Пример #1
 public function parse_cookie($cookie)
     // Parse the given cookie
     if (!preg_match("/^uid:(\\d+):([a-z0-9]+):([a-z0-9]+)\$/", $cookie, $m)) {
         Logger::log("Invalid login cookie received: {$cookie}", LOGGER_WARNING);
         // Invalid cookie - ignore it
         return FALSE;
     list(, $this->user_id, $this->series, $this->token) = $m;
     $this->user_id = (int) $this->user_id;
     // Flush old cookies
     Dal::query("DELETE FROM login_cookies WHERE expires < NOW()");
     // Locate our cookie
     $r = Dal::query_one("SELECT token FROM login_cookies WHERE user_id=? AND series=?", array($this->user_id, $this->series));
     if (!$r) {
         // Totally invalid - we don't even know of the series.  Probably timed out.
         return FALSE;
     list($token) = $r;
     if ($token != $this->token) {
         // Possible attack detected - invalidate all sessions for this user
         Dal::query("DELETE FROM login_cookies WHERE user_id=?", array($this->user_id));
         Logger::log("Invalidated all sessions for user {$this->user_id} as a valid series ID but invalid token was presented -- someone has possibly had their login cookie stolen!", LOGGER_WARNING);
         return FALSE;
     // Success -- assign a new token
     $this->token = $this->make_token();
     Dal::query("UPDATE login_cookies SET token=?, expires=DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL " . LoginCookie::$cookie_lifetime . " SECOND) WHERE user_id=? AND series=?", array($this->token, $this->user_id, $this->series));
     return $this->user_id;
 public function delete($leaf)
     //TODO: use innodb so this actually matters
     list($file_id, $servers) = Dal::query_one("SELECT file_id, servers FROM local_files WHERE filename=? FOR UPDATE", array($leaf));
     try {
         if (!$file_id) {
             throw new PAException(FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Unable to find file {$leaf} in local_files table:");
         $path = $this->getPath($leaf);
         $server_ids = explode(",", $servers);
         if (in_array(PA::$server_id, $server_ids)) {
             if (empty($path)) {
                 throw new PAException(FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Unable to delete nonexistent file {$path}");
             if (!@unlink($path)) {
                 throw new PAException(STORAGE_ERROR, "Error deleting {$path}");
             $server_ids = array_filter($server_ids, "not_this_server");
             $servers = implode(",", $server_ids);
         Dal::query("UPDATE local_files SET is_deletion=1, timestamp=NOW(), servers=? WHERE file_id=?", array($file_id, $servers));
     } catch (PAException $e) {
         throw $e;
     return TRUE;
Пример #3
 public static function getExtCache($user_id, $key)
     $row = Dal::query_one("SELECT data FROM ext_cache WHERE user_id=? AND cache_key=? AND expires < NOW()", array($user_id, $key));
     if ($row) {
         return unserialize($row[0]);
     return NULL;
 public function load_first($user_id, $album_type)
     $this->album_type = $album_type;
     $sql = "SELECT CC.collection_id FROM {contentcollections} as CC, {contentcollections_albumtype} AS CCA WHERE CC.collection_id = CCA.contentcollection_id AND CCA.album_type_id = ? AND CC.is_active = ? AND CC.author_id = ? AND CC.type = ? order by CC.collection_id";
     $data = array($album_type, 1, $user_id, 2);
     $r = Dal::query_one($sql, $data);
     if (empty($r)) {
         throw new PAException(CONTENT_COLLECTION_NOT_FOUND, "No albums of type {$album_type} found");
     list($collection_id) = $r;
 function testProfileReadingFunctions()
     // find a user with 'newcss' set
     list($uid, $css) = Dal::query_one("SELECT user_id, field_value FROM user_profile_data WHERE field_type='ui' AND field_name='newcss' ORDER BY user_id LIMIT 1");
     if (empty($uid)) {
         echo "Test not possible as nobody has the newcss field set.  Try again on a more populated database.\n";
     // find another field, so we can test with more than one
     list($f2_name, $f2_value) = Dal::query_one("SELECT field_name, field_value FROM user_profile_data WHERE field_type='ui' AND user_id=? AND field_name <>'newcss' AND field_value IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1", $uid);
