public function toString(\b2\Quote $quote) { if (!$this->cases) { throw new \b2\Exception('IN is empty'); } $call = new Call('IN', $this->cases); return $this->expression->toString($quote) . ' ' . $call->toString($quote); }
public static function createCall() { $time = mt_rand(); $name = 'Call'; $call = new Call(); $call->name = $name . $time; $call->save(); self::$_createdCalls[] = $call; return $call; }
public function run() { $data = new Call(); $data->level_id = 1; $data->function = 'backgroundObj'; $data->x = 0; $data->y = 85; $data->width = 700; $data->height = 15; $data->color = 'black'; $data->save(); }
public function test_treeByTeams() { /** === Test Data === */ $asCustId = 'customer'; $asParentId = 'parent'; $id1 = 1; $id2 = 2; $id3 = 3; $data = [[$asCustId => $id1, $asParentId => $id1], [$asCustId => $id2, $asParentId => $id1], [$asCustId => $id3, $asParentId => $id2]]; /** === Setup Mocks === */ /** === Call and asserts === */ $req = new Request\TreeByTeams(); $req->setDataToMap($data); $req->setAsCustomerId($asCustId); $req->setAsParentId($asParentId); $resp = $this->obj->treeByTeams($req); $this->assertTrue($resp->isSucceed()); $mapped = $resp->getMapped(); $this->assertTrue(is_array($mapped)); $this->assertEquals(2, count($mapped)); $custId = reset($mapped[$id1]); $this->assertEquals($id2, $custId); $custId = reset($mapped[$id2]); $this->assertEquals($id3, $custId); }
public function indexAction() { $model = new SettingsModel(); $form = Call::form('Index'); $countrysList = $model->getCountryList(); if (isPost()) { if ($form->isValid(allPost()) and (isset($form->data["email"]) or isset($form->data["password"]) and isset($form->data["password1"]))) { if (Request::getParam('user')->password == md5($form->data['password'])) { $data = []; if ($form->data['password1'] != '') { $data['password'] = md5($form->data['password1']); } if (isset($form->data['email'])) { $data['email'] = $form->data["email"]; } if ($form->data['news'] == 1) { $data['newsletter'] = $form->data["news"]; } $model->setSettings(Request::getParam('user')->id, $data); redirect(url('settings')); } } else { $this->view->error = printError($form->error, 'INDEX_ERROR_'); } } $this->view->countrysList = $countrysList; $this->view->title = Lang::translate('INDEX_TITLE'); }
/** * Add a Call object to the CallChain * * @param mixed $call Either a Call object, or a table name (from which a Call object will be created) * @param array $plugins (Optional) An array of plugins * * @return void */ public function push($call, array $plugins = array()) { if (! ($call instanceof Call)) { $table = (string) $call; $call = new Call(); $call->table = $table; } foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { $call->apply($plugin); } $this->_calls[] = $call; return; }
public function optimize(array $expression, Call $call, CompilationContext $context) { /** * Process the expected symbol to be returned */ $call->processExpectedReturn($context); $symbolVariable = $call->getSymbolVariable(); if ($symbolVariable->isNotVariableAndString()) { throw new CompilerException("Returned values by functions can only be assigned to variant variables", $expression); } if ($call->mustInitSymbolVariable()) { $symbolVariable->initVariant($context); } $context->headersManager->add('my_mandelbrot'); $symbolVariable->setDynamicTypes('bool'); $resolvedParams = $call->getReadOnlyResolvedParams($expression['parameters'], $context, $expression); $context->codePrinter->output('ZVAL_BOOL(' . $symbolVariable->getRealName() . ', my_mandelbrot_to_file(' . $resolvedParams[0] . ', ' . $resolvedParams[1] . ', ' . $resolvedParams[2] . ', ' . $resolvedParams[3] . '));'); return new