder(APP . 'tests' . DS . 'fixtures'); $files = $folder->find('.*_fixture\\.php$'); foreach ($files as $file) { $fixture = str_replace('_fixture.php', '', $file); $fixtures[] = 'app.' . str_replace('._', '', $fixture); } return $fixtures; }
function myClearCache($pattern) { App::import('Core', 'Folder'); $folder = new Folder(CACHE . 'views'); $files = $folder->find('.*' . $pattern . '.*'); if (!empty($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { $file = r('.php', '', $file); clearCache($file); } } }
/** * tearDown method * @return void */ public function tearDown() { $path = $this->Image->settings['cachePath']; $dir = new Folder($path); foreach ($dir->find() as $file) { unlink($path . $file); } if (is_dir($path)) { rmdir($path); } unset($this->Image); parent::tearDown(); }
public function admin_index() { $logDir = LOGS; $Folder = new Folder($logDir, false); $logfiles = $Folder->find('.*.log(\\.[0-9])?', true); $files = array(); foreach ($logfiles as $logfile) { $F = new File($logDir . $logfile); $file = array('name' => $logfile, 'dir' => $logDir, 'size' => $F->size(), 'last_modified' => $F->lastChange(), 'last_access' => $F->lastAccess()); array_push($files, $file); } $this->set(compact('files')); }
/** * tearDown * * @return void */ public function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); $Folder = new Folder(TMP); $files = $Folder->find('croogo_.*'); foreach ($files as $file) { unlink(TMP . $file); } $Folder = new Folder(TESTS . 'test_app' . DS . 'Plugin' . DS . 'Example'); $Folder->delete(); $Folder = new Folder(TESTS . 'test_app' . DS . 'View' . DS . 'Themed' . DS . 'Minimal'); $Folder->delete(); }
public function getEngineList() { App::uses('Folder', 'Utility'); $sourcePath = VENDORS . 'olc_baker' . DS . 'actions' . DS; $fh = new Folder($sourcePath); $files = $fh->find('.*\\.php$'); $list = array(); foreach ($files as $fileName) { $pathInfo = pathinfo($fileName); $fileContent = (include $sourcePath . $fileName); $list[$pathInfo['filename']] = $fileContent['name']; } return $list; }
function cleanOrphans() { $folder = new Folder(F_DEPLOYLOGDIR); $files = $folder->find('.*\\.xml'); $uuids = $this->find('all', array('conditions' => array('archive' => '0'), 'fields' => 'uuid')); $uuids = Set::extract($uuids, '{n}.DeploymentLog.uuid'); $count = 0; foreach ($files as $file) { if (!in_array(substr($file, 0, -4), $uuids)) { unlink(F_DEPLOYLOGDIR . $file); $count++; } } return $count; }
/** * Get all the logfiles accessible and whitelisted * * @return array */ public function getLogFiles() { $dir = new Folder(Configure::read('LogWatcher.logDir')); # if a whitelist is set, only show those if ($whitelist = Configure::read('LogWatcher.whitelist')) { $allowed = implode('|', $whitelist); } else { $allowed = '.*'; } $logs = $dir->find($allowed . '\\.log'); foreach ($logs as &$log) { $log = substr($log, 0, -4); } return $logs; }
/** * Returns an array of files that are due for recompiling. The key of the * array represents the current source file and the value is where the * source should be compiled to. * @return array * @access protected */ protected function _getEligibleFiles() { $return = array(); foreach ($this->_getMonitorFolders() as $from => $to) { $from = new Folder($from); foreach ($from->find('.+\\.sass') as $file) { $source = $from->path . $file; $compiled = $to . substr($file, 0, -4) . 'css'; if (!file_exists($compiled) or filemtime($source) > filemtime($compiled)) { $return[$source] = $compiled; } } } return $return; }
/** * Clear test files */ protected function _clearFiles() { $path = App::pluginPath('Oven') . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'Model' . DS; $dir = new Folder($path); foreach ($dir->find() as $file) { unlink($path . $file); } $path = App::pluginPath('Oven') . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'Controller' . DS; $dir = new Folder($path); foreach ($dir->find() as $file) { if ($file == 'TestsController.php') { continue; } unlink($path . $file); } }