function process_mpd()
    global $Adapt_arr, $Period_arr, $repno, $repnolist, $period_url, $locate, $string_info, $count1, $count2, $perioddepth, $adaptsetdepth, $period_baseurl, $foldername, $type, $minBufferTime, $profiles, $MPD, $session_id, $progressXML;
    //Global variables to be used within the main function
    //  $path_parts = pathinfo($mpdurl);
    $Baseurl = false;
    //define if Baseurl is used or no
    $setsegflag = false;
    // $mpdfilename = $path_parts['filename'];		// determine name of actual MPD file
    if (isset($_FILES['afile']['tmp_name'])) {
        $_SESSION['fileContent'] = file_get_contents($_FILES['afile']['tmp_name']);
    // if (isset($_POST['urlcode'])) { // in case of client send first connection attempt
    $sessname = 'sess' . rand();
    // get a random session name
    // set session name
    $directories = array_diff(scandir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . 'temp'), array('..', '.'));
    foreach ($directories as $file) {
        // Clean temp folder from old sessions in order to save diskspace
        if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . 'temp' . '/' . $file)) {
            // temp is folder contains all sessions folders
            $tempXML = simplexml_load_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . 'temp' . '/' . $file . '/progress.xml');
            $change1 = 0;
            //duration after conformance test is done
            $change2 = time() - filemtime(dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . 'temp' . '/' . $file);
            // duration of file implementation
            if ((string) $tempXML->completed === "true") {
                $change1 = time() - (int) $tempXML->completed->attributes();
            if ($change1 > 1800 || $change2 > 1800) {
                //clean folder after 30 mins after test completed or 30 mins after test started
                rrmdir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . 'temp' . '/' . $file);
            // if last time folder was modified exceed 300 second it should be removed
    // Work out which validator binary to use
    $validatemp4 = strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN' ? "validatemp4-vs2010.exe" : "ValidateMP4.exe";
    //var_dump( $path_parts  );
    if (isset($_POST['foldername'])) {
        $foldername = $_POST['foldername'];
        $paths = explode("/", $foldername);
        if (count($paths) > 1) {
            $foldername = end($paths);
    } else {
        $foldername = 'id' . rand();
    // get random name for session folder
    //get a name for session folder from client.
    $_SESSION['foldername'] = $foldername;
    // rrmdir($locate);
    $locate = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . 'temp' . '/' . $foldername;
    //session  folder location
    $_SESSION['locate'] = $locate;
    // save session folder location
    $oldmask = umask(0);
    mkdir($locate, 0777, true);
    // create session folder
    //        $totarr = array(); // array contains all data to be sent to client.
    copy(dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . $validatemp4, $locate . '/' . $validatemp4);
    // copy conformance tool to session folder to allow multi-session operation
    chmod($locate . '/' . $validatemp4, 0777);
    $url_array = json_decode($_POST['urlcode']);
    if (isset($_SESSION['fileContent'])) {
        // If file is uploaded
        file_put_contents($locate . '/uploaded.mpd', $_SESSION['fileContent']);
        $url_array[0] = $locate . '/uploaded.mpd';
        $GLOBALS["url"] = $locate . '/uploaded.mpd';
        $MPD_abs = simplexml_load_file($GLOBALS["url"]);
        // load mpd from url
        $dom_abs = dom_import_simplexml($MPD_abs);
        $abs = new DOMDocument('1.0');
        $dom_abs = $abs->importNode($dom_abs, true);
        //create dom element to contain mpd
        $dom_abs = $abs->appendChild($dom_abs);
        $MPD_abs = $abs->getElementsByTagName('MPD')->item(0);
        // access the parent "MPD" in mpd file
        $Baseurl_abs = $MPD_abs->getElementsByTagName('BaseURL');
        if ($Baseurl_abs->length > 0) {
            $Baseurl_abs = $Baseurl_abs->item(0);
            $absolute = $Baseurl_abs->nodeValue;
            if ($absolute === './' || strpos($absolute, 'http') === false) {
                $url_array[2] = 1;
        } else {
            $url_array[2] = 1;
    $url_array[3] = $locate;
    //Used for e.g. placing intermediate files etc.
    copy(dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "featuretable.html", $locate . '/' . "featuretable.html");
    // copy features list html file to session folder
    //Create log file so that it is available if accessed
    $progressXML = simplexml_load_string('<root><Profile></Profile><Progress><percent>0</percent><dataProcessed>0</dataProcessed><dataDownloaded>0</dataDownloaded><CurrentAdapt>1</CurrentAdapt><CurrentRep>1</CurrentRep></Progress><completed>false</completed></root>');
    // get progress bar update
    $progressXML->asXml($locate . '/progress.xml');
    //progress xml location
    $MPD_O = simplexml_load_file($GLOBALS["url"]);
    // load mpd from url
    if (!$MPD_O) {
        $progressXML->MPDError = "1";
        //MPD error is updated in the progress.xml file.
        $progressXML->asXml(trim($locate . '/progress.xml'));
        echo $progressXML->asXML();
        die("Error: Failed loading XML file");
    } else {
        $progressXML->MPDError = "0";
        $progressXML->asXml(trim($locate . '/progress.xml'));
    $dom_sxe = dom_import_simplexml($MPD_O);
    if (!$dom_sxe) {
        echo $progressXML->asXML();
    $validate_result = mpdvalidator($url_array, $locate, $foldername);
    $exit = $validate_result[0];
    $totarr = $validate_result[1];
    $schematronIssuesReport = $validate_result[2];
    //MPD Conformance results are written into the progress.xml file.