CompiledExpression('variable', $symbolVariable->getRealName(), $expression); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { // $validator = new Validator::make(Input::all(), ObjectsData::$rules); // if( $validator->fails()) // { // return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($validator); // } else { // $oldData = ObjectsData::were('level_id', 1)->get(); // dd($oldData); $prev = Level::where('next_level', '=', NULL)->first(); $lvl = new Level(); $lvl->game_id = 1; $lvl->level_name = Input::get('level_name'); $lvl->next_level = null; $lvl->save(); $prev->next_level = $lvl->id; $prev->save(); // $oldData = Call::where('level_id', $lvl->id)->get(); // foreach($oldData as $old) // { // $old->destroy($old->id); // } $lines = explode('*', Input::get('csvString')); foreach ($lines as $line) { $data = explode(',', $line); $submit = new Call(); $submit->level_id = $lvl->id; $submit->function = $data[0]; $submit->x = $data[1]; $submit->y = $data[2]; $submit->width = $data[3]; $submit->height = $data[4]; $submit->color = $data[5]; $submit->save(); } if ($submit) { return Redirect::action('GamesController@show', $lvl->id); } else { return Redirect::action('GamesController@create')->withInput(); } // } }
public function process() { parent::process(); $params = $this->initParams(); $call = new Call(); try { $result = $call->createTransaction($params); } catch (Exception $e) { //d($e); } if (isset($result->CreateTransactionResult) && isset($result->CreateTransactionResult->TransportKey) && $result->CreateTransactionResult->TransportKey != '') { self::$smarty->assign('formLink', $this->_paymentLink[Configuration::get('MERCHANT_WARE_MODE')]); self::$smarty->assign('transportKey', Tools::safeOutput($result->CreateTransactionResult->TransportKey)); } elseif (isset($result->CreateTransactionResult)) { Logger::addLog('Module merchantware: ' . $result->CreateTransactionResult->Messages->Message[0]->Information, 2); self::$smarty->assign('error', true); } else { self::$smarty->assign('error', true); Logger::addLog('Module merchantware: no message returned', 2); } }
/** * Führt den Request aus * * Gibt die Ausgabe des Calls vom Controller zurück * wenn man den Request nicht selbst erstellen will, kann man * * \Psc\URL\Service\Request::infer(); * * benutzen. */ public function process(Request $request) { // required $service = $this->getRegisteredService($request->getPart(1)); $call = new Call(mb_strtolower($request->getMethod())); // identifier ist optional if (($identifier = $request->getPart(2)) !== NULL) { $call->addParameter($identifier); /* alle Subs weitergeben als weitere Parameter */ foreach ($request->getPartsFrom(3) as $p) { $call->addParameter($p); } } else { $call->setName('index'); } if ($request->getMethod() === Request::POST || $request->getMethod() === Request::PUT) { $call->addParameter($request->getBody()); } $this->call = $call; $this->service = $service; return $this->call(); }
public function test_getCurrentStock_noCustomer_noLink() { /** === Test Data === */ $CUST_ID = 21; $STOCK_ID = 32; $LINK = new \Praxigento\Warehouse\Data\Entity\Customer(); $LINK->setStockRef($STOCK_ID); /** === Setup Mocks === */ // $custId = $this->_session->getCustomerId(); $this->mSession->shouldReceive('getCustomerId')->once()->andReturn($CUST_ID); // $link = $this->_repoCustomer->getById($custId); $this->mRepoCustomer->shouldReceive('getById')->once()->andReturn(null); // $stockId = $this->_subRepo->getStockId(); $this->mSubRepo->shouldReceive('getStockId')->once()->andReturn($STOCK_ID); // $this->_repoCustomer->create($data); $this->mRepoCustomer->shouldReceive('create')->once(); /** === Call and asserts === */ $req = new Request\GetCurrentStock(); $resp = $this->obj->getCurrentStock($req); $this->assertTrue($resp->isSucceed()); $this->assertEquals($STOCK_ID, $resp->getStockId()); }
