Пример #1
 * woothemes_metabox_create function.
 * @access public
 * @param object $post
 * @param array $callback
 * @return void
function woothemes_metabox_create($post, $callback)
    global $post;
    // Allow child themes/plugins to act here.
    do_action('woothemes_metabox_create', $post, $callback);
    $seo_post_types = array('post', 'page');
    if (defined('SEOPOSTTYPES')) {
        $seo_post_types_update = unserialize(constant('SEOPOSTTYPES'));
    if (!empty($seo_post_types_update)) {
        $seo_post_types = $seo_post_types_update;
    $template_to_show = $callback['args'];
    $woo_metaboxes = get_option('woo_custom_template', array());
    $seo_metaboxes = get_option('woo_custom_seo_template', array());
    if (empty($seo_metaboxes) && $template_to_show == 'seo') {
    // Array sanity check.
    if (!is_array($woo_metaboxes)) {
        $woo_metaboxes = array();
    // Determine whether or not to display general fields.
    $display_general_fields = true;
    if (count($woo_metaboxes) <= 0) {
        $display_general_fields = false;
    // Determine whether or not to display SEO fields.
    $display_seo_fields = true;
    if (get_option('seo_woo_hide_fields') == 'true' || get_option('seo_woo_use_third_party_data') == 'true') {
        $display_seo_fields = false;
    $output = '';
    // Add nonce for custom fields.
    $output .= nxt_nonce_field('wooframework-custom-fields', 'wooframework-custom-fields-nonce', true, false);
    if ($callback['id'] == 'woothemes-settings') {
        // Add tabs.
        $output .= '<div class="wooframework-tabs">' . "\n";
        $output .= '<ul class="tabber hide-if-no-js">' . "\n";
        if ($display_general_fields) {
            $output .= '<li class="wf-tab-general"><a href="#wf-tab-general">' . __('General Settings', 'woothemes') . '</a></li>' . "\n";
        if ($display_seo_fields) {
            $output .= '<li class="wf-tab-seo"><a href="#wf-tab-seo">' . __('SEO', 'woothemes') . '</a></li>' . "\n";
        // Allow themes/plugins to add tabs to WooFramework custom fields.
        $output .= apply_filters('wooframework_custom_field_tab_headings', '');
        $output .= '</ul>' . "\n";
    if ($display_general_fields) {
        $output .= woothemes_metabox_create_fields($woo_metaboxes, $callback, 'general');
    if ($display_seo_fields && array_search(get_post_type(), $seo_post_types) !== false) {
        $output .= woothemes_metabox_create_fields($seo_metaboxes, $callback, 'seo');
    // Allow themes/plugins to add tabs to WooFramework custom fields.
    $output = apply_filters('wooframework_custom_field_tab_content', $output);
    $output .= '</div>' . "\n";
    echo $output;
Пример #2

	<input type="hidden" name="send_to_usernames" id="send-to-usernames" value="<?php 
" class="<?php 
" />


	<div class="submit">
		<input type="submit" value="<?php 
_e("Send Message", 'buddypress');
" name="send" id="send" />


<script type="text/javascript">

Пример #3
     * Dialog for internal linking.
     * @since 3.1.0
    public static function nxt_link_dialog()
	<div style="display:none;">
	<form id="nxt-link" tabindex="-1">
        nxt_nonce_field('internal-linking', '_ajax_linking_nonce', false);
	<div id="link-selector">
		<div id="link-options">
			<p class="howto"><?php 
        _e('Enter the destination URL');
</span><input id="url-field" type="text" tabindex="10" name="href" /></label>
</span><input id="link-title-field" type="text" tabindex="20" name="linktitle" /></label>
			<div class="link-target">
				<label><input type="checkbox" id="link-target-checkbox" tabindex="30" /> <?php 
        _e('Open link in a new window/tab');
        $show_internal = '1' == get_user_setting('nxtlink', '0');
		<p class="howto toggle-arrow <?php 
        if ($show_internal) {
            echo 'toggle-arrow-active';
" id="internal-toggle"><?php 
        _e('Or link to existing content');
		<div id="search-panel"<?php 
        if (!$show_internal) {
            echo ' style="display:none"';
			<div class="link-search-wrapper">
					<input type="text" id="search-field" class="link-search-field" tabindex="60" autocomplete="off" />
					<img class="waiting" src="<?php 
        echo esc_url(admin_url('images/nxtspin_light.gif'));
" alt="" />
			<div id="search-results" class="query-results">
				<div class="river-waiting">
					<img class="waiting" src="<?php 
        echo esc_url(admin_url('images/nxtspin_light.gif'));
" alt="" />
			<div id="most-recent-results" class="query-results">
				<div class="query-notice"><em><?php 
        _e('No search term specified. Showing recent items.');
				<div class="river-waiting">
					<img class="waiting" src="<?php 
        echo esc_url(admin_url('images/nxtspin_light.gif'));
" alt="" />
	<div class="submitbox">
		<div id="nxt-link-cancel">
			<a class="submitdelete deletion" href="#"><?php 
		<div id="nxt-link-update">
			<input type="submit" tabindex="100" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Add Link');
" class="button-primary" id="nxt-link-submit" name="nxt-link-submit">
Пример #4
    function step_finish()
        if (!current_user_can('activate_plugins')) {
            return false;
        // What type of action is happening here?
        $type = 'install' == $this->setup_type ? __('setup', 'buddypress') : __('update', 'buddypress');

        printf(__("The BuddyPress %1\$s is complete, and your site is ready to go!", 'buddypress'), $type, $type);

		<div class="submit clear">
			<input type="hidden" name="save" value="finish" />
			<input type="hidden" name="step" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($this->current_step);
" />



