function authorizenet($passphrase, $organization_id = 1) { $this->load->model('billing_model'); $this->load->model('settings_model'); // the login name for your api $auth_api_login = ''; // the transaction key for your gateway $auth_transaction_key = ''; $billingdate = date("Y-m-d"); $user = "******"; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Create the billing data /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // determine the next available batch number $batchid = $this->billing_model->get_nextbatchnumber(); echo "Batch ID: {$batchid}<p>\n"; echo "Billing Date: {$billingdate}<p>\n"; echo "Organization ID: {$organization_id}<p>\n"; $totalall = 0; // for a single date run // Add creditcard taxes and services to the bill $numtaxes = $this->billing_model->add_taxdetails($billingdate, NULL, 'creditcard', $batchid, $organization_id); $numservices = $this->billing_model->add_servicedetails($billingdate, NULL, 'creditcard', $batchid, $organization_id); echo "Credit Cards:: {$numtaxes} " . lang('added') . ", \n\t\t\t{$numservices} " . lang('added') . "<p>\n"; // Add prepaycc taxes and services to the bill $numpptaxes = $this->billing_model->add_taxdetails($billingdate, NULL, 'prepaycc', $batchid, $organization_id); $numppservices = $this->billing_model->add_servicedetails($billingdate, NULL, 'prepaycc', $batchid, $organization_id); echo "Pre-Pay: " . lang('creditcard') . ": {$numpptaxes} " . lang('added') . ", \n\t\t\t{$numppservices} " . lang('added') . "<p>\n"; // Update Reruns to the bill $numreruns = $this->billing_model->update_rerundetails($billingdate, $batchid, $organization_id); echo "{$numreruns} " . lang('rerun') . "<p>\n"; $totalall = $numreruns + $numservices + $numtaxes + $numpptaxes + $numppservices + $totalall; // show message if no records have been found if ($totalall == 0) { echo "<b>No Records Found<b><p>\n"; } else { // create billinghistory $this->billing_model->create_billinghistory($batchid, 'creditcard', $user); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // print the credit card billing to a file /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // select the info from general to get the ccexport variable order $myccvarresult = $this->billing_model->ccexportvars($organization_id); $ccexportvarorder = $myccvarresult['ccexportvarorder']; $exportprefix = $myccvarresult['exportprefix']; // convert the $ccexportvarorder $ dollar signs back to actual dollar signs and " back to quotes $ccexportvarorder = str_replace("$", "\$", $ccexportvarorder); $ccexportvarorder = str_replace(""", "\\\"", $ccexportvarorder); // query the batch for the invoices to do $result = $this->billing_model->get_recent_invoice_numbers($batchid); foreach ($result as $myresult) { // get the invoice data to process now $invoice_number = $myresult['recent_invoice_number']; $myinvresult = $this->billing_model->get_invoice_data($invoice_number); $user = $myinvresult['h_created_by']; $mydate = $myinvresult['h_billing_date']; $mybilling_id = $myinvresult['b_id']; $billing_name = $myinvresult['b_name']; $billing_company = $myinvresult['b_company']; $billing_street = $myinvresult['b_street']; $billing_city = $myinvresult['b_city']; $billing_state = $myinvresult['b_state']; $billing_zip = $myinvresult['b_zip']; $billing_acctnum = $myinvresult['b_acctnum']; $billing_ccnum = $myinvresult['b_ccnum']; $billing_ccexp = $myinvresult['b_ccexp']; $billing_fromdate = $myinvresult['h_from_date']; $billing_todate = $myinvresult['h_to_date']; $billing_payment_due_date = $myinvresult['h_payment_due_date']; $precisetotal = $myinvresult['h_total_due']; $encrypted_creditcard_number = $myinvresult['b_enc_ccnum']; // get the absolute value of the total $abstotal = abs($precisetotal); // don't bill them if the amount is less than or equal to zero if ($precisetotal > 0) { echo "account num: {$billing_acctnum}\n"; echo "ccnum: {$billing_ccnum}\n"; echo "ccexp: {$billing_ccexp}\n"; echo "Amount: {$precisetotal}\n"; // write the encrypted_creditcard_number to a temporary file // and decrypt that file to stdout to get the CC // select the path_to_ccfile from settings $path_to_ccfile = $this->settings_model->get_path_to_ccfile(); // open the file $cipherfilename = "{$path_to_ccfile}/ciphertext.tmp"; $cipherhandle = fopen($cipherfilename, 'w') or die("cannot open {$cipherfilename}"); // write the ciphertext we want to decrypt into the file fwrite($cipherhandle, $encrypted_creditcard_number); // close the file fclose($cipherhandle); // destroy the output array before we use it again unset($decrypted); $gpgcommandline = $this->config->item('gpg_decrypt') . " {$cipherfilename}"; // load the encryption helper for use when calling gpg things $this->load->helper('encryption'); $decrypted = decrypt_command($gpgcommandline, $passphrase); // if there is a gpg error, stop here if (substr($decrypted, 0, 5) == "error") { die("Credit Card Encryption Error: {$decrypted} " . lang('billingid') . ": {$mybilling_id}"); } // set the billing_ccnum to the decrypted_creditcard_number $decrypted_creditcard_number = $decrypted; $billing_ccnum = $decrypted_creditcard_number; //Send charge to $charge_result = $this->authorizenet_charge_card("CC", $billing_ccnum, $billing_ccexp, $precisetotal, "Bill for Account #: " . $billing_acctnum, $invoice_number, $billing_name, NULL, $billing_street, $billing_state, $billing_zip, "1", $auth_api_login, $auth_transaction_key); $response_array = explode("|", $charge_result); switch ($response_array[0]) { case 1: echo "Transaction Approved<p>\n"; $this->authorizenet_card_approved($response_array[4], $mybilling_id, $billing_ccnum, $billing_ccexp, $charge_result, $precisetotal, "creditcard", ""); break; case 2: echo "Transaction Declined<p>\n"; $this->authorizenet_card_declined($response_array[4], $mybilling_id, $billing_ccnum, $billing_ccexp, $charge_result, $precisetotal, "creditcard", ""); break; case 3: echo "Transaction Error<p>\n"; $this->authorizenet_card_declined($response_array[4], $mybilling_id, $billing_ccnum, $billing_ccexp, $charge_result, $precisetotal, "creditcard", ""); break; case 4: echo "Hold For Review<p>\n"; $this->authorizenet_card_declined($response_array[4], $mybilling_id, $billing_ccnum, $billing_ccexp, $charge_result, $precisetotal, "creditcard", ""); break; } } } // end while } // end if totalall // individual elements of the array could be accessed to read certain response // fields. For example, response_array[0] would return the Response Code, // response_array[2] would return the Response Reason Code. // for a list of response fields, please review the AIM Implementation Guide }
function export_card_refunds($organization_id, $path_to_ccfile, $passphrase) { $myccvarresult = $this->ccexportvars($organization_id); $ccexportvarorder = $myccvarresult['ccexportvarorder']; $exportprefix = $myccvarresult['exportprefix']; // convert the $ccexportvarorder $ dollar signs back // to actual dollar signs and " back to quotes $ccexportvarorder = str_replace("$", "\$", $ccexportvarorder); $ccexportvarorder = str_replace(""", "\\\"", $ccexportvarorder); // open the file $today = date("Y-m-d"); $filename = "{$path_to_ccfile}" . "/" . "{$exportprefix}" . "refund" . "{$today}.csv"; $handle = fopen($filename, 'w') or die("cannot open {$filename}"); // open the file // query from billing_details the refunds to do $query = "SELECT ROUND(SUM(bd.refund_amount),2) AS RefundTotal, \n b_id, b_name, b_company, \n b.street b_street, b_city, \n b.state b_state, b_zip, \n b.account_number b_acctnum, \n b.creditcard_number b_ccnum, b.encrypted_creditcard_number b_enc_num, \n b.creditcard_expire b_ccexp, \n b.from_date b_from_date, \n b.to_date b_to_date, \n b.payment_due_date b_payment_due_date, \n bd.invoice_number bd_invoice_number, \n bd.batch bd_batch \n FROM billing_details bd\n LEFT JOIN billing b ON bd.billing_id = \n LEFT JOIN billing_types bt ON = b.billing_type \n WHERE bd.refunded <> 'y' AND bd.refund_amount > 0 \n AND bt.method = 'creditcard' \n AND b.organization_id = ? GROUP BY"; $result = $this->db->query($query, array($organization_id)) or die("export_card_refunds billing_details failed"); foreach ($result->result_array() as $myresult) { $batchid = $myresult['bd_batch']; $invoice_number = $myresult['bd_invoice_number']; $user = "******"; $mydate = $today; $mybilling_id = $myresult['b_id']; $billing_name = $myresult['b_name']; $billing_company = $myresult['b_company']; $billing_street = $myresult['b_street']; $billing_city = $myresult['b_city']; $billing_state = $myresult['b_state']; $billing_zip = $myresult['b_zip']; $billing_acctnum = $myresult['b_acctnum']; $billing_ccnum = $myresult['b_ccnum']; $billing_ccexp = $myresult['b_ccexp']; $billing_fromdate = $myresult['b_from_date']; $billing_todate = $myresult['b_to_date']; $billing_payment_due_date = $myresult['b_payment_due_date']; $precisetotal = $myresult['RefundTotal']; $encrypted_creditcard_number = $myresult['b_enc_num']; // get the absolute value of the total $abstotal = abs($precisetotal); // open the file $cipherfilename = "{$path_to_ccfile}/ciphertext.tmp"; $cipherhandle = fopen($cipherfilename, 'w') or die("cannot open {$cipherfilename}"); // write the ciphertext we want to decrypt into the file fwrite($cipherhandle, $encrypted_creditcard_number); // close the file fclose($cipherhandle); //$gpgcommandline = "echo $passphrase | $gpg_decrypt $cipherfilename"; // destroy the output array before we use it again unset($decrypted); //$gpgresult = exec($gpgcommandline, $decrypted, $errorcode); $gpgcommandline = $this->config->item('gpg_decrypt') . " {$cipherfilename}"; $decrypted = decrypt_command($gpgcommandline, $passphrase); // if there is a gpg error, stop here if (substr($decrypted, 0, 5) == "error") { die("Credit Card Encryption Error: {$decrypted}"); } // set the billing_ccnum to the decrypted_creditcard_number $decrypted_creditcard_number = $decrypted; $billing_ccnum = $decrypted_creditcard_number; // determine the variable export order values eval("\$exportstring = \"{$ccexportvarorder}\";"); // print the line in the exported data file // don't print them to billing if the amount is less than or equal to zero $newline = "\"CREDIT\",{$exportstring}\n"; fwrite($handle, $newline); // write to the file // mark the refunds as refunded $query = "UPDATE billing_details \n SET refunded = 'y' \n WHERE refunded <> 'y' AND refund_amount > 0 \n AND billing_id = ?"; $detailresult = $this->db->query($query, array($mybilling_id)) or die("update refund details query failed"); } // end while // close the file fclose($handle); // close the file $filename = "{$exportprefix}" . "refund" . "{$today}.csv"; // return the name of the file where the export data is return $filename; }