public function test_reset() { /** === Test Data === */ $DATESTAMP_FROM = '20151123'; $ROWS_DELETED = 5; /** === Setup Mocks === */ // $rows = $this->_repoBalance->delete($where); $this->mRepoBalance->shouldReceive('delete')->once()->andReturn($ROWS_DELETED); /** === Call and asserts === */ $req = new Request\Reset(); $req->setDateFrom($DATESTAMP_FROM); $res = $this->obj->reset($req); $this->assertTrue($res->isSucceed()); $this->assertEquals($ROWS_DELETED, $res->getRowsDeleted()); }
public function test_getStateOnDate() { /** === Test Data === */ $dstamp = '20151206'; $rows = 'rows'; /** === Setup Mocks === */ // $rows = $this->_repoSnap->getStateOnDate($dateOn); $this->mRepoSnap->shouldReceive('getStateOnDate')->once()->andReturn($rows); /** === Call and asserts === */ $req = new Request\GetStateOnDate(); $req->setDatestamp($dstamp); $resp = $this->obj->getStateOnDate($req); $this->assertTrue($resp->isSucceed()); $this->assertEquals($rows, $resp->getData()); }
public function test_registerSale() { /** === Test Data === */ $ITEM_ID = 32; $PROD_ID = 16; $STOCK_ID = 2; $QTY = 4; $REQ = $this->_mock(Request\RegisterSale::class); /** === Setup Mocks === */ // $def = $this->_manTrans->begin(); $mDef = $this->_mockTransactionDefinition(); $this->mManTrans->shouldReceive('begin')->once()->andReturn($mDef); // $reqItems = $req->getSaleItems(); $mReqItem = $this->_mock(\Praxigento\Warehouse\Service\QtyDistributor\Data\Item::class); $REQ->shouldReceive('getSaleItems')->once()->andReturn([$mReqItem]); // $itemId = $item->getItemId(); $mReqItem->shouldReceive('getItemId')->once()->andReturn($ITEM_ID); // $prodId = $item->getProductId(); $mReqItem->shouldReceive('getProductId')->once()->andReturn($PROD_ID); // $stockId = $item->getStockId(); $mReqItem->shouldReceive('getStockId')->once()->andReturn($STOCK_ID); // $qty = $item->getQuantity(); $mReqItem->shouldReceive('getQuantity')->once()->andReturn($QTY); // $lots = $this->_subRepo->getLotsByProductId($prodId, $stockId); $mLots = ['lots']; $this->mSubRepo->shouldReceive('getLotsByProductId')->once()->andReturn($mLots); // $this->_subRepo->registerSaleItemQty($itemId, $qty, $lots); $this->mSubRepo->shouldReceive('registerSaleItemQty')->once()->with($ITEM_ID, $QTY, $mLots); // $this->_manTrans->commit($def); $this->mManTrans->shouldReceive('commit')->once()->with($mDef); // $this->_manTrans->end($def); $this->mManTrans->shouldReceive('end')->once()->with($mDef); /** === Call and asserts === */ $res = $this->obj->registerSale($REQ); $this->assertTrue($res->isSucceed()); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { if (Auth::check()) { $level = Level::find($id); $previous = Level::where('next_level', '=', $level->id)->first(); $previous->next_level = $level->next_level; $previous->save(); $calls = Call::where('level_id', '=', $id)->get(); foreach ($calls as $call) { $call->delete(); } $level = Level::find($id); $level->delete(); return $this->index(); } return 'you are not authorized to do this'; }
function get_calls($offset = 0, $page_size = 20) { $output = array(); $page_cache_key = $this->cache_key . "_{$offset}_{$page_size}"; $total_cache_key = $this->cache_key . '_total'; if (function_exists('apc_fetch')) { $success = FALSE; $total = apc_fetch($total_cache_key, $success); if ($total and $success) { $this->total = $total; } $data = apc_fetch($page_cache_key, $success); if ($data and $success) { $output = @unserialize($data); if (is_array($output)) { return $output; } } } $page = floor(($offset + 1) / $page_size); $params = array('num' => $page_size, 'page' => $page); $response = $this->twilio->request("Accounts/{$this->twilio_sid}/Calls", 