public function run() { $faker = Faker::create(); foreach (range(1, 10) as $index) { Entry::create([]); } }
public function saveEntryAction() { $inputs = Input::only(array('title', 'content')); $inputs["user_id"] = Auth::user()->id; $inputs["entry_at"] = new DateTime(); $entry = Entry::create($inputs); return Redirect::route('blog/list'); }
public function run() { $faker = Faker::create(); foreach (range(1, 150) as $index) { $title = $faker->sentence(rand(4, 6)); $date = Carbon::now()->subDays(rand(1, 20)); Entry::create(['id' => $index, 'title' => $title, 'content' => $faker->text(), 'slug' => Str::slug($title), 'author_id' => rand(1, 10), 'created_at' => $date, 'updated_at' => $date]); } }
function create() { Auth::checkLoggedIn(); $course = Course::fromId(Input::get('courseid')); if (!$course->canEdit(Auth::getUser())) { throw new Exception('You are not allowed to create an entry in this course.'); } $entry = Entry::create(Auth::getUser(), $course, Input::get('title'), Input::get('description')); if (Input::exists('due_at')) { $entry->setDueTime(Input::get('due_at')); } if (Input::exists('display_at')) { $entry->setDisplayTime(Input::get('display_at')); } if (Input::exists('visible')) { $entry->setVisible(Input::getBoolean('visible')); } View::renderJson($entry->getContext(Auth::getUser())); }
public function run() { DB::table('entries')->delete(); copy('app/database/seeds/pictures/1.jpg', 'app/database/seeds/pictures/1b.jpg'); copy('app/database/seeds/pictures/2.jpg', 'app/database/seeds/pictures/2b.jpg'); copy('app/database/seeds/pictures/3.jpg', 'app/database/seeds/pictures/3b.jpg'); copy('app/database/seeds/pictures/4.jpg', 'app/database/seeds/pictures/4b.jpg'); copy('app/database/seeds/pictures/5.jpg', 'app/database/seeds/pictures/5b.jpg'); copy('app/database/seeds/pictures/6.jpg', 'app/database/seeds/pictures/6b.jpg'); copy('app/database/seeds/pictures/7.jpg', 'app/database/seeds/pictures/7b.jpg'); copy('app/database/seeds/pictures/8.jpg', 'app/database/seeds/pictures/8b.jpg'); Entry::create(['title' => 'Ta mère', 'content' => "Ta mère est une société montoise qui n'a pas froid aux yeux. C'est pour ça qu'on la met ici.", 'author_name' => 'François Stephany', 'author_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'kind' => 'article', 'url' => '', 'picture' => 'app/database/seeds/pictures/1b.jpg']); Entry::create(['title' => 'Ta soeur', 'content' => "Et ta soeur ? Disent-ils tous ! Et ils ont bien raison !", 'author_name' => 'Aurélien Malisart', 'author_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'kind' => 'article', 'url' => '', 'picture' => 'app/database/seeds/pictures/2b.jpg']); Entry::create(['title' => 'Un événement', 'content' => "Super pechakucha créatif à Mons avec l'aide de CreativeMons et des Rendez-vous des pixelsfestival!", 'author_name' => 'Romain Carlier', 'author_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'kind' => 'event', 'start_date' => "2014-08-02", 'end_date' => "2014-08-02", 'url' => '', 'picture' => 'app/database/seeds/pictures/3b.jpg']); Entry::create(['title' => 'Ton frère', 'content' => "Frère Jacques, frère Jacques, dormez-vous ? Dormez-vous ? Sonnez les matines, sonnez les matines, ding dang dong", 'author_name' => 'Michaël Hoste', 'author_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'kind' => 'article', 'url' => '', 'picture' => 'app/database/seeds/pictures/4b.jpg']); Entry::create(['title' => 'Pechakucha', 'content' => "En