    $temp_mpdres = "";
    for ($totindex = 0; $totindex < 3; $totindex++) {
        if ($totarr[$totindex] == "true") {
            $temp_mpdres = $temp_mpdres . "true ";
        } else {
            $temp_mpdres = $temp_mpdres . "false ";
    $progressXML->MPDConformance = $temp_mpdres;
    $progressXML->MPDConformance->addAttribute('url', str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $locate . '/mpdreport.txt'));
    $progressXML->asXml(trim($locate . '/progress.xml'));
    ///////////////////////////////////////Processing mpd attributes in order to get value//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0');
    $dom_sxe = $dom->importNode($dom_sxe, true);
    //create dom element to contain mpd
    //$dom_sxe = $dom->appendChild($dom_sxe);
    $MPD = $dom->getElementsByTagName('MPD')->item(0);
    // access the parent "MPD" in mpd file
    $mediaPresentationDuration = $MPD->getAttribute('mediaPresentationDuration');
    // get mediapersentation duration from mpd level
    $AST = $MPD->getAttribute('availabilityStartTime');
    $bufferdepth = $MPD->getAttribute('timeShiftBufferDepth');
    $bufferdepth = timeparsing($bufferdepth);
    $presentationduration = timeparsing($mediaPresentationDuration);
    createMpdFeatureList($dom, $schematronIssuesReport);
    $type = $MPD->getAttribute('type');
    // get mpd type
    if ($type === 'dynamic' && $dom->getElementsByTagName('SegmentTemplate')->length == 0) {
        $totarr[] = $foldername;
        //This is messed up right now: dynamic conformance
        //$totarr[]='dynamic'; // Incase of dynamic only mpd conformance.
        //$exit =true;		 //Session destroy flag is true
    if ($exit === true) {
        //If session should be destroyed
        if ($type !== 'dynamic') {
            $totarr[] = $foldername;
        $stri = json_encode($totarr);
        //Send results to client
        //            echo $stri;
        //Destroy session
        $progressXML->completed = "true";
        $progressXML->completed->addAttribute('time', time());
        $progressXML->asXml(trim($locate . '/progress.xml'));
        echo $progressXML->asXML();
    $minBufferTime = $MPD->getAttribute('minBufferTime');
    //get min buffer time
    $profiles = $MPD->getAttribute('profiles');
    // get profiles
    $progressXML->Profile = $profiles;
    $progressXML->asXml(trim($locate . '/progress.xml'));
    $periodCount = 0;
    foreach ($dom->documentElement->childNodes as $node) {
        // search for all nodes within mpd
        if ($node->nodeName === 'Period') {
            if ($periodCount === 0) {
                //only process the first Period
                $periodNode = $node;
    $val = $dom->getElementsByTagName('BaseURL');
    // get BaseUrl node
    $segflag = $dom->getElementsByTagName('SegmentTemplate');
    //check if segment template exists or not
    if ($segflag->length > 0) {
        $setsegflag = true;
    // Segment template is supported
    if ($val->length > 0) {
        // if baseurl is used
        $Baseurl = true;
        // set Baseurl flag = true
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($val); $i++) {
            //check if Baseurl node exist in MPD level or lower level
            $base = $val->item($i);
            $par = $base->parentNode;
            $name = $par->tagName;
            if ($name == 'MPD') {
                // if exist in mpd level
                $dir = $base->nodeValue;
                if (!isAbsoluteURL($dir)) {
                    // if baseurl is relative URl
                    $dir = dirname($GLOBALS["url"]) . '/' . $dir;
                // use location of Baseurl as location of mpd location
        if (!isset($dir)) {
            // if there is no Baseurl in mpd level
            $dir = dirname($GLOBALS["url"]) . '/';
        // set location of segments dir as mpd location
    } else {
        $dir = dirname($GLOBALS["url"]) . '/';
    // if there is no Baseurl in mpd level,set location of segments dir as mpd location
    $start = processPeriod($periodNode, $dir);
    // start getting information from period level
    $start = timeparsing($start);
    //Get start time in seconds
    $segm_url = array();
    // contains segments url within one
    $adapt_url = array();
    // contains all segments urls within adapatations set
    if ($setsegflag) {
        // Segment template is used
        for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($Period_arr); $k++) {
            // loop on period array
            $Adapt_initialization_setflag = 0;
            if (!empty($Period_arr[$k]['SegmentTemplate'])) {
                if (!empty($Period_arr[$k]['SegmentTemplate']['duration'])) {
                    // get duration of segment template
                    $duration = $Period_arr[$k]['SegmentTemplate']['duration'];
                } else {
                    $duration = 0;
                // if duration doesn't exist set duration to 0
                if (!empty($Period_arr[$k]['SegmentTemplate']['timescale'])) {
                    // check time scale for given segment template
                    $timescale = $Period_arr[$k]['SegmentTemplate']['timescale'];
                } else {
                    $timescale = 1;
                // if doesn't exist set default to 1
                if ($duration != 0) {
                    $duration = $duration / $timescale;
                    // get duration
                    $segmentno = ceil(($presentationduration - $start) / $duration);
                    //get segment number
                $startnumber = $Period_arr[$k]['SegmentTemplate']['startNumber'];
                // get first number in segment
                $initialization = $Period_arr[$k]['SegmentTemplate']['initialization'];
                // get initialization degment
                if ($initialization != "") {
                    $Adapt_initialization_setflag = 1;
                $media = $Period_arr[$k]['SegmentTemplate']['media'];
                // get  media template
                //                    $timehash = null; // used only in segment timeline
                $timehash = array();
                // contains all segmenttimelines for all segments
                if (!empty($Period_arr[$k]['SegmentTemplate']['SegmentTimeline'])) {
                    // in case of using Segment timeline
                    $timeseg = $Period_arr[$k]['SegmentTemplate']['SegmentTimeline'][0][0];
                    // get time segment
                    for ($lok = 0; $lok < sizeof($Period_arr[$k]['SegmentTemplate']['SegmentTimeline']); $lok++) {
                        // loop on segment time line
                        $d = $Period_arr[$k]['SegmentTemplate']['SegmentTimeline'][$lok][1];
                        // get d
                        $r = $Period_arr[$k]['SegmentTemplate']['SegmentTimeline'][$lok][2];
                        // get r
                        $te = $Period_arr[$k]['SegmentTemplate']['SegmentTimeline'][$lok][0];
                        // get t
                        if ($r == 0) {
                            $timehash[] = $timeseg;
                            $timeseg = $timeseg + $d;
                        if ($r < 0) {
                            //Repeat untill the last segment within presentation
                            if (!isset($Period_arr[$k]['SegmentTemplate']['SegmentTimeline'][$lok + 1])) {
                                $ende = $presentationduration * $timescale;
                            } else {
