Пример #1
 $qry = new DBQuery();
 switch ($_POST['add_type']) {
     case 0:
         $sql = "select crp.crp_id as id, crp.crp_name as name\n                      from kb3_corps crp\n                     where lower( crp.crp_name ) like '%" . $qry->escape(strtolower($_POST['add_name']), true) . "%'";
     case 1:
         $sql = "select ali.all_id as id, ali.all_name as name\n                      from kb3_alliances ali\n                     where lower( ali.all_name ) like '%" . $qry->escape(strtolower($_POST['add_name']), true) . "%'";
     case 2:
         $sql = "select reg_id as id, reg_name as name\n                      from kb3_regions\n                     where lower( reg_name ) like '%" . $qry->escape(strtolower($_POST['add_name']), true) . "%'";
     case 3:
         $sql = "select sys_id as id, sys_name as name\n                      from kb3_systems\n                     where lower( sys_name ) like '%" . $qry->escape(strtolower($_POST['add_name']), true) . "%'";
 $qry->execute($sql) or die($qry->getErrorMsg());
 if ($qry->recordCount()) {
     $html .= "<table class='kb-table' width='450'>";
     $html .= "<tr class='kb-table-header'><td width='340'>Name</td><td width='80' align='center'>Action</td></tr>";
 } else {
     $html .= "No matches found for '" . htmlentities($_POST['add_name']) . "'.";
 while ($row = $qry->getRow()) {
     $html .= "<tr class='kb-table-row-even'>";
     $editURL = edkuri::build(array(array('ctr_id', $ctrID, false), array('op', 'edit', false), array('add_type', (int) $_POST['add_type'], false), array('add_id', $row['id'], false)));
     switch ($_POST['add_type']) {
         case 0:
             $html .= '<td><a href="' . edkURI::page('corp_detail', $row['id'], 'crp_id') . '">' . $row['name'] . "</a></td><td align='center'><button id='submit' name='submit' onclick=\"window.location.href='" . $editURL . "'\">Select</button></td>";
         case 1:
             $html .= '<td><a href="' . edkURI::page('alliance_detail', $row['id'], 'all_id') . '">' . $row['name'] . "</a></td><td align='center'><button id='submit' name='submit' onclick=\"window.location.href='" . $editURL . "'\">Select</button></td>";
Пример #2
 function showactivityoverview()
     $week = $this->getWeek();
     $month = $this->getMonth();
     $year = $this->getYear();
     if (config::get('show_activity_overview')) {
         if (!config::get('show_monthly')) {
             $weekly = 1;
         } else {
             $weekly = 0;
         $row_counter = 0;
         $html .= '<table class=kb-table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing="1">';
         if ($weekly == 1) {
             $html .= '<tr ><td colspan="3" class=kb-table-header>Activity Map for Week ' . $week . '</td></tr>';
         } else {
             $html .= '<tr ><td colspan="3" class=kb-table-header>Activity Map for ' . date('F', mktime(0, 1, 0, $month, 1, $year)) . '</td></tr>';
         $html .= '<tr>';
         $sql2 = "select reg.reg_id, count(distinct kll.kll_id) as kills\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom kb3_systems sys, kb3_kills kll, kb3_inv_detail inv, kb3_constellations con, kb3_regions reg\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere kll.kll_system_id = sys.sys_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand inv.ind_kll_id = kll.kll_id";
         if (count(config::get('cfg_allianceid'))) {
             $orargs[] = 'inv.ind_all_id IN (' . implode(",", config::get('cfg_allianceid')) . ") ";
         if (count(config::get('cfg_corpid'))) {
             $orargs[] = 'inv.ind_crp_id IN (' . implode(",", config::get('cfg_corpid')) . ") ";
         if (count(config::get('cfg_pilotid'))) {
             $orargs[] = 'inv.ind_plt_id IN (' . implode(",", config::get('cfg_pilotid')) . ") ";
         $sql2 .= " AND (" . implode(" OR ", $orargs) . ")";
         if ($weekly == 1) {
             $sql2 .= "\t\tand date_format( kll.kll_timestamp, \"%u\" ) = " . $week . " ";
         } else {
             $sql2 .= "\t\tand date_format( kll.kll_timestamp, \"%m\" ) = " . $month . " ";
         $sql2 .= "\t\tand date_format( kll.kll_timestamp, \"%Y\" ) = " . $year . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand con.con_id = sys.sys_con_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand reg.reg_id = con.con_reg_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\tgroup by reg.reg_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\torder by kills desc\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 0,3;";
         $qry2 = new DBQuery();
         $qry2->execute($sql2) or die($qry2->getErrorMsg());
         while ($row2 = $qry2->getRow()) {
             $link = edkuri::build(array(array('a', 'detail_view', true), array('region_id', $row2['reg_id'], true)));
             if ($weekly == 1) {
                 $html .= '<td align="center"><a href="' . $link . '"><img src="?a=map&mode=activity&size=250&region_id=' . $row2['reg_id'] . '&week=' . $week . '&year=' . $year . '" border=0 /></a></td>';
             } else {
                 $html .= '<td align="center"><a href="' . $link . '"><img src="?a=map&mode=activity&size=250&region_id=' . $row2['reg_id'] . '&month=' . $month . '&year=' . kbdate("Y") . '" border=0 /></a></td>';
         while ($row_counter < 3) {
             $html .= '<td align="center"><img width="250" height="250" src="?a=map&mode=na&size=250"></td>';
         $html .= '</tr></table><br />';
     return $html;
function TrovaInvolvedParty($kill, &$killers)
    $qry = new DBQuery();
    /*        $qry->execute("SELECT kb3_pilots.plt_name as pilot, kb3_corps.crp_name as corp, kb3_pilots.plt_id as id, kb3_pilots.plt_externalid as xid 
            FROM kb3_inv_detail, kb3_pilots, kb3_corps
            WHERE (kb3_inv_detail.ind_plt_id = kb3_pilots.plt_id)and (kb3_inv_detail.ind_crp_id = kb3_corps.crp_id)and(kb3_inv_detail.ind_kll_id =" . $kill->getID() .")") 
            or die($qry->getErrorMsg()); 
    $qry->execute("SELECT kb3_pilots.plt_name AS pilot, kb3_corps.crp_name AS corp, kb3_pilots.plt_id AS id, kb3_pilots.plt_externalid AS xid, kb3_ships.shp_class AS SClass\n        FROM kb3_inv_detail, kb3_pilots, kb3_corps, kb3_ships\n        WHERE (\n            kb3_inv_detail.ind_plt_id = kb3_pilots.plt_id\n            )\n        AND (\n            kb3_inv_detail.ind_crp_id = kb3_corps.crp_id\n            )\n        AND (\n            kb3_inv_detail.ind_shp_id = kb3_ships.shp_id\n            )\n        AND (\n            kb3_inv_detail.ind_kll_id = " . $kill->getID() . ")") or die($qry->getErrorMsg());
    $bs = 0;
    while ($row = $qry->getRow()) {
        $pilot = TestPilotName($row['pilot']);
        $killers[$pilot]['punti'] += $kill->getKillPoints();
        if ($pilot == TestPilotName($kill->getFBPilotName())) {
            $killers[$pilot]['punti'] += 1;
        $killers[$pilot]['portrait'] = "?a=thumb&amp;id=" . $row['xid'] . "&amp;size=32";
        $killers[$pilot]['corp'] = $row['corp'];
        $killers[$pilot]['id'] = $row['id'];
        if ($row['SClass'] == 1) {
    return $bs;
Пример #4
    function generate()
        $regioncache = KB_CACHEDIR . '/img/map/' . KB_SITE . '_' . $this->regionid_ . '_' . $this->imgwidth_ . '.png';
        $is_cached = 0;
        $title_caption = $this->regname_;
        if (file_exists($regioncache)) {
            $cfgttl = '6';
            $ttyl_sec = $cfgttl * 3600;
            $ttl = filemtime($regioncache) + $ttyl_sec;
            if ($ttl <= time()) {
                $is_cached = 0;
                unlink($regioncache . ".txt");
            } else {
                $img = imagecreatefrompng($regioncache);
                $is_cached = 1;
        if ($is_cached == 0) {
            $sql = 'SELECT sys.sys_x, sys.sys_y, sys.sys_z, sys.sys_sec, sys.sys_id, sys.sys_name, sys.sys_id, sjp.sjp_to, con.con_id, con.con_name, reg.reg_id, reg.reg_name, reg.reg_x, reg.reg_z
				FROM kb3_systems sys
				LEFT JOIN kb3_system_jumps sjp ON sys.sys_id = sjp.sjp_from
				JOIN kb3_constellations con ON con.con_id = sys.sys_con_id
				JOIN kb3_regions reg ON reg.reg_id = con.con_reg_id';
            if ($this->mode_ == "sys") {
                $sql .= " and reg.reg_id = '" . $this->regionid_ . "'";
            } else {
                $sql .= " and reg.reg_id = " . $this->regionid2_;
            $qry = new DBQuery();
            $qry->execute($sql) or die($qry->getErrorMsg());
            if (!$img) {
                $img = imagecreatetruecolor($this->imgwidth_, $this->imgheight_);
            $white = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255);
            $red = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 0, 0);