japonais ça veut dire un truc comme 'blabla' (d'après Ruben mais personne n'a jamais vérifié)", 'author_name' => 'Ruben Casad', 'author_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'kind' => 'article', 'url' => '', 'picture' => 'app/database/seeds/pictures/5b.jpg']); Entry::create(['title' => 'Barbecues 101', 'content' => "Organisés par Meaweb, l'invitation aux barbecues est lancée contractuellement maximum 3 heures à l'avance pour bien prendre tout le monde par surprise.", 'author_name' => 'Simon', 'author_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'kind' => 'event', 'start_date' => "2014-08-02", 'end_date' => "2014-08-02", 'url' => '', 'picture' => 'app/database/seeds/pictures/6b.jpg']); Entry::create(['title' => 'Cafés numériques', 'content' => "Beaucoup de bières et parfois une petite conférence sur du numérique. Donc rien à voir avec du café.", 'author_name' => 'Antoine', 'author_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'kind' => 'event', 'start_date' => "2014-08-02", 'end_date' => "2014-08-02", 'url' => '', 'picture' => 'app/database/seeds/pictures/7b.jpg']); Entry::create(['title' => 'Rendez-vous du pixel', 'content' => "Tous les pixels s'y donnent rendez-vous, et ils sont beaucoup !", 'author_name' => 'Romain', 'author_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'kind' => 'event', 'start_date' => "2014-08-02", 'end_date' => "2014-08-02", 'url' => '', 'picture' => 'app/database/seeds/pictures/8b.jpg']); }
$discipline = Discipline::by_id($_GET['discipline_id']); $tournament = $discipline->get_tournament(); $season = $tournament->get_season(); $player = null; $player_club = null; $partner = null; $partner_club = null; if (!empty($_POST['player'])) { $player = $season->get_player_by_input($_POST['player']); if (!empty($_POST['player_club'])) { $player_club = $season->get_club_by_input($_POST['player_club']); } } if (!empty($_POST['partner'])) { $partner = $season->get_player_by_input($_POST['partner']); if (!empty($_POST['partner_club'])) { $partner_club = $season->get_club_by_input($_POST['partner_club']); } } $email = isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : null; $seeding = isset($_POST['seeding']) ? $_POST['seeding'] : null; $memo = isset($_POST['memo']) ? $_POST['memo'] : null; try { $discipline->check_entry($player, $partner); } catch (utils\InvalidEntryException $iee) { render_ajax_error('Meldung kann nicht angenommen werden: ' . $iee->getMessage()); exit; } $entry = Entry::create($discipline, $player, $player_club, $partner, $partner_club, $email, $seeding, $memo); $entry->save(); render_ajax('d/' . $discipline->id . '/', ['entry' => $entry]);
} else { // Creating a new Entry // Validate values if (!isset($_REQUEST['author_id'])) { header("HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request"); print "Missing Author ID"; exit; } $title = trim($_REQUEST['entry']); if ($title == "") { header("HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request"); print "Empty Entry"; exit; } // Create new Entry via ORM $new_entry = Entry::create($author_id, $entry); // Report if failed if ($new_entry == null) { header("HTTP/1.0 500 Server Error"); print "Server couldn't create new entry."; exit; } //Generate JSON encoding of new Entrys header("Content-type: application/json"); print $new_entry->getJSON(); exit; } } } // If here, none of the above applied and URL could // not be interpreted with respect to RESTful conventions.