     echo "getting ui/newcss and {$f2_name} properties from user_profile_data for user_id {$uid}.\n";
     $user = new User();
     $user->load((int) $uid);
     // load just the newcss field
     echo "getting just the newcss property for user {$uid}\n";
     $css2 = $user->get_profile_field('ui', 'newcss');
     $this->assertEquals($css, $css2);
     // load just the second field
     echo "getting just the {$f2_name} property for user {$uid}\n";
     $v = $user->get_profile_field('ui', $f2_name);
     $this->assertEquals($v, $f2_value);
     // load newcss and the second field, with get_profile_fields()
     echo "getting the newcss and {$f2_name} properties, with get_profile_fields()\n";
     $data = $user->get_profile_fields('ui', array('newcss', 'graagh', $f2_name));
     $this->assertEquals($css, $data['newcss']);
     $this->assertEquals(NULL, $data['graagh']);
     $this->assertEquals($f2_value, $data[$f2_name]);
     // try again, flushing the cache first
     echo "(without cache) getting the newcss and {$f2_name} properties, with get_profile_fields()\n";
     $data = $user->get_profile_fields('ui', array('newcss', 'graagh', $f2_name));
     $this->assertEquals($css, $data['newcss']);
     $this->assertEquals(NULL, $data['graagh']);
     $this->assertEquals($f2_value, $data[$f2_name]);
     // regression test (phil) 2007-04-01, for bug spotted by martin
     // 2007-03-23: make sure we don't crash if we request fields that
     // are all cached.
     echo "regression: make sure it doesn't crash if everything is in the cache\n";
     $data = $user->get_profile_fields('ui', array('newcss'));
     $this->assertEquals($css, $data['newcss']);
     // try by loading the entire 'ui' section
     echo "getting entire ui section for user {$uid}\n";
     $ui = User::load_profile_section($uid, "ui");
     $this->assertEquals($css, $ui['newcss']['value']);
     $this->assertEquals($f2_value, $ui[$f2_name]['value']);
Пример #6
function explain_query($sql, $args, $query_time)
    if (!preg_match("/^\\s*SELECT/i", $sql)) {
    echo "================================================================================\n";
    echo sprintf("%.04f s | SQL: %s\n", $query_time, $sql);
    global $_timed_queries;
    $_timed_queries[$sql][] = $query_time;
    $explain = Dal::query("EXPLAIN {$sql}", $args);
    $tables = array();
    while ($r = Dal::row_assoc($explain)) {
        if (!empty($r['table'])) {
            $tables[] = $r['table'];
        echo "\n";
        foreach ($r as $k => $v) {
            echo sprintf("%15s: %s\n", $k, $v);
    foreach ($tables as $table) {
        echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
        try {
            $create_table = Dal::query_one("SHOW CREATE TABLE {$table}");
        } catch (PAException $e) {
            if ($e->getCode() != DB_QUERY_FAILED) {
                throw $e;
            $bits = preg_split("/(\\s+|,)/", $sql);
            $pos = array_search($table, $bits);
            if ($pos === NULL) {
                throw new PAException(GENERAL_SOME_ERROR, "Failed to find real name for table {$table} in query {$sql}");
            $table = strtolower($bits[$pos - 1]) == 'as' ? $bits[$pos - 2] : $bits[$pos - 1];
            $create_table = Dal::query_one("SHOW CREATE TABLE {$table}");
        echo $create_table[1] . "\n";
Пример #7
 public static function count_all_content()
     list($ct) = Dal::query_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {contents}");
     return $ct;
Пример #8
  * get the login name from the user id
 public static function get_login_name_from_id($user_id)
     Logger::log("Enter: function User::get_login_name_from_id with user_id=" . $user_id);
     list($login) = Dal::query_one("SELECT login_name FROM {users} WHERE user_id=? AND is_active=1", array($user_id));
     Logger::log("Exit: function User::get_login_name_from_id");
     return $login;
 public function run(PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult $result = NULL)
     if ($result === NULL) {
         $result = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult();
         $counter = 0;
         foreach ($this->queries as $query_data) {
             $query = 'EXPLAIN ' . $query_data['query'];
             $parameters = $query_data['parameters'];
             $parameters_print = '';
             try {
                 if (!empty($parameters)) {
