public function GetOutput($Db) { /*<img src="<?php echo $chid; ?>_256.jpg" height=118 width=118>*/ $full_url = FULL_URL; // TODO $time_start = microtime_float(); $corpinf = cache_api_retrieve($Db, "/corp/CorporationSheet.xml.aspx", array("corporationID" => CORP_ID), 3 * 24 * 60 * 60)->value; $this->Title = "About " . $corpinf->result->corporationName; $time_end = microtime_float(); $time_api = $time_end - $time_start; $this->Output .= <<<EOD <table><tr><td> <img src="{$corpinf->result->corporationID}_128.png" height=108 width=108> </td><td valign=top> <table> <tr><td>CEO </td><td>{$corpinf->result->ceoName}</tr> <tr><td>Members </td><td>{$corpinf->result->memberCount}</tr> <tr><td>Tax </td><td>{$corpinf->result->taxRate}%</tr> <tr><td>URL </td><td><a href="{$corpinf->result->url}" target="_blank">{$corpinf->result->url}</a></td></tr> EOD; if ((int) $corpinf->result->allianceID != 0) { $this->Output .= "<tr><td>Alliance </td><td>" . $corpinf->result->allianceName . "</tr>"; } $this->Output .= "\r\n\t\t</table>\r\n\t\t</td></table>\r\n\t\t<br>\r\n\t\t<div>"; $this->Output .= parse_ccptml($corpinf->result->description); $this->Output .= "</div><br>"; $this->Times = getPageTimes($Db, $time_api, microtime_float() - $time_start); return true; }
public function GetOutput($Db) { $Bookmarks = new eveApiBookmarks($Db); $full_url = FULL_URL; // TODO $time_start = microtime_float(); if (!$Bookmarks->fetch(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY, CORP_MODE)) { $this->Output = $Bookmarks->Error; return false; } $time_end = microtime_float(); $time_api = $time_end - $time_start; $this->Updated = APITime($Bookmarks); $this->Title = "Bookmarks for " . USER_NAME; $xpandall = isset($_GET['xpandall']); if (count($Bookmarks->BookmarksByLocation) > 0) { $this->Output .= ""; $this->Output .= count($Bookmarks->Bookmarks) . " items total in " . count($Bookmarks->BookmarksByLocation) . " locations<br>"; if (!$xpandall) { $this->Output .= "<a href=\"{$full_url}&view=assets&xpandall\">Expand all entries</a><br>"; } else { $this->Output .= "<a href=\"{$full_url}&view=assets\">Collapse all entries</a><br>"; } $this->Output .= "<br><table class='fancy2'>"; foreach ($Bookmarks->BookmarksByLocation as $location => $items) { $system = $Db->getLocationNameFromId($location); $this->Output .= "<tr><td style='cursor:pointer;' onclick=\"return toggle_visibility('l{$location}');\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"return false\">"; $this->Output .= "<b>" . $system . "</b></a></td><td align=right><b>" . count($items) . " item" . (count($items) == 1 ? "" : "s") . "</b> <br></td></tr>"; $this->Output .= "<tr><td colspan=2><div id=\"l{$location}\" style=\"" . ($xpandall ? "display:block;" : "display:none;") . "\"><br>\n"; foreach ($items as $i => $bookmark) { if ($Bookmarks->Bookmarks[$bookmark]['creatorID'] == 0) { $this->Output .= $Bookmarks->Bookmarks[$bookmark]['bookmarkID'] . " "; } $this->Output .= $Bookmarks->Bookmarks[$bookmark]['memo'] . "<br>"; } $this->Output .= "<br></div></td></tr>\n"; } $this->Output .= "</table>"; } else { $this->Output .= "<br>Character has no Bookmarks.<br>"; } $this->Times = getPageTimes($Db, $time_api, microtime_float() - $time_start); return true; }
public function GetOutput($Db) { $Contacts = new eveApiContacts($Db); $full_url = FULL_URL; // TODO $time_start = microtime_float(); if (!$Contacts->fetch(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY)) { $this->Output = $Contacts->Error; return false; } $time_end = microtime_float(); $time_api = $time_end - $time_start; $this->Updated = APITime($Contacts); $this->Title = "Contacts for " . USER_NAME; if (count($Contacts->Contacts) > 0) { $this->Output .= "<br><table class=\"fancy notification\" style=\"font-size:83%;\" border=1>"; $this->Output .= "<tr><th>Contact</th><th>Standing</th><th>In Watchlist</th></tr>"; $alt = " class=\"main\""; foreach ($Contacts->Contacts as $contact) { if ($alt == " class=\"main\"") { $alt = " class=\"alt\""; } else { $alt = " class=\"main\""; } $this->Output .= "<tr{$alt}>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $contact["contactName"] . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $contact["standing"] . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . ($contact["inWatchlist"] == "True" ? "✔" : "") . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "</tr>"; } $this->Output .= "</table>"; } else { $this->Output .= "<br>Character has no contacts.<br>"; } $this->Times = getPageTimes($Db, $time_api, microtime_float() - $time_start); return true; }
public function GetOutput($Db) { global $shpgroups, $owngroups, $interesting, $facmods, $offmods, $sort, $ord, $cols; $Members = new eveApiMembers($Db); $full_url = FULL_URL; // TODO $time_start = microtime_float(); if (!$Members->fetch(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY, KEY_MASK & corp_MemberTrackingExtended == corp_MemberTrackingExtended)) { $this->Output = $Members->Error; return false; } $time_end = microtime_float(); $time_api = $time_end - $time_start; date_default_timezone_set("UTC"); $this->Updated = APITime($Members); $this->Title = isset($_GET['char']) ? "Character roles info" : USER_NAME . " Membership"; if (isset($_GET['char'])) { // TODO /* $result = $Members->entries->xpath("//*[@characterID=".$_GET['char']."]"); if (count($result) != 0) { $char = $result[0]; $this->Output .= "<h3>Roles for " . $char["name"]."</h3>"; $roles = bin((float)$char["roles"]); $roleDescriptions = array(1=>"pos fueler",7=> 'personal manager','accountant','security officer', 'factory manager','station manager','auditor', 'hanger can take division 1','hanger can take division 2', 'hanger can take division 3','hanger can take division 4', 'hanger can take division 5','hanger can take division 6', 'hanger can take division 7', 'hanger can query division 1','hanger can query division 2', 'hanger can query division 3','hanger can query division 4', 'hanger can query division 5','hanger can query division 6', 'hanger can query division 7', 'account can take division 1','account can take division 2', 'account can take division 3','account can take division 4', 'account can take division 5','account can take division 6', 'account can take division 7', 'account can query division 1','account can query division 2', 'account can query division 3','account can query division 4', 'account can query division 5','account can query division 6', 'account can query division 7', 'equipment config', 'container can take division 1','container can take division 2', 'container can take division 3','container can take division 4', 'container can take division 5','container can take division 6', 'container can take division 7', 'can rent office','can rent factory slot','can rent research slot', 'junior accountant','starbase config','starbase fuel' ); $this->Output .= "<br>"; } else $this->Output .