Пример #1
  * Callback for preg_replace in process()
 public static function processCallback($matches = array())
     $content = '';
     $entity_type = $entity_id = $view_mode = '';
     foreach ($matches as $key => $match) {
         switch ($key) {
             case 1:
                 $entity_type = $match;
             case 2:
                 $entity_id = $match;
             case 3:
                 $view_mode = $match;
     $entities = entity_load($entity_type, array($entity_id));
     if (!empty($entities)) {
         $render_array = entity_view($entity_type, $entities, $view_mode, NULL, TRUE);
         // Remove contextual links.
         if (isset($render_array[$entity_type][$entity_id]['#contextual_links'])) {
         $content = render($render_array);
     return $content;
Пример #2
   * Lists all instances of fields on any views.
   * @return array
   *   The Views fields report page.
  public function nodeMarkup($node, $key = 'default') {
    $node = Node::load($node);

    $builded_entity = entity_view($node, $key);
    $markup = drupal_render($builded_entity);

    $links = array();
    $links['default'] = array(
      'title' => 'Default',
      'url' => Url::fromRoute('ds_devel.markup', array('node' => $node->id())),
    $view_modes = \Drupal::entityManager()->getViewModes('node');
    foreach ($view_modes as $id => $info) {
      if (!empty($info['status'])) {
        $links[] = array(
          'title' => $info['label'],
          'url' => Url::fromRoute('ds_devel.markup_view_mode', array('node' => $node->id(), 'key' => $id)),

    $build['links'] = array(
      '#theme' => 'links',
      '#links' => $links,
      '#prefix' => '<div>',
      '#suffix' => '</div><hr />',
    $build['markup'] = [
      '#markup' => '<code><pre>' . Html::escape($markup) . '</pre></code>',
      '#allowed_tags' => ['code', 'pre'],

    return $build;
  * Test the Who's Online block.
 function testWhosOnlineBlock()
     $block = $this->drupalPlaceBlock('views_block:who_s_online-who_s_online_block');
     // Generate users.
     $user1 = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('access user profiles'));
     $user2 = $this->drupalCreateUser(array());
     $user3 = $this->drupalCreateUser(array());
     // Update access of two users to be within the active timespan.
     $this->updateAccess($user2->id(), REQUEST_TIME + 1);
     // Insert an inactive user who should not be seen in the block, and ensure
     // that the admin user used in setUp() does not appear.
     $inactive_time = REQUEST_TIME - 15 * 60 - 1;
     $this->updateAccess($user3->id(), $inactive_time);
     $this->updateAccess($this->adminUser->id(), $inactive_time);
     // Test block output.
     $content = entity_view($block, 'block');
     $this->assertRaw(t('2 users'), 'Correct number of online users (2 users).');
     $this->assertText($user1->getUsername(), 'Active user 1 found in online list.');
     $this->assertText($user2->getUsername(), 'Active user 2 found in online list.');
     $this->assertNoText($user3->getUsername(), 'Inactive user not found in online list.');
     $this->assertTrue(strpos($this->drupalGetContent(), $user1->getUsername()) > strpos($this->drupalGetContent(), $user2->getUsername()), 'Online users are ordered correctly.');
function gitp_preprocess_node__blog(&$variables)
    $author_uid = $variables['uid'];
    $author = profile2_load_by_user($author_uid);
    $variables['author_thumbnail_profile'] = entity_view('profile2', $author, 'thumbnail_profile');
    $variables['author_profile'] = entity_view('profile2', $author, 'author_profile');
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function viewElements(FieldItemListInterface $items)
     $view_mode = $this->getSetting('view_mode');
     $elements = array();
     foreach ($this->getEntitiesToView($items) as $delta => $entity) {
         // Protect ourselves from recursive rendering.
         static $depth = 0;
         if ($depth > 20) {
             throw new RecursiveRenderingException(format_string('Recursive rendering detected when rendering entity @entity_type(@entity_id). Aborting rendering.', array('@entity_type' => $entity->getEntityTypeId(), '@entity_id' => $entity->id())));
         if ($entity->id()) {
             $elements[$delta] = entity_view($entity, $view_mode, $entity->language()->getId());
             // Add a resource attribute to set the mapping property's value to the
             // entity's url. Since we don't know what the markup of the entity will
             // be, we shouldn't rely on it for structured data such as RDFa.
             if (!empty($items[$delta]->_attributes)) {
                 $items[$delta]->_attributes += array('resource' => $entity->url());
         } else {
             // This is an "auto_create" item.
             $elements[$delta] = array('#markup' => $entity->label());
         $depth = 0;
     return $elements;
  * Tests the rendering of blocks.
 public function testBasicRendering()
     \Drupal::state()->set('block_test.content', '');
     $entity = $this->controller->create(array('id' => 'test_block1', 'theme' => 'stark', 'plugin' => 'test_html'));
     // Test the rendering of a block.
     $entity = Block::load('test_block1');
     $output = entity_view($entity, 'block');
     $expected = array();
     $expected[] = '<div id="block-test-block1">';
     $expected[] = '  ';
     $expected[] = '    ';
     $expected[] = '      ';
     $expected[] = '  </div>';
     $expected[] = '';
     $expected_output = implode("\n", $expected);
     $this->assertEqual($this->renderer->renderRoot($output), $expected_output);
     // Reset the HTML IDs so that the next render is not affected.
     // Test the rendering of a block with a given title.
     $entity = $this->controller->create(array('id' => 'test_block2', 'theme' => 'stark', 'plugin' => 'test_html', 'settings' => array('label' => 'Powered by Bananas')));
     $output = entity_view($entity, 'block');
     $expected = array();
     $expected[] = '<div id="block-test-block2">';
     $expected[] = '  ';
     $expected[] = '      <h2>Powered by Bananas</h2>';
     $expected[] = '    ';
     $expected[] = '      ';
     $expected[] = '  </div>';
     $expected[] = '';
     $expected_output = implode("\n", $expected);
     $this->assertEqual($this->renderer->renderRoot($output), $expected_output);
 * Returns text for a product to be indexed as search keywords.
 * @param $product stdClass The commerce_product to be indexed.
