Пример #1

require '../../config.php';
require 'HTTP/ConditionalGet.php';
// emulate regularly updating document
$every = 20;
$lastModified = round(time() / $every) * $every - $every;
$cg = new HTTP_ConditionalGet(array('lastModifiedTime' => $lastModified));
if ($cg->cacheIsValid) {
    // we're done
$title = 'Last-Modified is known : simple usage';
$explain = '
<p>If your content has not changed since a certain timestamp, set this via the
the <code>lastModifiedTime</code> array key when instantiating HTTP_ConditionalGet.
You can immediately call the method <code>sendHeaders()</code> to set the
Last-Modified, ETag, and Cache-Control headers. The, if <code>cacheIsValid</code>
property is false, you echo the content.</p>
<p>This script emulates a document that changes every ' . $every . ' seconds.
<br>This is version: ' . date('r', $lastModified) . '</p>
require '_include.php';
echo send_slowly(get_content(array('title' => $title, 'explain' => $explain)));
Пример #2
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../min/lib'));
require 'HTTP/ConditionalGet.php';
// generate content first (not ideal)
// emulate regularly updating document
$every = 20;
$lastModified = round(time() / $every) * $every - $every;
$title = 'Last-Modified is unknown : use hash of content for ETag';
$explain = '
<p>When Last-Modified is unknown, you can still use ETags, but you need a short
string that is unique for that content. In the worst case, you have to generate
all the content first, <em>then</em> instantiate HTTP_ConditionalGet, setting
the array key <code>contentHash</code> to the output of a hash function of the
content. Since we have the full content, we might as well also use
<code>setContentLength(strlen($content))</code> in the case where we need to
send it.</p>
<p>This script emulates a document that changes every ' . $every . ' seconds.
<br>This is version: ' . date('r', $lastModified) . '</p>
require '_include.php';
$content = get_content(array('title' => $title, 'explain' => $explain));
$cg = new HTTP_ConditionalGet(array('contentHash' => substr(md5($content), 7)));
if ($cg->cacheIsValid) {
    // we're done
Пример #3

require __DIR__ . '/../../bootstrap.php';
// emulate regularly updating document
$every = 20;
$lastModified = round(time() / $every) * $every - $every;
list($enc, ) = HTTP_Encoder::getAcceptedEncoding();
$cg = new HTTP_ConditionalGet(array('lastModifiedTime' => $lastModified, 'encoding' => $enc));
if ($cg->cacheIsValid) {
    // we're done
// output encoded content
$title = 'ConditionalGet + Encoder';
$explain = '
<p>Using ConditionalGet and Encoder is straightforward. First impliment the
ConditionalGet, then if the cache is not valid, encode and send the content</p>
<p>This script emulates a document that changes every ' . $every . ' seconds.
<br>This is version: ' . date('r', $lastModified) . '</p>
require '_include.php';
$content = get_content(array('title' => $title, 'explain' => $explain));
$he = new HTTP_Encoder(array('content' => get_content(array('title' => $title, 'explain' => $explain))));
// usually you would just $he->sendAll(), but here we want to emulate slow
// connection