= "Character not found"; */ } else { ///////////////////////////////////////////////// $sql = "SELECT groupName, groupID FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "invGroups WHERE categoryID = 6"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $Db->link); $shpgroups = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $shpgroups[$row["groupID"]] = $row["groupName"]; } mysql_free_result($result); $owngroups = array(); function ship_group_Add($type) { global $Db, $shpgroups, $owngroups; if (array_key_exists((int) $type["groupID"], $shpgroups)) { if (!isset($owngroups[$type["groupID"]])) { $owngroups[$type["groupID"]] = 1; } else { $owngroups[$type["groupID"]]++; } } } ///// function shortloc($loc) { if (strpos($loc, " - ") != false) { return substr($loc, 0, strpos($loc, " - ")); } return $loc; } $result = $Members->entries; $ord = "ASC"; $cols = array("name", "joined", "title", "laston", "location", "ship", "hasroles"); foreach ($result as $entry) { if (!isset($entry["logoffDateTime"])) { $cols = array("name", "joined", "title"); $lofi = true; } break; } $sort = null; if (!isset($nosorting) && isset($_GET['sort'])) { if (in_array($_GET['sort'], $cols)) { $sort = $_GET['sort']; if (isset($_GET['order'])) { if ($_GET['order'] == "DESC") { $ord = "DESC"; } } $this->Output .= "<br>sorting by {$sort}, " . strtolower($ord) . " <a href=\"{$full_url}&view=members\">[no sort]</a><br><br>"; } } else { $this->Output .= "<br>"; } if (count($result) > 0) { $entries = array(); //"name","joined","title","laston","ship","has roles" foreach ($result as $entry) { $new = array(); $new["id"] = (string) $entry["characterID"]; $new["name"] = (string) $entry["name"]; $new["joined"] = (string) $entry["startDateTime"]; $new["title"] = (string) $entry["title"]; $new["laston"] = (string) $entry["logoffDateTime"]; $new["ship"] = (string) $entry["shipType"]; $new["hasroles"] = (int) $entry["roles"] != 0 ? (string) $entry["roles"] == "9223372036854775807" ? "DIRECTOR" : "yes" : ""; $new["location"] = shortloc((string) $entry["location"]); if ((int) $entry["shipTypeID"] != -1) { ship_group_Add($Db->getTypeFromTypeId((int) $entry["shipTypeID"])); } $entries[] = $new; } if ($sort != null && array_key_exists($sort, $entries[0])) { usort($entries, "globl_sortfunc"); } else { $sort = "name"; usort($entries, "globl_sortfunc"); } $namedowngroups = array(); foreach ($owngroups as $group_id => $cnt) { $namedowngroups[$shpgroups[$group_id]] = $cnt; } ksort($namedowngroups); $this->Output .= "<table><tr><td>"; $this->Output .= count($result) . " members<br>"; $this->Output .= "<table class=\"fancy members\" style=\"font-size:83%;\" border=1>"; $this->Output .= "<tr>"; foreach ($cols as $col) { $this->Output .= "<th>"; if (!isset($nosorting)) { $this->Output .= "<a href=\"{$full_url}&view=members&sort={$col}&order=" . ($sort == $col && $ord == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC") . "\">"; } $this->Output .= $col; if (!isset($nosorting)) { $this->Output .= "</a>"; } $this->Output .= "</th>"; } $this->Output .= "</tr>"; $alt = " class=\"main\""; //"name","timeincorp","title","laston","ship","hasroles"); foreach ($entries as $entry) { if ($alt == " class=\"main\"") { $alt = " class=\"alt\""; } else { $alt = " class=\"main\""; } $this->Output .= "<tr {$alt}>"; $this->Output .= "<th scope=\"row\">" . str_replace(" ", " ", $entry["name"]) . " </th>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . str_replace(" ", " ", ptime($entry["joined"])) . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td width=200>" . str_replace(" ", " ", $entry["title"]) . "</td>"; if (!isset($lofi)) { $this->Output .= "<td>" . str_replace(" ", " ", ptime($entry["laston"])) . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . str_replace(" ", " ", $entry["location"]) . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . str_replace(" ", " ", $entry["ship"]) . "</td>"; //$this->Output .= "<td><a href=\"$full_url&view=members&char=".$entry["id"]."\">".$entry["hasroles"]."</a></td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $entry["hasroles"] . "</td>"; } $this->Output .= "</tr>\n"; } $this->Output .= "</table>"; $this->Output .= "</td><td valign=\"top\">"; ///// shiptypes if (!isset($lofi)) { $this->Output .= "<table>"; $this->Output .= "<tr><th>type</th><th># owned</th></tr>"; foreach ($namedowngroups as $group => $cnt) { $this->Output .= "<tr><td> " . str_replace(" ", " ", $group) . " </td><td>{$cnt}</td></tr>\n"; } $this->Output .= "</table><br>"; } $this->Output .= "</td></tr></table><br>"; } } $this->Times = getPageTimes($Db, $time_api, microtime_float() - $time_start); return true; }
public function GetOutput($Db) { global $sort, $ord, $cols; // req for sorting $Orders = new eveApiOrders($Db); $time_start = microtime_float(); if (!$Orders->fetch(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY, CORP_MODE)) { $this->Output = $Mail->Orders; return false; } $time_end = microtime_float(); $time_api = $time_end - $time_start; $this->Updated = APITime($Orders); $this->Title = "Orders for " . USER_NAME; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// $result = $Orders->entries; $cols = array("date", "state", "type", "minvol", "initvol", "remaining", "price", "station", "range"); if (CORP_MODE) { $cols[] = "owner"; $cols[] = "div"; } $ordercolors = array(0 => "FFFFFF", 1 => "FFFFFF", 2 => "007700", 3 => "BB0000", 4 => "FFFF00"); $ord = "DESC"; $sort = "date"; $this->Output .= sort_ctrl(true); if (count($result) > 0) { if ($sort != null && array_key_exists($sort, $result[0])) { usort($result, "globl_sortfunc"); } $sellorders = array(); $buyorders = array(); $exp_sellorders = array(); $exp_buyorders = array(); foreach ($result as $entry) { if (!$entry["bid"]) { if ($entry["active"]) { $sellorders[] = $entry; } else { $exp_sellorders[] = $entry; } } else { if ($entry["active"]) { $buyorders[] = $entry; } else { $exp_buyorders[] = $entry; } } } if (!isset($_GET['sort'])) { $sort = "type"; $ord = "ASC"; usort($sellorders, "globl_sortfunc"); usort($buyorders, "globl_sortfunc"); } $this->Output .= "<h3>Active Orders</h3>"; $this->Output .= "<a name=\"sa\"></a>"; $this->Output .= disp_orders($sellorders, "Sell Orders", array("minvol", "range", "state"), false, true); $this->Output .= "<a name=\"ba\"></a>"; $this->Output .= disp_orders($buyorders, "Buy Orders", array("state"), false, true); $this->Output .= "<br><h3>Expired Orders</h3>"; $this->Output .= "<a name=\"se\"></a>"; $this->Output .= disp_orders($exp_sellorders, "Sell Orders", array("minvol", "range"), true); $this->Output .= "<a name=\"be\"></a>"; $this->Output .= disp_orders($exp_buyorders, "Buy Orders", array()); } else { $this->Output .= (CORP_MODE ? "Corporation" : "Character") . " has no orders history.<br>"; } $this->Times = getPageTimes($Db, $time_api, microtime_float() - $time_start); return true; }
public function GetOutput($Db) { $Mail = new eveApiMails($Db); $full_url = FULL_URL; // TODO $time_start = microtime_float(); if (!$Mail->fetch(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY)) { $this->Output = $Mail->Error; return false; } $time_end = microtime_float(); $time_api = $time_end - $time_start; $this->Updated = APITime($Mail); $this->Title = "Mail for " . CHAR_NAME; if (count($Mail->Messages) > 0) { $idsToResolve = array(); foreach ($Mail->Messages as $message) { // get a list of all ids referenced foreach (explode(",", $message["toCorpOrAllianceID"] . "," . $message["toCharacterIDs"] . "," . $message["senderID"]) as $str) { if ($str != "" && !in_array($str, $idsToResolve)) { $idsToResolve[] = $str; } } } $ids = idlookup($Db->link, $idsToResolve); if (isset($_GET['mail'])) { $ret = $Mail->fetchMailBody(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY, $_GET['mail']); if (!$ret) { $this->Output = "Error fetching mail {$_GET['mail']}: " . $Mail->Error; return false; } foreach ($Mail->Messages as $message) { if ($message["messageID"] != $_GET['mail']) { continue; } else { $this->Output .= "<h3>{$message['title']}</h3><h5 style=\"display: inline;\">Sent by " . $ids[(int) $message["senderID"]] . " on {$message['sentDate']}</h5><br><br>"; break; } } $this->Output .