'GET', $params); if ($response->IsError) { throw new VBX_CallException($response->ErrorMessage, $response->HttpStatus); } else { $this->total = (string) $response->ResponseXml->Calls['total']; $records = $response->ResponseXml->Calls->Call; foreach ($records as $record) { $item = new stdClass(); $item->id = (string) $record->Sid; $item->caller = format_phone($record->Caller); $item->called = format_phone($record->Called); $item->status = Call::get_status((string) $record->Status); $item->start = isset($record->StartTime) ? strtotime($record->StartTime) : null; $item->end = isset($record->EndTime) ? strtotime($record->EndTime) : null; $item->seconds = isset($record->Duration) ? (string) $record->Duration : 0; $output[] = $item; } } if (function_exists('apc_store')) { apc_store($page_cache_key, serialize($output), self::CACHE_TIME_SEC); apc_store($total_cache_key, $this->total, self::CACHE_TIME_SEC); } return $output; }
public function lang_newsAction() { $model = new AdminModel(); $form = Call::form('Lang_news'); $news = $model->getNewsByID(Request::getUri()[0]); if (!$news->id) { error404(); } if (isPost()) { $dataPost = array('name' => post('name'), 'lang' => 'en', 'text' => post('text')); // allPost() $lnid = post('lnid', 'int'); if ($form->isValid($dataPost)) { $data = $form->data; $data['nid'] = $news->id; $data['uid'] = Request::getParam('user')->id; $data['time'] = time(); if ($lnid) { $model->update('news_lang', $data, "`id` = '{$lnid}'"); setNotice(Lang::translate('LANG_NEWS_EDITED')); } else { $id = $model->insert('news_lang', $data); $lnid = $id; if ($id) { setNotice(Lang::translate('LANG_NEWS_ADDED')); } } $dataImg['path'] = 'public/news/'; $dataImg['new_name'] = $lnid; $dataImg['resize'] = 2; $dataImg['mkdir'] = true; $dataImg['min_width'] = 600; $dataImg['min_height'] = 400; if ($_FILES['image']['name']) { $f = File::LoadImg($_FILES['image'], $dataImg); } } else { setNotice(Lang::translate('SOME_ERROR')); } //redirect(url('admin', 'lang_news', $news->id)); } $this->view->list = $model->getLangNewsList($news->id); $this->view->news = $news; $this->view->title = $news->name; }
public function test_orderSave() { /** === Test Data === */ $ORDER_ID_MAGE = 4; $ORDER_ID_ODOO = 16; $REQ = new \Praxigento\Odoo\Service\Replicate\Request\OrderSave(); /** === Setup Mocks === */ // $mageOrder = $req->getSaleOrder(); $mMageOrder = $this->_mock(\Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderInterface::class); $REQ->setSaleOrder($mMageOrder); // $orderIdMage = $mageOrder->getEntityId(); $mMageOrder->shouldReceive('getEntityId')->once()->andReturn($ORDER_ID_MAGE); // $registeredOrder = $this->_repoEntitySaleOrder->getById($orderIdMage); $mRegisteredOrder = null; $this->mRepoEntitySaleOrder->shouldReceive('getById')->once()->with($ORDER_ID_MAGE)->andReturn($mRegisteredOrder); // $odooOrder = $this->_subCollector->getSaleOrder($mageOrder); $mOdooOrder = $this->_mock(\Praxigento\Odoo\Data\Odoo\SaleOrder::class); $this->mSubCollector->shouldReceive('getSaleOrder')->once()->andReturn($mOdooOrder); // $def = $this->_manTrans->begin(); $mDef = $this->_mockTransactionDefinition(); $this->mManTrans->shouldReceive('begin')->once()->andReturn($mDef); // $resp = $this->_repoOdooSaleOrder->save($odooOrder); $mResp = $this->_mock(\Praxigento\Odoo\Data\Odoo\SaleOrder\Response::class); $this->mRepoOdooSaleOrder->shouldReceive('save')->once()->andReturn($mResp); // $mageId = $mageOrder->getEntityId(); $mMageOrder->shouldReceive('getEntityId')->once()->andReturn($ORDER_ID_MAGE); // $odooId = $resp->getIdOdoo(); $mResp->shouldReceive('getIdOdoo')->once()->andReturn($ORDER_ID_ODOO); // $this->_repoEntitySaleOrder->create($registry); $this->mRepoEntitySaleOrder->shouldReceive('create')->once(); // $this->_manTrans->commit($def); $this->mManTrans->shouldReceive('commit')->once(); // $this->_manTrans->end($def); $this->mManTrans->shouldReceive('end')->once(); /** === Call and asserts === */ $res = $this->obj->orderSave($REQ); $this->assertTrue($res instanceof \Praxigento\Odoo\Service\Replicate\Response\OrderSave); $this->assertTrue($res->isSucceed()); }
