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$_SESSION['username']; $username = $_SESSION['username']; ?> <html lang="en"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/grading_template.dwt.php" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" --> <?php @session_start(); include "../db/db.php"; include "../actions/user_privileges.php"; if (!isset($_SESSION['username'])) { header("Location: ../restrict.php"); } $developer = is_privileged($_SESSION['account_no'], 1); $super_admin = is_privileged($_SESSION['account_no'], 2); $adviser = is_privileged($_SESSION['account_no'], 10); $teacher = is_privileged($_SESSION['account_no'], 12); if (!$developer && !$super_admin && !$adviser && !$teacher) { header("Location: restrict.php"); } ?> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" --> <title>Pagasa National Highschool:: Base Admin</title> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" /> <link href="../css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" />
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function mx_counton() { // how many users connected ? global $mxdb; $users = $mxdb->counton(); echo '<div class="quicknums">'; echo '<h5>' . _('Some Numbers') . '</h5>'; if (is_privileged()) { echo '<a href="' . mx_pageurl('whoswhere') . '" alt="' . mx_pagename('whoswhere') . '">'; if (!$users['on']) { __('Nobody\'s online...'); } else { if ($users['on'] == 1) { __('1 user online'); } else { echo sprintf(_('%s users online'), $users['on']); } } echo '</a>'; echo '<br/>'; echo '<a href="' . mx_optionurl('fans', 'fandir') . '" alt="' . mx_optionname('fans', 'fandir') . '">'; if (!$users['fans']) { __('No fan registered...'); } else { if ($users['fans'] == 1) { __('1 fan registered'); } else { echo sprintf(_('%s fans registered'), $users['fans']); } } echo '</a>'; echo '<br/>'; echo '<a href="' . mx_optionurl('artists', 'artsdir') . '" alt="' . mx_optionname('artists', 'artsdir') . '">'; if (!$users['artists']) { __('No artist registered...'); } else { if ($users['artists'] == 1) { __('1 artist registered'); } else { echo sprintf(_('%s artists registered'), $users['artists']); } } echo '</a>'; echo '<hr/>'; } echo sprintf(_('%s visitors'), '<span id="mxvisits">' . $users['visitors'] . '</span>'); echo '<br/>'; //echo sprintf(_('%d connections'),$users['connections']); //echo '<br/>'; echo sprintf(_('%s hits'), '<span id="mxhits">' . $users['hits'] . '</span>'); echo '<br/>'; echo '<script>cnttmr=setInterval(\'checkvisits()\',10000);</script>'; echo '</div>'; }
<?php include "../db/db.php"; session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['username'])) { header("location: ../restrict.php"); } ?> <?php include "../actions/user_priviledges.php"; $developer = is_privileged($_SESSION['account_no'], 1); $super_admin = is_privileged($_SESSION['account_no'], 2); $sis_admin = is_privileged($_SESSION['account_no'], 4); $club_adviser = is_privileged($_SESSION['account_no'], 11); $student = is_privileged($_SESSION['account_no'], 17); if (!$developer || !$club_adviser) { header("Location: ../restrict.php"); } ?> <html lang="en"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/sisclubadviser_template.dwt.php" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" --> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" --> <title>Pagasa National Highschool:: Base Admin</title> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" /> <link href="./css/pages/reports.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="../../css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" />