= parse_ccptml($ret) . "<br><br>"; $this->Output .= "<a href=\"{$full_url}&view=mail\">[back]</a><br><br>"; } else { $this->Output .= "<span style=\"font-size:80%; font-weight: bold;\">"; /*if ($Mail->unread > 0) $this->Output .= $Mail->unread." unread message".($Mail->unread ==1?", ":"s, ");*/ $this->Output .= count($Mail->Messages) . " messages total<br>"; if ($Mail->Message != "") { $this->Output .= $Mail->Message . "<br>"; } $this->Output .= "</span>"; $this->Output .= "<br><table class=\"fancy Mail\" style=\"font-size:83%;\" border=1>"; $this->Output .= "<tr><th>date</th><th>sender</th><th>title</th><th>recipients</th></tr>"; $alt = " class=\"main\""; foreach ($Mail->Messages as $message) { if ($alt == " class=\"main\"") { $alt = " class=\"alt\""; } else { $alt = " class=\"main\""; } if ((int) $message["toListID"] == 0 || (string) $message["toListID"] == "") { $to = array(); if ($message["toCorpOrAllianceID"] != "") { $to += explode(",", $message["toCorpOrAllianceID"]); } if ($message["toCharacterIDs"] != "") { $to += explode(",", $message["toCharacterIDs"]); } $recp = ""; foreach ($to as $rec) { $recp .= $ids[(int) $rec] . ", "; } $recp = rtrim($recp, ", "); } else { $recp = "(mailing list)"; } $this->Output .= "<tr{$alt} style=\"cursor: pointer;\" onclick=\"document.location='{$full_url}&view=mail&mail=" . $message["messageID"] . "'\">"; //$this->Output .= "<td>".($message["read"]!=1?"<b>#</b>":"")."</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $message["sentDate"] . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $ids[(int) $message["senderID"]] . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $message["title"] . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $recp . "</td>\n"; $this->Output .= "</tr>"; } $this->Output .= "</table>"; } } else { $this->Output .= "<br>Character has no recent mails.<br>"; } $this->Times = getPageTimes($Db, $time_api, microtime_float() - $time_start); return true; }
public function GetOutput($Db) { $KillLog = new eveApiKillLog($Db); $full_url = FULL_URL; // TODO $time_start = microtime_float(); if (!$KillLog->fetch(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY, CORP_MODE, CORP_MODE ? CORP_ID : 0)) { $this->Output = $KillLog->Error; return false; } $time_end = microtime_float(); $time_api = $time_end - $time_start; $this->Updated = APITime($KillLog); $killmail = null; if (isset($_GET['kill'])) { $kill = $KillLog->All->xpath("/eveapi/result/rowset[@name='kills']/row[@killID=" . $_GET['kill'] . "]"); if (count($kill) > 0) { $killmail = generate_kill($kill[0]); } } if (!$killmail) { $this->Title = "PVP Activity for " . USER_NAME; if (isset($_GET['kill'])) { $this->Output .= "Bad killID!<br>"; } $this->Output .= "<table><tr><td valign=top>\n"; if (count($KillLog->Kills) > 1) { // TODO is this correct? $this->Output .= display_log($KillLog->Kills, "Kills"); $this->Output .= "</td><td valign=top>"; } else { $this->Output .= "<b><span style=\"font-size:80%\">" . strtoupper("[" . (CORP_MODE ? "corp" : "char") . " has no recent kills]") . "</b></span><br><br>"; } if (count($KillLog->Losses) > 1) { $this->Output .= display_log($KillLog->Losses, "Losses"); $this->Output .= "</td>"; } else { $this->Output .= "<b><span style=\"font-size:80%\">" . strtoupper("[" . (CORP_MODE ? "corp" : "char") . " has no recent losses]") . "</b></span><br><br>"; } $this->Output .= "</tr></table>"; } else { $this->Title = "Details for kill " . $_GET['kill']; $this->Output .= "<br>Displaying killID " . $_GET['kill']; $this->Output .= "<br>[ <a href=\"" . FULL_URL . "&view=kills\">back</a> ]"; $this->Output .= "<pre>{$killmail}</pre>"; //} } $this->Times = getPageTimes($Db, $time_api, microtime_float() - $time_start); return true; }
public function GetOutput($Db) { $Notifs = new eveApiNotifications($Db); $full_url = FULL_URL; // TODO $time_start = microtime_float(); if (!$Notifs->fetch(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY)) { $this->Output = $Notifs->Error; return false; } $time_end = microtime_float(); $time_api = $time_end - $time_start; $this->Updated = APITime($Notifs); $this->Title = "Notifications for " . USER_NAME; if (count($Notifs->Notifications) > 0) { $this->Output .= "<span style=\"font-size:80%; font-weight: bold;\">"; if ($Notifs->unread > 0) { $this->Output .= $Notifs->unread . " unread notification" . ($Notifs->unread == 1 ? ", " : "s, "); } $this->Output .= count($Notifs->Notifications) . " notifications total<br>"; if ($Notifs->Message != "") { $this->Output .= $Notifs->Message . "<br>"; } $this->Output .= "</span>"; $idsToResolve = array(); foreach ($Notifs->Notifications as $message) { // get a list of all ids referenced if (!in_array((string) $message["senderID"], $idsToResolve)) { $idsToResolve[] = (string) $message["senderID"]; } } $ids = idlookup($Db->link, $idsToResolve); $this->Output .= "<br><table class=\"fancy notification\" style=\"font-size:83%;\" border=1>"; $this->Output .= "<tr><th>!</th><th>date</th><th>sender</th><th>type</th></tr>"; $alt = " class=\"main\""; foreach ($Notifs->Notifications as $message) { if ($alt == " class=\"main\"") { $alt = " class=\"alt\""; } else { $alt = " class=\"main\""; } $this->Output .= "<tr{$alt}>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . ($message["read"] != 1 ? "<b>#</b>" : "") . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $message["sentDate"] . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $ids[(int) $message["senderID"]] . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . notif_type_lookup($message["typeID"]) . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "</tr>"; } $this->Output .= "</table>"; } else { $this->Output .= "<br>Character has no recent notifications.<br>"; } $this->Times = getPageTimes($Db, $time_api, microtime_float() - $time_start); return true; }
public function GetOutput($Db) { $Mail = new eveApiMails($Db); $full_url = FULL_URL; // TODO $time_start = microtime_float(); if (!$Mail->fetch(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY)) { $this->Output = $Mail->Error; return false; } $time_end = microtime_float(); $time_api = $time_end - $time_start; $this->Updated = APITime($Mail); $this->Title = "Mail for " . CHAR_NAME; if (count($Mail->Messages) > 0) { $idsToResolve = array(); foreach ($Mail->Messages as $message) { // get a list of all ids referenced foreach (explode(",", $message["toCorpOrAllianceID"] . "," . $message["toCharacterIDs"] . "," . $message["senderID"]) as $str) { if ($str != "" && !in_array($str, $idsToResolve)) { $idsToResolve[] = $str; } } } $ids = idlookup($Db->link, $idsToResolve); if (isset($_GET['mail'])) { $ret = $Mail->fetchMailBody(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY, $_GET['mail']); if (!$ret) { $this->Output = "Error fetching mail {$_GET['mail']}: " . $Mail->Error; return false; } if (isset($_GET['ajax'])) { die(json_encode(["result" => "success", "body" => (string) $ret])); } foreach ($Mail->Messages as $message) { if ($message["messageID"] != $_GET['mail']) { continue; } else { $this->Output .= "<h3>{$message['title']}</h3><h5 style=\"display: inline;\">Sent by " . $ids[(int) $message["senderID"]] . " on {$message['sentDate']}</h5><br><br>"; break; } } $this->Output .= parse_ccptml($ret) . "<br><br>"; $this->Output .= "<a href=\"{$full_url}&view=mail\">[back]</a><br><br>"; } else { $this->Output .= "<span style=\"font-size:80%; font-weight: bold;\">"; /*if ($Mail->unread > 0) $this->Output .= $Mail->unread." unread message".