                                $ende = $Period_arr[$k]['SegmentTemplate']['SegmentTimeline'][$lok + 1];
                            $ende = $ende;
                            while ($timeseg < $ende) {
                                // calculate time segment until the end of duration
                                $timehash[] = $timeseg;
                                //contain duration of all segments cumulatively
                                $timeseg = $timeseg + $d;
                        if ($r > 0) {
                            for ($cn = 0; $cn <= $r; $cn++) {
                                // repeat untill the amount of repeat is finished
                                $timehash[] = $timeseg;
                                $timeseg = $timeseg + $d;
            for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($Period_arr[$k]['Representation']['bandwidth']); $j++) {
                // loop on adaptationset level
                $direct = $dir;
                if ($Baseurl === true) {
                    // incase of using Base url
                    if (!isset($perioddepth[0])) {
                        // period doesn't contain any baseurl infromation
                        $perioddepth[0] = "";
                    if (!isset($adaptsetdepth[$k])) {
                        // adaptation set doesn't contain any baseurl information
                        $adaptsetdepth[$k] = "";
                    $direct = $dir . $perioddepth[0] . $adaptsetdepth[$k];
                    // combine baseURLs in both period level and adaptationset level
                if (!empty($Period_arr[$k]['Representation']['SegmentTemplate'][$j])) {
                    // in case of using segmenttemplate
                    $duration = $Period_arr[$k]['Representation']['SegmentTemplate'][$j]['duration'];
                    // get  segment duration attribute
                    if (!empty($Period_arr[$k]['Representation']['SegmentTemplate'][$j]['timescale'])) {
                        //get time scale
                        $timescale = $Period_arr[$k]['Representation']['SegmentTemplate'][$j]['timescale'];
                    } else {
                        $timescale = 1;
                    // set to 1 if not avaliable
                    if ($duration != 0) {
                        $duration = $duration / $timescale;
                        // get duration scaled
                        $segmentno = ceil(($presentationduration - $start) / $duration);
                        // get number of segments
                    $startnumber = $Period_arr[$k]['Representation']['SegmentTemplate'][$j]['startNumber'];
                    // get start number
                    if ($Adapt_initialization_setflag == 0) {
                        $initialization = $Period_arr[$k]['Representation']['SegmentTemplate'][$j]['initialization'];
                        // get initialization
                    $media = $Period_arr[$k]['Representation']['SegmentTemplate'][$j]['media'];
                    // get media template
                    if (!empty($Period_arr[$k]['Representation']['SegmentTemplate'][$j]['SegmentTimeline'])) {
                        // check timeline
                        $timeseg = $Period_arr[$k]['Representation']['SegmentTemplate'][$j]['SegmentTimeline'][0][0];
                        // segment start time
                        for ($lok = 0; $lok < sizeof($Period_arr[$k]['Representation']['SegmentTemplate'][$j]['SegmentTimeline']); $lok++) {
                            //loop on timeline
                            $timehash = array();
                            //contains time tag for each segment
                            $d = $Period_arr[$k]['Representation']['SegmentTemplate'][$j]['SegmentTimeline'][$lok][1];
                            //get d
                            $r = $Period_arr[$k]['Representation']['SegmentTemplate'][$j]['SegmentTimeline'][$lok][2];
                            //get r
                            $te = $Period_arr[$k]['Representation']['SegmentTemplate'][$j]['SegmentTimeline'][$lok][0];
                            //get te
                            if ($r == 0) {
                                // no duration repeat
                                $timehash[] = $timeseg;
                                //segment time stamp is same as segment time
                                $timeseg = $timeseg + $d;
                            if ($r < 0) {
                                // segments untill the end of presentation duration
                                if (!isset($Period_arr[$k]['Representation']['SegmentTemplate'][$j]['SegmentTimeline'][$lok + 1])) {
                                    $ende = $presentationduration * $timescale;
                                } else {
                                    $ende = $Period_arr[$k]['Representation']['SegmentTemplate'][$j]['SegmentTimeline'][$lok + 1];
                                $ende = $ende;
                                while ($timeseg < $ende) {
                                    $timehash[] = $timeseg;
                                    $timeseg = $timeseg + $d;
                                    //get time stamp for each segment by adding segment duration to previous time stamp
                            } else {
                                for ($cn = 0; $cn <= $r; $cn++) {
                                    //if r is positive number
                                    $timehash[] = $timeseg;
                                    $timeseg = $timeseg + $d;
                                    // add duration to time segment to get time stamp for each segment
                $bandwidth = $Period_arr[$k]['Representation']['bandwidth'][$j];
                // get bandwidth of given representation
                $id = $Period_arr[$k]['Representation']['id'][$j];
                // get id of given representation
                $init = str_replace(array('$Bandwidth$', '$RepresentationID$'), array($bandwidth, $id), $initialization);
                //get initialization segment template is replaced by bandwidth and id
                //test is $direct contains "/" in the end
                if (substr($direct, -1) == '/') {
                    $initurl = $direct . $init;
                } else {
                    $initurl = $direct . "/" . $init;
                //full initialization URL
                $segm_url[] = $initurl;
                //add segment to URL
                $timehashmask = 0;
                // default value if timeline doesnt exist
                if (!empty($timehash)) {
                    // if time line exist
                    $segmentno = sizeof($timehash);
                    // number of segments
                    $startnumber = 1;
                    // start number set to 1
                    $timehashmask = $timehash;
                $signlocation = strpos($media, '%');
                // clean media attribute from non existing values
                if ($signlocation !== false) {
                    if ($signlocation - strpos($media, 'Number') === 6) {
                        $media = str_replace('$Number', '', $media);
                if ($type === "dynamic") {
                    //                        if ($dom->getElementsByTagName('SegmentTimeline')->length !== 0) {
                    //TODO currently $duration and timing is not properly set
                    //get $duration from "d" attribute
                    //set proper timing from "t" attribute
                    //check "r" etc.