/** * login * * The script checks provided name and password against remote server. * * This is done by transmitting the user name and the password to the origin server, * through a XML-RPC call ([code]drupal.login[/code]). * On success the origin server will provide the original id for the user profile. * Else a null id will be returned. * * @link Using distributed authentication ( * * @param string the nickname or the email address of the user * @param string the submitted password * @return TRUE on succesful authentication, FALSE othewise */ function login($name, $password) { global $context; // we need some parameters if (!isset($this->attributes['authenticator_parameters']) || !$this->attributes['authenticator_parameters']) { Logger::error(i18n::s('Please provide parameters to the authenticator.')); return FALSE; } // submit credentials to the authenticating server include_once $context['path_to_root'] . 'services/call.php'; $result = Call::invoke($this->attributes['authenticator_parameters'], 'drupal.login', array($name, $password), 'XML-RPC'); // invalid result if (!$result || @count($result) < 2) { Logger::error(sprintf(i18n::s('Impossible to complete XML-RPC call to %s.'), $this->attributes['authenticator_parameters'])); return FALSE; } // successful authentication if ($result[0] && $result[1] > 0) { return TRUE; } // failed authentication return FALSE; }
public function testParentsAreRelatedDuringImport() { $file = 'upload://test50438.csv'; $ret = file_put_contents($file, $this->fileArr); $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $ret, 'Failed to write to ' . $file . ' for content ' . var_export($this->fileArr, true)); $importSource = new ImportFile($file, ',', '"'); $bean = loadBean('Calls'); $_REQUEST['columncount'] = 5; $_REQUEST['colnum_0'] = 'id'; $_REQUEST['colnum_1'] = 'subject'; $_REQUEST['colnum_2'] = 'status'; $_REQUEST['colnum_3'] = 'parent_type'; $_REQUEST['colnum_4'] = 'parent_id'; $_REQUEST['import_module'] = 'Contacts'; $_REQUEST['importlocale_charset'] = 'UTF-8'; $_REQUEST['importlocale_timezone'] = 'GMT'; $_REQUEST['importlocale_default_currency_significant_digits'] = '2'; $_REQUEST['importlocale_currency'] = '-99'; $_REQUEST['importlocale_dec_sep'] = '.'; $_REQUEST['importlocale_currency'] = '-99'; $_REQUEST['importlocale_default_locale_name_format'] = 's f l'; $_REQUEST['importlocale_num_grp_sep'] = ','; $_REQUEST['importlocale_dateformat'] = 'm/d/y'; $_REQUEST['importlocale_timeformat'] = 'h:i:s'; $importer = new Importer($importSource, $bean); $importer->import(); //fetch the bean using the passed in id and get related contacts require_once 'modules/Calls/Call.php'; $call = new Call(); $call->retrieve($this->call_id); $call->load_relationship('contacts'); $related_contacts = $call->contacts->get(); //test that the contact id is in the array of related contacts. $this->assertContains($this->contact->id, $related_contacts, ' Contact was not related during simulated import despite being set in related parent id'); unset($call); /* if (is_file($file)) { unlink($file); } */ }