($Mail->unread ==1?", ":"s, ");*/ $this->Output .= count($Mail->Messages) . " messages total<br>"; if (isset($_SESSION) && isset($_SESSION['mailFormatted']) && $_SESSION['mailFormatted'] == true) { $this->Output .= "Message Formatting: <input type=\"button\" value=\"Formatted\" id=\"changeMessageFormatting\">"; } else { $this->Output .= "Message Formatting: <input type=\"button\" value=\"Unformatted\" id=\"changeMessageFormatting\">"; } if ($Mail->Message != "") { $this->Output .= $Mail->Message . "<br>"; } $this->Output .= "</span>"; $this->Output .= "<br><table class=\"fancy Mail\" style=\"font-size:83%;\" border=1>"; $this->Output .= "<tr><th>date</th><th>sender</th><th>title</th><th>recipients</th></tr>"; $alt = " class=\"main\""; $ids1 = array(); foreach ($Mail->Messages as $message) { $ids1[] = (string) $message['senderID']; $kindaID = explode(",", (string) $message['toCharacterIDs']); $kindaID2 = explode(",", (string) $message['toCorpOrAllianceID']); $ids1 = array_merge($ids1, $kindaID, $kindaID2); } $ids1 = array_unique($ids1); $redIDS = GetRedIDS($ids1, $Db); if (isset($redIDS[0]) && $redIDS[0] == 0) { $redIDS = array(); } foreach ($Mail->Messages as $message) { $sentTo = explode(",", (string) $message['toCharacterIDs']); $sentToGroup = explode(",", (string) $message['toCorpOrAllianceID']); $intersect = array_intersect($redIDS, $sentTo); $intersect2 = array_intersect($redIDS, $sentToGroup); if (in_array((string) $message['senderID'], $redIDS) || !empty($intersect) || !empty($intersect2)) { if (strpos(strtolower($alt), 'main') !== false) { $alt = " class=\"redAlt messageRow\""; } else { $alt = " class=\"redMain messageRow\""; } } else { if (strpos(strtolower($alt), 'main') !== false) { $alt = " class=\"alt messageRow\""; } else { $alt = " class=\"main messageRow\""; } } if ((int) $message["toListID"] == 0 || (string) $message["toListID"] == "") { $to = array(); if ($message["toCorpOrAllianceID"] != "") { $to += explode(",", $message["toCorpOrAllianceID"]); } if ($message["toCharacterIDs"] != "") { $to += explode(",", $message["toCharacterIDs"]); } $recp = ""; foreach ($to as $rec) { $recp .= $ids[(int) $rec] . ", "; } $recp = rtrim($recp, ", "); } else { $recp = "(mailing list)"; } $this->Output .= "<tr{$alt} style=\"cursor: pointer;\" href=\"{$full_url}&view=mail&mail=" . $message["messageID"] . "\">"; //$this->Output .= "<td>".($message["read"]!=1?"<b>#</b>":"")."</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $message["sentDate"] . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $ids[(int) $message["senderID"]] . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $message["title"] . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $recp . "</td>\n"; $this->Output .= "</tr>"; } $this->Output .= "</table>"; } } else { $this->Output .= "<br>Character has no recent mails.<br>"; } $this->Times = getPageTimes($Db, $time_api, microtime_float() - $time_start); return true; }
public function GetOutput($Db) { global $sort, $ord, $cols; // req for sorting $Journal = new eveApiJournal($Db); $full_url = FULL_URL; // TODO $time_start = microtime_float(); $acct = isset($_GET['div']) ? $_GET['div'] + 999 : 1000; if (!$Journal->fetch(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY, CORP_MODE, $acct)) { $this->Output = $Journal->Error; return false; } $time_end = microtime_float(); $time_api = $time_end - $time_start; $this->Updated = APITime($Journal); $this->Title = "Journal for " . USER_NAME; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// $ord = "ASC"; $cols = array("date", "type", "amount", "balance", "description", "reason"); $sort = null; $this->Output .= sort_ctrl(); if (!$sort) { $sort = "date"; $ord = "DESC"; } $this->Output .= div_select($acct); if (count($Journal->entries) > 0) { $this->Output .= number_format((int) $Journal->entries[0]["balance"], 2) . " ISK<br><br>"; $this->Output .= count($Journal->entries) . " entries<br>"; $this->Output .= "<table class=\"fancy journal\" style=\"font-size:83%;\" border=1>"; $this->Output .= "<tr>"; foreach ($cols as $col) { $this->Output .= "<th>"; if (!isset($nosorting)) { $this->Output .= "<a href=\"{$full_url}&view=journal&sort={$col}&order=" . ($sort == $col && $ord == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC") . "\">"; } $this->Output .= $col; if (!isset($nosorting)) { $this->Output .= "</a>"; } $this->Output .= "</th>"; } $this->Output .= "</tr>"; $entries = $Journal->entries; if ($sort != null && array_key_exists($sort, $entries[0])) { usort($entries, "globl_sortfunc"); } $alt = " class=\"main\""; foreach ($entries as $entry) { if ($alt == " class=\"main\"") { $alt = " class=\"alt\""; } else { $alt = " class=\"main\""; } $this->Output .= "<tr{$alt}>"; $this->Output .= "<th scope=\"row\">" . str_replace(" ", " ", $entry["date"]) . " </th>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . str_replace(" ", " ", $entry["typeNice"]) . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td align=right style=\"color: " . ($entry["amount"] > -1 ? "#007700" : "#BB0000") . ";\"> " . number_format($entry["amount"], 2) . " ISK</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td align=right> " . number_format($entry["balance"], 2) . " ISK </td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $entry["description"] . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\" width=\"400\">" . $entry["reason"] . " </td>"; $this->Output .= "</tr>\n"; } $this->Output .= "</table>"; } else { $this->Output .= (CORP_MODE ? "Division" : "Character") . " has no Journal activity in the last 3 months.<br>"; } $this->Times = getPageTimes($Db, $time_api, microtime_float() - $time_start); return true; }
public function GetOutput($Db) { global $shpgroups, $owngroups, $interesting, $facmods, $offmods; $Assets = new eveApiAssets($Db); $full_url = FULL_URL; // TODO $time_start = microtime_float(); if (!$Assets->fetch(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY, CORP_MODE)) { $this->Output = $Assets->Error; return false; } $this->Updated = APITime($Assets); $this->Title = "Assets for " . USER_NAME; $time_end = microtime_float(); $time_api = $time_end - $time_start; $Db->updateConqStations(); $result = $Db->selectWhere("invGroups", ['categoryID' => 6], ['groupName', 'groupID']); $shpgroups = array(); if ($result != false) { if ($result->rows > 0) { foreach ($result->results as $row) { $shpgroups[$row["groupID"]] = $row["groupName"]; } } } $owngroups = array(); $hrwidth = 450; $start = true; $last = ""; $interesting = ""; $facmods = 0; $offmods = 0; $pos_fuels = isset($_GET['posfuels']); $xpandall = isset($_GET['xpandall']); /* if (isset($_GET['query'])) { $query = array(); $pairs = explode(";",$_GET['query']); foreach($pairs as $arg) { $arg2 = explode(":",$arg); switch($arg2[0]) { case "type": $query[$arg2[1]] = "typeID"; break; case "group": $query[$arg2[1]] = "typeID"; break; case "cat": $query[$arg2[1]] = "cat"; break; } } } */ $this->Output .= "<table><tr><td VALIGN=\"top\" >"; $this->Output .= $Assets->totalCt . " items total in " . count($Assets->assetsByLocation) . " locations<br>"; if (!$xpandall) { $this->Output .= "<a href=\"{$full_url}&view=assets&xpandall\">Expand all entries</a><br>"; } else { $this->Output .= "<a href=\"{$full_url}&view=assets\">Collapse all entries</a><br>"; } $this->Output .= "<br><table class='fancy2'>"; foreach ($Assets->assetsByLocation as $location => $items) { $station = $Db->getLocationNameFromId($location); /* if ($station == null) $station = $item["locationID"]; */ if ($pos_fuels) { $bad = true; foreach ($items as $itemId => $item) { if (contains_pos_fuel($item)) { $bad = false; } } if ($bad) { continue; } } $this->Output .