 * @return String|Array The keywords to be indexed.
function hook_commerce_search_index_product($product)
    $keywords = explode('-', $product->sku);
    $renderable = entity_view('commerce_product', array($product), 'node_search_index');
    $keywords[] = drupal_render($renderable);
    return $keywords;
Пример #8
 private function content_ajax_page_fc($fcid)
     $fcitem = \Drupal\field_collection\Entity\FieldCollectionItem::load($fcid);
     $target = WG::entity_get_field_value($fcitem, 'field_target');
     preg_match('%^([^:]+)://([0-9]+)$%', $target, $m);
     $itemtype = $m[1];
     $id = $m[2];
     switch ($itemtype) {
         case 'public318':
             $identifier = $id;
             $text = WG::entity_get_field_formatted_text($fcitem, 'field_annotation');
             $stylename = 'large';
             $icon_uri = _expo_public318_get_icon_uri($identifier);
             $icontag = WG::render_styled_image($icon_uri, $stylename);
             $output = '<div class="sticky-fc-public318">' . '<div class="collicon">' . _expo_coll_url($identifier, $icontag) . '</div>' . '<div class="colltext">' . $text . '</div>' . '</div>';
         case 'storynode':
             $nid = $id;
             $story = node_load($nid);
             $v = entity_view($story, 'ajaxpage');
             $output = render($v);
             $tag = "<div class=\"sticky\" id=\"sticky_{$pos}\">" . $itemtype . $pos . "</div>";
     $build = ['#markup' => $output];
     return $build;
Пример #9
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function build()
     $nid = self::_gen_random_nid();
     $node = node_load($nid);
     $v = entity_view($node, 'full');
     $build = ['#markup' => render($v), '#cache' => ['max-age' => 0]];
     return $build;
Пример #10
  * @Route("/{entity_type}/{entity}", name="entity_view", defaults={"view_mode" = "full", "langcode" = null, "page" = null})
  * @Method("GET")
  * @ParamConverter("entity", converter="drupal.entity")
  * @Template
 public function viewAction(Request $request, $entity_type, $entity)
     $view_mode = $request->get('view_mode');
     $langcode = $request->get('langcode');
     $page = $request->get('page');
     list($id, $vid, $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
     $entities = entity_view($entity_type, array($id => $entity), $view_mode, $langcode, $page);
     return array('label' => entity_label($entity_type, $entity), 'uri' => entity_uri($entity_type, $entity), 'entity_type' => $entity_type, 'id' => $id, 'vid' => $vid, 'bundle' => $bundle, 'entity' => $entity, 'content' => reset($entities[$entity_type]));
Пример #11
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function build()
     $view_mode = $this->getEntityViewMode();
     /** @var $comment CommentInterface */
     $comment = $this->entity();
     $uid = $comment->getOwnerId();
     $user = entity_load('user', $uid);
     $build = entity_view($user, $view_mode);
     return $build;
Пример #12
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function entityView()
     $configuration = $this->getConfiguration();
     if ($node = $this->entityLoad()) {
         if ($this->entityAccess()) {
             return entity_view($this->getType(), array($this->getEntity()), $configuration['view mode']);
     return FALSE;
Пример #13
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function render($empty = FALSE)
     if (!$empty || !empty($this->options['empty'])) {
         $entity_id = $this->tokenizeValue($this->options['entity_id']);
         $entity = entity_load($this->entityType, $entity_id);
         if ($entity && (!empty($this->options['bypass_access']) || $entity->access('view'))) {
             return entity_view($entity, $this->options['view_mode']);
     return array();
Пример #14
  * Returns an node through JSON.
  * @param Request $request
  *  The global request object.
  * @param string $entityType
  *  The type of the requested entity.
  * @param string $entityId
  *  The id of the requested entity.
  * @param string $viewMode
  *  The view mode you wish to render for the requested entity.
  * @return array
  *   The Views fields report page.
 public function switchViewMode(Request $request, $entityType, $entityId, $viewMode)
     $response = new AjaxResponse();
     $entity = entity_load($entityType, $entityId);
     if ($entity->access('view')) {
         $element = entity_view($entity, $viewMode);
         $content = \Drupal::service('renderer')->render($element, FALSE);
         $response->addCommand(new ReplaceCommand('.' . $request->get('selector'), $content));
     return $response;
  * Displays the bean.
 public function view($bean, $content, $view_mode = 'default', $langcode = NULL)
     // Retrieve the terms from the loaded entity.
     $active_entity = bean_tax_active_entity_array();
     // Check for cached content on this block.
     $cache_name = 'bean_tax:listing:' . $bean->delta . ':' . $active_entity['type'] . ':' . $active_entity['ids'][0];
     if ($cache = cache_get($cache_name)) {
         $content = $cache->data;
     } else {
         // We need to make sure that the bean is configured correctly.
         if ($active_entity['type'] != 'bean' && !empty($bean->filters['vocabulary']) && (isset($active_entity['terms']) && count($active_entity['terms']))) {
             // Reformat vocabulary list from machine names to vocabulary vids.
             $vids = array();
             foreach ($bean->filters['vocabulary'] as $vm) {
                 $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
                 $result = $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'taxonomy_vocabulary');
                 $query->propertyCondition('machine_name', $vm);
                 global $language;
                 if ($language->language != NULL && db_field_exists('taxonomy_vocabulary', 'language')) {
                     $query->propertyCondition('language', $language->language);
                 $result = $query->execute();
                 foreach ($result['taxonomy_vocabulary'] as $vocabulary) {
                     $vids[$vocabulary->vid] = $vocabulary->vid;
             $i = 0;
             $content['terms'] = array();
             // Parse terms from correct vocabularies, limit list to X results.
             foreach ($active_entity['terms'] as $term) {
                 $term = entity_load_single('taxonomy_term', $term->tid);
                 if (in_array($term->vid, $vids) && $i < $bean->settings['records_shown']) {
                     $content['terms'][$term->tid] = entity_view('taxonomy_term', array($term->tid => $term), $bean->settings['term_view_mode']);
             cache_set($cache_name, $content, 'cache', time() + 60 * $bean->settings['cache_duration']);
         } elseif (isset($active_entity['type']) && $active_entity['type'] == 'bean' && $bean->bid === $active_entity['object']->bid) {
             $content['#markup'] = '';
         } elseif ($bean->settings['hide_empty'] || !$active_entity['object']) {
         } else {
             $content['#markup'] = t('No terms.');
     return $content;
Пример #16
  * Helper function to test the formatter's RDFa.