                     $res = Dal::query($query, $parameters);
                     $parameters_print = 'PARAMETERS:' . "\n";
                     foreach ($parameters as $param) {
                         $parameters_print .= '- ' . $param . "\n";
                 } else {
                     $res = Dal::query($query);
             } catch (PAException $e) {
                 try {
                     PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($e->getCode(), DB_QUERY_FAILED);
                 } catch (PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError $e) {
                     $result->addFailure($this, $e);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $result->addError($this, $e);
             $tables = array();
             print "{{{ ==================================================================\n";
             $query_row = wordwrap($explain . "QUERY: \"{$query}\"", 70);
             print $query_row . "\n";
             if (!empty($parameters_print)) {
                 print "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
                 print $parameters_print;
             while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT)) {
                 print "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
                 print 'ID: ' . $row->id . "\n";
                 print 'SELECT TYPE: ' . $row->select_type . "\n";
                 print 'TABLE: ' . $row->table . "\n";
                 if (!empty($row->table)) {
                     $tables[] = $row->table;
                 print 'TYPE: ' . $row->type . "\n";
                 print 'POSSIBLE KEYS: ' . $row->possible_keys . "\n";
                 print 'KEY: ' . $row->key . "\n";
                 print 'KEY LENGTH: ' . $row->key_len . "\n";
                 print 'REFERENCE: ' . $row->ref . "\n";
                 print 'ROWS: ' . $row->rows . "\n";
                 print 'EXTRA: ' . $row->Extra . "\n";
             // Now show all the tables used in the query.
             foreach ($tables as $table) {
                 print "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
                 try {
                     $create_table = Dal::query_one("SHOW CREATE TABLE {$table}");
                 } catch (PAException $e) {
                     if ($e->getCode() != DB_QUERY_FAILED) {
                         throw $e;
                     $bits = preg_split("/(\\s+|,)/", $query);
                     $pos = array_search($table, $bits);
                     if ($pos === NULL) {
                         throw new PAException(GENERAL_SOME_ERROR, "Failed to find real name for table {$table} in query {$sql}");
                     $table = strtolower($bits[$pos - 1]) == 'as' ? $bits[$pos - 2] : $bits[$pos - 1];
                     $create_table = Dal::query_one("SHOW CREATE TABLE {$table}");
                 echo $create_table[1] . "\n";
             print "================================================================== }}}\n";
         return $result;
Пример #10
 static function add_spam_term($term, $blacklist = 1)
     $r = Dal::query_one("SELECT id FROM spam_terms WHERE term=?", array($term));
     if ($r[0]) {
     // we already have this term
     Dal::query("INSERT INTO spam_terms SET term=?, blacklist=?", array($term, $blacklist));
function render_main_page_area($user)
    global $admin_password;
    $page_url = PA::$url . "/comment_management.php";
    $paging_url = "{$page_url}?";
    // url to pass to the pager object
    $msg = "";
    $path_info = @$_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
    // see if the user is logged in as an admin
    if ($path_info == "/login") {
        if (@$_REQUEST['admin_password'] == $admin_password) {
            $_SESSION['comment_management_is_admin'] = TRUE;
        } else {
            $msg = "Incorrect password!  Try again...";
    } else {
        if ($path_info == "/logout") {
            $_SESSION['comment_management_is_admin'] = FALSE;
            $msg = "You are now logged out (of admin mode).";
    $is_admin = @$_SESSION['comment_management_is_admin'];
    $limit_set = NULL;
    // set this to an array with keys 'comment_id' to limit display to those keys
    $current_search_terms = NULL;
    // current search terms
    switch ($path_info) {
        case '/analyze_comment':
