function printTree($level = 1) { // Открываем каталог и выходим в случае ошибки. $d = @opendir("."); if (!$d) { return; } while (($e = readdir($d)) !== false) { // Игнорируем элементы .. и . if ($e == '.' || $e == '..') { continue; } // Нам нужны только подкаталоги. if (!@is_dir($e)) { continue; } // Печатаем пробелы, чтобы сместить вывод. for ($i = 0; $i < $level; $i++) { echo " "; } // Выводим текущий элемент. echo "{$e}\n"; // Входим в текущий подкаталог и печатаем его if (!chdir($e)) { continue; } printTree($level + 1); // Возвращаемся назад chdir(".."); // Отправляем данные в браузер, чтобы избежать видимости зависания // для больших распечаток. flush(); } closedir($d); }
function HandleViewSite() { define("CMD_SEL_ITEMSCOUNT", <<<SQL \t\tSELECT count(*) FROM items \t\t\tWHERE category_id = ? AND our_category_id = 0 \t\t\tORDER BY status DESC, mdate DESC SQL ); define("CMD_SEL_SITECATEGORIES", <<<SQL \t\tSELECT * FROM site_categories \t\t\tWHERE site_id = ? AND our_category_id = 0 SQL ); global $db; $res =& $db->query(CMD_SEL_SITECATEGORIES, array($_REQUEST["siteId"])); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { printError($res); exit; } $categories = array(); while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT)) { $catCount =& $db->getOne(CMD_SEL_ITEMSCOUNT, array($row->id)); if (PEAR::isError($catCount)) { $catCount = 0; } $state = null; if ((int) $catCount > 0) { $state = "collapsed"; } $customAttrs = array("siteId" => $_REQUEST["siteId"]); $categories[] = array("nodeId" => $row->id, "name" => $row->name, "state" => $state, "tp" => NODE_SITE_CATEGORY, "image" => getCategoryImageState($row), "customAttrs" => $customAttrs); } printTree($categories, true, true, "TreeCategories"); print "<span id=\"siteId\" siteIdNum=\"" . $_REQUEST["siteId"] . "\" style=\"display: none;\"></span>"; }
public function test_printTree() { $actual = '<li><a rel=site >site</a></li><li><h2>slug</h2><ul><li><a rel=0 >0</a></li><li><a rel=1 >1</a></li></ul></li><li><h2>query</h2><ul><li><a rel=comp >comp</a></li><li><a rel=category >category</a></li></ul></li>'; $testArray = array('site' => 'dummy', 'slug' => array(0 => 'testkit', 1 => ''), 'query' => array('comp' => 'testcase', 'category' => '22ffa003527fc7b4cfddb491cbfb1804')); $result = printTree($testArray); //echo $result; $this->assertEquals($actual, $result); }
function deletes($nestedSet, $deletes) { foreach ($deletes as $delete) { $row = br()->db()->getRow('SELECT * FROM br_nested_set WHERE name = ?', $delete); br()->db()->table('br_nested_set')->remove($row['id']); $nestedSet->processDelete($row); printTree(); $nestedSet->verify(); } }
function printTree($tree) { if (!is_null($tree) && count($tree) > 0) { echo '<ul>'; foreach ($tree as $node) { $dep_id = $node['name'][0]; echo '<li onclick=\'display_info(' . $dep_id . ')\'>' . $node['name'][1]; printTree($node['children']); echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } }
function printTree($tree, $r = 0, $p = null) { foreach ($tree as $i => $t) { $dash = $t['parent'] == 0 ? '' : str_repeat('-', $r) . ' '; printf("\t<option value='%d'>%s%s</option>\n", $t['id'], $dash, $t['name']); if ($t['parent'] == $p) { // reset $r $r = 0; } if (isset($t['_children'])) { printTree($t['_children'], ++$r, $t['parent']); } } }
function printTree($tree, $r = 0, $p = null, $id) { foreach ($tree as $i => $t) { $dash = $t->parent_id == 0 ? '' : str_repeat('----', $r) . ' '; $selected = $t->id == $id ? 'selected' : ''; print "\t<option " . $selected . " value='" . $t->id . "'>" . $dash . $t->name . "</option>\n"; if ($t->parent_id == $p) { //reset $r $r = 0; } if (isset($t->_children)) { $j = printTree($t->_children, $r + 1, $t->parent_id, $id); } } return $j; }