                    //                        }
                    $segmentinfo = dynamicnumber($bufferdepth, $duration, $AST, $start, $Period_arr);
                    $segmentno = $segmentinfo[1];
                    //Latest available segment number
                    $i = $segmentinfo[0];
                    // first segment in buffer
                } else {
                    $i = 0;
                while ($i < $segmentno) {
                    $segmenturl = str_replace(array('$Bandwidth$', '$Number$', '$RepresentationID$', '$Time$'), array($bandwidth, $i + $startnumber, $id, $timehashmask[$i]), $media);
                    //replace all media template values by actuall values
                    $segmenturl = sprintf($segmenturl, $startnumber + $i);
                    $segmenturl = str_replace('$', '', $segmenturl);
                    //clean segment url from any extra signs
                    $segmenturl = $direct . "/" . $segmenturl;
                    // get full segment url
                    $segm_url[] = removeabunchofslashes($segmenturl);
                    //add URL to segments URL array
                $adapt_url[] = $segm_url;
                // contains all representations within certain adaptation set
                $segm_url = array();
                // delete segment url array and process the next representation
            $period_url[] = $adapt_url;
            // add all adaptationset urls to period array
            $adapt_url = array();
            // delete adaptationset array and process the next adaptation set
    if ($Baseurl) {
        // in case of using Base url node
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($period_baseurl); $i++) {
            // loop on base url
            if (!isset($perioddepth[0])) {
                // if period doesn't contain baseurl
                $perioddepth[0] = "";
            for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($period_baseurl[$i]); $j++) {
                //loop on baseurl in adaptationset
                if (!isset($adaptsetdepth[$i])) {
                    // if adaptationset doesn't contain baseurl
                    $adaptsetdepth[$i] = "";
                for ($lo = 0; $lo < sizeof($period_baseurl[$i][$j]); $lo++) {
                    // loop on baseurl in period level
                    if (!isAbsoluteURL($period_baseurl[$i][$j][$lo])) {
                        $period_baseurl[$i][$j][$lo] = removeabunchofslashes($dir . $perioddepth[0] . '/' . $adaptsetdepth[$i] . '/' . $period_baseurl[$i][$j][$lo]);
                    //combine all baseurls
        if ($setsegflag === false) {
            $period_url = $period_baseurl;
        // if segment template is not used, use baseurl
    $_SESSION['period_url'] = $period_url;
    // save all period urls in session variable
    $_SESSION['Period_arr'] = $Period_arr;
    //save all period parameters in session variable
    $totarr[] = sizeof($period_url);
    // get number of adaptation sets
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($period_url); $i++) {
        // loop on periods
        $totarr[] = sizeof($period_url[$i]);
        //get number of represenations per adaptation set
    $totarr[] = $periodCount;
    $totarr[] = $foldername;
    // add session name
    $stri = json_encode($totarr);
    // encode array to send to client
    if (isset($_SESSION['count1'])) {
        // reset adaptationset counter before download start
    if (isset($_SESSION['count2'])) {
        //reset representation counter before  download start
    $_SESSION['type'] = $type;
    $_SESSION['minBufferTime'] = $minBufferTime;
    if ($setsegflag) {
        // Segment template is used
        if ($type === "dynamic") {
            if ($dom->getElementsByTagName('SegmentTimeline')->length !== 0) {
                $totarr[] = "dynamic";
                $progressXML->dynamic = "true";
                // Update progress.xml file with info on dynamic MPD.
                $progressXML->asXml(trim($locate . '/progress.xml'));
                $stri = json_encode($totarr);
                //Send results to client
                //                    echo $stri;
                //Destroy session
                $progressXML->completed = "true";
                $progressXML->completed->addAttribute('time', time());
                $progressXML->asXml(trim($locate . '/progress.xml'));
                echo $progressXML->asXML();
        } else {
            $progressXML->dynamic = "false";
            $progressXML->asXml(trim($locate . '/progress.xml'));
    //check if SegmentList exist
    if ($dom->getElementsByTagName('SegmentList')->length !== 0) {
        $progressXML->segmentList = "true";
        $progressXML->asXml(trim($locate . '/progress.xml'));
        $stri = json_encode($totarr);
        //Send results to client
        //                    echo $stri;
        //Destroy session
        $progressXML->completed = "true";
        $progressXML->completed->addAttribute('time', time());
        $progressXML->asXml(trim($locate . '/progress.xml'));
        echo $progressXML->asXML();
    $ResultXML = $progressXML->addChild('Results');
    // Create Results tree in progress.xml and updates tree later.
    for ($i1 = 0; $i1 < $periodCount; $i1++) {
        $PeriodXML = $ResultXML->addChild('Period');
        for ($j1 = 0; $j1 < sizeof($period_url); $j1++) {
            $AdaptationXML = $PeriodXML->addChild('Adaptation');
            for ($k1 = 0; $k1 < sizeof($period_url[$j1]); $k1++) {
                $RepXML = $AdaptationXML->addChild('Representation');
                $RepXML->addAttribute('id', $k1 + 1);
    $progressXML->asXml(trim($locate . '/progress.xml'));
    //        echo $stri; // send no. of periods,adaptationsets, representation, mpd file to client
    //  }
    //if (isset($_POST['download'])) { // get request from client to download segments
    //Segments are downloaded in a sequence and conformance results are written into progress.xml.
    while ($count1 <= sizeof($period_url)) {
        $root = dirname(__FILE__);
        $destiny = array();
        if ($count2 >= sizeof($period_url[$count1])) {
            //check if all representations within a segment is downloaded
            $count2 = 0;
            // reset representation counter when new adaptation set is proccesed
            $count1 = $count1 + 1;
            // increase adapatationset counter
            if ($count1 < sizeof($period_url)) {
                //$AdaptationXML = $ResultXML->addChild('Adaptation');
                $progressXML->Progress->CurrentAdapt = $count1 + 1;
                // Update currently running AdaptationSet, used in display status message.