            $comment_id = (int) @$_REQUEST['comment'];
            if (!$is_admin) {
                $msg = "Sorry, only administrators can analyze comments at the moment :(";
            } elseif ($comment_id) {
                $cmt = new Comment();
                $msg = "<p>Analysis of comment {$comment_id}:</p><hr/><p>" . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($cmt->comment)) . "</p><hr/><ul>";
                $hosts = $cmt->get_link_hosts();
                foreach ($hosts as $domain => $links) {
                    $msg .= "<li><b>" . htmlspecialchars($domain) . "</b> (<a href=\"{$page_url}/analyze_domain?domain=" . htmlspecialchars($domain) . "\">analyze</a>): ";
                    $dom = new SpamDomain($domain);
                    if ($dom->blacklisted) {
                        $msg .= " BLACKLISTED";
                    $msg .= "<ul>";
                    foreach ($links as $link) {
                        list($url, $linktexts) = $link;
                        $msg .= "<li>" . htmlspecialchars($url) . " -> " . implode(" | ", array_map("htmlspecialchars", $linktexts)) . "</li>";
                    $msg .= "</ul></li>";
                $msg .= "</ul><hr/>";
        case '/search':
            $current_search_terms = @$_REQUEST['q'];
            if (!$is_admin) {
                $msg = "Sorry, only administrators can search comments at the moment :(";
            } elseif ($current_search_terms) {
                $paging_url = "{$page_url}/search?q=" . urlencode($current_search_terms) . "&";
                $limit_set = Comment::search($current_search_terms);
        case '/stats':
            $msg = "<p>Stats:</p>";
            list($n) = Dal::query_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {comments}");
            list($n_deleted) = Dal::query_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {comments} WHERE is_active=0");
            $n_active = $n - $n_deleted;
            $msg .= "<li>{$n} comments ({$n_active} active / {$n_deleted} deleted)</li>";
            list($n_ham) = Dal::query_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {comments} WHERE is_active=1 AND spam_state=0");
            $n_spam = $n_active - $n_ham;
            $msg .= "<li>{$n_spam} active+spam / {$n_ham} active+not spam</li>";
            list($n_no_class) = Dal::query_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {comments} WHERE is_active=1 AND akismet_spam IS NULL");
            $msg .= "<li>{$n_no_class} active comments not (yet?) classified by Akismet</li>";
            list($n_akismet_del) = Dal::query_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {comments} WHERE is_active=0 AND akismet_spam=1");
            $msg .= "<li>{$n_akismet_del} comments flagged as spam by akismet and deleted</li>";
        case '/add_spam_term':
            $spam_term = @$_REQUEST['term'];
            if (!$is_admin) {
                $msg = "Sorry, only administrators can add spam terms at the moment.";
            } elseif ($spam_term) {
                // find the comments
                $matches = Comment::search($spam_term);
                $n_deleted = count($matches);
                // add the term
                // and delete the comments
                $blk_size = 1000;
                $F_fetch_ids = create_function('$item', 'return $item["comment_id"];');
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches); $i += $blk_size) {
                    Comment::set_spam_state(array_map($F_fetch_ids, array_slice($matches, $i, $blk_size)), SPAM_STATE_SPAM_WORDS);
                $msg = "Added <b>" . htmlspecialchars($spam_term) . '</b> to the spam term database, and deleted ' . $n_deleted . ' comments containing it.';
        case '/analyze_domain':
            $domain = @$_REQUEST['domain'];
            if (!$is_admin) {
                $msg = "Sorry, only administrators can analyze domains.";
            } else {
                $msg .= "<p>analysis of domain " . htmlspecialchars($domain) . ":</p><ul>";
                $domain = new SpamDomain($domain);
                foreach ($domain->find_associated_domains() as $r) {
                    $msg .= "<li>" . $r['domain'] . " (" . $r['domain_id'] . "): " . $r['match_count'] . " matches</li>";
                $msg .= "</ul>";
        case '/blacklist_domain':
