//unset cookies setcookie("username", "", time() - 7200); header('Location: login.php'); } if (isset($_SESSION['admin_id']) && !get_published_batch_id()) { header('Location: admin.php'); } ?> <div class="content"> <div class="topContent"> <?php if (isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) { if (get_published_batch_id()) { $user = $_SESSION['user_id']; $name = get_user_by_id($user); $batch = get_published_batch_id(); echo "<h2>" . get_text('Information') . " " . strtolower(get_text('About')) . ": {$name['0']} {$name['1']}</h2>"; ?> <p> <a href="pdf.php?id=<?php echo $_SESSION['user_id']; ?> "><?php echo get_text('View') . ' ' . get_text('PDF'); ?> </a> </p> <?php get_user_info($user, $batch); } }
<ul> <?php if (isset($_SESSION['user_id']) && !get_published_batch_id() || strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'forgot.php') !== false) { ?> <li <?php if ($selected_page == 'Home') { echo 'class="active"'; } ?> ><a href="index.php"><?php echo get_text('Home'); ?> </a></li> <?php } if (isset($_SESSION['user_id']) && get_published_batch_id()) { ?> <li <?php if ($selected_page == 'User') { echo 'class="active"'; } ?> ><a href="user.php"><?php echo get_text('My_results'); ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> <?php if (isset($_SESSION['admin_id'])) {
<?php include 'core/init.php'; if (isset($_GET['id']) && isset($_GET['action'])) { if ($_GET['action'] != 'View') { $batch = $_GET['id']; $action = $_GET['action']; switch ($_GET['action']) { case 'Start': stop_batch(get_published_batch_id()); start_batch($_GET['id']); break; case 'Calculate': calculate_couples($_GET['id']); break; case 'Accept': accept_calculated_polls($_GET['id']); break; case 'Run': run_batch($_GET['id']); break; case 'Publish': publish_batch($_GET['id']); break; case 'Stop': stop_batch($_GET['id']); break; default: # code... break; }
function get_average_score($user, $question) { $batch = get_published_batch_id(); $user = (int) $user; $question = (int) $question; $query = mysql_query("SELECT Name FROM answer_enum WHERE ID = (SELECT Average_Score FROM average_score_view WHERE Reviewee = {$user} AND Question = {$question} AND Batch = {$batch})"); if (!$query || mysql_num_rows($query) < 0) { echo mysql_error(); return false; } else { if (mysql_num_rows($query) == 0) { return 0; } return mysql_result($query, 0); } }
,parameter<?php echo $parameter['ID']; ?> .value);"/> </td> </form> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <?php } else { if (!get_published_batch_id() && !get_stopped_batch_id() && !get_calculating_batch_id() && !get_accepted_batch_id()) { ?> <div class="topContent"> <?php echo get_text('Admin_intro'); ?> </div> <?php } } } ?> <div class="middleContent"> <h2><?php echo get_text('List_of_batches');
<?php $selected_page = "Home"; require 'includes/header.php'; if (!get_running1_batch_id() && !get_running2_batch_id() && !get_published_batch_id()) { // destroy session session_destroy(); //unset cookies setcookie("username", "", time() - 7200); header('Location: login.php'); } protect_page(); if (get_published_batch_id()) { header('Location: user.php'); } ?> <?php if (get_running1_batch_id()) { require 'includes/fase1/index.php'; } else { if (get_running2_batch_id()) { require 'includes/fase2/index.php'; } } ?> <?php require 'includes/footer.php';