function printTree($node, $indent, $prefix) { $indentStr = " "; $printStr = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $indent; $i++) { $printStr = $printStr . $indentStr; } echo $printStr . $prefix . " value: " . $node->data . "\n"; $indent++; if ($node->left) { printTree($node->left, $indent, "left: "); } if ($node->right) { printTree($node->right, $indent, "right: "); } }
/** * Построение дерева */ function printTree($tree, $printUL = true, $isRoot = false, $name = "") { if ($isRoot) { print '<ul id="' . $name . '" class="tree">'; } else { if ($printUL) { print '<ul>'; } } foreach ($tree as $item) { $img = ""; $childsCode = ""; // Имеются дочерние узлы if (isset($item["childs"]) && sizeof($item["childs"]) > 0) { $img = "collapsed"; $childsCode = printTree($item["childs"]); } else { $img = "leaf"; } if (isset($item["state"])) { $img = $item["state"]; } $nodeType = isset($item["tp"]) ? " tp='" . $item["tp"] . "'" : ""; $customImg = ""; if (isset($item["image"])) { $imgAlt = "alt='" . basename($item["image"], ".png") . "'"; $customImg = "<img src='" . $item["image"] . "' {$imgAlt}>"; } $customAttrsCode = " "; if (isset($item["customAttrs"])) { $customAttrs = $item["customAttrs"]; foreach ($customAttrs as $k => $v) { $customAttrsCode .= "{$k}=\"{$v}\" "; } } $liClass = isset($item["liClass"]) ? "class='" . $item["liClass"] . "'" : ""; print "<li {$liClass}><img src='" . sprintf(TREE_IMAGE_MASK, $img) . "'>" . "<span nodeId='" . $item["nodeId"] . "'" . $nodeType . $customAttrsCode . ">" . $customImg . $item["name"] . "</span>" . $childsCode . "</li>"; } if ($printUL) { print '</ul>'; } }
function printTree($arr, $format = "ul,li,h2,a") { if (!is_array($format)) { $format = explode(",", $format); } for ($i = sizeOf($format); $i <= 4; $i++) { array_push($format, "span"); } $s = ""; foreach ($arr as $a => $b) { if (is_array($b)) { $s .= "<{$format[1]}><{$format[2]}>{$a}</{$format[2]}>"; $s .= "<{$format[0]}>" . printTree($b, $format) . "</{$format[0]}>"; $s .= "</{$format[1]}>"; } else { $s .= "<{$format[1]}><{$format[3]} rel={$a} >{$a}</{$format[3]}></{$format[1]}>"; } } return $s; }
function printTree($tree, $keys, $prefix = '') { if(is_array($tree)) { foreach($tree as $key => $subTree) { if(in_array($key, $keys, true)) { echo '- ' . $key . "\n"; } elseif(!is_numeric($key)) { $prefix .= ' '; echo $prefix . '|_ ' . $key . "\n"; } printTree($subTree, $keys, $prefix); } } else echo $prefix . '|_ ' . $tree . "\n"; }
function printTree($tree, $root, $delim) { reset($tree); # print "<hr/>ROOT: $root<br/>"; foreach ($tree as $node => $rec) { if (!in_array($node, $GLOBALS["nodesdone"])) { if (preg_match("#" . preg_quote($root) . "#i", $node)) { print '<li>'; printf('<input type="checkbox" name="checkfolder[]" value="%s"> ', $node); print "<b>{$node}</b>\n"; printf('<input type="checkbox" name="%s" id="%s" value="1" onchange="checkSubFolders(\'%s\');"> (add subfolders)', $node, $node, $node); print "</li>"; print "<ul>\n"; foreach ($tree[$node]["children"] as $leaf) { if ($tree[$node . $delim . $leaf]) { # print "<ul>"; printTree($tree, $node . $delim . $leaf, $delim); # print "</ul>"; } else { # print "NO $node$delim$leaf <br/>"; print '<li>'; printf('<input type="checkbox" name="checkfolder[]" value="%s"> ', $node . $delim . $leaf); # print "$node.$delim"; print "{$leaf}</li>\n"; } array_push($GLOBALS["nodesdone"], $node); } print "</ul>"; } else { # print "<li>$node</li>"; # print $root ."===". $node . "<br/>"; } } else { # print "<br/>Done: $node"; } } }