            if (config::get('map_act_cl_bg')) {
                $bcolor = explode(",", config::get('map_act_cl_bg'));
                mapview::setbgcolor($bcolor[0], $bcolor[1], $bcolor[2]);
            $bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($img, $this->bgcolor_[0], $this->bgcolor_[1], $this->bgcolor_[2]);
            imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, 0, $this->imgwidth_, $this->imgheight_, $bgcolor);
            $color = $white;
            $fov = 0;
            $i = 0;
            $minx = 0;
            $minz = 0;
            $maxx = 0;
            $maxz = 0;
            $mini = 0;
            $maxi = 0;
            $pi = 0;
            $sc = 0;
            $systems = array();
            while ($row = $qry->getRow()) {
                $i = $row['sys_id'];
                $systems[] = $i;
                if ($i < $mini || $mini == 0) {
                    $mini = $i;
                if ($i > $maxi || $maxi == 0) {
                    $maxi = $i;
                $x = $row['sys_x'] * $this->ly_;
                $z = $row['sys_z'] * $this->ly_;
                if ($x < $minx || $minx == 0) {
                    $minx = $x;
                if ($x > $maxx || $maxx == 0) {
                    $maxx = $x;
                if ($z < $minz || $minz == 0) {
                    $minz = $z;
                if ($z > $maxz || $maxz == 0) {
                    $maxz = $z;
                $sys[$i][0] = $x;
                $sys[$i][1] = $z;
                if ($i == $pi || $pi == 0) {
                    $sys[$i][2][$sc] = $row['sjp_to'];
                    $sys[$i][3] = $sc++;
                } else {
                    $sc = 0;
                $sys[$i][4] = $row['sys_id'];
                $sys[$i][5] = $row['sys_name'];
                $sys[$i][6] = $row['sys_sec'];
                $sys[$i][7] = $row['con_id'];
                $sys[$i][8] = $row['con_name'];
                $sys[$i][9] = $row['reg_id'];
                $sys[$i][10] = $row['reg_name'];
                $pi = $i;
            $dx = abs($maxx - $minx);
            $dz = abs($maxz - $minz);
            $xscale = 1 / ($dx / ($this->imgwidth_ - $this->offset_ * 2));
            $yscale = 1 / ($dz / ($this->imgheight_ - $this->offset_ * 2));
            // draw lines
            if ($this->showlines_) {
                if (config::get('map_act_cl_line')) {
                    $lcolor = explode(",", config::get('map_act_cl_line'));
                    mapview::setlinecolor($lcolor[0], $lcolor[1], $lcolor[2]);
                foreach ($systems as $n) {
                    $px = $this->offset_ + ($sys[$n][0] - $minx) * $xscale;
                    $py = $this->offset_ + ($sys[$n][1] - $minz) * $yscale;
                    $line_col = imagecolorallocate($img, $this->linecolor_[0], $this->linecolor_[1], $this->linecolor_[2]);
                    for ($m = 0; $m <= $sys[$n][3]; $m++) {
                        $sys_to = $sys[$n][2][$m];
                        if ($sys[$sys_to][4] != "") {
                            $px_to = $this->offset_ + ($sys[$sys_to][0] - $minx) * $xscale;
                            $py_to = $this->offset_ + ($sys[$sys_to][1] - $minz) * $yscale;
                            imageline($img, $px, $py, $px_to, $py_to, $line_col);
            // draw systems
            foreach ($systems as $n) {
                if (config::get('map_act_cl_normal')) {
                    $scolor = explode(",", config::get('map_act_cl_normal'));
                    mapview::setnormalcolor($scolor[0], $scolor[1], $scolor[2]);
                $px = round($this->offset_ + ($sys[$n][0] - $minx) * $xscale);
                $py = round($this->offset_ + ($sys[$n][1] - $minz) * $yscale);
                $color = imagecolorallocate($img, $this->normalcolor_[0], $this->normalcolor_[1], $this->normalcolor_[2]);
                imagefilledellipseaa($img, $px, $py, 4, 4, $color);
                //gm this is the white system dot, shrunkg it down from 6x6 size
            imagepng($img, $regioncache);
            $fp = fopen($regioncache . ".txt", "w");
            // writting offset data into file
            if ($fp) {
                // This step is needed cause when the image is cached only 1 system is queried from the DB
                // therefor it is impossible to calculcate the offset again.
