Пример #1
  * Imports available properties from and communicates import progress with Skarabee's servers
 public function import()
     $client = self::get_client();
     $types = array('LOT' => 2, 'MODEL' => 4, 'PROJECT' => 3, 'TRANSACTION' => 1);
     $categories = array('Dwelling' => 1, 'Flat' => 2, 'Land' => 3, 'ServiceFlat' => 4, 'Room' => 5, 'Parking' => 6, 'Other' => 7, 'Catering' => 8, 'Office' => 9, 'Industry' => 10, 'Shop' => 11, 'ProfessionalOther' => 12, 'ProfessionalLand' => 13);
     $subcategories = array('Dwelling' => array('nl' => 'Huis', 'fr' => 'Maison', 'en' => 'House', 'de' => 'Haus'), 'Flat' => array('nl' => 'Appartement', 'fr' => 'Appartement', 'en' => 'Apartment', 'de' => 'Appartement'), 'Land' => array('nl' => 'Grond', 'fr' => 'Terrain', 'en' => 'Land', 'de' => 'Boden'), 'ServiceFlat' => array('nl' => 'Serviceflat', 'fr' => 'Service flat', 'en' => 'Service flat', 'de' => 'Serviceflat'), 'Room' => array('nl' => 'Kamer', 'fr' => 'Chambre', 'en' => 'Room', 'de' => 'Zimmer'), 'Parking' => array('nl' => 'Parking', 'fr' => 'Parking', 'en' => 'Parking', 'de' => 'Parkplatz'), 'Other' => array('nl' => 'Andere', 'fr' => 'Autre', 'en' => 'Other', 'de' => 'Andere'), 'Catering' => array('nl' => 'Horeca', 'fr' => 'Horeca', 'en' => 'Catering', 'de' => 'Gaststättengewerbe'), 'Industry' => array('nl' => 'Bedrijfsterrein', 'fr' => 'Surface industriel', 'en' => 'Industrial property', 'de' => 'Betriebsterrain'), 'Office' => array('nl' => 'Kantoor', 'fr' => 'Bureau', 'en' => 'Office', 'de' => 'Büro'), 'Shop' => array('nl' => 'Winkel', 'fr' => 'Magasin', 'en' => 'Shop', 'de' => 'Laden'), 'ProfessionalOther' => array('nl' => 'Professioneel pand', 'fr' => 'Bien professionel', 'en' => 'Professional property', 'de' => 'Professionelle Immobilien'), 'ProfessionalLand' => array('nl' => 'Grond', 'fr' => 'Terrain', 'en' => 'Land', 'de' => 'Boden'), 'ArchitectDwelling' => array('nl' => 'Architectenwoning', 'fr' => 'Maison architecte', 'en' => 'Architect house', 'de' => 'Architektenwohnung'), 'Bastide' => array('nl' => 'Bastide', 'fr' => 'Bastide', 'en' => 'Bastide', 'de' => 'Bastide'), 'Bungalow' => array('nl' => 'Bungalow', 'fr' => 'Plain-pied', 'en' => 'Bungalow', 'de' => 'Bungalow'), 'CanalHouse' => array('nl' => 'Grachtenpand', 'fr' => 'Canal maison', 'en' => 'Canal house', 'de' => 'Grachtenhaus'), 'Castle' => array('nl' => 'Kasteel', 'fr' => 'Château', 'en' => 'Castle', 'de' => 'Schloss'), 'Chalet' => array('nl' => 'Chalet', 'fr' => 'Chalet', 'en' => 'Chalet', 'de' => 'Chalet'), 'CityDwelling' => array('nl' => 'Stadswoning', 'fr' => 'Maison de ville', 'en' => 'City house', 'de' => 'Stadtswohnung'), 'CourtyardHouse' => array('nl' => 'Hofjeswoning', 'fr' => 'Maison avec cour', 'en' => 'Courtyard house', 'de' => 'Hofhaus'), 'Cottage' => array('nl' => 'Landhuis', 'fr' => 'Maison de campagne', 'en' => 'Cottage', 'de' => 'Landhaus'), 'Domain' => array('nl' => 'Landgoed', 'fr' => 'Domaine', 'en' => 'Domain', 'de' => 'Domäne'), 'DriveInHouse' => array('nl' => 'Drive-inwoning', 'fr' => 'Bel-étage', 'en' => 'Drive-in house', 'de' => 'Drive-in-Haus'), 'DykeHouse' => array('nl' => 'Dijkwoning', 'fr' => 'Maison sur digue', 'en' => 'Dyke house', 'de' => 'Dyke Haus'), 'ExclusiveVilla' => array('nl' => 'Exclusieve villa', 'fr' => 'Villa exclusive', 'en' => 'Exclusive villa', 'de' => 'exklusive villa'), 'Farm' => array('nl' => 'Boerderij', 'fr' => 'Ferme', 'en' => 'Farm', 'de' => 'Bauernhof'), 'Farmhouse' => array('nl' => 'Fermette', 'fr' => 'Fermette', 'en' => 'Farmhouse', 'de' => 'Fermette'), 'FishermanDwelling' => array('nl' => 'Vissershuis', 'fr' => 'Maison de pêcheur', 'en' => 'Fisherman house', 'de' => 'Fischershaus'), 'GroundfloorBasementHouse' => array('nl' => 'Bel-étage', 'fr' => 'Bel-étage', 'en' => 'Bel-étage', 'de' => 'Bel-étage'), 'HotelDwelling' => array('nl' => 'Stadspaleis', 'fr' => 'Hôtel particulier', 'en' => 'Townhouse', 'de' => 'Reihenhaus'), 'LordHouse' => array('nl' => 'Herenhuis', 'fr' => 'Maison de maître', 'en' => 'Manor', 'de' => 'Herrschafliches Haus'), 'Mansion' => array('nl' => 'Landhuis', 'fr' => 'Manoir', 'en' => 'Mansion', 'de' => 'Landhaus'), 'Mas' => array('nl' => 'Herenboerderij', 'fr' => 'Mas', 'en' => 'Farmhouse', 'de' => 'Bauernhaus'), 'PatioBungalow' => array('nl' => 'Patiowoning', 'fr' => 'Maison patio', 'en' => 'Patio house', 'de' => 'Patio Haus'), 'PileDwelling' => array('nl' => 'Paalwoning', 'fr' => 'Maison palafittique', 'en' => 'Stilt house', 'de' => 'Stelzenhaus'), 'Presbytery' => array('nl' => 'Pastorie', 'fr' => 'Presbytère', 'en' => 'Presbytery', 'de' => 'Pfarrhaus'), 'SemiBungalow' => array('nl' => 'Semi-bungalow', 'fr' => 'Semi-bungalow', 'en' => 'Semi-bungalow', 'de' => 'Halbbungalow'), 'SingleFamilyDwelling' => array('nl' => 'Eengezinswoning', 'fr' => 'Maison unifamiliale', 'en' => 'Single family house', 'de' => 'Einfamilienhaus'), 'SmallDwelling' => array('nl' => 'Maisonnette', 'fr' => 'Maisonnette', 'en' => 'Small house', 'de' => 'kleines haus'), 'SplitLevelHouse' => array('nl' => 'Split-level woning', 'fr' => 'Maison à paliers multiples', 'en' => 'Split-level house', 'de' => 'Split-Level-Haus'), 'StandingDwelling' => array('nl' => 'Prestigewoning', 'fr' => 'Propriété de prestige', 'en' => 'Luxury house', 'de' => 'Luxus-Haus'), 'TownDwelling' => array('nl' => 'Dorpshuis', 'fr' => 'Maison de village', 'en' => 'Townhouse', 'de' => 'Reihenhaus'), 'Villa' => array('nl' => 'Villa', 'fr' => 'Villa', 'en' => 'Villa', 'de' => 'Villa'), 'WaterDwelling' => array('nl' => 'Waterwoning', 'fr' => 'Maison flottante', 'en' => 'Water dwelling', 'de' => 'Wasser-Wohnung'), 'BasementFlat' => array('nl' => 'Kelder appartement', 'fr' => 'Souterrain', 'en' => 'Basement flat', 'de' => 'Souterrainwohnung'), 'Duplex' => array('nl' => 'Duplex', 'fr' => 'Duplex', 'en' => 'Duplex', 'de' => 'Duplex'), 'GroundfloorFlat' => array('nl' => 'Gelijkvloers appartement', 'fr' => 'Rez de chaussée', 'en' => 'Ground floor flat', 'de' => 'Erdgeschoss-Wohnung'), 'GroundfloorBasementFlat' => array('nl' => 'Bel-étage flat', 'fr' => 'Appartement bel-étage', 'en' => 'Ground floor flat', 'de' => 'Erdgeschoss-Wohnung'), 'IndependentRoom' => array('nl' => 'Aparte kamer', 'fr' => 'Chambre de bonne', 'en' => 'Separate room', 'de' => 'Separates Zimmer'), 'Loft' => array('nl' => 'Loft', 'fr' => 'Loft', 'en' => 'Loft', 'de' => 'Loft'), 'Maisonette' => array('nl' => 'Maisonnette', 'fr' => 'Maisonnette', 'en' => 'Maisonnette', 'de' => 'Maisonnette'), 'Penthouse' => array('nl' => 'Penthouse', 'fr' => 'Penthouse', 'en' => 'Penthouse', 'de' => 'Penthouse'), 'RoofAppartement' => array('nl' => 'Dakappartement', 'fr' => 'Mansarde', 'en' => 'Roof apartment', 'de' => 'Dach Appartement'), 'Studio' => array('nl' => 'Studio', 'fr' => 'Studio', 'en' => 'Studio', 'de' => 'Studio'), 'Triplex' => array('nl' => 'Triplex', 'fr' => 'Triplex', 'en' => 'Triplex', 'de' => 'Triplex'), 'UpstairsDwelling' => array('nl' => 'Bovenwoning', 'fr' => 'Habitation à l\'étage', 'en' => 'Upstairs home', 'de' => 'Upstairs Hause'), 'StudentRoom' => array('nl' => 'Studentenkamer', 'fr' => 'Chambre d\'étudiant', 'en' => 'Student room', 'de' => 'Studentenzimmer'), 'Carport' => array('nl' => 'Carport', 'fr' => 'Carport', 'en' => 'Carport', 'de' => 'Carport'), 'Garage' => array('nl' => 'Garage', 'fr' => 'Garage', 'en' => 'Garage', 'de' => 'Garage'), 'GarageBox' => array('nl' => 'Garagebox', 'fr' => 'Garage box', 'en' => 'Garage box', 'de' => 'Garage box'), 'ParkingCellar' => array('nl' => 'Parkeerkelder', 'fr' => 'Parking sous-sol', 'en' => 'Parking cellar', 'de' => 'Parkkeller'), 'ParkingLot' => array('nl' => 'Parkeerterrein', 'fr' => 'Terrain de parking', 'en' => 'Parking lot', 'de' => 'Parkterrain'), 'ParkingPlace' => array('nl' => 'Parkeerplaats', 'fr' => 'Parking', 'en' => 'Parking spot', 'de' => 'Parkplatz'), 'Barn' => array('nl' => 'Schuur', 'fr' => 'Grange', 'en' => 'Barn', 'de' => 'Scheune'), 'Caravan' => array('nl' => 'Caravan', 'fr' => 'Caravane', 'en' => 'Caravan', 'de' => 'Karawane'), 'Forest' => array('nl' => 'Bos', 'fr' => 'Forêt', 'en' => 'Forest', 'de' => 'Wald'), 'HolidayHouse' => array('nl' => 'Vakantiewoning', 'fr' => 'Gîte', 'en' => 'Holiday house', 'de' => 'Ferienwohnung'), 'HouseBoat' => array('nl' => 'Woonboot', 'fr' => 'Péniche', 'en' => 'Houseboat', 'de' => 'Wohnbot'), 'PastureLand' => array('nl' => 'Weide', 'fr' => 'Pâturage', 'en' => 'Pasture', 'de' => 'Wiese'), 'Pavillion' => array('nl' => 'Clubhuis', 'fr' => 'Pavillion', 'en' => 'Pavillion', 'de' => 'Clubhaus'), 'RecreationGround' => array('nl' => 'Recreatiegrond', 'fr' => 'Parcelle de récréation', 'en' => 'Recreational land', 'de' => 'Freizeit-Land'), 'WatermillHouse' => array('nl' => 'Watermolen', 'fr' => 'Moulin à eau', 'en' => 'Watermill', 'de' => 'Wassermühle'), 'WindmillHouse' => array('nl' => 'Windmomen', 'fr' => 'Moulin à vent', 'en' => 'Windmill', 'de' => 'Windmühle'), 'Bar' => array('nl' => 'Bar', 'fr' => 'Bar', 'en' => 'Bar', 'de' => 'Bar'), 'Cafe' => array('nl' => 'Café', 'fr' => 'Café', 'en' => 'Café', 'de' => 'Wirtschaft'), 'Disco' => array('nl' => 'Discotheek', 'fr' => 'Discothèque', 'en' => 'Disco', 'de' => 'Diskothek'), 'Hotel' => array('nl' => 'Hotel', 'fr' => 'Hôtel', 'en' => 'Hotel', 'de' => 'Hotel'), 'MotorwayRestaurant' => array('nl' => 'Wegrestaurant', 'fr' => 'Relais routier', 'en' => 'Roadside diner', 'de' => 'Raststätte'), 'PartyHall' => array('nl' => 'Feestzaal', 'fr' => 'Salle communalle', 'en' => 'Banquet hall', 'de' => 'Festzentrum'), 'Restaurant' => array('nl' => 'Restaurant', 'fr' => 'Restaurant', 'en' => 'Restaurant', 'de' => 'Restaurant'), 'TeaRoom' => array('nl' => 'Eetcafé', 'fr' => 'Tea-room', 'en' => 'Tearoom', 'de' => 'Esswirtschaft'), 'Services' => array('nl' => 'Servicekantoor', 'fr' => 'Bureau de service', 'en' => 'Service office', 'de' => 'Service Büro'), 'Hangar' => array('nl' => 'Hangar', 'fr' => 'Hangar', 'en' => 'Hangar', 'de' => 'Hangar'), 'Warehouse' => array('nl' => 'Opslagruimte', 'fr' => 'Entrepôt', 'en' => 'Warehouse', 'de' => 'Lagerraum'), 'Workshop' => array('nl' => 'Atelier', 'fr' => 'Atelier', 'en' => 'Atelier', 'de' => 'Atelier'), 'Boutique' => array('nl' => 'Boetiek', 'fr' => 'Boutique', 'en' => 'Boutique', 'de' => 'Boutique'), 'Showroom' => array('nl' => 'Showroom', 'fr' => 'Showroom', 'en' => 'Showroom', 'de' => 'Showroom'), 'Practice' => array('nl' => 'Praktijk', 'fr' => 'Cabinet', 'en' => 'Practice', 'de' => 'Praxis'), 'Agricultural' => array('nl' => 'Landbouwgrond', 'fr' => 'Terrain agricole', 'en' => 'Farmland', 'de' => 'Ackerland'), 'ArableLand' => array('nl' => 'Akker', 'fr' => 'Champ', 'en' => 'Field', 'de' => 'Acker'), 'Orchard' => array('nl' => 'Boomgaard', 'fr' => 'Verger', 'en' => 'Orchard', 'de' => 'Obstgarten'), 'Shop' => array('nl' => 'Winkel', 'fr' => 'Magasin', 'en' => 'Shop', 'de' => 'Laden'), 'Vineyard' => array('nl' => 'Wijngaard', 'fr' => 'Vignoble', 'en' => 'Vineyard', 'de' => 'Weingarten'));
     $subcategory_ids = array_flip(array_merge(array(''), array_keys($subcategories)));
     $styles = array('Dwelling_Corner' => array('nl' => 'Hoekwoning', 'fr' => 'Maison de coin', 'en' => 'Corner house', 'de' => 'Eckwohnung'), 'Dwelling_Detached' => array('nl' => 'Vrijstaand', 'fr' => 'Individuelle', 'en' => 'Detached', 'de' => 'Alleinstehend'), 'Dwelling_Linked' => array('nl' => 'Rijhuis', 'fr' => 'Maison de ville', 'en' => 'Linked', 'de' => 'Reihenhaus'), 'Dwelling_Quadrant' => array('nl' => 'Kwadrantwoning', 'fr' => 'Maison quadrant', 'en' => 'Quadrant house', 'de' => 'Quadrant Haus'), 'Dwelling_SemiDetached' => array('nl' => 'Half-open bebouwing', 'fr' => 'Trois façades', 'en' => 'Semi-detached', 'de' => 'Quadrant Haus'), 'Dwelling_Terraced' => array('nl' => 'Rijwoning', 'fr' => 'Deux façades', 'en' => 'Terraced', 'de' => 'Rijwoning'), 'Flat_Corridor' => array('nl' => 'Corridorflat', 'fr' => 'Corridor plat', 'en' => 'Corridor flat', 'de' => 'Corridor Wohnung'), 'Flat_Gallery' => array('nl' => 'Galerij', 'fr' => 'Galerie', 'en' => 'Gallery', 'de' => 'Galerie'), 'Flat_Highrise' => array('nl' => 'Hoogbouw', 'fr' => 'Grande hauteur', 'en' => 'Highrise', 'de' => 'Hochbau'), 'Flat_Porch' => array('nl' => 'Portiekflat', 'fr' => 'Porche', 'en' => 'Porch', 'de' => 'Trobogen Appartement'), 'Flat_Condominium' => array('nl' => 'Condominium', 'fr' => 'Copropriété', 'en' => 'Condo', 'de' => 'Condominium'), 'Flat_Villa' => array('nl' => 'Villa-appartement', 'fr' => 'Dans une villa', 'en' => 'In a villa', 'de' => 'Villa-Appartement'), 'Flat_Townhouse' => array('nl' => 'In stadswoning', 'fr' => 'Dans une maison de village', 'en' => 'In a townhouse', 'de' => 'In stadtwohung'), 'Flat_Haussmann' => array('fr' => 'Haussmannien', 'en' => 'Haussmannian', 'de' => 'Haussmann'), 'Land_Corner' => array('nl' => 'Hoekpand', 'fr' => 'Sur un angle', 'en' => 'At a corner', 'de' => 'Eckwohnung'), 'Land_Detached' => array('nl' => 'Open bebouwing', 'fr' => 'Quatre façades', 'en' => 'Detached construction', 'de' => 'Offene Bebauung'), 'Land_Linked' => array('nl' => 'Gesloten bebouwing', 'fr' => 'Deux façades', 'en' => 'Linked construction', 'de' => 'Verlinkte Bau'), 'Land_SemiDetached' => array('nl' => 'Half-open bebouwing', 'fr' => 'Trois façades', 'en' => 'Semi-detached construction', 'de' => 'Quadrant Haus'), 'Land_Terraced' => array('nl' => 'Gesloten bebouwing', 'fr' => 'Deux façades', 'en' => 'Terraced construction', 'de' => 'Reihen Bau'), 'ServiceFlat_Corridor' => array('nl' => 'Corridorflat', 'fr' => 'Corridor plat', 'en' => 'Corridor flat', 'de' => 'Corridor Wohnung'), 'ServiceFlat_Gallery' => array('nl' => 'Galerij', 'fr' => 'Galerie', 'en' => 'Gallery', 'de' => 'Galerie'), 'ServiceFlat_Porch' => array('nl' => 'Portiekflat', 'fr' => 'Porche', 'en' => 'Porch', 'de' => 'Trobogen Appartement'), 'ServiceFlat_Condominium' => array('nl' => 'Condominium', 'fr' => 'Copropriété', 'en' => 'Condo', 'de' => 'Condominium'), 'ServiceFlat_Villa' => array('nl' => 'Villa-appartement', 'fr' => 'Dans une villa', 'en' => 'In a villa', 'de' => 'Villa-Appartement'), 'ServiceFlat_Townhouse' => array('nl' => 'In stadswoning', 'fr' => 'Dans une maison de village', 'en' => 'In a townhouse', 'de' => 'In stadtwohung'), 'ServiceFlat_Haussmann' => array('fr' => 'Haussmannien', 'en' => 'Haussmannian', 'de' => 'Haussmann'), 'Room_InComplex' => array('nl' => 'In complex', 'fr' => 'Dans un complexe', 'en' => 'In a complex', 'de' => 'In einem komplexen'), 'Room_InDwelling' => array('nl' => 'In een huis', 'fr' => 'Dans un maison', 'en' => 'In a house', 'de' => 'In einem Haus'), 'Room_InFlat' => array('nl' => 'In appartement', 'fr' => 'Dans une appartement', 'en' => 'In an apartment', 'de' => ''), 'Room_Townhouse' => array('nl' => 'In stadswoning', 'fr' => 'Dans une maison de village', 'en' => 'In a townhoue', 'de' => 'Ist in einer Wohnung'), 'Parking_Annex' => array('nl' => 'Aangebouwd', 'fr' => 'Attaché', 'en' => 'Attached', 'de' => 'Befestigt'), 'Parking_Inbuilt' => array('nl' => 'Inpandig', 'fr' => 'Intégré', 'en' => 'Inbuilt', 'de' => 'Integriert'), 'Parking_Detached' => array('nl' => 'Vrijstaand', 'fr' => 'Détaché', 'en' => 'Detached', 'de' => 'Freistehend'), 'Other_Corner' => array('nl' => 'Hoekpand', 'fr' => 'Sur un angle', 'en' => 'Corner property', 'de' => 'Eckwohnung'), 'Other_Detached' => array('nl' => 'Vrijstaand', 'fr' => 'Détaché', 'en' => 'Detached', 'de' => 'Alleinstehend'), 'Other_Linked' => array('nl' => 'Geschakeld', 'fr' => 'Deux façades', 'en' => 'Linked', 'de' => 'Verlinkte Bau'), 'Other_Quadrant' => array('nl' => 'Kwadrantpand', 'fr' => 'Bien quadrant', 'en' => 'Quadrant property', 'de' => 'Kwadrantpand'), 'Other_SemiDetached' => array('nl' => 'Half-open bebouwing', 'fr' => 'Trois façades', 'en' => 'Semi-detached', 'de' => 'Quadrant Haus'), 'Other_Terraced' => array('nl' => 'Gesloten bebouwing', 'fr' => 'Deux façades', 'en' => 'Terraced', 'de' => 'Verlinkte Bau'), 'Catering_Corner' => array('nl' => 'Op hoek', 'fr' => 'Sur un angle', 'en' => 'At a corner', 'de' => 'An der Ecke'), 'Catering_Detached' => array('nl' => 'Vrijstaand', 'fr' => 'Individuelle', 'en' => 'Detached', 'de' => 'Alleinstehend'), 'Catering_Linked' => array('nl' => 'Schakel', 'fr' => 'Deux façades', 'en' => 'Linked', 'de' => 'Link'), 'Catering_Quadrant' => array('nl' => 'Kwadrant', 'fr' => 'Quadrant', 'en' => 'Quadrant', 'de' => 'Quadrant'), 'Catering_SemiDetached' => array('nl' => 'Half-open bebouwing', 'fr' => 'Trois façades', 'en' => 'Semi-detached', 'de' => 'Quadrant Haus'), 'Catering_Terraced' => array('nl' => 'Gesloten bebouwing', 'fr' => 'Deux façades', 'en' => 'Terraced', 'de' => 'Verlinkte Bau'), 'Catering_InShoppingCenter' => array('nl' => 'Shopping center', 'fr' => 'Centre commercial', 'en' => 'Shopping center', 'de' => 'Shopping Zentrum'), 'Office_InOfficeBuilding' => array('nl' => 'Kantoorgebouw', 'fr' => 'Immeuble de bureaux', 'en' => 'Office building', 'de' => 'Geschäftsgebäude'), 'Office_InShoppingCenter' => array('nl' => 'Shopping center', 'fr' => 'Centre commercial', 'en' => 'Shopping center', 'de' => 'Shopping Zentrum'), 'Industry_Detached' => array('nl' => 'Vrijstaand', 'fr' => 'Individuelle', 'en' => 'Detached', 'de' => 'Alleinstehend'), 'Shop_Corner' => array('nl' => 'Op hoek', 'fr' => 'Sur un angle', 'en' => 'At a corner', 'de' => 'An der Ecke'), 'Shop_Detached' => array('nl' => 'Vrijstaand', 'fr' => 'Individuelle', 'en' => 'Detached', 'de' => 'Alleinstehend'), 'Shop_Linked' => array('nl' => 'Schakel', 'fr' => 'Deux façades', 'en' => 'Linked', 'de' => 'Link'), 'Shop_Quadrant' => array('nl' => 'Kwadrant', 'fr' => 'Quadrant', 'en' => 'Quadrant', 'de' => 'Quadrant'), 'Shop_SemiDetached' => array('nl' => 'Half-open bebouwing', 'fr' => 'Trois façades', 'en' => 'Semi-detached', 'de' => 'Quadrant Haus'), 'Shop_Terraced' => array('nl' => 'Gesloten bebouwing', 'fr' => 'Deux façades', 'en' => 'Terraced', 'de' => 'Verlinkte Bau'), 'Shop_InShoppingCenter' => array('nl' => 'Shopping center', 'fr' => 'Centre commercial', 'en' => 'Shopping center', 'de' => 'Shopping Zentrum'), 'ProfessionalOther_Detached' => array('nl' => 'Vrijstaand', 'fr' => 'Individuelle', 'en' => 'Detached', 'de' => 'Alleinstehend'), 'ProfessionalLand_Corner' => array('nl' => 'Op hoek', 'fr' => 'Sur un angle', 'en' => 'At a corner', 'de' => 'An der Ecke'), 'ProfessionalLand_Detached' => array('nl' => 'Vrijstaand', 'fr' => 'Individuelle', 'en' => 'Detached', 'de' => 'Alleinstehend'), 'ProfessionalLand_Linked' => array('nl' => 'Schakel', 'fr' => 'Deux façades', 'en' => 'Linked', 'de' => 'Link'), 'ProfessionalLand_Quadrant' => array('nl' => 'Kwadrant', 'fr' => 'Quadrant', 'en' => 'Quadrant', 'de' => 'Quadrant'), 'ProfessionalLand_SemiDetached' => array('nl' => 'Half-open bebouwing', 'fr' => 'Trois façades', 'en' => 'Semi-detached', 'de' => 'Quadrant Haus'), 'ProfessionalLand_Terraced' => array('nl' => 'Gesloten bebouwing', 'fr' => 'Deux façades', 'en' => 'Terraced', 'de' => 'Verlinkte Bau'), 'ProfessionalLand_InShoppingCenter' => array('nl' => 'Shopping center', 'fr' => 'Centre commercial', 'en' => 'Shopping center', 'de' => 'Shopping Zentrum'));
     $purposes = array('FOR_RENT' => 2, 'FOR_RENT_ORDER_ENDED' => 2, 'FOR_SALE' => 1, 'FOR_SALE_ORDER_ENDED' => 1, 'IN_MANAGEMENT' => 3, 'OPTION_FOR_RENT' => 2, 'OPTION_FOR_SALE' => 1, 'PRICING' => 3, 'PROSPECT_FOR_RENT' => 2, 'PROSPECT_FOR_SALE' => 1, 'RENTED' => 2, 'SOLD' => 1);
     $purpose_statuses = array('FOR_RENT' => 1, 'FOR_RENT_ORDER_ENDED' => 1, 'FOR_SALE' => 1, 'FOR_SALE_ORDER_ENDED' => 1, 'IN_MANAGEMENT' => 5, 'OPTION_FOR_RENT' => 3, 'OPTION_FOR_SALE' => 3, 'PRICING' => 5, 'PROSPECT_FOR_RENT' => 4, 'PROSPECT_FOR_SALE' => 4, 'RENTED' => 2, 'SOLD' => 2);
     $rent_types = array('CIVAL' => 1, 'COMMERCIAL' => 2, 'HABITATION' => 3, 'MAINRESIDENCE' => 4, 'PROFESSIONAL' => 5);
     $rent_times = array('LIFETIME' => 6, 'NINE_YEARS' => 5, 'ONE_YEAR' => 1, 'RENOVATION' => 7, 'SIX_YEARS' => 4, 'THREE_YEARS' => 3, 'TWO_YEARS' => 2);
     $payment_periods = array('MONTHLY' => 1, 'TRIMESTRIAL' => 2);
     $payment_types = array('AT_END_OF_PERIOD' => 1, 'IN_ADVANCE' => 2);
     $availabilities = array('BY_DATE' => 4, 'BY_DEED' => 2, 'IMMEDIATELY' => 1, 'IN_CONSULTATION' => 3);
     $price_types = array('M2_PER_MONTH' => 5, 'M2_PER_YEAR' => 6, 'PER_M2' => 4, 'PRICE_PER_MONTH' => 2, 'PRICE_PER_YEAR' => 3, 'TOTAL' => 1);
     $price_indications = array('ASKING_PRICE' => 1, 'BUY_PRICE' => 2, 'NEGOTIABLE' => 3, 'ON_REQUEST' => 4);
     $shop_locations = array('OTHER' => 4, 'SHOPPING_CENTRE' => 1, 'SHOPPING_GALLERY' => 2, 'SHOPPING_STREET' => 3);
     $states = array('LUXURY_FINISH' => 6, 'NORMAL' => 1, 'READY_FOR_ENTRY' => 5, 'TO_BE_DEMOLISHED' => 2, 'TO_REFURBISH' => 3, 'TO_RENOVATE' => 4);
     $garden_qualities = array('CONSTRUCTED' => 4, 'MAINTAINED' => 2, 'NEGLECTED' => 3, 'NICELY_CONSTRUCTED' => 5, 'NORMAL' => 1, 'TO_CONSTRUCT' => 6);
     $roof_types = array('COMPOSITE_ROOF' => 1, 'CROSS_GABLE_ROOF' => 2, 'DOME_ROOF' => 3, 'FLAT_CONCRETE_ROOF' => 4, 'FLAT_FELT_ROOF' => 5, 'FLAT_ROOF' => 6, 'FLAT_WOODEN_ROOF' => 7, 'LEAN_TO_ROOF' => 8, 'MANSARD_ROOF' => 9, 'PITCHED_ROOF' => 10, 'SHIELD_ROOF' => 11, 'TENT_ROOF' => 12);
     $evaluations = array('BAD' => 1, 'GOOD' => 3, 'MEDIOCRE' => 2, 'VERY_GOOD' => 4);
     $roof_covers = array('CONCRETE' => 1, 'IN_TERRACE' => 2, 'INDUSTRIAL_TILES' => 3, 'OTHER' => 4, 'SHEETING' => 5, 'SLATE' => 6, 'STUBBLE' => 7, 'TILES' => 8, 'TILES_TERRA_COTTA' => 9, 'ZINC' => 10);
     $window_types = array('ALUMINIUM' => 1, 'PVC' => 2, 'WOOD' => 3, 'OTHER' => 4);
     $glazing_types = array('DOUBLE' => 1, 'PARTLY_DOUBLE' => 2, 'SINGLE' => 3, 'BAY' => 4, 'OTHER' => 5);
     $heating_types = array('COLLECTIVE_HEATING' => 1, 'INDIVIDUAL' => 2, 'COLLECTIVE' => 1);
     $heating_sources = array('AIRCO' => 1, 'BOILER_OWN' => 2, 'BOILER_RENT' => 3, 'CENTRAL_FACILITIES' => 4, 'CENTRALLY_HEATED' => 4, 'COALS' => 5, 'COMBI_BOILER' => 6, 'CONDENSING_BOILER' => 7, 'DISTRICT_HEATING' => 8, 'ELECTRICAL_BOILER_OWN' => 9, 'ELECTRICAL_BOILER_RENT' => 10, 'ELECTRICITY' => 11, 'FIRE_PLACE' => 12, 'FIRE_PLACE_POSSIBLE' => 13, 'FLOOR_HEATING_FULLY' => 14, 'FLOOR_HEATING_PARTIAL' => 15, 'GAS_FIREPLACE' => 16, 'GAS_STOVE' => 17, 'GEOTHERMAL' => 18, 'GEYSER_OWN' => 19, 'GEYSER_RENT' => 20, 'HEATING_OIL' => 21, 'HEATING_PUMP' => 22, 'HOT_AIR_HEATING' => 23, 'HP_BOILER' => 24, 'NATURAL_GAS' => 25, 'NONE' => 29, 'OTHER' => 28, 'PARENT_HEARTH' => 12, 'SOLAR_COLLECTORS' => 26, 'WINDMILL' => 27);
     $water_heating_sources = array('ELECTRICITY' => 1, 'GAS' => 2, 'GASOIL' => 3, 'SOLAR_COLLECTORS' => 4);
     $plumbing_types = array('BOILER_OWN' => 1, 'BOILER_RENT' => 2, 'CENTRAL_FACILITIES' => 3, 'CENTRALLY_HEATED' => 3, 'ELECTRICAL_BOILER_OWN' => 4, 'ELECTRICAL_BOILER_RENT' => 5, 'ELECTRICITY' => 6, 'GEYSER_OWN' => 7, 'GEYSER_RENT' => 8, 'HEATING_OIL' => 9, 'NATURAL_GAS' => 10, 'NONE' => 14, 'OTHER' => 13, 'SOLAR_COLLECTORS' => 12, 'SOLAR_BOILER' => 11);
     $common_walls = array('ONE_WALL' => 1, 'TWO_WALLS' => 2, 'THREE_WALLS' => 3);
     $orientations = array('EAST' => 1, 'NORTH' => 7, 'NORTH_EAST' => 8, 'NORTH_WEST' => 6, 'SOUTH' => 3, 'SOUTH_EAST' => 2, 'SOUTH_WEST' => 4, 'WEST' => 5);
     $maintenance = array('BAD' => 1, 'EXCELLENT' => 4, 'GOOD' => 3, 'MEDIOCRE' => 2, 'MODERATE' => 2);
     $construction_types = array('BREEZE_BLOCK' => 1, 'BRICK' => 2, 'CONCRETE' => 3, 'GRINDING' => 4, 'HONE_OF_SIZE' => 5, 'OTHER' => 10, 'PREFAB_FRAME' => 6, 'STONE' => 7, 'TRADITIONAL_FRAME' => 8, 'WOOD' => 9, 'WOOD_FRAME' => 10);
     $frontage_types = array('BRICK' => 1, 'COATING' => 2, 'COB' => 3, 'GRINDING' => 4, 'HALF_TIMBERING' => 5, 'HONE_OF_SIZE' => 6, 'WOOD' => 7);
     $living_types = array('GARDEN_ROOM' => 5, 'L_ROOM' => 1, 'SERRE' => 6, 'SUN_ROOM' => 7, 'T_ROOM' => 2, 'U_ROOM' => 3, 'Z_ROOM' => 4);
     $garage_types = array('BASEMENT' => 1, 'CARPORT' => 2, 'ELEVATOR_ACCESS' => 3, 'GARAGE_POSSIBLE' => 4, 'GARAGEBOX' => 5, 'GROUND_FLOOR' => 6, 'INBUILT' => 7, 'INSIDE' => 8, 'OUTSIDE' => 9, 'PARKING_CELLAR' => 1, 'PARKING_PLACE' => 10, 'SOUTTERAIN' => 11, 'STONE_DETACHED' => 12, 'STONE_OUTBUILDED' => 15, 'WOOD_DETACHED' => 13, 'WOOD_OUTBUILDED' => 14);
     $profession_room_types = array('ATTACHED' => 1, 'DETACHED' => 2, 'INBUILT' => 3, 'POSSIBLE' => 4);
     $office_types = array('ATTACHED' => 1, 'DETACHED' => 2, 'INBUILT' => 3, 'POSSIBLE' => 4);
     $storage_types = array('BOX' => 1, 'DETACHED_STONE' => 2, 'DETACHED_WOOD' => 3, 'INSIDE' => 4, 'MOUNTED_STONE' => 5, 'MOUNTED_WOOD' => 6, 'PATIO_BUNGALOW' => 7, 'SEMI_BUNGALOW' => 8);
     $kitchen_types = array('AMERICAN_KITCHEN' => 1, 'BUILD_WITH_APPLIANCES' => 2, 'CLOSED_KITCHEN' => 3, 'KITCHENETTE' => 4, 'LARGE_KITCHEN' => 5, 'OPEN_KITCHEN' => 6, 'SEMI_OPEN_KITCHEN' => 7);
     $cellar_types = array('BASEMENT' => 1, 'CRAWL_SPACE' => 2, 'FULL_GROUND' => 3);
     $isolation_types = array('FLOOR_ISOLATION' => 1, 'FULLY_ISOLATED' => 2, 'GREEN_CONSTRUCTION' => 3, 'NO_CAVITY' => 4, 'NO_ISOLATION' => 5, 'ROOF_ISOLATION' => 6, 'WALL_ISOLATION' => 7);
     $easements = array('PASSAGE' => 1, 'PRESENT' => 6, 'RIGHT_OF_EXIT' => 2, 'RIGHT_OF_WAY' => 3, 'ROAD_PLANNING' => 5, 'SIGHT' => 4);
     $environmental_planning_types = array('APPLIED_FOR' => 2, 'BEING_PROCESSED' => 3, 'OK' => 1);
     $land_use_designations = array('Ag' => 1, 'Bg' => 2, 'Gdr' => 3, 'Gvr' => 4, 'Iab' => 5, 'Igb' => 6, 'Lwag' => 7, 'Ng' => 8, 'Nr' => 9, 'OTHER' => 10, 'Pg' => 11, 'Wche' => 12, 'Wg' => 13, 'Wglk' => 14, 'Wp' => 15, 'Wug' => 16);
     $picture_types = array('EXTERIEUR' => 1, 'GARDEN' => 2, 'INTERIEUR' => 3, 'MAP_DOWNSTAIRS' => 4, 'MAP_OVERALL' => 5, 'MAP_UPSTAIRS' => 6);
     $floor_types = array('LEVEL_ATTIC' => 1, 'LEVEL_BASEMENT' => 2, 'LEVEL_FLOOR' => 3, 'LEVEL_GROUNDFLOOR_FLAT' => 4, 'LEVEL_VLIERING' => 5);
     $certificate_fields = array('AS_BUILT' => 'as_built_certificate_date', 'DIAGNOSTICS_ELECTRICITY' => 'diagnostics_certificate_date', 'ELECTRICITY_CERTIFICATE' => 'electricity_certificate_date', 'ENERGY_CONSUMPTION' => 'energy_consumption_certificate_date', 'ENERGY_PERFORMANCE' => 'energy_performance_certificate_date', 'GAS' => 'gas_certificate_date', 'GAZ' => 'gas_certificate_date', 'GROUNDPOLUTION' => 'polution_certificate_date', 'HOUSE_ADAPTED_TO_DISABLED_HALLMARK' => 'accessibility_certificate_date', 'LEAD' => 'lead_certificate_date', 'NATURAL_RISK' => 'nature_risk_certificate_date', 'NATURE_RISK' => 'nature_risk_certificate_date', 'OIL_TANK' => 'oil_tank_certificate_date', 'PLANNING_CERT' => 'planning_certificate_date', 'PRIVATE_AREA' => 'private_area_certificate_date', 'SMOKE_DETECTION' => 'smoke_detection_certificate_date', 'SOIL_CERT' => 'soil_certificate_date');
     $publication_summaries = $client->GetPublicationSummaries();
     if (isset($publication_summaries->GetPublicationSummariesResult->PublicationSummaries->PublicationSummary)) {
         $present_properties = array();
         $feedbacks = array();
         foreach ($publication_summaries->GetPublicationSummariesResult->PublicationSummaries->PublicationSummary as $summary) {
             $publication = $client->GetPublication(array('PublicationId' => $summary->ID));
             if (isset($publication->GetPublicationResult->Publication)) {
                 $publication = $publication->GetPublicationResult->Publication;
                 $flashes = array();
                 if (isset($publication->Property->AllFlashes->Flash)) {
                     if (!is_array($publication->Property->AllFlashes->Flash)) {
                         $publication->Property->AllFlashes->Flash = array($publication->Property->AllFlashes->Flash);
                     foreach ($publication->Property->AllFlashes->Flash as $flash) {
                         if (!isset($flashes[substr($flash->ID, -1)])) {
                             $flashes[substr($flash->ID, -1)] = array();
                         $flashes[substr($flash->ID, -1)][strtolower(substr($flash->LanguageID, -2))] = $flash;
                 // Process photos
                 $photos = array();
                 if (isset($publication->Pictures->Picture)) {
                     if (!is_array($publication->Pictures->Picture)) {
                         $publication->Pictures->Picture = array($publication->Pictures->Picture);
                     foreach ($publication->Pictures->Picture as $picture) {
                         $photos[$picture->Index] = array('orig_filename' => $picture->Name, 'description' => $picture->Description, 'url' => $picture->URL, 'type' => isset($picture_types[$picture->PictureType]) ? $picture_types[$picture->PictureType] : null);
                 // Process documents
                 $documents = array();
                 if (isset($publication->Documents->Document)) {
                     if (!is_array($publication->Documents->Document)) {
                         $publication->Documents->Document = array($publication->Documents->Document);
                     foreach ($publication->Documents->Document as $document) {
                         $documents[] = array('filename' => $document->OriginalName, 'name' => $document->Description, 'url' => $document->URL, 'filetype' => $document->FileType == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : strtolower($document->FileType));
                 // Process open house
                 $openhouse = array();
                 if (isset($publication->Property->OpenHouse->FromToDates->FromToDate)) {
                     if (!is_array($publication->Property->OpenHouse->FromToDates->FromToDate)) {
                         $publication->Property->OpenHouse->FromToDates->FromToDate = array($publication->Property->OpenHouse->FromToDates->FromToDate);
                     foreach ($publication->Property->OpenHouse->FromToDates->FromToDate as $fromtodate) {
                         $from = date_parse_from_format('Y-m-d H:i:s', $fromtodate->From);
                         $to = date_parse_from_format('Y-m-d H:i:s', $fromtodate->To);
                         $openhouse[] = array('comment' => isset($publication->Property->OpenHouse->Comment) ? $publication->Property->OpenHouse->Comment : null, 'from' => mktime($from['hour'], $from['minute'], $from['second'], $from['month'], $from['day'], $from['year']), 'to' => mktime($to['hour'], $to['minute'], $to['second'], $to['month'], $to['day'], $to['year']));
                 // Process floors
                 $floors = array();
                 if (isset($publication->Property->Floors->Floor)) {
                     if (!is_array($publication->Property->Floors->Floor)) {
                         $publication->Property->Floors->Floor = array($publication->Property->Floors->Floor);
                     foreach ($publication->Property->Floors->Floor as $floor) {
                         $newfloor = array('level' => $floor->Level, 'description' => trim($floor->Description), 'rooms' => $floor->NumOfRooms < 0 ? null : $floor->NumOfRooms, 'bedrooms' => $floor->NumOfBedRooms < 0 ? null : $floor->NumOfBedRooms, 'type' => isset($floor_types[$floor->Type]) ? $floor_types[$floor->Type] : null, 'alleyway' => $floor->Alleyway == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $floor->Alleyway == 'TRUE', 'attic_stair' => $floor->AtticFixStair == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $floor->AtticFixStair == 'TRUE', 'attic_room_possible' => $floor->AtticRoomPossible == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $floor->AtticRoomPossible == 'TRUE', 'balcony' => $floor->Balcony == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $floor->Balcony == 'TRUE', 'dormer' => $floor->Dormer == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $floor->Dormer == 'TRUE', 'hall' => $floor->Hall == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $floor->Hall == 'TRUE', 'machine_room' => $floor->MachineRoom == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $floor->MachineRoom == 'TRUE', 'provision_room' => $floor->ProvisionRoom == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $floor->ProvisionRoom == 'TRUE', 'roof_terrace' => $floor->RoofTerrace == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $floor->RoofTerrace == 'TRUE', 'shower' => $floor->Shower == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $floor->Shower == 'TRUE', 'stair_in_living' => $floor->StairInLivingRoom == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $floor->StairInLivingRoom == 'TRUE', 'storage' => $floor->Storage == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $floor->Storage == 'TRUE', 'toilet' => $floor->Toilet == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $floor->Toilet == 'TRUE', 'utility_room' => $floor->UtilityRoom == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $floor->UtilityRoom == 'TRUE', 'vestibule' => $floor->Vestibule == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $floor->Vestibule == 'TRUE', 'kitchen_renewed_year' => $floor->KitchenRenewed <= 0 ? null : $floor->KitchenRenewed, 'kitchen_surface' => $floor->KitchenSurface <= 0 ? null : $floor->KitchenSurface, 'kitchen_equipped' => null, 'living_surface' => $floor->LivingRoomSurface <= 0 ? null : $floor->LivingRoomSurface, 'living_type' => null, 'bathroom1_length' => $floor->Bathroom1Length <= 0 ? null : $floor->Bathroom1Length, 'bathroom1_width' => $floor->Bathroom1Width <= 0 ? null : $floor->Bathroom1Width, 'bathroom1_bath' => false, 'bathroom1_short_bath' => false, 'bathroom1_shower' => false, 'bathroom1_toilet' => false, 'bathroom2_length' => $floor->Bathroom2Length <= 0 ? null : $floor->Bathroom2Length, 'bathroom2_width' => $floor->Bathroom2Width <= 0 ? null : $floor->Bathroom2Width, 'bathroom2_bath' => false, 'bathroom2_short_bath' => false, 'bathroom2_shower' => false, 'bathroom2_toilet' => false);