Пример #5
  * screen()
  * Handles the nxt-admin screen
 function screen()
     $nonce_name = 'courseware_options';
     $vars = array();
     $vars['nonce'] = nxt_nonce_field($nonce_name, '_nxtnonce', true, false);
     $is_nonce = false;
     if (isset($_POST['_nxtnonce'])) {
     // Courseware Global Status
     if (isset($_POST['bpsp_global_status'])) {
         if (update_option('bpsp_global_status', strtolower($_POST['bpsp_global_status']))) {
             $vars['flash'][] = __('Courseware option was updated.', 'bpsp');
     if (!isset($_POST['bpsp_global_status']) && isset($_POST['bpsp_global_status_check'])) {
         if (update_option('bpsp_global_status', '')) {
             $vars['flash'][] = __('Courseware option was updated.', 'bpsp');
     // Courseware Collaborative Settings
     if (isset($_POST['bpsp_allow_only_admins'])) {
         if (update_option('bpsp_allow_only_admins', strtolower($_POST['bpsp_allow_only_admins']))) {
             $vars['flash'][] = __('Courseware option was updated.', 'bpsp');
     if (!isset($_POST['bpsp_allow_only_admins']) && isset($_POST['bpsp_allow_only_admins_check'])) {
         if (update_option('bpsp_allow_only_admins', '')) {
             $vars['flash'][] = __('Courseware option was updated.', 'bpsp');
     // Courseware Private Responses
     if (isset($_POST['bpsp_private_responses_check'])) {
         if (update_option('bpsp_private_responses', strtolower($_POST['bpsp_private_responses']))) {
             $vars['flash'][] = __('Courseware option was updated.', 'bpsp');
     if (isset($_POST['bpsp_private_responses_check']) && !isset($_POST['bpsp_private_responses'])) {
         if (update_option('bpsp_private_responses', '')) {
             $vars['flash'][] = __('Courseware option was updated.', 'bpsp');
     // Courseware Default Gradebook Format
     if (isset($_POST['bpsp_gradebook_format_check']) && isset($_POST['bpsp_gradebook_format'])) {
         if (update_option('bpsp_gradebook_format', strtolower($_POST['bpsp_gradebook_format']))) {
             $vars['flash'][] = __('Courseware gradebook format option was updated.', 'bpsp');
     // Courseware Bibliography Webservices Integration
     if (isset($_POST['worldcat_key']) && !empty($_POST['worldcat_key'])) {
         if (update_option('bpsp_worldcat_key', $_POST['worldcat_key'])) {
             $vars['flash'][] = __('WorldCat option was updated.', 'bpsp');
     if (isset($_POST['isbndb_key']) && !empty($_POST['isbndb_key'])) {
         if (update_option('bpsp_isbndb_key', $_POST['isbndb_key'])) {
             $vars['flash'][] = __('ISBNdb option was updated.', 'bpsp');
     // Courseware Custom CSS
     if (isset($_POST['bpsp_load_css_check']) && isset($_POST['bpsp_load_css'])) {
         if (update_option('bpsp_load_css', strtolower($_POST['bpsp_load_css']))) {
             $vars['flash'][] = __('Courseware customization options updated.', 'bpsp');
     if (isset($_POST['bpsp_load_css_check']) && !isset($_POST['bpsp_load_css'])) {
         if (update_option('bpsp_load_css', '')) {
             $vars['flash'][] = __('Courseware customization options updated.', 'bpsp');
     $vars['name'] = 'admin';
     $vars['echo'] = 'true';
     $vars['bpsp_private_responses'] = get_option('bpsp_private_responses');
     $vars['bpsp_gradebook_format'] = get_option('bpsp_gradebook_format');
     $vars['bpsp_allow_only_admins'] = get_option('bpsp_allow_only_admins');
     $vars['bpsp_global_status'] = get_option('bpsp_global_status');
     $vars['worldcat_key'] = get_option('bpsp_worldcat_key');
     $vars['isbndb_key'] = get_option('bpsp_isbndb_key');
     $vars['bpsp_load_css'] = get_option('bpsp_load_css');
     //Load the template
Пример #6

		</div><!-- .main-column -->

		<div class="clear"></div>

		<div class="submit">
			<input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="<?php 
    _e('Send Invites', 'buddypress');
" />

    nxt_nonce_field('groups_send_invites', '_nxtnonce_send_invites');

    /* This is important, don't forget it */
		<input type="hidden" name="group_id" id="group_id" value="<?php 
" />

	</form><!-- #send-invite-form -->

} else {
Пример #7
  * gradebook_screen( $vars )
  * Hooks into screen_handler
  * Adds a UI to assignments for gradebook management.
  * @param Array $vars a set of variables received for this screen template
  * @return Array $vars a set of variable passed to this screen template
 function gradebook_screen($vars)
     global $bp;
     $nonce_name = 'gradebook_nonce';
     $nonce_import_name = 'gradebook_import_nonce';
     $nonce_clear_name = 'gradebook_clear_nonce';
     if (!$this->has_gradebook_caps($bp->loggedin_user->id) && !is_super_admin()) {
         $vars['die'] = __('BuddyPress Courseware Error while forbidden user tried to manage gradebook.', 'bpsp');
         return $vars;
     $students = BP_Groups_Member::get_all_for_group($bp->groups->current_group->id);
     if (isset($_POST['_nxtnonce'])) {
         $is_nonce = nxt_verify_nonce($_POST['_nxtnonce'], $nonce_name);
     if (isset($_POST['_nxtnonce']) && true != $is_nonce) {
         $vars['die'] = __('BuddyPress Courseware Nonce Error while updating gradebook.', 'bpsp');
         return $vars;
     $gradebook_id = $this->has_gradebook($this->current_assignment);
     if (!$gradebook_id) {
         $vars['die'] = __('BuddyPress Courseware Error while creating gradebook.', 'bpsp');
         return $vars;
     if (!empty($_POST['grade'])) {
         foreach ($_POST['grade'] as $grade) {
             if (!empty($grade) && !empty($grade['uid']) && !empty($grade['value'])) {
                 # If grade was added or updated!
                 $status = $this->save_grade($gradebook_id, $grade);
                 if ($status !== null) {
                     $data = array('grade' => $grade, 'teacher' => $bp->loggedin_user->userdata, 'assignment' => $this->current_assignment);
                     if ($status == true) {
                         do_action('courseware_grade_added', $data);
                     } else {
                         do_action('courseware_grade_updated', $data);
         $vars['message'] = __('Gradebook saved.', 'bpsp');
     $vars['name'] = 'gradebook';
     $vars['students'] = $students['members'];
     if (empty($vars['grades'])) {
         $vars['grades'] = $this->load_grades($gradebook_id, true);
     $vars['bpsp_gradebook_format'] = get_option('bpsp_gradebook_format');
     $vars['assignment'] = BPSP_Assignments::is_assignment($this->current_assignment);
     $vars['gradebook_permalink'] = $vars['assignment_permalink'] . '/gradebook';
     $vars['clear_gradebook_permalink'] = add_query_arg('_nxtnonce', nxt_create_nonce($nonce_clear_name), $vars['gradebook_permalink'] . '/clear');
     $vars['import_gradebook_nonce'] = nxt_nonce_field($nonce_import_name, '_nxtnonce', true, false);
     $vars['nonce'] = nxt_nonce_field($nonce_name, '_nxtnonce', true, false);
     return $vars;
Пример #8
 * Last used by core in BP 1.1. The markup was merged into DTheme's header.php template.
function bp_search_form()
    _deprecated_function(__FUNCTION__, '1.1', 'No longer required.');
    $form = '
		<form action="' . bp_search_form_action() . '" method="post" id="search-form">
			<input type="text" id="search-terms" name="search-terms" value="" />
			' . bp_search_form_type_select() . '

