Пример #1
    echo apply_filters('submit_job_form_logout_url', wp_logout_url(get_permalink()));
    _e('Sign out', 'wp-job-manager');

} else {
    $account_required = job_manager_user_requires_account();
    $registration_enabled = job_manager_enable_registration();
    $generate_username_from_email = job_manager_generate_username_from_email();
    $login_url = listable_get_login_url();
    $classes = listable_get_login_link_class('button');
    _e('Have an account?', 'wp-job-manager');
		<div class="field account-sign-in <?php 
    echo listable_using_lwa() ? 'lwa' : '';
			<a class="<?php 
    echo $classes;
" href="<?php 
    echo apply_filters('submit_job_form_login_url', $login_url);
Пример #2
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
    // Exit if accessed directly
if (is_user_logged_in() || 'no' === get_option('woocommerce_enable_checkout_login_reminder')) {
<div class="woocommerce-login-fields">

$info_message = apply_filters('woocommerce_checkout_login_message', __('Returning customer?', 'woocommerce'));
//if we are using Login with Ajax then we want to use the uber modal to login or register
if (listable_using_lwa()) {
    $login_url = listable_get_login_url();
    $classes = listable_get_login_link_class();
    $info_message = '<div class="woocommerce-info lwa">' . $info_message;
    $info_message .= ' <a href="' . $login_url . '" class="' . $classes . '">' . __('Click here to login', 'woocommerce') . '</a>';
    $info_message .= '</div>';
    echo $info_message;
} else {
    $info_message .= ' <a href="#" class="showlogin">' . __('Click here to login', 'woocommerce') . '</a>';
    wc_print_notice($info_message, 'notice');
    $defaults = array('message' => __('If you have shopped with us before, please enter your details in the boxes below. If you are a new customer please proceed to the Billing &amp; Shipping section.', 'listable'), 'redirect' => wc_get_page_permalink('checkout'), 'hidden' => true);
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
    wc_get_template('custom/form-login.php', $args);

$url = listable_get_login_url();
if (!empty($url)) {
	<a class="<?php 
    echo listable_get_login_link_class('action__text');
" href="<?php 
    echo $url;
    printf(esc_html__('Add to favorites', 'listable'), $post_type->labels->singular_name);
	<a class="<?php 
    echo listable_get_login_link_class('action__text--mobile');
" href="<?php 
    echo $url;
    printf(esc_html__('Favorite', 'listable'), $post_type->labels->singular_name);
Пример #4
    public function widget($args, $instance)
        global $post;
        $placeholders = $this->get_placeholder_strings();
        //only put in the default title if the user hasn't saved anything in the database e.g. $instance is empty (as a whole)
        $title = apply_filters('widget_title', empty($instance) || !isset($instance['title']) ? $placeholders['title'] : $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base);
        $claim_button_text = empty($instance) || !isset($instance['claim_button_text']) ? $placeholders['claim_button_text'] : $instance['claim_button_text'];
        $claim_description_text = empty($instance) || !isset($instance['claim_description_text']) ? $placeholders['claim_description_text'] : $instance['claim_description_text'];
        $classes = WP_Job_Manager_Claim_Listing()->listing->add_post_class(array());
        if (isset($classes[0]) && !empty($classes[0])) {
            if ($classes[0] == 'claimed') {
        echo $args['before_widget'];
        if (!empty($title) || !empty($claim_button_text)) {
            //make sure that Login with Ajax can work
            if (empty($paid_claims) && !is_user_logged_in() && listable_using_lwa()) {
                //we need a wrapper with the lwa class
                $args['before_title'] .= '<div class="lwa">';
                $args['after_title'] = '</div>' . $args['after_title'];
            echo $args['before_title'] . $title;
            if (!empty($claim_button_text)) {
                $paid_claims = get_option('wpjmcl_paid_claiming');
                $paid_claim_listing_page = job_manager_get_permalink('claim_listing');
                $href = esc_url(wp_nonce_url(add_query_arg(array('action' => 'claim_listing', 'listing_id' => $post->ID), $paid_claim_listing_page), 'claim_listing', 'claim_listing_nonce'));
                $classes = 'listing-claim-button';
                if (empty($paid_claims) && !is_user_logged_in()) {
                    $href = listable_get_login_url();
                    $classes = listable_get_login_link_class($classes);
                echo ' <a class="' . $classes . '" href="' . $href . '">' . $claim_button_text . '</a>';
            echo $args['after_title'];
        if (!empty($claim_description_text)) {
            echo '<small class="listing-claim-description">' . $claim_description_text . '</small>';

        echo $args['after_widget'];