                $progressXML->asXml(trim($locate . '/progress.xml'));
        if ($count1 >= sizeof($period_url)) {
            //check if all adapatationsets is processed
            $missingexist = file_exists($locate . '/missinglink.txt');
            //check if any broken urls is detected
            if ($missingexist) {
                $temp_string = str_replace(array('$Template$'), array("missinglink"), $string_info);
                file_put_contents($locate . '/missinglink.html', $temp_string);
                //create html file contains report for all missing segments
            $file_error[] = "done";
            for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($Period_arr); $i++) {
                // check all info files if they contain Error
                if (file_exists($locate . '/Adapt' . $i . '_infofile.txt')) {
                    $searchadapt = file_get_contents($locate . '/Adapt' . $i . '_infofile.txt');
                    if (strpos($searchadapt, "Error") == false) {
                        $ResultXML->Period[0]->Adaptation[$i]->addChild('CrossRepresentation', 'noerror');
                        $file_error[] = "noerror";
                        // no error found in text file
                    } else {
                        $ResultXML->Period[0]->Adaptation[$i]->addChild('CrossRepresentation', 'error');
                        $file_error[] = "temp" . '/' . $foldername . '/' . 'Adapt' . $i . '_infofile.html';
                        // add error file location to array
                } else {
                    $ResultXML->Period[0]->Adaptation[$i]->addChild('CrossRepresentation', 'noerror');
                    $file_error[] = "noerror";
                $ResultXML->Period[0]->Adaptation[$i]->CrossRepresentation->addAttribute('url', str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $locate . '/Adapt' . $i . '_infofile.txt'));
                $progressXML->asXml(trim($locate . '/progress.xml'));
            if ($missingexist) {
                $ResultXML->addChild('BrokenURL', "error");
                $ResultXML->BrokenURL->addAttribute('url', str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $locate . '/missinglink.txt'));
                $file_error[] = "temp" . '/' . $foldername . '/missinglink.html';
            } else {
                $ResultXML->addChild('BrokenURL', "noerror");
                $file_error[] = "noerror";
            $send_string = json_encode($file_error);
            //encode array to string and send it
            error_log("ReturnFinish:" . $send_string);
            //            echo $send_string; // send string with location of all error logs to client
            $progressXML->completed = "true";
            $progressXML->completed->addAttribute('time', time());
            $progressXML->asXml(trim($locate . '/progress.xml'));
            echo $progressXML->asXML();
        } else {
            $repno = "Adapt" . $count1 . "rep" . $count2;
            // presentation unique name
            $pathdir = $locate . "/" . $repno . "/";
            $progressXML->Progress->CurrentRep = $count2 + 1;
            // Update currently running Representation, used in display status message.
            $progressXML->asXml(trim($locate . '/progress.xml'));
            error_log("Download_pathdir:" . $pathdir);
            if (!file_exists($pathdir)) {
                $oldmask = umask(0);
                mkdir($pathdir, 0777, true);
                // create folder for each presentation
            $tempcount1 = $count1;
            //don't know why we need a buffer, but it only works this way with php 7
            $sizearray = downloaddata($pathdir, $period_url[$count1][$count2]);
            // download data
            if ($sizearray !== 0) {
                Assemble($pathdir, $period_url[$count1][$count2], $sizearray);
                // Assemble all presentation in to one presentation
                chmod($locate . '/' . "mdatoffset.txt", 0777);
                rename($locate . '/' . "mdatoffset.txt", $locate . '/' . $repno . "mdatoffset.txt");
                //rename txt file contains mdatoffset
                $file_location = array();
                $exeloc = dirname(__FILE__);
                $timeSeconds = str_replace("PT", "", $minBufferTime);
                $timeSeconds = str_replace("S", "", $timeSeconds);
                $processArguments = " -minbuffertime " . $timeSeconds . " -bandwidth ";
                $processArguments = $processArguments . $Period_arr[$count1]['Representation']['bandwidth'][$count2] . " ";
                $processArguments = $processArguments . "-width ";
                if ($Period_arr[$count1]['width'] === 0) {
                    $processArguments = $processArguments . $Period_arr[$count1]['Representation']['width'][$count2] . " -height ";
                } else {
                    $processArguments = $processArguments . $Period_arr[$count1]['width'] . " -height ";
                if ($Period_arr[$count1]['height'] === 0) {
                    $processArguments = $processArguments . $Period_arr[$count1]['Representation']['height'][$count2] . " ";
                } else {
                    $processArguments = $processArguments . $Period_arr[$count1]['height'] . " ";
                if ($type === "dynamic") {
                    $processArguments = $processArguments . "-dynamic ";
                if ($Period_arr[$count1]['Representation']['startWithSAP'][$count2] != "") {
                    $processArguments = $processArguments . "-startwithsap " . $Period_arr[$count1]['Representation']['startWithSAP'][$count2] . " ";
                if (strpos($Period_arr[$count1]['Representation']['profiles'][$count2], "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-on-demand:2011") !== false) {
                    $processArguments = $processArguments . "-isoondemand ";
                if (strpos($Period_arr[$count1]['Representation']['profiles'][$count2], "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-live:2011") !== false) {
                    $processArguments = $processArguments . "-isolive ";
                if (strpos($Period_arr[$count1]['Representation']['profiles'][$count2], "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-main:2011") !== false) {
                    $processArguments = $processArguments . "-isomain ";
                $dash264 = false;
                if (strpos($Period_arr[$count1]['Representation']['profiles'][$count2], "") !== false) {
                    $processArguments = $processArguments . "-dash264base ";
                    $dash264 = true;
                if ($Period_arr[$count1]['Representation']['ContentProtectionElementCount'][$count2] > 0 && $dash264 == true) {
                    $processArguments = $processArguments . "-dash264enc ";
                $processArguments = $processArguments . "-codecs ";
                if ($Period_arr[$count1]['codecs'] === 0) {
                    $codecs = $Period_arr[$count1]['Representation']['codecs'][$count2];