                fwrite($fp, $maxx . "\n" . $minx . "\n" . $maxz . "\n" . $minz);
        //System Highlight starts here
        if ($this->mode_ == "sys") {
            $sql = "SELECT sys.sys_x, sys.sys_y, sys.sys_z, sys.sys_sec, sys.sys_id, sys.sys_name, sys.sys_id\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM kb3_systems sys\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE sys.sys_id = '" . $this->systemid_ . "'";
            $qry = new DBQuery();
            $qry->execute($sql) or die($qry->getErrorMsg());
            $fov = 0;
            $row = $qry->getRow();
            $x = $row['sys_x'] * $this->ly_;
            $z = $row['sys_z'] * $this->ly_;
            $sys[0] = $x;
            $sys[1] = $z;
            $sys[4] = $row['sys_id'];
            $sys[5] = $row['sys_name'];
            $sys[6] = $row['sys_sec'];
            $fp = fopen($regioncache . ".txt", "r");
            // getting offset data from file
            if ($fp == FALSE) {
                echo "failt to open {$regioncache}";
            $maxx = fgets($fp);
            $minx = fgets($fp);
            $maxz = fgets($fp);
            $minz = fgets($fp);
            $dx = abs($maxx - $minx);
            $dz = abs($maxz - $minz);
            $xscale = 1 / ($dx / ($this->imgwidth_ - $this->offset_ * 2));
            $yscale = 1 / ($dz / ($this->imgheight_ - $this->offset_ * 2));
            $px = round($this->offset_ + ($sys[0] - $minx) * $xscale);
            $py = round($this->offset_ + ($sys[1] - $minz) * $yscale);
            if (config::get('map_act_cl_hl2')) {
                $hscolor = explode(",", config::get('map_act_cl_hl2'));
                $color = imagecolorallocate($img, $hscolor[0], $hscolor[1], $hscolor[2]);
            } else {
                $color = imagecolorallocate($img, '255', '0', '0');
            $tlen = 5 * strlen($sys[5]);
            if ($px + $tlen > $this->imgwidth_ - 20) {
                $sx = $px - $tlen;
            } else {
                $sx = $px + 5;
            if ($py + 5 > $this->imgheight_ - 20) {
                $sy = $py - 5;
            } else {
                $sy = $py + 5;
            imagestring($img, 1, $sx, $sy, $sys[5], $color);
            imagefilledellipseaa($img, $px, $py, 6, 6, $color);
        // Activity starts here
        if ($this->mode_ == "activity") {
            $kills = 0;
            $overall_kill = 0;
            $color = imagecolorallocate($img, $this->normalcolor_[0], $this->normalcolor_[1], $this->normalcolor_[2]);
            $paint_name = config::get('map_act_shownames');
            $sql2 = "SELECT sys.sys_name, sys.sys_x, sys.sys_y, sys.sys_z, sys.sys_sec, sys.sys_id, count( DISTINCT kll.kll_id ) AS kills\n\t\t\t\tFROM kb3_systems sys, kb3_kills kll, kb3_inv_detail inv, kb3_constellations con, kb3_regions reg\n\t\t\t\tWHERE kll.kll_system_id = sys.sys_id\n\t\t\t\tAND inv.ind_kll_id = kll.kll_id";
            if (count(config::get('cfg_allianceid'))) {
                $orargs[] = 'inv.ind_all_id IN (' . implode(",", config::get('cfg_allianceid')) . ") ";
            if (count(config::get('cfg_corpid'))) {
                $orargs[] = 'inv.ind_crp_id IN (' . implode(",", config::get('cfg_corpid')) . ") ";
            if (count(config::get('cfg_pilotid'))) {
                $orargs[] = 'inv.ind_plt_id IN (' . implode(",", config::get('cfg_pilotid')) . ") ";
            $sql2 .= " AND (" . implode(" OR ", $orargs) . ")";
            if (isset($this->week_)) {
                $sql2 .= "  and date_format( kll.kll_timestamp, \"%u\" ) = " . $this->week_;
            if (isset($this->month_)) {
                $sql2 .= "  and date_format( kll.kll_timestamp, \"%m\" ) = " . $this->month_;
            $sql2 .= "  AND date_format( kll.kll_timestamp, \"%Y\" ) = " . $this->year_ . "\n\t\t\t\t\tAND con.con_id = sys.sys_con_id\n\t\t\t\t\tAND reg.reg_id = con.con_reg_id\n\t\t\t\t\tAND reg.reg_id =" . $this->regionid2_ . "\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY sys.sys_name\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY kills desc";
            $qry2 = new DBQuery();
            $qry2->execute($sql2) or die($qry2->getErrorMsg());
            while ($row2 = $qry2->getRow()) {
                $kills = $row2['kills'];
                $overall_kill = $overall_kill + $kills;
                //OFFSET CALCULATION
                $x = $row2['sys_x'] * $this->ly_;