  * @param array $formatter
  *   An associative array describing the formatter to test and its settings
  *   containing:
  *   - type: The machine name of the field formatter to test.
  *   - settings: The settings of the field formatter to test.
  * @param string $property
  *   The property that should be found.
  * @param array $expected_rdf_value
  *   An associative array describing the expected value of the property
  *   containing:
  *   - value: The actual value of the string or URI.
  *   - type: The type of RDF value, e.g. 'literal' for a string, or 'uri'.
  *   Defaults to 'literal'.
  *   - datatype: (optional) The datatype of the value (e.g. xsd:dateTime).
 protected function assertFormatterRdfa($formatter, $property, $expected_rdf_value)
     $expected_rdf_value += array('type' => 'literal');
     // The field formatter will be rendered inside the entity. Set the field
     // formatter in the entity display options before rendering the entity.
     entity_get_display('entity_test', 'entity_test', 'default')->setComponent($this->fieldName, $formatter)->save();
     $build = entity_view($this->entity, 'default');
     $output = drupal_render($build);
     $graph = new \EasyRdf_Graph($this->uri, $output, 'rdfa');
     // If verbose debugging is turned on, display the HTML and parsed RDF
     // in the results.
     if ($this->debug) {
     $this->assertTrue($graph->hasProperty($this->uri, $property, $expected_rdf_value), "Formatter {$formatter['type']} exposes data correctly for {$this->fieldType} fields.");
Пример #17
  * Lists all instances of fields on any views.
  * @param \Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface $route_match
  *    A RouteMatch object.
  * @return array
  *   The Views fields report page.
 public function entityMarkup(RouteMatchInterface $route_match)
     $parameter_name = $route_match->getRouteObject()->getOption('_devel_entity_type_id');
     $entity = $route_match->getParameter($parameter_name);
     $entity_type_id = $entity->getEntityTypeId();
     $key = \Drupal::request()->get('key', 'default');
     $builded_entity = entity_view($entity, $key);
     $markup = \Drupal::service('renderer')->render($builded_entity);
     $links = array();
     $active_view_modes = \Drupal::service('entity_display.repository')->getViewModeOptionsByBundle($entity_type_id, $entity->bundle());
     foreach ($active_view_modes as $id => $label) {
         $links[] = array('title' => $label, 'url' => Url::fromRoute("entity.{$entity_type_id}.devel_markup", array($entity_type_id => $entity->id(), 'key' => $id)));
     $build['links'] = array('#theme' => 'links', '#links' => $links, '#prefix' => '<hr/><div>', '#suffix' => '</div><hr />');
     $build['markup'] = ['#markup' => '<code><pre>' . Html::escape($markup) . '</pre></code>', '#cache' => array('max-age' => 0), '#allowed_tags' => ['code', 'pre']];
     return $build;
  * Assert unaccessible items don't change the data of the fields.
 public function testAccess()
     $field_name = $this->fieldName;
     $referencing_entity = entity_create($this->entityType, array('name' => $this->randomMachineName()));
     $referencing_entity->{$field_name}->entity = $this->referencedEntity;
     // Assert user doesn't have access to the entity.
     $this->assertFalse($this->referencedEntity->access('view'), 'Current user does not have access to view the referenced entity.');
     $formatter_manager = $this->container->get('plugin.manager.field.formatter');
     // Get all the existing formatters.
     foreach ($formatter_manager->getOptions('entity_reference') as $formatter => $name) {
         // Set formatter type for the 'full' view mode.
         entity_get_display($this->entityType, $this->bundle, 'default')->setComponent($field_name, array('type' => $formatter))->save();
         // Invoke entity view.
         entity_view($referencing_entity, 'default');
         // Verify the un-accessible item still exists.
         $this->assertEqual($referencing_entity->{$field_name}->target_id, $this->referencedEntity->id(), format_string('The un-accessible item still exists after @name formatter was executed.', array('@name' => $name)));
Пример #19
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function build()
     $config = $this->getConfiguration();
     $nr_items = isset($config['slideshow_items']) ? $config['slideshow_items'] : 3;
     //    $order = isset($config['slideshow_order']) ? $config['slideshow_order'] : 'created';
     // Fetches the slideshow nodes.
     $query = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')->condition('status', 1)->condition('type', 'object')->range(0, $nr_items);
     $nids = $query->execute();
     $items = array();
     foreach ($nids as $nid) {
         $node = entity_load('node', $nid);
         $node_view = entity_view($node, 'hero_teaser');
         $items[] = array('#markup' => drupal_render($node_view), '#wrapper_attributes' => array('class' => array('slide')));
     $build['show'] = array('#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => $items, '#attributes' => array('class' => array('slideshow', 'rslides')));
     $build['#attributes']['class'][] = 'slideshow-block';
     $build['#attached']['library'][] = 'dd8_tools/slideshow';
     $build['#attached']['library'][] = 'dd8_tools/responsiveslides';
     //    $build['asfasf']['#markup'] = 'efkjqekjfkjah aekjkjwevkj HSHAJHDJAH';
     return $build;
Пример #20
function casabienestar_preprocess_search_api_page_results(array &$variables)
    $results = $variables['results'];
    if (!empty($variables['results']['results'])) {
        $variables['items'] = $variables['index']->loadItems(array_keys($variables['results']['results']));
    $variables['result_count'] = $results['result count'];
    $variables['sec'] = 0;
    if (isset($results['performance']['complete'])) {
        $variables['sec'] = round($results['performance']['complete'], 3);
    $variables['search_performance'] = array('#theme' => 'search_api_page_search_performance', '#markup' => format_plural($results['result count'], 'The search found 1 result in @sec seconds.', 'The search found @count results in @sec seconds.', array('@sec' => $variables['sec'])), '#prefix' => '<p class="search-performance">', '#suffix' => '</p>');
    // Make the help text depend on the parse mode used.
