Пример #1
try {
    die('Expected exception not thrown');
} catch (DomainException $e) {
    // Yep, it worked correctly.
 * Most HTTP headers may appear multiple times in the same message. For this reason it makes sense
 * to represent all message headers as arrays. When you retrieve a header it will be returned as a
 * numerically-indexed array:
$contentType = $request->getHeader('content-type');
// true
assert($contentType[0] === 'text/plain');
// true
 * As a result, if you're interested in header fields for which there *should* only exist a single
 * value you should access them in this manner:
if ($request->hasHeader('CONTENT-TYPE')) {
    $contentType = current($request->getHeader('Content-TYPE'));
    assert($contentType === 'text/plain');
 * Finally, you can clear all headers from a message in one fell swoop: