Пример #1
        $proceed = "no";
if ($proceed == "yes") {
    if (isset($_REQUEST["payment_type"]) && $_REQUEST["payment_type"] == "cheque") {
        $payment_type = 'cheque';
        $pending_reason = "Cheque";
    } else {
        $payment_type = 'wire';
        $pending_reason = "Wire transfer";
    $q = "UPDATE {$pro_mysql_pay_table} SET paiement_type='{$payment_type}',valid='pending',pending_reason='{$pending_reason}' WHERE hash_check_key='" . $_REQUEST["hash_check"] . "' AND id='" . $_REQUEST["item_id"] . "'";
    $r = mysql_query($q) or die("Cannot query {$q} line " . __LINE__ . " file " . __FILE__ . " sql said: " . mysql_error());
// Display the payment infos
if ($proceed == "yes") {
    if (isset($_REQUEST["payment_type"]) && $_REQUEST["payment_type"] == "cheque") {
        $form = "<u>" . _("Cheques shall be written to be paid only to:") . "</u><br>" . $secpayconf_cheques_to_label . "<br><br>";
        $form .= "<u>" . _("Cheques shall be sent to:") . "</u><br><pre>" . $secpayconf_cheques_send_address . "</pre><br><br>";
    } else {
        $form = "<u>" . _("Wire transfers shall be made to: ") . "</u><br><pre>" . $secpayconf_wiretransfers_bank_details . "</pre><br><br>";
    $form .= "<b>" . _("Thanks for your order. Your order has been set on hold until someone checks for your payment.") . "</b>  <a href=\"/\">" . _("Continue") . "</a><br><br>";
$login_skined = skin($conf_skin, $form, _("Register a new account"));
$mypage = layout_login_and_languages($login_skined, $lang_sel);
if (function_exists("skin_NewAccountPage")) {
} else {
    echo anotherPage("Client:", "", "", makePreloads(), $anotherTopBanner, "", $mypage, anotherFooter(""));
Пример #2
            $q = "SELECT * FROM {$pro_mysql_admin_table},{$pro_mysql_client_table} WHERE {$pro_mysql_client_table}.email='" . $_REQUEST["adm_lost_email"] . "';";
            $r = mysql_query($q) or die("Cannot query {$q} line " . __LINE__ . " file " . __FILE__ . " sql said: " . mysql_error());
            $n = mysql_num_rows($r);
            $recover_txt .= "<br><br>" . _("The following logins have been found to be related to this email address. Click on any of them to send your password to the email address:") . "<br><br>";
            for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
                $a = mysql_fetch_array($r);
                $login = $a["adm_login"];
                if ($i != 0) {
                    $recover_txt .= " - ";
                $recover_txt .= "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?action=recover_lost_pass&adm_lost_login={$login}\">{$login}</a>";
} else {
    $recover_l_txt = dtcFormTableAttrs();
    $recover_l_txt .= "<form action=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"recover_lost_pass\">";
    $recover_l_txt .= dtcFormLineDraw(_("Login:"******"<input type=\"text\" name=\"adm_lost_login\">", 0);
    $recover_l_txt .= dtcFromOkDraw() . "</table></form>";
    $recover_r_txt = dtcFormTableAttrs();
    $recover_r_txt .= "<form action=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"recover_lost_pass\">";
    $recover_r_txt .= dtcFormLineDraw(_("Email:"), "<input type=\"text\" name=\"adm_lost_email\">", 0);
    $recover_r_txt .= dtcFromOkDraw() . "</table></form>";
    $recover_txt .= '<table cellpadding="8" border="0"><tr><td>' . $recover_l_txt . "</td><td>" . $recover_r_txt . "</td></table>";
$mypage = skin($conf_skin, $recover_txt, _("Client panel:") . " " . _("Recover password"));
if (function_exists("skin_NewAccountPage")) {
} else {
    echo anotherPage("Client:", "", "", makePreloads(), $anotherTopBanner, "", $mypage, anotherFooter(""));