    switch ($variables['page']->options['mode']) {
        case 'direct':
            if ($variables['index']->server()->class == 'search_api_solr') {
                $variables['no_results_help'] = t('<ul>
<li>Check if your spelling is correct.</li>
<li>Remove quotes around phrases to search for each word individually. <em>bike shed</em> will often show more results than <em>&quot;bike shed&quot;</em>.</li>
<li>Consider loosening your query with <em>OR</em>. <em>bike OR shed</em> will often show more results than <em>bike shed</em>.</li>
            } else {
                $variables['no_results_help'] = t('<ul>
<li>Check if your spelling is correct.</li>
<li>Use fewer keywords to increase the number of results.</li>
        case 'single':
            $variables['no_results_help'] = t('<ul>
<li>Check if your spelling is correct.</li>
<li>Use fewer keywords to increase the number of results.</li>
        case 'terms':
            $variables['no_results_help'] = t('<ul>
<li>Check if your spelling is correct.</li>
<li>Remove quotes around phrases to search for each word individually. <em>bike shed</em> will often show more results than <em>&quot;bike shed&quot;</em>.</li>
<li>Use fewer keywords to increase the number of results.</li>
    // Prepare CSS classes.
    $classes_array = array('search-api-page', 'search-api-page-' . drupal_clean_css_identifier($variables['page']->machine_name), 'view-mode-' . drupal_clean_css_identifier($variables['view_mode']));
    $variables['classes'] = implode(' ', $classes_array);
    // Distinguish between the native search_api_page_result "view mode" and
    // proper entity view modes (e.g., Teaser, Full content, RSS and so forth).
    $variables['search_results'] = array();
    if ($variables['view_mode'] != 'search_api_page_result') {
        // Check if we have any entities to show and, if yes, show them.
        if (!empty($variables['items'])) {
            $variables['search_results'] = entity_view($variables['index']->getEntityType(), $variables['items'], $variables['view_mode']);
    } else {
        foreach ($results['results'] as $item) {
            if (!empty($variables['items'][$item['id']])) {
                $variables['search_results'][] = array('#theme' => 'search_api_page_result', '#index' => $variables['index'], '#result' => $item, '#item' => $variables['items'][$item['id']]);
    // Load CSS.
    $base_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'search_api_page') . '/';
    drupal_add_css($base_path . 'search_api_page.css');
Пример #21
  * Displays the bean.
 public function view($bean, $content, $view_mode = 'default', $langcode = NULL)
     // We need to make sure that the bean is configured correctly.
     if (!empty($bean->filters['vocabulary']) && !empty($bean->settings['bundle_types'])) {
         // Define an array of all taxonomy terms in the defined vocabularies.
         $possible_tid = array();
         foreach ($bean->filters['vocabulary'] as $vm) {
             $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
             $result = $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'taxonomy_vocabulary')->propertyCondition('machine_name', $vm)->execute();
             foreach ($result['taxonomy_vocabulary'] as $vocabulary) {
                 $vid = $vocabulary->vid;
             $tree = taxonomy_get_tree($vid);
             foreach ($tree as $term) {
                 $possible_tid[$term->tid] = $term->tid;
         // Compare possible terms to those attached to the menu object or current
         // user depending on 'related' settings.
         $active_entity = bean_tax_active_entity_array($bean->settings['related']);
         if (isset($active_entity['terms'])) {
             $valid_tid = array();
             foreach ($active_entity['terms'] as $term) {
                 if (isset($possible_tid[$term->tid])) {
                     $valid_tid[$term->tid] = $term->tid;
             // Store Entity type.
             $type = $bean->settings['entity_type'];
             // Entity field query for entities of the defined bundle.
             $aggregate = array();
             foreach ($bean->settings['bundle_types'] as $bundle) {
                 $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
                 $query->entityCondition('entity_type', $type);
                 $query->entityCondition('bundle', $bundle);
                 $query->propertyOrderBy('created', 'DESC');
                 if ($type == 'node') {
                     $query->propertyCondition('status', 1);
                 // Additional conditions for node based translations.
                 global $language;
                 if ($language->language != NULL && $type == 'node') {
                     $query->propertyCondition('language', $language->language);
                     $query->propertyCondition('tnid', 0, "<>");
                 $results[$bundle] = $query->execute();
                 // For nodes using field based translation.
                 if ($language->language != NULL && $type == 'node') {
                     $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
                     $query->entityCondition('entity_type', $type);
                     $query->entityCondition('bundle', $bundle);
                     $query->propertyOrderBy('created', 'DESC');
                     $query->propertyCondition('tnid', 0);
                     $query->propertyCondition('status', 1);
                     $field_translated = $query->execute();
                     // Reassign the result array or merge arrays if necessary
                     if (empty($results[$bundle][$type]) && !empty($field_translated[$type])) {
                         $results[$bundle][$type] = $field_translated[$type];
                     } elseif (!empty($results[$bundle][$type]) && !empty($field_translated[$type])) {
                         $combined = $results[$bundle][$type] + $field_translated[$type];
                         $results[$bundle][$type] = $combined;
                 // Store the results in an aggregated array of entities.
                 if (isset($results[$bundle][$bean->settings['entity_type']])) {
                     foreach ($results[$bundle][$bean->settings['entity_type']] as $id => $result) {
                         $aggregate[$bean->settings['entity_type']][$id] = $result;
             // Create a taxonomy related "score" for each result's matching terms.
             $result = array();
             $unmatching = array();
             if (isset($aggregate[$bean->settings['entity_type']])) {
                 foreach ($aggregate[$bean->settings['entity_type']] as $key => $value) {
                     $entity_terms = bean_tax_get_entity_terms($bean->settings['entity_type'], $key);
                     $score = 0;
                     // The actual scoring to determine valid taxonomy term matching.
                     foreach ($entity_terms as $term) {
                         if (isset($valid_tid[$term->tid])) {
                     $item['id'] = $key;
                     $item['score'] = $score;
                     // A score of 1 or greater adds to the array of matching entities.
                     if ($score != 0) {
                         $result[] = $item;
                     } elseif ($score == 0 && $bean->settings['unmatch_add']) {
                         $result[] = $item;
             // Calculate an overall score.
