Пример #1
 * Copyright (C) 2008-2014 e107 Inc (e107.org)
 * Released under the terms and conditions of the
 * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
 * Administration menu
if (!defined('e107_INIT')) {
if (ADMIN == TRUE) {
    e107::lan('core', 'admin', true);
    // We're not in admin - load generic admin phrases
    $tp = e107::getParser();
    $pref = e107::getPref();
    $ns = e107::getRender();
    $nav = e107::getNav();
    $array_functions = $nav->adminLinks();
    $amtext = "<div class='text-center' style='text-align:center'>\n\t<select name='activate' onchange='urljump(this.options[selectedIndex].value)' class='tbox form-control'>\n\t<option>" . LAN_SELECT . "</option>\n";
    foreach ($array_functions as $link_value) {
        $amtext .= render_admin_links($link_value['link'], $link_value['title'], $link_value['perms']);
    $amtext .= "</select>\n\t</div>";
    $ns->tablerender(LAN_ADMIN, $amtext, 'admin_menu');
function render_admin_links($link, $title, $perms)
    if (getperms($perms)) {
        return "<option value='" . $link . "'>" . $title . "</option>";
Пример #2
global $tp;
if (ADMIN == TRUE) {
    // We're not in admin - load generic admin phrases
    include_lan(e_LANGUAGEDIR . e_LANGUAGE . '/admin/lan_admin.php');
    require_once e_HANDLER . "userclass_class.php";
    require_once e_ADMIN . "ad_links.php";
    require_once e_HANDLER . 'admin_handler.php';
    $array_functions[] = array(e_ADMIN . "plugin.php", ADLAN_98, "Z");
    if ($sql->db_Select("plugin", "*", "plugin_installflag=1")) {
        while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) {
            include e_PLUGIN . $row['plugin_path'] . "/plugin.php";
            if ($eplug_conffile) {
                $array_functions[] = array(e_PLUGIN . $row['plugin_path'] . "/" . $eplug_conffile, $tp->toHtml($eplug_name, "", "defs,emotes_off, no_make_clickable"), "P" . $row['plugin_id']);
            unset($eplug_conffile, $eplug_name, $eplug_caption, $eplug_icon_small);
    $array_functions = asortbyindex($array_functions, 1);
    $amtext = "<div style='text-align:center'>\n\t<select name='activate' onchange='urljump(this.options[selectedIndex].value)' class='tbox'>\n\t<option>" . LAN_SELECT . "</option>\n";
    foreach ($array_functions as $link_value) {
        $amtext .= render_admin_links($link_value[0], $link_value[1], $link_value[2]);
    $amtext .= "</select>\n\t</div>";
    $ns->tablerender(LAN_ADMIN, $amtext, 'admin_menu');
function render_admin_links($link, $title, $perms)
    if (getperms($perms)) {
        return "<option value='" . $link . "'>" . $title . "</option>";