function Emoticon_Select($formid = 'emoticon_selector') { require_once e_HANDLER . "emote.php"; $text = "<!-- Start of Emoticon selector -->\n\t<div style='margin-left:0px;margin-right:0px; position:relative;z-index:1000;float:right;display:none' id='{$formid}' onclick=\"'none'\" >\n\t\t<div style='position:absolute; bottom:30px; right:75px; width:221px; height:133px; overflow:auto;'>\n\t\t\t<table class='fborder' style='background-color:#fff;'>\n\t\t\t<tr><td class='forumheader3'>\n\t\t\t" . r_emote() . "\n\t\t\t</td></tr></table>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n<!-- End of Emoticon selector -->\n"; return $text; }
} else { $texta = e_QUERY ? "\n<form id='chatbox' method='post' action='" . e_SELF . "?" . e_QUERY . "'>" : "\n<form id='chatbox' method='post' action='" . e_SELF . "'>"; } $texta .= "<div class='control-group form-group' id='chatbox-input-block'>"; if ($pref['anon_post'] == "1" && USER == FALSE) { $texta .= "\n<input class='tbox chatbox' type='text' id='nick' name='nick' value='' maxlength='50' " . ($cb_width ? "style='width: " . $cb_width . ";'" : '') . " /><br />"; } if ($pref['cb_layer'] == 2) { $oc = "onclick=\"javascript:sendInfo('" . SITEURLBASE . e_PLUGIN_ABS . "chatbox_menu/chatbox_menu.php', 'chatbox_posts', this.form);\""; } else { $oc = ""; } $texta .= "\n\t<textarea placeholder=\"" . LAN_CHATBOX_100 . "\" required class='tbox chatbox form-control input-xlarge' id='cmessage' name='cmessage' cols='20' rows='5' style='max-width:97%; " . ($cb_width ? "width:" . $cb_width . ";" : '') . " overflow: auto' onselect='storeCaret(this);' onclick='storeCaret(this);' onkeyup='storeCaret(this);'></textarea>\n\t<br />\n\t<input class='btn btn-default button' type='submit' id='chat_submit' name='chat_submit' value='" . CHATBOX_L4 . "' {$oc}/>\n\t"; // $texta .= "<input type='reset' name='reset' value='".CHATBOX_L5."' />"; // How often do we see these lately? ;-) if ($pref['cb_emote'] && $pref['smiley_activate']) { $texta .= "\n\t\t<input class='btn btn-default button' type='button' style='cursor:pointer' size='30' value='" . CHATBOX_L14 . "' onclick=\"expandit('emote')\" />\n\t\t<div class='well' style='display:none' id='emote'>" . r_emote() . "</div>\n"; } $texta .= "</div>\n</form>\n"; } if ($emessage != "") { $texta .= "<div style='text-align:center'><b>" . $emessage . "</b></div>"; } if (!($text = $e107cache->retrieve("nq_chatbox"))) { global $pref, $tp; $pref['chatbox_posts'] = $pref['chatbox_posts'] ? $pref['chatbox_posts'] : 10; $chatbox_posts = $pref['chatbox_posts']; if (!isset($pref['cb_mod'])) { $pref['cb_mod'] = e_UC_ADMIN; } define("CB_MOD", check_class($pref['cb_mod'])); $qry = "\n\tSELECT c.*, u.user_name, u.user_image FROM #chatbox AS c\n\tLEFT JOIN #user AS u ON SUBSTRING_INDEX(c.cb_nick,'.',1) = u.user_id\n\tORDER BY c.cb_datestamp DESC LIMIT 0, " . intval($chatbox_posts);
public function sc_pm_emotes() { require_once e_HANDLER . 'emote.php'; return r_emote(); }