= "<tr><td style='cursor:pointer;' onclick=\"return toggle_visibility('l{$location}');\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"return false\">"; $this->Output .= "<b>" . $station . "</b></a>" . ($location < 60000000 ? " (in space)" : "") . "</td><td align=right><b>" . count($items) . " item" . (count($items) == 1 ? "" : "s") . "</b> <br></td></tr>"; $this->Output .= "<tr><td colspan=2><div id=\"l{$location}\" style=\"" . ($xpandall ? "display:block;" : "display:none;") . "\"><br>\n"; foreach ($items as $itemId => $item) { $this->Output .= item_display($station, $itemId, $item); } $this->Output .= "<br></div></td></tr>\n"; } $this->Output .= "</table></td><td valign=top>"; $this->Output .= "Significant assets:"; $this->Output .= "<br><br>"; if ($interesting != "") { $this->Output .= $interesting; } else { $this->Output .= " Character has no significant assets.<br>"; } $this->Output .= "<br>"; $namedowngroups = array(); foreach ($owngroups as $group_id => $cnt) { $namedowngroups[$shpgroups[$group_id]] = $cnt; } ksort($namedowngroups); $this->Output .= " Ships by Group:<br><br>"; $this->Output .= "<table>"; $this->Output .= "<tr><th>type</th><th># owned</th></tr>"; foreach ($namedowngroups as $group => $cnt) { $this->Output .= "<tr><td> {$group} </td><td>{$cnt}</td></tr>\n"; } $this->Output .= "</table>"; $this->Output .= "</td></tr></table>"; $this->Times = getPageTimes($Db, $time_api, microtime_float() - $time_start); return true; }
public function GetOutput($Db) { global $sort, $ord, $cols; // req for sorting $Transactions = new eveApiTransactions($Db); $full_url = FULL_URL; // TODO $time_start = microtime_float(); $acct = isset($_GET['div']) ? $_GET['div'] + 999 : 1000; if (!$Transactions->fetch(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY, CORP_MODE, $acct)) { $this->Output = $Transactions->Error; return false; } $time_end = microtime_float(); $time_api = $time_end - $time_start; $this->Updated = APITime($Transactions); $this->Title = "Transactions for " . USER_NAME; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// $result = $Transactions->entries; $ord = "ASC"; $cols = array("date", "type", "price", "quantity", "total", "client", "station"); $sort = null; $this->Output .= sort_ctrl(); if (!$sort) { $sort = "date"; $ord = "DESC"; } $this->Output .= div_select($acct); if (count($result) > 0) { $this->Output .= "<br>" . count($result) . " entries<br>"; $this->Output .= "<table class=\"fancy trans\" style=\"font-size:83%;\" border=1>"; $this->Output .= "<tr>"; foreach ($cols as $col) { $this->Output .= "<th>"; if (!isset($nosorting)) { $this->Output .= "<a href=\"{$full_url}&view=transactions&sort={$col}&order=" . ($sort == $col && $ord == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC") . "\">"; } $this->Output .= $col; if (!isset($nosorting)) { $this->Output .= "</a>"; } $this->Output .= "</th>"; } $ids = array(); foreach ($result as &$entry) { $ids[] = (string) $entry['clientID']; } $ids = array_unique($ids); $redIDS = GetRedIDS($ids, $Db); if (isset($redIDS[0]) && $redIDS[0] == 0) { $redIDS = array(); } $this->Output .= "</tr>"; //("date","type","price","total","client","station" if ($sort != null && array_key_exists($sort, $result[0])) { usort($result, "globl_sortfunc"); } $alt = " class=\"main\""; $alt_b = false; foreach ($result as $entry) { $alt_b = !$alt_b; $this->Output .= "<tr "; if (in_array($entry['clientID'], $redIDS)) { if ($alt_b) { $this->Output .= " class=\"redAlt"; } else { $this->Output .= " class=\"redMain"; } } else { if ($alt_b) { $this->Output .= " class=\"alt"; } else { $this->Output .= " class=\"main"; } } $this->Output .= ($entry["corp"] && !CORP_MODE ? " corp_entry_row" : "") . "\">"; $this->Output .= "<th scope=\"row\">" . str_replace(" ", " ", $entry["date"]) . " </th>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . str_replace(" ", " ", $entry["type"]) . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td align=right >" . number_format($entry["price"], 2) . " ISK</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td align=center> " . $entry["quantity"] . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td align=right style=\"color: " . ($entry["total"] > -1 ? "#007700" : "#BB0000") . ";\"> " . number_format($entry["total"], 2) . " ISK</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td> " . $entry["client"] . " </td>"; $this->Output .= "<td width=\"*\">" . $entry["station"] . " </td>"; $this->Output .= "</tr>\n"; } $this->Output .= "</table>"; } else { $this->Output .= (CORP_MODE ? "Division" : "Character") . " has no recent transactions.<br><br>"; } $this->Times = getPageTimes($Db, $time_api, microtime_float() - $time_start); return true; }
public function GetOutput($Db) { global $SkillsApi; $full_url = FULL_URL; // TODO $small = isset($_GET['small']); $SkillsApi = new eveApiSkills($Db); $time_start = microtime_float(); if (!$SkillsApi->fetch(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY)) { $this->Output = $SkillsApi->Error; return false; } if (isset($_GET['fitcheck']) || isset($_GET['fittingid'])) { $time_end = microtime_float(); $time_api = $time_end - $time_start; $this->Title = "Jackknife Fitting Checker"; if (isset($_POST['fitting']) || isset($_GET['fittingid'])) { $warnings = ""; $ship = ""; $fit_name = ""; if (isset($_POST['fitting'])) { $fit = trim($_POST['fitting']); $fitting = parse_eft_fit($Db, $fit, $warnings, $ship, $fit_name); } else { $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . FITTINGS_TABLE . " WHERE keyv=\"" . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['fittingid']) . "\"", $Db->link); if ($result != false && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { // yay! got a cached value $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); mysql_free_result($result); $ship = $row["ship"]; $fit_name = $row["name"]; $fitting = unserialize($row["fit"]); $this->stored = true; $this->key = $_GET['fittingid']; } else { $this->Output .= "<br><b>Fit Key unknown.</b> You muppet.<br>"; $this->Output .= "<br><a href=\"" . FULL_URL . "&view=skills&fitcheck=1\">[try another fit]</a> <a href=\"" . FULL_URL . "&view=skills\">[back to skills]</a><br>"; return true; } } if (strlen($warnings) > 0) { $this->Output .= "<br>\n<b>Fit parsing warnings:</b><br> {$warnings}\n<h4 style=\"color: red\">Your fit will not be saved until these warnings are resolved.</h4>"; } if (count($fitting) == 0) { $this->Output .= "<br><b>FIT WAS UNABLE TO BE PARSED!</b> You muppet.<br>"; $this->Output .= "<br><a href=\"" . FULL_URL . "&view=skills&fitcheck=1\">[try another fit]</a> <a href=\"" . FULL_URL . "&view=skills\">[back to skills]</a><br>"; return true; } else { $canuse = true; $low = ""; $med = ""; $high = ""; $rigs = ""; $drones = ""; $subsy = ""; $skillsneeded = ""; $this->key = md5(serialize($fitting)); if (!$this->stored && strlen($warnings) == 0) { $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . FITTINGS_TABLE . " WHERE keyv=\"{$this->key}\""); $this->redirect = true; $this->stored = true; if ($result == false || mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . FITTINGS_TABLE . " (keyv, name, ship, fit) VALUES('{$this->key}', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($fit_name) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($ship) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string(serialize($fitting)) . "')"; mysql_query($sql, $Db->link); } } foreach ($fitting as $typeID => $qty) { $name = $Db->getNameFromTypeId($typeID); $slot = $Db->getSlotFromTypeId($typeID); if ($slot == SLOT_DRONE) { $drones .