Пример #1
  * Sets the cluster for the next query
  * If no parameter is present, the cluster of the active session is used.
  * By default the function expects a cluster number until you use $lookup=true, then DB::getCluster() is used to obtain the cluster number
  * @param integer $srv Server number or the number for lookup
  * @param boolean $lookup lookup the number or use it direclty
 public static final function setCluster($srv = null, $lookup = false)
     return DB::setCluster($srv, $lookup);
Пример #2
  * Internal callback for hash-codes
  * @param char $c The current code after a hash
  * @return string Returns the string value of the parameter or something else to the hash-code
 private static function _escape($c)
     switch ($c) {
         case 'u':
         case 'U':
             return $_SESSION['UID'];
         case 's':
             return mysqli_quote(DB::$args[++DB::$a]);
         case 'i':
             return (int) DB::$args[++DB::$a];
         case 'f':
             return (double) DB::$args[++DB::$a];
         case 'o':
             $val =& DB::$args[++DB::$a];
             if (isset($val['UID'])) {
                 if (isset($val['UCluster'])) {
                 } else {
                     DB::setCluster($val['UID'], true);
                 return $val['UID'];
             } else {
                 DB::setCluster($val, true);
                 return (int) $val;
         case 'x':
             return '0x' . bin2hex(DB::$args[++DB::$a]);
         case 'X':
             return '0x' . DB::$args[++DB::$a];
         case 'm':
             if (empty(DB::$args[++DB::$a])) {
                 return 'NULL';
             return mysqli_quote(DB::$args[DB::$a]);
         case 'h':
             return mysqli_quote(htmlspecialchars(DB::$args[++DB::$a]));
         case 'r':
             return sprintf('%u', ip2long(DB::$args[++DB::$a]));
         case 'd':
             return date("'Y-m-d'", DB::$args[++DB::$a]);
         case 't':
             return date("'Y-m-d H:m:s'", DB::$args[++DB::$a]);
         case 'n':
             return date("'Y-m-d H:m:s'", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']);
         case 'v':
             return empty(DB::$args[++DB::$a]) ? 'NULL' : "''";
             // Bool
         // Bool
         case 'a':
             return implode(',', array_map('mysqli_quote', DB::$args[++DB::$a]));
         case 'J':
             // http://www.xarg.org/2010/06/optimized-way-of-getting-subqueries-at-once-using-json/
             $fields = DB::$args[++DB::$a];
             $str = "CONCAT('[',GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT('{\"";
             for ($i = 0, $l = count($fields); $i < $l; ++$i) {
                 $str .= $fields[$i] . "\":',QUOTE(" . $fields[$i];
                 if ($i != $l - 1) {
                     $str .= "),'\",\"";
             $str .= "),'}')),']')";
             return $str;
     return 'FAILED';