function do_short_and_sweetcode($x)
    return do_shortcode(do_sweetcode($x));
function cscircles_makedb_page()
    echo "<div class='wrap'>\n<h2>Rebuild CS Circles Databases</h2>\n<div>This page will rebuild the lesson database and the problem database. \n(If you're writing your own lessons, it assumes a structure like 99X-lessontitle\non the lesson slugs; contact us for help if needed.)</div>";
    if (!array_key_exists('submitted', $_REQUEST)) {
        echo "<form method='get' action='admin.php'>\n   <input type='hidden' name='page' value='cscircles-makedb'>\n   <input type='hidden' name='submitted' value='true'>\n   <button class='button-primary' id='submit'>Rebuild Databases</button></form>";
    } else {
        $out = get_pages();
        $lessons = array();
        foreach ($out as $page) {
            if ($page->post_status != 'publish') {
            $s = $page->post_title;
            $m = preg_match('/^([0-9]+)([A-Za-z]?)\\: (.*)$/', $s, $matches);
            if (class_exists('PLL_Base')) {
                global $polylang;
                $lang = $polylang->get_post_language($page->ID);
                if ($lang != NULL) {
                    $lang = $lang->slug;
                } else {
                    $lang = substr(get_bloginfo("language"), 0, 2);
            } else {
                // use default language
                $lang = currLang2();
            if ($m >= 1) {
                $lessons[] = array('number' => $matches[1] . $matches[2], 'title' => $matches[3], 'major' => $matches[1], 'minor' => $matches[2], 'id' => $page->ID, 'lang' => $lang);
            } elseif (class_exists('PLL_Base') && get_page_by_path('console')->ID == pll_get_post($page->ID, 'en') || get_page_by_path('console')->ID == $page->ID) {
                $lessons[] = array('id' => $page->ID, 'number' => NULL, 'lang' => $lang);
            // go through the console page too, mainly to set up the right url in history grids,
            // it does not get added to pb_lessons but its contents do get added to pb_problems
        function cmp($l1, $l2)
            $c = strcmp($l1['lang'], $l2['lang']);
            if ($c != 0) {
                if ($l1['lang'] == 'en') {
                    return -1;
                // put english first
                if ($l2['lang'] == 'en') {
                    return 1;
                return $c;
            if ($l1['number'] == NULL ^ $l2['number'] == NULL) {
                return $l1['number'] == NULL ? 1 : -1;
            $c = $l1['major'] - $l2['major'];
            if ($c != 0) {
                return $c;
            return strcmp($l1['minor'], $l2['minor']);
        usort($lessons, 'cmp');
        pyboxlog('[makedb] Rebuilding problem and lesson db', TRUE);
        global $wpdb, $SKIP_DB_REBUILD;
        $SKIP_DB_REBUILD = false;
        // set to true to be diagnostic
        $lesson_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "pb_lessons";
        $problem_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "pb_problems";
        if (!$GLOBALS['SKIP_DB_REBUILD']) {
            echo '<b>Truncating tables: ';
            $wpdb->query("TRUNCATE TABLE {$problem_table_name};");
            $wpdb->query("TRUNCATE TABLE {$lesson_table_name};");
            echo 'done</b>';
        $currlang = 'xx';
        $i = -1;
        $gets = array();
        foreach ($lessons as $l) {
            echo '<pre>';
            if ($currlang != $l['lang']) {
                $currlang = $l['lang'];
                $i = 0;
            if ($l['number'] == NULL) {
                $index = -1;
            } else {
                $index = $i;
            $l['ordering'] = $index;
            if ($l['number'] != NULL) {
                echo 'About to insert lesson: ' . rowSummary($l);
                //. json_encode($l);
                if (!$GLOBALS['SKIP_DB_REBUILD']) {
                    echo $wpdb->insert($lesson_table_name, $l) != 1 ? '<br>insert bad' : ' insert ok';
            global $lesson_reg_info, $pyRenderCount, $post;
            $lesson_reg_info = array('index' => $index, 'lang' => $currlang, 'fullnumber' => $l['number'], 'url' => str_replace('/dev', '', get_page_link($l['id'])), 'id' => $l['id']);
            // pyboxlog($currlang . ' ' . $lesson_reg_info['url'], FALSE);  // was used Apr. 7 to help transl.
            // render! the following line is not just cosmetic as it registers the problems.
            echo '<br>Snippet: ' . htmlspecialchars(substr(do_sweetcode(get_page($l['id'])->post_content), 0, 50));
            $pyRenderCount = 0;
            // to get problem links working
            echo '</pre>';
        $lesson_reg_info = 1;
    echo '</div>';