			<input type="submit" name="search-submit" id="search-submit" value="' . __('Search', 'buddypress') . '" />
			' . nxt_nonce_field('bp_search_form') . '
    echo apply_filters('bp_search_form', $form);
Пример #9
     * Handles the logic to display the admin page for the plugin.
     * @access private
     * @since 0.2
    public function _admin_page()
        // Update the plugin options
        if ($_POST) {
            $this->update_option('required_weekly_words', absint(ClassBlogs_Utils::sanitize_user_input($_POST['required_weekly_words'])));
            ClassBlogs_Admin::show_admin_message(__('Your word-counter options been updated.', 'classblogs'));

	<div class="wrap">
        _e('Student Word Counts', 'classblogs');
        // Show the word-count table if we have word counts
        $word_counts = $this->_get_weekly_word_counts();
        $student_ids = ClassBlogs_Students::get_student_user_ids();
        if (!empty($word_counts)) {
            // Compute the total word counts for each student
            $total_counts = array();
            foreach ($student_ids as $student_id) {
                $total_counts[$student_id] = 0;
                foreach ($word_counts as $week_counts) {
                    $total_counts[$student_id] += $week_counts['user_counts'][$student_id];
            // Precompute each student's name
            $student_names = array();
            foreach ($student_ids as $student_id) {
                $user_data = get_userdata($student_id);
                $student_names[$student_id] = $user_data->display_name;
            _e('Word Counts by Week', 'classblogs');

		<p id="student-word-counts-instructions">
            _e('The table below shows the word counts for each student, drawn from any posts and comments that they have written, broken down by the week for which those counts are calculated.  The date displayed in the "Week of" column is for the Monday that started that week.', 'classblogs');

		<div id="student-word-counts-wrap">
			<table id="student-word-counts">

						<th class="week"><?php 
            _e('Week of', 'classblogs');
            // Show each student's name in the header
            foreach ($student_ids as $student_id) {
                printf('<th>%s</th>', esc_html($student_names[$student_id]));

            _e('Totals', 'classblogs');
            // Display each student's total words in the footer
            foreach ($student_ids as $student_id) {
                printf('<td title="%s">%s</td>', esc_attr($student_names[$student_id]), number_format($total_counts[$student_id]));

            // Show each week and every student's total words for that week
            $required_words = $this->get_option('required_weekly_words');
            foreach ($word_counts as $week_counts) {
                echo "<tr>";
                $verbose_date = date_i18n('M j, Y', (int) $week_counts['week_start']->format('U'));
                printf('<th class="week">%s</th>', $verbose_date);
                $counter = 0;
                foreach ($student_ids as $student_id) {
                    $classes = array();
                    $count = $week_counts['user_counts'][$student_id];
                    if (!$count) {
                        $classes[] = 'null';
                    } else {
                        if ($count < $required_words) {
                            $classes[] = 'under';
                        } else {
                            if ($count >= $required_words) {
                                $classes[] = 'over';
                    $classes[] = $counter % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd';
                    printf('<td title="%s" class="%s">%s</td>', esc_attr(sprintf(__('%1$s on %2$s'), $student_names[$student_id], $verbose_date)), implode(' ', $classes), number_format($count));
                echo "</tr>";



        _e('Options', 'classblogs');

		<form method="post" action="">

			<table class="form-table">
				<tr valign="top">
					<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Required Weekly Words', 'classblogs');
						<input type="text" name="required_weekly_words" id="required-weekly-words" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($this->get_option('required_weekly_words'));
" /><br />
						<label for="required-weekly-words"><?php 
        _e('The number of words a student must write per week.', 'classblogs');

			<p class="submit"><input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="Submit" value="<?php 
        _e('Update Required Word Count', 'classblogs');
" /></p>


