Пример #1
IEM::sessionSet('SubscriberInfo', $subscriber_info);
IEM::sessionSet('Subscriber', $subscriber_id);
IEM::sessionSet('Form', $form);

$formhtml = $formapi->Get('formhtml');

$placeholders[] = '%%FORMACTION%%';
$placeholder_values[] = SENDSTUDIO_APPLICATION_URL . '/updatedetails.php';

if ($formapi->usecaptcha) {
	$captcha_api = $sendstudio_functions->GetApi('Captcha');

	$captcha_api = new Captcha_API();
	// so we don't include the session stuff in the captcha image, we set this flag for now.
	// this stops the session from being blanked out when you submit and causing an error.
	$captcha_api->Set('modify_details', true);

	$placeholders[] = '%%captchaimage%%';
	$placeholder_values[] = $captcha_api->ShowCaptcha();

// pre-fill the form.
$formhtml = str_replace($placeholders, $placeholder_values, $formhtml);

// get rid of anything we don't need.
$formhtml = preg_replace('/%%CustomField_(.*?)%%/', '', $formhtml);

$formhtml = preg_replace('/%%Lists_(.*?)%%/', '', $formhtml);

// print 'er out!