            $domain = @$_REQUEST['domain'];
            if (!$is_admin) {
                $msg = "Sorry, only administrators can blacklist domains.";
            } elseif (!trim($domain)) {
                $msg = "Invalid domain";
            } else {
                $dom = new SpamDomain($domain);
                foreach ($dom->find_associated_domains() as $assoc_domain) {
            // FALL THROUGH TO /common_domains
        // FALL THROUGH TO /common_domains
        case '/common_domains':
            if (!$is_admin) {
                $msg = "Sorry, only administrators can do this.";
            } else {
                list($total_domains, $total_blacklisted_domains) = SpamDomain::count_domains();
                $msg .= "<p>Most common domains (out of total {$total_domains}, {$total_blacklisted_domains} blacklisted) in comments:</p><ul>";
                foreach (SpamDomain::get_most_common_domains() as $dom) {
                    $msg .= "<li>" . $dom['active_count'] . " times: " . $dom['domain'] . ' ' . ($dom['blacklisted'] ? 'BLACKLISTED' : '') . ' (<a href="' . $page_url . '/blacklist_domain?domain=' . $dom['domain'] . '">blacklist domain</a> | <a href="' . $page_url . '/analyze_domain?domain=' . $dom['domain'] . '">analyze domain</a>)</li>';
                $msg .= "</ul>";
        case '/akismet_verify_key':
            global $akismet_key;
            if (!$is_admin) {
                $msg = "Sorry, only administrators can access Akismet at the moment.";
            } elseif (!$akismet_key) {
                $msg .= '<p>No Akismet key has been configured - Akismet is not active.</p>';
            } else {
                // global var $_base_url has been removed - please, use PA::$url static variable
                $msg .= "<p>verifying akismet key: {$akismet_key}</p>";
                $ak = new Akismet($akismet_key);
                $msg .= "<p>result: " . var_export($ak->verify_key(PA::$url . PA_ROUTE_USER_PUBLIC . '/' . $user->user_id), TRUE) . "</p>";
        case '/akismet_check_spam':
            if (!$is_admin) {
                $msg = "Sorry, only administrators can access Akismet at the moment.";
            } else {
                global $akismet_key;
                $msg .= "<p>checking comment for spam</p>";
                $cmt = new Comment();
                try {
                    $cmt->load((int) $_REQUEST['comment']);
                } catch (PAException $e) {
                    if ($e->getCode() != COMMENT_NOT_EXIST) {
                        throw $e;
                    $msg .= "<p>Comment already deleted.</p>";
                $msg .= "<p>result: " . var_export($cmt->akismet_spam, TRUE) . "</p>";
            if (preg_match("~^/delete/(\\d+)\$~", $path_info, $m)) {
                list(, $cid) = $m;
                if (!$is_admin) {
                    $msg = "Sorry, only administrators can delete comments at the moment :(";
                } else {
                    try {
                        $c = new Comment();
                        $c->load((int) $cid);
                        $msg = "Comment deleted.";
                    } catch (PAException $e) {
                        if ($e->code == COMMENT_NOT_EXIST) {
                            $msg = "Comment already deleted.";
                        } else {
                            throw $e;
    $per_page = 20;
    // how many comments to show on a page
    // paging
    if ($limit_set !== NULL) {
        $total_comments = count($limit_set);
    } else {
        $total_comments = Comment::count_all_comments($is_admin ? 0 : $user->user_id);
    $pager = new pager($total_comments, $per_page, $paging_url);
    $paging = $pager->getButList(8) . " (total {$total_comments} comments)";
    // main comment list
    if ($limit_set !== NULL) {
        $show_start = max(0, min(($pager->page - 1) * $per_page, $total_comments));
        $show_count = min($per_page, $total_comments - $show_start);
        $limit_set_ids = array_map(create_function('$item', 'return $item["comment_id"];'), array_slice($limit_set, $show_start, $show_count));
        $cmts = Comment::get_selected($limit_set_ids);
    } else {
        $cmts = Comment::get_all_comments($is_admin ? 0 : $user->user_id, $per_page, $pager->page);
    $comments = "";
    foreach ($cmts as $cmt) {