Пример #10
 * Prints step 1 for Network installation process.
 * @todo Realistically, step 1 should be a welcome screen explaining what a Network is and such. Navigating to Tools > Network
 * 	should not be a sudden "Welcome to a new install process! Fill this out and click here." See also contextual help todo.
 * @since 3.0.0
function network_step1($errors = false)
    global $is_apache;
    if (get_option('siteurl') != get_option('home')) {
        echo '<div class="error"><p><strong>' . __('ERROR:') . '</strong> ' . sprintf(__('Your <strong>NXTClass address</strong> must match your <strong>Site address</strong> before creating a Network. See <a href="%s">General Settings</a>.'), esc_url(admin_url('options-general.php'))) . '</p></div>';
        echo '</div>';
        include ABSPATH . 'nxt-admin/admin-footer.php';
    if (defined('DO_NOT_UPGRADE_GLOBAL_TABLES')) {
        echo '<div class="error"><p><strong>' . __('ERROR:') . '</strong> ' . __('The constant DO_NOT_UPGRADE_GLOBAL_TABLES cannot be defined when creating a network.') . '</p></div>';
        echo '</div>';
        include ABSPATH . 'nxt-admin/admin-footer.php';
    $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins');
    if (!empty($active_plugins)) {
        echo '<div class="updated"><p><strong>' . __('Warning:') . '</strong> ' . sprintf(__('Please <a href="%s">deactivate your plugins</a> before enabling the Network feature.'), admin_url('plugins.php?plugin_status=active')) . '</p></div><p>' . __('Once the network is created, you may reactivate your plugins.') . '</p>';
        echo '</div>';
        include ABSPATH . 'nxt-admin/admin-footer.php';
    $hostname = get_clean_basedomain();
    $has_ports = strstr($hostname, ':');
    if (false !== $has_ports && !in_array($has_ports, array(':80', ':443'))) {
        echo '<div class="error"><p><strong>' . __('ERROR:') . '</strong> ' . __('You cannot install a network of sites with your server address.') . '</p></div>';
        echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('You cannot use port numbers such as <code>%s</code>.'), $has_ports) . '</p>';
        echo '<a href="' . esc_url(admin_url()) . '">' . __('Return to Dashboard') . '</a>';
        echo '</div>';
        include ABSPATH . 'nxt-admin/admin-footer.php';
    echo '<form method="post" action="">';
    $error_codes = array();
    if (is_nxt_error($errors)) {
        echo '<div class="error"><p><strong>' . __('ERROR: The network could not be created.') . '</strong></p>';
        foreach ($errors->get_error_messages() as $error) {
            echo "<p>{$error}</p>";
        echo '</div>';
        $error_codes = $errors->get_error_codes();
    if (nxt_CONTENT_DIR != ABSPATH . 'nxt-content') {
        echo '<div class="error"><p><strong>' . __('Warning!') . '</strong> ' . __('Networks may not be fully compatible with custom nxt-content directories.') . '</p></div>';
    $site_name = !empty($_POST['sitename']) && !in_array('empty_sitename', $error_codes) ? $_POST['sitename'] : sprintf(_x('%s Sites', 'Default network name'), get_option('blogname'));
    $admin_email = !empty($_POST['email']) && !in_array('invalid_email', $error_codes) ? $_POST['email'] : get_option('admin_email');
    _e('Welcome to the Network installation process!');
    _e('Fill in the information below and you&#8217;ll be on your way to creating a network of NXTClass sites. We will create configuration files in the next step.');
    if (isset($_POST['subdomain_install'])) {
        $subdomain_install = (bool) $_POST['subdomain_install'];
    } elseif (apache_mod_loaded('mod_rewrite')) {
        // assume nothing
        $subdomain_install = true;
    } elseif (!allow_subdirectory_install()) {
        $subdomain_install = true;
    } else {
        $subdomain_install = false;
        if ($got_mod_rewrite = got_mod_rewrite()) {
            // dangerous assumptions
            echo '<div class="updated inline"><p><strong>' . __('Note:') . '</strong> ' . __('Please make sure the Apache <code>mod_rewrite</code> module is installed as it will be used at the end of this installation.') . '</p>';
        } elseif ($is_apache) {
            echo '<div class="error inline"><p><strong>' . __('Warning!') . '</strong> ' . __('It looks like the Apache <code>mod_rewrite</code> module is not installed.') . '</p>';
        if ($got_mod_rewrite || $is_apache) {
            // Protect against mod_rewrite mimicry (but ! Apache)
            echo '<p>' . __('If <code>mod_rewrite</code> is disabled, ask your administrator to enable that module, or look at the <a href="http://httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/mod_rewrite.html">Apache documentation</a> or <a href="http://www.google.com/search?q=apache+mod_rewrite">elsewhere</a> for help setting it up.') . '</p></div>';
    if (allow_subdomain_install() && allow_subdirectory_install()) {
        esc_html_e('Addresses of Sites in your Network');
        _e('Please choose whether you would like sites in your NXTClass network to use sub-domains or sub-directories. <strong>You cannot change this later.</strong>');
        _e('You will need a wildcard DNS record if you are going to use the virtual host (sub-domain) functionality.');
        // @todo: Link to an MS readme?
		<table class="form-table">
				<th><label><input type='radio' name='subdomain_install' value='1'<?php 
 /> <?php 
        printf(_x('like <code>site1.%1$s</code> and <code>site2.%1$s</code>', 'subdomain examples'), $hostname);
				<th><label><input type='radio' name='subdomain_install' value='0'<?php 
 /> <?php 
        printf(_x('like <code>%1$s/site1</code> and <code>%1$s/site2</code>', 'subdirectory examples'), $hostname);

    $is_www = 0 === strpos($hostname, 'www.');
    if ($is_www) {
        esc_html_e('Server Address');
        printf(__('We recommend you change your siteurl to <code>%1$s</code> before enabling the network feature. It will still be possible to visit your site using the <code>www</code> prefix with an address like <code>%2$s</code> but any links will not have the <code>www</code> prefix.'), substr($hostname, 4), $hostname);
		<table class="form-table">
				<th scope='row'><?php 
        esc_html_e('Server Address');
        printf(__('The internet address of your network will be <code>%s</code>.'), $hostname);