                } else {
                    $codecs = $Period_arr[$count1]['codecs'];
                $processArguments = $processArguments . $codecs;
                // add indexRange to process arguments to give it to MPD validator
                if ($Period_arr[$count1]['Representation']['indexRange'][$count2] !== null) {
                    $indexRange = $Period_arr[$count1]['Representation']['indexRange'][$count2];
                    $processArguments = $processArguments . " -indexrange ";
                    $processArguments = $processArguments . $indexRange;
                } elseif ($Period_arr[$count1]['indexRange'] !== null) {
                    $indexRange = $Period_arr[$count1]['indexRange'];
                    $processArguments = $processArguments . " -indexrange ";
                    $processArguments = $processArguments . $indexRange;
                $processArguments = $processArguments . " -audiochvalue ";
                if ($Period_arr[$count1]['AudioChannelValue'] === 0) {
                    $audioChValue = $Period_arr[$count1]['Representation']['AudioChannelValue'][$count2];
                } else {
                    $audioChValue = $Period_arr[$count1]['AudioChannelValue'];
                $processArguments = $processArguments . $audioChValue;
                //                $test= $Period_arr[$count1];
                //                $test1= $Period_arr[$count1]['Representation']['SegmentBase'];
                //                $test2= $Period_arr[$count1]['Representation']['SegmentBase']['RepresentationIndex'];
                if ($Period_arr[$count1]['Representation']['SegmentTemplate']['RepresentationIndex'] !== null || $Period_arr[$count1]['Representation']['SegmentBase']['RepresentationIndex'] !== null || $Period_arr[$count1]['SegmentTemplate']['RepresentationIndex'] !== null || $Period_arr[$count1]['SegmentBase']['RepresentationIndex'] !== null) {
                    $processArguments = $processArguments . "-repIndex ";
                // Work out which validator binary to use
                $validatemp4 = strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN' ? "validatemp4-vs2010.exe" : "ValidateMP4.exe";
                $file_loc = $locate . "/config_file.txt";
                $config_file = fopen($file_loc, "w");
                fwrite($config_file, $locate . '/' . $repno . ".mp4 " . "\n");
                fwrite($config_file, "-infofile" . "\n");
                fwrite($config_file, $locate . '/' . $repno . ".txt" . "\n");
                fwrite($config_file, "-offsetinfo" . "\n");
                fwrite($config_file, $locate . '/' . $repno . "mdatoffset.txt" . "\n");
                //fwrite($config_file, "-logconsole"."\n");
                $piece = explode(" ", $processArguments);
                foreach ($piece as $pie) {
                    if ($pie !== "") {
                        fwrite($config_file, $pie . "\n");
                $command = $locate . '/' . $validatemp4 . " -logconsole -configfile " . $file_loc;
                file_put_contents("command.txt", $command);
                //Excute conformance software
                rename($locate . '/' . "leafinfo.txt", $locate . '/' . $repno . "_infofile.txt");
                //Rename infor file to contain representation number (to avoid over writing
                $file_location[] = "temp" . '/' . $foldername . '/' . $repno . "_infofile.html";
                $destiny[] = $locate . '/' . $repno . "_infofile.txt";
                rename($locate . '/' . "stderr.txt", $locate . '/' . $repno . "log.txt");
                //Rename conformance software output file to representation number file
                $temp_string = str_replace(array('$Template$'), array($repno . "log"), $string_info);
                // this string shows a text file on HTML
                file_put_contents($locate . '/' . $repno . "log.html", $temp_string);
                // Create html file containing log file result
                $file_location[] = "temp" . '/' . $foldername . '/' . $repno . "log.html";
                // add it to file location which is sent to client to get URL of log file on server
                $destiny[] = $locate . '/' . $repno . "log.txt";
                $file_location[] = "temp" . '/' . $repno . "myfile.html";
                $destiny[] = $locate . '/' . $repno . "myfile.txt";
                $period_url[$count1][$count2] = null;
                $count2 = $count2 + 1;
                $search = file_get_contents($locate . '/' . $repno . "log.txt");
                //Search for errors within log file
                if (strpos($search, "error") === false) {
                    //if no error , notify client with no error
                    $ResultXML->Period[0]->Adaptation[$tempcount1]->Representation[$count2 - 1] = "noerror";
                    $file_location[] = "noerror";
                } else {
                    $ResultXML->Period[0]->Adaptation[$tempcount1]->Representation[$count2 - 1] = "error";
                    $file_location[] = "error";
                    //else notify client with error
                $ResultXML->Period[0]->Adaptation[$tempcount1]->Representation[$count2 - 1]->addAttribute('url', str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $locate . '/' . $repno . "log.txt"));
                $progressXML->asXml(trim($locate . '/progress.xml'));
                $_SESSION['count2'] = $count2;
                //Save the counters to session variables in order to use it the next time the client request download of next presentation
                $_SESSION['count1'] = $count1;
                $send_string = json_encode($file_location);
                error_log("RepresentationDownloaded_Return:" . $send_string);
                //                echo $send_string;
            } else {
                $count2 = $count2 + 1;
                $_SESSION['count2'] = $count2;
                $_SESSION['count1'] = $count1;
                $file_location[] = 'notexist';
                $ResultXML->Period[0]->Adaptation[$tempcount1]->Representation[$count2 - 1] = "notexist";
                $send_string = json_encode($file_location);
                error_log("DownloadError_Return:" . $send_string);
                //                echo $send_string;
Пример #2
function processAdaptationset($Adapt, $periodProfiles, $periodBitstreamSwitching)
    global $Adapt_arr, $Period_arr, $Adapt_urlbase, $adaptsetdepth, $Timeoffset, $perioddepth;
    $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0');
    $Adapt = $dom->importNode($Adapt, true);
    $Adapt = $dom->appendChild($Adapt);
    if ($Adapt->hasAttributes()) {
        //Get some attributes from Adaptationset
        $startWithSAP = $Adapt->getAttribute('startWithSAP');
        $segmentAlignment = $Adapt->getAttribute('segmentAlignment');
        $subsegmentAlignment = $Adapt->getAttribute('subsegmentAlignment');
        $idadapt = $Adapt->getAttribute('id');