        //      $comments .= "<li>".htmlspecialchars(var_export($cmt, TRUE))."</li>";
        $akismet_result = $cmt['akismet_spam'] ? "spam" : "?";
        $comments .= "<tr><td>" . $cmt['comment_id'] . "</td><td>" . $cmt['content_id'] . "</td><td>" . esc_wbr($cmt['name']) . "</td><td>" . esc_wbr($cmt['email']) . "</td><td>" . esc_wbr($cmt['homepage']) . "</td><td>" . esc_wbr($cmt['subject']) . "</td><td>" . esc_wbr($cmt['comment']) . " {$akismet_result} <a href=\"{$page_url}/analyze_comment?comment=" . $cmt['comment_id'] . "\">analyze</a></td><td>" . esc_wbr($cmt['ip_addr']) . "</td><td>" . '<form method="POST" action="' . PA::$url . '/comment_management.php/delete/' . $cmt['comment_id'] . '?page=' . $pager->page . '"><input type="submit" value="X"></form> <a href="' . $page_url . '/akismet_check_spam?comment=' . $cmt['comment_id'] . '">ak</a></td></tr>';
    if ($is_admin) {
        if ($current_search_terms) {
            $current_search = '<form method="POST" action="' . $page_url . '/add_spam_term"><p>Currently displaying results for: <b>' . htmlspecialchars($current_search_terms) . '</b>. <a href="' . $page_url . '">Show all comments</a>.  <input type="hidden" name="term" value="' . htmlspecialchars($current_search_terms) . '"><input type="submit" value="Blacklist this term"></p></form>';
        } else {
            $current_search = "";
        $your_permissions = <<<EOS
\t<form method="POST" action="{$page_url}/logout"><p>You are an administrator, so all comments in the site will be displayed.  <input type="submit" value="Log out"></p></form>

\t<p><a href="{$page_url}/akismet_verify_key">Verify Akismet key</a> | <a href="{$page_url}/common_domains">Show most common domains</a> | <a href="{$page_url}/stats">Spam statistics</a></p>

\t<form method="GET" action="{$page_url}/search"><p>Search comment content: <input type="text" id="search_q" name="q" size="20"><input type="submit" value="Search"/></p></form>
\t<script language="javascript"><!--
\t    document.getElementById("search_q").focus();
        // --></script>
    } else {
        $your_permissions = <<<EOS
<p>Showing comments on your blog and groups for which you are moderator.</p>

<form method="POST" action="{$page_url}/login"><p>Or enter the admin password here to adminster the whole site: <input type="password" name="admin_password" size="20"/><input type="submit" value="Log in"/></p></form>
    $page_title = "Manage comments";
    global $akismet_key;
    if ($akismet_key) {
        $page_title .= " (Akismet active)";
    } else {
        $page_title .= " (Akismet not configured)";
    $page_html = <<<EOS
<div class="pane comment_manage_pane">


<div id="msg" class="fade">{$msg}</div>



<table class="bulk_comment_summary"><tr>

</div><!-- comment_manage_pane -->
    return $page_html;
 public static function count_domains()
     list($total) = Dal::query_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM spam_domains");
     list($total_blacklisted) = Dal::query_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM spam_domains WHERE blacklisted=1");
     return array($total, $total_blacklisted);
Пример #13
 public static function relation_exists($user_id, $relation_id)
     $r = Dal::query_one("SELECT * FROM {relations} WHERE user_id=? AND relation_id=?", array($user_id, $relation_id));
     if ($r) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
 function is_modified($path)
     $r = Dal::query_one("SELECT kind,path,hash FROM svn_objects WHERE is_active=1 AND path=?", array($path));
     if (!$r) {
         throw new Subversion_Failure("Attempt to check modification for a nonexistent file {$path}");
     list($kind, $leaf, $hash) = $r;
     $path = "{$this->root}/{$leaf}";
     return $this->_check_modified($kind, $path, $hash);
 public function count_persona_service_paths($persona_service_id)
     list($count) = Dal::query_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {persona_service_paths} WHERE persona_service_id = ?", array($persona_service_id));
     return intval($count);
Пример #16
 public static function insert_id()
     list($id) = Dal::query_one("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");
     return $id;
function get_remaining()
    list($remaining) = Dal::query_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments WHERE is_active=1 AND akismet_spam IS NULL");
