function get_global_SVGTransform($uid, $type = 0, $sid = 0, $innerHeight = 0, $innerWidth = 0) { $homeWorld = get_homeworld($uid); $homeSystem = get_sid_by_pid($homeWorld); $homeCoords = get_system_coords($homeSystem, 2); $homeX = $homeCoords[x]; $homeY = $homeCoords[y]; if ($type == 1) { $systemCoords = get_system_coords($sid, 2); $systemX = $systemCoords[x]; $systemY = $systemCoords[y]; if ($innerWidth < 800) { $systemCoords = $systemX - $homeX + $innerWidth / 3 . " " . ($systemY - $homeY + $innerHeight / 2); } else { $systemCoords = $systemX - $homeX + $innerWidth / 2 . " " . ($systemY - $homeY + $innerHeight / 2); } return $systemCoords; } else { if ($innerWidth < 800) { $systemCoords = -$homeX + $innerWidth / 3 . " " . (-$homeY + $innerHeight / 2); } else { $systemCoords = -$homeX + $innerWidth / 2 . " " . (-$homeY + $innerHeight / 2); } return $systemCoords; } }
function proc_leave() { global $uid; if (has_alliance_lock($uid)) { show_message("You can't use any alliance options due to an alliance lock!"); return false; } $sth = mysql_query("select u.alliance from users u, alliance a where = u.alliance and not in (a.milminister, a.leader, a.forminister, a.devminister) and" . $uid); if (!$sth) { show_message("Database Failure C1"); return 0; } if (mysql_num_rows($sth) == 0) { show_message("AgaFu Bloeck"); return 0; } if (!remove_from_alliance($uid)) { show_error("ERR::REMOVE FROM ALLIANCE"); return false; } $homeworld = get_homeworld($uid); // mop: eigentlich suboptimal. dann kommt die ganze flotte zum heimatplaneten (also auch kriegsschiffe) $sth = mysql_query("update fleet_info set sid=" . get_sid_by_pid($homeworld) . ",pid={$homeworld} where uid={$uid}"); if (!$sth) { show_error("Database failure!"); } show_message("Your fleets have been moved to your homeplanet!"); show_message("You have left the alliance"); }
function startup() { global $uid; global $ses; global $globalTranslate; $availHeight = $_GET["availHeight"]; $availWidth = $_GET["availWidth"]; $globalTranslate = get_global_SVGTransform($uid, 0, 0, $availHeight, $availWidth); $ses->reg("globalTranslate"); $universe = new universe(); $cids = $universe->get_surrounding_constellations(get_cid_by_sid(get_sid_by_pid(get_homeworld($uid)))); $GLOBALS["map_info"] = new map_info($uid, $cids); get_svg_stars_of_cids($cids, $fleet_symbols, $fleet_routes, $scans, $systems); echo "<g id=\"startranslate\" transform=\"translate(" . $globalTranslate . ")\">"; // runelord: zuerst die scans, damit die nix verdecken echo "<g id=\"fleet_scans\">\n"; echo $scans; echo "</g>\n"; // mop: dann die constellationen malen, damit die sterne drüberliegen können echo "<g id=\"constellationgrid\">"; constellation_grid(); echo "</g>"; echo "<g id=\"stars\">"; echo $systems; echo "</g>"; echo "<g id=\"flottenpfade\">\n"; echo $fleet_routes; echo "</g>\n"; echo "<g id=\"fleet_symbols\">\n"; echo $fleet_symbols; echo "</g>\n"; echo "</g>"; $coords = $universe->get_coords_by_cids($cids); $translate = explode(" ", $globalTranslate); echo "\n<!-- " . ($coords[0] + $translate[0]) . " " . ($coords[1] + $translate[0]) . " " . ($coords[2] + $translate[1]) . " " . ($coords[3] + $translate[1]) . " -->"; }