= "{$name} x{$qty}<br>"; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < $qty; $i++) { switch ($slot) { case SLOT_LOW: $low .= $name . "<br>\n"; break; case SLOT_HIGH: $high .= $name . "<br>\n"; break; case SLOT_MED: $med .= $name . "<br>\n"; break; case SLOT_RIG: $rigs .= $name . "<br>\n"; break; case SLOT_SUBSYSTEM: $subsy .= $name . "<br>\n"; break; } } } $arr = $SkillsApi->canCharUseTypeIDAdvanced($typeID); if (count($arr) != 0) { $canuse = false; $skillsneeded .= "<b><span style=\"color:darkred;\">{$name}: Missing skills!</span></b> <br><span style=\"font-size: 80%\">\n"; foreach ($arr as $typeIDSkill => $missing) { $skillsneeded .= $Db->getNameFromTypeId($typeIDSkill) . ": {$missing}<br>\n"; } $skillsneeded .= "</span><br>"; } } if ($canuse) { $this->Output .= "<h3 style=\"color:green;\">You can use this fit!</h3>\n"; } else { $this->Output .= "<h3 style=\"color:red;\">You are missing skills to use this fit.</b></h3>\n"; } $this->Output .= "<table class=\"fittingskills\"><tr>"; if ($skillsneeded != "") { $this->Output .= "<th>missing skills</th>"; } $this->Output .= "<th>fitting</th>"; $this->Output .= "</tr><tr>"; $this->Output .= "<td valign=\"top\">{$skillsneeded}</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td valign=\"top\">[{$ship}, {$fit_name}]<br>{$low}<br>{$med}<br>{$high}<br>"; if ($rigs != "") { $this->Output .= "{$rigs}<br>"; } if ($subsy != "") { $this->Output .= "{$subsy}<br>"; } if ($drones != "") { $this->Output .= "<br>{$drones}"; } $this->Output .= "</td></tr></table><br>"; } if (strlen($warnings) == 0) { $this->Output .= "<h4 style=\"display:inline;\" >Fitting Test URL</h4> - Give this link to friends so they can test their skills against this fit!<br><input type=\"text\" value=\"" . SELF_URL . "fittingid={$this->key}\" onclick=\"\" size=85 readonly>"; } $this->Output .= "<h4><a href=\"" . FULL_URL . "&view=skills&fitcheck=1\">[try another fitting]</a> "; if (strlen($warnings) == 0) { $this->Output .= "<a href=\"" . SELF_URL . "newapi&fittingid={$this->key}\">[try another account]</a> "; } $this->Output .= "<a href=\"" . FULL_URL . "&view=skills\">[back to skills]</a><br></h4>"; } else { $this->Output = "<H4>Paste an EFT-style fit here!</h4><form method=\"post\" action=\"" . FULL_URL . "&view=skills&fitcheck=1\"><textarea name=\"fitting\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"20\"></textarea><br><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Test Ship Fitting\"></form>"; $this->Output .= "<br><a href=\"" . FULL_URL . "&view=skills\">[back to skills]</a><br>"; } //print_r($typeIDs); } else { // skills view $skillInf = new eveApiTraining($Db); $skillTraining = $skillInf->fetch(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY); $time_end = microtime_float(); $time_api = $time_end - $time_start; $SkillsApi->loadSkills(); $itemTypesUsed = array(3336, 3327, 3332, 3328, 3339, 3335, 3331, 3337, 3333, 3329, 3338, 3334, 3330, 16591, 12095, 3413, 3392, 3318, 3300, 28609, 3435, 3426, 3449, 22761, 12093, 3432, 3431, 12096, 3428, 23950, 12099, 3354, 3348, 28656, 11579, 21611, 3456, 3455, 3402, 28667, 3424, 11207, 19719, 3380, 12092, 3453, 12098, 12097, 11569, 20494, 3352, 20495, 3351, 3350, 11572, 3349, 13209, 3411, 21889, 21888, 21890, 22442, 20405, 22474, 20069, 22468, 20070, 22446, 20124, 20533, 20342, 29029, 24563, 3421, 24562, 3412, 27906, 22043, 28585, 24625, 3387, 3347, 3345, 3344, 3346, 20527, 3340, 20524, 3343, 20528, 3341, 20526, 3342, 24313, 3442, 3436, 24311, 24314, 24312, 20531, 20525, 20532, 20530, 20327, 3309, 3306, 3303, 21666, 3307, 3304, 3301, 21667, 3308, 3305, 3302, 32435, 3319, 3326, 3324, 3321, 21668, 3325, 24572, 3423, 24571, 3422, 27936, 27902, 24568, 16069, 3393, 21803, 3394, 21802, 3419, 3416, 28352, 28374, 17940, 3410, 3386, 28606, 29637, 22552, 22536, 17476, 22544, 22551, 3320, 25719, 23069, 639, 2961, 12203, 3311, 12202, 12201, 1306, 24688, 3090, 12207, 12206, 11082, 2281, 3420, 3841, 3425, 642, 3065, 12205, 12204, 11083, 641, 638, 19739, 20212, 2929, 12209, 3312, 12208, 11084, 11359, 644, 2446, 3441, 12486, 2420, 20213, 643, 3057, 12215, 12214, 12213, 3186, 12212, 12211, 12210, 645, 640, 2567, 3427, 13320, 12023, 1999, 3082, 12003, 3025, 12015, 2969, 12011, 1978, 3317, 16229, 24696, 24702, 16227, 24698, 2410, 20211, 10858, 3540, 2444, 22456, 22782, 11446, 3829, 22460, 22452, 22464, 19724, 20701, 20448, 23563, 23594, 23606, 20280, 19720, 20446, 19722, 20703, 20454, 32444, 19726, 24569, 3616, 23911, 12219, 23757, 24483, 23915, 21096, 21603, 12084, 3454, 3450, 11269, 2048, 11325, 1952, 1541, 1355, 519, 11578, 3244, 527); // speed things up - cache ahead of time $Db->cacheItemTypes($itemTypesUsed); $Db->cacheSkillsForTypeIds($itemTypesUsed); $Db->cacheGroupTypes(array(257, 272, 269, 273, 255, 268, 256, 270, 275, 266, 258, 271, 274, 278)); //echo "<pre>"; //print_r($SkillsApi); //exit; //$this->Updated = APITime($SkillsApi); $this->Updated = "Now"; $this->Title = "Skills for " . CHAR_NAME; $this->Header = <<<EOD <table class="table" > <tr> <td VALIGN="top"> <table class="table"><tr><td> <img src=" EOD; $this->Header .= CHAR_ID . "_256.jpg\" height=118 width=118></td><td><span style=\"font-size:"; $this->Header .= strlen($SkillsApi->charName) > 18 ? "300" : "400"; $this->Header .= "%\">" . $SkillsApi->charName . "</span><br>"; $this->Header .= $SkillsApi->corpName; $this->Header .= "<br><span style=\"font-size:75%\">"; $this->Header .= number_format($SkillsApi->SPTotal, 0) . " SP in " . $SkillsApi->SkillCount . " skills<br>"; $this->Header .= number_format($SkillsApi->balance, 2) . " ISK<br>"; $this->Header .= "Born " . date("Y-m-d", $SkillsApi->charDOB) . "</span></td></tr>"; //$this->Header .= "<tr><td colspan=\"2\">"; //$this->Header .= "<span style=\"font-size:75%;\"><a href=\"" . FULL_URL ."&view=skills&fitcheck\">check " . CHAR_NAME."'s skills against a ship fit</a><br><a target=\"_blank\" href=\""; //$this->Header .= str_replace(" ", "%20", $SkillsApi->charName); //$this->Header .= "/forum/734105\">search character sale forums for character</a></span><br></td></tr>"; $this->Header .= <<<EOD </table> <br> <br></td> <td valign=top align="right"> <table class="skills_legends"> <tr><th colspan="2">Legend</th></tr> <tr><td>level "U"</td><td>Skill is trainable but not owned</td></tr> <tr><td>"can fly a"</td><td>can use ship and the mods needed (t2 weaps)</td></tr> <tr><td>guided m</td><td>guided missiles; eg. standard, heavy, cruise</td></tr> <tr><td>unguided</td><td>unguided missiles; rockets, heavy ass., torp</td></tr> <tr><td>poorly vs well</td><td>can use both of associated carrier's remote reps</td></tr> <tr><td>snipe</td><td>long range t2 weapons and associated modules</td></tr> <tr><td>RR</td><td>remote rep; short range t2 weapons and armour tank</td></tr> </table></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2> EOD; if (!ob_start()) { die("fatal error - OB opening failed."); } $this->Output = "<table class=\"skills_table table\"><tr VALIGN=\"top\">"; $small = 1; if ($small) { echo "<td VALIGN=\"top\" width=\"250\" rowspan=\"2\">\n"; include "skills/"; echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// include "skills/"; echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// include "skills/"; echo "<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// include "skills/"; echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// include "skills/"; echo "</td></tr>\n<tr>"; echo "<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// include "skills/"; echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// include "skills/"; echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// include "skills/"; echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// include "skills/"; } else { echo "<td VALIGN=\"top\" width=\"250\">\n"; include "skills/"; echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// include "skills/"; echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// include "skills/"; echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// include "skills/"; echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// include "skills/"; echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// include "skills/"; echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// include "skills/"; echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// include "skills/"; echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// include "skills/"; } $this->Output .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->Output .= "</td>"; if ($small) { $this->Output .= "<td></td>"; } $this->Output .= "</tr>\n</table></td></tr></table>"; $this->Output .= "<span style=\"font-size:80%;\">"; //$this->Output .= "best viewed in " . ($small ? "1024x768" : "1440x900") . "<br>"; if (!$small) { $this->Output .= "<a href=\"{$full_url}&small\">compact view</a><br>"; } $this->Output .= "</span>"; } $this->Times = getPageTimes($Db, $time_api, microtime_float() - $time_start); return true; }
public function GetOutput($Db) { global $sort, $ord, $cols; // req for sorting $Contracts = new eveApiContracts($Db); $full_url = FULL_URL; // TODO $time_start = microtime_float(); if (!$Contracts->fetch(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY, CORP_MODE)) { $this->Output = $Contracts->Error; return false; } $time_end = microtime_float(); $time_api = $time_end - $time_start; $Db->updateConqStations(); $this->Updated = APITime($Contracts); $this->Title = "Contracts for " . USER_NAME; if (isset($_GET['testing'])) { die("<pre>" . print_r($Contracts->entries, true) . "</pre>"); } $ord = "ASC"; $cols = array("Type", "status", "System", "dateIssued", "dateFinished", "issuer", "contractor", "Price", "volume", "desc"); $sort = null; $this->Output .= sort_ctrl(); //$this->Output .= "<h5 style=\"display: inline\">### PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION - WATCH FOR ANVILS ###</h5>"; if (count($Contracts->entries) > 0) { $this->Output .= <<<LEGENDEND <table border="1" style="font-size: 80%; border-style: solid;"> <tr><th colspan="2">LEGEND</th></tr> <tr><th>time format</th><td>[Month.Days.Years] Hours:Minutes</td></tr> <tr><th>blue row:</th><td>this contract is on behalf of your corporation</td></tr> <tr><th>orange volume:</th><td>volume is greater than 30,000 m3</td></tr> <tr><th>yellow time:</th><td>less than 24hrs left on auction</td></tr> <tr><th>red time:</th><td>less than 1 hour left on auction</td></tr> <tr><th>red price:</th><td>this is the price that was/will be paid <b style="color:red">by</b> the contract acceptor</td></tr> <tr><th>green price:</th><td>this is the price that was/will be paid <b style="color:#0f0">to</b> the contract acceptor</td></tr> <tr><th><assignee></th><td>contract is assigned to assignee but has not been accepted</td></tr> </table><br> LEGENDEND; $this->Output .= count($Contracts->entries) . " entries. <b>Click an entry to get contract details.</b><br><br>"; $this->Output .= "<table class=\"contracts_table\" style=\"font-size:83%;\" border=1>"; $this->Output .= "<tr>"; foreach ($cols as $col) { $this->Output .= "<th>"; if (!isset($nosorting)) { $this->Output .= "<a href=\"{$full_url}&view=contracts&sort={$col}&order=" . ($sort == $col && $ord == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC") . "\">"; } $this->Output .= $col; if (!isset($nosorting)) { $this->Output .= "</a>"; } $this->Output .= "</th>"; } $this->Output .= "</tr>"; $entries = $Contracts->entries; $ids = array(); foreach ($entries as &$entry) { if ((string) $entry["availability"] == "Private" && $entry["acceptor"] == "") { $entry["contractor"] = $entry["assignee"]; } else { if ($entry["acceptor"] == "") { if (isset($entry["bidder"])) { if ($entry["bidder"] == "") { $entry["contractor"] = ""; } else { $entry["contractor"] = "{$entry['bidder']}"; } } else { $entry["contractor"] = ""; } } else { $entry["contractor"] = $entry["acceptor"]; } } $entry["Price"] = ($entry["reward"] > 0 || $entry["reward"] == $entry["price"] ? -1 : 1) * (double) ($entry["price"] + (double) $entry["reward"]); $ids[] = (string) $entry['issuerID']; $ids[] = (string) $entry['assigneeID']; } $ids = array_unique($ids); $redIDS = GetRedIDS($ids, $Db); if (isset($redIDS[0]) && $redIDS[0] == 0) { $redIDS = array(); } unset($entry); if ($sort != null && array_key_exists($sort, $entries[0])) { usort($entries, "globl_sortfunc"); } $alt_b = false; $rowclass = " class=\"nohover" . (isset($_GET['expandall']) ? "" : " contractbody") . "\""; foreach ($entries as $entry) { $alt_b = !$alt_b; $hasItems = isset($entry["buying"]) && ($entry["sellingItems"] != "" || $entry["buyingItems"] != ""); $this->Output .= "<tr onclick=\"toggle_row_visibility('contract" . $entry["contractID"] . "'); return false;\""; if (in_array($entry['issuerID'], $redIDS) || in_array($entry['assigneeID'], $redIDS)) { if ($alt_b) { $this->Output .= " class=\"redAlt"; } else { $this->Output .= " class=\"redMain"; } } else { if ($alt_b) { $this->Output .= " class=\"alt"; } else { $this->Output .= " class=\"main"; } } $this->Output .= ($entry["forCorp"] == 1 ? " corp_entry_row" : "") . " hover clickablerow\">"; //$this->Output .= "<th scope=\"row\">" . $entry["contractID"] . "</th>"; $this->Output .= "<th scope=\"row\">" . $entry["Type"] . "</th>"; if (CONTRACT_ACTIVE($entry["status"])) { $this->Output .= "<td class=\"pendingcontractstatus\">" . $entry["status"] . "</td>"; } else { if ($entry["status"] == "Failed") { $this->Output .= "<td class=\"failedcontractstatus\">FAILED</td>"; } else { if ($entry["status"] == "Rejected") { $this->Output .= "<td class=\"failedcontractstatus\">Rejected</td>"; } else { $this->Output .= "<td class=\"contractstatus\">" . $entry["status"] . "</td>"; } } } $this->Output .= "<td>" . $entry["System"] . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . shortDateTime($entry["dateIssued"]) . "</td>"; if (CONTRACT_ACTIVE((string) $entry["status"])) { if ($entry["timeRemaining"] <= 3600 * 24) { $this->Output .= "<td style=\"color: " . timeToColor($entry["timeRemaining"]) . "\">"; } else { $this->Output .= "<td>"; } $this->Output .= niceTime($entry["timeRemaining"], 2) . " left</td>"; } else { if ((string) $entry["status"] == "Failed") { $this->Output .= "<td class=\"failedcontractstatus\">FAILED</td>"; } else { if ($entry["status"] == "Rejected") { $this->Output .= "<td class=\"failedcontractstatus\">Rejected</td>"; } else { if ($entry["dateFinished"] != "") { $this->Output .= "<td>" . shortDateTime($entry["dateFinished"]) . "</td>"; } else { $this->Output .= "<td> </td>"; } } } } $this->Output .= "<td>" . $entry["issuer"] . "</td>"; if ((string) $entry["availability"] == "Private" && $entry["acceptor"] == "") { $this->Output .= "<td><" . $entry["assignee"] . "></td>"; } else { if ($entry["acceptor"] == "") { if (isset($entry["bidder"])) { if ($entry["bidder"] == "") { $this->Output .