    return (int) $remaining;
Пример #18
 function is_applied($key, $network=NULL)
   if (!$network) $network = '';
   $r = Dal::query_one("SELECT * FROM mc_db_status WHERE stmt_key=? AND network=?", Array($key, $network));
   return $r ? TRUE : FALSE;
Пример #19
 public function count_persona_services_enabled()
     list($count) = Dal::query_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {persona_services}\n      WHERE enabled=1", array());
     return intval($count);
Пример #20
 function testStorage()
     // test Storage - public API
     // store test.txt
     echo "saving test.txt with a crazy name\n";
     $file_id = Storage::save('test.txt', 'O*Bc3wukygfsT@#($0876)$!@#*+_][.txt');
     echo "resulting file_id = {$file_id}\n";
     $file = Dal::query_one_object("SELECT * FROM files WHERE file_id=?", array($file_id));
     $this->assertEquals($file->link_count, 0);
     $this->assertEquals($file->last_linked, NULL);
     $file_path = Storage::getPath($file_id);
     $file_url = Storage::getURL($file_id);
     echo "getPath({$file_id}) -> {$file_path}\n";
     echo "getURL({$file_id}) -> {$file_url}\n";
     $this->assertTrue(strpos($file_path, PA::$path . "/web/files/") === 0);
     $this->assertTrue(strpos($file_url, PA::$url) === 0);
     // link it in somewhere
     $link_id = Storage::link($file_id, array('role' => 'avatar', 'user' => 1));
     echo "linked it in as avatar for user 1; link_id = {$link_id}\n";
     $link = Dal::query_one_object("SELECT * FROM file_links WHERE link_id=?", array($link_id));
     $this->assertEquals($link->file_id, $file_id);
     $file = Dal::query_one_object("SELECT * FROM files WHERE file_id=?", array($file_id));
     $this->assertEquals($file->link_count, 1);
     $this->assertNotEquals($file->last_linked, NULL);
     // another file
     $child_file_id = Storage::save('test2.txt', 'this is the child file.jpg', 'throwaway', 'image/jpeg');
     echo "child file: {$child_file_id}\n";
     $child_file = Dal::query_one_object("SELECT * FROM files WHERE file_id=?", array($child_file_id));
     $child_file_path = Storage::getPath($child_file_id);
     $child_file_url = Storage::getURL($child_file_id);
     echo "getPath({$child_file_id}) -> {$child_file_path}\n";
     echo "getURL({$child_file_id}) -> {$child_file_url}\n";
     $this->assertTrue(strpos($child_file_path, PA::$path . "/web/files/") === 0);
     $this->assertTrue(strpos($child_file_url, PA::$url) === 0);
     // link child file in as a thumbnail of first file
     $child_link_id = Storage::link($child_file_id, array('role' => 'thumb', 'file' => $file_id, 'dim' => '123x123'));
     echo "child link id: {$child_link_id}\n";
     $child_link = Dal::query_one_object("SELECT * FROM file_links WHERE link_id=?", array($child_link_id));
     $this->assertEquals($child_link->file_id, $child_file_id);
     $this->assertEquals($child_link->parent_file_id, $file_id);
     $child_file = Dal::query_one_object("SELECT * FROM files WHERE file_id=?", array($child_file_id));
     $this->assertEquals($child_file->link_count, 1);
     $this->assertNotEquals($child_file->last_linked, NULL);
     // this should fail (missing role)
     try {
         Storage::link($file_id, array("user" => 1));
         $this->fail("Expected exception");
     } catch (PAException $e) {
         $this->assertEquals($e->getCode(), BAD_PARAMETER);
     // this should fail (missing network)
     try {
         Storage::link($file_id, array("role" => "header", "group" => 42));
         $this->fail("Expected exception");
     } catch (PAException $e) {
         $this->assertEquals($e->getCode(), BAD_PARAMETER);
     // this should fail (network not valid)
     try {
         Storage::link($file_id, array("role" => "thumb", "network" => 1, "file" => $file_id, "dim" => "123x123"));
         $this->fail("Expected exception");
     } catch (PAException $e) {
         $this->assertEquals($e->getCode(), BAD_PARAMETER);
     // this should fail (parent_file_id == file_id)
     try {
         $link_id = Storage::link($file_id, array("role" => "thumb", "file" => $file_id, "dim" => "123x123"));
         $this->fail("Expected exception");
     } catch (PAException $e) {
         $this->assertEquals($e->getCode(), BAD_PARAMETER);
     // Now unlink the two files we just created ...