function HandleExpand() { global $db; if ($_REQUEST["treeId"] == "TreeCategories") { $res =& $db->query(CMD_SEL_ITEMS, array($_REQUEST["nodeId"])); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { printErr($res); exit; } $items = array(); while ($row =& $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT)) { $customAttrs = array("categId" => $row->category_id); $items[] = array("nodeId" => $row->id, "name" => $row->art . " - " . $row->name, "state" => "item", "tp" => NODE_SITE_ITEM, "image" => getImageState($row), "customAttrs" => $customAttrs); } printTree($items, false); } else { if ($_REQUEST["treeId"] == "TreeOurSite") { $res =& $db->query(CMD_SEL_SUBCATEGORIES, array($_REQUEST["nodeId"])); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { printError($res); exit; } $categories = array(); while ($row =& $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT)) { $catCount = getItemsCount($row->id); $state = null; if ($catCount > 0) { $state = "collapsed"; } $imgState = $row->viewmode == true ? "pics/ourcategoryHidden.png" : "pics/ourcategory.png"; $categories[] = array("nodeId" => $row->id, "name" => $row->name, "state" => $state, "image" => $imgState); } addMovedItems($categories, $_REQUEST["nodeId"]); printTree($categories, false); } } }
<?php $cubename = $_GET['cube']; include "../config.php"; include "views/views.php"; $xml = simplexml_load_file($xmlfile); printTree($cubename, $img_cube, $img_plus);
<div class="col-md-4"> <select class="col-md-12 full-width-fix" name="link" id="link"> <option value="0">Unidentify</option> <?php printTree($link, '', '', $parsing->resource_id); ?> </select> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-md-2 control-label">Parent:</label> <div class="col-md-4"> <select class="select2-01 col-md-12 full-width-fix" name="parent" id="parent"> <option value="0">Unidentify</option> <?php printTree($menu_parent, '', '', $parsing->id); ?> </select> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-md-2 control-label">Active:</label> <div class="col-md-4"> <select name="active" id="active" class="form-control"> <option <?php if ($parsing->active == 0) { echo "selected"; } else { echo ""; }
$res =& $db->query(CMD_SEL_SUBCATEGORIES, array(0)); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { print $res->getMessage(); exit; } $categories = array(); while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT)) { $catCount = getItemsCount($row->id); $state = null; if ($catCount > 0) { $state = "collapsed"; } $imgState = $row->viewmode == true ? "pics/ourcategoryHidden.png" : "pics/ourcategory.png"; $categories[] = array("nodeId" => $row->id, "name" => $row->name, "state" => $state, "image" => $imgState); } printTree($categories, true, true, "TreeOurSite"); ?> <script> var ourSiteObj = document.getElementById("OurSite"); var getSrcNodesParam = function (nodes) { var res = ""; if (nodes == null) return res; if (nodes.length == 0) return res; for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var nodeType = nodes[i].getAttribute("tp"); if (nodeType == null) { nodeType = "";
function PrintTree($tree, $level) { MarkTime("PrintTree()"); if (!is_null($tree) && count($tree) > 0) { $level++; foreach ($tree as $node) { PrintPipelineRow($GLOBALS['info'][$node['pipeline_id']], $level); #PrintPipelineRow(GetPipelineInfo($node['pipeline_id']), $level); $level = printTree($node['child_id'], $level); } $level--; } return $level; }