             $all = 0;
             foreach ($result as $item) {
                 $all = $item['score'] + $all;
             // If overall score is none, do sort.
             if ($all != 0) {
                 // Invoke comparison function to determine highest ranked results.
                 usort($result, "bean_tax_cmp");
         // Remove active page from results.
         if (!empty($result)) {
             foreach ($result as $key => $entity) {
                 $active_page = bean_tax_active_entity_array('page');
                 if (isset($active_page['ids']) && $active_page['ids'][0] == $entity['id'] && $active_page['type'] == $bean->settings['entity_type']) {
         // Related entities initially set to none.
         if (empty($result)) {
             // Hide block when result is empty and 'hide_empty' option is checked.
             if ($bean->settings['hide_empty'] || !$active_entity['object']) {
             // There are no related nodes. Set Empty array for theme output.
             $content['#markup'] = t('No Results');
         } elseif (isset($active_entity['type']) && $active_entity['type'] == 'bean' && $bean->bid === $active_entity['object']->bid) {
             $content['#markup'] = '';
         } else {
             // Start counting results at index of 0.
             $i = 0;
             // Set and index for actual results shown.
             $shown = 0;
             // Set markup index as empty.
             $content['#markup'] = '';
             // Load and render the related entities.
             foreach ($result as $entity) {
                 if (isset($entity['id']) && $shown < $bean->filters['records_shown'] && $i >= $bean->filters['offset_results']) {
                     $entity = entity_load_single($bean->settings['entity_type'], $entity['id']);
                     $entity_view = entity_view($bean->settings['entity_type'], array($entity), $bean->settings['entity_view_mode']);
                     $content['#markup'] .= drupal_render($entity_view);
                 // Count continues along...
     if (!empty($bean->more_link['text']) && !empty($bean->more_link['path'])) {
         // Invoke the theme function to show the additional information "more link"
         $content['#markup'] .= theme('bean_tax_more_link', array('text' => $bean->more_link['text'], 'path' => $bean->more_link['path']));
     return $content;
  * Return the related entities as rendered HTML markup.
 private function returnMarkup($bean, $result)
     // Start counting results at index of 0.
     $i = 0;
     // Set and index for actual results shown.
     $shown = 0;
     // Set markup array as empty.
     $markup = '';
     // Load and render the related entities.
     foreach ($result as $entity) {
         if (isset($entity['id']) && $shown < $bean->filters['records_shown'] && $i >= $bean->filters['offset_results']) {
             $entity = entity_load_single($bean->settings['entity_type'], $entity['id']);
             $entity_view = entity_view($bean->settings['entity_type'], array($entity), $bean->settings['entity_view_mode']);
             $markup .= drupal_render($entity_view);
         // Count continues along...
     return $markup;
Пример #23
 * Theme an entity through an advanced function coming from the views entity plugin.
 * @param $entity
 *   The entity
 * @param $view_mode
 *   The name of the view mode.
function hook_ds_views_row_render_entity($entity, $view_mode) {
  $entity = entity_load('node', 1);
  return entity_view($entity, $view_mode);
foreach ($chat_log as $openid => $chat_info) {
    //$chat_info = (object) $chat_info;
    <div class="chat_log_item <?php 
    echo $chat_info->who_to_who;

    $massage = '';
    $view = '';
    if ($chat_info->who_to_who == 'user_to_kf') {
        $massage = wechat_kf_received_load($chat_info->received_id);
        $view = $massage->view();
    } elseif ($chat_info->who_to_who == 'kf_to_user') {
        $massage = wechat_kf_send_load($chat_info->send_id);
        $view = entity_view('wechat_kf_send', array($massage));
    echo render($view);

Пример #25
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function build()
     $uuid = $this->getDerivativeId();
     if ($block = entity_load_by_uuid('block_content', $uuid)) {
         return entity_view($block, $this->configuration['view_mode']);
     } else {
         return array('#markup' => t('Block with uuid %uuid does not exist. <a href="!url">Add custom block</a>.', array('%uuid' => $uuid, '!url' => url('block/add'))), '#access' => $this->account->hasPermission('administer blocks'));
Пример #26
  * Tests using entity fields of the file field type.
 public function testFileItem()
     // Check that the selection handler was automatically assigned to
     // 'default:file'.
     $field_definition = FieldConfig::load('entity_test.entity_test.file_test');
     $handler_id = $field_definition->getSetting('handler');
     $this->assertEqual($handler_id, 'default:file');
     // Create a test entity with the
     $entity = EntityTest::create();
     $entity->file_test->target_id = $this->file->id();
     $entity->file_test->display = 1;
     $entity->file_test->description = $description = $this->randomMachineName();
     $entity->name->value = $this->randomMachineName();
     $entity = EntityTest::load($entity->id());
     $this->assertTrue($entity->file_test instanceof FieldItemListInterface, 'Field implements interface.');
     $this->assertTrue($entity->file_test[0] instanceof FieldItemInterface, 'Field item implements interface.');
     $this->assertEqual($entity->file_test->target_id, $this->file->id());
     $this->assertEqual($entity->file_test->display, 1);
     $this->assertEqual($entity->file_test->description, $description);
     $this->assertEqual($entity->file_test->entity->getFileUri(), $this->file->getFileUri());
     $this->assertEqual($entity->file_test->entity->url(), $url = file_create_url($this->file->getFileUri()));
     $this->assertEqual($entity->file_test->entity->id(), $this->file->id());
     $this->assertEqual($entity->file_test->entity->uuid(), $this->file->uuid());
     // Make sure the computed files reflects updates to the file.
     file_put_contents('public://example-2.txt', $this->randomMachineName());
     $file2 = File::create(['uri' => 'public://example-2.txt']);
     $entity->file_test->target_id = $file2->id();
     $this->assertEqual($entity->file_test->entity->id(), $file2->id());
     $this->assertEqual($entity->file_test->entity->getFileUri(), $file2->getFileUri());
     // Test the deletion of an entity having an entity reference field targeting
     // a non-existing entity.
     // Test the generateSampleValue() method.
     $entity = EntityTest::create();
     // Verify that the sample file was stored in the correct directory.
     $uri = $entity->file_test->entity->getFileUri();
     $this->assertEqual($this->directory, dirname(file_uri_target($uri)));
     // Make sure the computed files reflects updates to the file.
     file_put_contents('public://example-3.txt', $this->randomMachineName());
     // Test unsaved file entity.