        $scanType = $Adapt->getAttribute('scanType');
        $mimeType = $Adapt->getAttribute('mimeType');
        $codecs_AdaptSet = $Adapt->getAttribute('codecs');
        // Get codecs, if present in Adaptation Set level
        if (empty($codecs_AdaptSet)) {
            $codecs_AdaptSet = 0;
        $height_AdaptSet = $Adapt->getAttribute('height');
        // Get height, if present in Adaptation Set level
        if (empty($height_AdaptSet)) {
            $height_AdaptSet = 0;
        $width_AdaptSet = $Adapt->getAttribute('width');
        // Get width, if present in Adaptation Set level
        if (empty($width_AdaptSet)) {
            $width_AdaptSet = 0;
        $adapsetProfiles = $Adapt->getAttribute('profiles');
        if ($adapsetProfiles === "") {
            $adapsetProfiles = $periodProfiles;
        $bitstreamSwitching = $Adapt->getAttribute('bitstreamSwitching');
        if ($bitstreamSwitching === "") {
            $bitstreamSwitching = $periodBitstreamSwitching;
        $ContentProtection = $dom->getElementsByTagName("ContentProtection");
        // Search for Content Protection element
        $Contentcomponent = $dom->getElementsByTagName("ContentComponent");
        //Search for content component attribute
        $tr = $dom->childNodes->item(0)->nodeName;
        if ($Contentcomponent->length > 0) {
            //Check if content component exist
            $tempContentcomponent = $Contentcomponent->item(0);
            $contentType = $tempContentcomponent->getAttribute('contentType');
            //Get content type
        $Adapt_segmentbase = $Adapt->getElementsByTagName('SegmentBase');
        //If segment base exist
        $Adapt_Timeoffset = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $Adapt_segmentbase->length; $i++) {
            $base = $Adapt_segmentbase->item(0);
            $par = $base->parentNode;
            $name = $par->tagName;
            if ($name === 'AdaptationSet') {
                // Check if segment base is direct child of Adapatationset
                $basearray = processSegmentBase($base);
                //Process segmentbase
                if (!empty($basearray[0])) {
                    $Adapt_Timeoffset = $basearray[0];
                //Get timeoffset
                if (!empty($basearray[1])) {
                    $timescale = $basearray[1];
                //get timescale
                if (!empty($basearray[2])) {
                    $indexRange_AdaptSet = $basearray[2];
                    //return array contains indexRange
        if ($Adapt_Timeoffset === 0) {
            // if timeoffset exist then It has to replace the one existed on higher nodes
            $Adapt_Timeoffset = $Timeoffset;
        $baseurl = $Adapt->getElementsByTagName("BaseURL");
        // check and process baseurl node if it exist in adapationset level
        //        $adaptsetdepth = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < $baseurl->length; $i++) {
            $base = $baseurl->item($i);
            $par = $base->parentNode;
            $name = $par->tagName;
            if ($name == 'AdaptationSet') {
                //Confirm Baseurl is direct child of adapationset
                $Adaptbase = $base->nodeValue;
                $adaptsetdepth[] = $Adaptbase;
                // Cumulative baseURL
                if (isAbsoluteURL($Adaptbase)) {
                    // if baseurl is absolute URL, do not use the location of MPD as base URL:
                    $dir = "";
                    $perioddepth[0] = "";
        $rep_seg_temp = array();
        $segmenttemplate = $dom->getElementsByTagName("SegmentTemplate");
        //Check if segment template exist in adaptationSet level
        if ($segmenttemplate->length > 0) {
            $Adapt_seg_temp_setflag = 0;
            for ($i = 0; $i < $segmenttemplate->length; $i++) {
                $seg_arr = array();
                $seg = $segmenttemplate->item($i);
                $par = $seg->parentNode;
                $name = $par->tagName;
                if ($name == "AdaptationSet") {
                    $Adapt_seg_temp = processTemplate($seg);
                    $Adapt_seg_temp_setflag = 1;
                } else {
                    if (!$Adapt_seg_temp_setflag) {
                        $Adapt_seg_temp = null;
        } else {
            $Adapt_seg_temp = 0;
        //Check if AudioChannelConfiguration exists at AdapatationSet level.
        $audioChannelConfig_Adapt = $Adapt->getElementsByTagName("AudioChannelConfiguration");
        if ($audioChannelConfig_Adapt->length > 0) {
            $audioCh_Adapt_item = $audioChannelConfig_Adapt->item(0);
            $parNode = $audioCh_Adapt_item->parentNode;
            $parName = $parNode->tagName;
            if ($parName == "AdaptationSet") {
                $audioCh_Adapt_value = $audioCh_Adapt_item->getAttribute('value');
            } else {
                $audioCh_Adapt_value = 0;
        } else {
            $audioCh_Adapt_value = 0;
        $Representation = $dom->getElementsByTagName("Representation");
        //Get representations node within Adapatationset
        if ($Representation->length > 0) {
            $rep_url = array();
            $rep_seg_temp = array();
            //Iterate on all representations within the given Adapatationset
            for ($i = 0; $i < $Representation->length; $i++) {
                $lastbase = array();
                // Contains the latest BaseURL if exist
                $temprep = $Representation->item($i);
                $repbaseurl = $temprep->getElementsByTagName('BaseURL');
                //check if representation contains BaseURL
                $Rep_segmentbase = $temprep->getElementsByTagName('SegmentBase');
                //Check if segment Base exist
                if ($Rep_segmentbase->length > 0) {
                    $base = $Rep_segmentbase->item(0);
                    $segarray[] = processSegmentBase($base);
                    // Process segment base
                    if (!empty($segarray[$i][0])) {
                        $Rep_Timeoffset[] = $segarray[$i][0];
                    } else {
                        $Rep_Timeoffset[] = $Adapt_Timeoffset;
                    // if not exist get the upper timeoffset
                    if (!empty($segarray[$i][1])) {
                        $timescale = $segarray[$i][1];
                    // get timescale if exist
                    if (!empty($segarray[$i][2])) {
                        $indexRange_RepSet[] = $segarray[$i][2];
                    //get index range if it exists
                } else {
                    $Rep_Timeoffset[] = $Adapt_Timeoffset;
                // if not exist get the upper timeoffset
                for ($j = 0; $j < $repbaseurl->length; $j++) {
                    // Get baseurl and Iterate it
                    $base = $repbaseurl->item($j);
                    // baseURL
                    $lastbase[] = $base->nodeValue;