/** * attempt to use the pingback interface * * @param string - some text, extracted from the target site, to extract the broker URL, if any * @param string - the source address * @param string - the target address from which the text has been extracted * @return TRUE if the target site has been pinged back, FALSE otherwise * * @link Pingback specification */ public static function ping_as_pingback($text, $source, $target) { global $context; // extract all <link... /> tags preg_match_all('/<link(.+?)\\/?>/mi', $text, $links); // nothing to do if (!@count($links[1])) { return FALSE; } // look for the broker $broker = array(); foreach ($links[1] as $link) { // seek the pingback interface if (!preg_match('/rel="pingback"/mi', $link)) { continue; } // extract the broker link if (preg_match('/href="([^"]+)"/mi', $link, $broker)) { break; } } // pingback interface not supported here if (!isset($broker[1])) { return FALSE; } // actual pingback, through XML-RPC include_once $context['path_to_root'] . 'services/call.php'; $result = Call::invoke($broker[1], '', array($source, $target), 'XML-RPC'); return TRUE; }
/** * @expectedException Respect\Validation\Exceptions\CallException */ public function testCallbackFailedShouldThrowCallException() { $v = new Call('strrev', new Arr()); $this->assertFalse($v->validate('test')); $this->assertFalse($v->assert('test')); }
require "custom/modules/Asterisk/language/" . $current_language . ".lang.php"; $cUser = new User(); $cUser->retrieve($_SESSION['authenticated_user_id']); // query log // Very basic santization $contactId = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\\-\\. ]/i', '', $_REQUEST['contact_id']); // mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['ui_state']); $callRecord = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\\-\\. ]/i', '', $_REQUEST['call_record']); // mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['call_record']); $query = "update asterisk_log set contact_id=\"{$contactId}\" where call_record_id=\"{$callRecord}\""; $resultSet = $cUser->db->query($query, false); if ($cUser->db->checkError()) { trigger_error("Update setContactId-Query failed: {$query}"); } // Adds the new relationship! (This must be done here in case the call has already been hungup as that's when asteriskLogger sets relations) $focus = new Call(); $focus->retrieve($callRecord); $focus->load_relationship('contacts'); // Remove any contacts already associated with call (if there are any) foreach ($focus->contacts->getBeans() as $contact) { $focus->contacts->delete($callRecord, $contact->id); } $focus->contacts->add($contactId); // Add the new one! $contactBean = new Contact(); $contactBean->retrieve($contactId); $focus->parent_id = $contactBean->account_id; $focus->parent_type = "Accounts"; $focus->save(); } else { if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "call") {
function save($check_notify = FALSE) { global $timedate,$current_user; if(isset($this->date_start) && isset($this->duration_hours) && isset($this->duration_minutes)) { $td = $timedate->fromDb($this->date_start); if($td) { $this->date_end = $td->modify("+{$this->duration_hours} hours {$this->duration_minutes} mins")->asDb(); } } if(!empty($_REQUEST['send_invites']) && $_REQUEST['send_invites'] == '1') { $check_notify = true; } else { $check_notify = false; } if(empty($_REQUEST['send_invites'])) { if(!empty($this->id)) { $old_record = new Call(); $old_record->retrieve($this->id); $old_assigned_user_id = $old_record->assigned_user_id; } if((empty($this->id) && isset($_REQUEST['assigned_user_id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['assigned_user_id']) && $GLOBALS['current_user']->id != $_REQUEST['assigned_user_id']) || (isset($old_assigned_user_id) && !empty($old_assigned_user_id) && isset($_REQUEST['assigned_user_id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['assigned_user_id']) && $old_assigned_user_id != $_REQUEST['assigned_user_id']) ){ $this->special_notification = true; if(!isset($GLOBALS['resavingRelatedBeans']) || $GLOBALS['resavingRelatedBeans'] == false) { $check_notify = true; } if(isset($_REQUEST['assigned_user_name'])) { $this->new_assigned_user_name = $_REQUEST['assigned_user_name']; } } } if (empty($this->status) ) { $this->status = $this->getDefaultStatus(); } // prevent a mass mailing for recurring meetings created in Calendar module if (empty($this->id) && !empty($_REQUEST['module']) && $_REQUEST['module'] == "Calendar" && !empty($_REQUEST['repeat_type']) && !empty($this->repeat_parent_id)) { $check_notify = false; } /*nsingh 7/3/08 commenting out as bug #20814 is invalid if($current_user->getPreference('reminder_time')!= -1 && isset($_POST['reminder_checked']) && isset($_POST['reminder_time']) && $_POST['reminder_checked']==0 && $_POST['reminder_time']==-1){ $this->reminder_checked = '1'; $this->reminder_time = $current_user->getPreference('reminder_time'); }*/ $return_id = parent::save($check_notify); global $current_user; if($this->update_vcal) { vCal::cache_sugar_vcal($current_user); } return $return_id; }
* this program; if not, see or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road, * SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by * SugarCRM" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words * "Powered by SugarCRM". ********************************************************************************/ global $json, $current_user; if ($_REQUEST['object_type'] == "Meeting") { $focus = new Meeting(); $focus->id = $_REQUEST['object_id']; $test = $focus->set_accept_status($current_user, $_REQUEST['accept_status']); } else { if ($_REQUEST['object_type'] == "Call") { $focus = new Call(); $focus->id = $_REQUEST['object_id']; $test = $focus->set_accept_status($current_user, $_REQUEST['accept_status']); } } print 1; exit;
private function _createUpcomingActivities() { $GLOBALS['current_user']->setPreference('datef', 'Y-m-d'); $GLOBALS['current_user']->setPreference('timef', 'H:i'); $date1 = $GLOBALS['timedate']->to_display_date_time(gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", gmmktime() + 3600 * 24 * 2), true, true, $GLOBALS['current_user']); //Two days from today $date2 = $GLOBALS['timedate']->to_display_date_time(gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", gmmktime() + 3600 * 24 * 4), true, true, $GLOBALS['current_user']); //Two days from today $callID = uniqid(); $c = new Call(); $c->id = $callID; $c->new_with_id = TRUE; $c->status = 'Not Planned'; $c->date_start = $date1; $c->name = "UNIT TEST"; $c->assigned_user_id = $this->_user->id; $c->save(FALSE); $callID = uniqid(); $c = new Call(); $c->id = $callID; $c->new_with_id = TRUE; $c->status = 'Planned'; $c->date_start = $date1; $c->name = "UNIT TEST"; $c->assigned_user_id = $this->_user->id; $c->save(FALSE); $taskID = uniqid(); $t = new Task(); $t->id = $taskID; $t->new_with_id = TRUE; $t->status = 'Not Started'; $t->date_due = $date2; $t->name = "UNIT TEST"; $t->assigned_user_id = $this->_user->id; $t->save(FALSE); return array($callID, $taskID); }
/** * @expectedException Respect\Validation\Exceptions\CallException */ public function test_callback_failed_should_throw_CallException() { $v = new Call('strrev', new Arr()); $this->assertFalse($v->validate('test')); $this->assertFalse($v->assert('test')); }
