Пример #1
	/** hack to Just Get A Question from current dmid, using Excercise class
	 * to do our factorying for us. 
	 * Obviously the factory code needs to be refactored to ElseWhere, but not on Sunday 
	 * :-P
	 * (Sun 15 Jun 2008)
	function getQuestion( $dmid, $questionLanguages, $answerLanguages ) {
		if ( !$questionLanguages )
			throw new Exception( "Vocview: no question (original) languages provided!" );

		if ( !$answerLanguages )
			throw new Exception( "Vocview: no answer (translation) languages provided!" );
		/* 3 men walked into a bar^wExercise
		 * fullset, fetcher, and subset

		/* our regular fetcher is provided by functions.php 
		 * I suppose if I were tidier, I could use fetchers for
		 * persistence
		$fetcher = new OWFetcher();

		/* fullset is a domdocument containing a <collection> of
		 * empty <defined-meanings/> (just their defined-meaning-id
		 * attribute is set)
		 * This format makes sense on some days, it's just
		 * massive nukular overkill today, specially since
		 * we only have 1 element :-P
		 * Still, if Exercise wants this as a dom, we can oblige.
		$xmlString = "
				<defined-meaning defined-meaning-id=\"$dmid\" />
		$xml = simplexml_load_string( $xmlString );
		$fullset = dom_import_simplexml( $xml )->ownerDocument;
		# et voila. 

		/* subset is a selection of stuff we are actually
		 * interested in, from the above, as an array of 
		 * dmid's .... Oh look! We have just one!
		$subset = array( $dmid ); # :-P
		# (ok, to be honest, it does also get auto-generated
		# from the fullset, if we say nothing... but
		# then where would the joke be? )

		# and we already had the fetcher.
		# So the fullset said to the fetcher: let's do this! 

		$exercise = new Exercise( $fetcher, $fullset, $subset );
		$exercise->setQuestionLanguages( $questionLanguages );
		$exercise->setAnswerLanguages( $answerLanguages );
		# Ok, now let's see. which question did we need?
		# (and setting selfcheck to false)
		$question = $exercise->getQuestion( $dmid, false );
		# Oh REALLY! And we needed to go through all that?

		# well, let's return it, before people start asking
		# more difficult questions.

		return $question;
Пример #2
function loadExercise( $exercise_id ) {
	if ( !is_int( $exercise_id ) )
		throw new Exception( "persist; loadExercise exercise_id is not an integer" );

	global $mysql_info;
	DBTools::connect( $mysql_info );
	$exercise_id = mysql_real_escape_string( $exercise_id );
	$row = DBTools::doQuery( "select * from exercises where id=\"$exercise_id\"" );
	$exercise = new Exercise();
	$exercise->setId( $exercise_id );
	$exercise->loadXML( $row["exercise"] );
	$exercise->setQuestionLanguages( explode( ",", $row["questionLanguages"] ) );
	$exercise->setAnswerLanguages( explode( ",", $row["answerLanguages"] ) );
	return $exercise;
Пример #3
function main() {
	$collection_id = 376317; # olpc dictionary.... WAY too big

	$fetcher = new OWFetcher();
	echo "fullset...\n";
	$fullSetXML = $fetcher->getFullSetXML_asString( $collection_id );

	$fullSet = new DOMDocument();
	$success = $fullSet->loadXML( $fullSetXML );
	if ( !$success ) {
		throw new Exception( "Failed to load category XML from server" );

	$maxSubSet = dom2set( $fullSet );
	# sort($maxSubSet); foreach ($maxSubSet as $dmid) {print "$dmid,";}

	# var_dump($fullSet->saveXML());
	$exercise = new Exercise( $fetcher, $fullSet, $maxSubSet ); # pwease, not the max!
	# $exercise->setLanguages(array("eng","fra","deu"));
	$exercise->setQuestionLanguages( array( "deu" ) );
	$exercise->setAnswerLanguages( array( "eng" ) );

	# $question_dmid=$maxSubSet[array_rand($maxSubSet)];
	echo "question...\n";
	# $questionNode=$exercise->getQuestionNode($question_dmid);

	# dumpNode($questionNode);
	$runex = $exercise->randSubExercise( 10 );
	dumpExercise( $runex, 5 );

	echo "\n\n=== presistence test ===\n\n";
	saveExercise( $runex );
	$exid = mysql_insert_id();
	$loadex = loadExercise( $exid );
	$loadex->setFetcher( $fetcher );
	dumpExercise( $loadex, 10 );

Пример #4
	/** create a new Exercise from scratch.
	# */
	public function createExercise( $userName, $size, $collection_id, $questionLanguages, $answerLanguages, $hide ) {

		# this can be simplified for now...
		# first get a master exercise...
		$fetcher = new OWFetcher();
		$fullSetXML = $fetcher->getFullSetXML_asString( $collection_id, array_merge( $questionLanguages, $answerLanguages ) );
		$fullSet = new DOMDocument();
		$success = $fullSet->loadXML( $fullSetXML );
		if ( !$success ) {
			throw new Exception( "Failed to load category XML from server" );

		$exercise = new Exercise( $fetcher, $fullSet );
		$exercise->setQuestionLanguages( $questionLanguages );
		$exercise->setAnswerLanguages( $answerLanguages );
		$exercise->setHide( $hide );

		# This is the master exercise... which we should now store and 
		# worship. That's for mark II though. 
		# Today we toss it in the trash and just snarf a
		# subset instead. Mean huh?

		$subExercise = $exercise->randSubExercise( $size );
		$this->saveExercise( $subExercise, $userName );
		return $subExercise;
Пример #5
	/** On the basis of the subset array provided, create new exercise object */
	public function getSubExercize( $subset ) {
		$dom = new DOMDocument();
		$collection = $dom->createElement( "collection" );
		$dom->appendChild( $collection );
		foreach ( $subset as $dmid ) {
			 # Grab each node from the current full set, $_depth must always start at 0
			 # and ($fetch=false) we just want the current state, 
			 # we can fetch things later at our leisure.
			$questionNode = $this->_getQuestionNode( $dmid, $this->fullSet, 0, false );
			$questionNode = $dom->importNode( $questionNode, true );
			$collection->appendChild( $questionNode );
		$newExercise = new Exercise( $this->fetcher, $dom, $subset );
		$newExercise->setQuestionLanguages( $this->getQuestionLanguages() );
		$newExercise->setAnswerLanguages( $this->getAnswerLanguages() );
		$newExercise->setHide( $this->getHide() );

		return $newExercise;