Пример #1
    return $v1 < $v2;
$tagid = (int) $_GET['tagid'];
$room = $_GET['room'] == 'cdep' ? 'cdep' : 'senat';
$csum = $_GET['csum'];
$uid = getTagAuthorUid($tagid);
// HACK?
$year = '2008';
$title = 'Tag "' . getTagNameForId($tagid) . '"';
if (!$_GET['iframe']) {
    include 'header.php';
$t = new Smarty();
$t->assign('tag', getTagNameForId($tagid));
$t->assign('description', getTagDescriptionForId($tagid));
$votes = getVotesForTag($room, $year, $tagid, $uid);
$possible = sizeof($votes);
$t->assign('votes', $votes);
$people = getPeopleList($room, $year);
$non_zero_people = array();
$zero_people = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($people); $i++) {
    $context = getBeliefContext($room, $year, $uid, $people[$i]['id'], $tagid, $possible, 200);
    foreach ($context as $key => $value) {
        $people[$i][$key] = $value;
    // Since I'm here, fix a few things. A little hacky.
    $people[$i]['link'] = "?cid=9&id=" . $people[$i]['id'];
    $people[$i]['tiny_photo'] = getTinyImgUrl($people[$i]['id']);
    if ($context['yes_cnt'] + $context['no_cnt'] > 0) {
        array_push($non_zero_people, $people[$i]);

include '../_top.php';
include_once '../hp-includes/person_class.php';
include_once '../hp-includes/people_util.php';
include_once '../mods/functions_common.php';
include_once '../pages/functions_common.php';
include_once '../smarty/Smarty.class.php';
// Get the variables out of the URL.
$tagId = (int) $_GET['tagId'];
$room = $_GET['room'] == 'cdep' ? 'cdep' : 'senat';
$personId = (int) $_GET['personId'];
$year = (int) $_GET['year'];
$t = new Smarty();
$votes = getVotesForTag($room, $year, $tagId, $personId);
$t->assign('votes', $votes);