                         if (isset($floor->KitchenTypes->KitchenType)) {
                             if (!is_array($floor->KitchenTypes->KitchenType)) {
                                 $floor->KitchenTypes->KitchenType = array($floor->KitchenTypes->KitchenType);
                             foreach ($floor->KitchenTypes->KitchenType as $type) {
                                 if ($type != 'UNDEFINED') {
                                     $newfloor['kitchen_equipped'] = $type == 'BUILD_WITH_APPLIANCES';
                         if (isset($floor->LivingRoomTypes->LivingRoomType)) {
                             if (!is_array($floor->LivingRoomTypes->LivingRoomType)) {
                                 $floor->LivingRoomTypes->LivingRoomType = array($floor->LivingRoomTypes->LivingRoomType);
                             foreach ($floor->LivingRoomTypes->LivingRoomType as $type) {
                                 if (isset($living_types[$type])) {
                                     $newfloor['living_type'] = $living_types[$type];
                         for ($i = 1; $i <= 2; $i++) {
                             $types_field = 'Bathroom' . $i . 'Types';
                             if (isset($floor->{$types_field}->BathRoomType)) {
                                 if (!is_array($floor->{$types_field}->BathRoomType)) {
                                     $floor->{$types_field}->BathRoomType = array($floor->{$types_field}->BathRoomType);
                                 foreach ($floor->{$types_field}->BathRoomType as $type) {
                                     if ($type == 'BATHROOM_BATH') {
                                         $newfloor['bathroom' . $i . '_bath'] = true;
                                     } else {
                                         if ($type == 'BATHROOM_HIPBATH') {
                                             $newfloor['bathroom' . $i . '_short_bath'] = true;
                                         } else {
                                             if ($type == 'BATHROOM_SHOWER') {
                                                 $newfloor['bathroom' . $i . '_shower'] = true;
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($type == 'BATHROOM_TOILET') {
                                                     $newfloor['bathroom' . $i . '_toilet'] = true;
                         $floors[$floor->Level] = $newfloor;
                 // Process features
                 $features = array();
                 if (isset($publication->Property->MarketingTypes->MarketingType)) {
                     if (!is_array($publication->Property->MarketingTypes->MarketingType)) {
                         $publication->Property->MarketingTypes->MarketingType = array($publication->Property->MarketingTypes->MarketingType);
                     foreach ($publication->Property->MarketingTypes->MarketingType as $marketing_type) {
                         if (!is_array($marketing_type->Descriptions->Description)) {
                             $marketing_type->Descriptions->Description = array($marketing_type->Descriptions->Description);
                         foreach ($marketing_type->Descriptions->Description as $marketing_type_description) {
                             if ($marketing_type_description->_ == $marketing_type->Code) {
                             $language = strtolower(substr($marketing_type_description->LanguageId, -2));
                             if (!isset($features[$language])) {
                                 $features[$language] = array();
                             $features[$language][] = capitalize($marketing_type_description->_, false);
                 if (isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->RentableSurface->_)) {
                     $publication->Property->Dimensions->RentableSurface = $publication->Property->Dimensions->RentableSurface->_;
                 if (isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->CantineSurface->_)) {
                     $publication->Property->Dimensions->CantineSurface = $publication->Property->Dimensions->CantineSurface->_;
                 if (isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->CateringSurface->_)) {
                     $publication->Property->Dimensions->CateringSurface = $publication->Property->Dimensions->CateringSurface->_;
                 if (isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustrySurface->_)) {
                     $publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustrySurface = $publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustrySurface->_;
                 if (isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustryOfficeSurface->_)) {
                     $publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustryOfficeSurface = $publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustryOfficeSurface->_;
                 if (isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustryLandSurface->_)) {
                     $publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustryLandSurface = $publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustryLandSurface->_;
                 if (isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustryHallSurface->_)) {
                     $publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustryHallSurface = $publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustryHallSurface->_;
                 if (isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->OfficeSurface->_)) {
                     $publication->Property->Dimensions->OfficeSurface = $publication->Property->Dimensions->OfficeSurface->_;
                 if (isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->ProductionHallSurface->_)) {
                     $publication->Property->Dimensions->ProductionHallSurface = $publication->Property->Dimensions->ProductionHallSurface->_;
                 if (isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->SalesRoomSurface->_)) {
                     $publication->Property->Dimensions->SalesRoomSurface = $publication->Property->Dimensions->SalesRoomSurface->_;
                 if (isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->ShopSurface->_)) {
                     $publication->Property->Dimensions->ShopSurface = $publication->Property->Dimensions->ShopSurface->_;
                 $data = array('software_id' => $publication->Property->ID, 'publication_id' => $summary->ID, 'create_date' => strtotime($publication->Property->Created), 'update_date' => strtotime($publication->Property->Modified), 'purpose' => isset($purposes[$publication->Property->Status]) ? $purposes[$publication->Property->Status] : 3, 'purpose_status' => isset($purpose_statuses[$publication->Property->Status]) ? $purpose_statuses[$publication->Property->Status] : 1, 'rent_type' => isset($rent_types[$publication->Property->RentType]) ? $rent_types[$publication->Property->RentType] : null, 'rent_time' => isset($rent_times[$publication->Property->RentTime]) ? $rent_times[$publication->Property->RentTime] : null, 'rent_temporary' => intval($publication->Property->TemporaryRent) < 0 ? null : $publication->Property->TemporaryRent == '1', 'payment_period' => isset($payment_periods[$publication->Property->PaymentPeriod]) ? $payment_periods[$publication->Property->PaymentPeriod] : null, 'payment_type' => isset($payment_types[$publication->Property->Payment]) ? $payment_types[$publication->Property->Payment] : null, 'to_take_over' => intval($publication->Property->TakeOver) < 0 ? null : $publication->Property->TakeOver == '1', 'investment' => intval($publication->Property->IsYieldProperty) < 0 ? null : $publication->Property->IsYieldProperty == '1', 'exclusive' => $publication->Property->IsExclusive == '1', 'availability' => isset($availabilities[$publication->Property->Acception]) ? $availabilities[$publication->Property->Acception] : null, 'availability_date' => null, 'selected_flash' => intval(preg_replace('/\\D/', '', $publication->Info->FlashID)), 'show_address' => !$publication->Info->HideAddress, 'show_number' => !$publication->Info->HideHouseNumber, 'reference' => $publication->Property->Reference, 'address_name' => $publication->Property->Address->Residence, 'address' => trim($publication->Property->Address->Street . ' ' . $publication->Property->Address->HouseNumber . $publication->Property->Address->HouseNumberExtension . ' ' . $publication->Property->Address->MailBox), 'postal' => $publication->Property->Address->City->ZipCode, 'city' => ucfirst($publication->Property->Address->City->_), 'country' => strtolower($publication->Property->Address->CountryID), 'nearby_public_transport' => $publication->Property->NearbyPublicTransport == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->NearbyPublicTransport == 'TRUE', 'nearby_shops' => $publication->Property->NearbyShops == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->NearbyShops == 'TRUE', 'nearby_school' => $publication->Property->NearbySchool == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->NearbySchool == 'TRUE', 'nearby_highway' => $publication->Property->NearbyHighway == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->NearbyHighway == 'TRUE', 'shop_location' => isset($shop_locations[$publication->Property->ShopLocation]) ? $shop_locations[$publication->Property->ShopLocation] : null, 'construction_year' => $publication->Property->ConstructionYear < 0 ? null : $publication->Property->ConstructionYear, 'renovation_year' => $publication->Property->RenovationYear < 0 ? null : $publication->Property->RenovationYear, 'newly_constructed' => $publication->Property->NewEstate == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->NewEstate == 'TRUE', 'under_construction' => $publication->Property->UnderConstruction == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->UnderConstruction == 'TRUE', 'in_production' => $publication->Property->IsInProduction == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->IsInProduction == 'TRUE', 'state' => isset($states[$publication->Property->GeneralState]) ? $states[$publication->Property->GeneralState] : null, 'floors' => $publication->Property->NumberOfFloors < 0 ? null : $publication->Property->NumberOfFloors, 'youtube_code' => null);
                 if (isset($publication->Property->Address->Position->Y)) {
                     $data['coord_lat'] = floatval(str_replace(',', '.', $publication->Property->Address->Position->Y));
                 if (isset($publication->Property->Address->Position->X)) {
                     $data['coord_lon'] = floatval(str_replace(',', '.', $publication->Property->Address->Position->X));
                 if (isset($publication->Property->VideoUrl) && preg_match('/(?:http:|https:|)\\/\\/(?:player.|www.)?(?:youtu(?:be\\.com|\\.be|be\\.googleapis\\.com))\\/(?:video\\/|embed\\/|watch\\?v=|v\\/)?([A-Za-z0-9._%-]*)(\\&\\S+)?/is', $publication->Property->VideoUrl, $match)) {
                     $data['youtube_code'] = $match[1];
                 if (preg_match('/^([0-9]{4})\\-([0-9]{2})\\-([0-9]{2})$/s', $publication->Property->Dates->AvailableFromText, $match)) {