// anonymous users are invited to log in or to register } elseif (!Surfer::is_logged()) { Safe::redirect($context['url_to_home'] . $context['url_to_root'] . 'users/login.php?url=' . urlencode('servers/ping.php')); } elseif (!Surfer::is_associate()) { Safe::header('Status: 401 Unauthorized', TRUE, 401); Logger::error(i18n::s('You are not allowed to perform this operation.')); // do the ping } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'ping') { // list servers to be advertised if ($servers = Servers::list_for_ping(0, 20, 'ping')) { $context['text'] .= '<p>' . i18n::s('Servers that have been notified') . '</p><ul>'; // ping each server foreach ($servers as $server_url => $attributes) { list($server_ping, $server_label) = $attributes; $milestone = get_micro_time(); $result = @Call::invoke($server_ping, '', array(strip_tags($context['site_name']), $context['url_to_home'] . $context['url_to_root']), 'XML-RPC'); if ($result[0]) { $label = round(get_micro_time() - $milestone, 2) . ' sec.'; } else { $label = @$result[1]; } $context['text'] .= '<li>' . $server_label . ' (' . $label . ')</li>'; } $context['text'] .= '</ul>'; // no server to ping } else { $context['text'] .= '<p>' . i18n::s('No server has been created yet.') . '</p>'; } // back to the index of servers $menu = array('servers/' => i18n::s('Servers')); $context['text'] .= Skin::build_list($menu, 'menu_bar');
/** * @brief Validate a payment, verify if everything is right */ public function validation() { $token = (int) Tools::getValue('Token'); $id_cart = (int) Tools::getValue('TransactionID'); $link = new Link(); $this->context->cart = new Cart($id_cart); $this->context->link = $link; if (Validate::isLoadedObject($this->context->cart)) { $call = new Call(); try { $result = $call->getTransaction($token); } catch (Exception $e) { Logger::AddLog('[MerchantWare] Problem to verify a payment. Cart id: ' . $id_cart . ', token: ' . $token . '.', 2); } if (isset($result->TransactionsByReferenceResult->TransactionReference4->ApprovalStatus)) { if ($result->TransactionsByReferenceResult->TransactionReference4->ApprovalStatus == 'APPROVED') { $amount = str_replace(',', '', $result->TransactionsByReferenceResult->TransactionReference4->Amount); $tokenTransaction = new TokenTransaction((int) $this->context->cart->id); $tokenTransaction->setToken($token); $this->validateOrder((int) $this->context->cart->id, Configuration::get('PS_OS_PAYMENT'), $amount, 'merchantware', NULL, array(), NULL, false, $this->context->cart->secure_key); } else { $this->validateOrder((int) $this->context->cart->id, Configuration::get('PS_OS_ERROR'), $amount, 'merchantware', NULL, array(), NULL, false, $this->context->cart->secure_key); } } else { Logger::AddLog('[MerchantWare] Problem to verify a payment. Cart id: ' . (int) $id_cart . ', token: ' . Tools::safeOutput($token) . '.', 2); } } else { Logger::AddLog('[MerchantWare] The Shopping cart #' . (int) $id_cart . ' was not found during the payment validation step.', 2); } $url = 'index.php?controller=order-confirmation&'; if (_PS_VERSION_ < '1.5') { $url = 'order-confirmation.php?'; } header('location:' . __PS_BASE_URI__ . $url . 'id_module=' . (int) $this->id . '&id_cart=' . (int) $this->context->cart->id . '&key=' . $this->context->customer->secure_key); exit; }
function CreateTaskAndCallForNewOpportunity($bean) { $timeDate = new TimeDate(); if (empty($bean->fetched_row['id'])) { $task = new Task(); $task->name = "Send Proposal"; $task->priority = "High"; $task->status = "Not Started"; $task->date_due = $timeDate->getNow(true)->modify("+1 days")->asDb(); $task->parent_type = "Opportunities"; $task->parent_id = $bean->id; $task->assigned_user_id = $bean->assigned_user_id; $task->save(); $call = new Call(); $call->name = "Follow up"; $call->direction = "Outbound"; $call->status = "Planned"; $call->duration_hours = 0; $call->duration_minutes = 15; $call->date_start = $timeDate->getNow(true)->modify("+2 days")->asDb(); $call->parent_type = "Opportunities"; $call->parent_id = $bean->id; $call->assigned_user_id = $bean->assigned_user_id; $call->save(); } }