    esc_html_e('Network Details');
		<table class="form-table">
    if ('localhost' == $hostname) {
				<th scope="row"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Sub-directory Install');
        _e('Because you are using <code>localhost</code>, the sites in your NXTClass network must use sub-directories. Consider using <code>localhost.localdomain</code> if you wish to use sub-domains.');
        // Uh oh:
        if (!allow_subdirectory_install()) {
            echo ' <strong>' . __('Warning!') . ' ' . __('The main site in a sub-directory install will need to use a modified permalink structure, potentially breaking existing links.') . '</strong>';
    } elseif (!allow_subdomain_install()) {
				<th scope="row"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Sub-directory Install');
        _e('Because your install is in a directory, the sites in your NXTClass network must use sub-directories.');
        // Uh oh:
        if (!allow_subdirectory_install()) {
            echo ' <strong>' . __('Warning!') . ' ' . __('The main site in a sub-directory install will need to use a modified permalink structure, potentially breaking existing links.') . '</strong>';
    } elseif (!allow_subdirectory_install()) {
				<th scope="row"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Sub-domain Install');
        _e('Because your install is not new, the sites in your NXTClass network must use sub-domains.');
        echo ' <strong>' . __('The main site in a sub-directory install will need to use a modified permalink structure, potentially breaking existing links.') . '</strong>';
    if (!$is_www) {
				<th scope='row'><?php 
        esc_html_e('Server Address');
        printf(__('The internet address of your network will be <code>%s</code>.'), $hostname);
				<th scope='row'><?php 
    esc_html_e('Network Title');
					<input name='sitename' type='text' size='45' value='<?php 
    echo esc_attr($site_name);
' />
					<br /><?php 
    _e('What would you like to call your network?');
				<th scope='row'><?php 
    esc_html_e('Admin E-mail Address');
					<input name='email' type='text' size='45' value='<?php 
    echo esc_attr($admin_email);
' />
					<br /><?php 
    _e('Your email address.');
    submit_button(__('Install'), 'primary', 'submit');
Пример #11
function bp_group_member_admin_pagination()
    echo bp_get_group_member_admin_pagination();
    nxt_nonce_field('bp_groups_member_admin_list', '_member_admin_pag_nonce');
Пример #12
	<div style="clear: left"></div>

	<input type="submit" name="achievement-change-picture" id="achievement-change-picture" value="<?php 
    _e('Update Picture', 'dpa');
	<input type="hidden" name="picture_id" id="picture_id" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(dpa_get_achievement_picture_id());
" />

    nxt_nonce_field('achievement-change-picture-' . dpa_get_achievement_slug());

	<div id="pag-bottom" class="pagination no-ajax">
		<div class="pag-count" id="achievement-change-picture-dir-count">

		<div class="pagination-links" id="achievement-change-picture-dir-pag">
Пример #13
<form id="addtag" method="post" action="edit-tags.php" class="validate">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="add-tag" />
<input type="hidden" name="screen" value="<?php 
            echo esc_attr($current_screen->id);
" />
<input type="hidden" name="taxonomy" value="<?php 
            echo esc_attr($taxonomy);
" />
<input type="hidden" name="post_type" value="<?php 
            echo esc_attr($post_type);
" />
            nxt_nonce_field('add-tag', '_nxtnonce_add-tag');

<div class="form-field form-required">
	<label for="tag-name"><?php 
            _ex('Name', 'Taxonomy Name');
	<input name="tag-name" id="tag-name" type="text" value="" size="40" aria-required="true" />
            _e('The name is how it appears on your site.');
            if (!global_terms_enabled()) {
Пример #14
function jfb_output_facebook_callback($redirectTo = 0, $callbackName = 0)
    //Make sure the plugin is setup properly before doing anything
    global $jfb_name, $jfb_version;
    global $opt_jfb_ask_perms, $opt_jfb_valid, $jfb_nonce_name;
    global $jfb_js_callbackfunc, $opt_jfb_ask_stream, $jfb_callback_list;
    if (!get_option($opt_jfb_valid)) {
    //Get out our params
    if (!$redirectTo) {
        $redirectTo = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    if (!$callbackName) {
        $callbackName = $jfb_js_callbackfunc;
    echo "\n<!-- {$jfb_name} Callback v{$jfb_version} -->\n";
    //Make sure we haven't already output a callback with this name
    if (in_array($callbackName, $jfb_callback_list)) {
        echo "\n<!--jfb_output_facebook_callback has already generated a callback named {$callbackName}!  Skipping.-->\n";
    } else {
        array_push($jfb_callback_list, $callbackName);
    //Output an html form that we'll submit via JS once the FB login is complete; it redirects us to the PHP script that logs us into nxt.
  <form id="nxt-fb-ac-fm" name="<?php 
    echo $callbackName;
_form" method="post" action="<?php 
    echo plugins_url(dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__))) . "/_process_login.php";
" >
      <input type="hidden" name="redirectTo" value="<?php 
    echo $redirectTo;
" />
    //An action to allow the user to inject additional data in the form, to be transferred to the login script
    nxt_nonce_field($jfb_nonce_name, $jfb_nonce_name);
    //Output the JS callback function, which Facebook will automatically call once it's been logged in.
<script type="text/javascript">//<!--
    function <?php 
    echo $callbackName;
    //An action to allow the user to inject additional javascript to get executed before the login takes place
    do_action('nxtfb_add_to_js', $callbackName);
    //First, make sure the user logged into Facebook (didn't click "cancel" in the login prompt)
    echo "    //Make sure the user logged in\n" . "    FB.getLoginStatus(function(response)\n" . "    {\n" . "      if (!response.authResponse)\n" . "      {\n" . apply_filters('nxtfb_login_rejected', '') . "      return;\n" . "      }\n\n";
    //Submit the login and close the FB.getLoginStatus call
    echo apply_filters('nxtfb_submit_loginfrm', "      document." . $callbackName . "_form.submit();\n");
    echo "    });\n";
Пример #15

				<div class="submit">
					<input type="submit" name="signup_submit" id="signup_submit" value="<?php 
    _e('Complete Sign Up', 'buddypress');
" />