     $file3 = File::create(['uri' => 'public://example-3.txt']);
     $display = entity_get_display('entity_test', 'entity_test', 'default');
     $display->setComponent('file_test', ['label' => 'above', 'type' => 'file_default', 'weight' => 1])->save();
     $entity = EntityTest::create();
     $entity->file_test = array('entity' => $file3);
     $uri = $file3->getFileUri();
     $output = entity_view($entity, 'default');
     $this->assertEqual($entity->file_test->entity->getFileUri(), $uri);
Пример #27
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @see \Drupal\content_translation\Controller\ContentTranslationController::prepareTranslation()
  *   Uses a similar approach to populate a new translation.
 public function formElement(FieldItemListInterface $items, $delta, array $element, array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $field_name = $this->fieldDefinition->getName();
     $parents = $element['#field_parents'];
     $paragraphs_entity = NULL;
     $widget_state = static::getWidgetState($parents, $field_name, $form_state);
     $entity_manager = \Drupal::entityManager();
     $target_type = $this->getFieldSetting('target_type');
     $item_mode = isset($widget_state['paragraphs'][$delta]['mode']) ? $widget_state['paragraphs'][$delta]['mode'] : 'edit';
     $default_edit_mode = $this->getSetting('edit_mode');
     $show_must_be_saved_warning = FALSE;
     if (isset($widget_state['paragraphs'][$delta]['entity'])) {
         $paragraphs_entity = $widget_state['paragraphs'][$delta]['entity'];
     } elseif (isset($items[$delta]->entity)) {
         $paragraphs_entity = $items[$delta]->entity;
         // We don't have a widget state yet, get from selector settings.
         if (!isset($widget_state['paragraphs'][$delta]['mode'])) {
             if ($default_edit_mode == 'open') {
                 $item_mode = 'edit';
             } elseif ($default_edit_mode == 'closed') {
                 $item_mode = 'closed';
             } elseif ($default_edit_mode == 'preview') {
                 $item_mode = 'preview';
     } elseif (isset($widget_state['selected_bundle'])) {
         $entity_type = $entity_manager->getDefinition($target_type);
         $bundle_key = $entity_type->getKey('bundle');
         $paragraphs_entity = $entity_manager->getStorage($target_type)->create(array($bundle_key => $widget_state['selected_bundle']));
         $item_mode = 'edit';
     if ($item_mode == 'collapsed') {
         $item_mode = $default_edit_mode;
         $show_must_be_saved_warning = TRUE;
     if ($paragraphs_entity) {
         // If target translation is not yet available, populate it with data from the original paragraph.
         $target_langcode = $this->getCurrentLangcode($form_state, $items);
         if ($paragraphs_entity->language()->getId() != $target_langcode && !$paragraphs_entity->hasTranslation($target_langcode)) {
             $paragraphs_entity->addTranslation($target_langcode, $paragraphs_entity->toArray());
         // Initiate the paragraph with the correct translation.
         if ($paragraphs_entity->hasTranslation($this->getCurrentLangcode($form_state, $items))) {
             $paragraphs_entity = $paragraphs_entity->getTranslation($this->getCurrentLangcode($form_state, $items));
         } else {
             $paragraphs_entity = $paragraphs_entity->addTranslation($this->getCurrentLangcode($form_state, $items));
         $element_parents = $parents;
         $element_parents[] = $field_name;
         $element_parents[] = $delta;
         $element_parents[] = 'subform';
         $id_prefix = implode('-', array_merge($parents, array($field_name, $delta)));
         $wrapper_id = Html::getUniqueId($id_prefix . '-item-wrapper');
         $element += array('#type' => 'container', '#element_validate' => array(array($this, 'elementValidate')), 'subform' => array('#type' => 'container', '#parents' => $element_parents));
         $element['#prefix'] = '<div id="' . $wrapper_id . '">';
         $element['#suffix'] = '</div>';
         $item_bundles = $entity_manager->getBundleInfo($target_type);
         if (isset($item_bundles[$paragraphs_entity->bundle()])) {
             $bundle_info = $item_bundles[$paragraphs_entity->bundle()];
             $element['top'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#weight' => -1000, '#attributes' => array('class' => array('paragraph-type-top')));
             $element['top']['paragraph_type_title'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#weight' => 0, '#attributes' => array('class' => array('paragraph-type-title')));
             $element['top']['paragraph_type_title']['info'] = array('#markup' => t('@title type: %type', array('@title' => $this->getSetting('title'), '%type' => $bundle_info['label'])));
             $actions = array();
             $links = array();
             $info = array();
             if ($item_mode == 'edit') {
                 if (isset($items[$delta]->entity) && ($default_edit_mode == 'preview' || $default_edit_mode == 'closed')) {
                     $links['collapse_button'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Collapse'), '#name' => strtr($id_prefix, '-', '_') . '_collapse', '#weight' => 499, '#submit' => array(array(get_class($this), 'collapseItemSubmit')), '#limit_validation_errors' => array(array_merge($parents, array($field_name, 'add_more'))), '#delta' => $delta, '#ajax' => array('callback' => array(get_class($this), 'itemAjax'), 'wrapper' => $widget_state['ajax_wrapper_id'], 'effect' => 'fade'), '#access' => $paragraphs_entity->access('update'), '#prefix' => '<li class="collapse">', '#suffix' => '</li>');
                 // Hide the button when translating.
