Пример #1
 $stds = trim($stds);
 // had some side white spaces sometimes
 $stds = split(" ", $stds);
 if ($debug) {
     var_dump("\n<BR>EMAILS ARE: {$stds} \n<BR>");
 // foreach($stds as $element) { echo("->".$element."\n"); }
 if ($stds[0]) {
     foreach ($stds as $element) {
         $element = trim($element);
         $sql = "UPDATE `Proj2Students` SET `Status`='C' WHERE `StudentID` = '{$element}'";
         $rs = $COMMON->executeQuery($sql, "Advising Appointments");
         // Get student info from database
         $student = new Student($COMMON, $element);
         $eml = $student->getEmail();
         $message = "The following group appointment has been deleted by the adminstration of your advisor: " . "\r\n" . "Time: " . $appt->getTime() . "\r\n" . "To schedule for a new appointment, please log back into the UMBC COEIT Engineering and Computer Science Advising webpage." . "\r\n" . "http://coeadvising.umbc.edu  -> COEIT Advising Scheduling \r\n Reminder, this is only accessible on campus.";
         mail($eml, "Your COE Advising Appointment Has Been Deleted", $message);
 $sql = "DELETE FROM `Proj2Appointments` WHERE `id`='{$appID}'";
 $rs = $COMMON->executeQuery($sql, "Advising Appointments");
 echo "Time: " . date('l, F d, Y g:i A', strtotime($appt->getTime())) . "<br>";
 echo "Majors included: ";
 if ($appt->getMajor()) {
     echo $appt->convertMajor(', ') . "<br>";
 } else {
     echo "Available to all majors<br>";
 echo "Number of students enrolled: " . $appt->getEnrolledNum() . "<br>";
 echo "Student limit: " . $appt->getMax();
 echo "<br><br>";
Пример #2
          <h1>Edit Group Appointment</h1>
		  <div class="field">
$debug = false;
include '../CommonMethods.php';
include '../Appointment.php';
$COMMON = new Common($debug);
$appID = $_GET["app"];
// Get appointment info from database
$appt = new Appointment($COMMON, $appID);
echo "<form action=\"AdminConfirmEditGroup.php\" method=\"post\" name=\"Edit\">";
// Hidden field to mark it is not deletion
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"edit\" value=\"edit\">";
// Hidden field for appointment ID
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"GroupApp\" value=\"" . $appt->getID() . "\">";
echo "Time: " . date('l, F d, Y g:i A', strtotime($appt->getTime())) . "<br>";
echo "Majors included: ";
if ($appt->getMajor()) {
    echo $appt->convertMajor(', ') . "<br>";
} else {
    echo "Available to all majors<br>";
echo "Number of students enrolled: " . $appt->getEnrolledNum() . " <br>";
echo "Location: ";
echo $appt->getMeeting();
echo "<br>";
echo "Student limit: ";
echo "<input type=\"number\" id=\"stepper\" name=\"stepper\" min=\"" . $appt->getEnrolledNum() . "\" max=\"" . $appt->getMax() . "\" value=\"" . $appt->getMax() . "\" />";
echo "<br><br>";
echo "<div class=\"nextButton\">";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"next\" class=\"button large go\" value=\"Submit\">";