// request-details signup step

if ('completed-confirmation' == bp_get_current_signup_step()) {

    _e('Sign Up Complete!', 'buddypress');
Пример #16
function dm_manage_page()
    global $nxtdb, $parent_file;
    if (isset($_GET['updated'])) {
    echo "<div class='wrap'><h2>" . __('Domain Mapping', 'nxtclass-mu-domain-mapping') . "</h2>";
    if (false == get_site_option('dm_ipaddress') && false == get_site_option('dm_cname')) {
        if (dm_site_admin()) {
            _e("Please set the IP address or CNAME of your server in the <a href='nxtmu-admin.php?page=dm_admin_page'>site admin page</a>.", 'nxtclass-mu-domain-mapping');
        } else {
            _e("This plugin has not been configured correctly yet.", 'nxtclass-mu-domain-mapping');
        echo "</div>";
        return false;
    if (false == isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
        $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'Off';
    $protocol = 'on' == strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
    $domains = $nxtdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$nxtdb->dmtable} WHERE blog_id = '{$nxtdb->blogid}'", ARRAY_A);
    if (is_array($domains) && !empty($domains)) {
        $orig_url = parse_url(get_original_url('siteurl'));
        $domains[] = array('domain' => $orig_url['host'], 'path' => $orig_url['path'], 'active' => 0);
        echo "<h3>" . __('Active domains on this blog', 'nxtclass-mu-domain-mapping') . "</h3>";
        echo '<form method="POST">';
        echo "<table><tr><th>" . __('Primary', 'nxtclass-mu-domain-mapping') . "</th><th>" . __('Domain', 'nxtclass-mu-domain-mapping') . "</th><th>" . __('Delete', 'nxtclass-mu-domain-mapping') . "</th></tr>\n";
        $primary_found = 0;
        $del_url = add_query_arg(array('page' => 'domainmapping', 'action' => 'delete'), admin_url($parent_file));
        foreach ($domains as $details) {
            if (0 == $primary_found && $details['domain'] == $orig_url['host']) {
                $details['active'] = 1;
            echo "<tr><td>";
            echo "<input type='radio' name='domain' value='{$details['domain']}' ";
            if ($details['active'] == 1) {
                echo "checked='1' ";
            echo "/>";
            $url = "{$protocol}{$details['domain']}{$details['path']}";
            echo "</td><td><a href='{$url}'>{$url}</a></td><td style='text-align: center'>";
            if ($details['domain'] != $orig_url['host'] && $details['active'] != 1) {
                echo "<a href='" . nxt_nonce_url(add_query_arg(array('domain' => $details['domain']), $del_url), "delete" . $details['domain']) . "'>Del</a>";
            echo "</td></tr>";
            if (0 == $primary_found) {
                $primary_found = $details['active'];
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="primary" />';
        echo "<p><input type='submit' class='button-primary' value='" . __('Set Primary Domain', 'nxtclass-mu-domain-mapping') . "' /></p>";
        echo "</form>";
        echo "<p>" . __("* The primary domain cannot be deleted.", 'nxtclass-mu-domain-mapping') . "</p>";
        if (get_site_option('dm_no_primary_domain') == 1) {
            echo __('<strong>Warning!</strong> Primary domains are currently disabled.', 'nxtclass-mu-domain-mapping');
    echo "<h3>" . __('Add new domain', 'nxtclass-mu-domain-mapping') . "</h3>";
    echo '<form method="POST">';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="add" />';
    echo "<p>http://<input type='text' name='domain' value='' />/<br />";
    echo "<input type='checkbox' name='primary' value='1' /> " . __('Primary domain for this blog', 'nxtclass-mu-domain-mapping') . "</p>";
    echo "<p><input type='submit' class='button-secondary' value='" . __("Add", 'nxtclass-mu-domain-mapping') . "' /></p>";
    echo "</form><br />";
    if (get_site_option('dm_cname')) {
        $dm_cname = get_site_option('dm_cname');
        echo "<p>" . sprintf(__('If you want to redirect a domain you will need to add a DNS "CNAME" record pointing to the following domain name for this server: <strong>%s</strong>', 'nxtclass-mu-domain-mapping'), $dm_cname) . "</p>";
        echo "<p>" . __('Google have published <a href="http://www.google.com/support/blogger/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=58317" target="_blank">instructions</a> for creating CNAME records on various hosting platforms such as GoDaddy and others.', 'nxtclass-mu-domain-mapping') . "</p>";
    } else {
        echo "<p>" . __('If your domain name includes a hostname like "www", "blog" or some other prefix before the actual domain name you will need to add a CNAME for that hostname in your DNS pointing at this blog URL.', 'nxtclass-mu-domain-mapping') . "</p>";
        $dm_ipaddress = get_site_option('dm_ipaddress', 'IP not set by admin yet.');
        if (strpos($dm_ipaddress, ',')) {
            echo "<p>" . sprintf(__('If you want to redirect a domain you will need to add DNS "A" records pointing at the IP addresses of this server: <strong>%s</strong>', 'nxtclass-mu-domain-mapping'), $dm_ipaddress) . "</p>";
        } else {
            echo "<p>" . sprintf(__('If you want to redirect a domain you will need to add a DNS "A" record pointing at the IP address of this server: <strong>%s</strong>', 'nxtclass-mu-domain-mapping'), $dm_ipaddress) . "</p>";
    echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('<strong>Note:</strong> %s', 'nxtclass-mu-domain-mapping'), dm_idn_warning()) . "</p>";
    echo "</div>";
Пример #17
        if (!$error) {
	<form name="template" id="template" action="theme-editor.php" method="post">
            nxt_nonce_field('edit-theme_' . $file . $theme);
		 <div><textarea cols="70" rows="25" name="newcontent" id="newcontent" tabindex="1"><?php 
            echo $content;
		 <input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" />
		 <input type="hidden" name="file" value="<?php 
            echo esc_attr($file);
" />
		 <input type="hidden" name="theme" value="<?php 
            echo esc_attr($theme);
" />
		 <input type="hidden" name="scrollto" id="scrollto" value="<?php 
Пример #18

							<div class="submit">
								<input type="submit" name="submit_topic" id="submit" value="<?php 
        _e('Post Topic', 'buddypress');
" />
								<input type="button" name="submit_topic_cancel" id="submit_topic_cancel" value="<?php 
        _e('Cancel', 'buddypress');
" />


						</form><!-- #forum-topic-form -->

    } elseif (bp_is_active('groups')) {

						<div id="message" class="info">

        printf(__("You are not a member of any groups so you don't have any group forums you can post in. To start posting, first find a group that matches the topic subject you'd like to start. If this group does not exist, why not <a href='%s'>create a new group</a>? Once you have joined or created the group you can post your topic in that group's forum.", 'buddypress'), site_url(bp_get_groups_root_slug() . '/create/'));
Пример #19