<label class="col-md-2 control-label">Link:</label> <div class="col-md-4"> <select class="col-md-12 full-width-fix" name="link" id="link"> <?php printTree($link); ?> </select> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-md-2 control-label">Parent:</label> <div class="col-md-4"> <select class="col-md-12 full-width-fix" name="parent" id="parent"> <option value='0'>No Parent</option> <?php printTree($menu_parent); ?> </select> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-md-2 control-label">Active:</label> <div class="col-md-4"> <select name="active" id="active" class="form-control"> <option value="0">Active</option> <option value="1">Inactive</option> </select> </div> </div> <div class="form-actions"> <div class="row">
function printTreeList($treeArray) { if (sizeOf($treeArray) <= 0) { return ""; } $s = ""; foreach ($treeArray as $a => $b) { $data = $b['data']; unset($b['data']); if (count($b) > 0) { $s .= "<li>"; $s .= "<h3 rel='{$data['id']}'>{$a}</h3>"; $s .= "<ul>"; $s .= printTree($b); $s .= "</ul>"; $s .= "</li>"; } else { $s .= "<li><a rel='{$data['id']}'>{$a}</a></li>"; } } return $s; }
function printEditor($ndid, $tree, $test) { $data = mysqli_query($tree, "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE id='" . $ndid . "'"); $info = mysqli_fetch_array($data, MYSQLI_ASSOC); echo "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"/\">\n"; echo " <div><input type=\"text\" id=\"id\" name=\"id\" placeholder=\"id\" value=\"" . $info["id"] . "\"/></div>\n"; echo " <div><input type=\"text\" id=\"title\" name=\"title\" placeholder=\"title\" value=\"" . $info["title"] . "\"/></div>\n"; echo " <div><input type=\"text\" id=\"description\" name=\"description\" placeholder=\"description\" value=\"" . $info["description"] . "\"/></div>\n"; echo " <div><textarea id=\"body\" name=\"body\" placeholder=\"body\">" . $info["body"] . "</textarea></div>\n"; echo " <div><input type=\"text\" id=\"images\" name=\"images\" placeholder=\"images\" value=\"" . $info["images"] . "\"/></div>\n"; echo "<div id=\"tree\">\n"; printTree($test, "/", 1); echo "</div>\n\n"; echo " <div><input type=\"text\" id=\"connections\" name=\"connections\" placeholder=\"connections\" value=\"" . $info["connections"] . "\"/></div>\n"; echo " <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"edit\" name=\"edit\" value=\"" . $ndid . "\"/>\n"; echo " <div><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Save\"/></div>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; }
function printTree($path, $treeState, $selectedPath) { $registry = BeeHub_Registry::inst(); $resource = $registry->resource($path); $members = array(); foreach ($resource as $member) { // Skip the /system/ directory, as there is no need to see this if ($path === '/' && $member === 'system/' || substr($member, -1) !== '/') { continue; } $members[] = $member; } usort($members, 'strnatcasecmp'); $last = count($members) - 1; for ($counter = 0; $counter <= $last; $counter++) { $member = $members[$counter]; $memberResource = $registry->resource($path . $member); // Previous versions actually checked whether the resource has children // or not. But with the new set-up that means a query for each resource // and this is simply to expensive. Setting this to true for all cases // means the end-user will find out there are no child resources on the // first attempt to unfold the directory in the tree $hasChildren = true; $expanded = isset($treeState[$memberResource->path]) && $hasChildren ? $treeState[$memberResource->path] : false; ?> <li <?php echo $counter === $last ? 'class="dynatree-lastsib"' : ''; ?> ><span class="dynatree-node dynatree-folder <?php echo $hasChildren ? 'dynatree-has-children' : ''; ?> <?php echo $expanded ? 