function mx_showmenu($menu, $menutype, $curpage = '', $curopt = '') { global $mx_ctxmenu, $mx_fbmenu, $mxuser; define('MXMENUVERTUSER', 0); define('MXMENUHORIZTOP', 1); define('MXMENUHORIZBOT', 2); define('MXMENUHORIZICON', 3); define('MXMENUHORIZHELP', 4); define('MXMENUVERTMAIN', 5); define('MXMENUHORIZFB', 6); define('MXMENUVERTICON', 7); if ($menutype != 0 && $menutype != 4 && $menutype != 6 && $menu != $mx_ctxmenu && array_key_exists($curpage, $mx_ctxmenu) && ($mx_ctxmenu[$curpage][0] == 1 && is_logged() || $mx_ctxmenu[$curpage][0] == 1.5 && !is_confirmed() || $mx_ctxmenu[$curpage][0] == 2 && !is_logged() || $mx_ctxmenu[$curpage][0] == 2.4 && (!is_logged() || is_confirmed()) || $mx_ctxmenu[$curpage][0] == 2.5 && (!is_confirmed() || is_setup()) || $mx_ctxmenu[$curpage][0] >= 3 && !is_setup() || $mx_ctxmenu[$curpage][0] == 10 && !(is_setup() && is_artist()) || $mx_ctxmenu[$curpage][0] == 11 && !(is_setup() && is_artist() && is_pageadmin()) || $mx_ctxmenu[$curpage][0] == 20 && !is_privileged() || $mx_ctxmenu[$curpage][0] < 0 || $mx_ctxmenu[$curpage][0] == 127 && !is_admin() || $mx_ctxmenu[$curpage][0] == 126 && !is_pseudoadmin())) { return; } if ($menutype == 6 && ($mx_fbmenu[$curpage][0] == 1 && is_logged() || $mx_fbmenu[$curpage][0] == 1.5 && !is_confirmed() || $mx_fbmenu[$curpage][0] == 2 && !is_logged() || $mx_fbmenu[$curpage][0] == 2.4 && (!is_logged() || is_confirmed()) || $mx_fbmenu[$curpage][0] == 2.5 && (!is_confirmed() || is_setup()) || $mx_fbmenu[$curpage][0] >= 3 && !is_setup() || $mx_fbmenu[$curpage][0] == 10 && !(is_setup() && is_artist()) || $mx_fbmenu[$curpage][0] == 11 && !(is_setup() && is_artist() && is_pageadmin()) || $mx_fbmenu[$curpage][0] < 0 || $mx_fbmenu[$curpage][0] == 127 && !is_admin() || $mx_fbmenu[$curpage][0] == 126 && !is_pseudoadmin())) { //error_log(print_r($mx_fbmenu[$curpage][0],true)); return; } switch ($menutype) { case MXMENUVERTUSER: // user vertical menu $style = 'usermenu menusep'; break; case MXMENUHORIZTOP: // topbar horizontal menu $style = 'ctxmenu'; break; case MXMENUHORIZBOT: // bottom screen menu $style = 'musxmenu'; break; case MXMENUHORIZICON: // topbar icon menu $style = 'iconmenu'; break; case MXMENUHORIZHELP: // help menu $style = 'helpmenu'; break; case MXMENUVERTMAIN: // main vertical menu $style = 'mainmenu menusep'; break; case MXMENUHORIZFB: // facebook menu $style = 'fbmenu'; break; case MXMENUVERTICON: // big icons menu $style = 'bigmenu'; break; } echo '<div class=\'' . $style . '\'>'; echo '<ul>'; if ($mxuser->id && ($menutype == MXMENUVERTUSER || $menutype == MXMENUVERTMAIN)) { echo '<li class="menutitle">' . ($menutype == MXMENUVERTMAIN ? '' : strtoupper(mx_pagename($curpage))) . '</li>'; } foreach ($menu as $menuopt => $menutable) { /*if (abs($menutable[0])>1 && !is_confirmed() && $menuopt!='signoff' //&& $menuopt!='messages' && $menuopt!='help' //&& $menuopt!='friends' && $menuopt!