	<div class="submit">
		<input type="submit" disabled="disabled" value="<?php 
    _e('Delete Group', 'buddypress');
" id="delete-group-button" name="delete-group-button" />



/* This is important, don't forget it */
	<input type="hidden" name="group-id" id="group-id" value="<?php 
" />

Пример #20
    } else {

						<div id="message" class="info">
        _e('Once you have built up friend connections you will be able to invite others to your group. You can send invites any time in the future by selecting the "Send Invites" option when viewing your new group.', 'huddle');





// Allow plugins to add custom group creation steps
Пример #21
     * Displays the plugin's admin page.
     * @access private
     * @since 0.2
    public function _admin_page()
        // Change the state of sitewide commenting if switching
        if ($_POST) {
            $this->update_option('comments_disabled', $_POST['comment_status'] === 'disabled');
            ClassBlogs_Admin::show_admin_message(__('Your sitewide commenting options have been updated', 'classblogs'));
		<div class="wrap">

        _e('Disable Commenting', 'classblogs');

        _e('This page allows you to disable commenting on every blog on this site, which includes both the root blog and the student blogs.  Any new posts will have commenting disabled by default, and all existing posts will not be able to receive comments.', 'classblogs');

			<form method="post" action="">

					<table class="form-table">
						<tr valign="top">
							<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Commenting on All Blogs is', 'classblogs');
								<input type="radio" name="comment_status" value="enabled" id="comments-enabled" <?php 
        if (!$this->get_option('comments_disabled')) {
								<label for="comments-enabled"><?php 
        _e('Enabled', 'classblogs');
								<input type="radio" name="comment_status" value="disabled" id="comments-disabled" <?php 
        if ($this->get_option('comments_disabled')) {
								<label for="comments-disabled"><?php 
        _e('Disabled', 'classblogs');

				<p class="submit"><input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="Submit" value="<?php 
        _e('Update Commenting Status', 'classblogs');
" /></p>
Пример #22
" /> &nbsp; <?php 
        _e('or press esc to cancel.', 'buddypress');
						<input type="hidden" name="comment_form_id" value="<?php 
" />


        nxt_nonce_field('new_activity_comment', '_nxtnonce_new_activity_comment');





Пример #23
 * Handles all actions for the admin area for creating, editing and deleting
 * profile groups and fields.
function xprofile_admin($message = '', $type = 'error')
    global $bp;
    $type = preg_replace('|[^a-z]|i', '', $type);
    $groups = BP_XProfile_Group::get(array('fetch_fields' => true));
    if (isset($_GET['mode']) && isset($_GET['group_id']) && 'add_field' == $_GET['mode']) {
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['mode']) && isset($_GET['group_id']) && isset($_GET['field_id']) && 'edit_field' == $_GET['mode']) {
            xprofile_admin_manage_field($_GET['group_id'], $_GET['field_id']);
        } else {
            if (isset($_GET['mode']) && isset($_GET['field_id']) && 'delete_field' == $_GET['mode']) {
                xprofile_admin_delete_field($_GET['field_id'], 'field');
            } else {
                if (isset($_GET['mode']) && isset($_GET['option_id']) && 'delete_option' == $_GET['mode']) {
                    xprofile_admin_delete_field($_GET['option_id'], 'option');
                } else {
                    if (isset($_GET['mode']) && 'add_group' == $_GET['mode']) {
                    } else {
                        if (isset($_GET['mode']) && isset($_GET['group_id']) && 'delete_group' == $_GET['mode']) {
                        } else {
                            if (isset($_GET['mode']) && isset($_GET['group_id']) && 'edit_group' == $_GET['mode']) {
                            } else {

	<div class="wrap">



                                _e('Extended Profile Fields', 'buddypress');

			<a id="add_group" class="button add-new-h2" href="admin.php?page=bp-profile-setup&amp;mode=add_group"><?php 
                                _e('Add New Group', 'buddypress');

                                _e('Your users will distinguish themselves through their profile page. You must give them profile fields that allow them to describe themselves in a way that is relevant to the theme of your social network.', 'buddypress');
                                echo sprintf(__('NOTE: Any fields in the "%s" group will appear on the signup page.', 'buddypress'), esc_html(stripslashes(bp_get_option('bp-xprofile-base-group-name'))));

		<form action="" id="profile-field-form" method="post">

                                nxt_nonce_field('bp_reorder_fields', '_nxtnonce_reorder_fields');

                                nxt_nonce_field('bp_reorder_groups', '_nxtnonce_reorder_groups', false);
                                if (!empty($message)) {
                                    $type = $type == 'error' ? 'error' : 'updated';

				<div id="message" class="<?php 
                                    echo $type;
                                    echo esc_html(esc_attr($message));


			<div id="tabs">
				<ul id="field-group-tabs">
                                if (!empty($groups)) {
                                    foreach ($groups as $group) {

					<li id="group_<?php 
                                        echo $group->id;
"><a href="#tabs-<?php 
                                        echo $group->id;
" class="ui-tab"><?php 
                                        echo esc_attr($group->name);
                                        if (!$group->can_delete) {
                                            _e('(Primary)', 'buddypress');



                                if (!empty($groups)) {
                                    foreach ($groups as $group) {

                                        echo esc_attr($group->name);

					<div id="tabs-<?php 
                                        echo $group->id;
" class="tab-wrapper">
						<div class="tab-toolbar">
							<div class="tab-toolbar-left">
								<a class="button" href="admin.php?page=bp-profile-setup&amp;group_id=<?php 
                                        echo esc_attr($group->id);
                                        _e('Add New Field', 'buddypress');
								<a class="button edit" href="admin.php?page=bp-profile-setup&amp;mode=edit_group&amp;group_id=<?php 
                                        echo esc_attr($group->id);
                                        _e('Edit Group', 'buddypress');

                                        if ($group->can_delete) {

								<a class="submitdelete deletion" href="admin.php?page=bp-profile-setup&amp;mode=delete_group&amp;group_id=<?php 
                                            echo esc_attr($group->id);
                                            _e('Delete Group', 'buddypress');