                $z = $row2['sys_z'] * $this->ly_;
                $sys[0] = $x;
                $sys[1] = $z;
                $sys[4] = $row2['sys_id'];
                $sys[5] = $row2['sys_name'];
                $sys[6] = $row2['sys_sec'];
                $fp = fopen($regioncache . ".txt", "r");
                // getting offset data from file
                $maxx = fgets($fp);
                $minx = fgets($fp);
                $maxz = fgets($fp);
                $minz = fgets($fp);
                $dx = abs($maxx - $minx);
                $dz = abs($maxz - $minz);
                $xscale = 1 / ($dx / ($this->imgwidth_ - $this->offset_ * 2));
                $yscale = 1 / ($dz / ($this->imgheight_ - $this->offset_ * 2));
                $px = round($this->offset_ + ($sys[0] - $minx) * $xscale);
                $py = round($this->offset_ + ($sys[1] - $minz) * $yscale);
                if ($kills == 1) {
                    // If there is only one kill we use normal highlight color
                    $ratio = 1;
                    if (config::get('map_act_cl_hl')) {
                        $hscolor = explode(",", config::get('map_act_cl_hl'));
                        $color = imagecolorallocate($img, $hscolor[0], $hscolor[1], $hscolor[2]);
                    } else {
                        $color = imagecolorallocate($img, '255', '209', '57');
                } else {
                    //more then one kill...
                    $ratio = $kills + 5;
                    // ...then we add a bit to the ratio
                    if (config::get('map_act_cl_hl2')) {
                        // Set the color to Highlight 2 and the sphere color with alpha
                        $hscolor = explode(",", config::get('map_act_cl_hl2'));
                        $color = imagecolorallocate($img, $hscolor[0], $hscolor[1], $hscolor[2]);
                        $color4 = imagecolorresolvealpha($img, $hscolor[0], $hscolor[1], $hscolor[2], '117');
                    } else {
                        $color = imagecolorallocate($img, '255', '0', '0');
                        $color4 = imagecolorresolvealpha($img, 255, 0, 0, 117);
                if ($ratio > 100) {
                    //now we limit the max-size of the sphere so it doesnt grow to big
                    $ratio = 100;
                imagefilledellipse($img, $px, $py, $ratio, $ratio, $color4);
                //paint the sphere -- can not use AA function cause it doesnt work with alpha
                imagefilledellipseaa($img, $px, $py, 6, 6, $color);
                // use AA function to paint the system dot
                if ($ratio > 10) {
                    // extend the sphere
                    $ratio2 = $ratio - 10;
                    imagefilledellipse($img, $px, $py, $ratio2, $ratio2, $color4);
                if ($ratio > 20) {
                    // add another inner layer to the sphere, if it gets big enough
                    $ratio3 = $ratio - 20;
                    imagefilledellipse($img, $px, $py, $ratio3, $ratio3, $color4);
                if ($paint_name == 1) {
                    $tlen = 5 * strlen($sys[5]);
                    if ($px + $tlen > $this->imgwidth_ - 20) {
                        $sx = $px - $tlen;
                    } else {
                        $sx = $px + 5;
                    if ($py + 5 > $this->imgheight_ - 20) {
                        $sy = $py - 5;
                    } else {
                        $sy = $py + 5;
                    imagestring($img, 1, $sx, $sy, $sys[5], $color);
        // Ship / Faction starts here
        if ($this->mode_ == "ship" || $this->mode_ == "faction") {
            $kills = 0;
            $overall_kill = 0;
            $color = imagecolorallocate($img, $this->normalcolor_[0], $this->normalcolor_[1], $this->normalcolor_[2]);
            $paint_name = config::get('map_act_shownames');
            $sql2 = 'select sys.sys_x, sys.sys_y, sys.sys_z, sys.sys_sec,
					sys.sys_id, sys.sys_name, sys.sys_id, con.con_id,
						con.con_name, reg.reg_id, reg.reg_name,
					reg.reg_x, reg.reg_z
					from kb3_systems sys,
					kb3_constellations con, kb3_regions reg
					where con.con_id = sys.sys_con_id
					and reg.reg_id = con.con_reg_id';
            $sql2 .= " and reg.reg_id = " . $this->regionid2_;
            $xml_kills = $this->update_kill_cache();
            $qry2 = new DBQuery();
