function get_by_views($count, $args) { if (defined('IS_WPCOM') && IS_WPCOM) { global $wpdb; $post_views = wp_cache_get("get_top_posts_{$count}", 'stats'); if (false === $post_views) { $post_views = array_shift(stats_get_daily_history(false, get_current_blog_id(), 'postviews', 'post_id', false, 2, '', $count * 2 + 10, true)); unset($post_views[0]); wp_cache_add("get_top_posts_{$count}", $post_views, 'stats', 1200); } return $this->get_posts(array_keys($post_views), $count); } /** * Filter the number of days used to calculate Top Posts for the Top Posts widget. * * @module widgets * * @since 3.9.3 * * @param int 2 Number of days. Default is 2. * @param array $args The widget arguments. */ $days = (int) apply_filters('jetpack_top_posts_days', 2, $args); if ($days < 1) { $days = 2; } if ($days > 10) { $days = 10; } $post_view_posts = stats_get_csv('postviews', array('days' => absint($days), 'limit' => 11)); if (!$post_view_posts) { return array(); } $post_view_ids = array_filter(wp_list_pluck($post_view_posts, 'post_id')); if (!$post_view_ids) { return array(); } return $this->get_posts($post_view_ids, $count); }
function get_by_views($count, $args) { if (defined('IS_WPCOM') && IS_WPCOM) { global $wpdb; $post_views = wp_cache_get("get_top_posts_{$count}", 'stats'); if (false === $post_views) { $post_views = array_shift(stats_get_daily_history(false, get_current_blog_id(), 'postviews', 'post_id', false, 2, '', $count * 2 + 10, true)); unset($post_views[0]); wp_cache_add("get_top_posts_{$count}", $post_views, 'stats', 1200); } return $this->get_posts(array_keys($post_views), $count); } /** * Filter the number of days used to calculate Top Posts for the Top Posts widget. * We do not recommend accessing more than 10 days of results at one. * When more than 10 days of results are accessed at once, results should be cached via the WordPress transients API. * Querying for -1 days will give results for an infinite number of days. * * @module widgets * * @since 3.9.3 * * @param int 2 Number of days. Default is 2. * @param array $args The widget arguments. */ $days = (int) apply_filters('jetpack_top_posts_days', 2, $args); /** Handling situations where the number of days makes no sense - allows for unlimited days where $days = -1 */ if (0 == $days || false == $days) { $days = 2; } $post_view_posts = stats_get_csv('postviews', array('days' => absint($days), 'limit' => 11)); if (!$post_view_posts) { return array(); } $post_view_ids = array_filter(wp_list_pluck($post_view_posts, 'post_id')); if (!$post_view_ids) { return array(); } return $this->get_posts($post_view_ids, $count); }
/** * Gets the data used by the "Top Posts" widget. * * Our Top Posts widget ( uses a display_top_posts() function to display a list of popular posts. * You can use this function in your themes. The function uses data from Stats ( to generate the list. * * If you would like more control over the output of display_top_posts(), use the get_top_posts() function. * * Note: in the results, post_ID = 0 is used to track home page views. * * @param int $number Optional. At least 10 posts are always returned; this parameter controls how many extra you want. Valid values: 1-10 (default is 10). * @param int $days Optional. How many days of stats should be used in the calculation; defaults to 2. * @return array */ function get_top_posts($number = 10, $days = 2) { global $wpdb; // Compat for .org if (!function_exists('stats_get_daily_history')) { return array(); } // TODO: return dummy data $top_posts = wp_cache_get("get_top_posts_{$number}_{$days}"); if (!$top_posts) { if ($number < 1 || $number > 20 || !is_int($number)) { $number = 10; } if ($days < 2 || !is_int($days)) { $days = 2; } // minimum is 2 because of how stats rollover for a new day $top_posts = array_shift(stats_get_daily_history(false, $wpdb->blogid, 'postviews', 'post_id', false, $days, '', $number + 10, true)); wp_cache_add("get_top_posts_{$number}_{$days}", $top_posts, '', 1200); } return $top_posts; }
/** * Get the number of pageviews for a given post ID. * * Default to the current post. * * @param int $post_id Optional. The post ID to fetch stats for. Defaults to the $post global's value. * @param int $num_days Optional. How many days to go back to include in the stats. Default is 1. Maximum 90 days. * @param string $end_data Optional. The last day of the desired time frame. Format is 'Y-m-d' (e.g. 2007-05-01) and default is today's UTC date. * @return int|false Number of pageviews or false on error. */ function wpcom_vip_get_post_pageviews($post_id = null, $num_days = 1, $end_date = false) { global $post, $wpdb; if (empty($post_id) && !empty($post->ID)) { $post_id = $post->ID; } $post_id = absint($post_id); if (empty($post_id)) { return false; } // At least 1 but no more than 90 $num_days = max(1, min(90, intval($num_days))); if (true === WPCOM_IS_VIP_ENV) { $cache_key = 'views_' . $wpdb->blogid . '_' . $post_id . '_' . $num_days . '_' . $end_date; $views = wp_cache_get($cache_key, 'vip_stats'); if (false === $views) { $views = 0; $data = stats_get_daily_history(false, $wpdb->blogid, 'postviews', 'post_id', $end_date, $num_days, $wpdb->prepare("AND post_id = %d", $post_id), 1, true); if (is_array($data)) { $views = (int) array_pop(array_pop($data)); } wp_cache_set($cache_key, $views, 'vip_stats', 3600); } } else { $views = mt_rand(0, 20000); } return $views; }
function mostpopular_adjust_title($title = '') { if (!function_exists('stats_get_daily_history')) { die('Call to undefined function stats_get_daily_history().'); } global $post, $wpdb, $mostpopular_duration; $mostpopular_duration = apply_filters("mostpopular_max_duration", $mostpopular_duration); $tpcacheid = md5("topposts_" . $mostpopular_duration . $wpdb->blogid); $topposts = wp_cache_get($tpcacheid, 'output'); // just in the case we do not have a cache hit fill it if (empty($topposts)) { $topposts = array_shift(stats_get_daily_history(false, $wpdb->blogid, 'postviews', 'post_id', false, $mostpopular_duration, '', 100, true)); if (!empty($topposts)) { wp_cache_add($tpcacheid, $topposts, 'output', 3600); } } $title_addon = ''; if (isset($topposts[$post->ID])) { $title_addon = " (" . $topposts[$post->ID] . " " . __("views") . ")"; } return $title . $title_addon; }