						<fieldset id="<?php 
                                        echo $group->id;
" class="connectedSortable field-group">

                                        if ($group->description) {

                                            echo esc_attr($group->description);

                                        if (!empty($group->fields)) {
                                            foreach ($group->fields as $field) {
                                                // Load the field
                                                $field = new BP_XProfile_Field($field->id);
                                                $class = '';
                                                if (!$field->can_delete) {
                                                    $class = ' core nodrag';
                                                /* This function handles the WYSIWYG profile field
                                                 * display for the xprofile admin setup screen
                                                xprofile_admin_field($field, $group, $class);
                                            // end for
                                        } else {
                                            // !$group->fields

							<p class="nodrag nofields"><?php 
                                            _e('There are no fields in this group.', 'buddypress');

                                        // end $group->fields


                                    // End For

                                } else {

				<div id="message" class="error"><p><?php 
                                    _e('You have no groups.', 'buddypress');
				<p><a href="admin.php?page=bp-profile-setup&amp;mode=add_group"><?php 
                                    _e('Add New Group', 'buddypress');

				<div id="tabs-bottom">
Пример #24


	<div class="submit">
		<input type="submit" name="profile-group-edit-submit" id="profile-group-edit-submit" value="<?php 
        _e('Save Changes', 'buddypress');
 " />

	<input type="hidden" name="field_ids" id="field_ids" value="<?php 
" />




Пример #25

//Available pre-form hook for displaying messages.

	<div id="poststuff">

		<form name="form0" method="post" action="<?php 
echo admin_url(esc_url("users.php?page=roles&amp;action=edit&amp;role={$role->name}"));


			<table class="form-table">

_e('Role Name', 'members');
						<input type="text" disabled="disabled" readonly="readonly" value="<?php 
echo esc_attr($role->name);
" />
Пример #26
     * admin_screen()
     * Load the admin screen.
     * @since 1.0.0
    function admin_screen()
        $export_type = 'all';
        if (isset($_POST['export-type'])) {
            $export_type = esc_attr($_POST['export-type']);
	<div class="wrap">
        _e('Backup Settings', 'woothemes');
        _e('Import Settings', 'woothemes');
        _e('If you have settings in a backup file on your computer, the WooFramework can import those into this site. To get started, upload your backup file to import from below.', 'woothemes');

		<div class="form-wrap">
			<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="<?php 
        echo admin_url('admin.php?page=' . $this->token);
				<label for="woothemes-import-file"><?php 
        printf(__('Upload File: (Maximum Size: %s)', 'woothemes'), ini_get('post_max_size'));
				<input type="file" id="woothemes-import-file" name="woothemes-import-file" size="25" />
				<input type="hidden" name="woothemes-backup-import" value="1" />
				<input type="submit" class="button" value="<?php 
        _e('Upload File and Import', 'woothemes');
" />
        _e('Export Settings', 'woothemes');
        _e('When you click the button below, the WooFramework will create a text file for you to save to your computer.', 'woothemes');
        echo sprintf(__('This text file can be used to restore your settings here on "%s", or to easily setup another website with the same settings".', 'woothemes'), get_bloginfo('name'));
		<form method="post" action="<?php 
        echo admin_url('admin.php?page=' . $this->token);
			<p><label><input type="radio" name="export-type" value="all"<?php 
        checked('all', $export_type);
> <?php 
        _e('All Settings', 'woothemes');
<span class="description"><?php 
        _e('This will contain all of the options listed below.', 'woothemes');

			<p><label for="content"><input type="radio" name="export-type" value="theme"<?php 
        checked('theme', $export_type);
> <?php 
        _e('Theme Options', 'woothemes');
			<p><label for="content"><input type="radio" name="export-type" value="seo"<?php 
        checked('seo', $export_type);
> <?php 
        _e('SEO Settings', 'woothemes');
			<p><label for="content"><input type="radio" name="export-type" value="sidebar"<?php 
        checked('sidebar', $export_type);
> <?php 
        _e('Sidebar Manager', 'woothemes');
 <span class="description"><?php 
        _e('This will contain only the custom sidebars themselves and not the widgets within them', 'woothemes');
			<p><label for="content"><input type="radio" name="export-type" value="framework"<?php 
        checked('framework', $export_type);
> <?php 
        _e('Framework Settings', 'woothemes');
			<input type="hidden" name="woothemes-backup-export" value="1" />
			<input type="submit" class="button" value="<?php 
        _e('Download Export File', 'woothemes');
" />
Пример #27
    if ($post_type_object->public && !('pending' == $post->post_status && !current_user_can($post_type_object->cap->publish_posts))) {
	<div id="edit-slug-box">
        if (!empty($post->ID) && !empty($sample_permalink_html) && 'auto-draft' != $post->post_status) {
            echo $sample_permalink_html;
    nxt_nonce_field('samplepermalink', 'samplepermalinknonce', false);

if (post_type_supports($post_type, 'editor')) {
<div id="postdivrich" class="postarea">

    nxt_editor($post->post_content, 'content', array('dfw' => true, 'tabindex' => 1));
Пример #28
					<input type="submit" value="Change" />
	<form method="post" name="template" id="template">
nxt_nonce_field('ckeditor_create_nonce_file_editor', 'csrf_ckeditor-for-nxtclass');
		<input type="hidden" name="file" value="<?php 
echo $file;
" />
_e('Browsing ', 'ckeditor_nxtclass');
: <i><?php 
echo $file;
		<table class="form-table">
			<tr valign="top">
Пример #29

			<div id="blogs-dir-list" class="blogs dir-list">

locate_template(array('blogs/blogs-loop.php'), true);

			</div><!-- #blogs-dir-list -->


nxt_nonce_field('directory_blogs', '_nxtnonce-blogs-filter');


		</form><!-- #blogs-directory-form -->


		</div><!-- .padder -->
	</div><!-- #content -->
Пример #30

					<div class="submit">
						<input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php 
_e('Save Changes', 'buddypress');
" id="submit" class="auto" />





			</div><!-- #item-body -->


		</div><!-- .padder -->