                    // the last compnent in BaseURL
                $rep_url[] = $lastbase;
                // add them in baseURL
                $repsegment = $temprep->getElementsByTagName("SegmentTemplate");
                //In case presentation use SegmentTemplate
                $pass_seg = $repsegment->item(0);
                if ($repsegment->length > 0) {
                    $rep_seg_temp[$i] = processTemplate($pass_seg);
                //Process segmentTemplate
                $idvar = $temprep->getAttribute('id');
                // Get presentation ID
                if (empty($idvar)) {
                    $idvar = 0;
                $id[$i] = $idvar;
                // save id within array of ID
                //Get some Attributes from Presentation
                $repStartWithSAP[$i] = $temprep->getAttribute('startWithSAP');
                if ($repStartWithSAP[$i] === "") {
                    $repStartWithSAP[$i] = $startWithSAP;
                $repProfiles[$i] = $temprep->getAttribute('profiles');
                if ($repProfiles[$i] === "") {
                    $repProfiles[$i] = $adapsetProfiles;
                $codecsvar = $temprep->getAttribute('codecs');
                if (empty($codecsvar)) {
                    $codecsvar = 0;
                $codecs[$i] = $codecsvar;
                $widthvar = $temprep->getAttribute('width');
                if (empty($widthvar)) {
                    $widthvar = 0;
                $width[$i] = $widthvar;
                $heightvar = $temprep->getAttribute('height');
                if (empty($heightvar)) {
                    $heightvar = 0;
                $height[$i] = $heightvar;
                if (empty($scantypevar)) {
                    $scantypevar = $temprep->getAttribute('scanType');
                if (empty($scantypevar)) {
                    $scantypevar = 0;
                $scanType = $scantypevar;
                $frameRatevar = $temprep->getAttribute('frameRate');
                if (empty($frameRatevar)) {
                    $frameRatevar = 0;
                $frameRate[$i] = $frameRatevar;
                $sarvar = $temprep->getAttribute('sar');
                if (empty($sarvar)) {
                    $sarvar = 0;
                $sar[$i] = $sarvar;
                $bandwidthvar = $temprep->getAttribute('bandwidth');
                if (empty($bandwidthvar)) {
                    $bandwidthvar = 0;
                $bandwidth[$i] = $bandwidthvar;
                if ($temprep->hasAttribute('timescale')) {
                    $timescale = $temprep->getAttribute('timescale');
                $ContentProtectionElementCountRep[$i] = $temprep->getElementsByTagName("ContentProtection")->length;
                //Process ContentProtection
                if ($ContentProtectionElementCountRep[$i] == 0) {
                    $ContentProtectionElementCountRep[$i] = $ContentProtection->length;
                $audioChannelConfig_Rep = $temprep->getElementsByTagName('AudioChannelConfiguration');
                //Check if AudioChannelConfiguration exists
                if ($audioChannelConfig_Rep->length > 0) {
                    $audioCh_Rep_item = $audioChannelConfig_Rep->item(0);
                    $audioCh_Rep_value = $audioCh_Rep_item->getAttribute('value');
                    $audioCh_value[$i] = $audioCh_Rep_value;
                } else {
                    $audioCh_value[$i] = 0;
    $Adapt_urlbase = $rep_url;
    //Incase of using BaseURL just add all BaseURLs within array containint all presentations
    //Array of each presentation containing all attributes and nodes within Presentations
    $Rep_arr = array('id' => $id, 'codecs' => $codecs, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'scanType' => $scanType, 'frameRate' => $frameRate, 'sar' => $sar, 'bandwidth' => $bandwidth, 'SegmentTemplate' => $rep_seg_temp, 'SegmentBase' => $segarray, 'startWithSAP' => $repStartWithSAP, 'profiles' => $repProfiles, 'ContentProtectionElementCount' => $ContentProtectionElementCountRep, 'presentationTimeOffset' => $Rep_Timeoffset, 'timescale' => $timescale, 'AudioChannelValue' => $audioCh_value, 'indexRange' => $indexRange_RepSet);
    // Array of all adapationsets containing all attributes and nodes including Presentations
    $Adapt_arr = array('startWithSAP' => $startWithSAP, 'segmentAlignment' => $segmentAlignment, 'subsegmentAlignment' => $subsegmentAlignment, 'bitstreamSwitching' => $bitstreamSwitching, 'id' => $idadapt, 'scanType' => $scanType, 'mimeType' => $mimeType, 'SegmentTemplate' => $Adapt_seg_temp, 'SegmentBase' => $basearray, 'codecs' => $codecs_AdaptSet, 'width' => $width_AdaptSet, 'height' => $height_AdaptSet, 'Representation' => $Rep_arr, 'AudioChannelValue' => $audioCh_Adapt_value, 'indexRange' => $indexRange_AdaptSet);
    /* $Rep_arr=array('id'=>$id,'codecs'=>$codecs,'width'=>$width,'height'=>$height,'scanType'=>$scanType,'frameRate'=>$frameRate,
          'sar'=>$sar,'bandwidth'=>$bandwidth,'SegmentTemplate'=>$rep_seg_temp, 'startWithSAP'=>$repStartWithSAP, 'profiles'=>$repProfiles,
          // Array of all adapationsets containing all attributes and nodes including Presentations
          $Adapt_arr=array('startWithSAP'=>$startWithSAP,'segmentAlignment'=>$segmentAlignment,'subsegmentAlignment'=>$subsegmentAlignment,'bitstreamSwitching'=>$bitstreamSwitching, 'id'=>$idadapt,'scanType'=>$scanType,'mimeType'=>$mimeType,'SegmentTemplate'=>$Adapt_seg_temp,'codecs'=>$codecs_AdaptSet,'width'=>$width_AdaptSet,'height'=>$height_AdaptSet,'Representation'=>$Rep_arr,'AudioChannelValue'=>$audioCh_Adapt_value);
Пример #3
* Takes in a url, determines whether that url is foreign or not
* and returns a boolean 
* @param string $url
* @author Andrew Darwin <*****@*****.**>
function is_link_external($url)
    global $domainName;
    global $DEBUG;
    $header = "is_link_external(): ";
    logMessage("{$header} Input link = '{$url}'");
    $is_external = false;
    $relativeTeamPathUnderWWW = getAdjustedCurrentDirectory();
    logMessage("{$header} relativeTeamPathUnderWWW = " . "'{$relativeTeamPathUnderWWW}'");
    $strippedURL = getLocalPathFromURL($url);
    $strippedURL = stripLeadingSlash($strippedURL);
    $relativeTeamPathUnderWWW = stripLeadingSlash($relativeTeamPathUnderWWW);
    if ($DEBUG && isAbsoluteURL($url)) {
        $prototypeName = getDirectoryNameFromPath($relativeTeamPathUnderWWW);
        $relativeTeamPathUnderWWW = getSubstringOfABeforeOccuranceOfB($relativeTeamPathUnderWWW, $prototypeName);
    logMessage("{$header} Stripped url = '{$strippedURL}'");
    if (directoryAIsChildOfDirectoryB($strippedURL, $relativeTeamPathUnderWWW)) {
        logMessage("{$header} '{$strippedURL}' is a child of " . "'{$relativeTeamPathUnderWWW}'. Set external to false.");
        $is_external = false;
    } else {
        $is_external = true;
        logMessage("{$header} '{$strippedURL}' is not a child of " . "'{$relativeTeamPathUnderWWW}'. Set external to true.");
    return $is_external;