            $qry2->execute($sql2) or die($qry2->getErrorMsg());
            while ($row2 = $qry2->getRow()) {
                $paint = 0;
                foreach ($xml_kills as $key => $value) {
                    if ($row2['sys_id'] == $key) {
                        $kills = $value;
                        $paint = 1;
                if ($paint == 1) {
                    $overall_kill = $overall_kill + $kills;
                    //OFFSET CALCULATION
                    $x = $row2['sys_x'] * $this->ly_;
                    $z = $row2['sys_z'] * $this->ly_;
                    $sys[0] = $x;
                    $sys[1] = $z;
                    $sys[4] = $row2['sys_id'];
                    $sys[5] = $row2['sys_name'];
                    $sys[6] = $row2['sys_sec'];
                    $fp = fopen($regioncache . ".txt", "r");
                    // getting offset data from file
                    $maxx = fgets($fp);
                    $minx = fgets($fp);
                    $maxz = fgets($fp);
                    $minz = fgets($fp);
                    $dx = abs($maxx - $minx);
                    $dz = abs($maxz - $minz);
                    $xscale = 1 / ($dx / ($this->imgwidth_ - $this->offset_ * 2));
                    $yscale = 1 / ($dz / ($this->imgheight_ - $this->offset_ * 2));
                    $px = round($this->offset_ + ($sys[0] - $minx) * $xscale);
                    $py = round($this->offset_ + ($sys[1] - $minz) * $yscale);
                    if ($kills == 1) {
                        // If there is only one kill we use normal highlight color
                        $ratio = 1;
                        if (config::get('map_act_cl_hl')) {
                            $hscolor = explode(",", config::get('map_act_cl_hl'));
                            $color = imagecolorallocate($img, $hscolor[0], $hscolor[1], $hscolor[2]);
                        } else {
                            $color = imagecolorallocate($img, '255', '209', '57');
                    } else {
                        //more then one kill...
                        $ratio = $kills + 5;
                        // ...then we add a bit to the ratio
                        if (config::get('map_act_cl_hl2')) {
                            // Set the color to Highlight 2 and the sphere color with alpha
                            $hscolor = explode(",", config::get('map_act_cl_hl2'));
                            $color = imagecolorallocate($img, $hscolor[0], $hscolor[1], $hscolor[2]);
                            $color4 = imagecolorresolvealpha($img, $hscolor[0], $hscolor[1], $hscolor[2], '117');
                        } else {
                            $color = imagecolorallocate($img, '255', '0', '0');
                            $color4 = imagecolorresolvealpha($img, 255, 0, 0, 117);
                    if ($ratio > 100) {
                        //now we limit the max-size of the sphere so it doesnt grow to big
                        $ratio = 100;
                    imagefilledellipse($img, $px, $py, $ratio, $ratio, $color4);
                    //paint the sphere -- can not use AA function cause it doesnt work with alpha
                    imagefilledellipseaa($img, $px, $py, 6, 6, $color);
                    // use AA function to paint the system dot
                    if ($ratio > 10) {
                        // extend the sphere
                        $ratio2 = $ratio - 10;
                        imagefilledellipse($img, $px, $py, $ratio2, $ratio2, $color4);
                    if ($ratio > 20) {
                        // add another inner layer to the sphere, if it gets big enough
                        $ratio3 = $ratio - 20;
                        imagefilledellipse($img, $px, $py, $ratio3, $ratio3, $color4);
                    if ($paint_name == 1) {
                        $tlen = 5 * strlen($sys[5]);
                        if ($px + $tlen > $this->imgwidth_ - 20) {
                            $sx = $px - $tlen;
                        } else {
                            $sx = $px + 5;
                        if ($py + 5 > $this->imgheight_ - 20) {
                            $sy = $py - 5;
                        } else {
                            $sy = $py + 5;
                        imagestring($img, 1, $sx, $sy, $sys[5] . '(' . $kills . ')', $color);
        // Activity end here
        // Draw the region name and total kill count.