'dynatree-expanded' : ($hasChildren ? 'dynatree-lazy' : ''); ?> dynatree-exp-<?php echo $expanded ? 'e' : 'cd'; echo $counter === $last ? 'l dynatree-lastsib' : ''; ?> dynatree-ico-<?php echo $expanded ? 'e' : 'c'; ?> f <?php echo $memberResource->path === $selectedPath ? 'dynatree-focused' : ''; ?> " ><span class="dynatree-<?php echo $hasChildren ? 'expander' : 'connector'; ?> "></span ><span class="dynatree-icon"></span ><a class="dynatree-title" href="<?php echo DAV::xmlescape(DAV::encodeURIFullPath($memberResource->path)); ?> "><?php echo DAV::xmlescape($memberResource->user_prop_displayname()); ?> </a ></span <?php if ($expanded && $hasChildren) { ?> ><ul><?php echo printTree($memberResource->path, $treeState, $selectedPath); ?> </ul <?php } ?> ></li> <?php $registry->forget($path . $member); } }
</section> <!-- Main content --> <section class="content"> <!-- Default box --> <div class="box"> <div class="box-header with-border"> <h3 class="box-title">Chart of Accounts</h3> <a href="<?php echo SITE_ROOT; ?> ?route=modules/gl/setup/coa/add_coa" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" ><i class="fa fa-plus"></i>  Add New Account</a> <div class="box-tools pull-right"> <button class="btn btn-box-tool" data-widget="collapse" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Collapse"><i class="fa fa-minus"></i></button> <button class="btn btn-box-tool" data-widget="remove" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Remove"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></button> </div> </div> <div class="box-body"> <?php printTree($list); $result1 = parseTree(null, $list); printTree($result1); ?> </div><!-- /.box-body --> <div class="box-footer"> <small> Please do not make changes to these unless you are really sure what you are doing. making changes here have system wide impact</small> </div><!-- /.box-footer--> </div><!-- /.box --> </section><!-- /.content -->
function test() { $data = $this->mgeneral->getAll("tr_menu"); $resource = $this->db->query("select id,name,parent as parent_id from acl_resources ")->result(); $tree = buildTree($data); echo "<pre/>"; print_r(buildTree($data)); echo printTree($tree); }
function printTree($arr) { if (!is_null($arr) && count($arr) > 0) { echo '<ul>'; foreach ($arr as $node) { echo "<li>" . $node['sect_name'] . ""; if (array_key_exists('children', $node)) { printTree($node['children']); } echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } }
<script> function printTreeNode(node) { console.log(node); $('#tree').children().find('#node-'+node.parentID).append('<ul class="'+node.position+'"><li id="node-''" ><span>''</span></li></ul>'); } </script> </head> <body> <div id="tree"> <ul> <li id="node-1"> <span>Root</span> </li> </ul> </div> <?php $tree = [['parentID' => 1, 'level' => 1, 'position' => 'left', 'data' => 'a', 'id' => 2], ['parentID' => 1, 'level' => 1, 'position' => 'right', 'data' => 'b', 'id' => 3], ['parentID' => 2, 'level' => 2, 'position' => 'left', 'data' => 'c', 'id' => 4], ['parentID' => 2, 'level' => 2, 'position' => 'right', 'data' => 'd', 'id' => 5], ['parentID' => 3, 'level' => 3, 'position' => 'left', 'data' => 'e', 'id' => 6], ['parentID' => 3, 'level' => 3, 'position' => 'right', 'data' => 'f', 'id' => 7], ['parentID' => 4, 'level' => 4, 'position' => 'left', 'data' => 'g', 'id' => 8], ['parentID' => 4, 'level' => 4, 'position' => 'right', 'data' => 'g', 'id' => 9]]; printTree($tree); $root = []; function printTree(array $tree) { foreach ($tree as $node) { echo "<script>printTreeNode(" . json_encode($node) . ")</script>"; } } ?> <body> </html>