<?php $a = -1; $b = -1; $c = -1; mbereg($a, $b, $c); var_dump($a, $b, $c); mberegi($a, $b, $c); var_dump($a, $b, $c); mbereg_search_init($a, $b, $c); var_dump($a, $b, $c); echo "Done\n";
/** * generate voting-form */ protected function generateVotingForm() { if (!$this->loggedInUser || $this->loggedInUser->id == $this->ratedUser->id) { return; } $strFields = ''; $scoreError = false; $this->Template->formId = 'tl_comments_' . $this->id; $this->Template->action = \Environment::get('indexFreeRequest'); $this->Template->enctype = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; $arrFields = array(); $objComment = new \CommentsModel(); // Build the form $arrFF = array('comment', 'score', 'captcha'); foreach ($arrFF as $field) { $arrData =& $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_comments']['fields'][$field]; $strClass = $GLOBALS['TL_FFL'][$arrData['inputType']]; $arrData['eval']['tableless'] = 'true'; $arrData['label'] = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_comments'][$field][0]; $varValue = ''; $objWidget = new $strClass($strClass::getAttributesFromDca($arrData, $field, $varValue, '', '', $this)); $objWidget->storeValues = true; // Validate the form data if (\Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == 'tl_comments_' . $this->id) { $objWidget->validate(); $varValue = $objWidget->value; // check vor valid score interval if ($field == 'score') { if (!mberegi('^(1|2|3|4|5)\\d{0}$', $varValue)) { $doNotSubmit = true; $scoreError = true; } } // Do not submit the field if there are errors if ($objWidget->hasErrors()) { $doNotSubmit = true; } elseif ($objWidget->submitInput()) { $blnModified = true; // Store the form data $_SESSION['FORM_DATA'][$field] = $varValue; // Set the correct empty value (see #6284, #6373) if ($varValue === '') { $varValue = $objWidget->getEmptyValue(); } // Set the new value if ($field !== 'captcha') { $objComment->{$field} = $varValue; } } } $temp = $objWidget->parse(); // add a hidden field for the starrating if ($field == 'score') { $temp = '<input type="hidden" name="score" id="ctrl_score" value="">'; } $strFields .= $temp; $arrFields[$field] = $temp; } // Save the model if ($doNotSubmit !== true && $blnModified && \Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == 'tl_comments_' . $this->id) { $objComment->owner = $this->loggedInUser->id; $objComment->dateOfCreation = time(); $objComment->source = 'tl_member'; $objComment->ip = \Environment::get('ip'); $objComment->activation_token = md5(session_id() . time() . $this->loggedInUser->id); $objComment->parent = $this->ratedUser->id; $objComment->published = 0; $objComment->save(); $this->log('A new entry "tl_comments.id=' . $objComment->id . '" has been created', __METHOD__, TL_GENERAL); // notify rated member if ($this->notifyRatedUser && $objComment->id > 0 && $objComment->comment != '') { $this->notifyUser($objComment); } $this->jumpToOrReload($this->jumpTo); } if ($scoreError) { $strFields = '<p class="error">Bitte eine gültige Punktzahl vergeben.</p>' . $strFields; } $this->Template->slabel = specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['saveData']); $this->Template->fields = $strFields; $this->Template->arrFields = $arrFields; // shit storm protection if ($this->blockingTime > 0) { $objRatings = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT * FROM tl_comments WHERE source = ? AND parent = ? AND owner = ? AND dateOfCreation > ? ORDER BY dateOfCreation DESC")->limit(1)->execute('tl_member', $this->ratedUser->id, $this->loggedInUser->id, time() - $this->blockingTime); if ($objRatings->numRows > 0) { $this->Template->commentFormLocked = true; $time = $this->blockingTime - (time() - $objRatings->dateOfCreation); $h = floor($time / 3600); $min = floor(($time / 3600 - $h) * 60); if ($time <= 60) { $this->Template->commentFormLockedTime = $time . ' s'; } else { $this->Template->commentFormLockedTime = ($h > 0 ? $h . ' h ' : '') . $min . ' min'; } } } }