                 $button_access = $paragraphs_entity->access('delete') && $paragraphs_entity->language()->getId() == $paragraphs_entity->getUntranslated()->language()->getId();
                 $links['remove_button'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Remove'), '#name' => strtr($id_prefix, '-', '_') . '_remove', '#weight' => 500, '#submit' => array(array(get_class($this), 'removeItemSubmit')), '#limit_validation_errors' => array(array_merge($parents, array($field_name, 'add_more'))), '#delta' => $delta, '#ajax' => array('callback' => array(get_class($this), 'itemAjax'), 'wrapper' => $widget_state['ajax_wrapper_id'], 'effect' => 'fade'), '#access' => $button_access, '#prefix' => '<li class="remove">', '#suffix' => '</li>');
                 $info['edit_button_info'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<em>' . t('You are not allowed to edit this @title.', array('@title' => $this->getSetting('title'))) . '</em>', '#access' => !$paragraphs_entity->access('update') && $paragraphs_entity->access('delete'));
                 $info['remove_button_info'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<em>' . t('You are not allowed to remove this @title.', array('@title' => $this->getSetting('title'))) . '</em>', '#access' => !$paragraphs_entity->access('delete') && $paragraphs_entity->access('update'));
                 $info['edit_remove_button_info'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<em>' . t('You are not allowed to edit or remove this @title.', array('@title' => $this->getSetting('title'))) . '</em>', '#access' => !$paragraphs_entity->access('update') && !$paragraphs_entity->access('delete'));
             } elseif ($item_mode == 'preview' || $item_mode == 'closed') {
                 $links['edit_button'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Edit'), '#name' => strtr($id_prefix, '-', '_') . '_edit', '#weight' => 501, '#submit' => array(array(get_class($this), 'editItemSubmit')), '#limit_validation_errors' => array(array_merge($parents, array($field_name, 'add_more'))), '#delta' => $delta, '#ajax' => array('callback' => array(get_class($this), 'itemAjax'), 'wrapper' => $widget_state['ajax_wrapper_id'], 'effect' => 'fade'), '#access' => $paragraphs_entity->access('update'), '#prefix' => '<li class="edit">', '#suffix' => '</li>');
                 $links['remove_button'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Remove'), '#name' => strtr($id_prefix, '-', '_') . '_remove', '#weight' => 502, '#submit' => array(array(get_class($this), 'removeItemSubmit')), '#limit_validation_errors' => array(array_merge($parents, array($field_name, 'add_more'))), '#delta' => $delta, '#ajax' => array('callback' => array(get_class($this), 'itemAjax'), 'wrapper' => $widget_state['ajax_wrapper_id'], 'effect' => 'fade'), '#access' => $paragraphs_entity->access('delete'), '#prefix' => '<li class="remove">', '#suffix' => '</li>');
                 if ($show_must_be_saved_warning) {
                     $info['must_be_saved_info'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<em>' . t('Warning: this content must be saved to reflect changes on this @title item.', array('@title' => $this->getSetting('title'))) . '</em>');
                 $info['preview_info'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<em>' . t('You are not allowed to view this @title.', array('@title' => $this->getSetting('title'))) . '</em>', '#access' => !$paragraphs_entity->access('view'));
                 $info['edit_button_info'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<em>' . t('You are not allowed to edit this @title.', array('@title' => $this->getSetting('title'))) . '</em>', '#access' => !$paragraphs_entity->access('update') && $paragraphs_entity->access('delete'));
                 $info['remove_button_info'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<em>' . t('You are not allowed to remove this @title.', array('@title' => $this->getSetting('title'))) . '</em>', '#access' => !$paragraphs_entity->access('delete') && $paragraphs_entity->access('update'));
                 $info['edit_remove_button_info'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<em>' . t('You are not allowed to edit or remove this @title.', array('@title' => $this->getSetting('title'))) . '</em>', '#access' => !$paragraphs_entity->access('update') && !$paragraphs_entity->access('delete'));
             } elseif ($item_mode == 'remove') {
                 $element['top']['paragraph_type_title']['info'] = array('#markup' => t('Deleted @title type: %type', array('@title' => $this->getSetting('title'), '%type' => $bundle_info['label'])));
                 $links['confirm_remove_button'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Confirm removal'), '#name' => strtr($id_prefix, '-', '_') . '_confirm_remove', '#weight' => 503, '#submit' => array(array(get_class($this), 'confirmRemoveItemSubmit')), '#limit_validation_errors' => array(array_merge($parents, array($field_name, 'add_more'))), '#delta' => $delta, '#ajax' => array('callback' => array(get_class($this), 'itemAjax'), 'wrapper' => $widget_state['ajax_wrapper_id'], 'effect' => 'fade'), '#prefix' => '<li class="confirm-remove">', '#suffix' => '</li>');
                 $links['restore_button'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Restore'), '#name' => strtr($id_prefix, '-', '_') . '_restore', '#weight' => 504, '#submit' => array(array(get_class($this), 'restoreItemSubmit')), '#limit_validation_errors' => array(array_merge($parents, array($field_name, 'add_more'))), '#delta' => $delta, '#ajax' => array('callback' => array(get_class($this), 'itemAjax'), 'wrapper' => $widget_state['ajax_wrapper_id'], 'effect' => 'fade'), '#prefix' => '<li class="restore">', '#suffix' => '</li>');
             if (count($links)) {
                 $show_links = 0;
                 foreach ($links as $link_item) {
                     if (!isset($link_item['#access']) || $link_item['#access']) {
                 if ($show_links > 0) {
                     $element['top']['links'] = $links;
                     if ($show_links > 1) {
                         $element['top']['links']['#theme_wrappers'] = array('dropbutton_wrapper', 'paragraphs_dropbutton_wrapper');
                         $element['top']['links']['prefix'] = array('#markup' => '<ul class="dropbutton">', '#weight' => -999);
                         $element['top']['links']['suffix'] = array('#markup' => '</li>', '#weight' => 999);
                     } else {
                         $element['top']['links']['#theme_wrappers'] = array('paragraphs_dropbutton_wrapper');
                         foreach ($links as $key => $link_item) {
                     $element['top']['links']['#weight'] = 1;
             if (count($info)) {
                 $show_info = FALSE;
                 foreach ($info as $info_item) {
                     if (!isset($info_item['#access']) || $info_item['#access']) {
                         $show_info = TRUE;
                 if ($show_info) {
                     $element['info'] = $info;
                     $element['info']['#weight'] = 998;
             if (count($actions)) {
                 $show_actions = FALSE;
                 foreach ($actions as $action_item) {
                     if (!isset($action_item['#access']) || $action_item['#access']) {
                         $show_actions = TRUE;
                 if ($show_actions) {
                     $element['actions'] = $actions;
                     $element['actions']['#type'] = 'actions';
                     $element['actions']['#weight'] = 999;
         $display = EntityFormDisplay::collectRenderDisplay($paragraphs_entity, $this->getSetting('form_display_mode'));
         if ($item_mode == 'edit') {
             $display->buildForm($paragraphs_entity, $element['subform'], $form_state);
         } elseif ($item_mode == 'preview') {
             $element['subform'] = array();
             $element['preview'] = entity_view($paragraphs_entity, 'preview', $paragraphs_entity->language()->getId());
             $element['preview']['#access'] = $paragraphs_entity->access('view');
         } elseif ($item_mode == 'closed') {
             $element['subform'] = array();
         } else {
             $element['subform'] = array();
         $element['subform']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'paragraphs-subform';
         $element['subform']['#access'] = $paragraphs_entity->access('update');
         if ($item_mode == 'removed') {
             $element['#access'] = FALSE;
         $widget_state['paragraphs'][$delta] = array('entity' => $paragraphs_entity, 'display' => $display, 'mode' => $item_mode);
         static::setWidgetState($parents, $field_name, $form_state, $widget_state);
     } else {
         $element['#access'] = FALSE;
     return $element;
Пример #28
  * Tests using entity fields of the file field type.