='setup') continue;*/ if (array_key_exists(2, $menutable) && !is_array($menutable[2]) && $menutable[2] != '#') { // redirection $page = $menutable[2]; $option = $menutable[3] != '' ? $menutable[3] : ''; } else { if (array_key_exists(2, $menutable) && $menutable[2] == '#') { // javascript (feedback) $page = '#'; $option = ''; } else { if ($menutype == 1 || $menutype == 0 || $menutype == 7) { // top or user menu $page = $curpage; $option = $menuopt; } else { if ($menutype == 4) { // help menu if ($mx_ctxmenu['help'][2][$curpage][3] == '') { $page = 'help'; $option = $curpage; } else { $page = 'help'; $option = $mx_ctxmenu['help'][2][$curpage][3]; } } else { $page = $menuopt; $option = ''; } } } } if (($menutype != 4 || $curpage != $menuopt) && (!$menutable[0] || $menutable[0] == 1 && !is_logged() || $menutable[0] == 1.5 && !is_logged() || $menutable[0] == 2 && is_logged() || $menutable[0] == 2.4 && is_logged() && !is_confirmed() || $menutable[0] == 2.5 && is_confirmed() && !is_setup() || $menutable[0] == 3 && is_setup() || $menutable[0] == 10 && is_setup() && is_artist() || $menutable[0] == 11 && is_setup() && is_artist() && is_pageadmin() || $menutable[0] == 20 && is_privileged() || $menutable[0] == 127 && is_admin() || $menutable[0] == 126 && is_pseudoadmin())) { if ($menutype == 3) { // icon menu $label = mx_icon($menuopt, $menutable[1], '20px'); if ($menuopt == 'messages' && $mxuser->newmsgs > 0) { $label .= '<div class="newmsgs"><div>' . $mxuser->newmsgs . '</div></div>'; } if ($menuopt == 'cart' && $mxuser->cart && $mxuser->cart->items > 0) { $label .= '<div class="cartitems"><div>' . $mxuser->cart->items . '</div></div>'; } } else { if ($menutype == 7) { // big menu $label = mx_icon($menuopt . '-big', $menutable[1], '112px'); if ($menuopt == 'messages' && $mxuser->newmsgs > 0) { $label .= '<div class="newmsgs"><div>' . $mxuser->newmsgs . '</div></div>'; } if ($menuopt == 'cart' && $mxuser->cart && $mxuser->cart->items > 0) { $label .= '<div class="cartitems"><div>' . $mxuser->cart->items . '</div></div>'; } } else { if ($menutype == 0 || $menutype == 5 || $menutype == 6) { // vertical menus if ($menutype != 6 && file_exists(mx_iconfile($menuopt . 'btn'))) { $label = '<span class="menubutton"><div>' . mx_icon($menuopt . 'btn', $menutable[1], '', 'xx', $menuopt . 'btnhover') . '</div></span>'; } else { if (file_exists(mx_iconfile($menuopt))) { $label = '<span class="menuicon">' . mx_icon($menuopt, $menutable[1], '16px') . '</span>'; } else { $label = '<span class="menuicon">' . mx_icon('blank', '', '16px') . '</span>'; } if ($menuopt == 'messages' && $mxuser->newmsgs > 0) { $label .= '<div class="newmsgs2"><div>' . $mxuser->newmsgs . '</div></div>'; } if ($menuopt == 'cart' && $mxuser->cart && $mxuser->cart->items > 0) { $label .= '<div class="cartitems2"><div>' . $mxuser->cart->items . '</div></div>'; } $label .= '<span class="menulabel">' . $menutable[1] . '</span>'; } //$label.=$menutable[1]; } else { $label = $menutable[1]; } } } echo '<li'; if ($menutype != 6 && file_exists(mx_iconfile($menuopt . 'btn'))) { echo ' class="button"'; } else { if ($curpage == $menuopt || $curopt == $menuopt) { echo ' class="selected"'; } else { if (!function_exists('mx_mn' . $menuopt)) { echo ' class="inactive"'; } } } echo '>'; if ($page == "#") { echo '<a href="#" onclick="' . $menutable[3] . '"' . ' alt="' . $menutable[1] . '">' . $label . '</a>'; } else { if (function_exists('mx_mn' . $menuopt)) { echo '<a href="' . mx_optionurl($page, $option) . '">' . $label . '</a>' . ($menutable[4] ? '<div class="newmenu">' . mx_icon('new', _('New'), '16px') . '</div>' : ''); } else { echo '<span class="inactive">' . $label . ' ' . _('(soon)') . '</span>'; } } echo '</li>'; } } echo '</ul></div>'; }