/** * Fetch single feed * @param Feed feed */ public function fetch(Feed $feed) { $this->verbose('Fetching: ' . $feed->url); // Check HTTPS capability if ($feed->https == null) { $this->checkHttpsCapability($feed); } // Execute HTTP Request $request = $this->makeRequest($feed->url); if ($request['info']['http_code'] != 200) { $feed->error = '[ERROR HTTP CODE ' . $request['info']['http_code'] . ']'; $feed->fetch_interval = 60; $feed->fetched(); $feed->save(); $this->verbose('Error Fetching: ' . $feed->url); return; // skip } if (empty($request['html'])) { $feed->error = '[ERROR SERVER RETURN EMPTY CONTENT]'; $feed->fetch_interval = 60; $feed->fetched(); $feed->save(); $this->verbose('Error Fetching: ' . $feed->url); return; // skip } // Parsing feed $simplepie = new SimplePie(); // $simplepie->set_cache_location( __DIR__ . '/cache/simplepie/' ); $simplepie->set_raw_data($request['html']); $success = $simplepie->init(); if ($success === false) { $feed->error = '[ERROR PARSING FEED]'; $feed->fetch_interval = 60; $feed->fetched(); $feed->save(); $this->verbose('Error parsing: ' . $feed->url); return; // skip } $feed->title = $simplepie->get_title(); $feed->link = $simplepie->get_link(); $items = $simplepie->get_items(); $new_entries_counter = 0; foreach ($items as $item) { $entry = Entry::create(); $entry->hash = $item->get_id(true); $entry->feed_id = $feed->id; if (!$entry->exists()) { $entry->title = $item->get_title(); $entry->permalink = htmlspecialchars_decode($item->get_permalink()); $entry->content = $item->get_content(); $entry->date = $item->get_date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if ($entry->date == null) { $entry->date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } $categories = $item->get_categories(); if (!empty($categories)) { $entry_categories = array(); foreach ($categories as $category) { $entry_categories[] = $category->get_label(); } if (!empty($categories)) { $entry->categories = implode(',', $entry_categories); } } unset($categories, $entry_categories); $entry->save(); $new_entries_counter++; } } // Activity detection if ($new_entries_counter > 0) { $feed->fetch_interval = 3; } else { if ($feed->fetch_interval * 1.5 <= 20) { $feed->fetch_interval = round($feed->fetch_interval * 1.5); } } $feed->error = null; $feed->fetched(); $feed->save(); $this->getFavicon($feed); }
public function ajax_add_entry() { $response = array('success' => 0, 'error' => 'Something went wrong. Please try again.'); if (wp_verify_nonce($_POST['entry_nonce'], 'entry-nonce')) { $miles = strlen(trim($_POST['miles'])) > 0 && is_numeric($_POST['miles']) ? abs(trim($_POST['miles'])) : 1; $location = new Location(); if ($_POST['location_id'] > 0) { $location->id = $_POST['location_id']; $location->read(); if (!$location->user_id == get_current_user_id()) { $location->id = 0; } } if ($location->id == 0) { $location->user_id = get_current_user_id(); $location->title = strlen(trim($_POST['title'])) > 0 ? trim($_POST['title']) : 'New Location'; $location->miles = $miles; $location_id = Location::checkTitle($location->user_id, $location->title); if ($location_id > 0) { $location->id = $location_id; $location->update(); } else { $location->create(); } } $entry = new Entry(); $entry->user_id = get_current_user_id(); $entry->entry_date = $_POST['year'] . '-' . $_POST['month'] . '-' . $_POST['day']; $entry->mode = $_POST['mode']; $entry->miles = $miles; $entry->location = $location; $entry->create(); if ($entry->id > 0) { $response['success'] = 1; $response['id'] = $entry->id; $response['title'] = $entry->location->title; $response['miles'] = number_format($entry->miles, 2); $response['day'] = $_POST['day']; } } header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($response); exit; }
/** * Creates an invoice and related items */ public function create() { $post = Http::getParameter('POST'); if (count($this->validate()) > 0) { throw new Exception('Invalid data entered', 400); } // create invoice if ($this->id == 'new') { $this->id = null; } $this->status = 'Drafted'; $id = parent::create(); // create entries $this->entries = array(); foreach ($post['Invoice']['Entry'] as $entry) { $Entry = new Entry(); $Entry->__bind($entry); $Entry->invoice_id = $id; $Entry->billed = Entry::__getDateTimeFromString($Entry->billed); if (!array_key_exists('total', $entry)) { $Entry->total = round($entry['quantity'] * $entry['amount_per'], 2); } $Entry->create(); $this->entries[] = $Entry; } // create discounts $this->discounts = array(); foreach ($post['Invoice']['Discount'] as $discount) { $Discount = new Discount(); $Discount->__bind($discount); $Discount->invoice_id = $id; $Discount->create(); $this->discounts[] = $Discount; } // update total $this->update_total(); // update cache, see libraries/misc.php delete_cache_entry('invoices', $id); // return return $id; }
<ul> <li>id = <?php print $e->getID(); ?> </li> <li>author = <?php print $e->getAuthor(); ?> </li> <li>body = <?php print $e->getBody(); ?> </li> </ul> <?php } } ?> <h2>Creating</h2> <?php $e = Entry::create(1, $input); ?> <blockquote> <?php renderEntry($e); ?> </blockquote> </body> </html>