Пример #1
 $is_disabled = $session->is_user_disabled();
 if ($is_disabled == TRUE) {
     $e_msg = _('Error! Scan cannot be completed: Scan owner is disabled');
     Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, $e_msg);
 $client = new Alienvault_client($user);
 $client->auth()->login($user, $pass);
 //Launching scan
 $autodetect = $autodetect == 1 ? 'true' : 'false';
 $rdns = $rdns == 1 ? 'true' : 'false';
 $timing_template = empty($timing_template) ? 'T3' : $timing_template;
 $scan_options = array('scan_type' => $scan_type, 'scan_timing' => $timing_template, 'autodetect_os' => $autodetect, 'reverse_dns' => $rdns, 'scan_ports' => $custom_ports, 'idm' => 'false');
 $av_scan = new Av_scan($targets_p, $sensor, $scan_options);
 echo "Asset scan:\n";
 echo "\tTargets: " . $av_scan->get_targets('scan_format') . "\n";
 echo "\tSensor: " . $av_scan->get_sensor() . "\n";
 echo "\tScan Options: \n";
 $sc_options = $av_scan->get_scan_options();
 foreach ($sc_options as $sc_type => $sc_value) {
     echo "\t\t{$sc_type}: {$sc_value}\n";
 if ($display_results == 1) {
     $status = $av_scan->get_status();
     while ($status['status']['code'] != Av_scan::ST_SCAN_FINISHED) {
         $status = $av_scan->get_status();
     // Getting discovered hosts
Пример #2
function do_scan($wizard)
    try {
        $next_step = 1;
        $data = array('finish' => FALSE);
        //File to cache scan object
        $user = Session::get_session_user();
        $scan_file = 'w_last_asset_object-' . md5($user);
        $step = intval($wizard->get_step_data('scan_step'));
        if ($step == 0) {
        $obj = Av_scan::get_object_from_file($scan_file);
        if (!is_object($obj) || empty($obj)) {
            $nets = $wizard->get_step_data('scan_nets');
            if (count($nets) < 1) {
                $e_msg = _('Invalid networks selected to scan');
                Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, $e_msg);
            $nets = implode(' ', $nets);
            $scan_options = array('scan_type' => 'fast', 'scan_timing' => 'T3', 'autodetect_os' => 'true', 'reverse_dns' => 'true', 'scan_ports' => '', 'idm' => 'false');
            $obj = new Av_scan($nets, 'local', $scan_options);
            Av_scan::set_object_in_file($obj, $scan_file);
        $aux_status = $obj->get_status();
        $status = $aux_status['status']['code'];
        $total = $aux_status['number_of_targets'];
        switch ($status) {
            case Av_scan::ST_SEARCH_FINISHED:
            case Av_scan::ST_SCANNING_HOSTS:
            case Av_scan::ST_SCAN_FINISHED:
                $next_step = $total > 0 ? 2 : 3;
                $wizard->set_step_data('scan_hosts', $total);
                $data = array('finish' => TRUE);
        $wizard->set_step_data('scan_step', $next_step);
        //error_log("Step: $step\n", 3, '/tmp/test_wizard');
        //error_log("Next Step: $next_step\n", 3, '/tmp/test_wizard');
        //error_log(var_export($aux_status, TRUE)."\n", 3, '/tmp/test_wizard');
        $response['error'] = FALSE;
        $response['data'] = $data;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        //error_log("Error: ".$e->getMessage()."\n", 3, '/tmp/test_wizard');
        $msg = _('Error! Asset scan cannot be completed.  Please try again');
        set_scan_error_message($wizard, $msg);
        $response['error'] = TRUE;
    return $response;
Пример #3
        if (ossim_error()) {
            $e_msg = ossim_get_error_clean();
        } else {
            // Run remote nmap scans
            $targets = array();
            foreach ($explain_scan as $sensor_id => $s_data) {
                //Sensor status: Idle(0), Running (1) or Down(2)
                $code = $s_data['status']['code'];
                if ($code == 0) {
                    foreach ($s_data['assets'] as $assets) {
                        $targets[] = $assets['ip'];
                    $targets = implode(' ', $targets);
                    $scan_options = array('scan_type' => $scan_type, 'timing_template' => $timing_template, 'autodetect_os' => $autodetect, 'reverse_dns' => $rdns, 'ports' => $custom_ports, 'idm' => 'true');
                    $av_scan = new Av_scan($targets, $sensor_id, $scan_options);
                    $res = $av_scan->run();
                    $close = TRUE;
                    $explain_scan[$sensor_id]['status'] = array('code' => 1, 'desc' => _('Running'));
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $e_msg = $e->getMessage();

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Пример #4
             $assets_p = implode(' ', $assets_string);
         } else {
             $validation_errors['assets[]'] = _("Error in the 'Target selection' field (missing required field)");
     if (is_array($validation_errors) && !empty($validation_errors)) {
         //Formatted message
         $error_msg = '<div>' . _('The following errors occurred') . ":</div>\n                              <div style='padding: 5px;'>" . implode('<br/>', $validation_errors) . '</div>';
     } else {
         $autodetect = $autodetect == 1 ? 'true' : 'false';
         $rdns = $rdns == 1 ? 'true' : 'false';
         $scan_options = array('scan_type' => $scan_type, 'scan_timing' => $timing_template, 'autodetect_os' => $autodetect, 'reverse_dns' => $rdns, 'scan_ports' => $custom_ports, 'idm' => 'false');
         $av_scan = new Av_scan($assets_p, $sensor, $scan_options);
         $job_id = $av_scan->run();
         //File to cache scan object
         $scan_file = 'last_asset_object-' . md5($user);
         Av_scan::set_object_in_file($av_scan, $scan_file);
         $data['status'] = 'success';
         $data['data'] = $job_id;
 case 'scan_status':
     $av_scan = Av_scan::get_object_from_file($scan_file);
     if (!is_object($av_scan) || empty($av_scan)) {
         $scan_running = FALSE;
         $scan_message = _('No asset scan running');
         $scan_status = array('code' => 0, 'descr' => Av_scan::ST_IDLE);
         $scan_status = array('message' => $scan_message, 'status' => $scan_status, 'progress' => array('percent' => 0, 'current' => 0, 'total' => 0, 'time' => 0));
     } else {