        if (config::get('map_act_cl_capt')) {
            $scolor = explode(",", config::get('map_act_cl_capt'));
            mapview::setcaptcolor($scolor[0], $scolor[1], $scolor[2]);
        $captioncolor = imagecolorallocate($img, $this->captioncolor_[0], $this->captioncolor_[1], $this->captioncolor_[2]);
        switch ($this->mode_) {
            case "ship":
            case "faction":
                $title_kill = "Total Kills in the last hour: " . $overall_kill;
            case "activity":
                if (isset($this->week_)) {
                    $title_kill = "Total Kills in Week " . $this->week_ . ": " . $overall_kill;
                if (isset($this->month_)) {
                    $title_kill = "Total Kills in " . date('F', mktime(0, 1, 0, $this->month_, 1, $this->year_)) . ": " . $overall_kill;
                $title_kill = '';
        $str_loc = $this->imgheight_ - 10;
        imagestring($img, 1, 2, $str_loc, $title_kill, $captioncolor);
        imagestring($img, 1, 2, 2, $title_caption, $captioncolor);
        if ($this->mode_ == 'ship' || $this->mode_ == 'faction') {
            $filetime = filemtime($this->killcache);
            $stringpos = $this->imgwidth_ - strlen("Data from: " . date("G:i Y-m-d", $filetime)) * 5 - 5;
            imagestring($img, 1, $stringpos, 2, "Data from: " . date("G:i Y-m-d", $filetime), $captioncolor);
        header("Content-type: image/png");
Пример #5
for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
    if ($region_set == 0) {
        $sql2 = "select reg.reg_id, count(distinct kll.kll_id) as kills \n\t\t\t\tfrom kb3_systems sys, kb3_kills kll, kb3_inv_detail inv, kb3_constellations con, kb3_regions reg\n\t\t\t\twhere kll.kll_system_id = sys.sys_id \n\t\t\t\tand inv.ind_kll_id = kll.kll_id";
        if (count(config::get('cfg_allianceid'))) {
            $orargs[] = 'inv.ind_all_id IN (' . implode(",", config::get('cfg_allianceid')) . ") ";
        if (count(config::get('cfg_corpid'))) {
            $orargs[] = 'inv.ind_crp_id IN (' . implode(",", config::get('cfg_corpid')) . ") ";
        if (count(config::get('cfg_pilotid'))) {
            $orargs[] = 'inv.ind_plt_id IN (' . implode(",", config::get('cfg_pilotid')) . ") ";
        $sql2 .= " AND (" . implode(" OR ", $orargs) . ")";
        $sql2 .= "    and date_format( kll.kll_timestamp, \"%m\" ) = " . $i . "\n\t\t\t\tand date_format( kll.kll_timestamp, \"%Y\" ) = " . $year . "\n\t\t\t\tand con.con_id = sys.sys_con_id\n                and reg.reg_id = con.con_reg_id\n\t\t\t\tgroup by reg.reg_id\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\torder by kills desc\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 0,1;";
        $qry2 = new DBQuery();
        $qry2->execute($sql2) or die($qry2->getErrorMsg());
        while ($row2 = $qry2->getRow()) {
            $region = $row2['reg_id'];
    } else {
        $region = $region_set;
        $region_nav = '&region_id=' . $region_set;
    if ($i % 2) {
        $html .= '<tr >';
    if ($region != 0) {
        $html .= ' 	<td align="center"><img src="?a=map&mode=activity&size=350&region_id=' . $region . '&month=' . $i . '&year=' . $year . '" /></td>';
    } else {
        $html .= ' 	<td align="center"><img src="?a=map&mode=na&size=250" width="350" height="350"></td>';