= "<td style=\"color:grey;\"><no bids></td>"; } else { $this->Output .= "<td style=\"color:grey;\"><bid {$entry['bidder']}></td>"; } } else { $this->Output .= "<td style=\"color:grey;\"><public></td>"; } } else { $this->Output .= "<td>" . $entry["acceptor"] . "</td>"; } } $this->Output .= "<td align=right style=\"color: " . ($entry["reward"] > 0 || $entry["reward"] == $entry["price"] ? "#007700" : "#BB0000") . ";\">" . number_format((double) $entry["price"] + (double) $entry["reward"], 2) . " ISK</td>"; if ($entry["volume"] > 30000) { $this->Output .= "<td style=\"color: #FFA500\">" . shortVolume($entry["volume"]) . "</td>"; } else { $this->Output .= "<td>" . shortVolume($entry["volume"]) . "</td>"; } $this->Output .= "<td width=\"500\"" . ">" . $entry["desc"]; if ($hasItems) { if ($entry["desc"] != "") { $this->Output .= "<br>"; } $this->Output .= "<span class=\"contract_items\">"; if ($entry["sellingItems"] != "") { switch ($entry["Type"]) { case "Trade": $this->Output .= "<b>Offering:</b> "; break; case "Gift": $this->Output .= "<b>Giving:</b> "; break; default: $this->Output .= "<b>Selling:</b> "; break; } $this->Output .= "{$entry['sellingItems']}<br>"; } if ($entry["buyingItems"] != "") { $this->Output .= ($entry["Type"] != "Trade" ? "<b>Buying:</b> " : "<b>Looking for:</b> ") . "{$entry['buyingItems']}"; } $this->Output .= "</span>"; } $this->Output .= " </td>\n"; $this->Output .= "</tr>\n"; /// BEGIN CONTRACT DETAILS $this->Output .= "<tr{$rowclass} id=\"contract" . $entry["contractID"] . "\"><td colspan=\"" . count($cols) . "\">"; $this->Output .= "<a name=\"" . $entry["contractID"] . "\"></a><h3>"; if ($entry["title"] != "") { $this->Output .= "{$entry['title']} - "; } if ($entry["type"] == "ItemExchange") { $this->Output .= "Item Exchange [{$entry["Type"]}]"; } else { $this->Output .= "{$entry["Type"]}"; } $this->Output .= " - {$entry['status']}</h3>"; $this->Output .= "<b>Location</b>: {$entry["startStation"]}<br>"; if ($entry["type"] == "Courier") { $this->Output .= "<b>Destination</b>: {$entry["endStation"]}({$entry["endStationID"]})<br>"; } $this->Output .= "<b>Posted</b>: {$entry['dateIssued']}<br>"; if ((double) $entry["acceptorID"] != 0 && $entry["type"] == "Courier") { $this->Output .= "<b>Accepted</b>: {$entry['dateAccepted']}<br>"; } if ((string) $entry["status"] != "Completed" && (string) $entry["status"] != "Deleted" && (string) $entry["status"] != "Failed") { $this->Output .= "<b>Remaining</b>: <span"; if ($entry["timeRemaining"] <= 3600 * 24) { $this->Output .= " style=\"color: " . timeToColor($entry["timeRemaining"]) . "\">"; } else { $this->Output .= ">"; } $this->Output .= niceTime($entry["timeRemaining"], 3) . "</span><br>"; } else { $this->Output .= "<b>Finished</b>: {$entry['dateFinished']}<br>"; } $this->Output .= "<b>Contractor</b>: "; if ((string) $entry["availability"] == "Private" && $entry["acceptor"] == "") { $this->Output .= "<" . $entry["assignee"] . ">"; } else { if ($entry["acceptor"] == "") { if (isset($entry["bidder"])) { if ($entry["bidder"] == "") { $this->Output .= "<span style=\"color:grey;\"><no bids></span>"; } else { $this->Output .= "<span style=\"color:grey;\"><bid {$entry['bidder']}></span>"; } } else { $this->Output .= "<span style=\"color:grey;\"><public></span>"; } } else { $this->Output .= $entry["acceptor"]; } } $this->Output .= "<br>"; if ($entry["reward"] > 0 || $entry["reward"] == $entry["price"]) { $this->Output .= "<b>Reward</b>: <span style=\"color:007700\">"; } else { $this->Output .= "<b>Price</b>: <span style=\"color:BB0000\">"; } $this->Output .= number_format((double) $entry["price"] + (double) $entry["reward"], 2) . " ISK</span></br>"; if ((double) $entry["collateral"] != 0) { $this->Output .= "<b>Collateral</b>: <span style=\"color:#f00;\">" . number_format((double) $entry["collateral"], 2) . " ISK</span></br>"; } $this->Output .= "<b>Volume</b>: "; if ($entry["volume"] > 30000) { $this->Output .= "<span style=\"color: #FFA500\">" . number_format($entry["volume"], 2) . " m3</span>"; } else { $this->Output .= number_format($entry["volume"], 2) . " m3"; } $this->Output .= "<br>"; if ($hasItems) { $this->Output .= "<br><table class=\"contracts_wtt\"><tr>"; if ($entry["sellingItems"] != "") { $this->Output .= "<th> " . ($entry["Type"] != "Trade" ? $entry["Type"] == "Gift" ? "<b>Giving</b>:" : "<b>Selling</b> " : "<b>Offering:</b> ") . "</th>"; } if ($entry["buyingItems"] != "") { $this->Output .= "<th> " . ($entry["Type"] != "Trade" ? "<b>Buying</b> " : "<b>Looking for:</b> ") . "</th>"; } $this->Output .= "</tr><tr>"; if ($entry["sellingItems"] != "") { $this->Output .= "<td>" . str_replace("\n", "<br>", $entry["sellingItemsList"]) . "</td>"; } if ($entry["buyingItems"] != "") { $this->Output .= "<td>" . str_replace("\n", "<br>", $entry["buyingItemsList"]) . "</td>"; } $this->Output .= "</tr></table>"; } $this->Output .= ""; $this->Output .= "<br><h3 style=\"font-size: 150%; border-bottom: 0px;\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"toggle_row_visibility('contract" . $entry["contractID"] . "'); return false;\">[Hide]</a></h3>"; $this->Output .= ""; $this->Output .= ""; $this->Output .= "</td></tr>\n"; } $this->Output .= "</table>"; if (isset($_GET['contract'])) { $this->Output .= "<script>toggle_row_visibility('contract{$_GET['contract']}'); location.hash='{$_GET['contract']}';</script>"; } } else { $this->Output .= (CORP_MODE ? "Corporation" : "Character") . " has no Contracts in the last 3 months.<br>"; } $this->Times = getPageTimes($Db, $time_api, microtime_float() - $time_start); return true; }
public function GetOutput($Db) { $Contacts = new eveApiContacts($Db); $full_url = FULL_URL; // TODO $time_start = microtime_float(); if (!$Contacts->fetch(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY, CORP_MODE)) { $this->Output = $Contacts->Error; return false; } $time_end = microtime_float(); $time_api = $time_end - $time_start; $this->Updated = APITime($Contacts); $this->Title = "Contacts for " . USER_NAME; if (count($Contacts->Contacts) > 0) { $redIDS = GetContactInfo($Contacts->Contacts, $Db); $this->Output .= "<br><table class=\"fancy notification\" style=\"font-size:83%;\" border=1>"; $this->Output .= "<tr><th>Contact</th><th>Standing</th><th>Corp</th><th>Alliance</th><th>In Watchlist</th></tr>"; $alt = " class=\"main\""; foreach ($Contacts->Contacts as $contact) { if (in_array($contact['contactID'], $redIDS)) { if (strpos(strtolower($alt), 'main') !== false) { $alt = " class=\"redAlt\""; } else { $alt = " class=\"redMain\""; } } else { if (strpos(strtolower($alt), 'main') !== false) { $alt = " class=\"alt\""; } else { $alt = " class=\"main\""; } } $this->Output .= "<tr{$alt}>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $contact["contactName"] . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $contact["standing"] . "</td>"; if (isset($contact['corpID'])) { $this->Output .= "<td>" . $contact["corpName"] . "</td>"; } else { $this->Output .= "<td></td>"; } if (isset($contact['allianceID'])) { $this->Output .= "<td>" . $contact["allianceName"] . "</td>"; } else { $this->Output .= "<td></td>"; } $this->Output .= "<td>" . ($contact["inWatchlist"] == "True" ? "✔" : "") . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "</tr>"; } $this->Output .= "</table>"; } else { $this->Output .= "<br>Character has no contacts.<br>"; } $this->Times = getPageTimes($Db, $time_api, microtime_float() - $time_start); return true; }