 public function testFileItem()
     // Create a test entity with the
     $entity = entity_create('entity_test');
     $entity->file_test->target_id = $this->file->id();
     $entity->file_test->display = 1;
     $entity->file_test->description = $description = $this->randomMachineName();
     $entity->name->value = $this->randomMachineName();
     $entity = entity_load('entity_test', $entity->id());
     $this->assertTrue($entity->file_test instanceof FieldItemListInterface, 'Field implements interface.');
     $this->assertTrue($entity->file_test[0] instanceof FieldItemInterface, 'Field item implements interface.');
     $this->assertEqual($entity->file_test->target_id, $this->file->id());
     $this->assertEqual($entity->file_test->display, 1);
     $this->assertEqual($entity->file_test->description, $description);
     $this->assertEqual($entity->file_test->entity->getFileUri(), $this->file->getFileUri());
     $this->assertEqual($entity->file_test->entity->url(), $url = file_create_url($this->file->getFileUri()));
     $this->assertEqual($entity->file_test->entity->id(), $this->file->id());
     $this->assertEqual($entity->file_test->entity->uuid(), $this->file->uuid());
     // Make sure the computed files reflects updates to the file.
     file_put_contents('public://example-2.txt', $this->randomMachineName());
     $file2 = entity_create('file', array('uri' => 'public://example-2.txt'));
     $entity->file_test->target_id = $file2->id();
     $this->assertEqual($entity->file_test->entity->id(), $file2->id());
     $this->assertEqual($entity->file_test->entity->getFileUri(), $file2->getFileUri());
     // Test the deletion of an entity having an entity reference field targeting
     // a non-existing entity.
     // Test the generateSampleValue() method.
     $entity = entity_create('entity_test');
     // Make sure the computed files reflects updates to the file.
     file_put_contents('public://example-3.txt', $this->randomMachineName());
     // Test unsaved file entity.
     $file3 = entity_create('file', array('uri' => 'public://example-3.txt'));
     $display = entity_get_display('entity_test', 'entity_test', 'default');
     $display->setComponent('file_test', ['label' => 'above', 'type' => 'file_default', 'weight' => 1])->save();
     $entity = entity_create('entity_test');
     $entity->file_test = array('entity' => $file3);
     $uri = $file3->getFileUri();
     $output = entity_view($entity, 'default');
     $this->assertEqual($entity->file_test->entity->getFileUri(), $uri);
  * Returns a list of entities as a render array using the given view mode and theme wrapper.
  * @param $ids
  *  Array of entity IDs to show in the list.
  * @param $view_mode
  *  What view mode to use for showing the entities.
  * @param $theme_wrapper
  *  An optional theme wrapper.
  * @param $entity_type
  *  The entity type for the given IDs.
  * @return Render array.
 protected function getList($ids, $view_mode = 'teaser', $theme_wrapper = NULL, $entity_type = 'node')
     if (!$ids) {
         return FALSE;
     $entities = entity_load($entity_type, $ids);
     $ret = array('#total' => count($entities));
     $info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
     foreach ($entities as $entity) {
         $ret[$entity->{$info['entity keys']['id']}] = entity_view($entity_type, array($entity), $view_mode);
     if ($theme_wrapper) {
         $ret['#theme_wrappers'] = array($theme_wrapper);
     return $ret;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function viewElements(FieldItemListInterface $items)
     $view_mode = $this->getSetting('view_mode');
     $links = $this->getSetting('links');
     $target_type = $this->getFieldSetting('target_type');
     $elements = array();
     foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
         if (!$item->access) {
             // User doesn't have access to the referenced entity.
         // Protect ourselves from recursive rendering.
         static $depth = 0;
         if ($depth > 20) {
             throw new RecursiveRenderingException(format_string('Recursive rendering detected when rendering entity @entity_type(@entity_id). Aborting rendering.', array('@entity_type' => $item->entity->getEntityTypeId(), '@entity_id' => $item->target_id)));
         if (!empty($item->target_id)) {
             // The viewElements() method of entity field formatters is run
             // during the #pre_render phase of rendering an entity. A formatter
             // builds the content of the field in preparation for theming.
             // All entity cache tags must be available after the #pre_render phase.
             // This field formatter is highly exceptional: it renders *another*
             // entity and this referenced entity has its own #pre_render
             // callbacks. In order collect the cache tags associated with the
             // referenced entity it must be passed to drupal_render() so that its
             // #pre_render callbacks are invoked and its full build array is
             // assembled. Rendering the referenced entity in place here will allow
             // its cache tags to be bubbled up and included with those of the
             // main entity when cache tags are collected for a renderable array
             // in drupal_render().
             // @todo remove this work-around, see https://drupal.org/node/2273277
             $referenced_entity_build = entity_view($item->entity, $view_mode, $item->getLangcode());
             drupal_render($referenced_entity_build, TRUE);
             $elements[$delta] = $referenced_entity_build;
             if (empty($links) && isset($result[$delta][$target_type][$item->target_id]['links'])) {
                 // Hide the element links.
                 $elements[$delta][$target_type][$item->target_id]['links']['#access'] = FALSE;
             // Add a resource attribute to set the mapping property's value to the
             // entity's url. Since we don't know what the markup of the entity will
             // be, we shouldn't rely on it for structured data such as RDFa.
             if (!empty($item->_attributes)) {
                 $item->_attributes += array('resource' => $item->entity->url());
         } else {
             // This is an "auto_create" item.
             $elements[$delta] = array('#markup' => $item->entity->label());
         $depth = 0;
     return $elements;