                     $data['availability_date'] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $match[2], $match[3], $match[1]);
                 foreach (array_keys(languages()) as $language) {
                     for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
                         if (isset($flashes[$i][$language])) {
                             $flash = $flashes[$i][$language];
                             $data['flash' . $i . '_title_' . $language] = $flash->Title;
                             $data['flash' . $i . '_content_' . $language] = $flash->Text;
                 $is_project = isset($types[$publication->Property->PropertyType]) && $types[$publication->Property->PropertyType] == 3;
                 $stack = $is_project ? 'skarabee>project' : 'skarabee>property';
                 if ($is_project) {
                     if (isset($publication->Property->Project->Name)) {
                         $data['name'] = ucfirst($publication->Property->Project->Name);
                         $data['slug'] = slug_format($data['name']);
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                     if (isset($publication->Property->Project->StartBuilding) && preg_match('/^([0-9]{4})\\-([0-9]{2})\\-([0-9]{2})$/s', $publication->Property->Project->StartBuilding, $match)) {
                         $data['construction_start_date'] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $match[2], $match[3], $match[1]);
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                         $data['construction_end_date'] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $match[2], $match[3], $match[1]);
                     if (isset($publication->Property->Project->Acceptance) && preg_match('/^([0-9]{4})\\-([0-9]{2})\\-([0-9]{2})$/s', $publication->Property->Project->Acceptance, $match)) {
                         $data['acceptance_date'] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $match[2], $match[3], $match[1]);
                 } else {
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floatval($publication->Property->ChargesAndProvisions) : null, 'communal_expenses' => floatval($publication->Property->CommunalExpenses) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->CommunalExpenses) : null, 'heating_water_costs' => floatval($publication->Property->HeatingWaterCosts) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->HeatingWaterCosts) : null, 'heating_costs' => floatval($publication->Property->HeatingCosts) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->HeatingCosts) : null, 'garage_costs' => floatval($publication->Property->CostsGarage) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->CostsGarage) : null, 'surface' => $publication->Property->Area < 0 ? null : $publication->Property->Area, 'surface_terrain' => $publication->Property->LandArea < 0 ? null : $publication->Property->LandArea, 'surface_livable' => floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceLivable) < 0 ? null : floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceLivable), 'surface_buildable' => isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->ConstructionSurface->_) && floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->ConstructionSurface->_) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->ConstructionSurface->_) : null, 'surface_terrace' => isset($publication->Property->SurfaceTerrace) && floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceTerrace) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceTerrace) : null, 'surface_garden' => isset($publication->Property->SurfaceGarden) && floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceGarden) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceGarden) : null, 'surface_balcony' => isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->BalconySurface->_) && floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->BalconySurface->_) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->BalconySurface->_) : null, 'terrain_width' => floatval($publication->Property->Width) < 0 ? null : floatval($publication->Property->Width), 'terrain_depth' => floatval($publication->Property->Depth) < 0 ? null : floatval($publication->Property->Depth), 'terrain_width_front' => floatval($publication->Property->FrontWidth) < 0 ? null : floatval($publication->Property->FrontWidth), 'floor_number' => is_numeric($publication->Property->FloorLevelNL) ? intval($publication->Property->FloorLevelNL) : null, 'parkings' => $publication->Property->NumberOfParkingPlaces < 0 ? null : $publication->Property->NumberOfParkingPlaces, 'has_parking' => $publication->Property->NumberOfParkingPlaces < 0 && $publication->Property->HasParkingPlace == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->NumberOfParkingPlaces > 0 || $publication->Property->HasParkingPlace == 'TRUE', 'has_garden' => $publication->Property->SurfaceGarden < 1 && $publication->Property->HasBackYard == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->SurfaceGarden > 0 || $publication->Property->HasBackYard == 'TRUE', 'has_balcony' => $publication->Property->HasBalcony == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasBalcony == 'TRUE', 'garden_width' => floatval($publication->Property->BackYardWidth) < 0 ? null : floatval($publication->Property->BackYardWidth), 'garden_depth' => floatval($publication->Property->BackYardDepth) < 0 ? null : floatval($publication->Property->BackYardDepth), 'garden_quality' => isset($garden_qualities[$publication->Property->GardenQuality]) ? $garden_qualities[$publication->Property->GardenQuality] : null, 'roof_type' => isset($roof_types[$publication->Property->RoofType]) ? $roof_types[$publication->Property->RoofType] : null, 'roof_evaluation' => isset($evaluations[$publication->Property->RoofEvaluation]) ? $evaluations[$publication->Property->RoofEvaluation] : null, 'roof_comment' => $publication->Property->RoofComment, 'roof_cover' => isset($roof_covers[$publication->Property->RoofCoverType]) ? $roof_covers[$publication->Property->RoofCoverType] : null, 'roof_cover_evaluation' => isset($evaluations[$publication->Property->RoofCoverEvaluation]) ? $evaluations[$publication->Property->RoofCoverEvaluation] : null, 'roof_cover_comment' => isset($publication->Property->RoofCoverComment) ? $publication->Property->RoofCoverComment : '', 'window_type' => isset($window_types[$publication->Property->WindowType]) ? $window_types[$publication->Property->WindowType] : null, 'window_evaluation' => isset($evaluations[$publication->Property->WindowEvaluation]) ? $evaluations[$publication->Property->WindowEvaluation] : null, 'window_comment' => $publication->Property->WindowComment, 'glazing_evaluation' => isset($evaluations[$publication->Property->GlazingEvaluation]) ? $evaluations[$publication->Property->GlazingEvaluation] : null, 'glazing_comment' => $publication->Property->GlazingComment, 'electricity_evaluation' => isset($evaluations[$publication->Property->ElectricityEvaluation]) ? $evaluations[$publication->Property->ElectricityEvaluation] : null, 'electricity_comment' => $publication->Property->ElectricityComment, 'plumbing_evaluation' => isset($evaluations[$publication->Property->PlumbingEvaluation]) ? $evaluations[$publication->Property->PlumbingEvaluation] : null, 'plumbing_comment' => $publication->Property->PlumbingComment, 'sanitary_evaluation' => isset($evaluations[$publication->Property->SanitaryEvaluation]) ? $evaluations[$publication->Property->SanitaryEvaluation] : null, 'sanitary_comment' => $publication->Property->SanitaryComment, 'modification_allowed' => $publication->Property->Modification == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->Modification == 'ALLOWED', 'common_walls' => isset($common_walls[$publication->Property->CommonWalls]) ? $common_walls[$publication->Property->CommonWalls] : null, 'orientation' => isset($orientations[$publication->Property->Orientation]) ? $orientations[$publication->Property->Orientation] : null, 'maintenance_inside' => isset($maintenance[$publication->Property->MaintenanceInside]) ? $maintenance[$publication->Property->MaintenanceInside] : null, 'maintenance_outside' => isset($maintenance[$publication->Property->MaintenanceOutside]) ? $maintenance[$publication->Property->MaintenanceOutside] : null, 'construction_type' => isset($construction_types[$publication->Property->ConstructionType]) ? $construction_types[$publication->Property->ConstructionType] : null, 'construction_evaluation' => isset($evaluations[$publication->Property->ConstructionEvaluation]) ? $evaluations[$publication->Property->ConstructionEvaluation] : null, 'frontage_type' => isset($frontage_types[$publication->Property->FrontageType]) ? 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null : $publication->Property->HasOffice == 'TRUE', 'has_greenhouse' => $publication->Property->HasGreenHouse == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasGreenHouse == 'TRUE', 'has_profession_room' => $publication->Property->SurfaceProfessionRoom < 1 && $publication->Property->HasProfessionRoom == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->SurfaceProfessionRoom > 0 || $publication->Property->HasProfessionRoom == 'TRUE', 'has_living' => $publication->Property->SurfaceLiving < 1 && $publication->Property->HasLivingRoom == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->SurfaceLiving > 0 || $publication->Property->HasLivingRoom == 'TRUE', 'has_kitchen' => $publication->Property->SurfaceKitchen < 1 && $publication->Property->HasKitchen == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->SurfaceKitchen > 0 || $publication->Property->HasKitchen == 'TRUE', 'has_utility_room' => $publication->Property->SurfaceUtilityRoom < 1 && $publication->Property->HasUtilityRoom == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->SurfaceUtilityRoom > 0 || $publication->Property->HasUtilityRoom == 'TRUE', 'has_bedrooms' => $publication->Property->NumberOfBedrooms < 1 && $publication->Property->HasBedrooms == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->NumberOfBedrooms > 0 || $publication->Property->HasBedrooms == 'TRUE', 'has_bathroom' => $publication->Property->NumberOfBathrooms < 1 && $publication->Property->HasBathroom == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->NumberOfBathrooms > 0 || $publication->Property->HasBathroom == 'TRUE', 'has_toilet' => $publication->Property->NumberOfToilets < 1 && $publication->Property->HasToilet == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->NumberOfToilets > 0 || $publication->Property->HasToilet == 'TRUE', 'has_storage' => (!isset($publication->Property->SurfaceStock) || $publication->Property->SurfaceStock < 1) && $publication->Property->HasStock == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : isset($publication->Property->SurfaceStock) && $publication->Property->SurfaceStock > 0 || $publication->Property->HasStock == 'TRUE', 'has_wash_place' => $publication->Property->HasWashPlace == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasWashPlace == 'TRUE', 'has_dinging_room' => $publication->Property->SurfaceDiningRoom < 1 && $publication->Property->HasDiningRoom == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->SurfaceDiningRoom > 0 || $publication->Property->HasDiningRoom == 'TRUE', 'surface_kitchen' => isset($publication->Property->SurfaceKitchen) && floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceKitchen) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceKitchen) : null, 'surface_living' => isset($publication->Property->SurfaceLiving) && floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceLiving) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceLiving) : null, 'surface_storage' => isset($publication->Property->SurfaceStock) && floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceStock) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceStock) : null, 'surface_utility_room' => isset($publication->Property->SurfaceUtilityRoom) && floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceUtilityRoom) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceUtilityRoom) : null, 'surface_showroom' => isset($publication->Property->SurfaceShowroom) && floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceShowroom) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceShowroom) : null, 'surface_profession_room' => isset($publication->Property->SurfaceProfessionRoom) && floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceProfessionRoom) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceProfessionRoom) : null, 'surface_attic' => isset($publication->Property->SurfaceAttick) && floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceAttick) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceAttick) : null, 'surface_cellar' => isset($publication->Property->SurfaceBasement) && floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceBasement) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceBasement) : null, 'surface_dining_room' => isset($publication->Property->SurfaceDiningRoom) && floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceDiningRoom) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->SurfaceDiningRoom) : null, 'surface_cantine' => isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->CantineSurface) && floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->CantineSurface) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->CantineSurface) : null, 'surface_horeca' => isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->CateringSurface) && floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->CateringSurface) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->CateringSurface) : null, 'surface_industry' => isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustrySurface) && floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustrySurface) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustrySurface) : null, 'surface_industry_land' => isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustryLandSurface) && floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustryLandSurface) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustryLandSurface) : null, 'surface_industry_office' => isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustryOfficeSurface) && floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustryOfficeSurface) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustryOfficeSurface) : null, 'surface_industry_hall' => isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustryHallSurface) && floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustryHallSurface) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->IndustryHallSurface) : null, 'surface_office' => isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->OfficeSurface) && floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->OfficeSurface) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->OfficeSurface) : null, 'surface_production' => isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->ProductionHallSurface) && floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->ProductionHallSurface) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->ProductionHallSurface) : null, 'surface_rentable' => isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->RentableSurface) && floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->RentableSurface) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->RentableSurface) : null, 'surface_sales_room' => isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->SalesRoomSurface) && floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->SalesRoomSurface) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->SalesRoomSurface) : null, 'surface_shop' => isset($publication->Property->Dimensions->ShopSurface) && floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->ShopSurface) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->Dimensions->ShopSurface) : null, 'living_type' => isset($living_types[$publication->Property->LivingRoomType]) ? $living_types[$publication->Property->LivingRoomType] : null, 'garage_type' => isset($garage_types[$publication->Property->GarageType]) ? $garage_types[$publication->Property->GarageType] : null, 'profession_room_type' => isset($profession_room_types[$publication->Property->ProfessionRoomType]) ? $profession_room_types[$publication->Property->ProfessionRoomType] : null, 'office_type' => isset($office_types[$publication->Property->OfficeType]) ? $office_types[$publication->Property->OfficeType] : null, 'storage_type' => isset($storage_types[$publication->Property->StorageRoom]) ? $storage_types[$publication->Property->StorageRoom] : null, 'kitchen_type' => isset($kitchen_types[$publication->Property->KitchenGenre]) ? $kitchen_types[$publication->Property->KitchenGenre] : null, 'cellar_type' => isset($cellar_types[$publication->Property->BasesType]) ? $cellar_types[$publication->Property->BasesType] : null, 'cellar_evaluation' => isset($evaluations[$publication->Property->BasesEvaluation]) ? $evaluations[$publication->Property->BasesEvaluation] : null, 'cellar_comment' => isset($publication->Property->BasesComment) ? $publication->Property->BasesComment : null, 'has_elevator' => $publication->Property->HasElevator == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasElevator == 'TRUE', 'has_alarm' => $publication->Property->HasAlarm == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasAlarm == 'TRUE', 'furnished' => $publication->Property->HasFurniture == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasFurniture == 'TRUE', 'kitchen_equipped' => $publication->Property->KitchenType == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->KitchenType == 'BUILD_WITH_APPLIANCES', 'pets_allowed' => $publication->Property->PetsAllowed == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->PetsAllowed == 'TRUE', 'child_friendly' => $publication->Property->IsChildFriendly == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->IsChildFriendly == 'TRUE', 'has_roller_blinds' => $publication->Property->HasRollerBlinds == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasRollerBlinds == 'TRUE', 'has_heating' => $publication->Property->HasHeating == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasHeating == 'TRUE', 'has_electricity' => $publication->Property->HasElectricity == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasElectricity == 'TRUE', 'has_sanitary' => $publication->Property->HasSanitary == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasSanitary == 'TRUE', 'has_external_solar_blinds' => $publication->Property->ExternalSolarBlinds == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->ExternalSolarBlinds == 'TRUE', 'has_ventilation' => $publication->Property->HasVentilation == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasVentilation == 'TRUE', 'garnished' => $publication->Property->Garnished == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : !($publication->Property->Garnished == 'NO'), 'has_cable_tv' => $publication->Property->HasCable_TV == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasCable_TV == 'TRUE', 'has_cai_tv' => $publication->Property->HasCAI_TV == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasCAI_TV == 'TRUE', 'has_pool' => $publication->Property->HasPool == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasPool == 'TRUE', 'has_airco' => $publication->Property->HasAirco == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasAirco == 'TRUE', 'has_jacuzzi' => $publication->Property->HasJacuzzi == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasJacuzzi == 'TRUE', 'has_intercom' => $publication->Property->HasIntercom == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasIntercom == 'TRUE', 'has_electricity_connection' => $publication->Property->HasElectricityConnect == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasElectricityConnect == 'TRUE', 'has_gas_connection' => $publication->Property->HasGasConnect == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasGasConnect == 'TRUE', 'has_water_connection' => $publication->Property->HasWaterConnect == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasWaterConnect == 'TRUE', 'has_sewer_connection' => $publication->Property->HasSewerConnect == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasSewerConnect == 'TRUE', 'has_internet_connection' => $publication->Property->HasInternetConnect == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasInternetConnect == 'TRUE', 'has_fireplace' => $publication->Property->HasFirePlace == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasFirePlace == 'TRUE', 'external_solar_blinds_comment' => $publication->Property->ExternalSolarBlindsComment, 'ventilation_comment' => $publication->Property->VentilationComment, 'cable_tv_comment' => $publication->Property->Cable_TVComment, 'pool_comment' => $publication->Property->PoolComment, 'elevator_evaluation' => isset($evaluations[$publication->Property->ElevatorEvaluation]) ? $evaluations[$publication->Property->ElevatorEvaluation] : null, 'elevator_comment' => $publication->Property->ElevatorComment, 'alarm_evaluation' => isset($evaluations[$publication->Property->AlarmEvaluation]) ? $evaluations[$publication->Property->AlarmEvaluation] : null, 'alarm_comment' => $publication->Property->AlarmComment, 'roller_blinds_evaluation' => isset($evaluations[$publication->Property->RollerBlindsEvaluation]) ? $evaluations[$publication->Property->RollerBlindsEvaluation] : null, 'roller_blinds_comment' => $publication->Property->RollerBlindsComment, 'isolation_evaluation' => isset($evaluations[$publication->Property->IsolationEvaluation]) ? $evaluations[$publication->Property->IsolationEvaluation] : null, 'isolation_comment' => $publication->Property->IsolationComment, 'isolation_type' => null, 'klevel' => !isset($publication->Property->Energy->KLevel) || is_null($publication->Property->Energy->KLevel) ? null : intval($publication->Property->Energy->KLevel), 'elevel' => !isset($publication->Property->Energy->EnergyLevel) || is_null($publication->Property->Energy->EnergyLevel) ? null : intval($publication->Property->Energy->EnergyLevel), 'epc' => !isset($publication->Property->Energy->Index) || is_null($publication->Property->Energy->Index) || $publication->Property->Energy->Index == 0 ? null : intval($publication->Property->Energy->Index), 'epc_certificate' => !isset($publication->Property->Energy->EnergyCertificateNr) || is_null($publication->Property->Energy->EnergyCertificateNr) ? null : $publication->Property->Energy->EnergyCertificateNr, 'heating_type' => null, 'heating_source' => null, 'heating_evaluation' => isset($evaluations[$publication->Property->HeatingEvaluation]) ? $evaluations[$publication->Property->HeatingEvaluation] : null, 'heating_comment' => $publication->Property->HeatingComment, 'water_heating_type' => null, 'water_heating_source' => null, 'water_heating_evaluation' => isset($evaluations[$publication->Property->WarmWaterEvaluation]) ? $evaluations[$publication->Property->WarmWaterEvaluation] : null, 'cadastrall_numbers' => $publication->Property->CadastrallNumbers, 'cadastrall_area' => $publication->Property->CadastrallArea < 0 ? null : $publication->Property->CadastrallArea, 'cadastrall_income' => floatval($publication->Property->CadastrallIncome) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->CadastrallIncome) : null, 'cadastrall_income_indexed' => floatval($publication->Property->CadastrallIncomeIndexed) >= 0 ? floatval($publication->Property->CadastrallIncomeIndexed) : null, 'cadastrall_description' => $publication->Property->CadastrallDescription, 'percent_private_usage' => $publication->Property->UsagePrivatePercent <= 0 && $publication->Property->UsageProfessionalPercent <= 0 ? null : $publication->Property->UsagePrivatePercent, 'percent_professional_usage' => $publication->Property->UsagePrivatePercent <= 0 && $publication->Property->UsageProfessionalPercent <= 0 ? null : $publication->Property->UsageProfessionalPercent, 'easement' => isset($easements[$publication->Property->Easement]) ? $easements[$publication->Property->Easement] : null, 'restriction_comment' => $publication->Property->RestrictionComment, 'environmental_planning_type' => isset($environmental_planning_types[$publication->Property->EnvironmentalPlanning]) ? $environmental_planning_types[$publication->Property->EnvironmentalPlanning] : null, 'clauses' => $publication->Property->Clauses, 'is_monument' => $publication->Property->IsMonumentsAct == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->IsMonumentsAct == 'TRUE', 'is_protected' => $publication->Property->IsProtected == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->IsProtected == 'TRUE', 'has_asbestus' => $publication->Property->HasAsbestus == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasAsbestus == 'TRUE', 'has_ground_pollution' => $publication->Property->HasGroundPollution == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->HasGroundPollution == 'TRUE', 'planning_permission' => $publication->Property->UrbanDevelopment->Permit == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->UrbanDevelopment->Permit == 'TRUE', 'subdivision_permit' => $publication->Property->UrbanDevelopment->AllotmentPermit == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->UrbanDevelopment->AllotmentPermit == 'TRUE', 'preemption_right' => $publication->Property->UrbanDevelopment->PreemptiveRights == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->UrbanDevelopment->PreemptiveRights == 'TRUE', 'urbanism_citation' => $publication->Property->UrbanDevelopment->Summons == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->UrbanDevelopment->Summons == 'TRUE', 'judicial_decision' => $publication->Property->UrbanDevelopment->JudicialDecision == 'UNDEFINED' ? null : $publication->Property->UrbanDevelopment->JudicialDecision == 'TRUE', 'land_use_designation' => isset($land_use_designations[$publication->Property->UrbanDevelopment->AreaApplication->Code]) ? $land_use_designations[$publication->Property->UrbanDevelopment->AreaApplication->Code] : null, 'as_built_certificate_date' => null, 'diagnostics_certificate_date' => null, 'electricity_certificate_date' => null, 'energy_consumption_certificate_date' => null, 'energy_performance_certificate_date' => null, 'gas_certificate_date' => null, 'polution_certificate_date' => null, 'accessibility_certificate_date' => null, 'lead_certificate_date' => null, 'nature_risk_certificate_date' => null, 'oil_tank_certificate_date' => null, 'planning_certificate_date' => null, 'private_area_certificate_date' => null, 'smoke_detection_certificate_date' => null, 'soil_certificate_date' => null));
                     if (isset($publication->Property->Project->PublicationID) && $publication->Property->Project->PublicationID > 0) {
                         if ($project = where('publication_id = %d', $publication->Property->Project->PublicationID)->get_row('skarabee>project')) {
                             $data['project_id'] = $project->id;
                     if ((!isset($data['coord_lat']) || !$data['coord_lat']) && (!isset($data['coord_lon']) || !$data['coord_lat'])) {
                         if ($geocode = self::geocode($data['address'] . ', ' . $data['postal'] . ' ' . $data['city'])) {
                             $data['coord_lat'] = number_format($geocode['lat'], 10, '.', '');
                             $data['coord_lon'] = number_format($geocode['lon'], 10, '.', '');
                     $data['sold'] = $data['purpose_status'] == 2;
                     $glazing_types_array = array();
                     if (isset($publication->Property->GlazingTypes->GlazingType)) {
                         if (!is_array($publication->Property->GlazingTypes->GlazingType)) {
                             $publication->Property->GlazingTypes->GlazingType = array($publication->Property->GlazingTypes->GlazingType);
                         foreach ($publication->Property->GlazingTypes->GlazingType as $glazing_type) {
                             if (isset($glazing_types[$glazing_type])) {
                                 $glazing_types_array[] = $glazing_types[$glazing_type];
                     $data['glazing_type'] = implode(',', $glazing_types_array);
                     $heating_sources_array = array();
                     if (isset($publication->Property->HeatingTypes->HeatingType)) {
                         if (!is_array($publication->Property->HeatingTypes->HeatingType)) {
                             $publication->Property->HeatingTypes->HeatingType = array($publication->Property->HeatingTypes->HeatingType);
                         foreach ($publication->Property->HeatingTypes->HeatingType as $heating_type) {
                             if (isset($heating_types[$heating_type])) {
                                 $data['heating_type'] = $heating_types[$heating_type];
                             } else {
                                 if (isset($heating_sources[$heating_type])) {
                                     $heating_sources_array[] = $heating_sources[$heating_type];
                     $data['heating_source'] = implode(',', $heating_sources_array);
                     if (isset($publication->Property->WarmWaterTypes->WarmWaterType)) {
                         if (!is_array($publication->Property->WarmWaterTypes->WarmWaterType)) {
                             $publication->Property->WarmWaterTypes->WarmWaterType = array($publication->Property->WarmWaterTypes->WarmWaterType);
                         foreach ($publication->Property->WarmWaterTypes->WarmWaterType as $warm_water_type) {
                             if (isset($heating_types[$warm_water_type])) {
                                 $data['water_heating_type'] = $heating_types[$warm_water_type];
                             } else {
                                 if (isset($water_heating_sources[$warm_water_type])) {
                                     $data['water_heating_source'] = $water_heating_sources[$warm_water_type];
                     $plumbing_types_array = array();
                     if (isset($publication->Property->PlumbingTypes->PlumbingType)) {
                         if (!is_array($publication->Property->PlumbingTypes->PlumbingType)) {
                             $publication->Property->PlumbingTypes->PlumbingType = array($publication->Property->PlumbingTypes->PlumbingType);
                         foreach ($publication->Property->PlumbingTypes->PlumbingType as $plumbing_type) {
                             if (isset($plumbing_types[$plumbing_type])) {
                                 $plumbing_types_array[] = $plumbing_types[$plumbing_type];
                     $data['plumbing_type'] = implode(',', $plumbing_types_array);
                     if (isset($publication->Property->IsolationTypes->IsolationType)) {
                         if (!is_array($publication->Property->IsolationTypes->IsolationType)) {
                             $publication->Property->IsolationTypes->IsolationType = array($publication->Property->IsolationTypes->IsolationType);
                         foreach ($publication->Property->IsolationTypes->IsolationType as $isolation_type) {
                             if (isset($isolation_types[$isolation_type])) {
                                 $data['isolation_type'] = $isolation_types[$isolation_type];
                     if (isset($publication->Property->Certifications->Certification)) {
                         if (!is_array($publication->Property->Certifications->Certification)) {
                             $publication->Property->Certifications->Certification = array($publication->Property->Certifications->Certification);
                         foreach ($publication->Property->Certifications->Certification as $certification) {
                             if (isset($certificate_fields[$certification->Type]) && isset($certification->Date) && preg_match('/^([0-9]{4})\\-([0-9]{2})\\-([0-9]{2})$/s', $certification->Date, $match)) {
                                 $data[$certificate_fields[$certification->Type]] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $match[2], $match[3], $match[1]);
                     if (isset($subcategory_ids[$publication->Property->Typo->Genre])) {
                         $data['subcategory_id'] = $subcategory_ids[$publication->Property->Typo->Genre];
                     } else {
                         $data['subcategory_id'] = $subcategory_ids[$publication->Property->Typo->Sort];
                     foreach (array_keys(languages()) as $language) {
                         if (!isset($subcategories[$publication->Property->Typo->Genre][$language]) && !isset($subcategories[$publication->Property->Typo->Sort][$language])) {
                         if (isset($subcategories[$publication->Property->Typo->Genre][$language])) {
                             $data['subcategory_' . $language] = $subcategories[$publication->Property->Typo->Genre][$language];
                         } else {
                             $data['subcategory_' . $language] = $subcategories[$publication->Property->Typo->Sort][$language];
                         $data['subcategory_slug_' . $language] = slug_format($data['subcategory_' . $language]);
                         $data['slug_' . $language] = slug_format($data['subcategory_slug_' . $language] . '-' . l(array('nl' => 'in', 'fr' => 'a', 'en' => 'in'), $language) . '-' . $data['city']);