     // unlink the first - but don't delete it
     Storage::unlink($file_id, $link_id, FALSE);
     // make sure it's gone
     $this->assertEquals(Dal::query_one("SELECT * FROM file_links WHERE link_id=?", array($link_id)), NULL);
     // the file should still be there, with zero links, though
     $file = Dal::query_one("SELECT * FROM files WHERE file_id=?", array($file_id));
     $this->assertNotEquals($file, NULL);
     $this->assertEquals($file->link_count, 0);
     // try a bad unlink operation
     try {
         Storage::unlink($file_id, $child_link_id);
         $this->fail("Expected exception");
     } catch (PAException $e) {
         $this->assertEquals($e->getCode(), FILE_NOT_FOUND);
     // unlink and delete the second
     Storage::unlink($child_file_id, $child_link_id);
     // make sure it's gone
     $this->assertEquals(Dal::query_one("SELECT * FROM file_links WHERE link_id=?", array($child_link_id)), NULL);
     // and make sure the file is gone too
     $this->assertEquals(Dal::query_one("SELECT * FROM files WHERE file_id=?", array($child_file)), NULL);
     // reap unlinked files (immediately - no grace period)
     Storage::cleanupFiles(-1, -1);
     // make sure the first file is now gone
     $this->assertEquals(Dal::query_one("SELECT * FROM files WHERE file_id=?", array($file_id)), NULL);
Пример #21
 public function count_user_personas($user_id)
     list($count) = Dal::query_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {personas} WHERE user_id = ?", array($user_id));
     return intval($count);
Пример #22
 public function migrateLegacyFiles($dry_run = TRUE)
     $this->dry_run = $dry_run;
     require_once PA::$path . "/db/Dal/DbUpdate.php";
     echo "Migrating legacy files to new storage system\n";
     $this->all_files = array();
     if (!($h = opendir(PA::$path . '/web/files'))) {
         throw new PAException(GENERAL_SOME_ERROR, "Unable to open web/files directory");
     while (false !== ($f = readdir($h))) {
         if ($f[0] == '.') {
         $this->all_files[$f] = TRUE;
     $this->unmatched = count($this->all_files);
     $this->unmatchable = 0;
     $this->matched = 0;
     $this->dupes = 0;
     echo "{$this->unmatched} files found\n";
     echo "Matching with user images ...\n";
     $sql = Dal::validate_sql("SELECT user_id,picture FROM {users}", $network);
     $sth = Dal::query($sql);
     while ($r = Dal::row($sth)) {
         list($uid, $pic) = $r;
         // user avatar
         $this->_matchLegacyFile($pic, array("role" => "avatar", "user" => $uid));
         //TODO: user header image
     $networks = DbUpdate::get_valid_networks();
     echo "Processing " . count($networks) . " networks\n";
     foreach ($networks as $network) {
         echo " Network: {$network}\n";
         // network level stuff
         list($network_id, $act, $logo, $extra) = Dal::query_one("SELECT network_id, is_active, inner_logo_image, extra FROM networks WHERE address=?", array($network));
         // sanity check
         $extra = unserialize($extra);
         // network avatar
         $this->_matchLegacyFile($logo, array("role" => "avatar", "network" => $network_id));
         // network header image
         $header_image = @$extra["basic"]["header_image"]["name"];
         if (!empty($header_image)) {
             $this->_matchLegacyFile($header_image, array("role" => "header", "network" => $network_id));
         // emblems
         foreach (unserialize(Dal::query_first(Dal::validate_sql("SELECT data FROM {moduledata} WHERE modulename='LogoModule'"))) as $emblem) {
             $this->_matchLegacyFile($emblem["file_name"], array("role" => "emblem", "network" => $network_id));
         // group pictures
         $sth = Dal::query(Dal::validate_sql("SELECT collection_id, picture FROM {contentcollections} WHERE type=1 AND is_active=1", $network));
         while ($r = Dal::row($sth)) {
             list($cid, $pic) = $r;
             $this->_matchLegacyFile($pic, array("role" => "avatar", "network" => $network_id, "group" => $cid));
             $header = Dal::query_first(Dal::validate_sql("SELECT header_image FROM groups WHERE group_id=?", $network), array($cid));
             $this->_matchLegacyFile($header, array("role" => "header", "network" => $network_id, "group" => $cid));
         /* disabled until we update peopleaggregator.net
         	    $sth = Dal::query(Dal::validate_sql("SELECT group_id, header_image FROM {groups}", $network));
         	    while ($r = Dal::row($sth)) {
         		list ($gid, $pic) = $r;
         		$this->_matchLegacyFile($network, "group", $gid, $pic);
         //TODO: advertisements
         // images, audio, video
         foreach (array("image", "audio", "video") as $table) {
             $sth = Dal::query(Dal::validate_sql('SELECT mc.content_id, mc.' . $table . '_file, c.author_id, c.collection_id, c.is_active FROM {' . $table . 's} mc LEFT JOIN {contents} c ON mc.content_id=c.content_id HAVING c.is_active=1', $network));
             while ($r = Dal::row($sth)) {
                 list($cid, $fn, $uid, $ccid, $act) = $r;
                 $this->_matchLegacyFile($fn, array("role" => "media", "network" => $network_id, "content" => $cid));
     foreach ($this->all_files as $fn => $v) {
         if ($v === TRUE) {
             echo " * unmatchable: {$fn}\n";
     echo "Overall results from web/files: ";