                         if (isset($styles[$publication->Property->Typo->Characterisation][$language])) {
                             $data['style_' . $language] = $styles[$publication->Property->Typo->Characterisation][$language];
                         $data['features_' . $language] = isset($features[$language]) ? json_encode($features[$language]) : '[]';
                 if ($existing = where('software_id = %d', $data['software_id'])->get_row($stack)) {
                     // Update existing photos
                     $existing_photos = array();
                     foreach ($existing->photo as $current_photo) {
                         $found = false;
                         foreach ($photos as $key => $photo) {
                             if ($photo['orig_filename'] == $current_photo->orig_filename) {
                                 if ($key != $current_photo->_sort_order || $photo['type'] != $current_photo->image_type) {
                                     where('id = %d', $current_photo->id)->update($stack . '>photo', array('_sort_order' => $key, 'image_type' => $photo['type']));
                                 $existing_photos[] = $key;
                                 $found = true;
                         if (!$found) {
                             where('id = %d', $current_photo->id)->delete($stack . '>photo');
                     $photos = array_diff_key($photos, array_flip($existing_photos));
                     // Update existing documents
                     $existing_documents = array();
                     foreach ($existing->file as $current_file) {
                         $found = false;
                         foreach ($documents as $key => $document) {
                             if ($document['url'] == $current_file->url) {
                                 if ($document['name'] != $current_file->name || $document['filename'] != $current_file->filename) {
                                     where('id = %d', $current_file->id)->update($stack . '>file', $document);
                                 $existing_documents[] = $key;
                                 $found = true;
                         if (!$found) {
                             where('id = %d', $current_file->id)->delete($stack . '>file');
                     $documents = array_diff_key($documents, array_flip($existing_documents));
                     // Update existing open house
                     $existing_records = array();
                     foreach ($existing->open_house as $current_record) {
                         $found = false;
                         foreach ($openhouse as $key => $record) {
                             if ($record['from'] == $current_record->fromdate && $record['to'] == $current_record->todate) {
                                 if ($record['comment'] != $current_record->comment) {
                                     where('id = %d', $current_record->id)->update($stack . '>open_house', array('comment' => $record['comment']));
                                 $existing_records[] = $key;
                                 $found = true;
                         if (!$found) {
                             where('id = %d', $current_record->id)->delete($stack . '>open_house');
                     $openhouse = array_diff_key($openhouse, array_flip($existing_records));
                     // Update existing floors
                     if (!$is_project) {
                         $existing_floors = array();
                         foreach ($existing->floor as $current_floor) {
                             if (isset($floors[$current_floor->level])) {
                                 if (count(array_diff_assoc($floors[$current_floor->level], $current_floor->to_array()))) {
                                     foreach ($floors[$current_floor->level] as $key => $value) {
                                         if ($value != $current_floor->{$key}) {
                                             where('id = %d', $current_floor->id)->update($stack . '>floor', $floors[$current_floor->level]);
                                 $existing_floors[] = $current_floor->level;
                             } else {
                                 where('id = %d', $current_record->id)->delete($stack . '>floor');
                         $floors = array_diff_key($floors, array_flip($existing_floors));
                     // Update data
                     where('id = %d', $existing->id)->update($stack, $data);
                     $id = $existing->id;
                 } else {
                     $id = insert($stack, $data);
                 // Create new photos
                 foreach ($photos as $key => $photo) {
                     $newphoto = array($is_project ? 'project_id' : 'property_id' => $id, 'orig_filename' => $photo['orig_filename'], 'filename' => 'properties/' . $id . '/' . md5($photo['orig_filename']) . '.jpg', 'upload_date' => time(), '_sort_order' => $key, 'image_type' => $photo['type']);
                     foreach (array_keys(languages()) as $language) {
                         $newphoto['alt_' . $language] = $is_project ? $data['name'] : $data['subcategory_' . $language] . ' ' . l(array('nl' => 'in', 'fr' => 'a', 'en' => 'in'), $language) . ' ' . $data['city'];
                         $newphoto['slug_' . $language] = slug_format($newphoto['alt_' . $language]);
                     if (!file_exists(FILESPATH . 'properties')) {
                         mkdir(FILESPATH . 'properties');
                     if (!file_exists(FILESPATH . 'properties/' . $id)) {
                         mkdir(FILESPATH . 'properties/' . $id);
                     if (self::download_remote_file($photo['url'], FILESPATH . $newphoto['filename'])) {
                         insert($stack . '>photo', $newphoto);
                 // Add new documents
                 foreach ($documents as $key => $document) {
                     $document[$is_project ? 'project_id' : 'property_id'] = $id;
                     insert($stack . '>file', $document);
                 // Add new open house
                 foreach ($openhouse as $key => $record) {
                     insert($stack . '>open_house', array($is_project ? 'project_id' : 'property_id' => $id, 'comment' => $record['comment'], 'fromdate' => $record['from'], 'todate' => $record['to']));
                 // Add new floors
                 if (!$is_project) {
                     foreach ($floors as $level => $floor) {
                         $floor[$is_project ? 'project_id' : 'property_id'] = $id;
                         insert($stack . '>floor', $floor);
                 $present_properties[] = $data['software_id'];
                 $current = where('id = %d', $id)->get_row($stack);
                 $feedbacks[] = array('PublicationID' => $data['publication_id'], 'Status' => 'AVAILABLE', 'StatusDescription' => $existing ? 'Property was updated' : 'Property was created', 'ExternalID' => strval($id), 'URL' => $current->url);
         if (count($present_properties)) {
             foreach (where('software_id NOT IN %$', $present_properties)->get('skarabee>property') as $todelete) {
                 $feedbacks[] = array('PublicationID' => $todelete->publication_id, 'Status' => 'DELETED', 'StatusDescription' => 'Property was deleted', 'ExternalID' => $todelete->id, 'URL' => $todelete->url);
             where('software_id NOT IN %$', $present_properties)->delete('skarabee>property');
             foreach (where('software_id NOT IN %$', $present_properties)->get('skarabee>project') as $todelete) {
                 $feedbacks[] = array('PublicationID' => $todelete->publication_id, 'Status' => 'DELETED', 'StatusDescription' => 'Property was deleted', 'ExternalID' => $todelete->id, 'URL' => $todelete->url);
             where('software_id NOT IN %$', $present_properties)->delete('skarabee>project');
         $site = current_site();
         if ($site->live) {
             $feedbackresponse = $client->Feedback(array('FeedbackList' => array('FeedbackList' => $feedbacks)));
Пример #2
 public function edit($data, $field, $newdata, $olddata, $object)
     $fieldname = $field['name'] . '_image';
     $field_filename = $fieldname . '_filename';
     $orig_filename = $fieldname . '_orig_filename';
     $upload_date = $fieldname . '_upload_date';
     $alt = $fieldname . '_alt';
     $titlefields = $object->xpath('string');
     if ($titlefield = reset($titlefields)) {
         $titlefield = strval($titlefield['name']);
     if ($titlefield && isset($data[$titlefield]) && $data[$titlefield]) {
         if (!isset($olddata->{$alt}) || isset($olddata->{$alt}) && $olddata->{$alt} != $data[$titlefield]) {
             $i = 1;
             $slug_field = $fieldname . '_slug';
             if (isset($olddata->{$alt}) && $olddata->{$alt}) {
                 if (preg_match('/.*\\-([0-9]+)/is', $olddata->{$slug_field}, $match)) {
                     $i = intval($match[1]);
             $data[$alt] = $data[$titlefield];
             $data[$slug_field] = slug_format($data[$alt]) . '-' . $i;
             if ($olddata->{$fieldname}) {
     if (isset($_POST[strval($field['name'])]) && is_array($_POST[strval($field['name'])]) && count($_POST[strval($field['name'])])) {
         foreach ($_POST[strval($field['name'])] as $filename) {
             if (!$filename || !file_exists(FILESPATH . 'uploaded-images/' . $filename)) {
             $width_field = $fieldname . '_width';
             $height_field = $fieldname . '_height';
             $folder = str_replace('>', '/', $object['path']);
             if (!file_exists(FILESPATH . $folder)) {
                 mkdir(FILESPATH . $folder);
             $folder .= '/';
             $image_size = @getimagesize(FILESPATH . 'uploaded-images/' . $filename);
             if ($image_size === false) {
             $extension = substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.') + 1);
             do {
                 $name = md5(rand(0, 99999) . rand(0, 99999));
             } while (file_exists(FILESPATH . $folder . $name . "." . $extension));
             if (isset($olddata->{$field_filename}) && $olddata->{$field_filename}) {
                 $this->deleted($field, array($olddata));
             rename(FILESPATH . 'uploaded-images/' . $filename, FILESPATH . $folder . $name . "." . $extension);
             $data[$orig_filename] = array_shift($_POST[strval($field['name']) . '-name']);
             $data[$field_filename] = $folder . $name . '.' . $extension;
             $data[$width_field] = $image_size[0];
             $data[$height_field] = $image_size[1];
             $slug_field = $fieldname . '_slug';
             if ($titlefield && isset($data[$titlefield]) && $data[$titlefield] && isset($olddata->{$alt}) && $olddata->{$alt} == $data[$titlefield]) {
                 $i = 1;
                 if (preg_match('/.*\\-([0-9]+)/is', $olddata->{$slug_field}, $match)) {
                     $i = intval($match[1]);
                 $data[$slug_field] = slug_format($data[$titlefield]) . '-' . $i;
     return $data;